Another great video about a very interesting subject. I've often times thought about how to incorporate the various orders of knights and knighthood into my Greyhawk campaign.
@MarkCMG Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! I loved the Living Greyhawk Gaz. Quite captivating!
@Daleksaresupreme1 Жыл бұрын
I like the the Knights of Dispatch, sort of medieval kamados who split off from the knights of the watch
@siliconkain700 Жыл бұрын
So happy that your The Castle of the Mad Archmage Kickstarter is already a success! Can't wait to get my copy :)
@patrickgaron1728 Жыл бұрын
yes, congrats!
@DanielJPriceiii Жыл бұрын
Greyhawk Forever
@jermwar Жыл бұрын
Knightly orders aside, there could and should be honorary orders -- Orders of Chivalry, Orders of Merit, ec. -- as a non-monetary honor for services rendered. One possible problem with knightly orders is that odds are you won't have the whole party be members, which may make the order merely in name only (and thus not any different from an Order of Merit) or perhaps introduce factions within the party, even if only a Party faction vs a kight faction among the PCs. Now, that may not be a bad thing, and could even be a good thing. Depends on what the campaign is, how the order impacts that, and of course the players at the table. But consider something like current day British knighthood, or the Order of the Iron Helmet of Hesse-Kassel (abolished in 1866). Get a medal, a title, an ability to network...could have much the same game impact as a militant order of knights, but potentially be more flexible in how it is used (or ignored) in-game.
@shaunhall960 Жыл бұрын
I've been following your channel for awhile now and I can say now that I'm very interested in running a Greyhawk campaign. I would defiantly do things differently but that is why we love our hobby so much is that everyone has a different way of doing things.
@The_Custos Жыл бұрын
Knights of the Dispatch sound cool.
@AtlasRathbane4346 Жыл бұрын
The knights of Luna are connected to the elven navy from spelljammer in my campaign that promotes elven supremacy over the lands and high elf and Grey elf supremacy over the sylvan elves.
@lanhousedasantana2049 Жыл бұрын
I missed not having a thread about the Knights Protectors of the Great Kingdom. The only order of chivalry that had knights of Heironeous and Hextor united in its ranks facing the forces of chaos.
@sststr Жыл бұрын
Just a few days ago, I learned that Paynims is a real word, and not a Gygaxian invention. I had no idea! It makes sense that there would be a lot of smaller orders of knighthood scattered about - surely Nyrond and the Great Kingdom have orders, for example, no doubt Urnst. Pale and/or Tenh probably copied the idea at some point. Even places like the Bandit Kingdoms and the Horned Society might have something that makes a mockery of their neighbors' knighthoods. The couple that are listed in the Boxed Set I take as being meant to be the most notable and senior ones, but I doubt they were meant to be the only ones.
@mitchelldunn9149 Жыл бұрын
I have just discovered your channel. I appreciate the content, as I am trying to study gygaxian story telling techniques for the sake of my own setting and creative endeavors. This has proven an invaluable resource already.
@seanhejnal246 Жыл бұрын
Great subject! Actually in medieval times a night was the head person in what was sometimes referred to as a Lance. Each lancewood consists of a night a mounted Squire 325 longbowmen and as many footman or men-at-arms. This would constitute a rapid deployment force in the day
@coachlarry6773 Жыл бұрын
I am new to your channel and enjoying it immensely. Lots to catch up, but very interesting and enjoyable. Request, could you do how you would set up a stronghold in or around Greyhawk. Thank you
@pentegarn1 Жыл бұрын
Probably a lot of red tape....or maybe get on Mordenkainen's good side by doing some kind of service for him that helps the realm?
@andrewlustfield6079 Жыл бұрын
Oh, sure. I've used most of these orders to some effect or another. Festivals and tournaments would be a great place for characters to make the acquaintance of different orders, and in doing so hear about quests or missions for the various orders, etc. And the further you get pulled in by one order or another, the more you find out about the various NPCs, possible intrigues if you're running a highly political campaign.
@katjordan3733 Жыл бұрын
Just last month, after buying the Ghosts of Saltmarsh I dug out the old Greyhawk map. I had a copy made and started looking where all my old modules would be placed. I run 5e, but have so much AD&D material that I've updated. So I will be running off Greyhawk maps. Thanks for this channel. It is giving me ideas to work on my version of this world.
@rosssimmerman43 Жыл бұрын
Running a 5e ToEE campaign so I'm using Knights of the Heart from it and will eventually use some others. I'm using the new heraldry done by Anna B. Meyer for them.
@johnedgar7956 Жыл бұрын
This was perfectly timed! At long last I'm finally getting a Greyhawk game (using 5e; it's the only game my players are familiar with) for new, unbiased players who are younger than me and have never set foot on the Flanaess, as it were. No jaded preconceptions! I can introduce them to this classic RPG setting all afresh, and I'm going to do something new: I'm going to try to set it in the post-wars era which is a first for me. It'll be in northwestern Keoland for starters. The last time I tried that, the Knights of the Watch made an appearance there. If I'm not mistaken, isn't there a splinter group of the Watch who take special interest in the evils afoot in the Rushmoors? It might not be canon, but I saw it somewhere.
@danalamillo28269 ай бұрын
Just reveived my hard copy of Castle of the Archmage earlier this week. I've been reading through it since then. One of the best and thorough book on the market. Thanks for what you do!
@GreyhawkGrognard9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@Iambiguous Жыл бұрын
Love the shot at the end!
@AAron-gr3jk Жыл бұрын
Actually a really good thematic focus for adventures in Greyhawk: lean into the medievalism
@weray7605 Жыл бұрын
I use The Knights of The Hart as an organization of 'free' or 'roaming' individuals who were initiated into the Order based on merit and Alignment. In other words, there isn't a Castle Hart, per say, nor is there a standing army nor other strongholds where you may encounter a garrison or platoon of Knights of the Hart. Instead, you may encounter a random NPC who, in addition to whatever else he may be doing (raising sheep on his farm outside Verbobonc, taking a quest to hunt some Undead in Veluna (with some other adventurers), or even hanging out in Belvor IV's castle in Furyondy listening to reports on sightings of Warduke), they're all also members of The Order of The Knights of the Hart. Then, if Iuz and Mama Iggwilv start heading toward Highfolk with a bunch of monsters, they can be alerted via magic and all individually race to Highfolk to help. .... This design accomplishes three things for play: First, it makes it so PCs can be members of Knights of the Hart and still be PCs. Second, it makes it so there isn't an army of NPCs doing all the fun campaigning that PCs are suppose to do! Third, it makes it so that the PCs have to fight Iuz & Mama Iggwilv in Highport while they wait for The Knight of the Hart to arrive.
@BW022 Жыл бұрын
I've also assumed that most of the central states have their own knights under the local lords. These would be for everything from guarding the lord and tax collection to providing service to the country's leader. Basically anyone with a horse, armor, and weapons who owned land would be a knight. The orders in Greyhawk I've always considered those who served causes rather than a local lord. The none central states would have similar 'knights' serving petty lords, but typically not called knights. Also, GG I'd call out that knights of these orders (specially Hart) would only have a single cohort. Historically most knights would have a large number of men-at-arms under them -- especially if joining an order. 2-3 squires, plus a dozen or more men-at-arms for duties such as watching horses, guard duty, escorting wagons, etc. plus an equal number of servants (cooks, valets, carters, maybe a smith, quartermaster, priest, etc., etc.) I've also assumed that many of these would take direct command of specific units when traveling. i.e. knights of the High Forest probably take hundreds of men each into the Vesve or other missions. Yes, joining the knight orders were big things for most paladins and cavaliers in any of might higher level campaigns which took place in those areas of the Flannese. One of the few times I played (vs. DMing), I had a human paladin/wizard who went through a crazy number of adventures to get into the Knights of Furyondy. I remember it like the seven trials of Hercules or something. I was on my last one when the campaign ended. Our silly DM got a girlfriend at the end of the summer and I had to start another campaign.
@GRWelsh7 Жыл бұрын
I've never really leaned into the Knights of the Watch as crusaders... Conflicts focused on "Europeans" versus "Arabs" feel too similar to the real world for me. I tend to focus on a more fantasy angle with knights fighting ogres, giants, dragons, etc. But I'm always curious if anyone else has used the Knights of the Watch in their campaign and how it went.
@johnstuartkeller5244 Жыл бұрын
In my campaign, the Knights of the Shield 🛡 are scattered. Most of them fell against the forces of the Horned Lands. Those whovremain act as knights errant, having to act with honor and courage, but also with sense and patience, lest their zealotry endanger others or snuff out the order completely. The Knights of the Watchcare yet to be addressed ... The only order of the Hart left are the Knights of Furyondy, as elves are now almost nonexistent. They are nationalistically loyal, which is fitting as their main job these days are protecting the boarders of Furyondy from Vecnite inursions. The Knights of Veluna have had to shift their focus. Elves have all but vanished. Those who remain in their himelands are focused on protecting it from allnoutside influences, while some are sent forth to find and protect any elves in the outside world, recover powerful elvish artifacts, or find a way to save thebelvish race from extinction.
@stephenclements6158 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for reminding me to stay safe from the Pinkertons! I was starting to let my guard down. 😅
@GreyhawkGrognard Жыл бұрын
They're crafty! Better check the shed right now. They might be lurking within.
@stephenclements6158 Жыл бұрын
@@GreyhawkGrognard hahahaha, oh no!
@stevestumpy6873 Жыл бұрын
@Cyberfender18 ай бұрын
I'm putting my campaign between Gransul and Westkeep( on the coast of azure and the Dreadwood) in the south. What would be a logical crusade( army of expedition) to move again down the coast? I envision They are on this crusade to subdue slavery and control the southlands( posible What would be a good order of Knights to use backed by some Keolandi duke( Skotti himself) and some financiers to fund it? Thanks for anyone's help. Due to The naval power of the Sea Princes naval blockade? IMHO it's the south Scarlet Brotherhood that needs to be dealt with.Thanks for keeping Greyhawk alive! Huazza!
@seanhejnal246 Жыл бұрын
T hats 3 to 5 bowmen!
@dennisthornton4434 Жыл бұрын
Would rather have the animated the hobbit Tshirt.
@GreyhawkGrognard Жыл бұрын
Chet Minton sells them on his website.
@dennisthornton4434 Жыл бұрын
@@GreyhawkGrognard that was quick.
@mattslater167 Жыл бұрын
The Knights of Furyondi, Veluna, and the High Forest are orders of the Hart, not the Watch. The Watch Knights are the Keoish order.