Orcs and Goblins Vs Bretonnians! | Warhammer: The Old World Battle Report

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Mordian Glory

Mordian Glory

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@keyne444 8 ай бұрын
Waiting for that Polish banner, Sah!
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
It's done! The Polish Legion will be featured in the next batrep :)
@keyne444 8 ай бұрын
@@MordianGlory Couldn't be happier right now, Sah!
@urzaplanewalker 8 ай бұрын
Worth noting that a unit must follow up into a unit that gives ground unless it passes a leadership test.
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
Good to know, thank you :)
@michaelhillier9638 8 ай бұрын
Bretonnians have a rule where their knights first charge disrupts the enemies
@MasculineSkeleton 8 ай бұрын
I am so down for just about any Old World content you make. Especially in a year or two when you get some Tomb Kings on the table.
@mjhsinclair 8 ай бұрын
Kudos for the editing. It’s been great recently and I love the transition to fantasy.
@ProdigyAstronaut 8 ай бұрын
Cheers sinclair! I've been having a blast making this batrep whilst using new special effects to make this video happen! :)
@EduardoOrtizFrau 7 ай бұрын
Most fun battle report I've seen on the internet! You guys have great personalities, would love to see more Old World content!
@Jamespaintsplastic 8 ай бұрын
100% here for the old world!
@bremer1701 8 ай бұрын
2:21 Standard Bearer belongs in the front of the lance formation. I dont know why but thats how it is in The Old World. 19:00 A unit for the US flag? Something with guns^^ 27:54 sincer the damsel is not on the side of the lance. therefor she has no line of sight 53:23 no he wont get a rank bonus. Rank must be at least 4 models (cav) but he gets a +1 bonus for beeing in lance formation. I am not sure if close order and lance formation stacks though 55:10 The attacker can decide if he follows up when the enemy gives ground and and stays engaged in combat. So no give ground shenanigans on Mr. Mordians part ;) 56:36 the wounds you regenerate still count for combat result 1:08:09 you get +1 Iniative every inch charged up to +3 (+4 if you attack in the flank or rear)
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful
@bremer1701 8 ай бұрын
@@MordianGlory I read the rules again and not sure about my mark about 27:54 but the "move through the ranks" rule wouldnt make any sence otherwise
@kingjshgrumpy5481 8 ай бұрын
Damsel has shield of the Lady rule that allows her Los through the unit she's in.
@russellserenka4498 8 ай бұрын
As stated above the damsel can see through a knight Lance, and with the Lance formation you draw line of sight from the second row of models. Love Brettonia and it's yeah we do things differently around here when it comes to core rules.
@bremer1701 8 ай бұрын
@@kingjshgrumpy5481 Yeah but lance formation states that you have to put characters in the front first and then she can move through the ranks. The Question here is does "at any time" means she can do it before the game starts.
@pcat7699 8 ай бұрын
Might have to check the rules but, if a unit gets wiped in combat the other units around them might have to take a panic test
@editor2766 8 ай бұрын
I love the terrain setup for this game and the nostalgia hits from these figures is amazing. Mordian you are a man of culture to have pursued the way of the goblin in your childhood - a true Warhammer fan's choice. Loved the banter and excitement in this battlerep! You asked for comments pointing out errors to help you guys learn so I watched the report with my rulebook beside me. I'm only adding things Bremer1701 didn't notice and I'm putting in page numbers so you can judge whether I speak from my ass or not. (Definitely posting in the spirit of trying to help, this is a complex game!): 31:21: A unit that moves can't use Volley Fire (Page 180) 41:15 ish: Charges are all declared before any reactions are declared (Page 120); The dice are only rolled once every charge has been declared and charge reaction resolved (Page 121) 43:50 ish: If you have swiftstride you can choose to add an extra d6 to your flee move but don't have to. (Page 178); Its not fully clear from the video but from where the lance ended up it looked like some of its units would have had to pass over the ruin which would likely be impassable. The unit would have had to travel forward a bit and wheel to get around it I think. The hedges are difficult terrain and so reduce movement by one. But also, when charging over difficult terrain you take the lowest, not highest, dice for your charge. (Pages 128, 269) 47:09: Indeed I can't see that bolt throwers misfire either! Goblin tech genius? 52:50: This one may blow your mind, it did me. You can cast assailment spells in either combat phase, both your own and the enemy's. So the shaman could have cast Fist of Gork (or Mork) when the Errants charged the orc mob! 54:00 ish: Bremer1701 raised some of this but the combat resolution in this engagement is actually pretty complicated because of all the interactions of the special rules. The Errants have Close Order but that is a formation type, as is Lance. Units that have the special rule that allows them to adopt multiple formations have to choose between them and deploy in one such formation, that they can change during the game. Hence for example you will have units that have Open Order and Skirmishers - they are not in both at once. As the Errants are in Lance, they are not in Close Order. So you don't get +1 for Close Order, but you do get +1 for Lance. Lance gives you rank bonus for each rank with enough models as normal (Page 100 Forces of Fantasy), but a full rank for heavy cavalry is 4. So you only get a rank bonus when your lance has 10 knights, and the 6 knight lances don't get one. The Errants thus have a combat res of 2 kills + 1 lance +1 Banner for 4. However the Errants also have the First Charge rule. This rule lets the first charge that a unit makes in the game disrupt the target if it makes contact (Page 169). A disrupted unit cannot claim a rank bonus (Page 101). This means the orcs do not have the combat resolution from their ranks, and also do not have the bonus leadership from warband. The orcs end up with a combat resolution of 1 for the Banner, and 1 for Close order, for a total of 2. They lose by 2, but their leadership is 7, and thus they fall back in good order. Finally, the Errants could follow up a unit giving ground and stay in combat or, if they wanted to, make a LD test to Restrain and Reform. Likewise with a fall back in good order, they would either pursue or make a LD test to not do so. (Page 156) Complicated one, that. I had to do a lot of checking and page turning to work it all out. 58:35: Units need to be 2 or more models to claim the benefits of Close Order, including the +1 combat res (Page 100). 1:02:24: A lance formation is "blunted" when its charged and cannot countercharge. It would become a 3 wide close order formation instead in this situation. (Forces of Fantasy Page 111) 1:02:39: The Squigs have warband, which lets you reroll failed charges (pretty good!). (Page 180) 1:03:12: The troll moved out of order here, he marches after everything else. He was indeed blocking the charge move of the night goblins so they could have declared the charge but it would have failed. You could have had him declare a charge at something to get him out of the way but you can't just move him up before the charge moves are resolved. The order of stuff in the movement phase is on Page 118. 1:03:36: The gobbo mob would wheel then move forward to maximise contact, wheeling being the only manouvre you can make (Page 126), but it would not slide along (Things did that in 8th). As they were so close it would mean they would both end up contacting a little off centre. Not a big deal but it does make counter charges for both sides easier. 1:04:10: Orcs and Goblins cannot take Demon allies. 1:04:35: Rallying actually takes place in the strategy phase now (Page 117), it used to be in movement like you did it. The fleeing troops still move in the movement phase though. 1:06:25 ish: Ere We Go would have to be cast in the Strategy Phase (not that you needed it for that charge!) 1:11:09: Due to the Flank Charge Salty Simon's unit has two fighting ranks, one to the flank facing the night goblins (3 guys), and one to the front facing the gobbo mob (5 guys). The guy in the corner counts as being in both those ranks. (Page 147) Casualties are allocated to the fighting rank and then, once that damage overspills, to the rank OR file behind the fighting rank. (Page 150) What this means is that the night goblin warboss swings and kills the 3 models on the flank, then simon can choose to allocate the 2 remaining losses to the file behind the flank fighting rank, taking them from the second and third rank and not removing a model from the fighting rank facing the goblin mob. Thus the warboss only kills one model in the fighting rank facing the goblin mob, the guy on the corner who is in both fighting ranks. It sounds a little complicated written up but I believe that is how it works. Thus the peasants would have had four attacking models back, one being the champion and one being the grail monk, for six attacks (although as Bremer 1701 pointed out the goblins would have had an initiative bonus to strike first anyway) 1:12:05: You decide to restrain and reform, or pursue, before you have seen the dice roll for the flee. (Page 156) 1:12:23: The Peasants flee from the unit with the highest unit strength (Page 154) which would be the night goblins in this scenario, and so the Goblin Mob would pursue them in that direction too. They would have to take a LD test to reform after the pursuit or would end up facing at an odd angle exposing their flank a bit! 1:12:34: Warband rule actually has a specific exception that you cannot use its LD bonus for a restraint test (Page 180) 1:17:19: I discussed lance above but to answer the specific question unit strength does not determine the number of models in a rank. Heavy Cavalry are four -models- per rank, and also maximum rank bonus of +1, so you cannot get a +2 rank bonus with them and would need 4 models to get one rank bonus. Its detailed on the table on Page 105 and the Heavy Cavalry Troop Type on Page 193, its specifically referring to models, not unit strength, to make up ranks. 1:20:04: A unit that is standing and shooting can't use Volley Fire (Page 180) 1:25:31: When the night goblin archers flee, if they were within 6" of the Goblin mob, they would cause a panic check for the goblins as the archers have a unit strength of 5 or more (Page 161) 1:31:54: Squigs have a special "Squig's gone wild" rule if they break when there are 5 or more squigs. The unit is destroyed before it makes any flee move but does D3 (+1 per extra 5 squigs) strength 5 AP -1 hits to every unit, friend or foe, within 2d6". (Page 27 Ravening Hordes) 1:38:00 ish: Only the general has the Inspiring Presence rule that lets you use the leadership of the general. ( Page 203) Other characters have a command range but it is used for various abilities, rather than intrinsically doing anything itself. 1:40:40: This is an unusual charging situation but what actually happens is both charges are simultaneous. Both are also front charges and both units move to maximise, so they end up next to each other with their corner models touching the Bretonnians. (Page 130). The difficult terrain would force use of the lowest dice for the goblins too, and the knights could flee an extra D6 if they chose, as mentioned above. 1:46:10: Close order can actually be claimed once per unit involved. (Page 153) 1:55:08: The night goblins are fleeing because a nearby friendly unit with unit strength 5 or more has fled within 6". Page 161 details that they thus move directly away from the nearest enemy unit (the knights in this case),. which would be roughly the direction the knights are moving I think in this case. But also, as the night goblins are above half strength, their panic becomes a fall back in good order and so would only move the highest of the dice and can then rally upon completion of the move, reforming. 1:59:30: I should have picked this up earlier, but you can only claim the bonus of one normal standard in a combat. (Page 153)
@editor2766 8 ай бұрын
2:10:53: Drawn combats lead to the units being locked in place. So the Brett knights would not get to reform. (Page 152) I'm not sure about the orc mob being able to reform in combat but I can't actually find something express, only refence to units in combat being locked in place if they draw, or make contact again by giving ground/following up. 2:23:04: You cannot dispel in combat unfortunately. (Page 110) 2:24:35: As mentioned above, the Men at Arms have a fighting rank of 2 there, so would not have had attacks back. The champions could have made way to fight, but then the attacks would have had to be allocated to them and they would have died!. The wolf riders also had +1 for a flank charge so it would have been a win by one for them. The peasants can pursue to the flank though! 2:26:30 ish: Orcs would need 4's to hit for WS 3 to WS 4 2:29:20: Swiftstride is a may, not a must. (Page 178) 2:35:17: Orcs are I2 so even with the spears would be striking at the same time as the knights. Stupidity: Trolls have stupidity and I didn't notice any stupidity tests being taken for them , but I may have missed it or they may have been off camera. Its a LD test in the start of turn phase unless they are in combat, and if they fail they move forward their basic movement in the compulsory move phase. (Page 178) Impetuous: Orc Mobs, Goblin Mobs, Squig Herds and Goblin Wolf Riders are impetuous. I don't know if this would ever have applied given how the game played out but I don't recall seeing it rolled for so thought I'd mention it in case you overlooked it. Impetuous has replaced the old Animosity rules. Note, Night Goblins are NOT impetuous, cunning little buggers. Waaaagh!: You did not use your Waaagh! Mordian! Looking up all these rules has been a big learning experience for me. This is a deep game and a complicated one, and a lot of things have changed since 8th. I think we are all going to be cradling our rulebooks during games for a while.
@editor2766 8 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed the Batt Rep and look forward to more fantasy on the channel!
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, This is incredibly helpful! Will take some time to try and absorb the information :)
@PeterButchens 8 ай бұрын
2:55 That was my first fantasy starter box as well. Still have the magic item and spell cards and one of ye olden red measuring rods.
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
Ah the red whippy sticks! It always ended in tears
@RenlangRen Ай бұрын
The red whippy sticks bring back fond painful memories.
@T3koner 7 ай бұрын
Good old world time! The goblin bolt thrower bit tore me in half remembering all the comments related to the old name back in the day playing fantasy battle 😅😂
@fundude365 8 ай бұрын
I am here for the high tech movement trays.
@rakhaut3887 7 ай бұрын
Your boys gave ground, but the knights could follow up "A unit can make a ‘follow up’ move when an enemy unit it was engaged in combat with Gives Ground."
@aesirstark1416 8 ай бұрын
So cool, Thanks I love to see Old World content.Finally I can play again with my old armies!
@DrVitoti 8 ай бұрын
Something you got wrong the whole game and was quite impactful, you have to add a swfitstride die roll to flee and pursue rolls
@christopherclayton5500 8 ай бұрын
The additional d6 is optional.
@G4uldoth 8 ай бұрын
@@christopherclayton5500 also reroll natural 1 on rolls to charge, persue and overrun because of finest warhorses, that unit of questing knights shouldnt have died
@jurgen4466 7 ай бұрын
You MAY use swiftstride but need decide before rolls
@FeniceFamigerata 8 ай бұрын
I don't even have time to watch this m8, but like + comment for the algo and to push for more Old World content on YT
@CaptainRellius 8 ай бұрын
Yeahhhh buddy it's good to see this on the table 👍
@LSOP- 8 ай бұрын
I'm so hyped you're going to be doing tow content!
@appendixpower5538 8 ай бұрын
I cant believe he tried to flee with the questing knights before some gobbos! They only got what they deserved for such cowardice!
@chae7684 7 ай бұрын
Ah yes the grey tide 😂. No worries on that one old school kitchen table warhammer vibes from this one
@samareck2885 8 ай бұрын
Commenting to boost the algorithm. Cheers, thanks for the video
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
@colonelsanders82 8 ай бұрын
Simon the Lumberjack.
@Zombles581 8 ай бұрын
Think you need to differentiate between old world and 40K more. Wearing a greybeard would help signpost old world to my dumb ogryn brain.
@DrVitoti 8 ай бұрын
The lance formation gives +1 rank bonus when you have the full 6. Heavy cavalry have a max rank bonus of +1. Since the orks are infantry and have a +2 rank bonus, you would have won the combat.
@Piratfabbe 8 ай бұрын
at ~43:30; That would surely count as the knights charging through terrain, which would mean discarding the highest roll and subtracting 1 from the movement. Not sure the knights would catch them goblins considering that! Also: Fire&Flee lets the wolfriders stand&shoot before fleeing, discarding the lowest rolled dice for fleeing, and swiftstride lets them add back one d6 for fleeing again!
@Piratfabbe 8 ай бұрын
Also, at 1:31:00 the squig herd "explodes" when it flees, dealing damage to all within 2d6
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
Good to know all this, thank you :)
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
Yeeeees! Sigmar Bless this ravaged comment section! "Undead" fantasy player here (before those dirty vampires and Tomb Kings splintered off) and super hyped for the OldWorld content!
@maxwilliams1060 8 ай бұрын
Great video mate, hope to see more.
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
More to come!
@Slapdab 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for all the content
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
My pleasure!
@keyanklupacs6333 8 ай бұрын
Yes! Yes! OLD WORLD!
@Seven_Other_Mysteries 8 ай бұрын
Hey guys. Enjoyable watching. Curse of Arrow Attraction is a Hex. So it should be cast in the Conjuration sub-phase; before Bretonnia moved.
@craigmitch7257 8 ай бұрын
I think when you charge the orcs into the lance the lance becomes blunted, as it the cav can't counter charge. The bretonians would have lost formation and rank bonus.
@craigmitch7257 8 ай бұрын
When you resolve the orc, peasant, squig , Knight combat that should have been done as multiple units. Pg 153. Also squigs don't flee if 5 or more go wild and explode see squig rules.
@TheAlmightyPillock 8 ай бұрын
Here for the Bretonians? NO! I typed in "Old World Orcs Vs" and slamed right into this video sir!
@ja37d-34 8 ай бұрын
Understandable to pick out the old stuff.. But would love to see it painted some day. :)
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
Rest Assured, I am getting everything painted as quick as I can :)
@ja37d-34 8 ай бұрын
@@MordianGlory I´m not trying to be an arsehole and take your time.. ;) I never painted back in the days.. But I am now! I had that ´eavy Metal syndrome.. Couldn´t push past the ugly stage.. But i converted alot, and i did clean every mould line.. ;) I´ll watch whatever, but it is nice when shit is done. :) Right now I popped a beer to watch this. Paused earlier..
@SimonProctor 7 ай бұрын
The blessings of the lady do count for peasants too. The lady is truly bountiful in her blessings.
@gordycoe1058 8 ай бұрын
@jacobeliasson8665 8 ай бұрын
I was a bit hesitant about the old world. But I bought a WE army from an old friend which was sitting in his basement. I always hated elves but I'm a sucker for old models and was quite happy to find a lot of old 90´s Eternal guard there. Do anyone else find the Eternal guard stat line to be pretty good? And plus they can have 50 pts on the "Champ" which i think I´d use the ruby ring for most of the time. Is that legal? I haven't played warhammer competitive since I was 12 so and I´m not sure about competitive rules. I just like to make lists in my mind most of the time.. Also, love the chanel and the... well - boys/manchildren (like myself) that i find here. P:S. use to play Empire withe an greatsword "core" so don´t hate me for not changing to the new base size yet. Thats why im here - I love all inf
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
Ruby ring can't be used if you're in combat though so likely would only be getting to attempt to use it 1-2/game and also likely to be in dispel range. don't have the wood elf rules to hand, but assume a cheeky independent character running near a unit to benefit from the protection while still being able to cast spells would be better.
@Lestat_luar 8 ай бұрын
Good to see The Old World!!! Can you explain how to do those reference cards? It´s impossible to remember all the special rules and that´s a great idea 😅
@TheMaltesefalcon204 8 ай бұрын
I see through your plan, say you forgot rules and ask us to comment... slippery slop to hersey 😂 Cracking game, and actually watched the entire game. Can't wait to see more.
@InfernapeGames1 8 ай бұрын
squigs dont break and flee they explode
@backinthelapse 8 ай бұрын
I sold my 2000 points of painted dkok to buy a massive skaven army and I don’t regret it one little bit
@Stuffandstuff974 8 ай бұрын
No skaven slaves anymore though.
@backinthelapse 8 ай бұрын
@@Stuffandstuff974 giant rats 3 points a model fight in extra rank and 3s across the board they are skaven with spears but cheaper and no armour
@backinthelapse 8 ай бұрын
I have a unit of 40 giant rats with 10 pack masters inside of it for 170 points
@backinthelapse 8 ай бұрын
Or take 1 packmaster in 2 units of 25 for 80 points each
@Desperate_Measures 8 ай бұрын
Fantastic report MG, sent you a discord msg about supplying you some trays ❤
@Katiefan123 8 ай бұрын
Cracking game a few minor mistakes but thats what first games are for. Th only big one is you need to be more than double ws to make it 5s to hit. Not just worse. I also think bret knights get close order and lance as combat bonus.
@kingjshgrumpy5481 8 ай бұрын
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for the rules feedback too :)
@LooneyPoliticsTunes 8 ай бұрын
Ps don’t worry about the unpainted models ,it’s a lot of work building and painting a fantasy army. And no need to rebase the gloomspites , there are movement trays you can buy to rank them up properly. Tactical tip , just put bows on goblins and stick some fanatics in the units. If my old brain recalls mass units of peasant bowmen was very scary too. Though I appreciate they are your childhood boys bless your cotton socks. One last comment they are are far too well equipped and shiny for peasants lmao 😂 it’s clear you guys just wanted to play asap , well done for finding enough models for these armies
@wyatttyson7737 8 ай бұрын
Wait, whats wrong with "Spear Chukka?" The best I can find for British Slag with Chuck is to vomit or get rid of, which are 2 of the 3 American meanings of the word along with throw. Am I missing something? Is the name I found for the original name for Goblin Bolt thrower wrong?
@nanakakitano9724 8 ай бұрын
"Spear Chucker" is sometimes used as a derogatory term for African's
@wyatttyson7737 8 ай бұрын
@@nanakakitano9724 Huh, I've never heard that before. Must be a British specific thing I guess.
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
Yea its more towards actual natives (typical zulu garb etc)
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
Yea its more towards actual natives (typical zulu garb etc)
@dking6021 8 ай бұрын
The US Unit definetly needs to either be Hand Gunners, Pistoliers, Outriders (maybe my favorite option, repeater handguns and repeater pistols?) They don't usually get a banner, but if you put one just for the lols, the Volley gun Pistoliers might be the right none tho cause cowboys that charge off with no thought?? Steam Tank could also work,
@DrVitoti 8 ай бұрын
You also get 1 initiative bonus per inch charged upo to a max of 3, so if you charge 2 inches you still get a +2
@francescogiovagnoli6549 8 ай бұрын
oh F*ck YES! I Love Old World! Keep up the great content!
@SkinkChief 8 ай бұрын
More TOW content chaps, love it!
@ajaxthegreatest2191 8 ай бұрын
I hadn't really given much thought to this game until watching this. The difference the bases make compared to 40k is startling.
@acrylnick2281 8 ай бұрын
If you want to overwhelm the enemy wizard try Tzeentch Daemons
@bremer1701 8 ай бұрын
Hell yeah. The Old World. Dont worry. Most TOW BatReps are garbage yours cant be worse :D
@lucianaurelius2418 8 ай бұрын
U didn’t roll a panic check when the troll was ran over!
@TheTobaccoman 8 ай бұрын
Last I played bolt throwers didn’t misfire, just as an fyi.
@acrylnick2281 8 ай бұрын
Goblins are the way.
@stunistus 8 ай бұрын
Where abouts did the game mat come from? Nice video!
@rileyernst9086 8 ай бұрын
Empire handgunners upgraded with volley guns has to be the Americans.
@georgemarsden4226 8 ай бұрын
1:04:00 I thought you were going to say "shoot the bullock off the cat".
@nicolasperel8026 8 ай бұрын
Those are no peasants ! Those are the Mighty Warriors of The Empire !! ;)
@utubenoobie01 7 ай бұрын
Never once did you wheel before you charged to meet maximising model B2B requirements and you never took into account the inches that wheel used and deducted that from your charge distance. You don't actually just slide the tray across the table at a diagonal you know! Wheeling to face, moving, closing the door, all very important things in Fantasy. Don't worry about it tho, you're 40K players and you haven't played Fantasy in maybe 20 years!
@briarsandbantams 8 ай бұрын
Win or lose, greenskins are always fun to watch. They should be pretty easy to get painted up using Speedpaints and the like.
@joelwashere5382 8 ай бұрын
Obligatory Comment 🫡
@robberthess1587 7 ай бұрын
Hi mord you can paint the flags for you bathonia army The Dutch Flags 🇳🇱 Love you chenal and thxs for all your tips for my gaurds and hope you make a tutorial for the Empire Greetings from the Netherlands
@Matt-lk5ng 8 ай бұрын
What was the bolt thrower named before?
@Throckmorton12 8 ай бұрын
Searching and failing for what the bolt thrower used to be called?!
@Raygun9000 8 ай бұрын
Spear chukka
@mjhsinclair 8 ай бұрын
Argh, the Witcher music. I love it so much. :)
@SteelStorm33 8 ай бұрын
regular orks were always as strong and tough as trained humans, this changed with the 3rd edition 40k codex orks, in the 3rd edition rulebook index orks had still the stats of a human. in fantasy black orcs are the tough guys, there was something with trolls and orcs crossbreed...
@Flintun 8 ай бұрын
Lets gooooooooo
@pabloalonsolasagabaster658 8 ай бұрын
Whats wrong with the bolt thrower original name hahahah i used to play in Spanish as a kid and the literal translation into english it would be something like ¨spike thrower¨
@nathanasaurusrex71 8 ай бұрын
Meta? I hardly know her!!
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
help me out brothers...that music in the intro...HOMM..or...somethings home page? it's so familiar!
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
MajorKill outro, knew it was familiar
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
MajorKill outro, knew it was familiar
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
MajorKill outro, knew it was familiar
@sclarke6969 8 ай бұрын
MajorKill outro, knew it was familiar
@acrylnick2281 8 ай бұрын
Why are peasonts cheaper than rats??
@bremer1701 8 ай бұрын
because peasants are worthless vermin.
@clarkwalter7170 8 ай бұрын
Because poster boy syndrome ?
@wiseoldwyrm765 8 ай бұрын
Men of Harlech, stop your dreaming Can't you see their bolt throwers gleaming?
@SquidFisT44 8 ай бұрын
🦑🦑🦑🦑🦑 approved
@thesouthernbearsfan 8 ай бұрын
Why does this guy have the same voice as Dantdm from 2016
@aaronishappy 8 ай бұрын
Sorry but I genuinely don't understand how Spear Chukka is considered offensive!?
@priorityordersdiscarded7868 8 ай бұрын
It's a racist term
@chrisbaker91 7 ай бұрын
Has previously been used as a derogatory term towards Africans by racists. Especially when combined with the savage / tribal lore of o&g and people love to draw comparisons between choices made when designing fantasy races e.g the good guys being the European/ western humans (germanic empire, French brettonians) vs the none European savages. Fits a certain narrative
@GilthosDrakoniss 8 ай бұрын
@garyhorn2438 8 ай бұрын
Dice not in tray, not in play. Instant 1
@Bloodangelsscout 8 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with playing with unpainted stuff!
@camwardart 8 ай бұрын
@t3hSpAdEs 8 ай бұрын
11:18 I gotta know
@sarico7827 8 ай бұрын
woohoo go Greenskins!
@janehrahan5116 8 ай бұрын
I may be in error, but I belive knight errant require a unit of knights of the realm per unit of errant knights. So the list I think may be illegal. Again I may be wrong on that.
@MordianGlory 8 ай бұрын
Ah You are correct! Will make sure to get that right in the future :)
@janehrahan5116 8 ай бұрын
Also some pro tips. Get a duke with gromils great helm. 2+ armor save re rolling 1s with 4 wounds. If you want a knight errants leaned thing. It's by unit not by model. You can bring a 10 man errant unit with a 5 man realm knight unit. Dismounted knights are good for being in the center of a peasant mob to raise morale for fewer points and without cutting mobility.
@jumpymidget1 8 ай бұрын
Are the NEW Tempestus Aquilons BROKEN!
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