It's like observing an animal interacting with an object its unfamiliar with.
@ShantanuBaviskar Жыл бұрын
Couldn't have described it better myself 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@JasonMaloneStan Жыл бұрын
Matt blaming the game for his mistakes is like someone jumping into a fire and then blame the fire for being too hot.
@jaku8017 Жыл бұрын
It do be like that.
@streamstreak Жыл бұрын
@zikosiss Жыл бұрын
Typical Matt behavior.
@SpikeTheLucario Жыл бұрын
It's funny tho.
@BeSk9991 Жыл бұрын
I think he would enjoy the game more if he picked up some hacking points and then used mechanics of the game lmao. I loved to SWAT / call gang on enemy targets and just watch them shoot each other
@addgame7961 Жыл бұрын
2:56:16 Mat: There are no instructions on grenades. You would’ve seen them if you read your skills. In fact, if you read your skills, you would know that there are things you can be besides shooting people. There is so much pain that are self inflict and can be solved if he wasn’t rushing the game as if he is speed-running it. There is no gun he can buy? Because he didn’t bother to look at the military tab. He has no money? Because he doesn’t bother to do side stuff that gives him money. He knows that main missions don’t give him money but he still does them thinking it would give him money. Is the pipe burst during police chase is bad? Maybe try to proximity explosion. Stealth is slow? Then he process to beat it faster using stealth/drone. The game has problems and I do think they nerf the main character too much so that they can force players to play stealth, but most of it can be solved if Mat pays attention to the game.
@swapbriarASMR Жыл бұрын
He literally says the stealth is badly designed when this is one of the best systemic stealth games. It is gameplay wise a major improvement on the first one. I get his frustration but damn does he need to stop pretending like he understands how the game works. I did not expect this behaviour from Matt, really brings down my respect for him. Also the puzzle, personally, takes me like almost no time to finish. Imagine if he had to do the extra puzzles for the additional research points that require jumper jump boost and stuff lmao. ALSO CAN SOMEONE TELL HIM HE CAN HAVE MORE THAN TWO ASSAULT RIFLE JESUS CHRIST
@ILikeSoda229 Жыл бұрын
@@swapbriarASMR “this is one of the best systemic stealth systems” is it actually? I’ve never heard that before. Good for it.
@caylumhenderson9396 Жыл бұрын
@@ILikeSoda229I can see with the drones and stuff how they can definitely make it a really good stealth game.. I remember the first one being a good time while trying to keep low I haven’t played the second but seeing him be in bushes and being spotted kinda fast is a little aggravating but there’s pros and cons as always
@contra7631 Жыл бұрын
@@ILikeSoda229 Trust me the game actually is very good with its stealth mechanics.Its just Matt is the only one that struggle so much.I have a feeling,he might have some adhd.
@contra7631 Жыл бұрын
@@caylumhenderson9396Watch Dogs-2 is a huge improvement from the first game in all things mechanics wise and also world design.Its just Matt is very bad in any game thats not Gta-5.
@DubcatcherAmazing Жыл бұрын
I’m going to replay this game so I can soothe my soul after watching this gameplay.
@weirdowsos4774 Жыл бұрын
Yeah,I'm feeling like buying(I sold the disc) It again just to prove to myself that it's not as hard as it looks here
@ILikeSoda229 Жыл бұрын
This made me want to replay it too actually
@contra7631 Жыл бұрын
trust me this game isnt that hard.Matt is so dumb that I cant imagine a gamer being that dumb.
@DatBoi_TheGudBIAS5 ай бұрын
@@weirdowsos4774it doesn't even look hard lol, it's just Matto being Matto...
@juneaix Жыл бұрын
hearing him complain about stealth when he has not used the one hacking ability that can literally make him go through buildings without getting caught and getting outside
@whitezombie10 Жыл бұрын
Watching him playing this game is very painful but funny at the same time
@Vesper- Жыл бұрын
Matto: presses the explosive thingy making it explode also matto: "why is hacking in this game so bad!??!?"
@BuVidOG5 ай бұрын
i think he doesnt know that you need to hold and then press for more options when profiling
@jaku8017 Жыл бұрын
Its really fascinating watching Matto be so oblivious in some games. But anyway love the vod content.
@poyeah09 Жыл бұрын
Matt's tunnel vision gets narrower the more he gets frustrated and it is agonizing and hilarious at the same timw
@addgame7961 Жыл бұрын
Watch Dogs 2 tries to pretend that Deadsec is the good guys while Marcus goes around and kills people. At least in Watch Dog 1, the game tells you that you are a terrorist. Mat seems to think that the main character is supposed to be a mass murderer like the GTA games, but he is missing all of the dialogue that the game is saying otherwise.
@Edge0fEden Жыл бұрын
you can actually clear the game without killing anyone and you can do it all from stealth technically. Matt just kinda sucks at playing anything stealthily if it isn't mandatory stealth, so he plays this as if it was GTA which is why "this game is horribly designed, why would you not have a checkpoint where it's most convenient for me"
@addgame7961 Жыл бұрын
@@Edge0fEden I know since I tried to kill as little enemies as possible during missions since it’s a hacker game after all. It just that the game’s story pretends the player is using stealth when it offers the freedom to kill everyone. And later on, they caused an entire country to shutdown and they didn’t seem to understand the consequences of that. Watch Dog 2’s story is its weakest point of the game.
@nernoision Жыл бұрын
@ILikeSoda229 Жыл бұрын
@@nernoision it is pretty fun l
@contra7631 Жыл бұрын
You are wrong.This game you can fully play the game without killing anyone.But in Watch Dogs-1 even though aiden is known as vigilant,he still kills a lot cops and others just for revenge.
@weirdowsos4774 Жыл бұрын
As much as I like Matt play games,this gameplay is awful lmao,I feel like he just ignores stuff in the game or just blatantly doesn't try to win. Sure the game has a fair amount of Ubisoft jank,but If you try to use the game mechanics It's fairly easy and satisfying,and yeah It's a stealth game so going guns blazing isn't always the best choice. No money? Do some side stuff,focus on hacking pedestrians and search for cash stash for literally 10 minutes. Helicopters are annoying? Get the perk that disables them for couple minutes? Weak weapon? Upgrade it or something.Enemies spotting your drone? Distract them or taze them. Bruh I can go on and on...Matt wasn't really putting effort into it...
@SoleColt Жыл бұрын
Matt complaining that he has no money but literally every time he’s around money he just ignores it and never grabs it, it’s actually easy asf to get money just grab the bigger bags (bigger money symbols) they have like 20,000 in each
@ILikeSoda229 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I used to rob people all the time in this game for fun. Literally just a button press and you have $50
@ldezzer3950 Жыл бұрын
Chat:"Matto plz fast travel" I think Matt is travelling as fast as possible, already
@nernoision Жыл бұрын
@SpectralFlames05 Жыл бұрын
It pains me watching him sometimes, but it’s still fun
@BuVidOG5 ай бұрын
It's brain-damaging... Just shooting the Goblin like in GTA V, not being a true hacker and not quite so interested in these livestreams (on GTA V he's very active and stuff) that he doesn't read skills/tutorials, like one time i didn't see him use the Distraction Notification thing. Every feature from Watch Dogs 1 is in this one too He's just so no interested that everything mentioned that exists in GTA V and WD2 (e.g FBI/FIB) he calls it by the GTA name, "We're going to the FIB for a mask? The mask was protecting Wrench another one would just leave him depressed since the mask was kind of protecting him Tries to parkour over the laser but he can just hack them with the skill, classic
@Wilex-Rivi Жыл бұрын
4:17 the real reference is Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, which is the full name of the Mark Wahlberg's group. Marcus is pretty much saying "if I'm Marky Mark, y'all are the rest of the band"
@waycic Жыл бұрын
wrench was one of my gay awakening’s and i do not know how to feel about it that is all, thank you matto
@AlphaGarg Жыл бұрын
I almost kind of like Wrench. He's annoying and I hate him, but he's the only member of the group actually given some depth so far, and the depth they did give him seems to me to be based on furries. I mean, think about it - anarcho communist punk type, doesn't do well with face to face social interactions, has a persona (the mask) which allows him to get over his anxieties towards social interactions, sexually progressive (and sometimes even shamelessly so, as with the beach party from last part), cringy as all hell, IT nerd... you could replace his mask with a Protogen suit head and it'd likely be the best portrayal of a furry in a videogame, ever. Not overtly positive, but certainly accurate to a lot of the fandom. But man, I gotta say, Horatio really was just a non-character. He barely appeared in any of the game and just got killed off like that as if we're supposed to care. At least the girl and the quiet bipolar kid show up and do stuff, if they'd died.. well, I don't think Matt or I would've cared anyways, but at least their absence would be felt afterwards.
@nernoision Жыл бұрын
I almost cried when Horatio died on the first playthrough but I was 12 so, wrench is cool his mask is iconic but he’s kinda bitchy on the inside
@Too-Lazy-For-Good-Name Жыл бұрын
Good video, waiting for part 3. Thanks editor guy :] ♥
@phoenixdesigns7785 Жыл бұрын
No problem, Viewer person! -Phoenix (Channel Editor and person who edited this video)
@0xAAA Жыл бұрын
@@phoenixdesigns7785 haha. it says matto responded if u respond
@phoenixdesigns7785 Жыл бұрын
@@0xAAA Yup. I assume it's due to the fact that I have channel access.
@mdqmatias Жыл бұрын
This game looks really beautiful
@whyleo- Жыл бұрын
@SpectralFlames05 Жыл бұрын
I just played this whole game the other day. Fun to see you keep playing
@Frankzda-tank11 ай бұрын
Did anyone notice the top of the recycling bin flying off when Matt hit it and it landed in a pickup trucks bed in 1:44:45
@darth-severus Жыл бұрын
41:23 this just means you were playing the game wrong because it is _so_ easy to make money in the first game
@Edge0fEden Жыл бұрын
this was excruciating to watch if im being completely honest. stop comparing WD2 to WD1 and youll be able to enjoy it. Aiden was LITERALLY A TERRORIST. Dedsec was the group be joined when he chose to quit that shit (i think, WD1 had such a bland ending imo) and now you play one of those Dedsec members. the ones that do things without killing. because they're not psychopathic murderers who leave guys tied up in a garage for weeks on end. i understand that this game has a learning curve, but if you took some time to learn how to play, i swear this is a fun game. it just takes a little time to figure out how the stealth works rather than just brute forcing everything gta style. the mission with the Tezcas where you are avenging Horatio is one of the first missions where you do have to kill someone to continue the story right. as for the issue with not making money, THIS ISNT GTA. you dont just get money for existing, you actually have to put in effort to make money by going and grabbing the cash bags, killing enemies and grabbing it off their bodies (something youd think he would be doing since its the closest to gta this gets), or hacking civies and upgrading your hacks to optimize. shit, you can even do driver sf if youre desperate for cash. but no, matt has to do the most high octane shit cause adhd is a mother fucker. also typical gta player to cringe at social interactions while also talking about how they wish they had friends to hang out with in person.
@nernoision Жыл бұрын
@JasonMaloneStan Жыл бұрын
@@nernoision he hasn't
@ILikeSoda229 Жыл бұрын
“you don’t just get money for existing” exactly
@JMR_2028 Жыл бұрын
@@ILikeSoda229tell that to the welfare bros
@DatBoi_TheGudBIAS5 ай бұрын
Aiden wasn't a terrorist, it's even in the history, he's suposed to be a vigilante. Matto was the terrorist in WD
@Elite_Wo1f Жыл бұрын
25:40 Bro. Can we not have our characters developed? It’s just 2 bros chatting and having their fun talking
@Jack-Eugen Жыл бұрын
This game its still awesome i start to replay it
@Devit42 Жыл бұрын
Enemy tanking 2 sniper rifle clips is amazing
@devanshverma1991 Жыл бұрын
I love these long videos, please don't stop uploading 🛐
@DatBoi_TheGudBIAS5 ай бұрын
As a WD fan, I must admit, I would like a longer story in WD. Mixing WD gameplay with WD2 ammount of missions and maybe some WD2 hacking options (such as moving cars) would be the perfect WD for me
@DrSloww Жыл бұрын
I loved the part where he went "WAAAAH, WAAAAAH"
@sausagefruit7690 Жыл бұрын
I love Watch Dogs 2 so bad, hopefully Viper will play once Bad Blood DLC from Watch Dogs 1 and Watch Dogs: Legion after that playthrough.
@user-pe3rk3sr6w Жыл бұрын
If he does play Legion I doubt he’d enjoy it. He would probably just complain about the gameplay being too similar to watchdogs 2
@knuckles6430 Жыл бұрын
This is all old footage he has played legion and has the cut down version on his main channel of all 3 games
@sausagefruit7690 Жыл бұрын
@@knuckles6430 i know its from 2020 but still i felt sorry for him anyway lol
@nernoision Жыл бұрын
streamed mid 2020 is insane
@CaptainAlpha953 Жыл бұрын
3:01:02 idk if the gun is shit or the enemy is just stupidly tanky.
@AlphaGarg Жыл бұрын
Both probably
@user-pe3rk3sr6w Жыл бұрын
It’s both. Most of the bullets that he claimed hit the target didn’t hit, but the amount of bullets that actually did hit seemed like more than enough to take them down
@CaptainAlpha953 Жыл бұрын
@@user-pe3rk3sr6w it looked like at least 5 shots hit the target but the enemy didn't die.
@AlphaGarg Жыл бұрын
@@CaptainAlpha953 At least 12 shots hit, maybe 13. Considering it's a sniper rifle and the enemy was just some lass in a jacket.. safe to say they shouldn't have survived past the third shot, let alone the 10th. Good game lmao
@janski8029 Жыл бұрын
Anyone notice the infinite brooms at 1:19:11
@Dat1ScrubLord Жыл бұрын
13:30 Bench Appearo
@SoleColt Жыл бұрын
@ILikeSoda229 Жыл бұрын
Hah this was like 3 years ago but I’m sure past Matto would’ve appreciated it
@adamnavratil2350 Жыл бұрын
Matt, have you ever tried Hand Of Fate? Great game. It's like playing dungeons and dragons. There is even second part, but I enjoyed the first one more. It would be a great vod
@paulathekoala169911 ай бұрын
its funny watching this with him getting mad because hes so bad at it and since he did no side missions he has no extra ability points for useful upgrades
@DubcatcherAmazing Жыл бұрын
I remember him complaining about there being no consequences to death but then at 2:14:57 gets mad when he has to restart the entire mission after dying. Is that not the consequence? I’m confused.
@10ua1 Жыл бұрын
There's a difference between consequences and just completely having your progress destroyed in a mission due to bad checkpoint placement.
@fishy_on_me Жыл бұрын
@@10ua1 Sounds like a consequence to me
@10ua1 Жыл бұрын
@@fishy_on_me Yes, the consequence of poor game design.
@fishy_on_me Жыл бұрын
@@10ua1 So you agree, glad we could settle that.
@10ua1 Жыл бұрын
@@fishy_on_me Yes, I agree, it's a terrible, poorly designed game. Glad we're at an agreement.
@grumpymcruff7512 Жыл бұрын
@reiwww Жыл бұрын
Matt may not have been that good at da game, but I too don't like the game at all, hopefully later on the og hackerman will put a smile on our faces if he ever does appear in there.
@Ukaloslt8 ай бұрын
I am angry at this game, not a single stealth mission, AAAARRGGGHHH
@__4271 Жыл бұрын
this has always been crazy to me how some people defend this game like their dad made it or something, i accept and im sure matt would accept that he is not playing the game in the most efficient and correct way, but that doesn't excuse the actual problems the game has, what i mean as an example is, yes he bought the drone realy late and thats why he had issues with the FBI hack mini game, but is it really his fault? if the drone is required for certain missions, then why is it an option to buy, why is it a choice if it is a necessity. they made it a choice and matt chose to not buy it, if it was required for the mission then the game should give it to the player for free, or at bare minimum make buying the drone a requirement for starting the mission, randomness and lack of checkpoints in missions, this is just bad and noob game design, many things in this game are badly designed, matt playing the game the wrong way doesn't excuse the bad design of the game.
@chewthegum Жыл бұрын
which FBI hack minigame? There is no section of the game where the drone is a necessity to hack or stealth. Cameras are set up for high places that you need to hack, and for stealth, the free RC car is much better than the drone. Also, there's certainly not a lack of mission checkpoints. there's always an orange dot or arrow that shows the objective location. If you have a specific moment you're talking about, I'd appreciate a timestamp. I suspect you dont really have very much experience with the game and are speaking solely based on Matts gameplay, which is fine, but at least recognize you aren't getting the whole picture here.
@Notimportant3737 Жыл бұрын
he pays little to no attention to objectives, doesn’t engage with gameplay mechanics, and rushes thru all the missions then gets angry when the game punishes him for not following the rules or again, engaging with mechanics. Watching him play other open world games aside from gta 5 is like watching a Darksydephil vid almost, except Matt is wayyy more likable and not as much of a dumb shit as DSP is, which is why It’s still entertaining.
@Notimportant3737 Жыл бұрын
Will say tho that his complaints about how mediocre the story is compared to the first game are 100% valid. Gameplay wise tho I think this game is pretty solid for the most part.
@Frankzda-tank11 ай бұрын
Matt is playing watch dogs 2 an game where you hack and do stealthy stuff like gta 5 a game where you shoot up stuff. Ngl kinda disappointing but it's still a dviperau vid so it's funny and I will watch it
@shaneolszewski2782 Жыл бұрын
God damnit matto I cant believe you fast traveled this video is unwatchable now all because you had to fast travel 51:50
@Bahaga042 ай бұрын
I know the is from 4 years ago so I'm speaking abt a person who doesn't exist anymore but I half understand and half don't understand his criticism of the dialogue. Half understand because I get that it's dated, but I personally enjoy how dated it is. when making a show set in like the 70's it's a GOOD thing to be dated so while I understand rolling ur eyes I personally like being able to see 2016. What I just don't understand is why he doesn't like that they aren't always talking abt what's immediately happening? Like sometimes ppl just talk abt random stuff
@nernoision Жыл бұрын