The Missing Piece to the Law of Attraction

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The Alchemist

The Alchemist

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@electraruby4078 Жыл бұрын
Its what Carl Jung said. "You do not acheive enlightenment by imagining beings of light but by making the darkness conscious".
@morganchristmas6299 Жыл бұрын
Woah !
@ripme6616 Жыл бұрын
What's it called when you manifest a shooting star
@rollzolo Жыл бұрын
Can't sleep in the light
@raulduke1528 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely great quote.
@rachelsheep4094 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely love this thanks for the quote!!!
@willowgrace8427 2 ай бұрын
I got it! So, there's someone in my life who is bossy and control freak. It means I am being called to be in charge of my life, stand up for myself, speak up for myself, make my own decisions and assert what I want for myself.
@empowerment.artist Жыл бұрын
Yes !! I want to add that seeing everything as a reflection has a pitfall too: I thought a narcissistic friend was a reflection of me and that I had to "look at my self and integrate" when what I needed to do was to get the hell away from her !
@JohnSmith-nz2yq Жыл бұрын
actually isnt the video affirming that YOU are the problem? that you have to integrate that shadow aspect of yourself?
@1invag Жыл бұрын
Sounds like if it's an inverted reflection of something within you what the opposite of a narcissist? Lack of self love? I dunno maybe I have that wrong.
@aisnow5788 7 ай бұрын
​@JohnSmith-nz2yq a person can't be responsible for everything another does.
@CosmicHoneyMotherShip Жыл бұрын
ugh! This video is what I have been trying to express to those that identify or resonate with being an "Empath" and struggling to make sense to why they keep experiencing people in their life that do not serve the highest version of themselves .. I feel like we all get the a wall and this is a major one. I am excited for the collective to make sense of this and digest it so they can continue harnessing their light AND/ORRR recognizing their power so they can create their dream life and not be so drained or knocked over easily.. Because energy cannot be canceled only transmuted. And for those individuals like abusers that refuse to change or are not aware they are abusers so they don't know to change ...YOU have to be the one to transform or you will always align with that vibrational polarity. Abusers only exist because there are victims. It really fucking sucks to hear that, but it is true... a dualistic realm here. Why it's so important to protect children, and teach them their value and worth from the moment they take their traumatized or adults who witnessed abuse of power to really to their inner work and healing so they can be of great service to self, and in return great service to the collective. This does not mean becoming a superhero..because with superheroes you need supervillains.. remember what you are there is a polar opposite in order for you to exist! So be a great person, and take care of your heart, soul, and mind. Be kind, help if you can, move with love, and foster that inner strength and intuition so that you stay safe and hopefully minimize tragic events. This doesn't always happen over night, but no good deed goes unseen..with time, understanding, and love we can really shift things or at the very least not suffer endlessly in this incarnation.
@junevasilis3002 Жыл бұрын
Awesome post!!
@Riccoh21 Жыл бұрын
You should make your own videos, you have a good way of explaining in simple terms what others make so complicated. After watching this video, I felt like somehow I wasn't smart enough to understand her concepts. Thanks to your comment, I got the point of what she was trying to say.
@CosmicHoneyMotherShip Жыл бұрын
@@Riccoh21 (: thanks
@CosmicHoneyMotherShip Жыл бұрын
@@junevasilis3002 ty!
@mamulove6330 Жыл бұрын
@tristarperfecta1061 Жыл бұрын
I look forward to meeting Sarah one day. She is the first one I remembered who can speak about this knowledge purely from her heart. I say there are three levels of knowing. Acknowledging, knowing, and then there is embracing, when that knowledge becomes fully integrated into our constitutions. She is a huge inspiration to me to work on my own message for as many people as I can reach
@Skyloche Жыл бұрын
Nice. She's a definite inspiration and a huge help in remembering and integrating this kind of info.
@chantellebabygirl5934 Жыл бұрын
I agree, I pray someday to be graced by her wisdom in person. She’s the teacher I’ve been seeking..
@pieceD399 Жыл бұрын
Im happy just hearing her everyday I dont wanna go to work 😭
@melodic_divinity1616 Жыл бұрын
Understanding, Inner~standing, Over~standing. I learnt this from the last video 🕊️✨🕉️✨🕊️
@5EmBem Жыл бұрын
I agree. I've unfortunately taken the long and painful way around learning the importance of boundaries and how to use them to harness my own power
@MicheleLantieri 6 ай бұрын
The thought came to me, as being intensely empathetic, is that I had to turn that love and empathy towards myself or I will become overwhelmed and resentful at others. Empaths! The hardest thing I've ever had to do was accept my shadow AND HAVE EMPATHY FOR THOSE PARTS OF MYSELF! it sucked, I'm sorry, it's worth it. I love you!
@jera9654 Жыл бұрын
My takeaway from this guidance is to raise my awareness of those aspects I consider "weak" in myself and others in the context of polarity. Just as cold is a lack of heat, weakness can be viewed as a lack of strength. I prefer to transpose "weakness" with flexibility and the capacity for submission. Like a ship's sail that catches the wind. The same sail made of steel would certainly be considered "stronger" yet utterly ineffective in its purpose. “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”
@eikobecky7085 11 ай бұрын
What would be the lack for Manipulation and lil bit Gaslighting ?
@1SunScope Жыл бұрын
As someone who works in a corporate, customer service environment. I can confirm that corporations, engrain the fawn, meek mentality. It has definitely made me rethink, the whole; "the world is a reflection of yourself", piece. Dealing with people with a negative attitude, I now tell myself, their mirror is fkd up and they should look into a "real" one more than once in awhile.
@katiebohdjelian9741 Жыл бұрын
I am an energetically sensitive person. I completely related to what you mentioned about feeling responsible for others feelings. I realized that is not my responsibility to change my way of being for the sake of someone else’s feelings. That ship has sailed. Other’s energy still hits me hard sometimes, especially when I am not present. I almost want to appease them just to make it stop, but I will never again give up my self sovereignty. Can you do a video on telling the difference between others energy and your own? Thanks🙏🏻❤️
@KnowledgeCollectiveOfficial Жыл бұрын
*I couldn't help but notice the synchronicity of this video being **18:18** long - it feels like a little wink from the universe! On a more serious note, your insights on the role of emotions and beliefs in the Law of Attraction have definitely given me some food for thought. It seems like the universe is always guiding us to focus on our inner work, even when we least expect it. Thanks for sharing these valuable lessons and for adding a touch of humor to our spiritual journeys!*
@princeekeson12 Жыл бұрын
9 is the number of completion. Good observation. 👌
@annrami 6 ай бұрын
Or it could be that she intended the video to be 18:18
@suhailasinn1838 3 ай бұрын
This insight is brilliant and clarifies a common misconception about the law of attraction. Shifting from the guilt of believing we 'attracted' unpleasant people or experiences to understanding and developing this aspect within ourselves is transformative. Thank you for providing this empowering perspective."
@kasiako355 Жыл бұрын
I love the insights! ✨💖✨ When we attract things we despise, it means we rejected and abandoned some part of our power, which is somehow connected with the displeasing person/situation. We are being shown how negatively we see that aspect, so we are given the chance to correct our beliefs and our approach and integrate our power back💖
@july7 Жыл бұрын
Yes!! You broke it down very nicely!!
@kasiako355 Жыл бұрын
@@july7 thank you✨💖✨ :)
@lovecore3828 Жыл бұрын
This IS the missing key. Manifesting is about taking action, NOT about the path of least resistance always. Sure, there is an element to belief, faith, and ability, however there is the other element of free will, of action. Makes me think of, “Be the change you wish to see.” It all depends on what is going on in reality and what we wish to improve or manifest. That’s where purpose, belief, and action overlap. Too much oppression, stagnation, and abuse has resulted due to these aspects you address, which result from inaction and not feeling as if what you do matters and contributes to progress and solutions, as it should.
@Lagann11 Жыл бұрын
This was such a concise and well verbalized explanation of what is going on within many people including myself. And it is noteworthy to reiterate that finding balance in self sovereignty does not mean emulating the exact behavior of extreme expressions in power being represented in our environment but rather to realize that it is an indicator of where you stand on the opposite side of that spectrum. Great video, homie!
@johncox2912 Жыл бұрын
OK ... wow ... this one video is really deep. If I'm understanding this correctly, then I reflect the positive opposite of the negative manifestations I'm seeing. In other words, if I see politicians crushing free speech, then I take on the form of allowing all free speech. I realize the importance of allowing sentient beings to have their own voice and take no actions to deny or suppress their voices.
@lynettea2701 Жыл бұрын
As a lightworker this is the point that I try to make the people all the time! Thank you that was a great message. It completely reiterated exactly what I know to be true through direct knowledge! You rock!
@larryhanson2762 Жыл бұрын
I never give in to aggressive behaviour. When someone comes on to me with aggression I give them a response I LOVE you to ❤. It gets them to think and changes their tone 99 percent of the time Thank you for this message. ONE-LOVE ✨💖✨
@sylvier333 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. ❤️🌻 Generosity is not a flaw; on the contrary, it's a gift. However, I've learned through my trials and over time that to inhabit it well, I needed discernment, the resolution of judgment. It came after increasingly painful experiences to make me understand that I needed to work on my inner world to get back to center stage. Here on this planet, in the 3D plane of consciousness, the matrix stimulates duality, black and white, good and evil... everything has its opposite. The law of polarity. What we forget is that opposites are on the same stick... love and hate are at opposite ends of the same stick. Generosity and greed. Same stick at different intensities, at both poles. The most beautiful version on one side and the ugliest on the other. And we have both inside us to learn how to choose. One will inevitably attract the other to initiate a process of balance. Initiation is often painful, until the situation is brought to light by our observer. The observer of quantum physics, which changes everything. Moving from the unconscious to the conscious is already half the battle. Discernment brings the cursor more to the center, more in balance with myself and others. It's still uncomfortable because my own program, like most of us, had been in place since childhood and generations to make myself loved... It's certain that by being generous to the extreme, I was going to attract its opposite to the extreme! The most important thing I understood was that to progress, I had to take full responsibility for everything that happened to me. Everything. To get out of Karpman's triangle (3D) (victim, executioner, savior), the Bermuda triangle I call it and in which everyone drowns, we have to take full responsibility for what happens to us in order to heal and first change within ourselves what doesn't contribute to our happiness... without harming anyone... to attract other experiences more in harmony with our essence in the plane of unity consciousness.
@eikobecky7085 11 ай бұрын
So, is that mean you stopped being tooo* Generous?
@noartificialcolor Жыл бұрын
this is spot on. becoming conscious = owning the parts of ourselves that we haven't owned + becoming aware of our conditioning
@tashzi6746 Жыл бұрын
This is definitely showing up for me in personal relationships where I have not embodied my own power. This explanation came to me in perfect timing. Thank you Sarah.☀
@morinanna Жыл бұрын
Brilliantly worded as always ❤ It's time for Americans to plant their feet solid in our beautiful country, take our power back by knowing & taking ful advantage of our rights, our power comes from self governing! We need to stop being afraid to offend people & show a little more FAFO attitude. I honestly believe this all stops when enough of us stops giving away our power! ❤️✌️
@junevasilis3002 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this explanation! I so felt it and get it! This is what Im telling myself: Stop playing small, own your power! Your power is in your heart, open it! Make the best possible choice, as often as you can. Be the presence, the Light will come!
@sarahkuczynski13 Жыл бұрын
Sarah I love your content & overall vibe in equal existential amounts!!🥰🤩 this morning it just occurred to me that I consider it spiritual self-defense…& IMO this type of discernment & education needs to be shared far & wide!🙏🏽❤️‍🔥
@lena6elan Жыл бұрын
Just brilliant. 💡 As a survivor of horrendous power abuse I can vouch for the truth of this. Love your work Sarah ❤
@rach4422 Жыл бұрын
Thank you from the bottom of my Sensitive and empathetic heart, now reclaiming my inherent strength and personal sovereignty ❤👸
@karennegron4080 Жыл бұрын
A higher octave of this concept for sure! Thanks so much for expanding my thoughts on this and for giving me new thoughts to ponder 🙏 love and light to you! 💕✨️
@annaa6259 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant explanation of dynamic empath vs narc. Narcs are really mirroring our shortcomings to heal
@oliveeisner8964 Жыл бұрын
This is extremely helpful, especially when one's free will is being manipulated or even straight up trampled on. When we are in alignment, then very often, the lessons stepping into our path may even be dark, but we can still continue to raise our consciousness in the face of it. Literally facing it. Love your "enemies". "Pray for those who persecute you" as a famous master instructed. When your heart maintains love for ALL then we are in power and need not worry about attracting what we need. Power always trumps Force.
@peacebi22 Жыл бұрын
Wow thank you so much I feel so related, i have been wondering why, now I know why: "That reflection of the external that we are seeing and we don't like and we don't know how to integrate is showing us what happens when there's an abuse of power by us not owning our power and this is exactly why so many conscious or even spiritual individuals suffer so much and then have hidden bitter resentment and they have all of this hidden shadow because they're becoming more spiritual they're embodying more of their divinity they're trying to take right action and they're suppressing this fact that they have power that is not being expressed they're not owning it they're not using that to manifest into the reality the version of themselves that they would look like if they were in correct relationship with power so it's creating a more of a schism within their internal mental landscape within their psyche rather than just being able to approach these reflections that we're seeing not as oh we need to be crazy power hungry politicians but that we're able to energetically in our sovereignty which is an energy that allows us to set up energetic boundaries and when we set up these energetic boundaries and we're able to back it up with our action that's not going to give us the reflection any longer of energies or individuals that need to come inside our reality because the law of attraction is showing us what we haven't owned within ourselves"
@angelinayoung7905 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Sarah, this was just such a useful and revelatory thing to hear today with respect to some things I’ve been trying to understand about myself, specifically the universe’s invitation at these moments to step FULLY into one’s own power. Not just the “nice” bits.
@caroleschneider3127 Жыл бұрын
Thank You BRILLIANT ! I DO know and AM aware of those in my surroundings are 'not who I am' and you explain this so beautifully I GET IT thank you NOW I can resolve and find solution 'connecting more dots' in a loving way
@victoriaG564 Жыл бұрын
So true! This is happening to me. Had happen and now I am decoding the power I own. I didn't achieve becoming a lawyer even if I've studied for. I am a sensitive woman who learns step-by-step. Gratefulness for this magnificent work! ❤
@MusashiHeaz Жыл бұрын
Yes, it is forever a balancing act ❤
@summondadrummin2868 Жыл бұрын
This may be the first LOA talk I've heard that speaks about what We attract as a Collective,
@moontiggsland 7 ай бұрын
This video is sooooooooo spot on, and I'm so thankful it was on my feed today 🙏🏻🥰
@tomday5161 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for inherent cause is always within......we are always totally responsible to change, this is never possible with a victim mentality
@amy99butler 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, Sarah, and the YT algorithm for giving me this message today. This is the missing link! I knew it on some level, that not speaking up for myself is my weak link that is allowing my life-force energy to be siphoned continually. I'm so ready to heal this! I've been avoiding, and I'm now fighting some serious energy vampires that I've enabled. it's gotten so bad that I cannot go on like this any longer. Wow, please pray for me! 😅🙏🏼❤
@HenkvanderMast-wj3lw 6 ай бұрын
Love the way you use your hands in communication with us,love you
@BartzAJohnsonJr Жыл бұрын
The pre-roll ad is Joe Dispenza selling me the 20-word mantra to open my pineal gland so I can manifest with law of attraction. I liked Joe years ago, but as I have watched him monetize, he has earned my ire and distrust. Now let me see what you have to say on the subject.
@BartzAJohnsonJr Жыл бұрын
After viewing…I’m have to repeat this one for sure. But I know there is plenty to learn from here. I appreciate your perspectives very much!
@lanahudson4623 6 ай бұрын
I think Joe Dispenza is doing a lot of good. I’ve been to 2 of his retreats and they are actually priced low for what you get. He’s helping people find their own creative power to heal their own bodies. This includes myself. He’s very much shifted from LoA to physical healing at this point. He also says there is no reason to spend money on him, just borrow his books from the public library and watch interviews with him on KZbin. I value him very much.
@KancerKowboy Жыл бұрын
Love your perspective and your delivery and presentation is top notch.
@elsawilliams3767 Жыл бұрын
This explains so accurately why my neighbour behaved in, what seemed to me to be, such an unbelievably aggressive manner re an action I taken which had nothing to do with him. Thankfully I was divinely guided to own my power by not responding to him during the 6 weeks that he was acting up and to repeat the same action that had pissed him off, after he came to his senses. I really couldn’t understand the reason for his bizarre behavior! Now I do! Thank you ❣️❣️❣️
@ronaldshapiro1238 Жыл бұрын
A brillant explanation of how "The Law of Attraction" actually operates. Sending waves of Love your way Sarah, thanks so much:) 🕊
@deevastarseedhealing 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this information.
@Jessicatmeows 4 ай бұрын
This brought so much clarity. Wow. Thank you!
@sorayagehring7762 Жыл бұрын
Excellent Video, explanation of the law of attraction, so tru, that once we consciously are in control of our energetical power we suceed "mystically" in avoiding unpleasant encounters since they automatically get out of the way and somehow sense we wouldn´t be a good match to yell at or act aggressively towards. Thank you.
@duiliodelimaalmeida9374 6 ай бұрын
This video is amazing and extremely difficult to grasp... I think I need to watch it many times to start understanding these lessons. Thanks for sharing Sarah, I wish you could revisit this topic again
@anniedemers9207 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Sarah! Very enlightening and empowering 😊
@woodynz1111 Жыл бұрын
Love your work, Sarah! Thank you for all you do 😌✨✨✨
@kathleenlovett1958 Жыл бұрын
YEAH 🎉 100 THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS+ ❤️ CONGRATULATIONS. I love and appreciate your work.
@PaulLindsay-t4z 11 ай бұрын
Class and style. That's the missing piece, until one finds it !
@mrmrjerich Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being you. Those who sensor speech and thought are never on the right side of history. Your oath is to humanity. Goverments come and go, when any institution kills, especially their own citizens in the name of whatever, they are breaking universal law of do no harm. Protecting elites or thinking some how they are above the law is what protects those who are motivated by greed, power, corruption. The truth can only be said because its true. Otherwise, it has no effect. "And Balinas replied to Emperor Vespasian on what a good king should do: "count not wealth which is stored up - in what way is this superior to sand haphazardly heaped? Nor count that which comes from those who suffer beneath taxation's heavy weight, for gold that comes from tears is base and blackened. You'll use wealth best of any king, if you supply for the needs of those in want and make their wealth secure for those that have it. And be fearful of the power to do whatever you please. Do not lop off the ears of corn that show beyond the rest and raise their heads, but rather weed their disaffection out like tares from corn and show your fear of stirrers-up of strife not in punishment but in saying that you will submit yourself openly to the law." "Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is Civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience. Our problem is that people are obedient while.... the grand thieves are running the country and world... that's our problem" Howard zinn, the problem is Civil obedience, johns Hopkins University debate 1970. Oscar wilde said in 1981 " disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue" What's your immediate and instinctive reaction to the term "conspiracy theorist"? Like many involved in kakistocracy governments that push the notion of "basement-dwelling, tinfoil-hat-wearing individual who is completely irrational and spends most of their time concocting bizarre, farfetched stories with little or no proof to support them? Well, congratulations, you have succumbed or are using one of the most effective terminologies hijacks and mind-control techniques ever created by the CIA. The term itself was in existence prior to the 1960's however the mainstream narrative arrived by the cia strategy paper 1035-960 and was used to marginalize and quarantine those with reasonable suspicions of state criminality. That is to say, anyone seeking the truth or questioning the official narrative should be attacked as a conspiracy theorist'. The aims of the dispatch was to target any critical thinker. It outlined: ignore theorist's claims unless discussion about them is already too active. Accuse theorists of being infatuated with their own theories. Accuse theorists of being politically motivated. accuse theorists of personal financial gain by promoting conpiracy theories. Have people friendly to the cia attack any claims. Claim eye witness testimony as unreliable. Say it's all old new, as 'no significant new evidence has emerged. So that it's irresponsible to speculate. Of course, this has come in very useful for secret societies and the elite should they want people to look elsewhere. Of particular interest in historical terms is that of the 1995 BBC documentary Westminster's secret service? Included there is an open admission by a conservative party whip that paedophilia cases involving Members of parliament were not only deliberately buried but were seen as politically beneficial. Imagine what goes on at secret societies for instance. "Any MP who was in trouble, would come to the whips ... and say, now I'm in a jam, can you help?... it might be a scandal involving underage.... They'd come and ask if we could help... And we would do everything we can... Because if we could get a chap out of trouble, he will do as we ask forever" - Tim Fortescue, conservative party whip, Westminster's secret service BBC documentary 1995.. I have no doubt that the government understands on Tartan day, that they need the people. "unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth" Albert Einstein." Saying or thinking that a 20 something year old servicemen who has volunteered to serve their country is the source of the problems, is like trying mop up the waves at the beach... the problems stem from the very institutions that have become so very much corrupt and mislead. Humanity's only test is to be able to see themselves in those they despise. Understanding why one fears or hates another is what's needed now to provide much needed healing and renewal for all. Tomorrow is a dream, yesterday is a memory, all you have is the eternal now. Thank you for being you! Learn to play, play to learn it's therapeutic for everyone. Every moment counts. Now is the time for action. We are creators, innovators, and explorers! Not slaves of any system, stereotypes, labels, fear or warmongering. Be the rain maker. Little beat big when little smart.. first with the head, then with the heart. Sing, sing, sing, choirs of peace and light, harmony. come together, take back your power, they need you, you don't need them. Lead them beside still waters. Tomorrow is a dream, yesterday is a memory, all we have is now. Peace and light love, and compassion with humility. Like a tree planted by the water, in balance and harmony. We shall not be moved. We are not becoming spiritually sovereign, we already are. Wake up and live it. Don't get stuck in a stone. Shadow work. Humanity's only test is to be able to see themselves in those they despise. Understanding why one fears or hates another is what's needed now to provide much needed healing and renewal for all. Tomorrow is a dream, yesterday is a memory, all you have is the eternal now. Everyone has free will, the universe operates under this rule. Energy flows where attention goes, and where energy flows it creates attention. Illustration of method. Do not concent to any trauma based version of thinking, behaviour, or reality. Then become aware of how you you are reacting or responding to any situation or circumstance. Choose to rise up out of dread, fear worries, ego or pride. Those things are like sitting in a rocking chair. Sure, it gives you something to think about or do, but in the end you haven't got anywhere. Your energy is stagnate, nudge it. Say aloud: Humanity is on its optimal timeline, then put intent and action behind it from the heart. Recreating earth by Victoria Reynolds is a great place to start with imagination and love. "Books are the keys to unlock the doors of our conditioning, and wisdom is the light that guides us towards a liberated mind."
@understandingego 7 ай бұрын
Amazing! You’ve articulated this so well.
@taniapereira171 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Não percebia porque estava sempre a atrair o oposto. Demorei 6 dias a conseguir ouvir o vídeo até ao fim, não estava a entender! Nunca tinha visto a lei da atracção desta forma. Saiu um peso de mim! Ester Hicks😊foi através de um vídeo dela que encontrei este canal. Agradeço sinceramente ❤
@junedreamer Жыл бұрын
I had to watch twice to realize what you meant. im freakin shy & hate confrontation but jeez ur right, I have people like that in my life & im kind of scared to take your advice but i know i need to do this. thank you.
@martamoitinho8616 3 ай бұрын
one of the best videos about manifestation! Thank you
@lotusseed355 Жыл бұрын
So true! Well explained and i think a lot of us can relate to not owning our power and playing small in the face of aggressive individuals or power holders... Thankfully, i kind of got over it some years ago and recognized what my problem was, but totally true how you explained the dynamics. Thank you! You can best articulate what many of us know but never put in words. Great video!
@psientist369 Жыл бұрын
Sarah you are truly a wonderful teacher! I love you girl, you really read my life.. 💖😘
@pixciedustreality Жыл бұрын
I have watched all of your videos. You are so articulate. Thank you.
@mamajoysings Жыл бұрын
Omg...this makes so much sense! I kept witnessing people shutting down and not speaking up about really obviously fucked up stuff and I kept wondering why! It's a collective fawn response!!!
@enchantedhealingart Жыл бұрын
Huge!!!! Was just having this discussion with a friend the other day. Thank you so much for clarifying deeper understanding of watered-down new age concepts 👌👌👌
@kristina9079 6 ай бұрын
This is so illuminating. Thank you.
@tracymulvaney8461 9 ай бұрын
Whoa!! I needed this- thank yo/us so much!!!!❤❤❤❤
@DebiGranite Жыл бұрын
Your teaching just helped me move a mountain!!! Thank you soooo much!
@reinal8086 9 ай бұрын
Wow wow. This has answered my questions that I’ve had for so long !!!! I always wondered and went against these people that told me that the severely abusive narcissist in my life is “a mirror of myself” bc I just could NOT understand this. I always said .. unless this is some sort of duality thing then it can’t be correct. I am a huge empath and every single thing this person IS, I am NOT. I could not understand this LOA / EIYPO concept regarding this person in my life. None of it made sense and now you just made it so clear. Thank you!!!!
@BrighidDannan369 Жыл бұрын
I am feeling such gratitude for you for sharing this important and illuminating knowledge which is so very timely for me at this very moment in my spiritual journey. I am seeing how often the finer points and nuances of a subject appears to be lost within the abundance of information - where much of a topics focus is placed on the bigger picture of the theme, making it more challenging when attenpting to develop a tool kit so to speak - to aid in learning and fully integrating the many facets and aspects of higher wisdom and knowledge allowing me to raise my energetic frequency - heal spiritually and expand my Divine consciousness and achieving a state of authenticity and wholeness. I send you blessings of divine love and sacred light Namaste dear you🙏
@sunshineparadiso3984 6 ай бұрын
Hahaha. “See Esther Hicks cry”. I love you.❤️
@lanahudson4623 6 ай бұрын
Can you elaborate on why she would say this? I’ve never seen a problem with what Esther Hicks teaches
@MrNicolasLombard Жыл бұрын
Oh yes, thanks, for a better alignment with our higher self a balance has to be found between a healthy self-correcting according to feedback from the external reality and also being dedicated to our true self by identifying negative aspects in the external reality that need to be transmuted into their higher forms. This is where our personal sovereignty and creativity are needed, and not just merely staying in the meek or fawn mentality, for the greater good of all.
@officialthealchemist Жыл бұрын
@jhod555 Жыл бұрын
LOL "Do we all want to see Esther-Hicks cry?" OF COURSE WE DO! This was clear and brilliant. This shifted something within me, and will make me much more aware of what my reactions to people things are telling me. Also that Twitter clearly has, er, something to show me.
@nikkiswart5006 Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure I understand this part.. could you perhaps explain to me why we "want to see Ester Hicks cry? Is it because she's always happy and that makes us feel like there's something wrong with us because we can't?
@brittneyquattry1 Жыл бұрын
​@@nikkiswart5006 Precisely.
@nikkiswart5006 Жыл бұрын
Hahaha yeah.. I can totally relate.. thank you!
@brianlittrell797 Жыл бұрын
@@nikkiswart5006 I don't think that is where the commenter is coming from. I think they are just very skeptical of Esther Hicks/Abraham's teaching. Which is very understandable.
@nikkiswart5006 Жыл бұрын
@@brianlittrell797 well yeah, I guess it is pretty understandable. I've sent quite a long time listening to Abraham, and their teachings have helped me in many ways regarding healing, but not at all law-of-attraction-wise.. it does seem like there's a big missing piece and I've also spend much time beating myself up for not being "in alignment", as Abraham says we should and intended to be. Or I'm just missing the point completely 😅
@pedrofigueiredo3458 Жыл бұрын
It is amazing how i always find myself here the things i have been through. In search of a purpose in between the chaos around us, what means is lost for there is still no purpose and the primary component starts from within to an alternative proposition and so does our truth.
@LaLeoRonroneo Жыл бұрын
Yas! I intentionally practiced the law of attraction in 2013. As desired, by 2017 I got everything I deaired. By 2020 I was running away screaming with flames behind me. So many lessons learned. 😬 😅😊
@gee8883 11 ай бұрын
Share more
@eikobecky7085 11 ай бұрын
Will share an example?
@iselalopez2001 Жыл бұрын
I needed this was just realizing this about myself and hearing it solidifies my realization.
@FernandaDMA Ай бұрын
This was a very eye opening view! Thank you 🙏🏻
@CristinaCampbell Жыл бұрын
Woah! This was good! Synchronistic too. Someone, just two days ago, was talking about seeing a negative image (like in a photo) while on a shamanic vision. I"ll def refer them to this post. Applicable to me too. I get so triggered by someone in my life who is super judgemental and seemingly always negative, and yet I sometimes have a hard time upholding dicernment-boundaries. Very interesting, would those things be antipodes of each other? Thanks for this!!
@TheAwakeneers Жыл бұрын
So spot on! I was making a video this morning about sovereignty, energetic boundaries and how it relates to LOA. Love the simplicity thru which you describe it.
@rahkendovkro-5339 Жыл бұрын
From my perspective, the Law of Attraction is taught wrong by most spiritual teachers.. most believe in positive thoughts or focusing on a goal.. although this works for a time, it is still negative ego, therefore unsustainable.. as Christ teaches that you get what you give, you may never become rich, but you will never go without .. align yourself with the will of God and God will maintain you as it's own.. be willing to give the shirt off you back , and you never go shirtless...
@oliveeisner8964 Жыл бұрын
Yes! This is exactly it. We will always have what we need. Abundance even if the circumstances require it. Our paradigm currently is enmeshed in an unbalanced monetary mentality, commodities as opposed to resources available. That's how the churches teaching prosperity and even the alternative spiritual communities have gotten off track when tgey visualize commodities instead of resources. Anyway, it's made a vast difference in my journey. ✌️
@robster7012 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully said. Thank you 🙏🏻
@OneSpectrum Жыл бұрын
I belive the law of attraction theory is a distortion of the 7 Hermetic Principles of Truth. I uploaded a video on my channel today describing why this is so. This is one of the very few videos you have made, Sarah, that I disagree with. I have been very enlightened by the majority of them, as you tend to have amazing insight. And I think your work is very important. Thank you for putting yourself out there, and making yourself vulnerable to people who have differing opinions.
@stephaniepersephanie5500 Жыл бұрын
Do you believe once we've noticed these things in personal relationships of those around us, once we can integrate what we are in resistance to we can create more harmony within the self AS WELL AS in the relationship
@aceska_a4191 Жыл бұрын
Amazing! Thank you so much for your hard work. Content like this is gold! Of course, not everyone appreciates, and I am sure that it's not easy to be sharing content like this without backlashes, but there are many of us that need this information, and appreciate it. I am much grateful to you. Looking forward to the new video. Cheers
@iamdonnapodcast9543 Жыл бұрын
Wow you are speaking straight to me @13:42!
@Vshamann336 Жыл бұрын
This was incredibly insightful, thank you. But I'm still not really sure how to integrate some of these things. I can give an example. And I'll go ahead and go to an extreme. I'm a male that has never hit a woman or cheated on a woman but in no way shape or form do. I actually think I'm above it and could never do it, so I have never looked down on somebody who does. But if you had a man that I've watched, do it his whole life continuously through relationship through relationship. Then I do look down on the fact of opportunities to change but nothing ever changing. I mean I have moments throughout my life that I stubbornly did not take to changing myself for the better when I knew I should be. Because I just kind of brushed it off thinking it it doesn't matter in the bigger picture. So what do I do with that? Because I mean I take my opportunities to change and I do shadow work. And I understand how you can get in that position and possibly not get out. Everything in our life is a trap , for a lack of a more positive word. Whether it be a positive one or a negative one. Everything builds momentum and plays off each other. Waves harmonizing into bigger waves or canceling each other out. So yeah I'm not really sure what to do with it and integrate some of these aspects that I find within my reflection. Right now I'll just say I'm on the step of finding love for them in their perfect imperfect position in imperfect perfection. If that makes sense.
@edybrasfield1345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Sarah for such clear extrapolation of the reality that we rarely see. Sending love and blessings... Thanks again!
@freetomove Жыл бұрын
Incredible. This is exactly what I needed to see and hear at this very moment. Your videos are one of my favorite on this platform. Thank you ❤
@jessicabays7549 Жыл бұрын
Yep I feel like you made this video just for me. I literally had to keep pausing the video for the activations that just kept coming ❤ 🙏
@KevinBrownAutoSkyBot Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Sarah. In Gratitude, Love, and Light.
@crochetingaroundnewzealand Жыл бұрын
Fabulous example. Helped me understand.
@ZeZerach Жыл бұрын
You are a beautiful soul. Thank you for stepping into your power and producing this amazing body of work.
@holyenergy Жыл бұрын
I didn't even realize I was responding like that thank you 💚💙💜
@PhillP3833 Жыл бұрын
That was interesting. For me, it was one of your videos which was harder to understand but I did get a sense of the sovereignty and power that I may lack. It's a bit of an eye-opener. Thank you!
@chantellebabygirl5934 Жыл бұрын
Hi Sarah, Wow of all your videos I’ve seen so far this one has brought such insight and awareness of my own personal shadows regarding fawn trauma response. I’d be interested to learning more and how to be more firm/bold when the nervous system is reacting with fear therefore effecting the throat chakra and the heart. I’ve been a very Introverted and shy personality for my whole life (31yrs). 🙏 I appreciate you and your truth
@lucidhooded4147 Жыл бұрын
14:40 The energetic boundaries subject seems interesting. 16:40 "overvalue humility at the expense of our power". Quite the concept to ponder a bit.
@narishaloflin9314 Жыл бұрын
This video would make Esther Hicks weep! But, then again, that's not gonna happen, cuz crying is just too "negative"! 😢😅
@laraladylay Жыл бұрын
Wow. Needed to hear this! This really is the missing piece! Thanks!!
@valadawnsvoice12 Жыл бұрын
Ive often been frustrated to explain this as I've been down that road with now living the Ho'oponopono, not just lip service but next level of quantum inner wirk of the kahuna wusdom. If its in front of me, I have something to transfigure. Its not in the same exact way snd friends are challenged with taking responsibility and stsy in unconscious colonized mindset. And so, I clear snd keep clearing. It's this that is exciting to clean my physical house while slso cleansing the innner...for the good of all. 🐾🐾 In reverence, in awh and curiosity of what else is possible from here 🎉 Muchos Gracias 🧲
@Anothermouse Жыл бұрын
Subtle and difficult to put into words, well done. Had to look up the spot it you got it. The photograph negative is a brilliant analogy, and the dorsal vagus response of fawn(ing) is a good adjunct to understanding this.
@karenhayhurst834 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Sarah! This was AMAZING & WOW FACTOR!!! It makes so much sense!!!!!
@automaticparadise Жыл бұрын
That Esther Hicks comment was 💯😄🙏🏻
@huckthomas7231 Жыл бұрын
"Do we all want to see Esther Hicks cry? Of course we do." Hahahahaha. That is funny, girl.
@Musicallizard86 Жыл бұрын
I was just meditating on this very thing last night. right after I watch a video today, this one is suggested 🤯
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