Organist Gert van Hoef is een hit op YouTube

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Reformatorisch Dagblad

Reformatorisch Dagblad

7 жыл бұрын

Gert van Hoef (22) uit Barneveld is een hit op KZbin. Meer dan 300 filmpjes zette de organist inmiddels online. Zijn kanaal telt ruim 21.000 abonnees. Sommige video’s trekken honderdduizenden kijkers, van over de hele wereld. De organist vertelt over zijn intenties.
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@JamesManning-tu6rs 5 жыл бұрын
He is so genuine and is not erargant in any way. Organists seem to be few and to have him is absolutely a blessing and beautiful. I would love to sit and listen to him in person just once in my life. His smile shows the joy his heart has for the organ.
@danielnadeau3677 3 жыл бұрын
So easy to love a great talent like that and a guy like him best best best to you Gert .
@deekobald9260 7 жыл бұрын
great chat.. I used to live in Amsterdam and listen to ton Koopman at the Waalse kerek in the late 1970s. Thanks to youtube being in Canada I get to visit all these amazing churches and listen to Gert play! Thank you Gert!
@johnkaylor3929 2 жыл бұрын
Gert has a little technical problem. NOT with his music, which countless have praised to the highest levels, and justly. But with 'interviewing' about himself. How does one describe, in words, a fabulous painting of a wondrous sunset. You can't. You can see it and marvel at it, but to 'send' or describe that vision to someone else via a collection of words - is impossible. He can tell us what he 'thinks' about various aspects of being an organist, or a musician, but he will NEVER describe how he marvelously formulates certain incredibly beautiful performances, spontaneously real-time. He simply possesses a special gift - and that's that. The most beautiful flower you have ever seen is simply : beautiful. Even though it doesn't speak 1 word about itself, it sits there incredibly beautiful. Words will simply fail to ever 'communicate' it's beauty.
@jannetbijland191 6 жыл бұрын
Deze jongeman. speelt vanuit zijn hart. Hij speelt heel erg mooi.
@teunvanrootselaar7140 7 жыл бұрын
Wat en genot om daar na te luisteren, dank je wel Gert. T.v.R.
@anitakrol8502 5 жыл бұрын
Ik ben een trouwe volger van Gert. Het geeft me een hele boel afleiding van genieten van het orgelmuziek. Ik ben chronisch ziek en ben blij dat het zo kan. Ik kan niet naar een gewoon concert
@klaasevertklaasevert254 7 жыл бұрын
Dank, dat je talent met ons wil delen,het geeft hoop,ga door zo Gert gr. Albert.W
@thomasross6808 5 жыл бұрын
I love Gert van Hoef's music, I greatly admire his talent, I respect his modest presentation, and I just love him.
@johnkaylor3929 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree Thomas. Never in my life, and I'm now a senior, have I come to feel a pure and deep sense of 'love' for a public figure. Especially one I never heard of and don't even know. There's something strange about Gert that evokes a sense of 'selfless and pure of heart' person in his nature. He has such a simple beautiful and charmed persona. He also can produce musical beauty naturally and spontaneously. Example, in the video 'The making of Premier' the very moment that that new (and unfamiliar type of) organ is connected, he instantly starts to produce wonderful music the moment he touches the keys, and with no effort. ( if that wasn't enough, right afterwards the Sun comes down upon him ) I'm not superstitious, but that was an odd 'coincidence' which I'm not completely sure was coincidence.
@abrahamcusters2987 5 жыл бұрын
Leuk om een interview met je te horen. Je bent een godsgeschenk.
@albertvanjaarsveld5048 6 жыл бұрын
Dit is wonderlik dat Gert sy musiek met die wereld deel. Waar ons op die platteland woon (Zoeloeland, Suid-Afrika), het ons nie toegang tot hierdie musiek behalwe deur die internet en You-tube nie. Dankie Gert - hou so aan!
@DaanLam 5 жыл бұрын
@@srinagarpakistan3627 Dit is geen Nederlands, maar zuidafrikaans. Dus niet zeiken.
@benedoorn2900 7 жыл бұрын
ik blijf naar je luisteren, prachtig gekleurd
@santjoa7630 4 жыл бұрын
Gewoon doorgaan met muziek tot Gods eer te spelen !
@ceeshenkwielaart7036 6 жыл бұрын
Dit is echt genieten !!
@Leonardo7772012 6 жыл бұрын
Bedankt voor jouw inspirerende muziek. Ik ben in Brazilie geboren en altijd gewoond. Als kind hoorde ik op ´zongag morgen vaak stukken van bv Feike Asma waar mijn vader LPs van had. Ik moest van mijn vader blokfluit leren en later een jaar orgel les gevolgd, maar dat lag me niet. Ik kon niet met bijde handen spelen, ha ha ha Ik vond orgel muziek prachtig, maar ikzelf kon het niet. Ik hoop dat als ik mischien weer eens in Nederland kom, dat ik een orgel concert mag meemaken, en als mogelijk mischien zelfs een concert van je, Gert.....Of zelfs psalmen en gezangem meezingen. Ik hou in ´t speciaal van HEER U bent mijn leven. Blijf zo doorgaan maar blijv altijd nederig, zoals je bent. Nogmaals bedankt.
@davidwakefield8267 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with Thomas Ross 's comments below. Gert, you are fast becoming one of the world's greatest organists yet you are so modest. Really interesting hearing you thoughts on music.
@rosemarie2841 5 жыл бұрын
......schade ich kann kein holländisch......aber seine Musik „verstehe“ ich, er „spielt“ so toll 😊
@fredrikzwiebel4884 7 жыл бұрын
Gert van Hoef is a great organist and a fine man.
@dissilymordentroge5818 7 жыл бұрын
I know nothing of what kind of man he might be but if he keeps flirting third rate populist repertiore a great organist could too soon turn into the Liberace of the organ. Not something I want to see happen.
@Bouncybon 7 жыл бұрын
Mr van Hoef plays a wide range of music including J S Bach and Widor much of it from memory. He also has his own melodic favourites on which he often improvises with sparkling originality and flair. It's unreasonable to describe his choices as a 'populist repertoire'. Gert often plays for church congregations in Holland, leading them brilliantly and with obvious affection. He has become an accomplished organist in about ten years since he was fourteen. Gert is a great personality and yes - a fine man :-)
@willemvaningen2747 7 жыл бұрын
Arrogant advice how Gert should develop. I would say : mind your own business Dissily !!
@organbuilder272 7 жыл бұрын
Dissily - Hey, You fool. SO he plays popular music. What has that to do with his talent. That popular music you don't like is what brings people to the recitals and pays this man for his time and training. What else would you have him play. Liberace - Yes, He did a wonderful job, like Virgil Fox and E. Power Biggs in bringing classics to the populations. Liberace was the inspiration for many kids to learn to play. Let us hope Gert is another Liberce, Fox or Biggs. Let us hope he inspired more kids to learn to play as he did. It is popular music that lead to building great organs, brought the people into the town halls, and music halls to hear what you snobby fools think should not be played in favor of garbage like Messian. And just the hell are you to judge Gert or anyone else. Tend to your playing, mind your own business. You have no right to decide what anyone should advise. It is about time the organ world realized that the populace doesn't like the slash and bash the current crop in incompetent organs are attempting to foisdt on them. They could n't play something like this - especially on this organ.
@dissilymordentroge5818 7 жыл бұрын
Garbage like Messian? Tells me enough about your musical discernment to know arguing this with you is a waste of time. Enjoy you simplified populist muck, if that's your standard.
@garywait3231 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks from an American church musician. I warmly agree with your remarks about interpretation and inspiration as well as technical skill.I sensed that in your videos before I heard this one; that's why I keep coming back to your excellent performances via the miracle of this medium. I too, admire Koopman. Best wishes for your continued success.
@dieter1457 5 жыл бұрын
Ausgesprochen reife Aussagen für einen so jungen Menschen. Very mature and a lot of substance in what he says. Great artist even in the beginning of his career.
@ffgille 7 жыл бұрын
Wat ben jij een fantastische man, dat jij die muziek aan mensen als arabieren wilt 'geven'. ik heb contact met hen en vind ze aardig. - er is veel onderzoek naar hen nodig om ze te helpen hun land gezond te krijgen, - muziek is daar een onderdeel van. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♥
@johnshares444 7 ай бұрын
Gert the best
@jdkoozer 4 ай бұрын
Golden Organist , MagicalPipes :)
@davidstuart401 7 жыл бұрын
Ja, det orgelspegler, Gert, det ongerman os geve lardesmusiken. Tak, Gert.
@mauriziocozzi6964 4 жыл бұрын
@organbuilder272 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Gert/ Nice sneakers. Keep wearing them. It is such a hoot to those who talk so much about what you should not do. Play it barefoot if you want. It would be great to have this in English, Gert. You speak English perfectly.
@capacityplus 5 жыл бұрын
Use the captions translation.
@Peterb5833 4 жыл бұрын
Correctie! Gert en Marjolein zijn en hit op KZbin 🧐😉
@ellenstamps6344 7 жыл бұрын
als kind gingen we luisteren naar Feike Asthma. Mijn moeder nam ons mee naar de Wilhelmina kerk.
@mjotd8670 4 жыл бұрын
Have you Ever considered working with André Rieu ?, that would be amazing!
@inequil1026 6 жыл бұрын
What kind of organ is this? Where can I purchase one of those organs? Presumably, you can put them somewhere at home. Any insight is appreciated? Thanks, Gert for continuing to enriching my life with your wonderful music.
@ContentOrgans 6 жыл бұрын
Dear, You can find all the information about this model at our website: If you want to get more information; please let us know. We can send you the details and specifications by e-mail. Kind Regards, CONTENT Organs
@RavenTimish-hackertimish 5 жыл бұрын
@@ContentOrgans Yes, Sir, that's right ! It even gets better, much better: the (digital) organ Mr. Gert Van Hoef plays has the (famous) "Hauptwerk" operating system & software installed, meaning it isn't just ONE - it's more than *200* different - pipe organs ! Easily accessible by just tapping the touchscreen on the left of this wonderful - 3 manuals - instrument. This screen is multi functional, one can also control the stops (and much more) and create (complex) programs, to be able to change many settings by simply hitting just one button. (It is the Cambiare 323 "Hauptwerk" - a great digital pipe organ). I admit this amazing instrument is not cheap, but for pipe organ loving musicians it's certainly worth every dollar. Imho the only thing it lacks is a high end "sub bass loudspeaker" (e.g. the one I got: the R.E.L. Q150E) to reproduce the deepest notes of the pedal (especially the "32 foot") it can even go below 20Hz !. It will sound (and _physically_ feel) like a large pipe organ played in church. True: I'm an eclectic "high end audio lover" - because reproducing Classic/Baroque (and Renaissance) Music needs & deserves it. At home it should sound as realistic & beautiful as in church or in a convert hall - and it does ! Though these "gadgets" were rather expensive - still it's the best "investment" I ever made. Because it "pays" me "back" by provinding my family, friends and me happiness - every day.. 😃 In brief: Well done, "Content Orgels" (yes, your formidable digital pipe organs do make me feel very "content") and Blessed Be, dear Mr. Gert Van Hoef (and Bless you wife Mrs. Marjolein and your son Thomas too !). The way you play this lovely Music really touches my heart and makes me happy beyond imagination - I play (at least) one of your awesomely wonderful concerts every day, what more could I say ? Imho: anyone criticizing you, Sir, just doesn't understand Music the way you & I do. Thank you ! ❤😊😊❤
@daureaprado9434 3 жыл бұрын
Por que vcs não fazem tradução ? Queremos ver e ouvir ou ler o que é falado! U m trabalho mais completo!
@lucabrenkmusic715 7 жыл бұрын
how does the first piece called?
@lucabrenkmusic715 7 жыл бұрын
that you play at the beginning
@resultant64 5 жыл бұрын
software.... nice but a bit weak.... seen your videos when you were a kid.... ;)
@bertg5294 6 жыл бұрын
naar het hart...?
@marinusdeboed 5 жыл бұрын
Speel eens psalm 139 : 1 - 7 - 14
@bertg5294 5 жыл бұрын
Sommige mensen weten blijkbaar niet dat het hart gewoon een pomp is...
@davealbrecht12 7 жыл бұрын
Nou die organisten die hij opnoemt zijn wel ok. Frederick Swann, Diane Bish, Gerre Hancock, Paul Halley, Thomas Murray, Catherine Crozier, Joyce Jones, Jane Watts, Carlo Curley, Dorothy Papadakous, Cameron Carpenter, Gillian Weir, Olivier Latry, Xaver Varnus, Kalevi Kivniemi, Carol Williams, Jean Guillou, Simpon Preston, Virgil Fox, Christopher Herrick, Daniel Roth, Felix Hell en natuurlijk Paul Jacobs (de enige organist ter wereld met een pullitzer prijs)....zijn allen vele malen beter!
@geert-wouter5399 3 жыл бұрын
Ben van oosten is zeker even goed.
@X2O8MZV9 6 жыл бұрын
i dont understand why youtube audience hypes him so much. in most videos he plays the piece sloppily and he always plays wrong notes. ich versteh den hype nicht um den typen. in den meisten youtubevideos hudelt der hektisch irgendein stück dahin und verzockt dabei jedes mal das stück.
@semweinberg9354 6 жыл бұрын
X2O8MZV9 not sure if I agree m8. His performance of Francks third choral for example is one of the best on this site. Mostly because he plays it in his own unique way. And that requires talent.
@pipeorganizer8336 6 жыл бұрын
Do it better! Please! I want see it
@jhiv3945 5 жыл бұрын
Well, of course, you are a perfect person, especially in the art of criticism!
@dieter1457 5 жыл бұрын
Du läufst mit deinen Äusserungen Gefahr, aller Welt zu zeigen, wie wenig du von Musik verstehst. With your comment you are running the risk to demostrate to the entire world how little you really do know about music.
@SternDrive 5 жыл бұрын
X208MZV9 is jealous because he can not play half as good a Gert. Get off your rear X20 and practice. I doubt you will ever get an audience like Gert, but at least you will keep yourself better occupied.
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