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One Belt One Road - Xi Jinping's Green Vision?

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Just Have a Think

Just Have a Think

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The Belt and Road Initiative, also known as One Belt, One Road, or the New Silk Road, is quite simply the most ambitious social and civil engineering project since the Marshall Plan after the Second World War. But is President Xi Jinping's vision one of a green utopian future or will his plans cause even more climate chaos? This week we take a look.
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@lisaclausen8304 5 жыл бұрын
Really, China, U.S.--everyone--needs to understand that fossil fuel investment anywhere in the world is death to their own country. The air and water know no artificial boundaries. Our only way out is not competition, but actual cooperation on a global scale. By help, I mean getting everyone out of the fossil fuel grave. . . .
@isn0t42 5 жыл бұрын
Not using wind & solar. If fossil fuels are a grave, wind & solar is what pushes us in when it's sufficiently deep.
@climatedeceptionnetwork4122 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, and sharing technologies instead of weapons. Government's need to meet with E. Musk and others. But, no, there is no technological salvation. Reduce human population, change the world's paradigm as inherited since 1750. KillerOceans.Com
@SomeIdiot983 5 жыл бұрын
@@climatedeceptionnetwork4122 Thanks for that link.
@RolandW_DIYEnergyandMore 5 жыл бұрын
Recently Cambodia opened two power plants (400MW). One burning Heavy Oil, the other LNG. Those plants have been built be chinese, german and finnish companies. 3 countries known as role models in transition to green economies. Great stuff
@s4098429 5 жыл бұрын
Roland W Yes it’s all green washing propaganda. At least Trumps America is honest about it’s effort to combat climate change. When we’re all under water the Europeans can hold their head up high thanks to faux efforts in being green. Self delusion is the symptom of the age.
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Roland. Yeah, I agree - we need to weed out some of the massive hypocrisies in these big companies.
@peterkratoska3681 4 жыл бұрын
@@s4098429 Well LNG power plants are better than coal plants. If one compares how Germany by investing nearly half a trillion in renewables since the 90s has reduced its carbon emissions from by 385 million metric tonnes of c02 while the US reduced from its peak at 6billion in 2005 to 5.1billion in 2017 just by letting the market replace coal with natural gas.
@robertpoen5383 4 жыл бұрын
@@s4098429 Human self delusion has been the hallmark of every age.
@ggg148g 5 жыл бұрын
It's a strong temptation to see China as an ally in the fight against climate change. As usual, the truth is far more complex than the stories we like to believe, as this video points out. However, it seems to me, that China is genuinely playing a significant role in strengthening the renewable energy sector. Let's see
@n1mbusmusic606 4 жыл бұрын
china is going nuclear. you wanna know why? because their not dumb hippies. there good at math. they acutally read books. china is smart. I welcome a world where they run it. we are lazy and ignorant, evidenced by the fact that we believe solar panels could EVER power human civilization...
@n1mbusmusic606 4 жыл бұрын
@Giacomo Campanelli yeah, read "bright future" by Josh Goldstein(forward by Steven Pinker) . Very important book. Also head engineers at NASA. Also energy minister of China and Indian government are going all in on nuclear. The renewables is just a pr thing, it's not real
@n1mbusmusic606 4 жыл бұрын
@Giacomo Campanelli the key to your atomic awakening is looking at the numbers. We consume alotbof energy. Only fission provides it. Also, unrelated to China but important is "climate mitigation strategies" bybisaac Arthur on KZbin. Space mirrors essential for our survival.
@mattihaapoja8203 4 жыл бұрын
@@n1mbusmusic606Soo you want forced labor to build those nuclear plants?
@n1mbusmusic606 4 жыл бұрын
@@mattihaapoja8203 I mean that's China. With thorcon you can lease the reactors
@tomhall7633 5 жыл бұрын
The standards of what is considered sustainable development will deteriorate to the level that consumes the available capital. It is important to resist the pressure to view China's development policies exclusively in terms of geopolitical economic competition. As noted in many of the other comments China's internal constraints on continued rapid growth ( i.e. environmental destruction and political instability and the resulting diminishing returns) have encouraged the export of capital investment abroad. Exporting the environmental consequences of domestic consumption is not a home grown Chinese notion. It is a characteristic of emerging empire stretching back millennia. It is the growth imperative that rests at the root of our economic system (regardless of whose hand is currently at the helm) that must be supplanted. Whether it will be supplanted by something of our choosing or by something imposed upon us by the harsh consequences of our own inaction, is the unresolved dilemma of our age. No amount of public relations about sustainability or bold statements of environmental principles, will constrain the flow of wealth to its rightful home or forestall the consequences to be visited upon us all. Thanks Dave, seeing our current predicament in the broadest possible context is essential to finding our way forward.
@jingbellgood2u 5 жыл бұрын
Great video with almost no biased views. Though there is one thing I need to clarify, China is now using less and less coal energy, and due to the enviroment impact of coal mining and coal power plants in the past two decades, China is now developing several lines of ultra high voltage (800kv ~ 1200 kv)power lines (which may only exist in China nowadays) from the areas which are abundant with solar power, wind power, hydropower(previously these electricity generated by solar wind, and hydro would have to be wasted due to the far distance to the heavy energy cosuming areas) and also coal mines. These UHV power lines normally span over 3000km in distance. So that's why there has been a huge investment boost of the electric vehicles industry these years in China, and the ev industry investment is not only driven by Chinese government, but also a lot more global auto companies, one obvious example is E. Musk's Tesla auto, who got 100% financing from the Chinese bank to build the first wholly-owned factory (100% owned by Tesla) in Shanghai.
@RetrieverMapping 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing JHAT!!!!
@Africanhorror 3 жыл бұрын
you're ignoring the fact that they are now increasing mining and burning of coal in other countries and destroying their environment in Africa they're mining coal inside a national park. they were even about to build a coal power station in my country before the public strongly opposed it
@jimgaston9863 3 жыл бұрын
@@Africanhorror it continues to amaze me how China is praised as a leader in green energy yet 65% of their vast energy needs are still meet by coal. It’s like walking to work during daylight but taking a jet home after dark,a deeper look is always needed to see the hypocrisy
@ohhah1255 3 жыл бұрын
@@jimgaston9863 China has done more with green energy and even planting trees than any other country, you can't name one.
@jimgaston9863 3 жыл бұрын
@@ohhah1255 no maybe not but they also lead the world in coal use by far
@juliotoru 5 жыл бұрын
May I suggest reading, "The Collapse of Western Civilization", by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway. They suggest that because of our liberal democracies, we wont address climate change, but that because of China's centralized econmy, they will. This video shows just that.
@refusoagaino6824 5 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to the next installment.
@coppice2778 5 жыл бұрын
10 years ago many nations where China was investing praised the fact that China didn't bring their predatory banks with them on every project, as western countries did. China learns fast. It seems they rapidly changed to playing by western rules.
@braeburn2333 5 жыл бұрын
"Living in poverty, on less than $1 per day." I read that as, they got what they needed without money and without the industrial system. Another aspect of this is that their carbon and ecological footprints were much smaller then than they are now. Maybe we all need to figure out how to live comfortably while "living in poverty."
@None12445 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you, just Thank you 😊👍🏼 you rock💪🏼
@kchew1000 5 жыл бұрын
Population growth means new infrastructures are required in many of these countries. This is where China's construction prowess can help. It's not a utopian plan, but a practical one to solve problems.
@pauljmeyer1 5 жыл бұрын
Just as China has shored up its assets in the greatest initiative the world has ever seen, an even greater initiative is to ensure there is a future by addressing climate change.
@anlazyshoe 5 жыл бұрын
Good work .as always
@DrRadtke 4 жыл бұрын
Dave, many thanks for your weekly videos. Your research and how you present the facts are fantastic. Great level of detail, I know it's many hours of work every week. People like you can change the world (hopefully). Best wishes from Germany.
@TASHXXH 5 жыл бұрын
Criticism for BRI should be constructive, sustainable, and try to push it in a right direction, not slander the country just because of its one party rule system. The world needs diversity, maybe a great one-party rule state can do better for human sustainable development. We should give them a try.
@jthadcast 5 жыл бұрын
we have a soft maple tree 30' tall and a 10' trunk diameter, its root system is currently consuming our entire property and destroying our foundations. pretty much the same growth scheme of the one belt one road.
@denuncimesmo2568 5 жыл бұрын
in my humble opinion, since you have asked for it, I think it is a great new world leader, presenting different projects from the current ones, imposing itself positively in the international market, I am here on the other side of the planet in Brazil and I see China as an excellent partner of business. in my view the United States has always treated Latin American countries as junk, as a colony, never tried to develop any of them, only tried to interfere in governments in order to make a profit at all costs. either by promoting wars as it always does or by using its banks to destroy any economy that tries to rise. the difference between the United States and China is that the United States uses the strong arm of the military and its politics of lies to perpetuate itself at the top while China uses a chessboard and a lot of will power supported by an entire nation. that the new silk road overcomes all possible barriers.
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Hi denunci mesmo. That's good commentary. Much appreciated. Just out of interest - what's your take on Bolsonaro's climate policies?
@denuncimesmo2568 5 жыл бұрын
@@JustHaveaThink is a true terror, Bolsonaro does not represent all Brazilians, he is a madman in power, he is a puppet of the great cattlemen and miners, he has no love for the poor, he has no interest in solving problems, he only works for the benefit of a personal agenda. to bolsonaro only matters what he thinks, he is anticiencia, does not believe in the climatic changes and for him the amazonia must be overturned. the problem in Brazil and that every 4 years the president and the politics change, the Brazilian state does not have a long term policy because when it enters another government everything changes again. it's two steps back and one forward
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
@@denuncimesmo2568 It is indeed a terror. I hope you folks can reach your next election and vote him out of office before he does too much damage. Good luck! All the best. Dave
@manuelgarciabarbero1872 5 жыл бұрын
great informations, thanks
@danielraymadden 5 жыл бұрын
There is nothing greater man can make than is greater than the earth God has created for us, everything man will do will have no meaning unless it is done with love of God and love of mankind. Man cannot make anything better than the infinite gifts God has provided in all life on earth.
@ramblerandy2397 5 жыл бұрын
That one was a real education, because I have little knowledge of indutrial strategy from China. My summary of China, upto now, ideological differences aside, is that they are playing a rather smart strategy to get the measures through that they want. Some of which are very welcome, eg, installation of renewables. Plus they are funding some African projects, bringing local prosperity when nobody else would consider it. Good and bad there too, of course. As always, great video Dave.
@richdiana3663 5 жыл бұрын
China cannot be trusted, they practice mind control on all their people and anyone else so gullible. They increas their coal consumption on a regular basis and they are building coal fired power plants throughout the globe. They are perfecting the heat engine founded by the West.
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
HI Andy. Thanks for your comments. I agree, China is a really extraordinary 'contradiction in terms' in many ways. I do believe that Xi Jinping is actually genuinely committed to a renewable energy future - he has an engineering background and I think he is essentially a Pragmatist. There are massive potential socio-economic benefits from the Belt and Road initiative, many in Africa as you quite rightly point out (in fact I'm aiming to do a whole video just on Africa later in the year and BRI will be apart of that too). I think the pressure brought to bear on China by the international community came as a surprise to Xi Jinping. In fact one commentator that I read said that the Chinese hierarchy were 'stunned' when they heard that there was significant objection to their plans - they just assumed the whole world would be grateful that they were saving everyone's backsides! Now they've got the 'green ' message let's hope it really does get built into the program because whatever China does, just by dint of sheer scale, will inevitably have huge knock on effects for the rest of us. Have a great week. Dave
@simplethings3730 5 жыл бұрын
I know they are doing some work in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The DRC provides about 50% of the world's Cobalt. At the moment Cobalt is a major part of lithium ion batteries although that may change in the future as Battery Technology develops. That alone convinced me that China is far from stupid.
@ramblerandy2397 5 жыл бұрын
@@simplethings3730 David. So quickly has the demand for cobalt arisen, and as few as possible want to use DRC resources, that the 50% figure has dwindled rapidly. The other stat is that lithium ion batteries are being developed which require tiny to zero amounts of cobalt. Interestingly, China owned cobalt account for the biggest supplies.
@donfields1234 5 жыл бұрын
@@JustHaveaThink im afraid "human intelligence" has also become a contradiction in terms. I realized at 6 yrs old that humanity had a huge problem (im 50 now), that as a whole our species was acting unsane. I watched my secret swimming and fishing holes get decimated by humans once they found them and it horrified me. I continued to watch our species decimate virtually everything it touched as i "grew up" or "matured". I was literally horrified, and i knew i was a part of this too if only inadvertantly trying to survive in said society. Then one day while contemplating this issue again (about 15 yrs ago), i actually took a week off work for just that, got some books that had rang a bell and read. Then i experienced the most incredible thing a human can... enlightenment, yes just like the buddha, and actually christ although he is less known that way, lao tsu, etc. So i just wanted to mention to you my friend that enlightenment is possible and quite easy actually, AND it allows you to understand completely how the universe truly works, plus you feel beyond wonderful, and you so deserve it i think. Your doing humanity such an amazing service with your work, those who will truly listen anyhow. So from one human to another, just know its there if you want it, because it is the most incredible experience imaginable, reconnecting you directly to universal intelligence, its hard to explain and im sure even harder to truly believe. I just had to try with you, since your such an awakened person, and wise already, you deserve "it all" so to speak. Absolutely love your presentations. Thanx alot. ✌
@philrabe910 5 жыл бұрын
Wow. This episode turned into a two cups of coffee show. Thanks!
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent. Glad it was interesting (watch that caffeine intake though ) ;-)
@badimpulses17 5 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile Trump is trying to build the wall.
@lawrencetaylor4101 5 жыл бұрын
Great video, Dave. This is a complex issue and you seem to have just opened Pandora's Box since I am sure you'll be doing follow up videos. I would hope that China can keep as far away as possible from the World Bank and IMF system since I don't trust them at all for the climate. I know that much of the investment in China came from Western sources, and even the coal plants in developing countries I'd be cautious to not blame the Chinese if it is for example, Siemens China doing the building. I have tried to see if the Chinese want to help with the Windyday Concept, and I've had a contact with BYD but so far they haven't taken me as seriously as I'd like. I would rather cast my fate with them than Western financial institutions.
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Lawrence. Thanks for your comments. I'll definitely be doing further videos on the initiative. I didn't cover Africa at all in this video, (mainly for time constraint reasons) but that 's such a massive continent and China are quietly scooping up all the opportunities there, so certainly one to look at in future presentations. All the best. Dave
@herbspencer4332 5 жыл бұрын
China always takes the long view while US Accountants obsess on the next 3 months.
@peterkratoska3681 4 жыл бұрын
Well the long view of the one-child policy has led to 1.5 birthrate which is well below replacement and this means there will be a large population of old people - a problem that China is not yet wealthy enough to deal with. (And no country has actually raised its birthrate after it dropped below replacement- from the book Empty Planet) The other thing about China is that it really does not have any allies - everyone one of its neighbours distrusts China.
@chrissscottt 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info, very clearly presented as always.
@michaelreich9714 5 жыл бұрын
There is another benefit from China's trade expansion, though mostly overlooked. In the lower Great Lakes basin, we now have Stinkbugs.
@donfields1234 5 жыл бұрын
Thanx for all your work on these presentations, they are excellent and much needed sources of VALID information. Any "progress" from this point on, and it really should have started 30+ years ago, but any from now on thats not based 100% in climate mitigation, and restructuring economies toward "harmonious relations" with our environment, are simply suicidal. Imho. But im also one who feels its too late for most if not all humans, and good ridance, the earth needs a break. We are a parasitic organism, not a symbiotic one thus all our issues. We are simply killing our host. "body", it really is that blatantly easy to see if not blinded by greed.
@jigold22571 4 жыл бұрын
ThankU for sharing and posting. Miracles donot happen without All Parties involved. ..
@deandavictoreduardo 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for all the brilliant work you do regarding Climate Science education. Apologies because this question is not related to your current video but it could be an interesting idea for a video. Among different websites its being portrayed that the quality of the Climate Models used by scientists are not accurately enough or they actually exaggerate the current rate of warming. It would be a possible interesting video to understand more about these models and possible inaccuracies. Once again thanks a lot for your amazing videos. :)
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Veck. Thanks for your comments. You make a good point and your question is perfectly reasonable. I have made a decision to stay out of the deabte about climate change on this channel, mainly becasue I firmly believe the debate is not real. But out of respect for your question I will offer some thoughts...The 'climate debate' (including the suggestion that models overstate the situation) is simply an age-old tactic by the fossil fuel industry, mainly the Koch brothers, Exxon and Chevron, to spread confusion, doubt and fear among poorly informed people. The tobacco industry did the same thing for over 40 years, as did the asbestos industry. Big agricuture and big pharmaceuticals do the same thing today as well. The climate models used by the IPCC have to be agreed by poiliticans, scientists and international lawyers before they are allowed to be published. This level of required international consensus actually measn that the modelling is generally far too conservative and actually UNDERESTIMATES the severity of the climate crisis we face. The video coming out today on this channel is a good example. We talk about artcic methane today - the IPCC cannot reach international consensus on the level of danger posed by methane, so rather than including an 'averaged' number in their models, they simply leave it out completely. It is insane. It is driven by fossilf fuel money. And it means that you and I are beig lied to on a daily basis. Sorry if that sounds a bit forceful, but I really do think we need to wake up and realise just how hoodwinked we have been over the years. I hope this helps anyway. Thanks for your support. All the best. Dave
@deandavictoreduardo 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your clear explanation regarding my question. I indeed believe is a tactic used to minimize the emergency in which we as a planet we find ourselves on. My attempt is basically to have more information to be able to refute this types of tactics. In that regard your response is perfect. Once again my most sincere appreciation for the great work you do. 😀
@DavidWilliams-DSW558 5 жыл бұрын
Please could you prefix your links in the description with a rief title for each one, as they are truncated, so it isn't obvious where each link leads.
@markcornwall8132 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent researched video as always. Just catching up on the last few videos and amazed you now have nearly 20k subscribers. Amazing considering you had just a few hundred last year, congratulations.
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mark. I must admit it's growing much faster than I expected, considering the subject matter (that very few people want to listen to!). I think momentum is buidling in public opinion though so let's see how we do in the next 12 months ;-). All the best. Dave
@n1mbusmusic606 4 жыл бұрын
I welcome it. maybe they can help us get our act together
@Caperhere 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@Krupnoklipac 5 жыл бұрын
Your hi-fi components need more air!!
@xxwookey 5 жыл бұрын
Why 'Belt'? What is the 'belt' in 'belt and road'? The 'road' part makes sense. I've been wondering this ever since the initiative crossed my notice.
@ericchang7326 3 жыл бұрын
Belt means a region, as the term "rust belt" is a region of the Northeastern and Mideastern United States.
@ABU-lz2sh 3 жыл бұрын
I was unaware of this extent of progress under the current leadership Admirable
@ricksmall5240 5 жыл бұрын
Watch on utube, Solarized walk assist device - Winnipeg to Vancouver 1, through 12 9 is an interesting clip. Billions of these solarized devices will solve alot of problems
@michelng5630 5 жыл бұрын
Thé IMF and the World Bank have done zilch to help the African countries. So don’t talk about debt trap when China tries to implement symbiotic projects throughout the African continent. And don’t talk about neo-colonialism. All this does is reinforce the notion that colonialism is an ugly reminder of the European pillaging of the African continent.
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Michel. Perfectly reasonable push back. There are undoubtedly massive benefits to what China is doing, and I genuinely believe that Xi Jinping really does believe in pursuing a green agenda over the longer run. But while you are right to say that we should enbrace these things more openly, I still think it's also worth keeping a sharp stick in reserve, so that we can give these regimes a prod when they begin to over step the mark. Thanks for supoprting the channel. I very much appreicate it. All the best. Dave
@ciceroaraujo5183 5 жыл бұрын
You an amazing british comunicator
@Blefiz Жыл бұрын
Oh boy... It's one of those ESG folks...
@swissspanish 5 жыл бұрын
Here a little example from "clean" Switzerland. Over 12'000 trains role every day in order to enable the public railway service. The trains transporting goods are not included here. If you calculate the total moved distance and weight of all these trains and divide the total amount through 8 million people living in Switzerland, then you get the following staggering figure: It is, as if every single person, including the new born babies, have to move for one kilometer 400 tonnes of weight by themselves, every day!! That's the amount of energy we "need" everyday just for our public mobility comfort -- our so called sustainable and green lifestyle. If we add here all the cars, airplanes, buses, trams and ships moving around daily, we will easily understand that we are totally of the chart -- and nuts! There is no technical solution to our craziness.
@bradhaaf4749 5 жыл бұрын
It's been theorized we could sustainably support 14 trillion people on earth, it's not what you do or how much weight you move but how you do it.
@quadrim.a.2816 5 жыл бұрын
Non aligned movement had been right approach
@n1mbusmusic606 4 жыл бұрын
"Years of Rice and Salt" by kim stanly robinson. a great book!
@flyerzy 4 жыл бұрын
history is a good teacher. you are what you were. Chinese are learning from the history.
@Campaigner82 4 жыл бұрын
Good info
@peterdollins3610 4 жыл бұрын
A Chinese friend from very high is both terrified of the Chinese Leadership and scathing on its quality.
@wanderingquestions7501 3 жыл бұрын
I was in graduate school with about a dozen Chinese students; they’re very smart and work very hard; harder then US students Why aren’t you comparing numbers of coal or indirect use of coal to that of the USA and EU? After all they are responsible for most of the Co2 in the atmosphere now. I trust the Chinese to engineer a path forward far more then the EU and USA; certainly not the USA. The USA seems to think only in terms of bombing its way into greater global resources and markets. If the USA doesn’t get its way it creates sanctions to bulky countries. The Chinese however see a cooperative path forward into new markets. The Chinese also have the wrath to build transcontinental infrastructure; investing yet further in itself. The USA can even take care of its own infrastructure and 2020 market the lowest amount of corporate investment in R&D in 48 years.,
@leovolont 5 жыл бұрын
Hi, Whateveryournameis, I looked at the Video List. What, you never had a thought about Nuclear Power (possibilities in Fusion, Modular Reactor Designs, Thorium, etc) The Fight against Global Warming will require more than just Parity with present power sources, but may require MORE Power (for Desalination and Pumping of trillions of gallons of water, as one Strategy for Cooling the Planet will be to Get Water Vapor into the Air for White cloud cover, but to do that we have move a helluva lot of water out to the middle of what are effectively Deserts. We could use Fusion, which we can't have now, BUT we can build up Nuclear Power immediately using the South Korean Model of Factory Built Modular Reactors. Why haven't you ever thought about that?
@acemiyamoto61 5 жыл бұрын
Hmm China is at least doing good for the poorer countries
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Ace. Indeed. Absolutely true. And their input can be truly transformational to peoples lives. My job is to keeping nudging them to improve the elements where they are going wrong. The move towards a better sustainabale future, like everything else in life, is not straightforward or easy. If it was we'd be there by now and I wouldn't need to run this channel :-). All the best. Dave
@malcpkim8 5 жыл бұрын
Sadly any big initiatives of this kind will have a significant impact upon the environment. While China can invest in renewables at home the rest of their client states will be flooded with cheap coal from China. The whole project is not sustainable and green washing is all that is happening here. These projects are not what the world needs right now. China is just repeating more of the same mistakes of the past. If their intentions were truly out to benefit all then their strategies would be different and green and sustainable principles would be applied. It's not happening.
@ggg148g 5 жыл бұрын
China also wants to present a positive image to the world. We should make China feel that pressure. As always, it's a matter of making our voice heard.
@waltermcphee3787 5 жыл бұрын
Development has always been from carbon intensive to renewable, possibly new development could miss out on carbon but I doubt there is world capacity to do that entirely.
@ericchang7326 3 жыл бұрын
I think the best thing to do is for the west to provide that money, so they can set the terms. Unfortunately IMF and other international monetary institutions are just too reluctant to provide enough aid and so those countries have to ask China.
@xKageAkira 5 жыл бұрын
@Elviloh 5 жыл бұрын
Insanity. "Quick, the ecosystem is dying, let's raise a max of money to prepare ourselves, so burn all this coal". Thanks Capitalism, this 5yrs term economic vision is doing a fantastic job.
@aaronbono4688 5 жыл бұрын
I really love how informative these videos are and I think they're great. However today I found myself having a lot of difficulty paying attention to an absorbing what was being said. I wonder if a little attention to adjusting the cadence and intonation by the narrator would help make it easier to absorb the content.
@JustHaveaThink 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Aaron. I appreciate your honest feedback. I do make efforts to speak as clearly as possible but I am not professionally trained. I will try to be as clear as possible in future presentations. All the best. Dave
@aaronbono4688 5 жыл бұрын
@@JustHaveaThink Your presentation is very professional and clear. It's just a lot of deep information packed into a short time. What I'm talking about here is very subtle tweaks. When I get rid of all distractions and focus 100% on what you're saying I understand. Unfortunately we live in a world where eliminating all distractions is almost impossible. Also your videos are talking about things that are mostly new to me, especially when you get into the details so it is difficult to absorb. Perhaps give me a little more pauses so that my brain has time to absorb what you said before you go on to the next thing could help. Again this involves very subtle things that would help people like me who are fussing the know understand and keep up with what you're saying. You're doing a great job I'm just trying to see if I can help you take it to the next level for lay people like me.
@dogphlap6749 4 жыл бұрын
Belt: the road network between China and Europe. Road: the sea routes between China and Europe.
@nicf1555 5 жыл бұрын
Aside from all other environmental consequences of the BRI, I find it funny it is creating only 300k job positions abroad. It sounds like a lot on the face of it, it is fuckall given the scale of the initiative. I imagine millions work positions for Han Chinese are being created though
@ohhah1255 3 жыл бұрын
You talk about these loans, but you don't consider the alternatives for these countries, where else would they have to look to find these investments? The IMF, which has a crap ton more requirements and puts more power and favorability into the hands of the subsidiary companies of large American and European Multinational Corporations in those countries.
@ericchang7326 3 жыл бұрын
I do think the speaker meant well, he merely mentioned the concern by some of the players in this global village, without any intention to make the initiative look bad. And I also think the west really is not in a position to criticise that, if they are really concerned about the debt trap, they can well give loan to those countries, with better deal. Yet they don't.
@DavidWilliams-DSW558 5 жыл бұрын
If the Chinese have so much involvement in Africa, why don't they invest in lots more solar power there?
@Gi-Home 5 жыл бұрын
Your sources are predominantly western, you could avoid the many falsehoods by seeking more information from mainland China.
@danielraymadden 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus commanded seek Gods rightouseness seek peace seek meekness only people who love Gods rightouse laws and commands will be given eternal life Jehovah will not tolerate wickedness, we are living in the last days, the world knows mankind must obey God. Mankind is destroying life on earth.
@ErnestOfGaia 5 жыл бұрын
Google loes platue permaculture
@nappleonfire 5 жыл бұрын
I really question the conspiracy of trying that HARD for a dictatorship country. I believe the world would be better if human ain't trying hard. Less pollution for sure. As a Chinese myself I know the building companies being asigned on the projects are state-owned. The are corrupted and only thinking about their own profit. China's GDP is dropping and unemployment rate is going high, so they want to ship out their overly produced products like steel and also labour force. Might be Xi had a goodwill when he started planning belt and road, but I highly doubt that.
@acemiyamoto61 5 жыл бұрын
Don’t be too hard on your own people mate..I don’t understand why overseas Chinese hate their own govt when they themselves know that the govt is trying their best to help it’s own people unlike any other countries .
@nappleonfire 5 жыл бұрын
@@acemiyamoto61 because when they( ccp) are saying they are helping the people, lots of rich people and governers sending their relatives and bribery money oversea. Xi's daughter is in the US as well, hypocrite. They care about the country while they are investing their own future somewhere else? The poor people don't have the power to even question while the country is getting in great debt. don't get me wrong I indeed love China, but I really don't like that the ccp are corrupting other countries.
@bundleofperceptions1397 5 жыл бұрын
You continue in the belief that we can make things better, but the reality is we can only make things worse. Five years from now, the Belt and Road Initiative will be a forgotten dream.
@AnotherGlenn 5 жыл бұрын
@nezb01 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds like China is taking a page out of the US playbook, namely John Perkins’ “ Confessions of an Economic Hitman”.
@805gregg 5 жыл бұрын
One belt will turn into, One invasion road, that's why they build it
@waynet8953 5 жыл бұрын
You have no proof, and it's wrong; that's what you would have done in your own mind.
@jalalabdallah7879 3 жыл бұрын
China ist the Best economic Country worldwide .
@glenmccarthy8482 5 жыл бұрын
Chinese hegemony , and debt traps .This endeavor will make the Alberta tar sands project look like child's play.
@Winter_Jasmine 5 жыл бұрын
The rising visionary of China🇨🇳👏
@escapewithlordhughr.adumba6195 5 жыл бұрын
More like "All hail to the totalitarian planet eater!", comrade.
@robertpoen5383 5 жыл бұрын
Stranded assets, when? A coal power plant can operate for many decades. You can't build your way out of a predicament caused by the idea of infinite growth on a finite planet. You're just adding onto the problem. It's why carbon emissions keep going up exponentially.
@allankinghorne7128 4 жыл бұрын
@Nmethyltransferase 5 жыл бұрын
Xi's the man! WInnie the Pooh
@Leo-zu1mo 5 жыл бұрын
Trump dark vision ," War here , war there.
@harekrishna3394 5 жыл бұрын
Cheater always
@danielraymadden 5 жыл бұрын
Read your bibles God has fortold the outcome and conclusion, God can for tell the future because he knows mans selfish and greedy ways and he knows how he will react. God creates the future because God is the supreme judge and sovereign ruler of the universe. Read your bibles mankind has no control over the future of planet Earth. Read Revelations chapter 11 12 20 21 22. God promises his son will remove all wickedness and evil and restore earth paradise garden. God will even end death. Revelations 21: 3,4.
@escapewithlordhughr.adumba6195 5 жыл бұрын
"God will even end death"? Why did your imaginary psychopath in the sky even create death in the first place? And why was he so keen on genocide throughout the Old Testament? You have a disease of the brain, my friend. It's called religion.
@danielraymadden 5 жыл бұрын
@@escapewithlordhughr.adumba6195 You curse yourself ridiculing me. I tell you the truth you will regret the more you ridicule God the more he will oppose you. YOU ARE A FOOL. Jehovah promises he will curse his enemies until they are destroyed. Read what will happen to you Deutoromony 28 : 20 - 68. You do not know how much Jehovah hates wicked slanderers and ridiculers you will find out. You should remain silent it will not go well for you.
@danielraymadden 5 жыл бұрын
@@escapewithlordhughr.adumba6195 Your disgusting attitude is why God will destroy the wicked he has no reason to tolerate selfish immoral disgusting people.
@harekrishna3394 5 жыл бұрын
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