Seeing this video made me tear up. I am only 16, and I was a Protestant for about 4-5 years. My mother was Catholic. Protestants told me to blasphemy the Eucharist and Holy Mary, that the Eucharist is nothing and that Mary is just a vessel from God. Seeing orthodox also have the same high regard for Mary as Catholics made me wish I never fell away from the ancient church’s. Now I am back to ancient faith and I am trying to receive Holy Communion. Although the scars from Protestantism still are noticeable. Holy Mary , mother of God , forgive me for being ignorant!❤
@TheTransfiguredLifeАй бұрын
Wow, this comment is moving. God bless you for realizing this! ❤
@user-ex2bo6ub4gАй бұрын
Protestantism subtly destroys the soul. I had no idea how damaged by it I was.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! It is incredible that you found truth all by yourself at such a young age! Jesus loves you! Mother Mary loves you! God bless you and help you to remain strong in your faith!
@yeahboi2858Ай бұрын
Nowhere in the Bible are we ever told to worship Mary or pray to her. We are to pray to the Lord Almighty alone. Nor are we to pray to apostles. In fact, when people tried to worship them the apostles corrected them. If you read the Bible, you will know this.
@alfamejeu7237Ай бұрын
@@yeahboi2858 I don’t believe in Sola scriptura, nor did the founding fathers of the church. It was until 2000 years later did you Protestants believe in “scripture alone”. Jesus said “behold, your mother”. And the Angel said “you will be called blessed throughout generations” and revelation says “she had stars on her head” etc. I will believe the Fathers who where near the time of Jesus rather than you Protestants who twisted the Bible years later.
@micahbre12Ай бұрын
As an Orthodox priest I tried to get through the movie but it's hard not to see or overlook the errors and theologically are issues for us too. Thank you for clearing this up for the world. Just followed.
@splinterbyrdАй бұрын
I'm Catholic. I'd say there's not much point in giving the "official" version of the story; we already know it. This story raises all sorts of questions even if some of the answers are wrong, and if it encourages discussion, it's valid.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching, Father! And thank you for your support!
@joshstephens12Ай бұрын
Great job with this video! Thanks for posting.
@holasonaАй бұрын
@@joshstephens12thank you for watching! 🙏
@Jon-Doe34Ай бұрын
@@holasona Bravo sis do more whenever you can as I've learned a lot from you and it's very much needed in this time so please whenever you have time please do more a lot more May God Almighty Bless you and your family always 💙🙏🏻
@bethsolomon5633Ай бұрын
Thanks for your accurate review. We Ethiopian Orthodox have the same view as you elaborated beautifully🙏🏽 I stopped watching Netflix last yr, looks like am not missing much.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! 🙏
@yenenehwАй бұрын
My sister, although the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church is part of the OO churches, we stand apart in our belief in the immaculate conception of the blessed Mary. ✝Our tradition holds that original sin is the result of Adam and Eve's disobedience. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit (Gen 2:16-17, Gen 3:1-24, Romans 6:23). Because of this, man’s nature became corrupted. However, this corruption doesn't apply to Mary. *_The consequences of original sin, which include spiritual and physical death, a loss of grace, and a separation from God, are inherited by all human beings. But Mary didn't share in these consequences._* ✝While Adam, Eve, and humanity at large were dead in their transgressions and sins, in which they walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air,... and were by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3), *_Mary, in contrast, walked in accordance with God's will and obeyed His commands (Luke 1:38)._* ✝While Adam, Eve, and humanity at large fell from grace, *_Mary was described as "Full of Grace" (Luke 1:28)._* The term "Full of Grace" suggests that prior to Mary's consent to become the Mother of God, she was endowed with an abundance of divine grace from the very moment of her conception. The use of the perfect passive participle, "Full of Grace," suggests that this state of grace was not a gradual development, but rather was a permanent and intrinsic condition for Mary. ✝Although Adam, Eve, and all humanity were alienated from God and became enemies of God by wicked works (Colossians 1:18), God's presence was with Mary; she was blessed, and the Holy Spirit was with her (Luke 1). As of now, Christ presents all of us as holy, blameless, and above reproach through His death (Colossians 1:24), but we still sin by choice. On the other hand, Mary consciously chose not to sin. *The above convictions lead us to believe that Mary is free from both original sin and personal sin. Therefore, one might naturally question Mary's statement in Luke 1:47, where she proclaims, "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior."* ✝Being a member of the human race, Mary, like all mankind, required salvation and found redemption through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. However, this act of salvation unfolded in a unique and exceptional manner in her case. To understand Mary's need for salvation, it is pivotal to distinguish b/n two fundamental theological concepts: liberative salvation and preservative salvation. Every individual, except Mary, has been saved from the taint of original sin and has been saved from the eternal consequences of personal sin (voluntary transgressions) through the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. *_Mary, by virtue of her unique role, was shielded from original sin and safeguarded from the commission of personal sins throughout her life (God preserved her from committing sins voluntarily)._* In essence, we, the faithful, are saved through liberation from both original and personal sin after the act. *_In contrast, Mary was saved through preservation, being shielded from original sin and the possibility of personal sin before the act._* This represents a unique mode of salvation, wherein God chose to save Mary by preserving her from such spiritual defilement, rather than redeeming her after she had already been tainted by sin. ✝The Bible does indeed speak of salvation in terms of preservation, as evidenced by passages such as Jude 24-25: "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." This biblical perspective suggests that salvation involves not only the notion of liberation, but also the concept of preservation. If the Scriptures view salvation in this dual manner - as both liberating individuals from sin and preserving them from falling - then the idea that the Virgin Mary was saved through a unique process of preservation is entirely consistent with the teachings found in the Bible. The Blessed Mary's exceptional status as the Mother of God warranted a distinctive mode of redemption - one in which she was preserved from the taint of original sin, rather than liberated from it after the fact. *_In an upcoming post, I'll reference the early Church Fathers who, similar to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, upheld the belief in the immaculate conception of Mary._*
@yenenehwАй бұрын
*In Defense of the Blessed Mary.* ✝St. Ephraim:- *_You alone and your Mother are more beautiful than any others, for there is no blemish in you nor any stains upon your Mother._* Who of my children can compare in beauty to these?” (Nisibene Hymns 27:8). ✝St. Ephraim:- Mary was as innocent as Eve before her fall, *_a virgin most estranged from every stain of sin, more holy than the Seraphim, the sealed fountain of the Holy Ghost, the pure seed of God, ever in body and in mind intact and immaculate._* (Carmina Nisibene Hymns). Our blessed Ephrem imparts to us the following teachings: 🔸 The Blessed Mary mirrors Eve before her fall. 🔸 Eve, in her unfallen state, was devoid of original sin and any stain of sin. 🔸 The Blessed Mary therefore is untainted by original sin and devoid of any sin. Additionally, our blessed Ephrem teaches us: 🔸 The Angel Seraphim has always been and remains free from both original sin and the capacity to sin. 🔸 The Blessed Mary however surpasses the holiness of the Angel Seraphim. 🔸 Thus being holier than the Angel Seraphim, the Blessed Mary surely is free from both original sin and the capability to commit sin. ✝St. Theodotus of Ancrya:- A virgin, innocent, *_spotless, free of all defect, untouched, unsullied, holy in soul and body,_* like a lily sprouting among thorns. (Homily 6, 11) ✝St. Ambrose:- Mary, *_a Virgin not only undefiled but a Virgin whom grace has made inviolate, free of every stain of sin._* (Sermon 22, 30) ✝St. Ambrose:- Lift me up bodily and in the flesh, which is fallen in Adam. *_Lift me up not from Sarah but from Mary, a virgin not only undefiled, but a virgin whom grace had made inviolate, free of every stain of sin._* (Commentary on Psalm 118:22-30). ✝St. Proclus:- *_As He formed her without my stain_* of her own, so He proceeded from her contracting no stain. (Homily 1) ✝St. Jacob the Sarug:- The very fact that God has elected her proves that none was ever holier than Mary, *_if any stain had disfigured her soul,_* if any other virgin had been purer and holier, God would have selected her and rejected Mary. (Homilies on the Nativity) ✝St. Ambrose:- What is greater to teach by example than the Mother of God? What more glorious than she whom Glory Itself chose? *_She was a virgin not only in body but also in mind._* (ibid., 2:2:7, The Virgins 2:2:6). ✝St. Athanasius:- O noble Virgin, *_truly you are greater than any other greatness. For who is your equal in greatness, O dwelling place of God the Word? To whom among all creatures shall I compare you, O Virgin?_* You are greater than them all O Covenant, clothed with purity instead of gold! You are the Ark in which is found the golden vessel containing the true manna, that is, the flesh in which divinity resides. (Homily of the Papyrus of Turin 71:216). ✝St. Augustine:- We must except the Holy virgin Mary, *_concerning whom I wish to raise no question when it touches the subject of sins, out of honor to the Lord;_* for from Him we know what abundance of grace for overcoming sin in every particular was conferred upon her who had the merit to conceive and bear Him who undoubtedly had no sin. (Nature and Grace 4, 36) ✝St. Tertullian:- *_It was while Eve was still a virgin that the word of the devil crept in to erect an edifice of death. Likewise through a virgin the Word of God was introduced to set up a structure of life. Thus what had been laid waste in ruin by this sex was by the same sex reestablished in salvation. Eve had believed the serpent; Mary believed Gabriel. That which the one destroyed by believing, the other, by believing, set straight._* (The Flesh of Christ 17:4) ✝St. Justin Martyr:- Eve, a virgin and undefiled, conceived the word of the serpent and bore disobedience and death. But the virgin Mary received faith and joy when the angel Gabriel announced to her the glad tidings that the Spirit of the Lord would come upon her and the power of the Most High would overshadow her, for which reason the Holy One being born of her is the Son of God. And she replied ‘Be it done unto me according to your word’ (Dialogue with Trypho the Jew). ✝St. Irenaeus:- Eve's disobedient, was made the cause of death for herself and for the whole human race; so also Mary, betrothed to a man but nevertheless still a virgin, being obedient, was made the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race. *_Thus, the knot of Eve’s disobedience was loosed by the obedience of Mary. What the virgin Eve had bound in unbelief, the virgin Mary loosed through faith. Eve disobeyed God, yet Mary was obedient to God. In this way, the virgin Mary become the advocate of the virgin Eve. And thus, as the human race fell into bondage to death by means of a virgin, so it is rescued by a virgin. Virginal disobedience has been balanced in the opposite scale by virginal obedience._* For in the same way, the sin of the first created man received amendment by the correction of the First-Begotten. (Against Heresies 3:22:24)
@marie6226Ай бұрын
This is an excellent analysis. I'm not Orthodox, but the parts about Holy Tradition and Orthodox theology were fascinating and made me want to do more research.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! I am so glad the video was helpful! 🙏
@alisonpalmer2676Ай бұрын
Being brought up Methodist,Mary is very much overlooked, your expert knowledge has shown me that she and Joseph deserve our veneration and we have been missing out
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! And thank you for sharing! Indeed, they are our family too!
@ieshjust16Ай бұрын
My grandma was a methodist pastor. Now I'm an Orthodox Catechumen.
@joshstephens12Ай бұрын
When I investigated Orthodoxy and researched the history of Christianity, I was shocked to see the early reformers Wesley, Luther, and Calvin had a much different view of the Most Holy Theotokos than modern Protestants.
@fdmuaddiАй бұрын
That was kind of you to critique the movie so gently. The truth is, as a Catholic, I'm greatly disappointed with these people who identify as catholics but behave like some Protestants... I'm very grateful to you for opening people's eyes to the truth... May our Lord bless you and Mother Mary envelope you under her mantel.. 🙏 ✝️❤️🔥
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! And thank you for watching! God bless you too!
@tdtadesse547Ай бұрын
Wow this was such a great analysis. Especially about Saint Joseph, like you said how honorably and pious must he have been to be the earthly guardian of his creator and our Lady.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! 🙏
@newone5198Ай бұрын
this is the best interview of the film I've seen so far
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you! 🙏
@misraktarekegn4474Ай бұрын
Everything I have learned as an Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo is explained word for word here. Thank you very much!
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! 🙏
@tdtadesse547Ай бұрын
I was going to say the same thing! So so so interesting we have the same traditions about the Mother of God ❤❤
@yenenehwАй бұрын
Please be cautious! While the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church is part of the OO churches, we stand apart in our faith regarding the immaculate conception of the blessed Mary. ✝Our tradition holds that original sin is the result of Adam and Eve's disobedience. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit (Gen 2:16-17, Gen 3:1-24, Romans 6:23). Because of this, man’s nature became corrupted. However, this corruption doesn't apply to Mary. *_The consequences of original sin, which include spiritual and physical death, a loss of grace, and a separation from God, are inherited by all human beings. But Mary didn't share in these consequences._* ✝While Adam, Eve, and humanity at large were dead in their transgressions and sins, in which they walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air,... and were by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3), *_Mary, in contrast, walked in accordance with God's will and obeyed His commands (Luke 1:38)._* ✝While Adam, Eve, and humanity at large fell from grace, *_Mary was described as "Full of Grace" (Luke 1:28)._* The term "Full of Grace" suggests that prior to Mary's consent to become the Mother of God, she was endowed with an abundance of divine grace from the very moment of her conception. The use of the perfect passive participle, "Full of Grace," suggests that this state of grace was not a gradual development, but rather was a permanent and intrinsic condition for Mary. ✝Although Adam, Eve, and all humanity were alienated from God and became enemies of God by wicked works (Colossians 1:18), God's presence was with Mary; she was blessed, and the Holy Spirit was with her (Luke 1). As of now, Christ presents all of us as holy, blameless, and above reproach through His death (Colossians 1:24), but we still sin by choice. On the other hand, Mary consciously chose not to sin. *The above convictions lead us to believe that Mary is free from both original sin and personal sin. Therefore, one might naturally question Mary's statement in Luke 1:47, where she proclaims, "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior."* ✝Being a member of the human race, Mary, like all mankind, required salvation and found redemption through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. However, this act of salvation unfolded in a unique and exceptional manner in her case. To understand Mary's need for salvation, it is pivotal to distinguish b/n two fundamental theological concepts: liberative salvation and preservative salvation. Every individual, except Mary, has been saved from the taint of original sin and has been saved from the eternal consequences of personal sin (voluntary transgressions) through the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. *_Mary, by virtue of her unique role, was shielded from original sin and safeguarded from the commission of personal sins throughout her life (God preserved her from committing sins voluntarily)._* In essence, we, the faithful, are saved through liberation from both original and personal sin after the act. *_In contrast, Mary was saved through preservation, being shielded from original sin and the possibility of personal sin before the act._* This represents a unique mode of salvation, wherein God chose to save Mary by preserving her from such spiritual defilement, rather than redeeming her after she had already been tainted by sin. ✝The Bible does indeed speak of salvation in terms of preservation, as evidenced by passages such as Jude 24-25: "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." This biblical perspective suggests that salvation involves not only the notion of liberation, but also the concept of preservation. If the Scriptures view salvation in this dual manner - as both liberating individuals from sin and preserving them from falling - then the idea that the Virgin Mary was saved through a unique process of preservation is entirely consistent with the teachings found in the Bible. The Blessed Mary's exceptional status as the Mother of God warranted a distinctive mode of redemption - one in which she was preserved from the taint of original sin, rather than liberated from it after the fact. *_In an upcoming post, I'll reference the early Church Fathers who, similar to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, upheld the belief in the immaculate conception of Mary._*
@yenenehwАй бұрын
@@tdtadesse547 Please be cautious, although the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church is part of the OO churches, we stand apart in our belief in the immaculate conception of the blessed Mary. ✝Our tradition holds that original sin is the result of Adam and Eve's disobedience. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit (Gen 2:16-17, Gen 3:1-24, Romans 6:23). Because of this, man’s nature became corrupted. However, this corruption doesn't apply to Mary. *_The consequences of original sin, which include spiritual and physical death, a loss of grace, and a separation from God, are inherited by all human beings. But Mary didn't share in these consequences._* ✝While Adam, Eve, and humanity at large were dead in their transgressions and sins, in which they walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air,... and were by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3), *_Mary, in contrast, walked in accordance with God's will and obeyed His commands (Luke 1:38)._* ✝While Adam, Eve, and humanity at large fell from grace, *_Mary was described as "Full of Grace" (Luke 1:28)._* The term "Full of Grace" suggests that prior to Mary's consent to become the Mother of God, she was endowed with an abundance of divine grace from the very moment of her conception. The use of the perfect passive participle, "Full of Grace," suggests that this state of grace was not a gradual development, but rather was a permanent and intrinsic condition for Mary. ✝Although Adam, Eve, and all humanity were alienated from God and became enemies of God by wicked works (Colossians 1:18), God's presence was with Mary; she was blessed, and the Holy Spirit was with her (Luke 1). As of now, Christ presents all of us as holy, blameless, and above reproach through His death (Colossians 1:24), but we still sin by choice. On the other hand, Mary consciously chose not to sin. *The above convictions lead us to believe that Mary is free from both original sin and personal sin. Therefore, one might naturally question Mary's statement in Luke 1:47, where she proclaims, "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior."* ✝Being a member of the human race, Mary, like all mankind, required salvation and found redemption through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. However, this act of salvation unfolded in a unique and exceptional manner in her case. To understand Mary's need for salvation, it is pivotal to distinguish b/n two fundamental theological concepts: liberative salvation and preservative salvation. Every individual, except Mary, has been saved from the taint of original sin and has been saved from the eternal consequences of personal sin (voluntary transgressions) through the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. *_Mary, by virtue of her unique role, was shielded from original sin and safeguarded from the commission of personal sins throughout her life (God preserved her from committing sins voluntarily)._* In essence, we, the faithful, are saved through liberation from both original and personal sin after the act. *_In contrast, Mary was saved through preservation, being shielded from original sin and the possibility of personal sin before the act._* This represents a unique mode of salvation, wherein God chose to save Mary by preserving her from such spiritual defilement, rather than redeeming her after she had already been tainted by sin. ✝The Bible does indeed speak of salvation in terms of preservation, as evidenced by passages such as Jude 24-25: "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." This biblical perspective suggests that salvation involves not only the notion of liberation, but also the concept of preservation. If the Scriptures view salvation in this dual manner - as both liberating individuals from sin and preserving them from falling - then the idea that the Virgin Mary was saved through a unique process of preservation is entirely consistent with the teachings found in the Bible. The Blessed Mary's exceptional status as the Mother of God warranted a distinctive mode of redemption - one in which she was preserved from the taint of original sin, rather than liberated from it after the fact. *_In an upcoming post, I'll reference the early Church Fathers who, similar to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, upheld the belief in the immaculate conception of Mary._*
@homeschoolwellАй бұрын
Brilliant overview! I’m a catechumen and I picked up on some of these issues myself, thanks for taking the time to share your theological & film insights 🙏🏼
@loonshkijАй бұрын
You are so well-informed and articulate! I haven't seen the film (don't get Netflix) but this video can stand alone as a lecture about Mary. What I appreciate most about this video is the notion that seemingly subtle differences can be so significant. I hope that your videos inspire people to look more deeply into the wisdom of tradition. I'd love to hear more about how you have learned about your faith and grow in understanding as an Orthodox Christian.
@holasona29 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words! They mean a lot to me! And thank you for your attention! I really hoped this video would be informative! Hopefully, I will be sharing a lot more content this year!
@TI-ALАй бұрын
May you hear the word of life. Thank you for explaining the beautiful ancient Orthodox teachings. This is what I have been taught in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church all my life.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! And thank you for your kind words! God bless you!
@emmaschauer5409Ай бұрын
I love the most holy Theotokos. This movie would only anger me. I think I'll pass. Thanks for the review!
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! I appreciate your time! It is still a good-looking film, it might encourage some people to learn more about Holy Theotokos, but the script is sloppy and many things said and played out in it are deceiving and simply not true.
@gamal2022Ай бұрын
Thank you this is such a thorough review and introduction into the Holy Scriptures and Tradition. As a Catholic, I just find that the deeper knowledge and understanding of these are very often missed in our Church amongst common believers. We go to church every Sunday, but thats about all we do to make our belief deeper. On top of that, there are just so many un Christian trends and currents in the West. Sending big thanks ❤
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much for watching! And thank you for sharing! I would say, not just un Christian but anti- Christian.
@lubaavgi7670Ай бұрын
Yes. You have explained it most accurately as it is written in the ancient Orthodox scriptures. Спаси Христос
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! God bless you!
@melissaparsons741Ай бұрын
Thank you for this. My grandfather was Orthodox but died when I was a young child. So I never got to hear much of this POV from him.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! And thank you for sharing! May he be with our Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven!
@laurakelso9358Ай бұрын
Thank you for this review. I am Catholic and was disappointed for many of the same reasons. It was a visually beautiful movie, but distorted the truth.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@meskeremasfaw3895Ай бұрын
Thank you for the very insightful review! I always enjoy watching your videos.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! 🙏
@shawnmckenna3288Ай бұрын
This was well done. I am kne od those Orthodox who would enjoy seeing a bit more of Joseph. I sometimes imagine what it was like to have been "gifted" the responsibility of rearing Jesus as well as Mary. Thank you for you honest and insightful review.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much! That’s a good point! I would also love to see that played out on the screen. This Jospeh from the film didn’t even think twice about what it actually means to be the father of Christ.
@fotiniapostolopoulos1196Ай бұрын
I saw the film a few days ago,and I too was left quite disappointed as an Orthodox!!!!
@З888НСАй бұрын
Good review, thank you. Don't forget that the Theotokos' parents Joakim and Ana were childless in their marriage for 50 years. They were old and passed away a couple of years later after Mary was as a 3 years old girl taken to the temple. That was a very solemn ceremony where many young girls were present singing psalms. Zachariah welcomed Mary and took her into the holy of holies where Tabernacle was held. Later, she was allowed to go there, and she spent time there. She met Archangel Gabriel many times before the Anonciation. Also, Archangel Gabriel told Joseph to take the child and His Mother (not your wife) and to escape to Egypt. They were told when was safe ( Herod died) to come back, as well.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Yes, I did mention the old age of Mary’s parents and her coming to the temple and Zachariah greeting her. However, I didn’t know she knew Archangel Gabriel before the Annunciation. I remember reading that she could see and talk to angels, but I didn’t know it was specifically Archangel Gabriel. Do you remember the source? And thank you, it’s a good point that Gabriel told Joseph to take the child and His Mother, not the wife.
@zemariamephrem810Ай бұрын
What a beautiful analysis. God bless.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you! God bless you too!
@TheTransfiguredLifeАй бұрын
I have been recommended many of your videos. I would love to collaborate with you. Great video, by the way! ☦
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much! I would love to. You can contact me on Instagram: @holasona_la Let's collaborate!
@hannahbaker3080Ай бұрын
@@holasonaI’m here for this collaboration, love you both
@holasonaАй бұрын
@ thank you so much for your support! 🙏
@Jon-Doe34Ай бұрын
Just had a look through of many of your brilliant videos and I've come to the conclusion you need to do more much more if you have the time to because it's very brilliant info and help and teaching even for many ok Bless You and Family Sister 🙏🏻
@holasona29 күн бұрын
Dear Jon! I am so grateful for your comment! Thank you for your kind and supportive words! They inspire me to do much more! I continue to work on the videos and I will have one out soon. Let me know what topics will interest you! Thanks a lot!
@taniaeloomian7900Ай бұрын
Very insightful! Thank you.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you! 🙏
@henock2127Ай бұрын
excellent critique May the blessing of virgin Mary be with you
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! God bless you!
@sandahorvath-berindea1593Ай бұрын
Thank you and May Mother of God protect you!
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you! God bless you!
@HGevАй бұрын
Excellent review of this movie. I watched this a week ago and can resonate w/ your exact interpretation.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed it!
@Robelarega-o9fАй бұрын
thanks for sharing this from Ethiopian orthodox well explained with step lines
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much! 🙏
@tadilogebreАй бұрын
Thank you for sharing!!
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! 🙏
@Job-o1xАй бұрын
Luk 1:28: "And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, you that are highly favoured, the Lord is with you: blessed are you among women." Luk 1:35: "And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Spirit (o. pneuma) shall come upon you, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the Son of God." Luk 1:42: "And she spoke out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." Luk 1:48: "For he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
@holasonaАй бұрын
Amen! 🙏
@alexandermarkus9587Ай бұрын
She always stayed in Her house. Would the people have seen Her, they all would be astouned by Her beauty and shining light. As we know from St. Dionysios Areopagites.
@EmebetYirgalemАй бұрын
Thank you ❤
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you! 🙏
@megsolomon4685Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing ❤❤
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! 🙏
@PrairieMuffinАй бұрын
I completely agree about Joseph. Saint Joseph was only a protecter. Important and worthy of veneration, but he wasn't the guy who would defile a virgin devoted for life to be chaste at 80 years old. He was just a really great family man who didn't desire this, but his rod sprouted because it was what God wanted. Saint Joseph was the perfect person who would protect and not defile the Theotokos.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your comment!
@mekdesbiruk372Ай бұрын
Thank you and God bless!
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! God bless you too!
@PrairieMuffinАй бұрын
I really applaud you for your very sound theological analysis of this and I completely concur. Thanks for cooperating with the True God and understanding rhe True Faith. There's so much nonsense online these days. Thanks because you have obviously developed your nous and have correct phronema.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words!
@Ephrata730Ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I hope one day those people who make these kind of movies approach you for prior critic.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your trust! That is so kind of you to say!
@aiuni5174Ай бұрын
Great review, very informative and the respect you have for the Holy Theotokos is clear in your words. As a Palestinian Orthodox, despite the clear errors of the film, it doesn't sit right with me to put an ex soldier (from an army that is constantly raiding and destroying churches and expelling Christians in Beit Lahem) to play Out Holy Mother so I didn't watch it
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! And thank you for sharing! 🙏
@elroussaАй бұрын
What an excellent critique!, in such an eloquend and polite form! You covered everythIng i felt! The film turned out very disapointing. So many huge mistakes were not expected by a catholic director and i say that as a greek Orhtodox. Most probably a catholic who didnt receive basic catechism. Unfortunaly this is common. Most born in christian families who dont actually practice the faith by following the leitourgic life of the Church, end up without catechism, without actually know what our faith is about and the beautiful and so important details and their meaning and symbolism. I believe this is the gratest problem of our times in the Christian world and that all Churches should try to adress it. Our Lord in Apocalypse 3-15, 16 says I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. 16* So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." And thats exactly what most of us Christians are. Lukewarm, try to bring the faith to our modern standards that will keep us able to live without much controversies in this new age society! Christianity is under a different type of persecution today! And this film completely serves this. A little bit of love story and passion, a little bit of adventure and killings, a little bit of fantasy, definitively diversity in the casting (Ach.Gavriel) etc and it will be welcomed by a larger audience without the fear of cancelation. Again, my sister in Christ, bravo for your review!
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words! And thank you for sharing! You are right, the film is targeted to a larger, not necessarily educated in religion audience, and there are many misleading narratives that you wouldn’t expect from a Catholic director.
@mindyhoover152Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing the true story
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thanks for watching! 🙏
@eunicel5964Ай бұрын
Explained so very well!!!
@holasonaАй бұрын
@@eunicel5964 thank you!!! 🙏
@eunicel5964Ай бұрын
@holasona I subscribed!
@adrianassarbuАй бұрын
God bless you!
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you! God bless you too!
@DennisCNolascoАй бұрын
Thank you for your Orthodox Christian review of the movie. I was on the fence about it thinking it might be another anti-Christian, anti-Mary movie. But it looks like it’s just another passable movie that gets a lot of things wrong theologically. I might watch it if I have spare time.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! I, honestly, really liked the actress that portrayed Mary, she looks authentic, has very kind eyes and soothing voice. I just wish I felt the same way about other choices the director and producers made.
@HomeAddisቤትአዲስАй бұрын
Well explained inaccordane with orthodoxy perspective.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! 🙏
@NepticChroniclesАй бұрын
ChatGPT sited your video as a source for a critique of this film from an Orthodox perspective
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for letting me know! 😁
@ირაკლიმაისურაძე-ნ8დАй бұрын
Amen Jesus ❤
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@alexandermarkus9587Ай бұрын
St. Dionysios the Areopagite: "I tell you as if I were standing in front of God, for me, our great leader, it was beyond any doubt, that aside from the Most High God, there could be nothing, which is so filled with heavenly power and marvelous grace [as Mary], and still it is impossible for a human mind to perceive what I saw with my own eyes. It was not with the eyes of my soul only but with my bodily eyes - I, with my own eyes, saw the most beautiful, the most holy Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ who exceeds all the heavenly hosts in her holiness. This gift was granted to me by the grace of God, as an honor by the company of the apostles, and also as an unspeakable kindness and compassion of the merciful Virgin herself. And again I testify in front of the omnipotence of God, in front of the grace of the Savior, and in front of the great glory of the Virgin, His Mother. When I, with John-the first among the evangelists and the prophets, who, while living in the flesh, shines like the sun in the sky-was led inside to the beautiful and the most pure Virgin, then a great heavenly radiance that enlightened my soul, poured over me, at the same time I sensed such wonderful fragrance that my spirit and body were hardly able to bear this manifestation of glory and foretaste of eternal bliss. My heart and my spirit were enervated from Her heavenly grace. Let God, who abode in the most pure womb, be my witness, that I would have recognized her for the true God and venerated Her with worship appropriate only to God if the newly illumined soul of mine would not have preserved inside you heavenly instructions and laws. No honor and glory of men who were glorified by God can be compared with the bliss that I, the unworthy one experienced and was honored with at the time. This time was a time of the greatest bliss for me. I thank my most high and most blessed God, the heavenly Virgin, John, who is great among the Apostles, and you as well who is the adornment of the church and the invincible leader, who all so mercifully showed me such a great favor
@hermelaalefe82183 күн бұрын
the first one was the fact that mary was given to the monastary at the age of 3 not older
@holasona3 күн бұрын
You are correct.
@alexandermarkus9587Ай бұрын
People can not even imagine the life of the Most Holy Theotokos. She was all-covered. No one ever has seen Her hair. Not even hands. She was fasting, praying, prostrating all the time. She lived alone like in a monastery. St. Joseph the grandpa too. Thousends of angels surrounded Her all the time. Cherubim and Seraphim. Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Raphael.... She often had visions of the Most Holy Trinity. She was in paradise and heaven spiritually. She prostrated before Christ, adored Him, worshipped Him. When She took Him in Her arms She asked before: "My Lord and Son would you allow your servant to take you into her arms?" Christ would allow. She kissed the ground where He walked. She always asked His blessing. St. Joseph kneeling before Christ and prostrating
@gnome2024Ай бұрын
I wouldnt waste time on this movie and Im Catholic. Just the fact it denies the miraculous virgin birth of Christ is enough for me not to bother but there are a lot of other problems with it. It doesnt portray Mary and Josephs holy marriage correctly, it misrepresents the Annunciation, and more.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching! Yes, you are right, it’s not a Catholic film. And it doesn’t give a proper tribute to Our Mother.
@rahelasfaw6451Ай бұрын
@JamesRobertson-o7t7 күн бұрын
As a traditional Catholic I would recommend this film highly especially to anyone with young girls - I appreciate the reservations but this is a Movie not a documentary and it emotionally. captures the love and courage surrounding the character of Mary.
@Ruzannamm210618 күн бұрын
Շատ հետաքրքիր է❤
@holasona17 күн бұрын
@amberrufener4752Ай бұрын
This was very interesting! I have not watched the movie but have seen other people review it and none have been too favorable. I am not Orthodox Christian so it was informative to learn what is believed about Mary and I enjoyed listening. I believe differently in that I think she did have intimate relations with Joseph after Jesus was born and that she did have other children. I don't think Joseph was older.
@whatswrongwithnickАй бұрын
I'm super curious. Why do you believe that? Like, why have christians been lying since the time of the apostles. And why lie about her being a temple virgin?
@amberrufener4752Ай бұрын
@@whatswrongwithnick Hi! I've been Christian a long time and I've never heard any of these views of Mary until I researched the Catholic faith some. It's interesting to hear different views and I appreciate how well Sona articulates them. When I read Matthew 1:25 I take that to mean that after Jesus was born Joseph and Mary consummated the marriage.
@tinakulakove614Ай бұрын
@@amberrufener4752 hi i noticed that was written in NIV version of the bible which is a protestant bible and protestanism started in 1517.. after christ.. but when I read the orthodox bible which is apostolic bible which is ancient teaching from the apostles it doesn't say Mary and Joseph consumate their marriage.. Mary remain virgin and Joseph had another kid from another marriage before he bethroted to Mary...
@whatswrongwithnickАй бұрын
@@amberrufener4752 Got ya, yeah, its a shame we don't get taught church history here in the west.We know all this stuff about Mary and the apostles because of the Christians that met them at that time. Deuteronomy 34:6 doesn't mean that on that day it was found. They didn't write with a western way of speaking in mind.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching and thank you for sharing! Orthodox Church firmly believes in the perpetual virginity of the Holy Mother of God. Before, during and after the birth of Christ.
@acaydia2982Ай бұрын
Joel Olsteen was also on this project. Which makes me believe that there were some comprises that were made to get the story told. 95% of what you said , as a Catholic, we also believe. Poorly Catechized Catholics are also a constant issue I see. I was one of them.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for sharing! That’s interesting.
@cantrait7311Ай бұрын
Olsteen and other Protestants mock Catholics about venerating the blessed mother They’d do same to orthodox but don’t know a thing about orthodox
@eddiedelisioАй бұрын
I think he’s actually a Jew. Saw that somewhere and it makes sense. Money is his idol, he replaces Christ with a weird globalist style prosperity self help lecture while piling up money from naive low church prots
@samuelA2023Ай бұрын
Thank you
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@MyfaceuhАй бұрын
I didn't like way they presented the Angel Gabrielle
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for sharing! How do you see him?
@sne499429 күн бұрын
Me too, they depicted him in an ominous way.
@Myfaceuh29 күн бұрын
@holasona I'm not sure if I've ever really tried to picture him tbh. I just didn't like how they had him dematerialising
@SpyridonChristeАй бұрын
Thank you for confirming I don't have to return to Netflix, which I canceled a couple of years ago because of their 'progressive content' (to put it mildly).
@holasonaАй бұрын
😄 you are welcome!
@evelynyvargasАй бұрын
As a Catholic, Our Lady didn't experience childbirth pains. So I didn't watch the movie. Glad I found your review.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you! And thank you for sharing!
@simonew1973Ай бұрын
Correction @9:02 : God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac....
@holasonaАй бұрын
@@simonew1973 to show him that God of Abraham is not the God who demands human sacrifice. According to Orthodox teaching, Abraham thought his God is, like any other gods, demanding human sacrifice, because that’s what he saw in other religions, but he was wrong. Our God never wants human sacrifice. He doesn’t want our children. He wants us to have children and have that joy in our lives without asking anything in return.
@mhhmulaty5158Ай бұрын
If you want to know everything and I mean everything about the holy Mary, please read the book The Mystical City of God. Written by the venerable Maria of Agreda. In order of the holy mother herself. Everything from just before her immaculate conception till her assumption is there.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you, I will take a look!
@DiorK-d7lАй бұрын
Please Sister Sona could you share the fasting dates of 2025 of orthodox calendar. Thank you so much❤
@holasonaАй бұрын
They are different for every church. In Armenian church we have been fasting 50 days before Christmas. Eastern Orthodox Fast began on November 28 (November 15, if you celebrate on December 25th) and lasts for forty days, until January 7 (December 25).
@angelcraftgaming1468Ай бұрын
In the Orthodox Church the color red is associated with motherhood also, and the blue is a symbol of her remaining virgin after the birth of Christ.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@RobChizАй бұрын
You are the best!🥹🙏☦️ maybe do Noah movie next w russell crowe. Love that movie
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much! 🙏 That is very kind of you to say! And thank you for the idea:)
@davidhovik7176Ай бұрын
@@holasona You should review the Chosen series instead considering they never invited an Orthodox priest too review there series.
@holasonaАй бұрын
@ thank you for the idea! I have been meaning to watch it for a long time. This would be an opportunity to do that.
@SHeMaROC2228 күн бұрын
This video explains accurately Mother Mary's beginnings and her part in God's redemption. I appreciate ypur evaluating of this film and agree with it. I especially appreciate your addressing that Mary's biblical text was diverted and changed. She did say "Be it done unto me according to thy word" not Let it be me. I also think that Arch angel Gabriel was not represented as Spiritual light...he has tatoos on his hand....I Don't think so!! He made me feel creepy not safe. Not a representative of an angel.
@hgeorgiou9059Ай бұрын
Six mins into this video and I know I will not watch this movie.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@lampsaltlightАй бұрын
It was so cringe and painfully long… I tried not to be quick to judge, but i find it a bit disrepectful. The archangel Gabriel character was kind of creepy to be honest.
@ruzannamm21Ай бұрын
Շատ հետաքրքըր է։Ապրես
@holasonaАй бұрын
@yianniboulas9315Ай бұрын
@holasonaАй бұрын
@habtamumola6885Ай бұрын
Hi Sona My dear sister You are very beautiful woman I love you very much because you are orthodox smart woman 😊❤appreciate from Ethiopia
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words! I wish you a Merry Christmas!
@ccapocciaАй бұрын
1:04 Please keep in mind that the Christological differences between the Catholic Church and Armenian Apostolic Church are differences in expression and not differences in the faith. From the 1996 Common Declaration: "His Holiness John Paul II and His Holiness Karekin I have expressed their determined conviction that because of the fundamental common faith in God and in Jesus Christ, the controversies and unhappy divisions which sometimes have followed upon the divergent ways in expressing it, as a result of the present declaration, should not continue to influence the life and witness of the Church today.” Both churches profess: “unity in Christ, the Word of God made flesh. Perfect God as to His divinity, perfect man as to His humanity, His divinity is united to His humanity in the Person of the Only-begotten Son of God, in a union which is real, perfect, without confusion, without alteration, without division, without any form of separation.”
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your comment! Despite this declaration, the Churches are still not officially in Communion. However, I have never seen Armenian priests denying Holy Communion to Catholics or Eastern Orthodox. I am currently in Lima, Peru and they is not a single Oriental Orthodox Church here. This week I am preparing to talk to a Catholic priest and ask him if I can receive the Holy Communion in Catholic Church. I really hope he would allow me to so. It is impossible to deny that we do have differences in our Christology and Theology, but would it be possible one day for us all to agree to disagree? I personally think that everyone who is baptized/crismated, who accepts the Nicene Creed, who have confessed his/her sins and who believes that the Eucharist is the True Body and Blood of Our Savior Jesus Christ has to be allowed to the Communion, whether they receive it in Catholic, Eastern or Oriental Orthodox Churches.
@ccapocciaАй бұрын
@ @ You are in a tough situation. The current rules of the Catholic Church should permit you to receive sacraments given your circumstances. I hope that meeting goes well for you. Some Orthodox christians have faced excommunication for receiving sacraments from churches not in full communion with a person’s particular Orthodox church even in precarious situations. In other cases, orthodox are required to make Orthodox confession after receiving Catholic sacraments in order to receive Orthodox sacraments again. You may want to consult with your priest or bishop on whether you will remain in good standing after receiving sacraments in the Catholic Church.
@princessaxis9966Ай бұрын
@@holasona Are you saying that it is not forbidden in the Armenian church to partake in sacraments of a church that has dyophysite teachings? I thought that was forbidden in all Oriental Orthodox Churches.
@davidhovik7176Ай бұрын
@@princessaxis9966 You are correct you can't be Orthodox and receive communion from a catholic parish or vs versa.
@motiveyeseyecare3481Ай бұрын
@@holasona speak to a bishop first. It is patristically frowned upon to partake of the table of those outside of communion with the Church.
@ethansevilla1395Ай бұрын
The entire world, left and right, would be on fire if Jospeh is casted as an old man. Jospeh is considered an insignificant member of the story of Jesus among protestant circles.
@holasonaАй бұрын
😄Yes, because that would mean Mary was forced to marry an old man, wouldn't it? Why is it harder for us to trust a God-fearing old man than a passionate, quick-tempered young man, like the one we see in this film?
@ebinvarghese3615Ай бұрын
@@holasona It could be because to modern audiences a marriage which is not a result of romantic love is abhorrent.
@ilovechrist914Ай бұрын
Mary is the mother of god
@holasonaАй бұрын
She is indeed!
@worldview730Ай бұрын
Maybe they got it mixed up with the (Comedy) movie, "There's Something About Mary" in 1998 (Played By Cameron Diaz) ?🙄🙄😯
@holasonaАй бұрын
Well, this one is definitely not a comedy:)
@worldview730Ай бұрын
@@holasona True
@kokokola7725Ай бұрын
As a Traditional Catholic. I found that movie extremely blasphemous and heretical! Couldn't watch more than half without just turning it off. I don't even want to have those thoughts about our Lady in my mind. What poison!
@holasonaАй бұрын
I understand your feelings!
@UrfavigboАй бұрын
Could you explain further
@kokokola7725Ай бұрын
@@Urfavigbo Mary never flirted with St. Joseph, as she consecrated her virginity to the Lord. She never told the angel Gabriel that her pregnancy would be impossible, as Mary said during the Annunciation, "how shall this be for I know not man?" Very different than telling the angel that it would be impossible. She never told a white lie like she did when she was late to prayer. She was free from the stain of original sin, think Adam and Eve in the garden, before the fall. Literally incapable of sinning- even venially- for even one second. Mary's mind was always directed toward God, in every thought, word, and deed. She never questioned her head abbess about whether she could possibly be fulfilled if she never left the Temple. I could keep going, I'm sure there's more, but I never finished the movie.
@PrairieMuffinАй бұрын
Excellent work reviewing this in an Orthodox perspective! I too wish Joachim and Anna had a little more emphasis, though I shouldn't criticize because I have not seen this series myself yet, I am taking your word for it. But it's extremely important theologically. I know I really just have to watch this thing myself to evaluate. I heard though, the birth scene of the miraculous Virgin birth doesn't jive with a miraculous virgin birth. The birth of Jesus Christ would be as if in the Garden of Eden before the Fall. We don't follow immaculate conception, but this was of course, not a normal pregnancy and birth.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! Yes, miraculous birth of Our Lord was different from the birth of any other child on earth.
@redietteshomeАй бұрын
hey Sona what do the Armenian Apostolic church think about THE BOOK OF ENOCH?? do they accept it as sister church or reject it? and if you have read it what do you think about the book can you do a video on that? and it will go viral because people are interested on that book?
@cassiopeia4672Ай бұрын
😉Kindly.How can she speak denoting a Church of thousands of years of history ? Plus we Orthodox Christians do not perceive canons of bible as dogmatic. This is like her asking me/you what do you think of 3rd Corinthians?('I donot think,i haven't read that Holy Scripture' perhaps i would say)🤗
@redietteshomeАй бұрын
@@cassiopeia4672 I am just asking if the church or some fathers in the church write or talk about The BOOK OF ENOCH and i know it's not dogmatic that's why I ask her. I am oriental orthodox so i know we have the same dogma.I just want to know what the oriental orthodox thinks about the book of Enoch and she is Armenian so what do they think about that book they may not see it as scripture but do they read it do they reject it i am not saying she can represent the church am asking her personal opinion and if the church talks or write or some of her church fathers talks or write about the book. I saw eastern orthodox and Catholics and some protestant talks about the book But i can't find the oriental orthodox so i want to know why
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your question! Armenian church does not accept the Book of Enoch as canonical, however, I remember seeing some references to it in the teaching of St. Gregory the Illuminator by Agatangelos. That means the book was known to Armenians already in the 3d-4th centuries AD. There is definitely a lot of interest towards that book among Orthodox Christians, but it doesn’t mean it will ever become canonical.
@henock2127Ай бұрын
@@redietteshomethe book of Enoch is part of the scripture in Ethiopian Orthodox Bible(part of Oriental orthodox ) which you can find as the oldest most complete scripture in the world . In the book of juda new testament it quote from book of enoch which gave it validation plus earliest writings found in qumran desert such as the codex contains manuscripts similar to book canon of the Ethiopian Orthodox bible
Good point about God who gives life and asks nothing in return. Definitely not the God of Israel. God does not impose his will upon human beings. God required the Virgin Mary's "Fiat" to become the Mother of God.
@margareterneste7668Ай бұрын
I enjoyed this film. I watched it "knowing" it was a movie made for netflix. I don't understand why people are acting like this is the most outrageous film ever produced. top of my head I could name a bunch of others much worse.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Of course, it’s definitely not the worst one!
@larapelolargoАй бұрын
Si hay un Dios, por que hay tantas religiones
@holasonaАй бұрын
Because there are many evil spirits-fallen angels who encourage people to pray to them, who deceive them. There is only One True God, One Holy Trinity, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
@gabriel_icxcnkАй бұрын
My mom invited me to watch it. It had one or two things from tradition, but mostly distorted and or butchered, and overshadowed by the Hollywood aesthetics and dramatism... As a movie it was entertaining and well done, I mean, artistically. But not certainly a Christian film altogether...
@holasonaАй бұрын
I absolutely agree.
@KeyBirdsStyleАй бұрын
Thanks for such decent and good content
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! And thank you for watching!
@Boudicca61Ай бұрын
Joel Osteen is involved in this production. Enough said.
@alexandermarkus9587Ай бұрын
Forget this western made movies. They are blasphemous nonsense
@abrahemsamander3967Ай бұрын
They include the Saints Joachim and Anna. And their infertility, and Mary’s miraculous birth. But they ignore almost everything else? Protestants are strange in this regard. I hate Mary and Joseph’s relationship. The modern myths where they were a normal married couple. Heresy aside, it’s also just boringly written
@holasonaАй бұрын
I agree. If you are taking one important aspect of Mary’s existence from the Holy Tradition, why would you ignore all others?
@wilsonfarag7712Ай бұрын
hello @Holasona take alook at coptic orthodox music
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for sharing! Very beautiful!
@danielmalinen6337Ай бұрын
Someone has actually calculated that at the time of Jesus' supposed birth, there would have been about 7-20 children in Bethlehem, who would have been two years old or less. However, the story may be based on a true event when Herod the Great, upon his death, ordered the arrest of all Jewish elders, priests, and teachers and then execute them in the hippodrome of Jericho so that the Jews would mourn after his death. However, Herod died before the execution could be carried out, and the king's sister Herodias released all those who had been imprisoned. Unfortunately for Herod, it also happened to be the time of Yom Kippur, when the Jews were cheerful, happy, celebrating, and anything but sad. However, this execution attempt was not Herod's last word, but for Herod the Great's funeral procession, hundreds of children in pure white clothes were forced to dance, throw flowers, and praise Herod while Herod's golden or copper coffin was moved from Jerusalem to Jericho.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I do believe that he ordered the death of those children, but there couldn’t be possibly so many male infants in a small town the way it is shown in the film.
@eileenbuck8826Ай бұрын
According to the Synaxarion reading for today (12/29/2024 on the new calendar), 14,000 male children under the age of two in Bethlehem and the surrounding areas were slaughtered.
@Hamashyach369Ай бұрын
Every time I hear about a new biblical movie coming out I cringe.
in short....dont watch this feel disappointed afterwards...? ok....I will not watch ..
@holasonaАй бұрын
I had to prove my point, right? :)
@amb.joycefrancis8520Ай бұрын
It is not a biblical story
@holasonaАй бұрын
It has elements of the Holy Scripture and the Holy Tradition, but overall yes, it’s not very biblical.
@anamaria94088Ай бұрын
the movie was wack...
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@thegoodroofАй бұрын
I thought it was really good. Not cheesy and got some great points across. It got a lot right, and it’s so much better than all the other crap on Netflix. Forgive me!
@holasonaАй бұрын
The film itself is not bad, and it is beautifully shot, but if you look at it from the perspective of our teaching about Mary, it is very misleading.
@fre7717Ай бұрын
@holasona oh, wow! this is the best critical review. i also saw the movie, and got disappointed with the more obvious issues.
@holasonaАй бұрын
Thank you so much!
@SemNomeMorreYoutubeАй бұрын
You keep saying that you are an Orthodox Christian, do you mean that you are part of the Orthodox Catholic Church? If so, the differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Catholic Church are political and not theological. And omitting the core of the name Catholic, which is also one of the foundations of faith of both churches, the universality of the Church of Christ seems strange to me.
@holasonaАй бұрын
@@SemNomeMorreKZbin I am a child of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church.