My Brother-in-Law Keeps Walking in On Me...

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AITA Stories
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@mads7262 2 жыл бұрын
The audacity of that mom and her husband, the first woman deserves better
@chloeeng6811 2 жыл бұрын
he a man child
@flowerjpotter1629 2 жыл бұрын
@@chloeeng6811 A huge one ! Funny how the wife is expected to swallow HIS mother full throttle but he can't bear HER mother for 2 hours. I don't think we are look at a lasting union here. Makes me wonder why she married and had a child with this big baby and his awful mother.
@the_epicice_bear9524 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh if i were in that situation i would divorce
@jengsci8268 2 жыл бұрын
Debbie Chong -Maybe mommy's husband died and now she wants a son-hubby to fill the gab. Or she is deliberately trying to break them up. OP's husband is calling the wrong woman a "b"
@barbsyyybaeee 2 жыл бұрын
he should've defended his wife not his mom. she can talk about his mom the way she wants cos his mom is being a massive bitch.
@whatisilyionlyknowipurpleyou 2 жыл бұрын
how is that father more of a baby than the ACTUAL baby? 💀
@zaida6930 2 жыл бұрын
@fleurdervs 2 жыл бұрын
his mom 🤷🏽‍♀️ raise a mama's boy, get a spoiled, childish man.
@quietworld2267 2 жыл бұрын
the fact he was like "haha i'm having dinner without you" rubbing it in her face, like wtf he's acting like a damn toddler! 😭
@richardcao8195 2 жыл бұрын
1. NTA. OP should divorce her husband, so that he and his mother cannot put the misery on her. That man is both a man child and mama's boy! 2. NTA. BIL loves to drive an wedge between OP and the husband. Also, the husband needs to get over his discomfort with locks. BIL needs to respect others' privacy and refrain himself from barging.
@rain01250 2 жыл бұрын
Also why is the husband in the second story so insensitive and not at all understanding of what his wife is going through? Doesn't seem to me that it's only a problem with locks, he got problems with his whole attitude.
@roserain7034 2 жыл бұрын
2nd story, I got an interesting but very weird solution. Husband should join wife and sit on the toliet while she showers and let's see how many times the brother is gonna come in. If he doesn't want locks. Let's see how fast he changes his tune. Although husband does seem like a shitty person but imma need more context before I judge
@papayaa_3 2 жыл бұрын
girl, just throw the whole husband and mom away at this point
@philraymond2543 2 жыл бұрын
Husband calls his wife a B because she doesn't want to deal with MIL, but thinks is is perfectly OK when he does exactly the same thing. Children shouldn't get married.
@KittyKat20427 2 жыл бұрын
She did nothing wrong
@Scarlett.Granger 2 жыл бұрын
Like his mother lives in the house and has her own guests over in their house? Thats crazy and f-ing weird. He only has to tolerate the nearby existence of her mom for a hour while visiting his son. Totally different levels, and he still acts like that? Yuck.
@neonrainbow47 2 жыл бұрын
@@KittyKat20427 i think they were calling the husband a child, not the wife
@KittyKat20427 2 жыл бұрын
@@neonrainbow47 I'm so stupid thank you, I kept reading he as she lmao
@Kyoki_The_Dark_Elf Жыл бұрын
You saying "Children shouldn't get married." Reminded me that I've seen kids with fake marriages that are better spouses than that husband.
@blueraven3663 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like I might have a idea why the brother in law in the last story did what he did. There's a saying that it reminds me of "misery loves company" so the BIL is newly divorced and moved in with his brother. He sees how good their marriage is and he knows that his brother will take his side when he walked in the first time. He wanted to bring down the relationship so him and ops husband can be miserable together and op to be miserable. Kinda like "if I can't have it no one can!" Sort of mentality. But, that's just my idea
@koray6261 2 жыл бұрын
Nope. He was horny after divorce and finding her attractive. Hoping it to escalate into an affair at best case scenario and screenshoting her brother’s wife to his mind for fapping at the worse case scenario. Trying to be slickery about it but still rejected to a level that she went out of her way to install a door lock. Feeling rejected, bitter and upset he went snarky to hurt her back since she no longer live with him in either case. In addition he also wanted that car ride with her since it could be the only time he could be alone with her from then on.
@koray6261 2 жыл бұрын
Woman are presuming the motive behind man’s action based on themself but man are really simple and driven by lust. And It is rewarding for offenders like him whenever their actions with most simplistic sexual motives -like running into bathrom on purpose- are mistakenly attributed to something of an unsexual and more complicated motive like making her leave. With that being sad, the offer of car ride thing was simply him still trying to shoot his shot one last time more than anything else. P.S: This is coming from a dude and it is so easy to read dudes intentions as a dude just as it is easier for women to read another women. Do not do it.
@leilanepassoni7613 2 жыл бұрын
@@koray6261 I do agree. This is sexual. I think he only does this when brother is not at home.
@LadyJoyce0822 2 жыл бұрын
BIL story: Could it be that the bil is jealous that his brother’s marriage is good while he is divorced and is trying to cause issues so that they divorce as well so he doesn’t feel like he is the only one with a failed marriage?! What he said at the end of the story is VERYYY SUSPICIOUS!!!
@an_avidpanda_lover8349 2 жыл бұрын
Seemed more to me that the BIL had a thing for his brother’s wife, and just enjoyed seeing her exposed. The first or second time, I can understand being an accident, but every time after that is intentional. Especially when he walked in on her in the shower. There’s no way that’s an accident, and even if he needed to use the restroom, he could’ve waited or at least knocked on the door to let OP know he needed to go. The most inexcusable part to me is that he would walk into OP’s bedroom unannounced, I’m almost positive the only bathroom in the house would not be only accessible through the master bedroom. In that situation, he can’t use the “I had to go to the bathroom” excuse, and there’s no way he would be living with OP and OP’s husband without knowing which room is their’s. He gave me very intense creep vibes, especially when he offered to give her a ride in his car without her husband. He could’ve been planning on taking her literally anywhere. Normally I’d take him for his word and assume he really did just want to offer her a ride to her mom’s house, but not with his history.
@Necromaira 2 жыл бұрын
Throw the husbands away😭 I get siding with family but to this extent? Nah bro
@grobanite4ever85 2 жыл бұрын
Divorce is the only option with these men
@Scarlett.Granger 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, shame they got married in the first place. These OPs deserve better!
@Silverraine1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, life is too short to waste on people who don't care about you.
@andreaday7180 2 жыл бұрын
Second story: that man does not have good intentions, beyond just disrupting his brother’s marriage. What a pervert!
@Scarlett.Granger 2 жыл бұрын
And she even stayed that calm! Like idk but if my BIL would barge in on me naked, I'd probably have him thrown out by the police or something. The husbands reaction is just such a no. Absolutely not. Throw them both away.
@chrissigrigsby871 2 жыл бұрын
Good call not letting bil drive you to mom's He keeps doing it because he doesn't respect women or he has bad intentions or inappropriate feelings for her
@Mezu98 2 жыл бұрын
For the second story... at this point, I didn't even wonder why the BIL's ex-wife left him. 😂 He might as well planned that and be like "oh, I got divorced so my brother should too". Tsk tsk tsk.
@uarmyalo 2 жыл бұрын
I feel really bad for both of the OP's, they truly deserve better! The husband having the audacity to defend his mother despite the way she treats the OP, they're acting like children at this point!
@sassbrat 2 жыл бұрын
1st story There is a time and place to defend the parents. However This guy should have been on his wife's side since she had just given birth to thier son and he had a fit for her yelling at his mom for very good reasons.
@ladyladychickchick9133 2 жыл бұрын
That husband does not want to be a dad, period. Run girl run!
@shaniyasmith6613 2 жыл бұрын
These people need to get divorced now before they let more of their years be wasted. When someone shows you who they are believe them especially the BIL I would have beat his butt after the second time and left as soon as my husband didn't have my back, the BIL was testing his boundaries and seeing how far he could push it before he did something to them I'm glad they left to a safer place
@getyourcardsstraight5893 2 жыл бұрын
“Don’t talk to my mom that way, she put her life on hold to help you out”. Where’s my f’n dinner, then?!
@RobertoHernandez-cx4yt 2 жыл бұрын
Can we appreciate that she uploads for us every single day
@Nates_anime_artwork_yt76 2 жыл бұрын
@skarrlettewinter6669 2 жыл бұрын
The way I'd tell my husband that if I can't have a lock on the door and his brother can have free reign to walk in on me when I'm extremely vulnerable to attack/ assault, as well as when he knows I'll be in a less than decent state of dress I'd call the police. So there are his options: a lock on the door or police involvement EVERYTIME his brother walks in the bathroom on me (without knocking/ taking the necessary precautions that come with a bathroom). His choice, but I'm not being made to feel uncomfortable and violated in my house. She was doing this man a favor by letting him stay in her home and he's being highly disrespectful and manipulative.
@sheelfjohnson 2 жыл бұрын
Divorce can be a wonderful, beautiful thing. Both of those husbands sound like psychopaths.
@tiffanyhaddox7499 2 жыл бұрын
In the first story OP should file for divorce and since the baby is breastfeeding she would get sole custody for about a year since her husband and his mother seem to think that his”hard work” should be all he has to do. Let him pay child support. In the second story the BIL was doing that on purpose, if for no other reason than misery loves company and his brother is willing to indulge him. Let them have each other, but OP should make sure to get her half of the marital assets.
@laurasimpson6555 2 жыл бұрын
This is not just some man. This guy is legally allowed to carry a fire arm and put people in jail. RUN
@londonalexis2877 2 жыл бұрын
Were there not any red flags before marrying these kinds of people??
@nancyomalley6286 2 жыл бұрын
Usually not-These men put on a good act until after the "I Do's"
@TitaniumTronic Жыл бұрын
@@nancyomalley6286 Damn, I'm never getting married.
@callmehgal5750 2 жыл бұрын
I think the mom knew she was breastfeeding but was just being petty.
@ladyladychickchick9133 2 жыл бұрын
Probably punishing her for breast-feeding, so many women get weird about that.
@paradisegirl6610 2 жыл бұрын
@@ladyladychickchick9133 huh? I don't understand your comments at all
@lonelyronin2428 2 жыл бұрын
@@paradisegirl6610 I can clarify. It's Breastfeed vs Bottlefeed. Some believe breastfeeding is the only way, promotes bonding, and they will literally crucified you for saying/ doing otherwise. Then there's the Bottlefeeders. She can't hang out with the baby long because the kid is always hungry, and therefore has to go to its mom, meaning no baby time for grandma. Wouldn't put it past her she's pissy about that. There's tons of stories of people reaming mothers out for bottlefeeding, other secretly feeding the kid a bottle when the mother is not looking to prove their point. There's even a story of a grandma trying to breastfeed the child herself. At some point, she took it & hid somewhere. When they found her, she was hiding in the closet, trying to put her tit in the baby's mouth
@leaflet1686 2 жыл бұрын
@@lonelyronin2428 What is wrong with women? I mean I am one, but who cares if some other woman feeds their baby with whatever? Baby is fed, no? So who cares? Just feed little baby... However I must say, I would prefer bottle, because than dad can feed to~ ... But you have to clean that... Can a baby be fed on both? O.o
@melafaire 2 жыл бұрын
@@leaflet1686 yes, a baby can be fed on both, but it's complicated. A mother can pump her milk and put it in the fridge or freezer for someone else to put in a bottle for baby while Mom is unavailable. However, some babies will find they prefer the bottle and not want to go back to the breast after being introduced to the bottle, so some mothers won't introduce a bottle or a pacifier to avoid nipple confusion. A baby can also be fed breastmilk and formula for different meals, though mom will still need to pump or will lose her supply of milk because the body will think that baby isn't eating and won't make more. It also hurts to be full of milk, so a mother would want to pump during those occasions. Formula fed babies do sleep better because they stay full longer, though it make dirty diapers worse. so... there are pros and cons to each.
@RegularInvader 2 жыл бұрын
Both women so deserve to divorce those sad excuses of husbands. At least the second woman didn't have a child involved (yet). I bet the BIL's wife divorced because of his walk-in behavior.
@nightmocha9345 2 жыл бұрын
No wonder BIL got divorced, with a nasty personality like that. Honestly, neither of these husbands from the two stories deserve to be married, with how they were acting towards their wives, and I expect both of the OPs to divorce them. Edit: had to remove a "don't" at the end, was going to type up something else.
@shawnsparkman7916 2 жыл бұрын
Second story, she should get a restraining order against the bil.
@HannahsMusicAndNovels 2 жыл бұрын
It's kinda funny that op in the first story doesn't like her husband's mom and he does nothing about it, yet when he states he has a problem with her mom and that's his bull#### excuse for not coming to see the son, she does something nice for him. He has no right to blow up on her bc of his actions & decisions. If he really cared about her, he'd do something to try and fix it, but he isn't. She deserves much better and I hope things work out for her
@XandriaRen 2 жыл бұрын
I have one question... How is it that the mother has a son and is saying all those things to a woman who just had a child? Like wouldn't she be understanding of what she's going through? Of course, the daughter-in-law is going to be hungry after feeding her baby. His mom should have been more understanding about the situation, so she makes no sense.
@TheArnaa 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Run OP, run far and fast. He waited until your baby was born to show you his true colours because he thought he had you trapped. If you go back, this will be the rest of your life. Story 2: OP doesn’t have a BIL problem, she has a husband problem. BIL is testing the waters to see what he can get away with, and his behaviour will only escalate because it’s clear husband not only won’t protect OP he will actively prevent her from protecting herself. She needs to pack a bag and leave immediately and refuse to return until BIL is gone.
@lawbnowercuj 2 жыл бұрын
the brother-in-law might be jealous since they mentioned he just had a divorce. he was probably jealous that his brother was still together with their partner while he wasnt
@eyesonly5494 2 жыл бұрын
BIL walking in: Call the police for sa and get him charged, provide the evidence to his future ex wife to help her case against him, take all you stuff how and leave your husband in the house alone to think about his actions.
@shannonhill5676 2 жыл бұрын
On the second story, why would you agree to having no locks on doors? What if someone comes into your house with bad intentions (much like the BIL)? I feel like OP was a little stupid for agreeing to that.
@sweetsea3607 2 жыл бұрын
This is so sad. Can these husbands not see beyond their wives faces. How can they not even try to understand that deep down their spouses have feelings too. The first husband was so full of BS. If you really want to see your son you would go to see your son, and showing pictures of himself cooking with his mum only proved his wife's point. The second husband clearly doesn't understand how scary the situation is. If the BIL was willing to walk in on her no matter how many times he was told not to then who knows what this person might have done if she hadn't taken precautions. Sometimes when people know they can get away with something they try to push things further. All she was doing was protecting herself. Something we can all agree her husband failed at.
@debbieashley2281 2 жыл бұрын
husband is forgetting that mommy needs nutrition in order to breastfeed
@changedmyusernameagain7654 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, so the husband hates her mum but he expects her to respect his mum?
@kimkardashi-un2.051 2 жыл бұрын
There are so many stories about marriages omg, I feel like people get married way too quickly and stuff like this happens. We all should take marrying someone else a bit more seriously.
@cgamejewels 2 жыл бұрын
There are so many people who hide their true self until they are married or have a kid. I think that is what happened in the first story.
@roserain7034 2 жыл бұрын
Imma call it what it is. BIL is sexually harassing the wife. He is definitely doing it to ruin the marriage or he is a creep. When she left the house, he didn't care about the discomfort and the fights his brother is having with his wife over him. No, "I'm sorry, I'll knock." "I'll leave instead." He is creating a wedge PURPOSELY. At the same time, I can't tell if the husband is a shitty person for ignoring his wife or he is blinded by his blood ties that he thinks his brother is innocent. Checked reddit and they had extreme reaction and asked her to divorce. I'm not gonna say to divorce the husband over an selected incident. But if OP had more red flags from her husband, now is the time to reevaluate the marriage.
@gazoontight 2 жыл бұрын
Story one: Mama's boy needs to grow up. His first responsibility is to his wife and child, not to his mommy. Story two: She needs to eat some food that will give her seriously foul gas. Then go into the bathroom and stink it up good. After the place is good and aromatic, turn on the shower and wait for loser-in-law to come in and get a noseful. Seriously, brother-in-law is jealous either that his brother is married or that he can no longer spend time with his married brother.
@JesusKreist 2 жыл бұрын
The first story: No matter of whether OP had a baby with him or not but divorce is the only option. No going NC to his mother will fix that, but he won't even acknowledge that as a possibility so that's a moot point. I hope OP runs fast and far. The second story: The behavior of BIL is very likely one of the reasons why his own wife divorced him. If the husband does not care to even talk to BIL over this issue let alone throwing him out of the house BIL causes yet another divorce.
@TigerLily12345 2 жыл бұрын
Ooh that first one made me so mad!!
@piegirl8263 2 жыл бұрын
Those women need a divorce
@maureenm1991 2 жыл бұрын
Soooooooo glad I'm single
@js8303 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect timing! I just got out of the shower and now I get to relax and enjoy a new Kyutie video💗
@Nates_anime_artwork_yt76 2 жыл бұрын
@Nates_anime_artwork_yt76 2 жыл бұрын
also great timing lol
@shadowboxer1 2 жыл бұрын
Second again! Here's another silver medal! ====>🥈
@LoveYoutube2016 2 жыл бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know when the woman from the first story makes an update I really want to know what she will decide to do 🥺
@Silencer796 2 жыл бұрын
I feel bad for her. Hopefully she divorces that guy.
@Fitzcarraldo7 2 жыл бұрын
Just hearing the atrocities of such egregious humans is abysmally _disgusting._
@HannahsMusicAndNovels 2 жыл бұрын
If there are anymore updates, please do a follow up video on the first lady! 💖
@babymama406 2 жыл бұрын
Even in the best case scenario, I can’t imagine having any family staying with me after I’ve had a baby. Honestly, it sounds like more work and to me, would interfere with the new normal of integrating a baby into your marriage and the 3 of you bonding. (Or more if you already have a child). Hosting, even if you have a great mom or MIL sounds stressful. To me, I always really appreciated if family brought casseroles or something like that. Even offering to stay for a couple hours so I could take a nap (once my husband was back a work) was really nice. More than that (to me) is invasive. But I realize different families and cultures have different dynamics. Honestly, I just wanted to be allowed to get used to the new normal and get to know my baby for a few months before taking guest. (You need to look ready for company, house needs to be cleaned, expected to host, they just want to hold the baby and they probably have germs, they give unsolicited advice, and through all this, you’re still recovering physically and mentally while your hormones are literally all over the place). And the husband was a jerk. Even though I breastfed, my husband still got up with me with every feeding, would burp the baby, change their diaper and put them to bed. By then, he was back to working so I told him to sleep, he didn’t want to. He said “no, this is special, and I want to do this with you.” He did this with both kids for the whole first year while I was nursing. (Sorry for the book, but these stories made me mad, I just wanted everyone to know that awesome dads are out there)
@MysticSarahh 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy acting like food isn’t a basic human necessity. That woman needs to just slap him with divorce papers already. He’s literally a child and honestly sounds like my dad. She should’ve responded to the picture that her husband sent her with a photo of her getting food from her mom with "Thanks but I’m already eating with my family". It would piss him off thinking that she’s not getting pissed.
@animegirlgaming1388 2 жыл бұрын
After a long and stressful day, seeing Kyutie upload a video makes the day better.
@Scarlett.Granger 2 жыл бұрын
Good for the mom in story one being pampered by her family! She literally just gave birth a few weeks ago, thats how it should be!! Shame on the husband.
@monstermcboo7282 2 жыл бұрын
Two women who need to leave the brats they married. Take the loss and the lesson, and move on with dignity.
@princeesss....... Жыл бұрын
Ellenn you should make a podcast reading these!!! I would love to just have your voice with these weird stories when i do daily task💕💕
@go1d3n.nightmare 2 жыл бұрын
If my husband treated me like that he wouldn’t have been my husband in the first place! I also wouldn’t have married my husband if he defended his mother over me. (Obviously only if I actually didn’t do anything wrong). Luckily I saw way before we even got married that my husband would defend me 100%. His mother has been very rude and horrible towards me for a long time and even when we were just DATING he’d stand up for me. Very blessed that he showed that early on because lord knows he would need to do defend me a lot later on.
@xyreniaofcthrayn1195 2 жыл бұрын
Both of these stories the dudes are total pillocks if not the dullest rusted tools in the construction yard like where did these women dredge them up from, the bargain bin, no to casual... ah the Walmart lost and found.
@laurafranich4807 2 жыл бұрын
First story. Yes what they did by not saving food for her was rude and thoughtless. But now it's gone on too long. Mom and Dad both need to cut the apron strings and work on what's important -- their marriage and their child. Second story. This isn't an accident. He's doing it on purpose and her husband needs to choose between his wife and his brother
@sarahg5705 2 жыл бұрын
So let me get this straight, husband's mother goes to LIVE WITH her son and his wife, wife doesn't like it but can't say anything at all even though its wife's house too, wife cannot ask mother in law to leave. Then wife gets angry(for good reason) and goes to her parents house, husband doesn't like wife's mother and asks her to leave her own house so he can visit for 2 hours, but won't allow his wife to ask his mother to leave their house?!? What is this?
@alexcorvin3612 2 жыл бұрын
Husband in first story is such a momma's boy lol. Divorce!
@Paul_BTSArmy 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to listen to an update of the first story if there's any.
@mre4u422 Жыл бұрын
with the first story i think it's important to remember we are only getting one side the seconds story though no matter how you slice it there is no defending the brother in laws actions. like maybe if it happened once or twice over the course of like a month you could say ok maybe it really was an accident, but the way she talks it was an everyday thing.
@sangitaparmarsharma5851 2 жыл бұрын
In my country (I am brown) it is very common for girls to live with in-laws as because moving out isn't common in my country! And things like this are soo common here. Divorce is also considered a Taboo in most brown families .
@QueenSix811 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope we get more updates soon
@ayshachaudhry1579 2 жыл бұрын
I don't understand what the problem is with husbands not understanding their wives. Like, do they even care about them? And from most of these stories, I have realized, a lot of them are mamas boys. Like grow up! What the hell?
@tammana1 2 жыл бұрын
Idk guys , isn't it a criminal offence in the second one like she can even report him or something, walking on someone showering is not okay
@JesusKreist 2 жыл бұрын
10:27 Three reasons. #1 The husband did not witness that himself #2 He is his brother he grew up with i.e. he is used to this brother seeing him in a state of undress #3 He loves and trusts his family way more than he loves and trusts his own wife And the obligatory: His brother did not make *HIM* uncomfortable when he saw OP in the shower, so it is obviously not a problem ...
@shadowboxer1 2 жыл бұрын
0:05: Moral of the story: Never marry a momma's boy man-child, and especially a momma's boy man-child whose mother doesn't even care for the wife. What a arduous situation, especially since she's had a child with him. Maybe serving him with divorce papers might get the point across. 8:31: She should offer her husband an ultimatum: Either the BIL goes, or she goes. Really, if my brother walked in the bathroom on my wife while she's showering, he and I would have it out. Her husband is a pathetic loser for continuing to allow this to happen. Hopefully she kicks her husband (and his brother) to the curb.
@Lunashadow-qn3ms 2 жыл бұрын
Op needs to divorce the loser and his monster mom, take him to the cleaners and get full custody, wouldn't be surprised is they starve the baby too
@cgamejewels 2 жыл бұрын
First story, MIL babying her son is NOT helping OP out. This is going to lead to divorce. After seeing those two updates, OP better get a divorce. That cop might lose his job. I hope she gets full custody and a restraining order. it's going to be hard to enforce since he's a cop, though. Then again, the judge might order the husband to get a psych evaluation. Second story, the BIL wants his brother's marriage to fail because misery loves company. BIL is not only disrespecting OP, but also his brother. Why would the husband even dismiss his wife like that? Why wouldn't the husband be upset that his brother is walking into the bathroom while his wife is in there? The shower incident should have made the husband throw his brother out of the house. In the old days, people would beat folks out of their house. OP was too nice. She should have purchased a taser or mace/pepperspray and used it on BIL. That would have broken BIL and husband up from the disrespect.
@amateurflor13 2 жыл бұрын
saw the thumbnail, immediately disgusted anyone know what the first story is called? i want to follow the updates😅 i also hope the wife gets a divorce
@Nates_anime_artwork_yt76 2 жыл бұрын
i love your videos ellen. thank you for making my day with your awesome vids. keep up your amazing work🥰💖
@breezy3392 2 жыл бұрын
A man-child and a mama's boy. Good god girl, divorce this mess
@iiitsnaomiii 2 жыл бұрын
bro either bil was creeping on op or wanted to cause an issue in the marriage that is the most bizarre situation dude
@tardismole 2 жыл бұрын
I feel for the woman in the first story. She needs to divorce her pathetic husband. The man-child is obviously not mature enough to be a father.
@hxL2_elisa 2 жыл бұрын
In the first story- can she like... divorce him please? It's not a safe environment for the child to grow up in.
@that1nerd44 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: LEAVE 👏 THAT 👏MAN👏 Story 2: Does the husband have some kind of lock related trauma? That’s the only way I could see this being slightly okay. The BIL sucks, she is totally justified in putting the lock on the door. In the update: Even if the husband has some trauma can’t he just compromise with his wife like an adult?
@elledayooo 2 жыл бұрын
okay, you can't COMPROMISE trauma. what the hell kinda logic is that?
@-bassy-9433 Жыл бұрын
The fact that the husband hates OPs mom so much he can’t be in the same HOUSE as her and she seems nice (we don’t see a reason why he should hate her) but when it comes to the husbands mom actually being rude and unlikable OP gets scolded for not liking her??? And has to live with her?? Wth
@kayleebrasseaux4736 2 жыл бұрын
The first story I have something to say if I was op, “what has you’re mom helped with? Tell me that much! She cooks. Okay, but how is that helping me with my baby she hasn’t even made a single bottle for? Yeah she cooks, but where is my plate?!? She has been nothing but stresser who hasn’t even lifted a finger to ‘help me’”
@cindypicadomolina7814 2 жыл бұрын
Both women needs to divorce their husbands asap
@princessofhell4639 2 жыл бұрын
The second stories relationship is concerning. Yall need space from each other sometimes.
@Aerodil 2 жыл бұрын
Kyutie! Thank you for an amazing post as always. I do miss your indie gameplays, though 💗
@amateurflor13 2 жыл бұрын
@kachuleinchen 2 жыл бұрын
Kyutie notification squad where you at?😌 Hi Ellen, I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!!💗 You always upload your videos at the perfect time so I can watch them before going to sleep. Thank you for being so consistent, I always love your videos!!🥺💗
@nataliawashington872 Жыл бұрын
It is so horrible that BIL would actually do that to his own brother, he’s clearly trying to ruin a good marriage
@c2c255 Жыл бұрын
It just got me : MIL in first story did not come to help OP. She came to cook dinner for her precious son as his wife is pre occupied with baby
@Unstoppable_Unicorn 2 жыл бұрын
There are a couple things that last lady could do… start barging in on her BIL in the bathroom, or start walking around the house naked since the BIL has seen it anyway. Saying “Well, since him seeing me naked doesn’t matter to you (husband) and he has already seen me naked I figured what the hell, who needs clothes?” Make her husband uncomfortable I mean, I would leave him hands down but the BIL wants that. So I would try to ruin their relationship and THEN leave him. She could also use one of those door jams you can put under the doorknob and kick to secure it to prevent people from opening the door while you’re in there. But that “no lock” rule was ridiculous from the beginning
@riel4553 2 жыл бұрын
The door jam is a good idea, but the rest, I have to disagree: I think the whole thing is a trap, if she didn't mind or she walked around naked the bil might accuse her of being a sl*** and trying to seduce him. We already know the husband would believe him.
@Unstoppable_Unicorn 2 жыл бұрын
@@riel4553 Oof yeah, you’re right. And she would have to carry the door jam around with her or hide it in a really good spot because it would probably disappear suddenly when the BIL finally finds it. Honestly leaving him is obviously the next option because a husband who doesn’t take her comfort into consideration especially with serious things like this isn’t worth it
@im_just_vidu 2 жыл бұрын
I will die with embarrassment if someone walked in while I was in the shower. WTH is wrong with that BIL
@richardthomas8838 Жыл бұрын
In the second story looks like you are right! It was planned by the brother in law and the husband to get her out for some reason. Very sad
@connievankley8002 2 жыл бұрын
Whole man disposal service! Yes, the entire man
@lordsnippy 2 жыл бұрын
Straight up, I know that husbands of this video are not Forklift certified
@silvie4280 2 жыл бұрын
The first dude: I don’t like your mom and don’t want to be around her!! The first dude: Also how dare you not like my mom she’s just trying to help oh my god you’re so selfish!!
@WittyRoseKoi 2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos kyutie
@aaaaaaaaaaaaaa2374 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t tell if the title of being sarcastic or not. I can’t wait to see!
@js8303 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t even think of that until you mentioned it. Also hiii bestie! :)
@DoingDrawing 2 жыл бұрын
Bro, you got me at 92 years ago! I thought I traveled into time for a moment
@aaaaaaaaaaaaaa2374 2 жыл бұрын
@@js8303 hi :)
@shadowboxer1 2 жыл бұрын
Third! Here's your bronze medal! ====> 🥉
@notsofunnyjokes1040 2 жыл бұрын
I hope there's an update on that story and if there's more stories with updates she could start reading because sometimes I start thinking about scenarios that could play out like the one with the guy that left the soup in the rug getting upset at his girlfriend when he called her out her name "as a prank"
@ruthlewis6678 2 жыл бұрын
Years ago I saw a survey that stated one marriage in twenty was really good and then the numbers were broken down into tolerable, miserable and pure hell (my words). We, men and women, need to give the meaning of marriage a long hard look before we take the plunge. And for god's sake don't get knocked up right away because the options start to disappear.
@SmokinBallsack 2 жыл бұрын
I use to watch her vids when i was younger
@sangitaparmarsharma5851 2 жыл бұрын
@queenriko6181 2 жыл бұрын
Nta. For both. Both op’s need to divorce their husbands ASAP cuz there is no fixing that’s gonna happen. Now that the men have shown their red flags 🚩 both op’s need to start thinking about either getting a divorce or asking for couples or family therapy. Family therapy is in case the men have their mom/brother come along as well.
@karasanchez9720 2 жыл бұрын
Hii Ellen I loved the video and I hope that you and coco have had a good day and coco is adorable love y'all 💜💜💜
@ivnoormann7151 2 жыл бұрын
Man in the first story she should get a divorce
@cartersmom0629 Ай бұрын
He should have never gotten married. He should want to protect his wife and not make her feel bad. And she just had a baby. I remember when i would breastfeed, i was thirsty and starving afterwards so i know that she was truly hungry.
@melafaire 2 жыл бұрын
With the first story, you mentioned the husband was at the police department? Let that sink in. You would want a police officer to know how to defuse a situation. The wife is hungry and angry that they left her no food, you a. berate her for being selfish. b. apologize and go fix her food. The answer is b! defuse the situation! The wife leaves because you chose option a and so you. a. call her tomorrow and apologize when your temper has cooled. b. blow up her phone with demands that she comes back, continuing to tell her she's a child, selfish, etc and get your family involved with calling her names for getting upset over food, a basic necessity of life? The answer to defuse the situation would be a. but he chooses b. And this guy is a police officer! I wouldn't want my worst enemy to have to deal with an egotistical jerk like that, especially in a role of authority! And he continually pushes his wife further away! Calling her a B. Sending her a picture of him and his mom cooking together and saying how they're leaving her out. I mean... do you want her to come back? Maybe don't keep acting like that...
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