英語歌詞 (English lyrics ) / 花言葉(The flower language) Title: Oiran Orean Confusion Singer:UraShimaSakataSen Urata(💚), Shima(💜), Sakata(❤), Senra(💛) 💙 Please decide naked heart 💜 I will eat 💚❤️💛 If you hug me, hug me 💛 If you eat flowers, blooming and scattering your flowers is an overnight play 💜 If the drops of sweat are petals, they will scatter on your lips 💚 I was born to meet ❤️Me and you 💚 Struck by inazuma ❤️ Will be determined 💜 I want to touch ... your eyes are talking 💛 It's already out of the bag 💜 Tonight to the world 💜💛 Only me and you in the world 💚 Foamy dream, if you want to make a dream ❤️ Come on, I'll show you a lot 💜 It's not a wasteful face to be ashamed 💛 Alright, I'll catch you in your true form ❤️You will confused 💙 Ask me, give me how to love me in all One two three 💚 Selected and burn ❤️Want to burn and I selected 💚❤️ Either way is fine 💙 If you ask, paradise, your eyes are wet, I'll suck your tears Come here 💜 I'm in lovesickness for a moment 💛 Physical lovesickness 💜💛 Oh, if both of your desires are full 💙 Please decide naked heart ❤️ I will eat 💚💜💛 If you hug me, hug me 💚 If the snake is on a flower, the snake's play is tangled and sunk ❤️ Your red tongue, your honeydew, your band has melted 💙 Oiran Orean Confusion Pleasant highway straight line Oiran Orean Confusion Pleasant highway straight line 💛 The Phalaenopsis's dream is laughing at the exit of the dream 💜 Come on, I can't forgive you for not resisting me ❤️ The wish that has been kept secret until now 💚 I can fulfill that dream but how do you do? 💙 Swallow and accept all my feelings One two three 💜 Play and burn 💛 I want to burn and play 💜💛 Either way is fine 💙 Swallowed moan, put out rather than hold down If you show it in the evening moon 💚 That's pretty lovesickness ❤️ Physical lovesickness 💚❤️ Even if you leave, don't run away now 💙 Please decide naked heart 💛 I will eat 💚💜❤️ If you hug me, hug me 💚 Ask, you want to burn in the way I love 💜 Let's melt ❤️ Let's melt 💛 It ’s so muddy 💙 (Get muddy) 💙 If you ask, paradise, your eyes are wet, I'll suck your tears Come here 💚❤️ I'm in lovesickness for a moment 💜💛 Physical lovesickness 💚❤️ Oh both 💜💛 Oh both 💙 When the desire is full, the decided naked heart If you grab tightly, it's mine 💚 I will eat 💚💜❤️💛 It ’s so muddy (Get muddy) 💚 Your body wants to scatter 💜 I'll engrave it into your body if it's my fault ❤️ Will not return you 💛 I will give you both mind and body _____________________ 気になったので調べてみました☺️ 参考程度にどうぞ! ▽4人の衣装に描かれている花の花言葉▽ (The flower language of the flower drawn on the costume) 💚うらたさん💚 緑の菊→「信頼」「ステップアップ」 白い菊→「誠実」「真実」「あなたを慕っている」 スプレーマム→「清らかな愛」 (Green chrysanthemum→"Trust", "Step up") (White chrysanthemum→"Sincerity", "truth", "Yearn for you") (Spray mum→"Pure love") 💜志麻さん💜 紫の薔薇→「気品」「誇り」「尊敬」 青い薔薇→「夢叶う」「奇跡」 スズラン→「優しさ」「再び幸せが訪れる」 (Purple rose→"Dignity", "pride", "respect") (Blue rose→"Dream come true", "miracle") (Lily of the valley→"Kindness","Happiness will come again) ❤️坂田さん❤️ 桜→「精神の美」「純潔」 ソメイヨシノ→「高貴」「清純」 ヤマザクラ→「あなたに微笑む」 (Cherry Blossoms→"Spiritualbeauty", "Chastity) (Yoshino cherry tree→"Noble", "Innocence") (Yamazakura→ "Smile at you") 💛センラさん💛 黄色いユリ→「陽気」「飾らぬ美」 ユリ→「純粋」「無垢」「威厳」 ササユリ→「上品」「清浄」 (Yellow lily→"Cheerful", "Unadorned beauty") (Lily→"pure", "Innocence", "Dignity") (Sasa lily→"Classy", "Cleanliness") イラストを見てわかる範囲で調べたものです! 実際の花とイラストに描かれている花が違う可能性がありますのでご了承ください🙇♂️ ____________________
@ari89244 жыл бұрын
Thank you~~~💚💜❤💛
@themightyzapdos34 жыл бұрын
What a legend
@sinisiipi38384 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much 💕💞
@JeanY_084 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! Now I can understand the song and what the flowers symbolise. Your awesome!
@jeonginitos4 жыл бұрын
thanks! i'm so glad with you💕🌻. you are a helper to the foraigns, rEaLLy thanks 😔💗✨.