Misera est servitus, ubi jus est vagum aut incertum. Scire debes cum quo contrahis. The key to understanding remedy is looking into how the obligation is established, how is anyone bound to substantive law in the first place? is it by alienijuris as a registered citizen of a government? or as a tax paying citizen laden with a share of an ever expanding national debt? is the government itself alienijuris to the reserve as the debtor for the currency it borrows at interest that manages its citizens as the economic resource it harvests to service the debt it floated to its citizens, is the very use of this currency being a debt instrument borrowed by one and owed to another the obligation to pay it back? and are the substantive rules put in place to ensure that the borrowed currency is the only accepted form of exchange including (without limitation) the pecuniary punishments (Sanctions) dished out by the courts, a means to merely perpetuate the current obligatory economic system? Privilegium est quasi privata lex. (privi, privy)=secret, hidden, and is the root of the word "Private", it is also a noun that describes an outside toilet, or the Kings commode, (LEGES)=is the Latin plural for LEX, meaning law, Therefore, privi-leges=private laws, is alienijuris established upon acceptance of the benefits, services and "privileges" offered by society through applications, registrations and submissions? does this offer, consideration and acceptance make for a social contract? and does this mean that substantive laws in the form of acts, statutes, legislation, regulations, ordinances, orders, directives...etc are in essence private laws in the form of privileges given the colour and force of law and applied by the system with the consent of the governed? is the only remedy to withdraw from it? Lex semper dabit remedium. Perhaps remedy lies beyond where most dare to look...Just my thoughts, I am no professor, philosopher or expert on law, just a layman with a few questions...thank you for this gem of a lecture.. "The old saying that it is a system of law, and not a system of justice is somewhat cynical, but uhmm, unfortunately it is true" -Judith Collins ex minister of "Justice" under the Keys regime. Origo rei inspici debet.