@@mercedes-xd9vx 1. 한국 치어리더들은 야구팀 소속이 아니라 치어리더 에이전시 소속이다. 그들은 야구 축구 농구 배구 등 수많은 프로클럽과 에이전시를 통한 계약으로 일한다. 따라서 에이전시 계약에 따라 다양한 수입을 얻는다. 2. 대만 치어리더의 수입이 얼마인지는 모르지만 모든건 시장의 상황과 공급과 수요에 따라 발생한다. 그들이 더 많은 수익을 원한다면 시장 상황에 맞춰 움직이면 된다. 그곳이 대만이든 한국이든 그들의 자유다. 3. 대만인들 댓글을 보면 한국에 대해 황당하고 터무니없는 오해를 하고 있는 댓글이 90%다. 대부분은 과장되고 왜곡된 헛소문을 기초로 소설을 쓴다. 물론 대만인들은 내가 아무리 설명해줘도 이해할 수 없거나 믿지 않을 것이다. 대만안들은 수십년동안 한국에 대한 과장되고 왜곡된 헛소문들을 믿어왔으니까. 4. 분명한건 대만이 한국보다 치어리더에 대한 인기가 많아 보인다는 것이다. 하지만 한국에서 치어리더 대우는 나쁘지 않다. 한국에서도 아이돌에 버금가는 스타 치어리더들이 있다. 단지 한국에선 프로클럽과 스포츠 경기가 치어리더보다 더 핵심일 뿐이다.
@elekow79985 ай бұрын
@@mercedes-xd9vx1. Korean cheerleaders do not belong to a baseball team but to cheerleading agencies. They work through contracts through various professional clubs, such as baseball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and more. Therefore, they earn various incomes based on agency contracts. 2. I don't know how much Taiwanese cheerleaders earn, but everything is based on market conditions and supply and demand. If they want more revenue, they can move according to market conditions. Whether it's Taiwan or Korea, it's their freedom. 3. When looking at Taiwanese comments, 90% of them have absurd and absurd misunderstandings about Korea. Most of them write novels based on exaggerated and distorted false rumors. Of course, Taiwanese people will not understand or believe no matter how much I explain. Taiwanese have believed exaggerated and distorted false rumors about Korea for decades. 4. What is clear is that Taiwan seems to be more popular with cheerleaders than Korea. But the treatment of cheerleaders in Korea is not bad. In Korea, there are star cheerleaders who are comparable to idols. but In Korea, pro clubs and sports games are just more focus& important than cheerleaders.
@haejeegwon97745 ай бұрын
@@mercedes-xd9vx 1. Korean cheerleaders do not belong to a baseball team but to cheerleading agencies. They work through contracts through various professional clubs, such as baseball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and more. Therefore, they earn various incomes based on agency contracts. 2. I don't know how much Taiwanese cheerleaders earn, but everything is based on market conditions and supply and demand. If they want more revenue, they can move according to market conditions. Whether it's Taiwan or Korea, it's their freedom. 3. When looking at Taiwanese comments, 90% of them have absurd and absurd misunderstandings about Korea. Most of them write novels based on exaggerated and distorted false rumors. Of course, Taiwanese people will not understand or believe no matter how much I explain. Taiwanese have believed exaggerated and distorted false rumors about Korea for decades. 4. What is clear is that Taiwan seems to be more popular with cheerleaders than Korea. But the treatment of cheerleaders in Korea is not bad. In Korea, there are star cheerleaders who are comparable to idols. but In Korea, pro clubs and sports games are just more focus& important than cheerleaders.