Opening Monologue + TKO Punchline - Tony Hutson - Trieber Belieber

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Tony Hutson Fanboys

Tony Hutson Fanboys

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Have a great day!

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@riverjao 3 жыл бұрын
I LOVE this channel! My only complaint is I wish there were more videos 🙏🙏🙏
@levi-316 2 жыл бұрын
Ayyy meyen!
@Gablesman888 10 ай бұрын
@crankycalvinist6654 5 жыл бұрын
You're missing the drum roll at the end.....
@TonyHutsonFanboys 5 жыл бұрын
You're right. If there's a next time, maybe I could add one.
@anastasialaguardia3848 Жыл бұрын
A message from God: You shouldn’t promote nor advocate spanking. Spanking is the same thing as hitting, beating, striking, smacking, swatting and slapping. There’s a difference between discipline and punishment. You could have gotten in jail for spanking. Spanking is the sin of murder according to Exodus 21:20, the sin of pedophilia according to Leviticus 19:14 and Matthew 18:6, the sin of violence according to Matthew 26:52, the sin of idolatry (worship of Greek god Pan), the sin of abuse and the sin of pornography. When people advocate spanking, it means they are violent child abusers and have violated 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-4. God’s Word does NOT actually command people to spank. It’s a sin to call kids “good”, “bad”, “naughty”, “clever”, etc. That’s the sin of verbal abuse and the sin of pedophilia. Kids are not bad nor naughty. Kids go through phases that are normal and can be growed out of it. Kids are a blessings from God. When you call a child “brat”, “naughty”, etc., then he or she will think that the word “brat”, “naughty”, etc. is his or her identity and he or she will grow up becoming that way. Words have power and they can hurt. Babies, toddlers and kids are too young to make decisions for themselves, have no knowledge between good and evil according to Deuteronomy 1:39, have no sin inside of them, belong to the Kingdom of God according to Matthew 19:14 and are unaccountable according to Ezekiel 18:20. People do not become sinners until they reach the age when they become accountable. The COVID pandemic is a setup planned by the Illuminati in order to bring in a one world government - 6.0 edition and the AntiChrist. Cussing is a sin according to Ephesians 4:29 and Colossians 3:8. Tattoos are an abomination before God according to Leviticus 19:28. Disney is full of all forms of child abuse including spanking - both in love and in anger - either with a hand or an object, the cry it out technique, grounding aka confining to house, bribery, screaming/yelling/raising voices and pedophilia, Satanism, witchcraft, magic, sorcery, enchantments, homosexuality, pride, idolatry, pro-vaccine propaganda, pro-GMO propaganda, Atheism, made up creatures called dinosaurs, cavemen and cavewomen, heliocentricism aka outer space and other stuff that’s an abomination before God. Homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:28-32. Jesus is coming back and he’s calling you to repent! Baptist is a man-made denomination owned by the wicked Catholic Vatican and the Illuminati. There are no denominations in the Kingdom of Heaven. Turn away from spanking both in love and in anger, turn away from tattoo wearing, turn away from the denominational system and turn away from all sin, turn away from homosexuality, turn away from Disney, turn away from verbal abuse, repent and receive Christ as your Lord and Savior before judgement falls on your head! Pornography is not good for you. It is very inappropriate to expose nudity on the internet. Jesus says that if a man lusts after a woman, he commits adultery in the heart. Once Saved Always Saved is a lie from Satan. You can’t continue living in a sinful lifestyle after you believe in the gospel. The Independent Fundamentalist Baptist denomination is not of God. It’s a man-made denomination owned by the Illuminati and the wicked Catholic Vatican founded by the fiery and short tempered Bob Jones. The Independent Fundamentalist Baptist denomination commits domestic violence against women, all forms of child abuse including spanking, the cry it out technique and screaming/yelling/raising voices at kids, and commits antisemitism against Jews, like the Vatican did when they planned the Holocaust. This denomination also calls people names like “snowflake”, “id**t”, etc. Westboro Baptist Church is also part of the IFB denomination. They commit physical abuse aka physical punishment, harsh cruel punishments and verbal punishment aka verbal abuse against kids, which made kids run away from their parents. God will not bless the IFB denomination. Spanking kids is not in the Bible. Spanking is a tool of Satan to divide the family and destroy the family and to make victims of spanking think that it’s permissible to sin and okay to hit people, including children. Spanking was invented by pagan priests from Ancient Greece who worship an idol named Pan. Withholding and/or denying food, comfort items or potty breaks is not discipline. It is a form of abuse. There are 3 children who have died from Michael & Debi Pearl’s methods. God will hold you accountable for that unless you repent and turn away from physical punishment aka physical abuse. In order to make time-out effective, you have to use lots of quality time-in. Never put a kid in time-out while the kid is upset because kids cannot think when they are upset. Never do time-out in anger. Explain gently and firmly before and after time-out. Never make angry faces and never use harsh angry voices when you’re doing time-out. I would recommend a kids time out timer and the Thought Spot Mat instead of a chair for time-out. Homosexuality is an abomination before God according to Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Jude 1:7, 1 Timothy 1:10-11, & Matthew 19:4-5. Trump is not a Christian. He’s a Freemason. Trump has sadly got the Mark of the Beast COVID vaccine. The Republican Party is not of God. The Republican Party is actually the Rothschild Illuminati bloodline. Satan invented the political party system in order to divide and conquer. Satan also invented spanking & vaccinations in order to divide and destroy families. The phrase “spare the rod, spoil the child” is not in the Bible. That phrase comes from a poem written by Samuel Butler called Hudibras in 1662. Halloween is an evil holiday. It’s full of demon worship, devil worship, all forms of child abuse including spanking and screaming/yelling/raising voices, pedophilia, Satanism and idolatry. There are children being sacrificed and abused on Halloween.
@anastasialaguardia3848 Жыл бұрын
A message from God: Part 2 Jesus was 100% gentle with kids. He is a shepherd to the sheep. The shepherd uses his staff to guide the sheep and uses HIS rod to scare away predators, to count the sheep and examine the wool for fleas, ticks, boo-boos and bruises, not to beat/hit/strike/smack/slap/spank them. Psalms 23 uses “shebet” to describe the shepherd’s “rod”. People would tell you that the shepherd would use his “rod” to break the legs of a wandering sheep to keep it from going away and getting hurt, but there no evidence anywhere in the Bible, the Tanach, the Brit Chadashah, the Apocrypha nor the Tanach that hint at this kind of abuse. In fact, the myth appears to have origin from a book written by a member of the Presbyterian denomination named Robert Boyd Munger in 1955, in a sermon by Willian Branham (who is a crypto-Jewish false prophet, a violent pedophile that advocated all forms of child abuse including spanking, and denied that God is one in three persons) called “The Good Shepherd of the Sheep” in 1957, and became popular in the 1980s in sermons and books, thanks in part to its inclusion in “The Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations”, which was published in 1979 by Paul Lee Tan. Sheep can weigh up to 75 pounds, and a shepherd carrying that much weight for 6 to 12 weeks while bones he would make him or her extremely vulnerable to predators and other threats. There is nowhere in the Bible, the Tanach, the Brit Chadashah, the Apocrypha nor the Tanach that mention the breaking of a sheep’s bones. God’s Word actually describes shepherds as tender, carrying, gentle and compassionate according to Isaiah 40:11 - “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” In John 10:27, Jesus says “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:”. This hit the ears of His disciples a little differently than it does ours. Sheep are intimately attuned to the voice of their shepherd that 2 herds can be grazing together, and if one shepherd calls out his herd, only his sheep will come to him. They know, and deeply trust their shepherd. Breaking their leg and hitting/spanking/beating them would definitely break that deep and abiding trust! The world does spanking/hitting (both in love and in anger, either with a hand or an object like a spoon, a ruler, a cane or a spatula), time out in anger and in the corner and/or in the chair and in the wrong way - ignorance and while the kid is upset, taking privileges away in anger and for too long, sending to bedrooms in anger and/or locking them up, screams/raise voices/yells, calling kids & pets names like “bad”, “good”, “clever” or “naughty”, bribing, withholding food or potty breaks, electric shock therapy, threats and grounding/confining to house both in anger and in love. They do it in movies (like Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa, Madagascar 1, Merry Madagascar, Muppets from Space, Clifford the Big Red Dog, & Monsters University), in cartoons (Barney Bear, Tom & Jerry, all Disney cartoons and Betty Boop), in TV shows (like the Nickelodeon show Victorious and that other show from Paramount Network, and Home Improvement), in books (The Story of Ping and Diary of a Wimpy Kid series) and in music (when you play The Backyardigans Theme Song backwards, you will hear the backmasked message: “aaah spank me Nemo”, when you play the Sesame Street Theme Song backwards, you will hear the backmasked message: “child abuse can be nice”, when you play the Mars Volta song Eunuch Provocateur backwards, you will hear the backwards masked message “did mommy or daddy ever have to spank you?”, when you play the phrase “Blue skidoo, we can too” from Blue’s Clues backwards, you will hear the backmasked message: “Let’s spank you, we fix it”). Walt Disney was a pedophile, a Satanist and a member of the Illuminati, and he supported and promoted spanking in his movies (Pinocchio - animated version), TV shows, theme park attractions (old version of Country Bear Jamboree), cartoons (all of them since 1920s). In fact, The Walt Disney Company will not let any Disney cast member in Disney stores, Disney live show, Disney ice show, Disney cruise ships nor Disney parks report to the police nor the National Child Abuse Hotline if they see or hear a parent hitting a child on the rear end, thigh or hand, a parent screaming at a young child, or a parent threatening to hit on the rear end, thigh or hand. That’s another reason why Disney is full of pedophila. Spanking is the sin of pedophilia. When Ted Cruz, who is a member of the Rothschilds Illuminati bloodline aka so-called Republicans, announced that he supported spanking in his household, the audience didn’t boo at him. They cheered and applauded him. That’s also another reason why spanking must be banned, why true servants of the Lord Jesus aka Yeshua and another reason why Christians and Messianic Jews should not be part of the world according to 1 John 2:15-16. Jesus Christ aka Yeshua Ha’Mashiach would never hit/swat/spank/slap/smack/beat a child on the rear end, thigh or hand. Jesus aka Yeshua said in Matthew 18:6: “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
@biffalobull2335 4 жыл бұрын
How about some fat jokes?
@anastasialaguardia3848 Жыл бұрын
A message from God: Part 3 Effective Biblical discipline should be positive, constructive, in love and for correction rather than in anger, violent and punitive. Tantrums are unfortunately horribly normal. Most young children have tantrums, throw toys, throw groceries, bite, hit or stomp when they are frustrated because the impluse control is not developed yet until age 7, they don’t know how to control themselves nor correct themselves, or sensory overload. To discipline a child for being fussy when they need sleep, are sick, are uncomfortable, have sensory overload or are hungry is unfair and incorrect. They also have normal childish phases like wishful thinking, masklophobia - fear of mascots and people in costumes (common), zuigerphobia - fear of vacuum cleaners (common), coulrophobia - fear of clowns, saying no to every question, screaming, etc. which can be growed out of it at age 7 or 8. If the childish phase like wishful thinking is not growed out above age 7, then holistic medical treatment or gentle exposure therapy should be used. Take time to make sure your child’s needs are met first and foremost. Babies and kids have no knowledge between good and evil according to Deuteronomy 1:39, have no sin inside of them aka unaccountable according to Daniel 1:4, and are too young to make decisions for themselves. Babies and kids do have a sad feeling, a fear feeling, an angry feeling and feel pain all because of the forbidden fruit being eaten by Adam and Eve. Babies and kids need love, Biblical gentle guidance and Biblical education, not hits/swats/spanks/slaps/smacks on the rear end, thigh or hand. People do not become sinners until they reach the age when they become accountable. Satan wants the world to believe that infants are born sinners and must be baptized, left to cry it out and/or spanked in order to be saved. This contradicts God’s Word. God says in Ezekiel 18:20 - The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. God is telling us that kids do not inherit sins from their parents, grandparents, or any of their forefathers, all the way back to Adam. Each person is responsible for his own sins. Does this verse say the soul that inherits sin, it shall die? No. It says the soul who sins. Babies and kids do not know what sin is, what a baptism is, nor repentance is. According to John 2:13-21, when Jesus got upset that he saw people buying and selling in the temple, He used the whip to chase away the people who are buying and selling in the temple, not to hit aka spank aka strike them. It’s like a shepherd scaring away a predator with rod that will attack the sheep, like a wolf or a lion. The rod was only for scaring away predators, not to hit/spank/smack/swat/strike the sheep. What is sin? Sin is lawlessness according to 1 John 3:4. We do not inherit sin; we commit sin because of the fruit being eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and when we commit sin, we commit lawlessness. Since babies and kids are under the age of accountability, they have not broken any law of God and thus they do not commit any sin. They do not know how to do good and thus cannot sin. How is sin committed? James 1:14-15 says: “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” Before a person who reaches the age of accountability commits sin he or she must be drawn away of his OWN lust and enticed. Since babies and kids are unaccountable, they cannot sin in either way, and cannot be drawn away. A little kid is 100% innocent and pure according to Matthew 19:14: “But Jesus said, Suffer (the Greek word behind the English word “suffer” means “permit”) little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” & Matthew 18:3: “And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Little kids are not lost, but are safe until they become accountable. Babies and kids, however, cannot self-soothe. That’s why we to teach them God’s ways. We need to keep our kids’ hearts and keep them on the right path by praying for God to protect them. He is the GREAT Shepherd, and He will work in their lives in a much more effective manner than parents, guardians and teachers can. If He chooses to allow some kind of circumstance or situation (to break their legs) in their life, to keep them in the fold, then so be it! He is much stronger than all of us. Our children’s “legs can be broken” by natural consequences, spiritual consequences and logical consequences like time-out in love (no ignorance, don’t do it in the chair nor corner, use a time out mat like the Thought Spot mat, don’t do it while the kid is upset because kids cannot think when upset, gentle and firm explanation before and after) & taking away privileges in love (no more than 1 week) even more effectively than by man made pain (the cry it out technique, spanking: both in love and in anger, either with a hand or an object, put downs like “because I said so”, “this hurts me more than it hurts you” and “it’s for your own good”, grounding aka confining to house, withholding food or potty breaks, screaming/raising voices/yelling, threats, bribes, insults, name calling). Pedophilia is a sin. Pedophilia is the sexual act or sexual fantasy that a person has with and/or regarding a child or children. Spanking is the sin of pedophilia. There are pedophiles that support physical punishment aka physical abuse like Walt Disney, James Dobson, William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Roy Lessin, Max Fleischer, Tex Avery, & Don Bluth. Pedophiles also kidnap, rape and torture kids and take their blood in order to harvest the Adrenochrome from the glands while the kid is living, then they sacrifice the child after the drug is extracted. The sexual union is only properly had between a husband and wife. It is never to be had between anyone else. Therefore, pedophilia is a sin. The spanking in love technique is not Biblical and not discipline at al. The spanking in love technique is not in the Bible. The spanking in love technique comes from a very popular book written by Dorothy Spencer called The Spencer Spanking Plan in early 1900s. Spanking aka hitting/striking on the rear end, thigh or hand with a bare hand or an object (spoon, cane, spatula, shoe, etc.), insulting, and stabbing are not love. In fact, spanking in love doesn’t really help. Research finds parents who spank in love increase anxiety and depression in kids. Spanking and other forms of physical punishment have nothing to do with the Fruits of the Spirit.
@gunsquawk4443 Жыл бұрын
This is a bunch of liberal dribble. Has nothing whatsoever to do with God.
@anastasialaguardia3848 Жыл бұрын
@@gunsquawk4443 That’s not liberal. Besides, the political party system is not of God. Satan created the political party system (Republican and Democrat) in order to get people to do idol worship and divide and conquer. I’m pointing people to the truth and to Yeshua aka Jesus.
@michaelE3569 Жыл бұрын
You people are kidding me,right?
@jws2589 4 жыл бұрын
I thought it was funny 🤷🏻‍♂️
@rigdon9952 3 жыл бұрын
For those who complain and ridicule men of God beware that your gonna pay for it one day.
@williamragle1608 2 жыл бұрын
What is the passage in the Bible that would apply here?
@gunsquawk4443 Жыл бұрын
​@@williamragle1608 The one where the kids were poking fun at a man of God for being bald and the she bear came out of the woods and ate them. How bout dat?
@gunsquawk4443 Жыл бұрын
​@@williamragle1608 2 Kings 2: 23-24.
@heidirobinson3352 2 жыл бұрын
Poor taste in terrible jokes!!
@crankycalvinist6654 5 жыл бұрын
This is something that is utterly horrifying to ministers of the Reformed persuasion - to enter the pulpit cracking jokes. God judges ministers severely, and to use that as an opportunity for stand up is unthinkable.
@biffalobull2335 4 жыл бұрын
Well, he is a joke himself
@philliprouse9644 4 жыл бұрын
If God has something against him he has a funny way of showing it
@williamragle1608 2 жыл бұрын
God has a sense of humor. Chapter and verse? 1 Samuel 5:6-12 God gave the men in 3 cities hemorrhoids.
@davidjosey8491 Жыл бұрын
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
@glenn1611 2 ай бұрын
Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures-God has a great sense of humour, it’s right through the Bible!
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