Replayable game with variations shown on this video:
@kingscrusher6 жыл бұрын
Hendon chess club match report page with photos : - Cheers, K
@martm2166 жыл бұрын
Thanks KC for your humility in showing us this game. Yes, it looks as if the rook to c2 move would have kept you well in it. But such moves are hard to see over the board. Then, against these top players you have to keep on finding the right moves, or at least good moves. But getting to move 39 against a GM is far from shameful. Once, when playing for Fareham against Gosport in the Portsmouth league I found myself, due to various regular players being unavailable on both teams, up against an ECF 216 graded player. He whupped me good and proper, but I was lost before I started: a rabbit caught in his headlights.
@joseraulcapablanca85646 жыл бұрын
Thanks KC a commendable effort against a GM over the board.
@flashman4536 жыл бұрын
Your point about not assuming a stronger player is 'all-seeing' is an incisive one. Thx!
@bjorntorlarsson6 жыл бұрын
Would it be much bother for you to share the games in a format one can copy and paste to an analysis board, since you do make the moves on the computer anyway? At 7:00 what about, instead of Rxf7, playing Re6 followed by Qc6 threatening mate on e8 and giving both black rooks mobility problems (and grabbing the b5 pawn if nothing better). Black back rank is guarded by 5 pieces, but e8 seems weak.
@kingscrusher6 жыл бұрын
Good point - here it is: Replayable game with variations shown on this video:
@Narrowcros6 жыл бұрын
Intresting game, he's not a GM for nothing but always good to try and challange yourself. Giving up a pawn for some counter play and yes I can see that good idea of exchaging the light sqaure Bishops and the engines advice on taking advantage of the e6 sqaure.
@PaulFurber6 жыл бұрын
What time controls do you play in local league?
@Teekles6 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed watching, informative loss. Strange the pawn sacrifice actually seems pretty good in retrospect - maybe even channeling some Carlsen for the positional lead. I don't doubt you're skilled enough to win, I think you got psyched out by who you were playing. Over confidence is generally bad, but maybe a tid bit helps time to time. Or go the other way and realize GM has had some title inflation, so really he's not quite as good as you want to think. =)
@valentijnraw6 жыл бұрын
Interesting how you considered it being a kings indian and then also treating it like that. Recently i have become much better in chess and im often doing the same as you did, transposing into a variation of an other opening and exploiting some of his moves that he wouldnt have played in that transposed variation.