Paramotor SUPERDELL Exposes The LIES Of Reflex Wings!! What Does Reflex Really Mean?

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Dell Schanze

Dell Schanze

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(Call or Text) 801-631-1731
Facebook messenger: / superdell.schanze
What trap? The trap of lies with the intention of selling your paragliders. Hoxflex or Reflex is "technology" created by paraglider companies that greatly increases the pilot's risk of crashing and getting hurt.
The sad part is, companies sell new and inexperienced pilots gliders that put their lives at risk. New pilots are innocent and don't know any better. And other companies capitalize on the ignorance of new pilots to make money.
Wouldn't you want to only fly the safest possible gear?
This is aviation after all and can be dangerous. Your gear can make the difference between life and death. Your training, paramotor, and paraglider all have an effect on not only your safety but your experience in the sport.
Can you imagine, flying anytime, anywhere, and safely doing so? Learn how you can by calling Dell Schanze!
Wouldn't you want safety to be your #1 Priority?

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@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
The liars continue to go on and on with their lies about hoaxflex death traps but the facts are obvious. They claim speed but can't and won't SHOW that speed while I've shown piles of videos that SHOW the actual speed of the Dominator just like the paramotor world speed record which is at 51 mph right now: They claim stability but again they can't and won't SHOW that while I SHOW videos proving the total lack of stability like this video: the liars try to pretend that calling me all sorts of names somehow negates the FACTS but it just doesn't. Each of the basic characteristics is easily measurable but I'm the only one that SHOWS those side by side videos. The total lack of safety to hoaxflex death traps is well proven with the blood of the busloads who have died on that crap. No amount of lies changes that fact. The sickos continuing to push these death traps are seriously sick people. Anyone with half a brain can LOOK at a side by side of what happens when a hoaxflex death trap collapses vs a quality wing like the Dominator. It's on video: Seriously do you want to do a back flip 180 and lock into a spiral face first towards the ground or do you want to fly a Dominator that can just keep on flying straight and level without even losing any notable altitude?? How is that even a question to any logical or rational person??!!!! These people pushing the hoaxflex death traps into the clueless don't care one bit how many they murder. It's just money to them. They will lie up and down but the FACTS are the FACTS. The Dominator has MORE performance and is pretty much the safest glider on the market. I challenge anyone to even try to refute that with actual evidence as I have no time for all the lies and trash talking stupidity.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@Jerry Cochell ALL brands and models of wings they call "reflex" are death traps. ALL of them. Glider selection is so critical it's really best to have me personally pick which wing and size you should fly. Just call me directly at 800-707-2525. To have the most experience and understanding all working in your favor is absolutely priceless. Picking a glider is really not what a new or even intermediate pilot should do. Come through SUPER training and or call me and let me put all my experience into helping you get the wing that will give you the absolute most fun possible but at the same time the highest possible level of safety. Pick the expert to help you not your wing. :)
@Venna78 5 жыл бұрын
I would love to hear your opinion on the Sky Cima pwr and Sky Flux gliders.
@realizt420 5 жыл бұрын
RIP Grant Thompson the king of random
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@Venna78 The Cima pwr and Flux are uncertified class gliders. Never listen to opinions. Just look at the facts. What kind of sicko would promote totally uncertified class type gliders and lie to people about them being better than the safest class of wing like the Dominator? Only purely evil people would do such a thing. Plus why would anyone fly uncertified class gliders like that? I set the paramotor world speed record on the Dominator at 51 mph. The liars can lie all day long and claim the death traps are faster but where is the video of them SHOWING they can beat 51 mph? They can't. You don't want a glider faster at trim speed as you actually want to slower at the low end for the easiest launch & landing. Where you want the speed is at the high end of it's speed range. So it's a simple matter of comparing facts to facts but you won't get facts from liars only bs. Even the 16 sm Dominator has a LOWER sink rate and better glide ratio than the 29 sm hoaxflex death traps Nucleon: that's 16 sm vs their 29 sm and the Dominator utterly destroys it on sink rate and glide ratio!!! So it makes zero sense to fly death traps when the super duper safe Dominator has MORE performance and is better in every single way. It's seriously retarded for them to be pushing uncertified class death traps like that onto newbies that don't know any better. There are seriously evil people in this world. You really have to look at who's talking before you take advice from them. Such sickos even push super heavy totally jacked up fakes and pretend those are upgrades from the Flat Top as well. Just take things one at a time. If it's faster they should be able to SHOW it. If it has a lower sink rate they should be able to SHOW it just like I just did. If it's a super lightweight and easy to launch paramotor then like the Flat Top you can see little kids flying it even at high altitudes in nil wind. It's easy for liars to tell lies but what they can't do is back them up with actual reality and evidence. The cima pwr is a heavy low performance glider with fat lines that create an enormous amount of drag. It's not made to have performance like the Dominator. Neither is it a "new generation" which is another lie I've seen used The real Cima, Cima K2 and Dominator are all exactly the same glider with exactly the same certification. The only difference is the features. The Cima was extremly light very thin risers and only straps for brake toggles made to be as light as possible for hike & fly. The Dominator is the same wing but with high tech cloth that is much more durable but only 1 lb heavier and with the top of the line risers with all the features including trims and even comes with custom competition brake toggles and performance lines or race lines. So it's not first generation, second generation... that's a lie. They are all the same wing and have the exact same certification. The cima pwr is an uncertified class glider. Let's see them even try to beat my 51 mph world speed record. Until you actually try to reach MAX speed like that you just don't realize how critical so many of the features on the Dominator are. There is zero reason to throw all safety out the window with death trap gliders when the safest glider has MORE performance. If the death traps had more performance you could at least claim that you are sacrificing safety to gain performance but when they have LESS performance you know only total idiots fly them or the ignorant gullible people who trusted their lives to idiots only to die because of it. 7 more DEAD just recently and ALL of them on uncertified class gliders like that.
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@ffilice1 Nope those are not "certifications". A load test is NOT collapse testing. If it was EN-A for example it would say EN-A. The Cima pwr is an uncertified class glider. The Dominator is the safest class and it has MORE performance than the low performance heavy pwr. How much does a 250 lb guy weigh when he pulls 10g's? Yup 2500 lbs. That's not the breaking strength of the glider that's it's working load meaning it can take that all day long. This is why it's critical to get with a real actual expert in this sport. There is sooooo much bs and incompetence and flat out fraud from scammers like those pushing the Cima pwr as though it's some "upgrade" when going to an uncertified class wing with LESS performance is NOT even remotely an upgrade but a huge downgrade. Plus with the plastic sticks in the pwr it's much more likely to cravat when it collapses. Imagine the glider trying to open itself back up without snagging when it has plastic sticks in it. Neither do those plastic sticks automatically add performance. Again you have to compare what the actual performance is not the hype and bs. Ever seen a pwr beat 51 mph? Nope. What I share with you is way way way more valuable than "certifications". There is sooo much more to it but people really want to make it simple and think some letter on some website somewhere is the be all of safety. It's not and not even remotely close. It's much wiser to listen to the master pilot who is also brutally honest and accurate. That's me. I challenge anyone to refute what I'm saying. As I've done for years I also challenge anyone to produce a glider for me that will beat the Dominator and I will pay $5000! Imagine if there really were some glider manufacture out there that was making super safe gliders that could actually do 55 mph beating the Dominator's 51 mph. How simple would it be to take my $5000 and presto they then have me flying and recommending their wings instead of challenging them. The thing about being honest and logical as this is what makes it sooooo simple. Literally ANY manufacturer out there could gain my business just by sending me a glider that actually beats the Dominator. No talk, no bribing, no kickbacks, no bs just simply produce a glider that does actually beat the Dominator in over all characteristics. Either it does or it doesn't. Characteristics are not opinions they are very easily measurable. Speed is not an opinion. Glide ratio is not an opinion. Handling is really the only one that could be somewhat of an opinion but because I can do on Dominators what no others on earth can do it makes logical sense that it handles incredibly well. So when talking to other "companies" you have to stick to facts and characteristics. When they say their glider is "faster" you say SHOW ME. When they say their glider is more stable you say SHOW ME. When they say their glider has better collapse recovery you say SHOW ME. It really has zero to do with opinion and everything to do with measurable characteristics. Either it is or it isn't. No opinion about it. Do you see anyone beating my records with a pwr? Nope. Then it's not better. It's not like I can magically make my glider fly faster because I have more skill. That's like saying a Porsche driven by an expert can go 300 mph while the same car driven by just a good driver can only do 192 mph. Speed is speed. Sink rate is rink rate. It's simple stuff. You just have to stick to characteristics and look at who's talking as well as those that don't know crap for crap are not exactly worth listening to in the first place.
@stephenkeen6044 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Dell. You forget that in flight the wing is pressurised, making it a semi-rigid body which keeps it's shape as determined by the design of the skins and internal ribbing.
@DellSchanze 2 жыл бұрын
No I didn't forget that ram air designs have pressure to hold them open. How exactly does that allow you to push a string? How does the trailing edge get pushed down and that action pushing down on the real lines lift the front? It doesn't. All the lines come to the same point at the risers. There is zero reflex to any paraglider. None. The rear doesn't stabilize the front. With hang gliders you have reflex because they have physical batons of carbon fiber or aluminum and a fixed structure so if you dive at the ground the tailing edge held up by batons causes it to automatically raise the angle of attack and pull out of a dive. There is ZERO reflex to a paraglider. Just think about it logically. It's really not that hard. An airplane has a tail you can use to physically raise the angle of attack. Nothing pushes down on the top of a paraglider trailing edge to raise the leading edge. It doesn't work that way. There is zero reflex. It's just a marketing scam and a very deadly one with hundreds of deaths. Use some logic. Don't fall for the totally absurd bs.
@stephenkeen6044 2 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze I agree, it doesn't work that way. There is no "pushing down" on the lines , just "unloading". Internal pressure can be as much as 40% higher than the underside pressure on a glider at the C lines, this allows it to take on the shape dictated by the design. Easy to prove, just look at video of one of these gliders in flight. The shape of the airfoil allows the centre-of-pressure to move differently, causing pitch to be self-correcting. This, along with a more forward loading, creates a lot of stability and prevents collapses. Science.
@DellSchanze 2 жыл бұрын
Ok lying murderer how about you bring your hoaxflex death trap and come fly the mountains mid day in 100+ degree temps here in the desert and we'll see who has no problems on the Dominator and who dies on the hoaxflex. If your lie wasn't a lie then you should have no problem flying no hands with the hoaxflex death trap right? How about $10,000 cash to the one who takes the least collapses and doesn't do a backflip 180 and lock into a face down spiral and die????? You can lie all day long and push your murderous fraud but how about putting your life on the line in a real world scenario?? You liars will lie up and down over and over death after death lie after lie but never once will you even try to back up your lies with your own life. You are scared to death of turbulence because your lies are lies. Paraglider pilots all over the world fly in the middle of the day in active thermic conditions but you are scared to death because lies won't save you. Hoaxflex death traps are NOT more stable they are total death traps. It's very easy for any intelligent person to prove as you simply run 2 gliders into each other and the less stable glider collapses first: Oh hey sorry to utterly destroy your lie but look how it's the hoaxflex death trap that collapses first over and over no matter how many times you tell the same stupid lies. Evil murderers like you pushing fraud trying to kill hundreds more people truly deserve to fly parajet and hoaxflex death traps. Please by all means fly the death trap crap you try to murder others with. See how that works out for you.
@stephenkeen6044 2 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Wow, that escalated quickly. Did you seriously just call me a lying murderer (and apparently an "evil murderer")? For explaining a bit of aerodynamics? If I were to choose to fly in thermic conditions, I would most likely trim out the reflex on my glider and fly it actively, like a "normal" paragliding wing. That's not the point of reflex. Common sense. There's a reason most paramotor pilots choose to fly in calmer air. Under normal flying conditions, the reflex wing will shrug off mild turbulence where a normal profile wing would take a collapse. It's up to the pilot how and when to fly. Risk assessment and decision-making. A lot of reflex wing owners also own a non-reflex wing for flying in more spicy conditions for this very reason (in fact, the instructors at Aviator even advise this to their students), but will fly the reflex wing more often for the benefits they have in the conditions they usually fly in. No need to get aggressive just because you don't understand the technology.
@DellSchanze 2 жыл бұрын
You just admitted your own lie. Liars are as evil and foolish as those who push hoaxflex death traps. If hoaxflex were more stable then one would want to fly the death trap in turbulence not active pilot. You literally admitted you don't dare fly the death trap in turbulence. If it were "more stable" then why wouldn't the hoaxflex liars dare to fly in turbulence as they would be "less likely" to take a collapse right? Nope. Liars know they are lying and are not going to actually try to back up their lies when it's THEIR life on the line. These sicko murderers are real scum. Just look at the absurdity of the lie. He literally admits it's not more stable and he doesn't dare fly it in turbulence but then pretends it's "new technology". Hoaxflex is total crap. it doesn't glide, it's sink rate is way to high, it isn't as fast because it doesn't glide and the sink rate is so high you run out of power before attaining any notable max speed and they are nowhere near as stable AND when they collapse you freaking die. Seriously what's better? Not one single thing!! Literally they suck horribly in every single way and even after hundreds dead these murderers contradict themselves and just keep on lying. Anyone with a brain can understand the simple logic of a real challenge. If they were more stable and that was an actual fact then why wouldn't they dare fly against a real glider with a real pilot through the mountains?????? See how the lies just don't work when you challenge them to prove it? Death after death after death and these liars still push the same crap pretending they are "auto stable" bla bla bla. Not "auto stable" enough for them to dare fly in turbulence and not "auto stable" enough to save the lives of the hundreds who died in minor turbulence because the death traps collapsed on them and never recovered but these murderers just keep on lying over and over death after death while pretending total crap is "new technology". It really has nothing to do with the sport as no intelligent person is going to fly hoaxflex. There is ZERO reflex to ANY paraglider. Literally ZERO. This is more of a religious conversation. It's good honorable people who stand up for the truth and care about people's lives vs murderous anti-Christs. Not one single Christian pushes hoaxflex death traps. ZERO. ALL of them are satanists. These sickos truly deserve what's coming to them. For those who are good decent people that actually care about truth and the lives of others just fly a Flat Top & Dominator. For all the evil anti-Christ murderers by all mean fly scout and hoaxflex. See how that works out for you.
@petern5565 2 ай бұрын
BEST explanation I have ever heard!!!
@ryanbond987 3 жыл бұрын
The collapses that I’ve seen and had instantly re-inflated. I’m not quite sure when you’re saying they suffer a collapse and you die. That seems a little dishonest.
@DellSchanze 3 жыл бұрын
It depends on the situation. It's far too common to watch reflex gliders not recovery correctly if any trims or speedbar is being used. When trims are down and no speedbar is being used, depending on the glider, collapses can be tame.
@DAS-Videos 5 жыл бұрын
Looking at the Ozone site, they mention warnings: "... speed makes your wing more stable. It does NOT mean that it makes your wing safer! This is an important point." "... a collapse at a higher speed will invariably be more dynamic and more difficult to control. Also, in a collapse, the reflex profile tends to accelerate even more (shoot / dive forward) with the large increase of wing-loading that is a result of the decreased surface area of the wing during a collapse."
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes they somewhat admit the problem but then hide it with more lies.
@goldrushpro 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze - AND, why would they keep selling those wings?????? Spooky...
@fairbanksairriders 5 жыл бұрын
Disrespecting Ozone, a foundational company? So much name calling, along with overly simplistic explanations.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@fairbanksairriders A dozen deaths in a single year on these total death traps and you suggest telling the truth about it is "disrespectful"??!!!! Those like Ozone pushing these total death traps onto ignorant newbies that don't know any better is seriously freaking evil. No they are NOT a "foundational company". They have always been one of the bottom of the line brands. They get so many people killed because of their dishonesty it's just sickening to those that do care about the truth and facts. Again for those interested in the sport just look at the sheer absurdity of those pushing death traps. Now even trying to call it "disrespectful" to share the FACTS and SHOW the facts. Death after death after death and those causing the deaths use this same crap to try to pretend like all the deaths don't matter. It's hard to comprehend for new people to the sport but THAT is just how messed up the other side of the sport is. There are 2 very opposite sides of the sport. Those who you can see talking piles of trash that don't even try to address the actual specific facts and then there are those with logic, reason and enough integrity to warn people of things getting so many killed. Even Ozone's "certified" wings are pretty terrible. LOOK at the side by side video I did of the Dominator vs the Ozone Indy: It's not that the Dominator just destroy it the problem is LOOK at how even with a 30sm a simple collapse causes you to fall so fast out of the sky that not even full throttle on the super powerful Flat Top Ninja can keep you in the air. A simple asymmetric collapse on the Ozone and it was dropping like a brick even FULL THROTTLE!! The XXXXS Dominator can continue flying straight and level with the same collapse with just minimal throttle. There are huge life & death differences between the very best which is the Dominator and really lousy wings like Ozone. People need to look at the facts instead of falling for bs like calling the truth "disrespectful".
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@muskietime Well at least some people do care about truth and people's lives. 6 more of those who don't just died on these exact same wings because of these exact same issues I describe in this video and all 6 were after this video was made. It's pretty insane but all I can do is warn people. At least there are those like you who will benefit from the actual truth and really even if I save just one person's life by showing these videos it will have been worth it. Thanks for your post.
@JustinBleeder 5 жыл бұрын
I've never flown or had a lesson. I'm doing my due diligence before the fact however and was fortunate enough to happen on this video. By not purchasing the wrong glider; you've save me thousands but more importantly may have saved my life. If the opportunity presents itself I will of course share this knowledge. I feel a duty to do so.
@winners12345 4 жыл бұрын
Wow just now saw this for the first time You are 100% correct I just commented on one of your other videos and everything I said you said the exact same thing I fact checked all of this myself and you are spot on. I have been flying a spyder 3, 24 and I have experienced all those issues you explained with the two sets of brake toggles the trimmers, and the inability to use the main brakes during reflex. I am parking my Spyder 3 and buying a Dominator. Expect a call very soon. I want my Safety
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
Ah yea wow get off that wing asap. I almost died just doing a basic safety test on one of those gliders. I was utterly shocked they would even sell a glider like that let alone sell them to new pilots. The Dominator will utterly smoke it and with ridiculous safety at the same time. It's a huge difference. You feel instantly comfortable on a Dominator like it's your favorite pair of shoes. It's not a glider you have to get "used to" as you just instantly love it. Just have to get the right size to compare to of course though. If you are flying a 12 sm like that you would need to compare it to something like a 19 sm Dominator. The lift of the Dominator just blows your mind. We fly tandem even on the XXXXXS Dominator which is just 14 sm. It has so much lift it really changes everything in what you can do. Even the 16 sm Dominator has more lift with a lower sink rate than the 29 sm Dudek. It's really hard to comprehend until you try it first hand.
@winners12345 4 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze can I text you a few wing questions?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@winners12345 For sure. Text me at 801-631-1731. Or just call me as there are many variables. The hardest question of all is which size to get. Better call me on that one.
@richardturner4950 5 жыл бұрын
Dell, I am a 63 year old large student with a trike. All up weight, 200 KG. I am told I need an enormous 34m wing, like a Dudek Universal. I really admired the K2 wing and the Dominator looks great. I totally get your message about aspect ratio but looking at the published figures for pilot weights on the Dominator, there doesn't seem to be anything for me. What would you recommend, as I'm really not that keen on death just yet! Thanks.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
The Dudek universal is one of these total hoaxflex death traps I'm talking about. So why would you talk to people trying to sell a 63 year old guy a totally uncertified death trap? It's seriously messed up. Yes there is an XXXL Dominator that is 35sm. You don't necessarily need it though as you can fly that much weight on the extra extra extra extra small. At SUPER training people might take their first flights on larger wings but then they quickly work down size after size after size so they can gain the true and real skill it takes to fly the much safer smaller sizes. The Dominator literally has about DOUBLE the lift of the pile of crap Dudek garbage. Check out this video where the 16sm Dominator out glides and has a lower sink rate than the 29sm Dudek Nucleon: So it would be completely insane trying to fly that much weight with a total pig pile of crap wing that doesn't produce jack squat for lift. Literally the 16sm Dominator produces MORE lift than their 29sm. The incredible efficiency of the Dominator is absolutely critical as is the incredible safety. The Dudek Universal is both a total pile of crap that doesn't have crap for performance and is a complete death traps. These murderers just tried to kill you. I'm really sorry there are sickos in the industry like that actually pretending to be "instructors" and "experts". You should tell them off blatantly because there is no excuse for them to try to get you killed like that. Honest people need to stand up for the truth and try to help one another. It's actually a commandment from God to warn thy neighbor of pitfalls that lay before them so warning people of murderous scammers is a requirement for those that follow God and want blessings from God. Of course at 63 you should even be wasting your time talking about gear at all. Come through SUPER training and just see if you can actually pass the class first BEFORE you go talking about spending a pile of money on gear. It's much harder than you expect and especially so above 60 years old. So forget the gear and come see if you can attain the skills first. You are welcome for me just saving you a huge pile of money with simple honesty. Call me at 800-707-2525.
@grobschnittt 5 жыл бұрын
@Richard Turner : I am a 64 year old medium novice paramotor pilot with around 20 flights under my belt on my own FlatTop. 4 of those flights are in the AirTrike Ninja with a large Cima K2 wing. 295lbs total weight with full 2.5 gal tank. (I was born and raised in America, so I still use pounds and gallons) This setup works just great for me and I'm sure you will love it too. I flew it near some jagged mountain peaks and encountered very unstable air. Though it was kind of scary with the wing shooting forward over my head at times, I flew out of there with no major incident. The AirTrike with a K2 or Dominator wing is a very safe configuration and I,m sure it will work as well for you as it does for me.
@aieaslippers5900 5 жыл бұрын
I love Truth. . . Therefore, I LOVE your delivery style!! Great job Teaching us Dell!!!!!
@jamessutherland4238 5 жыл бұрын
Aiea Slippers Lol
@fairbanksairriders 5 жыл бұрын
You're joking right? 🙃
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@fairbanksairriders Nope the real actual truth is no joke to real actual people. It's total scammers pushing the most deadly gear and totally bogus "training" that are the joke. Let's see these guy's "instructors" even try to do what brand new SUPER students can do. It's seriously not funny when those who don't have even the most basic skills themselves go around pretending to be instructors who then push the absolute worst and most horrible gear.
@DonHavjuan 2 жыл бұрын
It appears Dell has no physics education, and no idea what he's talking about. How sad.
@DellSchanze 2 жыл бұрын
Frauds like you cause countless deaths: ah yea minor turbulence and the death trap wing collapses and does the death trap back flip 180 and locks into a spiral EXACTLY like I explained. Liars like you then lie and pretend I don't know what I'm talking about when the FACTS are blatantly obvious and don't take a rocket scientist to see. You don't have ANY degree as you are a complete fraud and liar that doesn't give one crap how many people you murder with your lies. You sick scumbag you have no place on this channel. You should be ashamed of yourself.
@dwanehudson6904 5 жыл бұрын
Dell great explanation on this subject, I was really impressed and have a greater knowledge on wings!!! I will see you soon for my training and guarantee I will be on a Dominator glider and a ninja paramotor!!! I watched a video on u tube that had Tucker Gott flying a paraglider in southern Utah. He hit some bad air and about crapes his pants landing so fast he almost had a heart attack. Now I know thru your discussion on these wings or gliders why he had a crapper moment. I hope all people have the time to watch this video to make a smart choice as to what equipment they will buy as I have. Dominator and ninja paramotor is my choice soon. Thank you Dell for this discussion you just shared with us and see you in the air soon. Oh PS I spent at least a hour at Dells home a few weeks ago and he was great to answer every question I had about his equipment. Call him and he will answer every question you have on paraglider. He’s willing to spend as much time as you need to learn so please call ok to help you make safe choices on this great sport. Call him 1- 800-707-2525
@JV-tk3nn 5 жыл бұрын
I haven't met Dell, but from his videos I can tell how passionate he's about training and safety. Too bad some people continue to smear his reputation for his unrelated actions or ideals. I have posted questions and comments on some of his other videos an he's always replied with an explanation. I am looking forward to someday getting Super training to become a safe PPG pilot.
@dwanehudson6904 5 жыл бұрын
Yes there are lots of trash talkers out there but truth is truth and I’m going to take super training because of the truths that are taught be Dell. His paramotors and Dominator gliders are very well built products and I’ve watch ever video that I can find out there and it looks like Dells equipment is in my opinion the way I’m going. When it comes down to it I want to live and enjoy this great sport!!!!!!
@granitecitydecorators5853 5 жыл бұрын
Greetings from scotland brother. I have recently purchased a corsair 172.5cc with APCO lift ez "reflex" ( i think ) watched this and went to their site and could not find their safety rating for it. Can you please give me your opinion on this setup. I was due to take first flight yesterday but was too windy. All the best. Kev
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Ah man I'm sorry you didn't find my videos sooner before you purchased that setup. It's very upsetting that they would even sell an uncertified class death trap wing to a beginner without even telling you that one collapse could kill you and it's thousands of times more likely to collapse than quality wings. I already did a review of the Apco Lift which you can find here: It's really messed up because there is absolutely zero reason to fly the death traps they call "reflex" when quality wings are literally better in every single way. So it makes zero sense to push those wings onto people when there is absolutely zero benefit. A super duper safe wing like the Dominator is literally better in every single way. Another thing you should really do is also watch the video series of the "Paramotor 304 reasons competent pilots only fly Flat Tops". Here is page 1 but just search for them as there are tons: just one trip & fall and you can literally chop your hand up in the prop of terrible units or smash your face into the ground so hard it can snap your neck because you have no face plant protection. The list goes on and on and the video series really is an incredible education on the sport as it goes through zillions of things you would just never think of on your own until you ran into them the hard way. On top of that I would bet anything they have no trained you at all to actually have the ability to really control a paraglider. Just look at what SUPER students achieve comparatively as I would bet your instructor can't even do what brand new SUPER students can do: here is a SUPER student that knocked out 530 flights during his 10 days of SUPER training and notice that he was flying in 25+ mph winds on an extra extra extra extra small Dominator which is just 16sm and with beyond expert level skills: So really I would not recommend you proceed as you are taking risks thousands of times higher than you really should be. I would try to make them give you a refund on the horrible gear they sold you and then sign up for SUPER training and just do it right. Then you can fly circles around them and have a total blast instead of spend piles and piles of money repairing the horrible gear as every trip & fall and the whole unit will catastrophically self destruct. You need to make the switch now before you totally destroy the gear. Maybe you are rich and can afford $5000-$25,000 in repairs but 98% end up quitting the sport if they get gear like they pushed onto you and without any true actual training. We have 18 people on this SUPER training class we are just finishing right now and out of all 18 people training for 9 days we have a total of 1 single cage piece that was damaged when a 250 lbs student fell full force on it. That the total damage of gear for 18 students and the guy that damaged it has 86 flights already. He will pay exactly ZERO to repair it because at SUPER training we guarantee you will be so incredibly skilled and the gear is so good if you do damage any gear WE pay for it not you. Just that fact alone is worth more than the entire cost of coming to SUPER training. I'm sure by now you have seen many completely trash their gear as will you at least 86 times to get to 86 flights. Just think what it will cost you to get to 86 flights let alone 530 on top of what it will cost you in your first year of trying to fly with that gear you named. It's why the attrition rate is literally 98% for those who don't get SUPER training along with Flat Top paramotors specifically. I had a guy who came to me after having gone through training at blackhawk and he had already spent over $10,000 just in repairs alone trying to learn to fly on blackhawk gear but what finally stopped him and gave him a wake up call that I was telling him the truth was when he chopped off 2 fingers exactly as I had warned him. His name is Jared. Now he is an incredible pilot and of course paid zero for any damage to any gear during his SUPER training and went home from 10 days of SUPER training with about 400 flights of experience during his 10 days. Just talk to anyone who has been through SUPER training who had already been through "training" elsewhere and they will say they learned more in the first hour than in all their other training combined. There are just sooooo many details to glider control you simply don't get anywhere else and you get 25-60 HOURS of actual kiting experience burning those hundreds of details into reflexes before the upwards of 530 flights of experience. All of that in just 10-11 days of SUPER training. So from a financial standpoint, you would be better off to get a refund or just sell what you have right now and walk away from your current training and come get SUPER training as you will be money ahead in the long run. From a skill and ability standpoint it would also be much smarter to just walk away from where you are now and get SUPER training because it doesn't matter if you practice wrong for 10 years you still won't be able to do what brand new SUPER students can do unless you just take SUPER training. I wish there were more honest people out there but at least you are hearing this now while you still have a chance to do something about it. I've warned about 80 people like this who ignored my advice only to find out the hard way this is 100% correct. Don't just blindly believe what anyone tells you in this sport. Feel free to challenge anything I've said and let's compare skill against skill and gear against gear so you can truly know that what I'm saying is 100% true. I would love to see you rocking the skies like SUPER Lee with the ability to fly anywhere anytime in just about any conditions other than bad weather. Call me anytime if you would like to talk about things in more detail at 800-707-2525.
@n.w.on.a.t.o1031 4 жыл бұрын
is a air design good wing to use also ? or is dominator better ? and if so can i use it with kurts trike ?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
Air Design isn't bad depending on which model but yes the Dominator is simply much much better. Yes for sure you can use the Dominator with a trike. It's the ultimate for that as well.
@PianoMan-hx3ev 2 жыл бұрын
As a music composer, I found this video very interesting and gave it a thumbs up. 👍
@punchmcduff6446 4 жыл бұрын
The only thing a reflex Para-Glider wing does, is move the center of gravity of the airfoil section forward. If you have flown a RC model then moving the C of G forward can make the aircraft unstable and twitchy to inputs. Generally the C of G is about 30% from the leading edge of the wing.
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
Yea all they are doing is unloading the back half of the wing. That means your 5.5:1 aspect ratio becomes 11:1!!! Even the most insane competition paragliding wings are only 7.5:1 and they even stopped using those for compeitions because they were so unsafe. 11:1 is simply retarded with a cloth & string wing as it's thousands of times more likely to collapse and when it collapses you do a backflip 180 and lock into a face down spiral. It's hard to comprehend there are people so unbelievably clueless that they would fly that crap but then again there are people who actually voted for Hillary. Heck for those that voted for Hillary by all means fly the hoaxflex wings. That's the perfect one for them. Then get a scout or parajet or other skycruiser clone to go with it that hasn't had a safety update in over 40 years of carnage & death. In this sport those pushing that crap are very much like democrats. They just scream racist bigot and pretend that nullifies all facts...
@flageoletje 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Dell, what you say is very logical in fact! Never thought about it this way. Is it possible to buy a Dominator in Europe?Does it work with a PAP Vittorazi Moster Plus?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes you can order a Dominator from anywhere in the world. We ship them all over the world no problem at all. Yes it will work with any paramotor even a horribly outdated one that hasn't had a safety update in 40 years. I would really recommend selling that Pap and getting a Flat Top. Not only will the Flat Top be lighter and get more power from the same engine but it will be about 100 times stronger and more durable and infinitely safer. One of the many reasons nobody on earth can do on a Pap what we can do on Flat Tops is because they die before they get anywhere close to our skill level. In this sport you are guaranteed to crash. It's just a fact of the sport. WHEN you crash if you don't have any crumple zone or face plant protection or protection from the prop or ANY of the other hundreds of safety updates on the Flat Top the outcome can be very deadly. Over 100 people have been shredded in the prop on units like the Pap. Others have had their brake toggles go into the prop and DIED because of it. Many others have drowned when they sank instantly in water but have so many buckles they couldn't get out to save their life. Piles of others have broken their backs because the slightest smack into the ground with that design and it's your spine that takes the bunt of the impact. The Flat Top's crumple zone works better than you can comprehend. Anyhow let me know if you have any other questions. Also feel free to call me anytime 800-707-2525 and I'll be happy to help you in any way I can no matter what you own or buy.
@goldrushpro 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze - Wait, if he sells the PAP then someone else will have it... Maybe you mean he should put it in the recycle bin?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@goldrushpro If he sells it to some scammer that pushes Pap onto others trying to get them killed then it's kind of justice in a way. Those pushing such units truly deserve to have to fly them.
@Rashers- 2 жыл бұрын
Just came across the channel and subbed currently learning to fly here In Ireland 🇮🇪 enjoying the videos 🪂 any links to check out that dominator wing aswell cheers ✅
@DellSchanze 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for joining. Here is the paramotor world speed record set at 51mph: This is the paramotor trike world altitude record: Then this one is collapse testing on the XXXXXS which is the smallest size made at only 14sm!! so you can see you have not only the best performance in the sport but also the best safety for the performance. It's seriously an insanely good glider without any real competitor at the moment. Other wings that have good performance just don't touch it's safety and wings that have good safety don't touch the Dominator's performance.
@mark35mi 2 жыл бұрын
But... it gets worse. LOL. Thank you for this video Dell.
@clearprop 4 жыл бұрын
You're missing the point I'm afraid. The idea of 'pushing a string' implies a force applied to the pilot. Aerodynamically, in the paraglider (or 'soft wing' scenario), reflex applies only to the stability of the aerofoil section. Reactions to turbulence are initially absorbed by the pressurised wing itself, and those small variations in pitch response make the difference in the stability of the inflated wing. The weight of the pilot, suspended primarily from the front riser (or risers) does not come into play.
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
Again totally FALSE. There is ZERO reflex to any paraglider an they are not more stable they are LESS stable which is very very simple to proven and has already been proven. If you want to know which of 2 gliders is more stable simply run them into each other. The hoaxflex death traps collapse first over and over and over trims up trims down doesn't matter they are absolutely horrible and nowhere near as stable and when they collapse which is thousands of times more likely you freaking die. Plus this isn't even adding in the fact you can active pilot the real glider which again makes you thousands and thousands and thousands of times more stable than hoaxflex yet again on top of it's inherent stability. So what the freak are you talking for when you have absolutely no clue at all what you are talking about yet here you are trying to murder even more people with totally flat out FALSE information??!!! What the heck is wrong with you? Do you not give one crap about how many have DIED???!!! WATCH THE FACTS: now stop trying to murder people by flat out lying when you are clueless. There is ZERO reflex to ANY paraglider at all. It's all a total flat out murderous lie and an intentional one as they know darn well they are nowhere near as stable which is why they themselves are scared to death to fly hardly at all let alone in the middle of the day in the desert mountains like my kids do with Dominators.
@clearprop 4 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze You are perfectly entitled to your opinion.
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@clearprop Unlike you I don't share opinions or bs from others. I share only the facts. Opinions are a waste of time as are lies of others that are then repeated by those who know nothing of the subject. Even the opinion of the best in the world would outweigh lies of the dishonest repeated by the ignorant.
@YTjndallas 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video and your others! You’re the only one who explains anything at all !
@flageoletje 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Dell, If I decide to buy a Dominator wing, are there people in Europe to service it? When lines break etc...?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes any glider repair place can make a line for any glider or repair a glider no problem at all.
@alanmcn17 4 жыл бұрын
Great video ...thank you for taking the time to explain. Sounds like if I understand you correctly if you want a faster wing you can increase the wing loading while staying in a safe aspect ratio?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
Yes that's correct. With the Dominator being so ridiculously safe in every single size if you want more performance you just fly a smaller size. Keep in mind this does not hold true for other gliders though. Many other gliders become very unsafe in smaller sizes so each glider is different. The Dominator is just a mind blowing glider. Best wing I've ever seen in all of my years of experience. I would pay $5000 for something that could beat it though. I challenge anyone out there to send me a glider that will legitimately best it without reducing benefits in other characteristics. Most companies making gliders are getting WORSE not better though. They are literally pushing the absolute worst and most deadly gliders in all of history. Wings like the Macpara Charger are so deadly that one collapse and it did the hoaxflex backflip so violently that a guy was literally ejected from the horrible Green Eagle trike and fell to his death!!! They actually sell crap like that to ignorant newbies that don't know any better!! Another guy flying straight and level on the total death trap Sky Flux took a simple collapse and same thing, backflip 180 and locked into a face down spiral all the way right into the ground. Literally a $300 glider from ebay made in the 1980's would be safer than total crap like Tucker Gott promotes. Heck Tucker is the REPLACEMENT as their previous pitchman already DIED on that same type of crap Tucker Gott now pushes. This sport is truly incredible and the safety is kind of ridiculous if you actually get SUPER training along with a Flat Top & Dominator specifically but the insane level of safety doing it the right way has absolutely nothing to do with the constant carnage & deaths of those like Tucker or anyone that thinks they can learn from Aviator PPG or other scammers. It's really not rocket science. The facts are quite simple. Just compare skill to skill when looking for training: and compare characteristic to characteristic when looking for gear. Do you even need to be a paramotor pilot to realize getting a Flat Top with real protection from the prop just makes sense over total crap like blackhawk, parajet, air conception, miniplane, scout and so many other fake skycruiser clones where way way over 100 people have been shredded in the prop and they STILL haven't made a single update to address the issue!! Get the best gear and training and this will be the most incredible thing you will ever do. It's truly mind blowing the endless practical uses for a personal aircraft like this. Just call 800-707-2525 and do it the right way though. Feel free to challenge me on anything. Say SHOW ME and PROVE IT when getting into this sport. Either someone can SHOW their skills and explain and SHOW in great detail the characteristics of their gear or they can't.
@realizt420 5 жыл бұрын
RIP Grant Thompson
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
DEATH... here is yet another DEATH exactly like I'm warning people about in this video and you can see it happen EXACTLY like I'm explaining in this video: death after death after death and it's the same thing over and over. Still the liars out there push these exact same death traps and then just bash, trash and lie to try to cover up the dead bodies. It's seriously messed up.
@streetwiseguitar5113 2 жыл бұрын
Dell, were you nervous flying the hoax-flex wings when you were testing them?
@laurikeranen 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Dell. Is "Dominator" U-Turn wing? And is "U-turnUSA" the same as ?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
The Dominator is exclusive to U-Turn USA and has nothing to do with U-Turn Germany. However U-Turn USA can also sell all of the U-Turn gliders as well from the German company. Because we were the first distributor for U-Turn products we have the name U-Turn USA but since then now carry all the makes & models and can sell any glider on the market and beat most any advertised price out there. So if you call u-turn in Germany they will only sell their gliders but U-Turn USA can sell everything. 800-707-2525
@laurikeranen 4 жыл бұрын
Thaks for answeird :)
@balkan_pil0t 5 жыл бұрын
Dell, I gave your video a thumbs up! I like these types of videos better than your others..... you made me smile ;-)
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
All my videos tell the truth. So if you don't like my other videos that tell the truth there is something wrong with you fine sir not me. I really don't give one single crap if people don't like the truth. I answer to God not man.
@bornuponawave 5 жыл бұрын
It says 13 comments but I can’t read them. What’s going on?
@dougpenhall 5 жыл бұрын
When it says there are more comments than what you can see, it means that comments have been blocked either by the video publisher, or automatically by KZbin. If they've been automatically blocked, then the video publisher can approve them.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@dougpenhall Yes because I care about people's lives I must approve all posts before they are posted. There are so many freaking sick murderous scumbags posting every lie they can make up and talking endless trash and worthless garbage it makes no sense to waste people's time with their foul crap and totally absurd lies. So each post is approved by me so I can then comment to refute the lies or not waste people's time or morality with wasteful foulness.
@dougpenhall 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze, That sounds quite reasonable.
@charvais 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Dell, Can you explain the difference between the Dominator and a Reflex wing? they both seem to have A,B,C,D risers and trims
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
With the Dominator no matter the trim or speedbar setting you are always always hanging from the entire glider. With a hoaxflex death trap when you put up the trimmers you completely unload the back half of the wing so that your entire weight is ONLY hanging from the front of the glider. So when they collapse they completely freak out because of the insane 11:1 or so aspect ratio where the Dominator still has a super duper safe 3.8:1 aspect ratio making it incredibly stable. Plus the Dominator is so much more efficient even the 16sm Dominator out glides and has a LOWER sink rate than the 29sm. Yes the 16sm Dominator has a lower sink rate than the 29sm Dudek: so their performance is so horrible on top of them being so incredibly deadly it's hard to comprehend how anyone other than a Hillary supporter could ever even consider one. If you have no logic, or reason and facts don't matter and you think screaming racist bigot homophobe nullifies all fact then perhaps you would fly hoaxflex but to any rational person it's seriously stupefying how anyone could fly that crap. In just the last matter of weeks they have killed 6 more people on the hoaxflex death traps they call "reflex"!!! 6 more DEAD!!! In all of history only 1 single person has ever died on quality gear. 1 in all of history vs so many I can't even count them all including 6 more in the last weeks and at least 20 a year. You have a 100% chance of taking a collapse on the death traps because they are so unstable as you can see proven over and over in my videos and when you take a collapse the wing flips a 180 and shoots straight at the ground locking you into a spiral so fast many have passed out before they could even throw a reserve. Let me know if that answered your question ok. People ask me all the time why anyone would fly them if they are so bad but like I said it's like asking someone why they would vote for Hillary. There simply is no logic or reason to these people.
@charvais 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Thanks Dell I understand a bit more now. I live in the UK do you deal with us here?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@charvais Yes for sure people come to us all the time from the UK. SUPER Adam who came from the UK even set a world record on his 8th day of SUPER training knocking out 2 circles in a foot drag which is incredibly difficult. You won't see any "instructors" from the UK who can even do it let alone their students. So it's well worth the plane ticket to just get the very best training in the world. Then we just ship the best & safest gear right to your door and presto you are set. This is truly the most incredible thing you will ever do if you do it the right way like this.
@ozoneswiftak Жыл бұрын
Its not like the flex moves the lines more than 5 inches when tightening the speed trimmers? That means the whole wing changes shape. Not just the rear risers. Seems logical.
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Yes there is more to it which is why it becomes deadly but mainly it's unloading the rear half of the glider. That means your 5.5:1 aspect ratio goes to 11:1!!! One collapse and people freaking die. Plus your 18sm wing becomes 9sm!!!!! 9sm and 11:1 aspect ratio!! Think about that logically. It's a total death trap. Every single hoaxflex death trap on the market they call "reflex" is a complete death trap no matter how many lies they tell. You don't get 11:1 aspect ratio to recover perfectly from collapses. It just doesn't. It's a complete nightmare which is why over 200 have died on that garbage. I almost died 4 different times testing that crap. It's so insane I could hardly comprehend anyone would be freaking evil enough to actually sell them at all let alone sell them to ignorant newbies and tell them it's the safest thing ever. The sickos pushing that crap are freaking murderers.
@mrjjman2010 5 жыл бұрын
i dont know that ill personally ever get into PPG, but i "fly" hovercrafts and ground effect vehicles and have read some about lift and angle of attack and etc, this is very interesting to watch and if i do ever get into PPG i will feel much more comfortable safety-wise. like many others, ive seen a few vids of people flying paramotors and am here now because of the recent grant thompson incident. just wanted to learn more about it because ive heard about incidents killing people(not as well known people, just news articles and such), so this is very interesting to learn about in regards to the aspect ratio. its somewhat similar to the skirt(or bags as some call them) of hovercraft, although if the design is bad and the air flow is turbulent or the skirt collapses the risks are obviously much less. i dont think some people getting into this or that would like to realize that doing enough research may really actually save their own life. thanks for the video, its very well explained and it makes a lot of sense about the stall recovery now.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yea that was really messed up with Grant Thompson and this video explains exactly why he died. They totally scammed him into the absolute worst and most deadly gear in history and he is just one of 5 to die on that same type of gear in the last weeks. You can't call that an "accident" more like murder when they intentionally, knowingly and maliciously scam people into the absolute most horrifically unsafe gear in history and tell every lie they can make up to deceive people away from the best & safest gear that would have saved their life. I'll have the video up of Grant Thompson here shortly explaining exactly what happened as there is quite a bit to the story that people don't realize.
@billcallahan9303 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Dell! I'm 70 tomorrow! But I ain't stupid. That's why I'm watching your pretty face! :)
@adrianmilward142 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the explanation Dell,now waiting for someone to take up your challenge :)
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Nobody will challenge me because liars don't care about truth. Instead they hate truth and want to try to hide the truth in any way they can. They just lie endlessly trying to hide truth in their pile of crap so people need to actually LOOK for those that back up what they say with videos. I have 840 videos showing every detail of what I'm talking about along with the piles of back to back and side by side comparisons. Even the 16sm Dominator out glides the 29sm Dudek Nucleon. 16sm vs 29sm and the 16s has a lower sink rate. The SUPER duper safe Dominator just utterly humiliates the death traps. How can they argue with me flying circles around them all over the place? They can talk crap but me flying circles around them is pretty blatant lol. There is no way for them to lie their way out of that one.
@JustOutHereTinkering 5 жыл бұрын
This video just seems to be a lot of fear mongering and calling people liars and hocking YOUR wing, which YOU say is the best and everyone needs to buy so YOU can sell more and make more money.... I mean if you were an independent 3rd party maybe, but even then idk man...... you just come off a bit fanatical to me!
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Notice this liar tells this same lie even now just days after yet ANOTHER person just died on that crap. Seriously as though a lie of "fearmongering" would even remotely apply to newbies being sold totally uncertified death traps that get people killed about every other week with piles more seriously injured. There are HUNDREDS of certified gliders. It has nothing to do with me selling just one of the hundreds I carry. Anyone can sell super safe certified gliders instead of total death trap hoaxflex wings they call "reflex". LOOK at the lies they use though right here!! This is a perfect example of the absurd lies they use to try to continue to defraud people against the truth even days after yet another guy just DIED!!! Death after death after death and these liars just use the same ignorant absurd lies. Seriously how sick can people get having ZERO care what so ever about people's lives??!! SHAME on the sickos like this guy right here. Yet another guy just DIED and LOOK how even after still another death they try to make up lies like it doesn't matter how many die!!!!
@streetwiseguitar5113 2 жыл бұрын
“Fear mongering?“ You are obviously conflating fear mongering and facts. 🤦‍♂️
@ozoneswiftak Жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze people die on all the brand name wings. Its about not letting your wing pass over your head. Right?. Flying safe, and stopping that surge.
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Yes it's possible to die on any way. Do you know what paraglider certifications are for? They were created over 40 years ago to setup basic safety standards in different classes. A, B, C or D being the least safe. ZERO hoaxflex death traps called reflex can pass ANY level of safety classing. How do you stop a surge on a hoaxflex death trap? If you hit the brakes you actually CAUSE a collapse. So no you can't active pilot a hoaxflex death trap. So no the ability to active pilot only exists on a real glider not the death traps. Plus it's not about IF a glider can collapse. Yes hoaxflex death traps are thousands of times more likely to collapse as you can't active pilot them and they are just horrible unstable with 11:1 aspect ratios on a cloth wing but ALL cloth wings can collapse. The safest classes are about what happens after a collapse and how it recovers from all the standard issues. Hoaxflex death traps are so unsafe they do a backflip 180 and lock into a face down spiral when they take a major asymetric collapse. A quality wing will pretty much completely continue to fly straight and level. So huge gigantic life & death difference in safety. I actually don't know of a single death in the last year on quality wings flown on paramotors. They were only the hoaxflex death traps that killed so many people despite hoaxflex being less than 1% of the market. With a quality wing you can indeed stop the surge and even if you don't it's designed to recover properly without death flipping you face first into the ground.
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Yes it's possible to die on any way. Do you know what paraglider certifications are for? They were created over 40 years ago to setup basic safety standards in different classes. A, B, C or D being the least safe. ZERO hoaxflex death traps called reflex can pass ANY level of safety classing. How do you stop a surge on a hoaxflex death trap? If you hit the brakes you actually CAUSE a collapse. So no you can't active pilot a hoaxflex death trap. So no the ability to active pilot only exists on a real glider not the death traps. Plus it's not about IF a glider can collapse. Yes hoaxflex death traps are thousands of times more likely to collapse as you can't active pilot them and they are just horrible unstable with 11:1 aspect ratios on a cloth wing but ALL cloth wings can collapse. The safest classes are about what happens after a collapse and how it recovers from all the standard issues. Hoaxflex death traps are so unsafe they do a backflip 180 and lock into a face down spiral when they take a major asymetric collapse. A quality wing will pretty much completely continue to fly straight and level. So huge gigantic life & death difference in safety. I actually don't know of a single death in the last year on quality wings flown on paramotors. They were only the hoaxflex death traps that killed so many people despite hoaxflex being less than 1% of the market. With a quality wing you can indeed stop the surge and even if you don't it's designed to recover properly without death flipping you face first into the ground.
@gorokhovsky1 4 жыл бұрын
Do you know why, if the Ozone Spyder 3 is based on the Roadster 3, why the Roadster is EN-B certified but the Spyder isn't?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
They are both total death traps. There is no such thing as a "certified hoaxflex death trap" they call "reflex". Put those trims up even a little and all your safety goes right out the window. So to get a wing to pass at trim speed and then sell it as "certfiied" when in fact putting the trims up at all turns it into a death trap is so freaking evil it's the most deadly scam in the history of the sport. This scam almost killed ME as well. I had a newbie send me one of these wings he had been sold and asked me to test it and see what the actual truth was. Trims down it was crappy and sloppy but did respond to collapses within parameters. Then I put the trims up just 1.5 inches and did the same simple asymmetric collapse test and WHAP!! The glider instantly did a backflip 180 leaving me with line slack and riser twist and then shot straight at the ground and locked into a spiral. Had I not had thousands of feel of altitude I would have died. It was so shocking it was hard to comprehend how they could ever sell a glider THAT deadly let alone sell that crap to compete newbies and straight up lie pretending it's "certified". There is no such thing as a paraglider with reflex. It doesn't exist. You can't push a string so the rear does not stabilize the front. What happens when you put the trims up on ALL of the hoaxflex death traps is you unload the rear half of the wing so you are only hanging from the front. This makes them thousands of times more likely to collapse, MORE likely not less likely, and WHEN they collapse they ALL do the same hoaxflex backflip 180 and lock into a spiral face first towards the ground. Those that would sell such crap are so purely evil it's hard for any decent person to even comprehend. 7 more DEAD just recently ALL from this exact same scam. It's the most deadly scam in the history of the sport and they just don't seem to care how many they kill with this scam they just keep telling every lie they can make up to defraud even more newbies. So no don't even think about flying ANY glider they call "reflex" as they are ALL complete death traps. Plus their performance is terrible which is why they obviously can't beat the 51 mph paramotor world speed record I set on the Dominator. Speed takes extreme efficiency and hoaxflex death traps are horribly inefficient which is why they are so slow. So there is absolutely zero reason or excuse for anyone to fly that crap let alone try to kill others by promoting it. 7 more dead recently and every single one of them died because of the hoaxflex scam. Getting into the sport the #1 thing you actually need to do is to LOOK at the skill level of whom you are talking to. Nobody on earth can do what I do an in way way way over 11,000 flights doing what no others on earth can do I've never once been injured. It's about learning real skills from the one who actually is the best and then flying the very best & safest gear. So there is a ton more to it than just the hoaxflex death trap scam. Anyone that would have sold a person such a wing you know is either totally ignorant or just freaking evil. So how else did they try to kill you? You want to look at you skills very closely and compare them with brand new SUPER students. Then make sure you only fly a Flat Top paramotor specifically. Anything other than a Flat Top and again it's as horrifying as the hoaxflex death trap scam. Call me at 800-707-2525 before you do anything in this sport.
@davidtalbott1503 5 жыл бұрын
how do you know if you are buying hoaxflex wing or "reflex" wing, as apposed o one thats not? are they all advertised as such/ what about a Edel Power Atlas wing?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Thankfully pretty much all of the hoaxflex death traps are marketed as "reflex" wings. The Edel power atlas is just the oldest wing in the history of the sport. Edel went out of business about 12 years ago and while that wing is horrible at least isn't a complete death trap like ALL wings they refer to as "reflex". Really the best way is to just buy a Dominator and be done with it. It's the only wing on the market you can see clearly each characteristic is shown in video after video. If there were a better wing it wouldn't take someone 5 minutes to SHOW it. Since the Dominator has both the best safety and the best peformance it makes no sense to really waste time with anything else at this point but I keep offering $5000 to anyone who can produce a glider that will actually beat it. I would love to find a glider even better than the Dominator but sadly many are actually making worse and worse gliders not better. It's like half the world is completely mental. Hoaxflex death traps being a perfect example of that. They don't have one single dang benefit but 6 more just died on them in the last weeks!!! 6 more dead and sickos like Tucker Gott just keep pushing them onto completely ignorant people foolish enough to fall for it. It's really hard to watch so many die for no reason other than they trusted their life to advice from dishonest morons. LOOK at the skill level of whom you are talking to. You can see clearly nobody on earth can do what I do on a paramotor. Until someone beats me I am the best in the world. You can also see all 4 of my kids are incredible pilots doing things that are truly master level. If the best pilot in the world trust his own children to fly Dominators it pretty much says all one would need to know after doing basic research on just how good the Dominator is. Call me at 800-707-2525. It's truly the most incredible thing you will ever do as long as you follow along with proven and tested gear & training.
@vpford7004 5 жыл бұрын
Did you heard about Lidia jacques accident this week? apparently she got caught in a locked spiral on her dudek snake and yelled to her husband she could not get out , tragic! she was famous dudek pilot. too many pilots flying these hot wings, wich are all fun and games, but ones locked in spiral mode, very life threatening.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes and I warned them over and over not to fly those total death traps. It's like trying to explain logic, reason and facts to liberals. Death after death after death and they types just don't care about the facts or human life. They just keep pushing the same crap and every death on the totally uncertified death trap gliders and they try to pretend it's an accident. I explain it in detail right in this video and have explained it to most of those who have died but there are those that hate facts & truth and reality and their deaths have absolutely ZERO to do with real actual pilots with SUPER skills who fly Flat Tops & Dominators. You can't compare the deaths of those on death traps to those flying the best and safest gear on the market.
@tomelroy 2 жыл бұрын
i am not sure if I have been hypnotized or sold on features/benefits/facts...but I am thinking the Flattop/Dominator/Super Training is the way to go!
@Mazby2 5 жыл бұрын
Any vids showing the glider????
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes we've posted those many times.
@kchappelle 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. It clears up a lot of things for me and I feel better about my non-reflex wing. You da man! :"
@lookingupforjesus 5 жыл бұрын
I remember when I flew my first hang glider with VG (variable geometry) the wing handled wonderfully with the VG out. When you pulled in the VG to tighten up the wing, response to weight shift input (roll control) fell to near zero. The wing became super efficient, and fast, but was really only good for zipping to the next cloud down the street. I'm wanting to get into paramotoring, but can't find training anywhere near where I live in western Washington state. I also find it near impossible to acquire gear without certification, so I'm left with trying to buy it in pieces, and put it together when I've got everything. I'm going to buy the wing and a training harness first, go to a huge open park near where I live, and give it a go when the winds are conducive for easy kiting. Thanks for the info Dell.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
That's actually a really bad idea fine sir. Don't even think about getting a wing and going out and playing with it. It's a ton more difficult than people expect with zillions of little details that are backwards to what's intuitive. That's why those out there with "20 years of experience" can't even do what brand new SUPER students can do. It doesn't matter how long you practice something wrong you never get good doing it wrong. Also there is no training in your area. The location for training is absolutely critical which is why we drive 1500 miles to the perfect location to do SUPER training. So just do it the right way and come through SUPER training and master the perfected skills right up front. Then you can become a truly incredible pilot very very quickly. Otherwise don't even waste time with this sport as it's a total nightmare without proper skills and gear. For the gear just call 800-707-2525 as well and just do it right the first time. People that don't get a Flat Top paramotor for example will spend more money repairing other gear than it would have cost to just buy a brand new Flat Top. Other units are so flimsy the slightest bump and they catastrophically self destruct as the cage just flexes into the prop. Plus you could shred yourself in that prop. Running around with weight on your back you are going to fall down. It's a fact of the sport. With a Flat Top paramotor that's a total non issue you just get right back up and try again but with ANY other unit a fall means total destruction of the unit and waiting months for replacement parts. The Flat Top is not just the lightest unit in it's class but it's also about 100 TIMES stronger and more durable than other units while also being infinitely safer. Then for the wing just get a Dominator. Anything less than the best is a complete waste of time and money. Just one collapse could kill you on a lesser glider so it makes zero sense to fly anything but the Dominator right now until something else comes along that can beat it. Do it right and this will be the coolest thing you will ever do. Try to piece things together and you make the sport look seriously stupid when others see the nightmare you go through.
@GetRealBaby Жыл бұрын
Despite what bad publicity Dell has been given, he's absolutely the best instructor you'll ever find, and that's exactly where you want to start your venture into paramotoring, with the best instructor, Dell Schanze. Start by watching his videos, There are a ton of them, each one can teach you something that may benefit you down the road. Next, and most importantly, sign up for his classes. Spend the money now or spend more money on the doctor who has to patch you up when you fail because you didn't get the right training. Dell will not let you down. At the same time, he will not allow you to buy his products, the best in the world IF he thinks you're not ready. What's the cost of broken bones vs the cost of Dell's classes? There's no comparison. I first tried doing what you said you're going to do: buy a wing and a harness and visit a park with gentle winds. Ha! I did that in my large back yard and am lucky to be alive. I was doing fine at first. I was able to keep the wing over my head after a few dozen times, following one of Dell's videos on how to do it. But then suddenly a gust of wind picked me up off my feet and took me just above the roof of my house when LUCKLY it set me down with a thump, but then the wind kept a hold of the wing and tried to pull me off the roof, and almost did. If I hadn't grabbed a hold of a vent pipe I would have been pulled right off the roof onto my butt or head or back. I got lucky. Don't be dumb as I was.
@frosty2331 Жыл бұрын
Hi buddy I fly the ozone speedster 2 with a air conception nitro 200 watching your vid has put a different view on my wing and yes your completely right on what you say I've never flown it with trims off only in safe mode as ozone say haha looks like a new wing for me any good wings you can point out to me as I live in the UK many thanks to you buddy and a brilliant video
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Ug. It's just horrifying to see people scammed into gliders they call "reflex". Soooo many die with no clue at all how deadly those things are or any idea just how many have actually died on them in the exact same way over and over. There is just no reason or excuse for it. The best wing would be the Dominator. There are other good wings but really the Dominator is the very best. It gives the absolute best safety and the best performance together in the same wing. It really changes the whole sport.
@calthorp Жыл бұрын
I have flown the original speedster for hundreds of hours in different conditions. been a paraglider pilot for 30 yrs.I have never had any type of collapse on the speedster. BUT I only fly with the trimmers open when it is smooth air (probably only 2% of my flying), any turbulence I close them & fly active. I fly it at the middle of the weight range so light loading. I don't want to go racing about I like to get up & enjoy my time there not race from spot to spot. Before I got the speedster I flew motor with standard beginer type pg wings & they did have some collapses. Dell I get your point but these wings can & do get flown safely, Most people don't want to fly in the rough. I don't & never have enjoy it & usually just go land.
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Yea sorry the flat out lies don't work on me. You are not a pilot let alone a 30 year pilot. You have ZERO videos on your channel and know zero about the sport. If you really were a pilot would you would that there is no such thing as smooth air. I've taken 95% collapses in "perfectly smooth cold morning air". You could be flying along without a ripple in the sky and then WHAP!!! If you are on a hoaxflex death trap then you die just like HUNDREDS have died on that crap. If you were an actual pilot you would know about glider certifications and collapse recovery. You would know darn well there is no such thing as a certified hoaxflex death trap because they are so horrifically unsafe that they can't pass ANY level of safety certifications in hoaxflex mode. HUNDREDS told the "oh I've never had a problem" lie right before they died. Literally hundreds DEAD from one single collapse in "perfectly smooth air". What's the point of flying a death trap anyway? Seriously who in their right mind would fly a glider where a simple collapse results in you doing a backflip 180 and locking into a face down spiral? Can any of those flying death traps do things I can't do on the safest class of gliders? Nope. Can any of them name even 1 single benefit to the death traps? Nope. So why fly a death trap when there isn't one single characteristic that is better than quality gliders? The FACT is zero Christians fly hoaxflex death traps. All those pushing the hoaxflex death traps are anti-Christ. These sickos are so evil they think nothing of totally flat out lying and creating completely fake accounts to push such absurd lies. Seriously what a total liar claiming to be a 30 year pilot and then pretending he flies only in "perfectly smooth air" hahaha. Seriously. This really is a perfect example of just how freaking pure evil these sicko murderers are. There is ZERO reason to fly a death trap. ZERO. What the crap??? The FACT is that crap happens in flight and if you fly long enough it WILL happen to you. Just like Julius Gee who lied up and down about how they were impossible to collapse. Yup he is dead after taking a collapse in "perfectly smooth air". Or Jeff who said they were more stable... WHAP!!! He died in "perfectly smooth air". The list of deaths goes on and on and on and on all while not a single one of them can name even 1 single benefit to flying a death trap. They are not faster, they are not as efficient, they are not as stable, they don't handle as well... they are literally total crap and not as good in even 1 single way. So why the freak would anyone with even a few braincells push or fly death traps? It's because they are evil. These people are not retarded, they are purely evil. They simply hate truth and don't give one crap how many they murder. It's what evil people do. So for those reading just click on the guy's name... oh yea zero content on his channel because this "30 year pilot" is a complete lying nobody.
@alandklotz7315 5 жыл бұрын
Dell, how do we get to test fly one of your Dominator wings here in South Africa ???
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
You just order one and we ship it right to you fine sir. Call 800-707-2525 or email me at ppghero which is my gmail address. The Dominator is truly an incredible glider.
@Mazby2 5 жыл бұрын
Its commerce and interest. back in Poland we are hated for telling the truth.
@ozoneswiftak Жыл бұрын
Ozone zero with a paramotor might just go about 50mph. I haven't tried mine yet.
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Yea go try it and see if you can actually maintain straight and level without dropping like a rock. Then you can understand just how correct what I say is. If you have never tried it you have absolutely no clue how difficult it is to fly 51mph straight and level on the safest glider on the market. The Dominator is the most incredible wing on the market.
@davidberman8816 5 жыл бұрын
So what is the purpose of flying in reflex mode?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
What's the purpose of voting for Hillary? There is no purpose yet there were people who did it anyway. You simply can't explain rationally those who are completely irrational. There is zero value to the death traps. It's just a group of people who don't seem to be able to consider logic or facts. 6 more DEAD in just the last weeks and ALL of them on hoaxflex death traps they call "reflex". It's the same thing over and over but these people never learn. It's like those demanding America turn to communism. The absurdity of it is simply beyond the comprehension of rational people that can look at the facts of history.
@davidberman8816 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanzethanks for reply. I myself am a paraglider but enjoy following the motor stuff. I'm just not familiar with the various uncert wings and was curious about how they market reflex wings. Is the"idea" to prevent stalls or to increase speed by increasing aspect ratio?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@davidberman8816 What they do is flat out lie and then sweep all the dead bodies under the carpet. The main lies that are absurdly blatant is they claim it's "more stable". Well to compare which of 2 wings is more stable is actually quite simple. You just run them into each other and the less stable glider will collapse against the more stable glider. So here is one of several videos where you can see just that as the hoaxflex death trap is run into the Dominator over and over and over and you can clearly which one is more stable. Also notice that quite often when one side is collapsed the other side also collapses and the whole glider becomes unstable: their other total lie is that they are "faster". Well I set the paramotor world speed record with the Dominator. So the same glider you saw clearly was far more stable is also much faster: Now the reason quality wings are so much faster is quite simple, obvious and logical. It's about efficiency. The more efficient a glider the higher top speed you attain with X amount of power before you run out of power to maintain altitude. As you accelerate your sink rate goes up and you require more and more power so the more efficient glider will make a higher max speed before you are full throttle and still descending. The hoaxflex death traps are so horrible even the 16sm Dominator has a lower sink rate and better glide ratio than the 29sm Dudek Nucleon: so to push their complete lies the make up fake competitions to pretend they are "racing". That way gullible people just assume they are "racing" gliders when in fact they would never win a real race against a quality wing because they suck so bad. No competent pilot would ever fly in circles back through their wake low to the ground while full speedbar so you know without a doubt those in these fake races are not competent pilots but instead they are completely incompetent and don't know even the most basic thing about the sport or they would know that is about the most deadly thing you can do in the sport. Characteristics are what they are. They are measurable. There is no opinion about it the facts are the facts. As a paraglider pilot one would know that glider certifications came about around 50+ years ago to address the well known safety issues. Now you have people pushing total death traps that literally can't pass even 50 year old safety standards and they sell them to people so ignorant they don't have a clue and don't bother to even research it. 6 more dead in the last weeks ALL on hoaxflex death traps they call "reflex" and every single time they just lie and pretend it has nothing to do with the real reason they died but pretend it has nothing to do with the lack of safety of those particular death traps. Pretty insane really.
@stevec7596 4 жыл бұрын
Even Tucker has a video now where he tested a wing at top speed in smooth air and it collapsed all by itself. He sent it back, another guy tried it and had to use his reserve. The company completely lies and denied any problems.
@BloodHound0827 3 жыл бұрын
Link to the video?
@DellSchanze 3 жыл бұрын
@@BloodHound0827 Here is a link that shows the clear difference between the total death trap gear frauds like Tucker Gott push vs the best & safest gear: Keep in mind Tucker is the replacement pitch man for the death trap gear as the previous one already died on it. They just wiped the blood off and gave it to Tucker. When he dies they will just find another stupid democrat to kill. Ah well. At least it's democrats and not rational productive people.
@avugiak 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Dell they will tell you they can't fly mid day Lol! I personally think they should all 1st get paragliding training so they understand there wing and the air, I get you have a older wing because they don't understand I'm using my paragliding AB wing, all that reflex seemed risky to me, I'll stick with paragliding wings! Ps, are you by any chance Manny Fish? He sounds just like you a good chanel!!!
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
The only real paragliding training is SUPER training. Sadly no other paragliding school in the world is teaching real actual skills to new students. Yes with SUPER training along with the very best gear which is the Flat Top & Dominator you can indeed fly pretty much when ever the heck you want in wind clear up to 35 mph. It's pretty incredible what this setup with real actual skills is capable of. Just call 800-707-2525. No I don't use any fake names. Don't need to. The truth is simply irrefutable.
@avugiak 4 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Thanks Dell!!!!
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@avugiak You are most welcome. I truly hope this helps you and you can have the patience to just wait to come to me personally. I will make you a freaking awesome PPG pilot. Sadly for those that just can't come to the USA for SUPER training I would regret to say that I would highly recommend NOT getting into this sport until you can. I am more than happy to help anyone research instructors at no charge at all though to try to find ANY acceptable one. Sadly from my vast experience so far I do not believe there are any but I'm happy to help anyone research them based on the actual skill level of their students. Never just blindly believe what someone says. To research who is really doing training just look very closely at the actual skill level of those who graduate their class and compare those skills to SUPER students. Here is a good video link to SHOW what SUPER students can truly do: so it really should have nothing at all to do with opinion. Either they are teaching new students to have these skills or you don't want to train with them. It's life & death critical to be able to truly have full control of a paraglider BEFORE you get in the air. So look for the skills and you can see who is and isn't actually doing instruction. Right now though I don't know of even 1 other school in the world teaching real actual skills like these. The standard outside of SUPER training is to just chuck people in the air without any real training at all and then tell them they are a pilot. It's a total nightmare. Pulling left for left and right for right is NOT active piloting control. A paraglider is thousands of times more likely to collapse without actual pilot input. It's much much more difficult than people expect as everything needs to be built into reflexes since you simply don't have time to think about how to respond. You have to instantly feel the slightest change in pressure and pitch and then respond correctly. To truly control a paraglider you will make 4-5 corrections PER SECOND! So if you look at people's hands and they are not moving other than to tell the glider which way to turn then you know straight away they know nothing. If you can't perfectly control a paraglider by kiting up a vertical wall for example then you cannot prevent collapses. So it's really quite simple to see who truly is and who isn't training students to have real actual active piloting control. Gain real SUPER skills and you can do just about anything and fly pretty much anywhere anytime in anything but bad weather. It's all about having the very best training that results in real actual skills along with the very best & safest gear. This sport is truly incredible IF you do it right with SUPER training along with a Flat Top & Dominator. Without this specifically though 7 more died just recently and all of them because they didn't have even the most basic skill to prevent the collapse and were on horrible gear. As you can see from my long response I value people's lives and am more than happy to help anyone that lets me. Email me anytime at or call 800-707-2525 or 801-631-1731. I'll look forward to flying with you one day.
@philliplow5379 5 жыл бұрын
Can't find anywhere: what equipment was Grant Thompson using when he died?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
He was flying one of the hoaxflex death trap wings I'm warning people about in this video. That and a skycruiser clone paramotor that had not had a safety update in over 40 years.
@SpentBrassAdventures 5 жыл бұрын
Can you fly tandem on the trike?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes but it depends on which trike you are talking about. Just call me directly and I can help you with all the specifics. 800-707-2525
@roberthowey7848 4 жыл бұрын
Dell I watched your video and there's another video out there that dispute your claim, the problem with his dispute is that he's totally wrong and in his video he shows The Reflex on the military Chopper, I'm hoping he pays attention to your video one day because if he flies in between bully open or pulley close trims he will be in trouble
@sailor-rick 5 жыл бұрын
What is the longevity of a Dominator?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
A very very long time. I've never actually seen one wear out. It's like buying a Toyota. Yes you could technically put 1.8 MILLION miles on a single vehicle but how many people are really going to do that? So longevity is one of the least important questions. The lightest cloth is skytex 27. This material has the least longevity. With this material the Dominator weighs 7 lbs. I chose to use the much more durable high tech cloth that adds only 1 lb to the Dominator. So my glider weighs 8 lbs instead of 7 lbs but has the longer lasting cloth. The weight is really important though so if you go with the cheap material that weighs 16 lbs and it takes nearly double the airspeed to keep the thing in the air making it much harder to launch in difficult conditions. Plus the high tech cloth at 8 lbs lasts about as long as the cheaper cloth. So there is your basic run down of how we don't use the absolute lightest but lightest and best cloth to give you the best combination of longevity and weight. Every detail of the Dominator is highly optimized like this. These gliders are built exactly for me how I want them made so you have piles of years of experience in knowing what's what and what works the best.
@stuartwho1429 5 жыл бұрын
Can you show what happens when you let trims out on your wing .?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes I've shown this many many times on all the different sizes of Dominators. Here is one where I SHOW both trims up and trims down so you can see the difference between the DEATH on the death traps vs how the Dominator responds in exactly the same situation:
@brodylechman1195 5 жыл бұрын
New Sub.. you seem to give a ton of useful information and I will hopefully be flying within a year or so👍
@dempart5558 5 жыл бұрын
very interesting presentation. this is a very complicated subject, given that paragliders are flexible by nature. i think all things considered, dell is 100% correct. the danger induced by the increased aspect ratio for recovery after collapse being , imho, one of the most powerful argument+ the clear empirical evidence that reflex gliders are just plain dangerous in induced/simulated collapses.
@lifeonsibuyanphilippines7212 4 жыл бұрын
It is hard to argue against not being able to push a string. Case closed.
@GrowingAnswers 5 жыл бұрын
So when you say “speed” I assume you are talking about airspeed. Because if a glider is up at 10,000ft with 80mph tailwind, it’s going to be moving with the wind so the ground speed is going to be very fast while the air speed is much slower.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes airspeed is the key. The Dominator set the world record at 51 mph air speed all while it's also one of the safest paragliders in history. So it's pretty ridiculous for people to fly total death traps that don't have the performance of the super safe wings.
@captdanford3841 3 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze i dont get the TOP SPEED issue that i keep hearing.. they are a pendulum wing..fixed speed per paraglider has a built in Airspeed of 50mph..u simply wouldn't b able t take off...the only speed increase they can achieve other than their own designed flight speed(which cannot be altered when in hands up mode).is with a relevant tail wind. so speed is irrelevant isnt it....surely a 20 year old wimg with 19mph air speed yet with a 90mph tail wind will break the record..they all have a fixed air speed calculated and unchangeable apart from releasing trims( which is another argument)..or am i totally how is this 51mph achieved ...irrelevant of wind. diving..spiralling..???
@DellSchanze 3 жыл бұрын
@@captdanford3841 Huh? What you are saying is completely wrong. Paragliders can change their angle of attack in flight drastically increasing their speed. You can also lower the flaps for take off, which is pulling brake, to drastically reduce speed for launch. So yes I can foot launch the wing I set the paramotor speed record with at 51 mph. You can also change airspeed with glider size and loading. The Dominator has a very low aspect ratio kinda like a skydiving parachute. Check out the smallest parachute ever jumped. How can he land it? Same way we can launch it. You momentarily drop flaps or pull the brakes right at the moment of lift off airspeed which is the same as flaring when you come in for landing but not quite as extreme as you need optimal lift over drag. Look at my latest video where I foot launch the XXXXXS Dominator in nil wind and that's only 14 sm. Launched it piece of cake as well. The Dominator has huge flare authority.
@captdanford3841 3 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze so just to be absolutely certain..flaps etc and flaring....yes i obviously know that...its just once you are Hands Up.. then how can you accelerate further for a prolonged what exactly were you doing to achieve the speed and for what length of time. spiral diving etc?? and how do you alter the angle of attack beyond its full Hands Up speed. ...( which surely is a similar speed to most other wimgs). we are suspended under the wimg with power pushing on us..not the wing.. like if you can achieve 51 mph air speed then that means you could penetrate a 50 mph normal flight... no???
@DellSchanze 3 жыл бұрын
@@captdanford3841 It's angle of attack and glider design. In flight you can let the trims up which lowers the angle of attack or use speedbar which also lowers the angle of attack. This can drastically increase the air speed. 51mph is straight and level flight fine sir not a dive. In a dive we can make over 100 mph. There are HUGE differences in gliders. Hoaxflex death trap gliders like I talk about in this video are extremely inefficient because they lack a real airfoil design and have horrible drag. So as you accelerate you quickly run out of power to make any notable speed. Like the Apco Force hoaxflex death trap wing for example maxes out at 36 mph. It's seriously pathetic how horrible those wings are. The Dominator holds the speed record so you also know it is the most efficient at that speed and loading as it allows insane 51 mph before you run out of power to maintain level flight. Since we have limited power we can carry on our back the most efficient wing will produce the highest max speed before you run out of power to maintain altitude. Now one might think a super high aspect ration XC comp paragliding wing would be the fastest but interestingly enough it's not. I have tested many and have even had them custom made as small as 12 sm. At much lighter loading they are efficient but as you go to smaller sizes or add weight they just don't turn loading into speed very well and become very inefficient. The Dominator however beautifully turns loading directly into more speed. I set the previous speed record at 50 mph on an uncertified acro glider called the Morpheus. The fastest one was 11 sm. I had a custom 8 sm size made but again it's about efficiency so as I accelerated the glider I simply ran out of power long before the 50 mph speed. So there are many factors and it seems I'm the only one who has done massive testing with MAX speeds. Others claim all sorts of bs max speeds but they have no clue as they have never actually tested max speeds. There are also many liars out there pretending to have set speed records when they are in fact falling out of the sky and can't even remotely maintain altitude. Those like Tucker have made videos showing his complete ignorance and dishonesty in the sport and then he almost died already flying one of the hoaxflex death traps. Plus he is the replacement scout pitchman as the previous already died on that same type of total death trap gear. So it's very important to really look at the facts. LOOK at the speed records I've set. Let's see anyone else best with with real actual footage and evidence of it.
@rungy8214 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this!
@frankp5992 5 жыл бұрын
Great Video. Easy to understand the lesson. Thanks for putting out this video.
@takisskoufis535 5 жыл бұрын
hi Dell,well said, (but)we do not have dominator in Greece,do something about it...........
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
You do actually and you can order a Dominator at any time and we will ship it right to your door. Just give me a shout at ppghero which is my gmail address. The Dominator is the ultimate.
@mikestein1024 Жыл бұрын
Dell is the only instructor I would ever take lessons from , watching the videos of his students vs aviator students was almost comical dell teaches gilder control skills aviator gets you airborne without these very important skills it’s a no brainer after you see his students vs anything else why would anyone be so wreckless ?
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Thanks man. More people should use such logic and reason when doing research. Pretty sad to see soooo many deaths in all the exact same ways over and over when they were so easily preventable with proper gear and training.
@phillipgodwin9015 Жыл бұрын
3 years on, has anyone beat the dominator for safty?
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Nope. Neither have they beaten it's performance.
@Mazby2 5 жыл бұрын
Please link me info about accidents in USA, will help opening eyes.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
There is no link to all the incidents. Doesn't exist. The info is scattered all over and all through time. That's why it's critical to get with one that has the vast experience to have witnessed it along with the understanding of how and why the same deaths happen over and over in the same ways by the same crooks telling the same lies and pushing the same horrible gear with no actual training.
@salqubeq5203 2 жыл бұрын
Great video ...thank you for taking the time to explain
@MichaelDudeYippppeee Жыл бұрын
Super Trevor is backing this wing and knocking flat top and dominator. Too bad family has to be damaged over a hobby.
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Have you ever seen him do actual collapse testing? Nope. Liars lie. It's the way it goes. Those with no honor don't care about truth or human life. It's sickening. Hundreds have died on the hoaxflex death traps. Definitely not super to defraud people in ways to cause their deaths. That's freaking evil.
@dougpenhall 5 жыл бұрын
I disagree. Efficiency does not equal speed. Efficiency equals lift divided by square meters. So, a 20 square meter kite that generates the same lift as a 22 square meter kite is more efficient. You can also judge the efficiency by the glide ratio.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
With X amount of power efficiency equals speed because the faster you go the more power it takes to stay in the air. At some point, you simply run out of power to maintain altitude. That is why the more efficient glider allows a higher top speed before the point at which you run out of power to maintain altitude. So you are missing that power is fixed.
@dougpenhall 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze, Well, OK. Sure. If you take a less efficient wing and apply more power, you'll get more lift. Obviously my statement assumed the same power. But, yeah, if you have a less efficient wing, it'll likely have more drag which will require more power to attain the same speed as a more efficient wing. I suppose you could say that there are a lot of complex interactions going on between power, lift and drag. So I suppose then that your statement is correct. If you have a more efficient wing, you'll attain greater speed.
@FreedomQuestAdventures 4 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Hi Dell, I need a bit more clarification please. Are you saying that a wing that goes faster is more efficient and safer? A wing that hits a higher top speed must have less drag and more than likely, less lift than one that only hits 40mph. This means that at the top end of the speed range, yes it is more efficient when top speed is the desired outcome, but at lower speeds, it would sink much faster and therefore not be as efficient. A lamborghini would be more aerodynamic and hit 200mph because it creates less drag, but, try driving that around urban areas and youd see very soon that it isnt the most efficient vehicle at low speeds. Not everyone wants to go fast. But most people would want safety. I just dont get the link between efficiency at high speed and safety. Thanks, Loui
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@FreedomQuestAdventures No what you are saying is completely wrong. As you start to accelerate a paraglider it takes more power to overcome the higher sink rate. So the point of max speed is where you are then full throttle and can no longer maintain altitude. So the more efficient the glider the higher max speed you reach before you run out of power to overcome the sink rate. So the fastest glider you also know is automatically the most efficient as well. So it doesn't matter if you want to go fast or slow that efficiency gives better fuel economy not worse. So no the Dominator doesn't sink more at low speeds it sinks less. It's so incredibly efficient at low speeds as well that even little kids can launch it with a full power Flat Top paramotor up at high altitude. If a glider is horribly inefficient like the terrible gliders they refer to as "reflex" you automatically know it's also slower. They are also death traps but that's another topic. So the Dominator set the paramotor world speed record at 51 mph meaning it's also the most efficient but at the same time it's the safest and easiest to launch at low speeds. So it's not at all like your Lamborghini analogy but instead the Dominator gives the best all around characteristics of any other glider to date. Makes no sense at all to fly hoaxflex death trap wings they call 'reflex" when they suck horribly at every other characteristics as well. This is why zero competent pilots fly that crap. It's hard to comprehend there are newbies still scammed into it as it's so deadly just one collapse and you do a backflip out of the sky. All while the Dominator has MORE performance, glide ratio, handling, ease of launch, stability and safety all in the same glider. There is simply nothing that can even really compete with the Dominator right now but I keep testing any glider I think might have a chance of beating it in hopes to find the new best. I really don't care which brand happens to be best I just want to know which is the best and safest so that I can fly it and so that I can recommend it as people's lives depend on having the very best gear. It make a life & death difference. So the Dominator is perfect for the completely newbie taking their very first flights and it's the ultimate for the best pilot in the world to set world records on. Plus it's the ultimate for kids as it comes in more sizes than any other glider and it's the perfect wing for flying tandem so you maintain exactly the same feel and responsiveness of your solo wing so your reflexes all stay the same. I can't wait until something actually beats the Dominator. That will be a remarkable advancement for the whole sport. Until then though the Dominator is the only way to go right now for absolutely every pilot of every skill. The only difficult question is which size to get as there are many variables such as age, weight, altitude and most of all skill level. That's why people should call me directly so I can help make sure they get exactly the right one for them. 800-707-2525
@FreedomQuestAdventures 4 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Hey, thanks for taking the time to comment constructively, i appreciate your input. Regards, Louis
@DAS-Videos 5 жыл бұрын
Ozone called at 17:07
@YTjndallas 5 жыл бұрын
Dasdfjkl Good one!!
@istra70 5 жыл бұрын
@@YTjndallas Google spam ...hehehe
@scotthill5139 5 жыл бұрын
Great information as usual ... Thanks much again, Del
@roberthowey7848 4 жыл бұрын
Dell, I know you said you don't own a dog, whose dog is in all your training videos do you know by name?
@MotoVenture. 5 жыл бұрын
Mind = blown. Flying skills and knowledge trump artistic drawing
@phillipmudge5152 2 жыл бұрын
I fly a speedster and everything Dell say about reflex function is true my next glider is going to be a Dominator I wish I would’ve seen this video before I bought my glider Thank you Dell for putting the truth out there about reflex gliders I’ll be talking to you soon about buying my new Dominator
@titusandrew946 2 жыл бұрын
I’m very interested in working with you. I need a full set up. I have leaned forward ozone but your concerns seem legitimate. Hey let me make a suggestion tho, your presentation using words like “retarded” limits your audience. You seem reasonable and knowledgeable about your statements, and concerned with safety and I agree. You could get your message out further if you clean up your presentation. All in love tho brother. I wanna fly! Could you link me to yo he website?
@DellSchanze 2 жыл бұрын call us at 800 707 2525
@Mazby2 5 жыл бұрын
Houston ...we have a problem.... first of all, thanks once again for permission to translate to PL. That made a big movement among my friends.. There is a bigger problem. If You have a moment try to analyze the pictures in this manual. it looks that its not only the reflex profile that is the problem. Back in Poland we have a lot of casualties on this gliders too. looking precisely on the risers You will see that they are not like most of risers in para. Theese ones on trims close dont give best glide, and on trims loose top speed. On trims closed they pull the trailing edge almost to stall and on loose they make fron-stall. The manual is so complicated that adjusting trims in flight is almost impossible. That will interest you as the cause of accidents. By the way if you look closely, there is no option to make the trailing edge go up to reflex profile. Those para are no more reflex, just.... Hope that will inspire you in your research for safety.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
It's seriously hard to comprehend how anyone would be so absurd to fly that crap. Why? It doesn't have even 1 single beneficial characteristic. It's not as fast, doesn't glide as well, doesn't handle as well, isn't as stable and isn't as safe plus it doesn't launch as easily as the Dominator but instead the snake is a total pig death trap. Seriously how can people be fooled that badly into actually buying such horrible crap?? Are people just intentionally trying to kill themselves? It makes zero sense.
@Mazby2 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze The answer is simple. Publicity. Give a few of those to top champions and let them win. The rest will follow to the market as sheep.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@Mazby2 I am the undefeated champion. Sadly many in the world just don't care about the truth. It's like suggesting that if you just explain truth to a Hillary supporter that they will magically do what's right but it just doesn't work that way. For those that have the logic and reason the truth makes perfect sense but for those that don't they really don't care about truth and end up dead in exactly the same old ways over and over no matter how many times I warn them and SHOW them and explain to them the facts. So while it's my moral obligation to share the facts to try to help save people's lives I know all too well from vast experience many will die anyway because logic and reason just don't mean anything to many these days.
@raulcantu85 5 жыл бұрын
So, what are you a national champion of?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
I won the US National Glider Control competition and all 4 Flat Top team pilots took all 4 top spots. The other "instructors" lost to my students. I'm also the WPPGA Paramotor World Champion which you can also see all over youtube. Plus I'm the one you see all over youtube setting all the world records and doing things nobody else on earth can do. Skill is skill. I'm always open to someone SHOWING they can beat what I've shown. It would be great to have an actual competitor one day.
@Trike. 5 жыл бұрын
Dell time to get a haircut , it's getting too long , your starting to look like a hippie .
@jackprice3364 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting. On next video tell us how you really feel. Nice to hear a pro
@incomingshell3268 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your time Dell.... I got a lot out of what you were saying...... Sorry about the haters, I don't know why people can't just get along.....
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
All hate is contention and all contention comes from the devil. Those who are evil are simply not honest decent caring people. It kind of goes without saying. So if you see someone bashing, trashing and lying you know without a doubt they are not the ones to trust your life to. Only those with true love in their heart for all make for a wiser choice in trusting your life to.
@incomingshell3268 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Yeah, your right.... You must worry the hell out of your mother !!! She probably thinks, Now it's your kids turn to worry the hell out of you !...... I've been watching a lot of people on you tube with this sport, It can be very conflicting the information, and that's hard to find sound advice. There seems to be a lot of animosity between people, not all of them are bad, in fact most of them seem pretty decent. There's nothing wrong with arguing about which is better/ why /how but there seems to be a lot of immaturity and lack of respect for difference, a lot of it personally based. I appreciate (as an outsiders point) genuine discussion and endorsement of products that are safe, reliable, and proven. It worries me that anyone can go out and buy a product, which may have fatal flaws in design, yet there is no body preventing these items from being sold and it's left up to the individual to research and find balance discussion in a sport where there is so much venom being sprayed out that sincerity is can be hard to determine. It's not doing the sport, recreation or business any service, and that's a real shame, because I see so many people having the time of their lives and are so euphoric at having a go at this sport, that these emotions are dampened by the negativity....It's a real shame......
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@incomingshell3268 It's really not that difficult. First you just look at the skill level and competency of whom you are talking to. Then eliminate any input from those who can't even do what my students can do. That least just me left. The basics of safety are really quite simple and obvious. Over 100 people have been shredded in props so well designed protection from the prop is absolutely critical. What unit other than the Flat Top has it? None? So how then could one be considered competent or sincere when they push gear other than a Flat Top? Crumple zone is another critical factor because in this sport you WILL smack into the ground. It's only a matter of time. WHEN that happens if it's your butt that hits first even a minor impact can result in a broken back or death. So again with the Flat Top being the only unit really designed to address that issue how could one be deemed competent or sincere if they push horrifically unsafe gear? Running around with weight on your back you WILL trip & fall down. Since the Flat Top is about the only unit with really well designed face plant protection to address this once again how could one be competent pushing horrible gear that hasn't even addressed such a basic issue? Think what happens when you are running as fast as you can go and you strip and fall down and 270 lbs of paramotor and thrust smash your face into the rocks and gravel and grind you face first down the street at a dead run? How's that going to end? One guy is quadriplegic now because of that. Just a simple trip & fall and a unit like the air conception face planted him into the ground so hard it snapped his neck. Over and over and over it happens so how could one be deemed competent if they fly or push anything other than the Flat Top that has been designed to address 304 issues including that one??!!! When you take it one piece at a time like that and then go through the 304 reasons competent pilots only fly Flat Tops you start to realize most people are not decent or sincere but rather horrifically evil sick murderous scumbags that hate truth and don't have one crap how many have died they still intentionally deceive you against the truth. I challenge you to try to find even 1 single honest, competent business person in this sport other than myself. If you can find even 1, just 1, I'll give you $1000 off your gear. Yes sadly it's THAT bad. No basic obvious safety issues are not an opinion. They are simple and obvious facts of the sport. People can either address them rationally or they deceive and lie against the facts. I wish there were other honest people in the sport. It would make it very nice. Sadly it seems I'm the only one that will actually discuss the facts like these logically and rationally.
@incomingshell3268 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Your training seems extremely thorough. I'm impressed at what I've seen. I wouldn't have a problem forking out money to get decent training. A person would have to be very unwise not to want to be trained by someone who can actually demonstrate what is being taught. I know that everybody has to make a living, your time is valuable and so it is completely reasonable to charge fees for lessons. Other may offer the lessons for free to make you feel morally obligated to purchase of their gear.....(which is where they make their offset profit) That's capitalism, and that's okay. I agree that where safety related problems are identified the industry needs to learn from it mistakes (deaths/injury) and be regulated to stop products being sold unless they comply with basic safety standards. As an example your Kevlar fan shroud design should be the industry standard. Crumple Zone etc.... I get that people don't put your safety first ahead of profit... That's really wrong, evil, yeah, you could say that. I bet your they don't attend the funerals of people who buy their products, when the death can be attributed to simple design flaws of that product. What company would be silly enough to underwrite the insurance for these manufactures, if civil lawsuits proved that the death was directly related to a product flaw? I have only one question, and if I sound hostile I certainly don't mean too, Have you ever been called to a court to give your professional expert evidence about the problems that you have identified ? If you haven't that would surprise me. If you have then why hasn't the industry been regulated to create improved para motor safety standards ? Don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea of over regulation by Government, but I would have thought that the industry, if it wanted to ensure its survival and continued success, would, voluntarily, clean itself up.......
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@incomingshell3268 It's actually worse than you expect. The guy pretending to offer "free training" doesn't make most of his money on gear he makes most of his money charging you for repairs on the gear you destroy by his intentionally teaching you wrong. He literally chucks people in the air with zero training and zero actual instruction very specifically because every little oops and you destroy the gear so he makes another $2500-$6500 over and over and over and over until he milks you dry or you just quit. In fact you won't find even 1 single person he has ever "trained" or he himself showing real actual skill like brand new SUPER students. The guy is a complete straight up con artist. I went through one if his videos and in just one video I counted 123 lies. I have them written down and plan to do a video just to give people an understanding of how blatantly dishonest these people are. Like claiming fresh breeze is better than others because it has a special electronic ignition. Umm it's a coil dude. Every engine has a coil. Or claiming a float bowl carb is better lol when in fact if you pull any gforces the motor will die because of it. Plus if you fall down it dumps fuel all over you. On top of that you simply can't attain a higher altitude and they are heavy and you have to use a choke to start them. There are specific reasons the Flat Top is the best and as a logical person this is simple reason for you. Now mandating quality gear you might logically think makes sense but in Canada they did that and now require you to get a license.... from the very incompetent people the license was supposedly designed to protect you against. So licensing simply doesn't work as it's only as good as the honesty and competency of those offering it. So really it's best to just have open freedom. Those who voted for Hillary can go out and buy the absolute worst gear on the market and try to train with those who don't have even the most basic skills while those who are logical and reasonable people come to me. It's just how it works. People are most comfortable with those most like themselves. So the self made professional Christian type of pro gun freedom loving people come to me while those who think murdering children is a great idea go to those that care nothing for their life either it's just the way it goes. Ultimately this is the coolest thing people will ever do but it's simply not for those lacking is wisdom or logic. Aviation is very unforgiving of those that think screaming racist, bigot homophobe over rules all facts. It just doesn't work that way. Normally in business one would never get political or talk of religion but in this sport I hope to scare away those offended by such conversations as this sport is simply not for those people who are mentally weak and easily offended. It's fun chatting with you. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. :)
@seanstrickland4970 2 жыл бұрын
Wanting to get into the sport watching tuckers videos. Almost bought an ozone.. thanks
@kdenmoto9653 2 жыл бұрын
Ozone makes non-reflex gliders…
@Groundrat 5 жыл бұрын
Great video Dell👍
@granitecitydecorators5853 5 жыл бұрын
I didnt mention i havent flown yet. Also does the anti stall system APCO use not counter the reflex problems you point out here? apco anti stall system explained here >>>
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
It's a complete crock of crap fine sir. There is a reason it CAN'T pass any level of safety certifications in death trap mode. I just about died a bit ago testing one of their "certified" wings which the Lift is not. There is a ton more to this than the public is allowed to know. So no I absolutely would not recommend the Apco lift or the Hybrid I just about died on.
@alexisbueno2861 5 жыл бұрын
Would you thermal on a paramotor?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely because it's the very best way to learn to soar the thermals. With free flying you barely get one flight in an entire day and if you mess up you sink out and that it's. With a motor you can try coring thermals over and over and over and each time you sink out you just fire the motor back up and try again so literally in one single day on a Flat Top paramotor you can easily get more experience than a paraglider pilot could in an entire YEAR. It's so much more effective to train with a Flat Top paramotor. Plus the safety is thousands of times higher when you have that roll cage around you and the ability to land where you want and take as many tries to setup and approach. With free flying if you sink out you could get forced into landing in a terrible spot and without a motor you have only one single shot at that landing. If you get hit with rotor or accidentally setup down wind that is just tough luck as you have to land it anyway. Once you fly a Flat Top paramotor you just don't feel safe paragliding without it.
@sailor-rick 5 жыл бұрын
The stuff you are saying is starting to sink in and come together in my mind: Using certified paragliders doing what they were designed to do rather than being used outside of their design; and hooking them in at the place they were designed to be hooked in (certified height hook-in points) instead of forcing them outside their specs; right along-side with what you said about the paraglider "not knowing" the difference between a 300 pound guy and a 225 pound guy with a paramotor; is much more profound than you were given credit for. It all fits in, together, doesn't it? I am in pre-learning mode and just trying to watch and learn, for now. So while not knowing anything and never having had a lesson, I have made a few stupid bad comments about you in the past. I have removed those comments and I apologise to you. I knew nothing and should have kept is zipped. It is far too easy to "get on the bandwagon" and not think for myself. You have my sincere apology. I'm sorry.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
The facts are pretty simple and logical. The more you learn the more you realize just how critical what I'm sharing is. 3 more deaths in just the last weeks because of stupid simple things like this but people didn't listen. If you have a question feel free to ask as I'm happy to help anyone that sincerely would like it.
@pauldonaghy6428 5 жыл бұрын
ohh ffs. its still 26m not in reflex, they are not selling you a 13m wing. jes you have a real problem with someone or some company in the paramotor world. some of what you say is arguably true but who are you trying to piss off here ????????????
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
It's not about trying to upset people it's about warning people of things their life directly depends on. Yes they are giving you a wing HALF the size of what they are saying it is. Who out there was told they were flying a 13sm with an 11:1 aspect ratio? Who in their right mind would fly such a wing? Truth is truth and the piles of deaths make the truth all too deadly clear.
@realdudevision2746 5 жыл бұрын
But wait it get worse 😁
@Deitymanslayer 5 жыл бұрын
Trump should ban reflex gliders not vaping
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Freedom is the key. Stupid people are always going to do stupid things no matter what. For those that do have the wisdom to do some research it's really quite simple to see how deadly that crap is. Canada created a license and now you have to get that license from the incompetent people that the license was supposed to protect you from. So government really doesn't make things better.
@nodaska19 2 жыл бұрын
@ElPurroco 5 жыл бұрын
Lest s go flying commander Dell ....
@GamingAmbienceLive 5 жыл бұрын
Wish KOR watched this..
@abdaziz4527 Жыл бұрын
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
Yea it's such a scam marketing lie to call them "reflex" when there is no such thing as a reflex paraglider. You cannot push up the trailing edge of a piece of cloth. You can't push a string. A hang glider has reflex because it has carbon fiber or aluminum rods at bent angles holding it up with a physical structure. There is zero reflex to any paraglider. Literally zero. It's a hoax. Or hoaxflex. Hundreds dead and the murdering scammers still push the same absurd lies.
@abramsonrl 4 жыл бұрын
"If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world." - John 15:19 The world doesn't always love those who expose the truth about the profit-loving liars with inferior products. Steve Jobs used to violate the rule of salesmanship that you shouldn't knock your competitors because he'd figured out how to do it in a style that worked really well for him. For example, when he introduced the iPhone, he pointed out what was wrong with all the buttons on phones, the stylus, etc. Telling the story of how Apple had re-invented the user interface with the mouse, then iPod wheel, and multi-touch. After winning a knockout fight, no matter how much s#!@-talk there's been before the fight, the champion doesn't want to take away from the value of his victory by bad-mouthing his opponent's performance. Elon Musk talks about the problem with the strategy of disposable rockets (like throwing away the airplane after each flight), the problem with internal combustion engines, and shows where his own products are the clear choice. They succeed because they talk about the features. Not the people. So guess you'd say they appear to love their enemies. Then again, Jesus was an even better persuader, and called his adversaries children of the devil who was a liar and a murderer. And all were astonished at his teaching. I'm glad you're here to save those who can be saved. But at this point in my life, I can't deny that God is right to give death traps to those who won't listen to reason. Blessed are your ears because they hear. Hope it helps.
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
Amen to that. Another commandment is to "warn thy neighbor of pitfalls that lay before them". 6 more just died on hoaxflex death trap wings in a matter of weeks and that's after this video. I would say that's a pretty major pitfall.
@godngunclinger 5 жыл бұрын
@sarah-nm6dt 5 жыл бұрын
@Chinasuckscock 5 жыл бұрын
Is there a Flexwing Mfr out there who wants to explain their reasons for mfr a Flexwing? Otherwise I'm buying a Dominator.
@DellSchanze Жыл бұрын
As you can see 3 years later not a single response. Hoaxflex death traps don't do anything at all better than a quality wing and there is zero opinion to it. Glider characteristics are very easily measurable. Glide ratio, sink rate, collapse recovery, speed... these are not opinions. They are simple numbers and I have a ton of videos showing back to back and side by side tests. All while hundreds have died on hoaxflex death traps and they continue to die on that crap while those pushing the death traps just keep making up lies about me. Like the lie claiming I killed a student when in fact the guy who died was TOWING with other instructors not flying a Flat Top. ZERO people have even been injured flying Flat Tops at SUPER training. You can be darn sure if someone actually died at SUPER training there would be evidence of it all over. The fact that ZERO have ever even been injured at SUPER training is a huge testament to how incredibly safe the sport truly is with proper gear and training. It doesn't mean you can't die it means the odds are very very low. If you haven't learned the proper skills at SUPER training we don't put you in the air. It's that simple. Only those who pass off a really solid level of glider control and who are mentally ready are those flying at SUPER training. Other schools even advertise they guarantee they will get you in the air on the 2nd day or 3rd day or even the first day. It's a complete nightmare. Some people are just horribly uncoordinated. Despite every SUPER student getting exactly the same instruction every single one progresses at a different rate. If you don't pass the first class you can come back as many times as you like at no charge. You would have to cover your own lodging and gear after the first class of course though. There is nothing even comparable to SUPER training. Just challenge anyone anywhere to prove me wrong and SHOW a video of how wrong I am. It will be another 3 years and still nobody will ever try to compete with SUPER training skill for skills. Call us at 800-707-2525 and make it happen the right way.
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