Song of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,i love the lyrics.😍🫰♥️
@basicaa8 жыл бұрын
Some of God’s attributes are too wonderful to understand. But even if they remain darkness to the intellect, let them be sunshine for your soul.
@lovingsingleton5 жыл бұрын
1 O love, how deep, how broad, how high, how passing thought and fantasy, that God, the Son of God, should take our mortal form for mortals' sake! 2 For us baptized, for us he bore his holy fast and hungered sore; for us temptations sharp he knew; for us the tempter overthrew. 3 For us he prayed; for us he taught; for us his daily works he wrought: by words and signs and actions, thus still seeking not himself, but us. 4 For us to wicked hands betrayed, scourged, mocked, in purple robe arrayed, he bore the shameful cross and death; for us gave up his dying breath. 5 For us he rose from death again; for us he went on high to reign; for us he sent his Spirit here to guide, to strengthen, and to cheer. 6 All glory to our Lord and God for love so deep, so high, so broad; the Trinity whom we adore forever and forevermore.
@rubewaddell17043 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing the words. I found it hard to hear the lyrics over the organ.
@samuelharshith73 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot
@manuelarita68016 жыл бұрын
Lovely sound!
@nicgartery41134 жыл бұрын
Would be lovely to see the organ console being played please.
@senninha26397 жыл бұрын
Found the score and words
@johnwirenius81529 жыл бұрын
Magnificent, Joseph Soltero--but as St. Barts's newest deacon, I'm biased!
@michaelheintz88533 жыл бұрын
It's a shame that such a big church has such a dead acoustic.