This League is INCREDIBLE - Cursed Words Podcast with

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@ForbiddenExile Жыл бұрын
Love that you guys do these. So helpful for the community and great to see content creators working together 🤘🏻
@Omisid Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it :D
@aer0 Жыл бұрын
I can't get Subtractem's impression of Kay out of my head.
@subtractem Жыл бұрын
Hey guysssssssssssssss
@tynides2575 Жыл бұрын
Same but it feels kind of off to me. It just didn't have that "joking" feel to it like most do, especially not with what happened to Kay. Feels kind of mocking...? I don't know, just didn't like it.
@morfea123 Жыл бұрын
@@tynides2575 What happened beside quiting?
@tynides2575 Жыл бұрын
@@morfea123 You mean about Kay? Nothing really. She probably isn't satisfied with the state of minions nowadays so she isn't playing as much and therefore decided to stop making guides. There isn't any drama there at all. In regards to the video though? I don't know. Maybe it's just me but the few times that I HAVE been watching Subtractem's streams since the start of 3.20, I have seen him making "toxic" remarks or similar behavior towards the people that aren't satisfied or didn't like 3.20 Sanctum league. I usually watch him for the chill and calm playstyle, which he still does and all, but recently there's a bit of hate here or there towards those who doesn't like 3.20. And that's probably what made me to have a different opinion about his take of Kay's intro because he seems to have a thing against people that don't like 3.20 or aren't satisfied with 3.20 like he does with him claiming it's the "best league of all time" thing. And with Kay quitting this league... you know how it is. Which, is false, as there definitely are leagues way better than Sanctum but if you compared it to Kalandra, then sure.
@fourtabsgod64 Жыл бұрын
@@tynides2575 f
@zoozooen Жыл бұрын
Was kinda expecting Subtractem to have at least 3 headsets at this point
@wtfwasthat16 Жыл бұрын
Meh on the league, it's just stacked rng. This feels better because of kalandra came before hand, and thats it. QoL of bossing is worse, harvest is harvest, synth has no identity besides uber cortex for a base that you ultimately spam rerolls on. League mechanic feel disjointed for poe, It's a mini game at best. You can either use it to farm a relic that won't work in 3 months, or farm currency that's entirely rng. I farmed over 60 sanctums early in the league and received a total of 3 divines in total from it before leaving it alone. Meanwhile I received a power charge relic. The relics themselves are just synth implicits. They moved synth implicts from gear dropped in synth maps to a relic that's farmed, but no implicits are new. Sentinel added new mods to gear as affixes and not implicts, and I feel this is what they were going for. The mechanic isnt hard or anything to figure out, it's just rng if you get the right room path to a divine/mirror or get the all seeing eye. Unlike a roguelike, only 1 boon actually upgrades your character to make them do more damage, and 1 for speed. Everything else can be skipped and not effect your runs at all if you have damage (not doing 1 hit) The real question is, without poe, would you JUST play sanctum as a separate game and still consider it good? People compare this to Hades, but at least in hades the boons gave you power, and using more than one gods boons opened so many combos that made every run feel unique and different. Every sanctum runs feels the same. Best league of all time though? That doesn't seem justified for me for what it adds to poe. Nothing in sanctum itself as a mechanic affects the base game of poe, unless you get a good relic (A synth mod), that leads to a stronger build to run sanctums faster? Blight allows you annoit items, delve gives crafting, einhar recieved more options as well. Overall 4.5/10 for the mechanic 7.5/10 for the base game
@jacksonnadler-block2869 Жыл бұрын
Getting 3 divines after 60 sanctum runs is bs
@wtfwasthat16 Жыл бұрын
@@jacksonnadler-block2869 play my game then. Rng is rng. Bullshit happens and I actually kept track of all div/exalt raw drops and sanctum runs. You can flip a coin and still have an outcome of never getting heads. Probability is not based on previous results
@jacksonnadler-block2869 Жыл бұрын
@@wtfwasthat16 when the average divine drops is about 2 per sanctum, u getting only 3 divines from 60 sanctums is rarer then a mirror drop. You either didn’t get to floor 3 most runs or just ignored divine rooms
@wtfwasthat16 Жыл бұрын
@@jacksonnadler-block2869 you don't understand what average means then on a basic level. I have a 50mil dps build, never fail, and run 120+quant feared runs deathless.
@jacksonnadler-block2869 Жыл бұрын
@@wtfwasthat16 how do I not? As someone who has ran 100+ sanctums this league it’s more rare to not get a divine drop then to get one
@cory9919 Жыл бұрын
This was a damn fun podcast. Definitely staying around for more
@knicklichtjedi Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with Palsteron. As exciting as Mageblood is, as boring of an item it is. In the end it is just stats, while Headhunter requires a certain situation to be useful. As for the league: I love the general state of the game now. It's one of my most successful leagues yet. I am a bit too bad to do sanctum for now (bad relics and no DPS), but last weekend I got my character some great DPS upgrades so I think will get back to Sanctum this week! Conceptually I love the league mechanic though, we need more gear-independent content!
@sinisasub85 Жыл бұрын
Very enjoyable conversation, ty guys! 👍
@t00thman Жыл бұрын
To fix Chaos: Return of the Harvest Garden, letting you fertilize your plants with Currency. All the Reforge plants would need Chaos. Donezo. To fix Bossing: Since Boss Fragments only need four Map Device slots, there's room for a fifth item. Give each Pinnacle Boss a chance to drop Uber Cum, and Uber Cum can be added to any boss fight and make it Uber. This will tie the value of regular bosses to Uber bosses: if Ubers are worth doing, regulars also have to be.
@xZipkan Жыл бұрын
Im on the opposite end of the spectrum, I absolutely despise this league mechanic. It doesn't reward time investment into your character. I can build an insane character with a ton of currency just for the mechanic to not even care. So what's the point in building a better character? Im so happy they said this shit isn't going core.
@Felixuwuowo Жыл бұрын
Such an awesome podcast, thank you guys!
@110kdawgg Жыл бұрын
I realize it was just a fun convo, but that Iron Chef idea is actually epic. I would watch the sh@t out of that. That would be so awesome to see all these different players learning about the "secret ingredient" at the same time pooling together all their creativity and knowledge to round out a build. I think so much of that could help the POE build creation & idea community, and us intermediate players that would benefit from a few minor synergistic ideas so we can try some stuff out on our own, and we're not all fighting over Replica Alberon's when something new and off-meta comes out (and isn't totems, traps, or mines :-P)
@Omisid Жыл бұрын
Oh I was serious, I really wanna do something like that. We'll see!
@this_biggest_al Жыл бұрын
@@Omisid I would watch the shit out of that please do it. Small suggestion if you decide to do it u can maybe have a character with a stash full of 2-3 sets of gear thats ready to go so it doesnt only play out on pob and you can compare the build using same selection of gear (maybe even use a sub's stash)
@Westover Жыл бұрын
I would love to watch, I'd even be willing to be a part of the crew that helps set up just so I can watch it happen :) posting update messages, keeping tabs on racers, setting up the streams so it all comes out fine, whatever needs to be done
@MrMithgroth Жыл бұрын
Loved Subtractem's Farmville memories.
@mattowens8800 Жыл бұрын
I love how many great content creation ideas were bounced around here. Easily my favorite part of the pod.
@FartSmucker Жыл бұрын
On the chaos-sink issue, why can't we just have ALL kirac map mods open each league? Why do we need to be teased with like a 1/3rd of them? It makes no sense for them to pick and choose which mods as if we had them all it wouldn't lead to like a burn out or anything because if they dont have the ones you want, you're just not using map mods or at best you're using Fortune Favors the Brave which is boring as chances are you dont have atlas passives invested to boost whatever it selects for you. But you give me all open mods and I would bet people would be fucking thrilled. Adjust the price each league maybe.
@Omisid Жыл бұрын
Interesting idea, I like it
@SieRowl Жыл бұрын
I love Sanctum but I feel it should not go core. Unless they change it over time I feel it would become too samey after 1 - 2 more leagues and would end up in the same exact situation as heist as a side-bar mechanic that not many people want to do for any reason other than profit - except for new platers who didn't play sanctum league.
@witHonor1 Жыл бұрын
Imagine asking for something called chaos to cause less chaos. POE is chaos with mapa, and you still can't handle. It's so much fun for those of us thar mimic psychics.
@alphabetsupes Жыл бұрын
Re: subtractem's rant about how this is the best league to learn about how to make currency different ways, I am usually a hater of trade league. When I play trade league, it's usually just to small group found with people, or do a build that costs like 10c to make in trade but is super hard to SSF. BUT, this league, I am having a lot of fun in trade, I did delve on my tree to start the league, then i built out expedition and removed niko for harbys, now i'm running harvest. I also started on exarch and now am running eater. I'm enjoying the variety of atlas things i can do that all have made me more currency than i ever have before. I'm sitting on like 30 divines and have multiple 1+ divine items in my for sale tab. This is how trade league should feel.
@stanleyking413 Жыл бұрын
I think because of ruthless mode they can no longer reduce drop rate of normal game to match their game vision. Hopefully they can maintain it so both party can enjoy the normal drop poe and starve one
@HayanJinju Жыл бұрын
Loved the podcast! You're some of my favorite PoE content creators. I hope that they change Maven influence to be a boss rush focused influence, because we're close to but not quite at "you can run a strat to ignore clearspeed and just kill bosses and big mobs" kind of strats being viable
@TravisFawver Жыл бұрын
My somewhat unpopular take on this league: While I appreciate the quality of the league mechanic, I do not enjoy it at all. I'm playing PoE to blow shit up, get stuff, get stronger, and eventually just outgear everything. I'm not looking to play a roguelike. Normally, this is a non-issue as I enjoy normal content and can work around it. The difference here is that while the account stuff does give an interesting alternative to just grinding currency, it also forces me to engage with content which I do not enjoy. Overall, VERY good league. I'm loving it. Also, bring back sentinel!!! Not just recombinators, but the sentinels themselves were absolutely the most fun I've ever had in the game.
@hydragerium1 Жыл бұрын
Sanctum will be my 2nd least liked league of 2022 after Kalandra, It was never fun from the get go and the whole concept of "Git gud" in a game like poe is archaic thinking to say the least. Gameplay of the league is literally standard (does not matter if you do it instantly or save for 8 rooms and do it all at once), All the good rewards are gated behind room 3 and 4 which leaves a sour taste in my mouth. The time investment vs risk of losing it all without gaining any meaningful power to increase your win rate is unbalanced. It aint fun losing so much time spent to not get anything out of it. No matter how people look at it or how they justify, it forces people to play meta builds or have absurd currency to out dps everything to one shot. The meta progression is ridiculously slow and the relics to help clear sanctum dont drop as often as they need to. Its weird cause i really like roguelikes, their progression systems, gain of power from each run that you do and getting closer to the win. This league has very little elements of those and does a poor job imo of giving the player power that is normally present in roguelike. Had to take a break cause i was getting mentally drained from interacting with this league mechanic and was getting pretty frustrated that none of my concerns or similar concerns from others are not being looked it, instead they are just being chalked up to be "Just git gud". Would be nice if they release a league like sentinel again which was enjoyed by the majority of the playerbase instead of constantly trying to tell the players a different version of git gud everytime one interacts with the mechanic. Happy new year to all, hope y'all enjoy the rest of the league and i hope that the next league is more fun for all.
@ArgumentumAdHominem Жыл бұрын
Did not watch till the end yet, but this whole discussion seems to be extremely geared towards non-casuals, bringing it out of touch for the rest of us. I do not find sanctum fun, because i do not have the time to get good at it. It is exactly the same problem as with pinnacle bosses like Sirus: if you have time to get good, overcoming the challenge feels amazing, but if you only get to fight him 2-3 times per league, you just run out of portals and feel like shit. I think a good league should cater to players of all levels of commitment. This means giving casuals am incremental way of measuring their progress. In this regard, sanctum falls flat. It absolutely requires one to do maps fast in order to accumulate enough runs to even try things for the first time. Many people are not able to do this efficiently, which compounds within having less time to play. As a casual, I've found 3.19 better. Even though I never got to reflect anything, i was able to buy bad mirrors and focus practice them. Even though I was at best able to do depth 10 rooms, even getting there felt like an achievement.
@hamadalyami21 Жыл бұрын
A pod cast does not have to cater to everyone, boohoo they not talking about playing a whole league and only getting 3 divine this puts me soo out of touch im sad 😢
@TheGabrielbowater Жыл бұрын
No trade on Last Epoch is a gut punch. I've been playing that from time to time for like 4 years looking forward to it becoming a real game. Stinko
@pTk91 Жыл бұрын
about chaos orbs, i would love to see like a slider on the atlas device, for essences for example it was 2c or something to add 2 essences to the map. if you pay 10c you get 3 extra, 20c you get 4 extra etc. slider for each thing.. delirium mirror can be 12c min with extra chaos 25c can be 1 extra reward row. etc
@Keschoo Жыл бұрын
Mageblood: 4 leftmost not crafted flasks are active😅
@cabal123123123 Жыл бұрын
Nice podcast! Love it !!
@TirpitzLuminare Жыл бұрын
As an old-timer, the discussion about PVP was frankly comical. I vividly remember the community getting super excited about the PVP added in... what was it in 1.3? It's been ages. I even think GGG specifically flew GreenDude to GGG HQ to discuss PVP to make all the changes need to make it successful. Then nobody played it. Oh the struggles I had to endure to get the Damage Over Time crafts for my Caustic (Poison) Arrow builds...
@BuzzaB77 Жыл бұрын
Surely the best and easiest way for it to go core is have the Sanctum be not in maps. Like the mines and the harbour. That would be ace. I think poe's weakest element is that too much of endgame is just map variation. That gets boring after 3 months. More side activity like those would be a great addition
@mantid83 Жыл бұрын
This league has been great and rewarding. It's nice to have currency and nice items to do things I want. I'm currently sitting on 17 divines after maxing out most of the gear on my character.
@shushmoysengupta6709 Жыл бұрын
the league mechanic its self is really not good for me, it pushes players to either be very good at dodging or play a certain type of build, and some of the builds are so bad for it that even if you can easily do uber bosses or feared there is no guarrantee that you can finish the sanctum if you don't have certain relics or certain build
@mantid83 Жыл бұрын
@@shushmoysengupta6709 oh, i haven't played the league mechanic much and have been mapping and doing other things lol.
@shushmoysengupta6709 Жыл бұрын
@@mantid83 ya then you would have had fun I am sure, coz I tried to do sanctum and couldn't and then just cleared the atlas and Ubers then quit the league, now having fun in standard coz everything is there already
@mantid83 Жыл бұрын
@@shushmoysengupta6709 I've been spending a lot of time trying different atlas map strategies. I'm about to go big and spend 20 div on it soon lol. My goal this league is to get a HH or Mageblood.
@shushmoysengupta6709 Жыл бұрын
@@mantid83 good luck
@FartSmucker Жыл бұрын
Solid talk, guys. Nice name too.
@kamcio8586 Жыл бұрын
2 rooms a map could be too much to keep it special, but if it stays core (prayge) there might be some new passives on the atlas tree for the sanctum. Like, you know, +5% chance to encounter a 2nd entrance in a map. That could be cool edit: I MEAN XD if it went core, it wouldn't be encountered in every map anyway, but it potentially could and we could get more w. investment - sextants, passives
@Omisid Жыл бұрын
True! We'll just need to see what happens here in terms of core or not
@pickboaa Жыл бұрын
I rather would have to be able to stack up to 32 before running sanctums as they then wouldnt need to nerf it compared to the 2 rooms per map that Lolcohol was suggesting. Well if we could have 2 rooms per map without nerfs id take that aswell ofc. But stacking more rooms would be nice i think.
@pickupthelantern6395 Жыл бұрын
i love the league, but the sanctum annoys me cause I want to play it. One core problem gets in the way for me that could be solved quite easily. To get my Sanctum ready to run i want to get the rooms as efficiently as possible, which is with a fast mapping character, but then i have to run the sanctum on that same specific character without having the ability to swap to a dps glasscannon, which is the best build for sanctum, with which I cannot map fast or safe. The fomo i get from not having a sanctified relic is slowly pissing me off and i kinda feel forced to start an entirely new character specifically made for sanctum that can both map somewhat fast and swap to insane dps. TLDR: The two changes i wish for most are: Store more rooms or have a store system similar to delve AND make the rooms account-based, not character based.
@mikehubble3962 Жыл бұрын
I think its the worst one ever. I like melee builds.
@nathanmoore1980 Жыл бұрын
Melee builds that freeze?
@MrMcswiggens Жыл бұрын
Yea I don't understand how people like this mechanic so much it's like 6/10 for me. Once you get all the right relics and dmg it's not even hard.
@imadetheuniverse4fun Жыл бұрын
in terms of potential of this league, just changing the tilesets / themes each league to a completely new style would be huuuuge for me.
@robertbrown3964 Жыл бұрын
lol i got to the stacked deck part, was like hey i got 16 of those with a open crimson temple...hit a apothecary card
@Omisid Жыл бұрын
Opening stacked decks is a MUST (sorry sub)
@voodoo1069 Жыл бұрын
all bosses need a 100% drop that has value and is a consumable like shaper and uber elder frags. Maven and awakened sextant. Also ubers and non shouldn't just be a passive point.
@drunkrtard Жыл бұрын
I liked last league better. The layout of Lakes did suck but I got to make items that will likely never be equaled. This league just gets me regular stuff, assuming we're not going to keep our relics.
@kamex4k Жыл бұрын
39:40 on that topic, I agee, I'm playing LS Raider and you only need the 2 extra projectiles from helm enchant for It to feel good, just put It on a classic Omni build and works well, 10 million proj dps / 10 million melee dps, and still looking forward to min max were I would reach 25 million or even more
@abedalrazzakalaywi8921 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the stream. I love poe because it is a game where a player can play any build on youtube because of trade. For part time gamers having crazy builds bcoz of a 40 div _100 div unique is more approachable than a build with mageblood in it
@tynides2575 Жыл бұрын
Okay league mechanics, not much different compared to others although it does favor dps more heavily. Sanctified Relics are really the most interesting part of Sanctum and basically what made many do Sanctum. And of course the AN nerf is really what made the game more enjoyable than Kalandra. Really like the challenge mtx armor though. T1-T3 is quite nice. T4 would've been quite good IF the shoulder pads didn't stick out so much. Overall, it's a decent league. Wouldn't really call it the best compared to some previous leagues but it's decent. If it was to be compared to Kalandra though, then I would understand. But not the best.
@stephend7343 Жыл бұрын
holy shit I was yelling "YES" to the catarina thing. Doing it with SRS I was so frustrated at how often she just wouldn't phase and I had to walk to the other side and wait for everything to despawn. And then she'd always go into the annoying skulls on the ground phase! Gah. Frustrating.
@blazzer208 Жыл бұрын
I was gonna swap to red altars agian but the map before i was going to swap i got my first divine altar with 4.2% chance to drop div. I got 10 div on the last little bit of burial chambers and i ran back and forth on every tile lol. My friend was watching hyping me up being like omg 1 2 3 4 5 SIX SEVEN and so on and it was amazing. Only mods i cant choose is the power charge cooldown and the -defenses per frenzy its so nice
@TioFantu Жыл бұрын
@shushmoysengupta6709 Жыл бұрын
the league mechanic its self is really not good for me, it pushes players to either be very good at dodging or play a certain type of build, and some of the builds are so bad for it that even if you can easily do uber bosses or feared there is no guarrantee that you can finish the sanctum if you don't have certain relics or certain build
@Rushx415 Жыл бұрын
Harvest best league ever
@ВладК-ш7м Жыл бұрын
I’ll be honest, I don’t like the sanctum, not how you need to accumulate rooms, not the sanctum locations themselves, not the bosses, even the reward, they are uninteresting, the only thing I liked was the idea of ​​relics both for the character outside the mechanics and in it, and then it is implemented as dull as possible .(Ran more than 30 Sanctums,and did not drop something useful for myself.)
@SFH_Stuff Жыл бұрын
I hate sanctum the mechanic, don't even have any relics yet, but I skill think it's one of the best leagues ever. The atlas rework is sooo good, I cant get enought of it. Getting close to my fist ever farmed mageblood (had one before just by luck). Having a blast and I'm really glad that other people are happy too and I don't have to read angry rreddit threads all day
@Ulubai Жыл бұрын
Ring of Pain is a great game can recommend
@kidar9681 Жыл бұрын
best ever? are you guys high?
@Frolkinator Жыл бұрын
For stacked decks and wrist pains, get a controller and u can open/drop em with EASE, 2 buttons X and A, its a joke compared to pc, its also a joke easy to loot em afterwards, actual P2W.
@NicholasLoomans Жыл бұрын
I bought Ring of Pain
@briankay3146 Жыл бұрын
Tinfoil hat: Kalandra intentionally awful to make this league shine brighter going up against the d4 release?
@Omisid Жыл бұрын
D4 comes out over the summer though - at least another league between now and then
@NiftyPants Жыл бұрын
lol the talk about the game shitting out currency. Man I've played POE for years and I still make MAYBE 1 div an hour.
@jukurenzz Жыл бұрын
If it went core it would be cool if they did rotating rooms in the pool every week. kinda like Lab.
@xolahx Жыл бұрын
I went back to standard. It isn't a bad league or anything, it's just not my cup of tea.
@nguyenxayza3 Жыл бұрын
Delirium is da best
@jedrusnowak3317 Жыл бұрын
i mean idea sgood but everything is too repetitive. best league ever? nah. ritual legion delve and legacy
@mafusel4ever Жыл бұрын
If you eat poo for some months a decent food would taste like the best food
@DamienBaka Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed 3.19 way way more. This league a bunch of things were nerfed: guardian cannot be doubled anymore so you drop less fragments, you can’t double the quant on invitations, the nodes for synthesized maps were deleted so you drop less stuff. A bunch of jewels removed. Harvest which I used to love is just in its former shell now. Crafting with influenced gear is still very weak. The league mechanic? I haven’t even entered Sanctum yet, it’s not for me, and some builds can just not complete it anyway. I still enjoy the game but it feels more and more like a chore. Minions? Let’s not talk about that…oh and all the beasts added to add more RNG/gamble to the game, no thanks. Some of them (experience on gems) take away Tora’s bench for Betrayal for example, so now it’s harder to sell.
@passalapasa Жыл бұрын
2.6 was the best league
@MrCreemPie Жыл бұрын
@HermanManly Жыл бұрын
WIsh I felt the same way, this league just ain't hitting the same as last league... can't get anything going for some reason
@mamuana2006 Жыл бұрын
My God! You don't need to take Global altars.. no need to have meteors on your head or chaos degen.... Top steamers complaining global altars good God!
@Stratocaster42 Жыл бұрын
@GhostPepper233 Жыл бұрын
League screwed over melee builds and it not really rogue like at all. Resolve sucks so it seems to be the worst league.
@morfea123 Жыл бұрын
2nd standard league in row. Good league, trash league mech!
@Cryttanz Жыл бұрын
One of my least favorite mechanics ever, up there with harvest. Stop forcing me in to boring gameplay and on top of it get punished big time power wise if I don't do it.
@RG32822 Жыл бұрын
They should kill Lab and replace it with Sanctum.
@witHonor1 Жыл бұрын
This is the worst league mechanic ever. Play a different game if you want a different game. Delve is what you dudes are describing in a POE way. Delve makes you build differently for no real end game progression to this day. This league is ruthless ruthlessness hardcore exacerbated. Your memories might never allow you to understand. Put on your depends, old people diapers to be clear, and play this nonsense. Hearing a bunch of softcore trade people appreciate SSF interjecting itself into the experience is so dumb. Just play SSF.
@weaze5583 Жыл бұрын
This dont get hit mentality is so dogshit in path of exile and the loottable behind monster modifier is so bad man. you always have to ruin your whole character defence wich result in progress loss i cant beleve you guys even consider this to be the best league. We have grinded 3 weeks of crimson tempel without 1 apo card dropped but then got them through stack decks. i mean wtf dude. no way this is the best season lol
@thischannelisnotmine Жыл бұрын
The base game feels great this league, the league mechanic is downright awful and has made me consider quitting the league even after dropping a mirror early league.
@Omisid Жыл бұрын
Man I love the league mechanic, but I get that not everyone will
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The Casual Criminalist
Рет қаралды 428 М.
Infinite Craft is Broken..
Why Suda
Рет қаралды 1,2 МЛН
Why we're quitting Path of Exile + Multi-league loot comparison
Рет қаралды 456 М.
Win This Dodgeball Game or DIE…
Alan Chikin Chow
Рет қаралды 24 МЛН