Opinions on Religion, Feminism, Hijab, Child-Free & GLBTIQA ft. GitaSav (Part 2) | The Indah G Show

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The Indah G Show

The Indah G Show

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@whatever5756 Жыл бұрын
This is by FAR the most frank and brutally honest conversation with Gita Savitri. Hats-off, Indah! more videos like these please :")
@SiTetehSunda Жыл бұрын
Just wow. Thanks Indah for making this video and invited Gita & being brutally honest!! Somehow gw setuju di akhir pas Gita bilang “kayaknya ini karena hijab gw deh”.. mungkin ya just my theory, orang2 bisa se obsessed ini sama Gita ampe nge bully dll simply karena Gita gak memenuhi ekspektasi mereka on how she should act, react, or anything. Mungkin keliatannya “Target market” Gita itu ya remaja hijabi & org2 islam di indo (yg kita tau sendiri gimana) karena Gita diawal muncul di KZbin sbg seorang muslim (konservatif) being so smart, punya hijab brand, talking about being a moslem etc dan org ngeliatnya “wah bagian dari komitas gw”. Pas kesini2 Gita makin differ dari ideal mayoritas indo.. mereka kecewa akan ekspektasi yg mereka bangun sendiri dan melampiaskannya dgn hate comment. When Gita just being herself the whole time!! People should just leave her alone, seriously. Her choice of being childfree, LGBTQ ally, etc doesnt have nothing with youuuuu
@farahrosa4060 Жыл бұрын
totally agree with you
@malikasaja1131 Жыл бұрын
Is it? Why now? Why she didnot talk about this from very beginning? Nobody ask for it
@SiTetehSunda Жыл бұрын
@@malikasaja1131 it’s her channel boo she’s free to talk whatever whenever she wants. Besides, she said it herself that people changes and she grows, she learned new things which adding to her knowledge and robust her perspective. Now, YOU were the one who attracted to her channel and YOU followed/subscribed by your own free will without being forced by anyone. You can just unfollow her and allocate your time to another channel that suits your ideals or else… just stay mad🤭
@dhiadhidi Жыл бұрын
Setuju bangettt. Emang aku liat audiencenya Gita tuh hijabi moslem girls yang admire Gita krn merasa ada kesamaan dg mereka (sama sama hijabi muslim) tapi pinter, outspoken, socially-aware etc etc. Nah begitu ekspektasinya tdk sesuai, kecewa deh🤣
@pidapida9630 Жыл бұрын
​@@malikasaja1131progress, fyi i ask for this podcast 🤪 thats why im here
@syahrikabaiq3358 Жыл бұрын
Listening to this podcast is like listening to me having a conversation with my friend, so relatable
@amandas31 Жыл бұрын
Even if the podcast is 3 hour, I would listen to it
@kaiumta Жыл бұрын
It's so ironic that a lot of people here in Indonesia can not seeing others perspective like this that could open an eye. We've seen common perspective that people couldn't see another. And I'm honoured that by listening to this content, my eyes are opening more perspective one by one that basically we all just living differently you know, and there is still a lot of thing we should learn more in order to have a better generation because seeing a lot perspective bring us harmony in any situation
@kalunabianglala Жыл бұрын
Lah baru sadar aku nonton tanpa subtitle. Aku bangga akan diriku 🙃 BTW kolom komen ini tidak akan seburuk itu karena mereka yang kurang berpendidikan gabisa paham mereka ngomong apa 😂
@jesicapurnama7170 Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂😂SETUJU PAKEK BANGET, mending pakek bahasa inggris gini deh
@srim220 Жыл бұрын
Peter did my mom leave? Wkwkwk 🤣.. Hostny menarik bgt. Aq senyum2 bgt ni nonton konten ini pas lagi jadi bumil. Justru menurutku childfree persons kaya mb gita ini yg memahami bobot tanggung jwb parenting spt apa. Banyak org tua ditanya kepengen krn kepengen aja dan ketika dlm perjalanannya mrk malah banyak ngeluh dan jadi depresi. Dari sisi sini lebih baik diambil positifnya spy kita mindful kenapa kita mo jadi org tua dan akan bgmn kita. G bisa y g dipaksakan. Bisa y menjadi berkah.
@edoaja5221 Жыл бұрын
Muslim of Indonesian have a big expectations for someone who looks Muslim and makes chains to bind their free will ... Mereka mengharapkan orang lain sempurna tapi mereka sendiri secara sadar tidak sempurna as being a muslim 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@abitsourrrrsorry4885 Жыл бұрын
Sepertinya saya tau podcast2 macem apa yg ditolak Gita 🤣 It does make it seem like Gita is a "cowards" and seem way too comfortable in her own comfort zone, tapi emang debating or trying to convince anyone (who disagreed with Gita's views) that our choices aren't dumb is way to emotionally exhausting honestly
@huh5912 7 ай бұрын
Exactly, but I dont think its about her being in a comfort zone; its more to theres no end debating such views. People only want to hear things that please them.
@dindan00 Жыл бұрын
such an insightful discussion! It's fresh honestly, & I'm a bit surprise at how Indah can deeply talk abt all this things bcs knowing Indah from JU it was totally different. Can't imagine she will bring this kind of sensitive topic while also exposing her belief, perspective and etc. which I'm sure it's really hard & probably hard to accept by the majority of society esp. indo.. But glad that it's in english, there will be less backlash considering wni doesn't really like to read or research b4 talking.
@callista4990 Жыл бұрын
my parents is the example of the one who are not ready to be parents. and i am the one who bear the consquences of that. i definitely support the childfree! i can't say it louder but i will try to now!
@HA-dl6dq Жыл бұрын
"Mama i can't even feed myself and you want me to feed a child." 😆 we're absolutely with u Indah
@Nana-hz4df Жыл бұрын
Such a great conversation. Thank you for shining light on topics that most indonesians find problem to understand. Mom of 1 here and i’m tired of people shitting me for only wanting 1 kid 😅
@meowrel Жыл бұрын
this convo was NEEDED
@cloudycrux Жыл бұрын
I just want to thank you two for making an unexpected collab/podcast that talks about very sensitive issues in Indonesia. It's really relieving that Indonesia at the very least still has people who can think progressively like you two. I agree with most of the points you guys talked about. Especially the part that you guys mentioned about being "privileged" Enough to understand the world as big places and a lot of people to be understood and respected. Most Indonesians don't think that far and always judge the wrong and the right when they meet such a phenomenon that they weren't familiar with before. If the "book" Says that, then they just do it or avoid it without rethinking why. God gave us a brain to think, but they choose to not think, ironic. Thanks for the effort Indah and Gita!
@retmiardilla4661 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this convo happen, dear Indah and Gita! ❤❤❤❤
@autautan Жыл бұрын
kalo kata habib jafar orang muslim yang baik dan gak judgemental itu lebih banyak, yang rese lebih sedikit CUMA mereka berisik...
@edoaja5221 Жыл бұрын
Tapi mereka yang berisik bilang bahwa habib Ja'far is Syiah or something... Funny isn't it?🤣🤣
@autautan Жыл бұрын
@@edoaja5221 yess, i don’t really understand syiah krn aku katolik btw cm aku memang suka aja denger2 podcast lintas agama dan kayaknya iya si dia dibilang kayak gitu… so funny 🫤
@edoaja5221 Жыл бұрын
@@autautan sebenarnya kasihan sih pr habib Ja'far banyak... Ngerukunin antar umat beragama agar gak saling baku hantam dan agar rumah sendiri adem ayem
@V_chan 7 ай бұрын
@@edoaja5221 Habib Husein, btw. because Jafar is his father's name. Dan emang gitu, dah. Yang selow dan "tidak keras" dibilang syiah🙃
@realendrii Жыл бұрын
I really like this discussion. because I can learn many things about the point of view of a human being. in order to be more respectful of other human beings. Salam 😊
@callista4990 Жыл бұрын
i love this energy of these two girls! so inspiring!! ngl, ka gita is my savior from my conservatism value that's forced on me.
@toppermana Жыл бұрын
Hope netizen Indonesia can hear this... Hope they can
@skinnylele Жыл бұрын
@lhyza1 Жыл бұрын
This is a really good discussion. Apart from all good stuff here, religion (in this case Islam) has rules that you shouldn't interpret it yourself. You have to know the knowledge or learn from alim ulama/ustadz. Eventho a lil bit difficult lately. But still, have to.
@AdhiHargo Жыл бұрын
With a stance like hers that religion is an intensely personal affair, the only interpretation that matters is inevitably one's own. Some stranger's shoulds can safely be ignored.
@vithomusic1935 Жыл бұрын
Well,, still there are some point that i disagree with Gita's point of view. BUT,,, i totally totally respect with her choice and her opinion about the whole islam, gender and sexuality and childfree stuff. Eventhough i disagree, but it doesnt bother me at all Sukses teruss buat Indah G. Gk nyangka bakalan ada podcast yg memberikan sudut pandang- sudut pandang baru and very sensitive like this one. Yuk bisaa yukkk part 3. Biar netizen indonesia bisa lebih bnyk mendengar dan tau another perception of life.
@riasahara3220 Жыл бұрын
Jujurly gue jugaa. Kek yg si gita ngomongin piala dunia. Kek gue agak setuju yaa itu tuan rumah walau balek lg gada yg salah dan bener di masalah ini. Tapi suka aja sudut pndang orng lain pdhl si gita gada ngerendahin orng lain, netizen yg sewot ngerasa tersindir sendiri
@faisalbahrun3338 Жыл бұрын
been wanting to scream out loud the same thing, thank Inda and gita for the fruitful discussion, enjoy it a lot.
@ayabingo8802 Жыл бұрын
Y'ALL SERVED!!! I resonate a lot with Gita as a muslim myself, thank you for sharing your perspective, and Indah, MA'AM, you are def slaying it as a host!
@alsimanche 10 ай бұрын
38:24 omggg thissssss..... This is exactly what my thoughts as well, kek orang indo tu selalu bilang atau nyebut2 pribahasa kayak dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung, lu harus ngehargai hukum atau aturan di negara tersebut bla bla, tapi gue yakin lu sendiri gak bakal ngomong gitu kalo lu ngomongin Saudara2 muslim lu yg didiskriminasi sama aturan2 di negara barat kek Prancis kan??, Gak mungkin lu liat perempuan2 muslim disana dilarang pake hijab, terus lu bakal bilang, ya itu kan aturan di negara tersebut, yg ada lu malah marah2, mengutuk mereka islamphobic dsb, nahh kalo dibalik ke isu lgbt ini itu juga sama aja, pada akhirnya orang2 cuma mau hidup tenang dengan menjadi dirinya sendiri tanpa takut diperesekusi oleh orang lain, itulah yg sebenarnya yg mereka perjuangkan, namun yah keknya pikiran orang2 indo kebanyakan masih kurang bisa buat melihat itu secara luas dari sudut pandang yg lain kek kak gita disini
@orangewaffle1538 Жыл бұрын
Git, ndah... I'm a fan❤❤❤ thanks for the voice. Yg buli Gita ga bakal bisa paham pembicaraan ini. Trust me😭. Ga bakal nyampe😢
@13_isabelmareta51 Жыл бұрын
Menurutku kalo netijen2 itu udah gasuka gita tinggal unsubscribe and unfollow aja sih. Ga usah menebar kebencian di forum2 sosmed. Se simple itu.
@irsalhafidziulla8640 Жыл бұрын
Being a parent is huge responsibility toward god, and if you are not ready to bearing it then don't do it. Cause if you force yourself to do it while you are not ready for it. There will be a possibility you will neglect their rights and god will sue you for neglecting your child in the afterlife eventually, so the point is; if you feel you are not qualified to have a child or you don't want it then don't have it.
@aamaulani1468 Жыл бұрын
need more of this kinda convertation with kak gita wkwwkk nyatu bgt mereka berdua, semangat terus for both of you
@Hanna_612 Жыл бұрын
A part of what Gita said in this podcast made me realize that as a mom, it's really not OK to complain to my children as to how hard it is to be a mom. Yes there are plus and minus being a mom, ups and downs, and as a mom I should show them also the positive side, and that we are happy having them instead of feeling burdened. Just a personal reminder. Be a mom only if you WANT to and are READY to take those responsibilities. And don't complain after 😊. And on the top of it, don't ask people for pity for the hardship from being a mom. That's our choice! Btw, good job you two!
@gyuotherhalf Жыл бұрын
this talkshow really have a high value and make me emphazie a pov of this issues tho
@redbrandycherries8037 Жыл бұрын
I, as an Indonesian woman myself, am so proud of listening to you two. You both are fearless, dumbless, doubtless and dauntless women. The fact that Indah said, "I keep telling people that like Gita is basically the hijabi muslim version of me, except also introverted." Psyched that. Girls, to be honest as a muslim woman, I become much more educated and enlighted about Islam because of you two rather than almost all of the Indonesian Islamic preachers who are more too one-centered perspective spreading the knowledge to Islam community which I think isn't healthy and relatable to our age where people become much more understanding what's been happening and because of them that's leading Indo muslims think narrow-mindedly in terms of the religions and the worst is the fragile spirituality they shape whether they realize or not. We need more women like you both in our society. Please keep elucidating thoughts in your mind perpetually. You got me here in your side. 🧡🧡
@affandyd2178 Жыл бұрын
weehoo thanks Deddy, this is exactly the channel am looking for
@stellamaris4983 Жыл бұрын
What is peace, what is freedom? Let's start there. Is the freedom we perceive suppose to free us really give us the peace we need?
@malikastory7143 Жыл бұрын
@kiaramoth9045 Жыл бұрын
My two cents on this discussion: 49:46 Perhaps (in my opinion, at least) it's not so much about support, but rather of *tolerance*. I think it's difficult to quantify or to distinguish what support may be in this context. That being said, I believe it's more about tolerating another person's way of being/existing, which is why I don't personally agree with what you said in the sense of "agreeing" with a homosexual person for instance. I understand that this is probably not how you meant it but if we use the term 'agreement', maybe it is not even relevant, like the way someone who is agnostic would not 'agree' with an orthodox catholic's view of life. In this sense, I think agreement doesn't really bring anything to the table. What's more urgent is allowing differences to exist. I don't believe that the LGBTQIA+ community owes agreements from anyone, which draws back to your emphasis of how we should not be violent or use faith as a way of validating forms of intolerance. There should be no room for intolerance, for if we are tolerant without limit, we will eventually be seized by intolerance itself. We're all just trying to live our lives afterall.
@teguhnugroho8388 Жыл бұрын
Setuju dengan semua yang di bahas, bahkan seperti saya harus bekerja keras untuk keluar dari negri ini
@riniindo Жыл бұрын
50:20 this is a deep question but also very relatable
@alsimanche 10 ай бұрын
45:14 i can hear their voices say something like: tapi kan sesama muslim wajib mengingatkan, kalo lu liat orang berbuat dosa, lu wajib buat mengingatkan atau menegur, jangan diam aja, kalo gak lu sendiri bakal dapat dosa yg sama dengan orang yg berbuat dosa tsb
@callista4990 Жыл бұрын
i can't say thank you enough for this podcast! thanks
@lilililouu Жыл бұрын
HAHAHAHA the part when Indah asked did her mom leave 🤣
@jufriadijufriadi5291 Жыл бұрын
I still learning English when I hear there conversation, I am happy
@bayulesmanadwicahyo7503 Жыл бұрын
I just fucvvkin love this convo. I love u guys
@stefanong1917 Жыл бұрын
I think I have alot in common with Indah G and Gita in general!
@brainfart_ Жыл бұрын
this is fun to watch, love u both
@aifelyaazzahra3712 Жыл бұрын
love this episode so muchh
@selviani100 Жыл бұрын
Sayang banget kalo Gita membatasi kemampuan yang mungkin dia punya to have child dengan segala kepintaran yang dimiliki tapi justru Gita dengan yakinnya udah mikir klo she is unable to raise child in the future where future is unpredictable yang dipikirnya unpredictable = hard to do and dah pasti negatif. Again, she has a right.
@madchenstundent Жыл бұрын
I love how soild and sharp is your opinion.
@minimalgeneralist8630 Жыл бұрын
Gw sebagai muslim yg ga tertarik ngurusin pilihan idup orang, cuma mau bilang tolong jangan mengeneralisir dengan ngomong “indo muslim community” or that’s what it sounds like. Thanks.
@imdancingforever5215 Жыл бұрын
Dua perempuan ini adalah pahlawan! Yup i said it🙌 sangat menginspirasi, semoga kedepannya banyak wanita Indonesia yg terbuka pemikirannya dan menjadi lebih pintar
@destywidi Жыл бұрын
aku tinggal di luar negeri tp tetap punya pandangan "ketimuran", itu semua memang tergantung masing2 personality. bagiku gita itu memang terlalu jauh pemikirannya dan itu hak dia sih. be wise and smart ya girls baik buruknya tetap harus bs kalian saring masing2. cuma mengingatkan.
@ilhamdn23 Жыл бұрын
gw udah lama ngikutin gita dan gw tau joks stunting itu memang lucu bgt.
@mutiairhamni1008 Жыл бұрын
netizen indo might talk something good but dunno how to express more polite
@V_chan 7 ай бұрын
these two women look like they have stable jobs, careers, and incomes, but they still worry about how to raise a child "in this economy?" meanwhile, ironically, there are people who cannot even afford themselves and their spouses a literal house and good food dare to have children because they believe in "banyak anak banyak rezeki".
@tomjones8293 5 ай бұрын
those are low IQ people in which Indonesia has too many of them
@arjosoekardan5906 Жыл бұрын
Nowhere in Holy Quran states that hijab must be in a form of cloths or any kind of fabrics. Should any Moslem (or anyone) disagree, feel free to read up the Quran. Having children? Are you sure that you can even take care yourself, let alone a child 😜 Did you know that in medical studies there was this topic of a doctor had parent to decide whether their newborn baby was about to be male or female. Out of a tossup, the parent chose their newborn baby as a male. First ten years went fine until one day the baby was old enough to feel interested in other male eventhough he thought he was a normal male. Another topic in medical science was a male teenager had menstruation, and turned up that this male teenager had ovarium. If you think you know about LGBTQ I'm guessing you never study medicine 😏 I think the whole idea is apply common sense to any and every condition. Think before you act. Care of others like you care yourself. Spread kindness and positivity. Challenge yourself before challenge others in the best way possible 😊
@rysumakemusic Жыл бұрын
You know what bothers me and maybe alot of people, is the fact that you made up your own way of being a muslim and starts developing your own version of being a muslim and even worst promoting it, when in fact alot of what you say is against the teaching of islam. Its not about personal interpretation, islam has preserve its way of objectively understanding the quran. So no one have the right to interpret the quran how ever they want. It is soo misleading to say that you have the freedom to interpret the quran how ever you like.
@indonesiasociety7651 Жыл бұрын
We fight against Perancis for its hypocrisy about banning Hijab, but we support Qatar for its hypocrisy about banning LGBTQ+ attributes? Its double standard, stupid. Again, Gita just fight Qatar hypocrisy same as she did to Perancis about banning Hijab? How did u guys telling that she made she's own about being muslim?
@jksroom555 Жыл бұрын
then how about those "cabang2 islam" that exist in Indonesia? doesn't that mean they have their own interpretation of the religion to the point where they had to create their own "cabang"? can you point out which cabang is the best one to follow? and if some of them have wrong interpretation, then why do they still exist today? mind you gita didnt create her own religion as she grew up like any other indonesian muslims did and still practices islam to find her inner piece like she stated multiple times in the video. she just minds her own PERSONAL business and yet she got backlashed as if she just committed the heaviest crime on earth. if she has her own interpretation of islam, then thats on her and her God only. period.
@Uwucrk Жыл бұрын
I love your perspective Gita, since beginning. Tapi lu gk bisa menetapkan stigma/opini lu in general Git specially di Indo ya, karna hal2 tsb masih konotatif/ masih tabu lah di Indo. Permasalahan yg diawal ini kan dari komen kak Gita yg dulu sempat di viral di Instagram. Aku tau itu joke, i get that kok. But i don't think everyone/netizen indo gets that. And turns out lu kena backlash jga kan. Lu boleh keep kok tentang perspektif lu and nothing wrong with that, tapi menurut aku jangan terlalu vokal/ menyuarakan bgt di social media. Kebanyakan juga yg nonton lu org indo juga masalahny. Jadi lebih wise ajasih.
@OhMantab Жыл бұрын
childfree gk bagus untuk sebuah negara. banyak negara yg kesulitan karena fertility rate yg rendah. bisa berdampak ke ekonomi negara dalam jangka panjang. karena itulah aku childfree, tapi gk perlu jg bikin gerakan childfree. ngapain... investor pada kabur kalo populasi kita semakin menurun. kamu punya lahan tanah jg value nya smakin menurun jadinya.
@wltrzxoux3558 Жыл бұрын
so good....👍🏻
@wuhhu1846 Жыл бұрын
just one question do you know sanad dalam belajar agama, Git?
@V_chan 7 ай бұрын
9:25 were you talking about me, Miss Indah?🥲
@theexplorerJP Жыл бұрын
Nice Job Indah.
@renitakawuryan4409 Жыл бұрын
At this rate i want to move to other country 😌
@merdekaagussaputra1504 Жыл бұрын
"Orang yang mau nurunin geneticsnya....I mean this is narcisist bullshit...(Savitri at 29.44)" This podcast is offensive in so many ways. That keeps saying it's "just my opinion". The phrase that it is "just my opinion" alone already typifies "the narcisist and ego-centric view". The problem with this video itself contends with the idea of the freedom of choice. Yet, the video makes an assumption and judges those who do not share the same values with them: in short, those who want to have a baby biologically (without surrogate mothers). If you guys are serious about the freedom of choice, the discussion itself should center on compassion and understanding; either way, having and not having kids have their own challenges and struggles. The act of compassion is part of feminism: it means care. And that is what we have to nurture instead of assuming we all disagree with your choice: child-free, adoption, and surrogate mother as Indah said.
@riasahara3220 Жыл бұрын
She SHARE her OPINIONS why she is CHILDFREE. LOLL ofcourse its her opinions. Podcast literally a place where u share ur opinions. ALL opinions are valid bc its opinions. Gita showing her perspective, her mirror side, and NOTHING IS WRONG. If u use ur opinion to humiliate someone, thats wrong. She shares her perspective and im sorryy that alot of gita having same perspective as well. Having kids arent the best, thats true. How many narcistic parents ruin their own kids life bc of their ego? Its not only opinions, its also fact in some cases. The only one who has prejudice is u loll
@merdekaagussaputra1504 Жыл бұрын
@@riasahara3220 please read it again and understand my point there clearly. I even quote there from her opinion and how it contradicts her argument: by her saying narcisist bullshit while she also projects her opinion to others. That said, she also uses her centric view: in short, narcisist, too. I instead argue that we better put compassion first.
@malikastory7143 Жыл бұрын
mba ria misuh misuh duluan sebelum baca pke translate google kali ya :(
@merdekaagussaputra1504 Жыл бұрын
@@malikastory7143 Iya betul, tapi kadang susah diskusi lewat chat. Intinya, yang penting welas asih (compassionate) saja ke siapapun baik mau punya anak dan tidak mau punya anak (childfree). Misalkan kasus orang yang jahat pada anaknya atau naruh ekspektasi ke anak. Itu di luar apa yang saya ucapkan di atas. Kita pun tidak bisa mengeneralisasi bahwa setiap orang tua seperti itu. Ingat hidup ada spektrumnya: baik, buruk, dan sedang, misalnya. Pun menjadi orang tua seperti itu.
@abitsourrrrsorry4885 Жыл бұрын
It does seem narcissistic in a way. Depends on the context. Kayak elon musk yg bilang dia pengen bikin banyak anak karena dia percaya kalau genetik dia superior or something. It's just eugenics bullshit. Ada juga yg bilang karena mau meneruskan keturunan. Tapi kenapa garis keturunan "murni" kok sepenting itu? P.S: Not saying they don't have the rights to have a baby tapi apa sih yg membedakan anak biologis sama anak adopsi? Kan sama2 ngurus anak. Gak bermaksud discredit perempuan yg pengen hamil because it's her own body. Tapi kalau laki2 yg punya pemikiran begini, I'm going to side eyed them (i'm sorry) lol
@EchaKiut Жыл бұрын
Iam a muslim, married for 6yrs also dont hv a child, honestly i dont care about your opinion about dont want a child but PLEASE DONT GO ON THE INTERNET SAYING HAVING A CHILD IS A BURDEN or HAVING CHILD MAKES YOU OLD!thats an asshole word to say Bcz so many couple waiting to hv one or could not hv one bcz of medical issues. You said you dont want hv a child in this economy but then you judge people how they educate their children??? Please stop! If you dont want to be back to indonesia THATS YOUR DECISION idont care BUT PLEASE DONT BASHING OTHER especially indonesian FOR YOUR DECISION.. please just stop!
@puja1985 Жыл бұрын
I fully agree with this.. 100%
@malikastory7143 Жыл бұрын
@mita1175 Жыл бұрын
She never say "having a child makes you old" She say "not having a kids is natural anti aging" it doesn't equal with "having a child makes you old" Your argument that you say "having a child makes you old" is some assumption that you make from her argument
@edoaja5221 Жыл бұрын
But that's true, when someone have making a decision for don't want to have a baby is made ur chromosome more younger... Itu penelitian and a fact Dia membicarakan itu di sosmed nya.. Dia tidak mengajak but she's just expressing her opinion... 🤦🤦🤦
@edoaja5221 Жыл бұрын
​@@mita1175 most muslim people loving to hyperbole bout something 🤣🤣🤣 Melebih-lebihkan sesuatu yang tidak ada menjadi ada...... Kata *tidak* dan *belum* saja memiliki arti yang berbeda 🤣🤣🤣
@barlevcarlos5689 Жыл бұрын
28:06 "is that a cactus?" ngakak weii hahaha
@whatever5756 Жыл бұрын
First :)
@rysumakemusic Жыл бұрын
Islam is not free for personal interpretation. Everything has to come from the sunnah of the prophet SAW. Cmon gitsav it's basic islamic knowledge. U need to do better. You're a public figure don't your realize? You should've known that it's obligatory upon you to represent islam in the most clear way and distinguish your own opinion from the teaching of islam.
@achmadshodiq368 Жыл бұрын
The last words so amaze....🤣
@devitaromlah2866 Жыл бұрын
I hate mental gymnastic its another way to say hei IM A HYPOCRITE
@laila6160 Жыл бұрын
lanjut part 3 ga si ahaha
@milagross1465 Жыл бұрын
@BejoSatonah 6 ай бұрын
Pure liberalism🗿 period
@ghifariyoga1922 Жыл бұрын
waw, keren
@kucengoyen Жыл бұрын
nitipp 46:05
@ajenghayuanandra2950 Жыл бұрын
Dont loose hope to this country As much as it's so homophobic But what I've seen in reality many2 families, community tolerating lgbt I have friend who is lesbian maybe trans not sure where she/he stand grow up in very strict moslem community but now they let her/him to pray on man shaf I have many other friends who happily accept their kids identity as gay or trans Although they not announce it but they accept it As much as it looks hopeless at the moment, but there are still plenty of kindness on us
@oksandirgantara9071 Жыл бұрын
@IAMA___ Жыл бұрын
@abdulqasim6796 Жыл бұрын
Sudah lama unsub yt gitsav, tiba2 nongol disini....
@AKALSEHATFOOD.2019 Жыл бұрын
Subtitle please...
@frizzky7976 9 ай бұрын
Oh no si paling open minded, oh lord.
@MitaAryanti-f3h Жыл бұрын
I'm waiting for more news, maybe Gita will have a uterus removal operation or a vasectomy to further prove her childfree statement
@wony_karina_hanni Жыл бұрын
istri nya nabi Luth juga hanya mendukung tapi dia juga kena azabnya
@puja1985 Жыл бұрын
Tuh git dengerin... jangan asal support lgbt aja openly.. Nanti kena azabnya.. bcs history will repeat it self..
@helllooooo9353 Жыл бұрын
Istrinya cmn geliat ke belakang doang trs jd batu
@user-ef8cn7sw6p Жыл бұрын
@@helllooooo9353coba dibaca lagi sejarahnya dengan lengkap,istrinya juga mendukung dan diakhir tuhan kasih dia kesempatan buat pergi dari situ dan jangan nengok ke belakang tp dia malah ngelakuin ya kena azab jadinya
@bibianabila Жыл бұрын
Talking about becoming childfree... My main reason is because I grew up in a big family, I have 2 older bros and 2 older sisters. Dengan ekonomi pas2an, bikin gue mempertanyakan kata2 "banyak anak banyak rejeki", it makes me hate that sentence, like that's so bullshit. Secara financially kurang, emotionally kurang, materially kurang, not that I'm complaining, it's just the truth. And also the amount of childhood trauma I got from my sis bullied me🥲🤌🏻 it's unfathomable
@franciscajourney Жыл бұрын
Dengan thema dan judul yang sama, undang @syifaadriana dong, Kak.
@riracassia9088 Жыл бұрын
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