Let's Rewrite the Story of Sonic Colors

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@shupershanic1905 8 ай бұрын
The Wisp Energy is called "Hyper-Go-On" so what about for the Colors Heroes, they the group is called the "Hyper-Go-Squad"
@gokuuzumaki5748 8 ай бұрын
The cool thing about that name is that there is actually a Super Sentai show with a similar name to that called "Go-Onger" lol.
@nyhtfall1969 8 ай бұрын
@@gokuuzumaki5748 its all coming together baby
@faketarbo2041 8 ай бұрын
Another cool idea for the communication thing is that we could include a bit of sign language in there. Maybe Yacker also doesn’t understand Sonic, so we can have a moment in one of the beginning cutscenes where Sonic gets the idea to invent a little movement to refer to something and Yacker repeats the movement to learn it and then communicate the same thing. So now established, throughout game and with each cutscene we see how they now have developed this little sign language they invented to communicate with each other. And when they say goodbye at the end, they do a specific sign that was introduced when they started with this and meant something special to them and it would be a nice farewell.
@stardust-reverie 3 ай бұрын
this is making me imagine sonic going all jack black and making a complex secret handshake with him and yacker and at the beginning yacker doesn’t really get it and sonic’s like “that’s good, we’ll work on that” and then at the end they do it perfectly as they part ways
@yall_girl_eve 8 ай бұрын
13:36 Pariah seeing Characters in sonic colors really be like: "Your Life serves 0 purpose ⚡️⚡️"
@TheHylianBatman 8 ай бұрын
Listen to me. You have genuine skill and talent in writing. You need to pursue this in some form if you aren't already. The easy answer would've been "Just slap the story of Sonic Colors DS on there and call it a day", but you took the high road. Not only did you completely deconstruct the story to it's bare components, not only did you make that follow-able and digestible, you built on those components and expanded them in such a masterful way that now it feels painfully obvious, and ridiculous that THIS is not the story of Sonic Colors. I smiled, laughed, and got chills multiple times. It was THAT good. You should be very proud. The only feedback I would offer is it would've been cool to see the Mother Wisp from DS in there. Sonic's Friends (TM) are take-it-or-leave-it, but I feel that the Mother Wisp adds something to the game. Thanks for another nice video.
@Kelps.mp4 Ай бұрын
He said he released a fantasy book 7 years ago on Amazon, but he also said that he wouldn't say the name because he thinks his writing was awful.
@matheusgabry2113 8 ай бұрын
Pariah's first step into becoming a Sonic writer. Today this video, tomorrow he is working for IDW.
@TehJellyLord 8 ай бұрын
You guys remember the #Flynn4Sonic? Let’s get the #Pariah4Sonic going cuz this was pretty much perfection for the Sonic series
@timtanium7074 8 ай бұрын
I think a fun name for the Color Heroes could repurpose the terrible term from the original story so something like the "Hyper Go-On Rangers!" I think this is appropriate particularly as a Super Sentai/Japanese/anime inspired use of extremely verbose naming for an action groups. One that came to my mind that inspired the name comes from the early 2000's cartoon Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! (which is apparently an American-Japanese show according to Wikipedia, and is heavily inspired by anime)
@mrhalfsaid1389 8 ай бұрын
I'd say that the go-on warriors is much better because A. It's not stepping on the toes of power rangers as much and B. It rolls off the young MUCH easir
@elohimcabrera 8 ай бұрын
If I could toss in my two cents. I think the name "hyper go-go's" could work. The name being a reference to the japanese name for the speed racer anime "maha gogogo". That way it has a connotation with racing and speed while still sounding like a sentai hero group.
@mrhalfsaid1389 8 ай бұрын
@@elohimcabrera that's pretty good, but I do think that doesn't quite fit Eggman's naming concepts
@lasercraft32 5 ай бұрын
I love the idea of having mascots for each different area of the park... However, they MUST look like Eggman in some way. Eggman is far too egotistical to NOT plaster his face all over everything, _especially_ when it comes to robot mascots.
@lasercraft32 5 ай бұрын
Honestly, with Sonic Colors' more platforming focus, having Tails be an alternate playable character would have been PERFECT, since he could be the "easy mode" with his flying abilities to help him when platforming.
@patofanatico 8 ай бұрын
This was super fun! My favorite part of this whole thing was the idea of having Super Sentai inspired bosses! I laughed out loud when you said they'd only communicate through posing, much more fun than anything in the actual story! It's just impressive how you managed to take ALL of the themes of the story and just flesh them out that much better. I'm 100% down for more of your rewrites and original stories!
@harryenchiladas8826 8 ай бұрын
I completely understand the removal of Cubot, but Orbot was part of Sonic unleashed, I feel like he doesn't need to be removed if he is kept with eggman, he doesn't need to make jokes every moment if he just behaves like an assistant (who sometimes acts somewhat disrespectful towards the childish irrationality of his "boss")
@castform7 8 ай бұрын
I actually agree. I think Orbot works perfectly fine for what he is. Eggman's attendant who can be a bit sassy and lazy. Cubot is where I feel some of Orbot's negative qualities get elevated because most of his dialogue is with Cubot.
@galten7361 8 ай бұрын
@castform7618 They're just an attempt to make a wannabe Scratch and Grounder. Except Eggman unlike in AoStH actually reliably faces Sonic himself in battle rather than depend on henchmen like in the Western interpretations. Also Sage is here now anyway.
@DLxxx 8 ай бұрын
@@galten7361 Except the original Orbot in Unleashed obviously wasn't anything like those two, lol. As far as game henchmen went, he was unique enough, and didn't take away from Eggman's presence (at most, he added levity to scenes with a lot of exposition, and he NEVER engaged with Sonic himself). Also, who cares about Sage? We're discussing a rewrite of it's original release back in 2010.
@castform7 8 ай бұрын
Sonic and Yacker feel like a very good duo. I like that you never really gave them a way to understand each other verbally as that works for their friendship immensly. They can find their own way of understanding each other. Kinda similar to why I like Ratatouille. Yacker in general actually feels like a character rather than a vehicle for exposition and or jokes. He has a simple but effective arc, this arc makes you care at least a little about him and there are stakes involving him instead of it just being this weird "stakes but not actually" like it was in Colors. When you described a dynamic cutscene I almost thought it was a fauren concept. So much time in Colors is spent explaining or talking about nothing so its nice to think about an actual fight in a cutscene or Sonic just running or the scenery do the talking. I honestly think it's a benefit that Tails and the others aren't here, mostly cause he doesn't do much even in the original Colors story but also because this makes sure Sonic doesn't have someone he can easily comunicate with and so it cuts down on the words. I personally believe that the climax is definitely more climactic. Not only is there an actual story behind this amazing final boss theme, making it more impactful but a super sentai mech with the Nega Wisp Armor that uses the Wisp powers and slowly loses moves and deactivates as the fight goes on sounds really cool. I will admit, Eggman's last stand where he powers the mech with purple energy sounds like a cool second phase rather that just a setup for the final hit but it makes sense in the context of the story.
@Trambulor-hz2de 8 ай бұрын
This rewrite is amazing, I like that you made this a stand alone adventure for Sonic. We need more of these types of stories. My favorite moment has to be when Sonic & Yacker are upset about Eggman’s invasion on Planet Wisp. A name for the Robots could “The Vivacities”.
@KidAL0 8 ай бұрын
Does “Color Guard” sound stupid?? Honestly that immediately came to mind when you mentioned the color bosses, and it feels perfect to me considering they’re meant to be performative and representative of this grand attraction
@eralp5619 8 ай бұрын
it doesn't since this game just cute,colorful and toonish
@MarzOnline92 8 ай бұрын
You should honestly do more of these rewrites. Taking Tails out of the story was a fantastic & obvious move to make. For the Orbot & Cubot situation, I say either keep just Orbot & have him be more like how he was in Unleashed/World Adventure (who was actually kinda funny, robot voice & all) or completely replace Orbot & Cubot with Heavy & Bomb from Knuckles Chaotix as his bumbling lackies without speech & they're actually threatening. There brand of light comedy would be slapstick (done right, or course). Oh & also I'd keeping Sonic's moonwalk moment as victory dance at the end of each level.
@bluestar5812 8 ай бұрын
I am not an animator, but I like to draw, and your story inspired me sketch something, maybe make a simple animatic to better visualize some scenes you wrote. I particularly like that scenes where Sonic and Yacker runs freely in Planet Wisp, just taking in the views and having fun.
@pengeibro7548 8 ай бұрын
Nicely done! I've had ideas to expand on the Deadly Six myself without making them completely different. It's quite fun for me to stick to the original ideas and just expand on a bit. My ideas are a bit incomplete, but I'll give my ideas but I'm not rewriting the characters themselves just expanding on their premise. With the Deadly Six, I want to actually completely change the name of them because you really should show and not tell. The name is supposed to tell you they're deadly, but their execution in that falls completely flat. I want to make them feel deadly instead of just being told that they are deadly in the dullest way possible way. I have no name for them as of yet, but I always felt so off about their name. I just know 2 things I want out of their name: *1 - I don't want a human construct in their name like numbers. *2 - I want the name to feel alien to the Sonic world. Not like aliens from out of space but just alien feeling to the Sonic Universe. The first thing I wish to do is give them a faction and army of their own, much like how Eggman, G.U.N, and the Black Arms have one. Felt it was pretty lame they just used Eggman's robots against Sonic and co, but I want to get back to that idea later on about how they can "mind control." I want their faction to be souls and ghostly enemies, and I came to this idea because in Lost World, they consume life to get much stronger. They're supposed to be linked to the dead and use the dead for their own good. But we only see it in vegetation so far, so I wanted to expand on it. They will consume souls to get stronger, but they will also use souls as their own faction and such and have a sort of prison for souls which will be a new location for the Deadly Six that I will expand on later. Where as every other enemy faction is more calculated in their attacks, I want the souls to be aggressive in how they attack. The image I have in my head is a soul chasing down Sonic or whoever and having it blow up when it is close enough to cause damage so you have to outrun these souls and know the level design very well with little mistakes to not take damage from them and waste time. As for the Deadly Six themselves and how they consume them, I want them to change form and become more unstable the more souls they consume to get stronger and I want each Deadly Six member to use souls differently. I want them to become unstable the more they consume as I want limits. Without limits, there will be questions on why they don't just stay in some form forever and you can introduce interesting story bits with limits. It's as if they can't handle the amount of souls and the souls are trying to escape. The more souls the deadly Six have in them, the more diluted and asymmetric they should look. They should look physically corrupted and broken. The only one to have changed form was Zavok, and it was just Zavok but.. big, which ain't all that amazing. They should completely shape differently. As for how they use them, I have only 3 ideas in my head ATM. *Zor should use souls to cause tricks and take out opponents using mind trickery *Zeena will use souls not to consume necessarily but to use as slaves to overwhelm anyone *Zomnom feels easy. He will consume as much as he can to grow as big and ugly as possible - maybe that's why he's the most unintelligent in the group as he's completely abused himself. Arguably, he will be the most dangerous, but he will also be the most dangerous to his allies, too. I haven't come up with ideas with the others yet, but I want to get there at some point. I want the Deadly Six to have a location that actually fits in with them.. because I don't know what the Lost Hex really is, it never gets explained. I want their location to be able to fit in with a Sonic game. So it will have zones according to it and they should tell a slight story. For example, maybe a "Mausoleum zone". Where souls are kept in prison for later use. The Deadly Six will go around the universe stealing and taking souls to expand themselves further and further. And the reason they can mind control is because they can control any soul that is in stasis. Hence why they took over Eggman's robots and controlled the flickies energy in them. Eggman's reasoning for investigating the Deadly Six is because the souls are an incredible power source for his machines and robots so if he can take control of the Deadly Six, he can take control of the power that can fuel his robots. And I feel you can do something pretty interesting here. You can destroy an Eggman robot and when you do, a soul will come out either in a neutral state and it will go off, or an aggressive state where once one of Eggman's robots is destroyed the soul in it will make an additional attack on Sonic or something. There's more ideas I have but I really don't have the time at the moment to type it all here. And I can't tell if these ideas actually fit in with the Sonic Universe. But I do like the idea of enemies being used for Eggman's power source in robots.
@midi_feline 8 ай бұрын
Ok, let's rewrite it
@charmyzard 8 ай бұрын
"Let's go."
@midi_feline 8 ай бұрын
@@charmyzard Let's-a-go!
@Friendly_Neighborhood_ 8 ай бұрын
Here we... GO!
@windchimes8764 8 ай бұрын
one day.... sonic
@parjupiter134 7 ай бұрын
​@@windchimes8764 found a promotion flyer for the "Dr. Eggman's Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park"
@charmyzard 8 ай бұрын
Kudos on adhering to the vision and script limits for the game rather than taking the easy way out and writing your own. The real challenge professional writers face is exactly this! You give us serious hope for your future, Pariah.
@miimiiandco 8 ай бұрын
I thought this story had potential, specifically with the whole nega-wisp situation.
@charmyzard 8 ай бұрын
Industrial society's machine sucking our innocent Wisps dry into nega-Wisps!
@gablink5190 8 ай бұрын
I like your idea for planet wisp, its very fun to reimagine the opening of cd in that context, but i think it would be better to leave as it is in the real game: tell that story through gameplay and setpieces. The conceptual paper of planet wisp is really resonant to me, selecting the map with that calm, peacefull and playfull chiptune melody, then act 1 starting in the forest but suddenly transitioning to eggman's mechanical industrial zone, again with the beuttifull music, gives me an imense sense of wonder and determination.
@gablink5190 8 ай бұрын
Colors, for a good time was my favorite sonic game (the ds version still is), but the deeper i got into it, the more i looked at its development changes and the legacy it left, the more frustated i became with it. The levels being split into 2 to pad out game time, the optional, shorter, mission acts being made mandatory, the overuse of 2d sections with uninteresting level design or flow and the controls being butchered for anything that isnt a wiimote, alongside the bad writting makes me wish for a game that could have been one of sonic's best games ever made instead of this hollow shell. I suppose this is what 06 fans feel i guess.
@WasifBoomz 8 ай бұрын
The idea of the "Color Heroes" seems so obvious in retrospect that I'm surprised nobody else has come up with it, but it really felt like the big missing piece to Colors' story. One thing to note is that I think the Mission Acts are weird in that they don't seem to be accomplishing much of anything, even though there was already the Wisp Harvester objects that the devs could have used instead of the generic Goal Ring. Weird. I think that the game could have largely benefitted from hub worlds, also hopefully to be a better way to slightly extend the game than forcing side acts. I think the Planet Wisp intro cutscene could be in-game dialogue while running to Act 1 in the hub world. I think Sonic games should utilize that more as it just makes sense for these games. One last thing is that I find it awkward in the retail game that like... nobody is at the park. I think it'd be fun to have a crowd watching Sonic fighting the Color Heroes, if only just for the atmosphere.
@DLGanimator 8 ай бұрын
Yes, you should make more of those types of videos. I am especially interested in your own sonic stories, maybe some fans would make a fan game out of it with your permission. That would be really cool
@Re.verseChaos 8 ай бұрын
11:37 I would call them the Hyper-go-on Enforcers. I like the idea that, despite Eggman pretending to go straight he kinda gives it away by calling them 'enforces'. It would also explain why Hyper-go-on energy has such a weird name, it's named after the sentai team.
@unnamed12346 8 ай бұрын
Oooh, this is gonna be interesting! I admittedly also understand your view on fan rewrites. Sometimes it veers too far into the more stigmatized form of fanfiction-y rewrites of stories. Admittedly I am curious how you would handle possible rewritings for other Sonic games since you have your grievances with them, especially when the stories get a little too big (Like the Adventure games and how Knuckles kind of feels like it doesn't really progress his character in SA1 and he's just hamfisted into SA2 by the whole him shattering the M.E. and it conveniently neutralizing the Chaos Emeralds.) EDIT: Honestly I'd say an interesting option for a name of the Color Heroes would be something like... Egg Color Troupe, where they take not just after the Wisps, but they have some personality bits to them, like maybe Laser is all about using his Laser to try to keep up with Sonic and he believes he's the fastest hero of the bunch, etc.
@misdrievousdemise3815 8 ай бұрын
I found this story rewrite pretty amazing, and how your interpretation of the story and themes maximizes on the potential Sonic Colors could have had. At first I was a little concerned when you removed Tails from the equation, but seeing the direction you took takes real advantage of the relationships Sonic makes with other characters in comparison to Dr. Eggman. Almost like an evolution of Sonic 1 focusing on just Sonic and Eggman ^^ It just goes to show you how difficult story telling and gameplay design are to pull off together, and how Sonic games succeed in pulling this off compared to every other platformer. I was checking out your content for a while, but it is this video that officially made me hit the subscribe button. ^^ You should also definitely make this story rewrite a reoccurring thing
@aortaplatinum 8 ай бұрын
The psychic communication when fused with a Wisp is so fuckin cool. Gives me Neon Genesis Evangelion and Xenoblade 3 vibes.
@colmeiadaangela1026 8 ай бұрын
11:20 "Hyper go-on" is such a dumb name for Wisp Energy, that I can't help but think something derived from it would be fitting for a sentai parody. Something like " The Hyper Band"
@derple8524 7 ай бұрын
Tails really is a third wheel in this game
@AlphaDaArtist 8 ай бұрын
I really love the Sentai idea for the bosses of Colors.
@_dot_tea2774 8 ай бұрын
Can I just say how the "Sonic vs. Super-Sentai-look-a-likes" idea goes really hard? I was always a sucker for "false hero vs. true hero" kind of stories, but I feel like it's difficult to do these well -- and your story actually manages to do that on multiple levels. Particularly because Color Heroes are designed to be show-offs -- they pretend to be heroes, they make a villain out of Sonic (the literal force of good, as you've put it in previous videos), they forcefully take powers away from Wisps, they pose a lot and make flashy entrances. Meanwhile, Sonic in its Japanese interpretation is *not* a show-off, or at least not *that* much of a show-off -- he takes things seriously, he genuinely wants to help all living creatures, he actually helps the Wisps and they voluntarily help him back. In a way, the whole "Sonic vs. Color Heroes" thing is also a subtle way of offsetting a more Western take on Sonic who likes to crack jokes at expense of villains and doesn't take things too seriously most of the time. Sonic being annoyed at advertisements of Color Heroes becomes kind of a jab at this kind of take, if you look at it that way. Also, it kinda reminds me of one Mario spin-off where Mario's party faces off Super Sentai look-a-likes, but it was played more for laughs there, while here it's more serious and actually contributes to Sonic's characterization quite a bit. 7:49 I love how Sonic's gestures in this cutscene kinda line up with what you are saying in the video. It feels like Sonic is explaining to Tails why this very cutscene had to exist in Colors. 23:01 Kinda reminds me of a scene from Sonic Adventure where Eggman gives his multi-colored E-series robots a mission to collect Froggy. It's a funny coincidence. upd: Removed the mention of a specific Mario spin-off to avoid potential spoilers for those who didn't play it (I initially considered that it wasn't that important of a plot detail, but on a second thought, it may be better to keep it a surprise). I apologize for potential spoilers and will be careful with similar situations in the future.
@fatalwaffle1715 Ай бұрын
19:21 I wonder why Yacker never went into Sonic's tummy like the rest of the Wisps did besides the Mother Wisp. They could give Sonic a special power that the other Wisps don't have.
@ehhorve857 8 ай бұрын
a thought on the 'seeing wisp memories' bit. things like that will always drag a question out of the audience, that question being, "WHY didn'ee doo that in the FIRST place?!" if you have a reason established, you can quell that question, but if you make the reason something nasty like, absorbing wisps will unalive you from overdose, or you can't remove 'em if they are in you for too long, or a spider-man venom thing, then you quell the question AND have a bit of dramatics, because for some reason people love drama.
@knuxuki1013 7 ай бұрын
Yes, haven't watched the full video yet as of typing this, but I love how you chose to go about this. When rewriting it, you keep the original idea(s) instead of completely changing the premise of the plot. Arguably, some stories are so 'eh' that you may wanno rightfully do that but I love that you did it this way
@theove3503 8 ай бұрын
Id like to take a crack at making designs for these robots. i think i could do a good job with them.
@Pariah6950 8 ай бұрын
If you do, please send them my way on Twitter or something. I'd love to see it!
@theove3503 8 ай бұрын
@@Pariah6950 will do!
@theove3503 7 ай бұрын
they're on my newgrounds if anybody want to see them.
@KnightsOfEyresRPG 8 ай бұрын
Hey I love this! Wanted to give a few critiques as a game dev myself that I think could make this flow a bit better as a game. 1: keep the first three worlds nonlinear It's surprisingly easy to make cutscenes dynamic if you're creative enough, so I wouldn't sacrifice that openness and player agency for that. I noticed yacker and sonic are the only ones that develop as characters in the first two boss scenes, and the first two also have villains that can have their animations swapped pretty easily Edit: okay I think for the wisp planet you could lock that off until the first two are done, it was always weird to me that you get to explore that one so early when it's so important. I think you could still try to make it dynamic if you really wanted to though, so here's my idea: Keep the opening scene of the planet exactly the same, except have other wisps flying around it being happy and free, which could give sonic the indication that this is yacker's homeworld. Then for the pink Sentai, you can set a switch to either have the cutscene play exactly as you described it if the other two worlds are completed. If not, and this is the first one you're attempting, have yacker he scared here, and have sonic reassure him and then have him angrily attack the robot. You can then show yacker slowly growing more confident in the other two scenes. If this is the second world you're completing then all you really need is to show yacker growing a bit more confident. I think that could work just to give the player more places to explore immediately which is great, but you might still want to knock that level off, as it might make the pacing a bit weird since the point in which sonic actually gets mad is changed. 2: Let sonics first fight against the purple wisp ranger be gameplay, not a cutscene. A lot of jrpgs love doing this thing where you just fight an impossible boss and lose, and I think it's such an effective tool to really communicate the experience of the protagonist to the player in a way that only games can. A cutscene might work better if you're trying to go for that more "epic" feeling, but I think personally that player experience is invaluable. You could have sonic sit dazed for a bit after he dies in a seemingly impossible boss fight and then have yacker fill him back up with the energy to boost away like you said. Again, love the story! Just some thoughts I had, I don't want to sound too negative because this is really good! I'm still halfway through the video, I'll update this if I think of anything else!
@Pariah6950 8 ай бұрын
As a non-game developer, I didn't think of the potential of making the cutscenes dynamically work with your level choices. Apparently, that's what the normal game already does. Which I had no idea about. I did think that the fight against the purple hero being playable would be good. But Colors is very much a gameplay first game. Having an unwinnable fight that exists purely for story purposes would be quite out of place. But it would definitely be the best way to do it.
@KnightsOfEyresRPG 8 ай бұрын
@@Pariah6950 you know what that makes a lot of sense actually, I think it's better to keep the overall theme of the game in tact. You're not exactly experiencing the story 1 to 1 with sonic, but controlling him in sections while he's on a big adventure. But yeah I think having things open from the beginning makes games so much more accessible. It's kind of the same effect that you see in elden ring where if you hit a wall in one area, or just want to see something else, you can go to another part of the game. I think with your scenario what I'd do is actually try to find a way to make all of the levels but the asteroid field open from the beginning
@phorchybug3286 8 ай бұрын
Your idea for bosses sounds really cool. Would totally retcon the whole Ferris Wheel > Pirate > Balloon fluff.
@technicallyinept2120 8 ай бұрын
I would actually watch the games story if it was like this.
@genevievebertolet2909 Ай бұрын
Holy shit, this is SO much better.
@JoshTheWoz 4 ай бұрын
36:55 knowing sonic I would expect him to say something like ''Let's see if that commercial was false advertising!'' or something XD
@Leetheslayer 2 ай бұрын
I like that the final boss is almost the version on the ds where you get the powers and it removes the attacks
@Jadinite-2006 6 күн бұрын
"Boost! Laser! Drill! Spikes! Rocket! Cube! Hover! Burst! Ghost! Frenzy! Asteroid!...Final Color Blaster!!!"
@Jacob-cz9pe 4 ай бұрын
Or maybe Tails can be implemented in the story and he tells Sonic that he is going to be working on building a translator for the aliens. But here is another thing, Tails can be playable in Sonic Colors as the "easy mode" for the game, so he would have some use for the game or something.
@Axxidous 8 ай бұрын
By the way, I was pleasantly surprised that I actually really like your retelling of Sonic Colors. I mean, nothing personal. I just wasn't expecting to be on board with about half of it. I just assumed we woulda had very different creative preferences for the direction of the game, but you actually summed up a version of the story I could really get behind and am now gonna have to maintain conscious awareness that I don't steal or copy any of your ideas in anything hypothetical I ever do. lol I don't always agree with everything you say in your videos. But I can't find much I would do differently in this. At most, I might feel the Yacker thing at the end in the black hole is unnecessary. Even if it is done, it could be as simple as Yacker and the other wisps seeing Sonic and making some noise before flying towards him, the rest of the crowd following suit. It would be straight to the point and we'd get it. That said, your version of it isn't anything I'd particularly complain about either if that's what I saw. I'd probably just let it be and not even think to remark about it. So it doesn't really matter to me. I had the idea that, when Sonic Colors Ultimate was rumored and eventually announced, it should take the opportunity to retell the story and rewrite some cutscenes like a retcon that could better help the stories coming after like Lost World and Forces if they eventually ever touched on those as well. While I didn't expect them to do that, and they didn't, (In fact, if they had, it woulda been weird since the gameplay and graphics were downgraded lol), they DID end up doing something like that with Frontiers. So it's not as unheard of as I thought.
@Pariah6950 8 ай бұрын
The Yacker bit in the black hole is one last reinforcement of the theme, while also getting Yacker's unique trait to shine. He can't save Sonic on his own. He needs to work together with others to do it. Maybe unnecessary. But I like it. Glad you liked my rewrite.
@heftyrumble 8 ай бұрын
Yay! I love rewrites!!!
@GVTheRedStar 8 ай бұрын
"Color Heroes" dude "Hue-roes" was right there
@DiddlyDiPotatoes 8 ай бұрын
As someone that very much enjoys toku hero media I love the idea of the Color Heroes controlling the planets. They sound like great fun.
@crimsonzone8984 8 ай бұрын
I like that sonic is shown as a villain in the perspective of the color heroes side. It gives that "not everything is black and white" type of narrative. Hence the name Sonic Colors. Though I think you forgot to include people in the sitting cuz it's an amusement park and it would not look empty. It's why the ds version was better, because of the background characters (which should just be random people instead of sonic's friends).
@Breakaway-ic5gj 8 ай бұрын
It is black and white, Sonic is the good guy and they're all lying badguys
@crimsonzone8984 8 ай бұрын
@@Breakaway-ic5gj but if they're people that's actually buying the lying badguys
@DearMink_X 8 ай бұрын
I always wished that there were hubworlds in colors because then you could explore and like the Ds version find a few other characters who were duped into enjoying the attractions. At least like 1 character per area with a subplot
@surenderreddy8144 8 ай бұрын
Yes I love rewrites that actually try to fix the original story instead of making a new story out of the original premise
@mariobroultimate1808 8 ай бұрын
I like the idea that Sonic would learn to communicate with Yacker on his own rather than relying on a translator. If Tails were still part of the plot, it would probably take him the entire game to actually make the translator rather than have it towards the beginning.
@NineTwentyThreeTwentyThree 3 ай бұрын
Holy crap... This is the best I have ever heard Sonic be, I'm not even kidding. It's fantastic!
@SurAuvers 8 ай бұрын
This is overall great I had some ideas to throw at you though: Park Rangers: They can make SOME sounds but it's mostly action noises, they can maybe go SCHWATCH like Ultraman and TOH like Kamen Rider. They can also maybe all be references to different heroes so one can be more like a sentai hero, another is a rider, ultraman, a magical girl type, and one with some mecha aspect like it can be Getter or a smaller Ishinomori or Tezuka type robot. If you follow the sentai archetype the big guy can be Cube or Spike (curls into a big spiked wrecking ball). A girl spike could have a magical girl wand that turns into a spiked club and maybe she hits spikes at you with it. I could see a robot having a rocket fist or rockets on feet like Astro Boy though feet rockets could also be a hover thing. A rider kick could go well with Laser as it could send him flying around like a laser before reforming in a kick in kick stance. I also thought about potential for Orbot and Cubot, instead of actually appearing they can show up in the Parks info videos and get into some looney tunes antics, they can also occasionally br heard over the PA. Another idea, they could be the only robots working and sonic could question why they're always in each part of the park doing anything and it's because Eggman just didn't want to give them any help but also expects everything to be done on time. I think they can work if used sparingly. Maybe there can be small scenes with new wisp powers unlocked. Each wisp in the manual and bios have a different temperament so maybe that can show up in cutscenes and we can get a small idea of what they're like and how they interact through Yacker. One last idea, maybe you could see Mother Wisp locked up or having turned Frenzy and being caged in the planet wisp cutscene but I feel like thereyd need to be an explanation of what she is and without Tails and the translator that might not be worth it.
@bigfanofsb653 8 ай бұрын
In sweet mountain and starlight carnival if you do them out of order the cutscenes flip around. So in this version you could still let us chose the level order(Apart from Asteroid Coaster)
@gokuuzumaki5748 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I agree with him that it didn't enhance the gameplay experience that much, but it was still sorta cool you got to pick the level you wanted to do, so I'd prefer it'd be there.
@castform7 8 ай бұрын
Since this comment is a little wordy and I talk a good amount about Eggmans robot squad, I wanted to start with the names I thought of. The Rainbow Rangers, the Color Crusaders and my personal favorite, The Hue Troop. I tried to steer away from using Hyper go-on because that's the stupidest name for an energy source I've ever heard. Just call it Color Power or something. I actually really like what you did with this story. It doesn't feel like a completely seperate story that happens to have elements from Sonic Colors, it kinda just feels like Sonic Colors if they expanded on the themes that I can barely call surface level. Like you said there were things that Sonic Colors did that worked well and I'm glad to see something akin to realizing that potential. The super sentai warriors are a fantastic idea. What I feel like seperates them from Orbot and Cubot is that they kinda are just the Ginyu Force. Sure they do wacky poses and I imagine have pretty interesting designs but they still pose a threat of somekind. They do things in the story and are useful whereas the shapebots do not do anything besides tell jokes. It's kinda the good and bad of comic relief. If the joke character does nothing of substance, it's significantly harder to justify their existence. It also ties into the story more naturally cause this oversight does feel like something Eggman would do and it ties into the theme very well since it's not on the nose but noticeable enough. As for a name, I feel like it would've been easier to come up with one if the Wisps had a good energy name.
@defaultxr 8 ай бұрын
Man you rock, you just fucking get it. It's nice to hear the ideas of someone who actually understands Sonic and its potential. Keep up the excellent videos please. Unrelated but you have a nice voice. I think in a stream you made a self-deprecating joke about your voice but personally I think it's great. Confident but not full of yourself. A bit like Sonic himself.
@catcocomics1601 8 ай бұрын
8:50 rofling to myself now because as you were bringing up the topic of memorably bad Sonic boss fights I muttered "Chaos 4" to myself mere seconds before you list Chaos 4 as your first example in the video. incredible. 10:20 the only reason I can fathom as to why Sonic Team didn't just go with that idea is because it'd have been "too Japanese" for their target audience at the time. That'd actually be a pretty interesting spin on that trope, I think. 11:00 for some reason what you're describing has me thinking of "hey so what if the gizoids named Charyb and Scylla from Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood up and absorbed wisp life data?" 11:30 I'm thinking maybe something along the lines of like... "The Prismatic Haunt" for their team name, maybe give them a bit of a cliche "spooky" or "mystical" front as part of their act in the theme park. Would simultaneously give them more of their own identity and play into the setting more. 12:00 Eggman and his mech """are""" the "purple hero" maybe? 19:40 oooh now that IS interesting 22:00 I'd love to see this done as an actual animation 25:40 between the current direction of the Legend of Zelda and how the last Sonic game turned out, I very much appreciate this sentiment 34:30 yes, a little bit of righteous fury, controlled and aimed to set things right. 37:00 "Captain Kalaw, the RED WING OF JUSTICE, will stop this FOUL evil doer!" yeah sorry, Freedom Planet 2 still fresh in my mind. well seeing how much thought you've put into the super sentai idea, guess my first team name suggestion might clash a bit too much, huh? hmmmmm... actually maybe it doesn't. I don't know too much about the super sentai trope thing, but I do know that those kinds of hero groups usually have some kind of theme particular to that group the Feathermen in Persona, for example, all being themed and code-named after birds... the Axem Rangers in Super Mario RPG... so "The Prismatic Haunt" having a strong super-natural theming to their "heroic" antics would still be fairly in line if I'm understanding things right. 40:30 "...Beta?..." "...this is the wrong room..." Final thoughts: we missed out big time, this rewrite sounds very cool.
@tiagocervera5661 7 ай бұрын
You really know how to make a rewrite pariah
@thevioletskull8158 8 ай бұрын
Since this story is about communicating with different languages, what happened in Sonic: Rise of the Wisp could work here. Sonic in the animation "series", finds Jade’s story boring but then gets angry at Eggman for using the wisp. Sonic in this rewrite can already be angry at Eggman for ruining the nature of the Wisp plants but thinks he already can handle everything himself and misunderstands Yacker, Sonic realises his mistake and then apologises. I don't know if this is a good idea but I tried.
@Canalbiruta 8 ай бұрын
great idea. I honestly adored a lot your ideas here, specially leaning towards the tokusatsu aspect the wisps and their powers have. I can easily see every hero having their name based on the name of their respective wisp powers, and the whole comedic exagerated poses in more serious scenes (like god hand did). Been working in a sonic adventure 1 rewrite from quite a while now, and honestly just like you said, rewriting stuff while trying to convey the same ideas and feelings is a very hard thing to do, i'm honestly very surprised on how well you managed to do it.
@henriquezioto8760 8 ай бұрын
This rewrite is great, easily better than the original. But to be fair, it is not hard to be better than the original story.
@TripleJump 8 ай бұрын
I dont think Sonic getting angry is out of character. He gets pretty upset when the Zeti capture Tails in Lost World.
@NineTwentyThreeTwentyThree 7 ай бұрын
To be fair thats when the Pontac and Graff were writing Sonic so its kinda irrelevant since Pariah is trying to keep Sonic in character with his previous characterization.
@BlueJack222 8 ай бұрын
33:22 Budget cuts and not only that it's their first time not using motion capture because all the games from before use some kind of motion capture but this is being traditionally animated
@magmosi4447 5 ай бұрын
I like the idea of the color heroes being called the “E.G.G.” There aren’t a lot of cool G words though, so I don’t know what the acronym could mean… EDIT: *I GOT IT* The acronym should be the “Entourage of Galactic Guardians”
@aramiswhitehouse 4 ай бұрын
@gmaster2647 8 ай бұрын
Reading off the ideas for the rewrite was honestly so much more fun and interesting than actually watching the cutscenes of the game in its attempt at a story, lol. Honestly curious how you'd tackle Lost World if you didn't already, because that story was also really bad. I'd definitely recommend you to anyone who decides to do a Sonic fangame with a story, you seem to have a good idea of how to expand certain ideas and themes that you're given.
@VirtuousAezon 8 ай бұрын
I was thinking of calling them the "Resort Rangers"
@GottaGoFas 7 ай бұрын
This is REALLY good! :)
@aramiswhitehouse 5 ай бұрын
This is SO much better! Watching this video and thinking about what I have so far in my rewritten vision of Sonic Colors, I see a plenty of mistakes that I've made...but my vision is very much different than yours, so what I'm doing is going to be MUCH harder. Which I'm fine with that. This video was fun to watch and listen to.
@thomased22legoyodagaming 8 ай бұрын
This is insanely good and solves all the issues I personally have with colors. I'd not be offended by incorporating the DS version's plotline of having sonic friends be in and around the park. I feel like that'd help make the establishment feel legitimate and lived in which is the illusion Robotnik is trying to sell. But I do think that it'd be for the best if they weren't majorly involved in the story as the sonic and yacker duo you propose here seems strong enough to carry the required protagonist shenanigans.
@CuriousGuy_ 8 ай бұрын
This story already sounds so much more engaging than the original and I'm only 20 mins into the video
@MyRoomIsAMess 8 ай бұрын
I'm only 12, and same.
@abbassabbass1752 8 ай бұрын
It was perfect .absolutely perfect to the last minute detail.....perfect 👌
@grantley2831 7 ай бұрын
leave it to sonic fans to totally outclass the official product
@boiled_walrus6960 8 ай бұрын
My favorite KZbinr
@boiled_walrus6960 8 ай бұрын
The idea of the color heroes and eggman contrasting yakker and sonic is so compelling
@Nickika 3 ай бұрын
God, this is so beautiful.
@Leetheslayer 2 ай бұрын
Skullian is my babe I cannot believe you offended him by calling him non memorable
@MrFeces 8 ай бұрын
After the hearing this, I think it’d be really interesting for you to take on rewriting Sonic 06. it’s already been done many times but I feel like you could come up with something interesting based off what you said in the story of Sonic 06 video.
@prestige8477 8 ай бұрын
So what I'm gathering from your rewrite is that you LOVE Sonic Lost World's story, right? Because it did the whole multiple color-coded characters thing too. (Sarcasm)
@watershipfalls5520 2 ай бұрын
Hmm, How about... The Egg Colors! And while wer'e at it, Throw in Metal Sonic.
@seematahir5970 8 ай бұрын
The Color Heroes are a really fun idea, but I think a much better name for them would be "The Deadly Six". They should also have unique and creative names, like Zavok, or Zazz. In fact, just ditch the super sentai influence entirely and make them look like Nickelodeon villian rejects. I think that would go a long way towards improving the story.
@ChaddyFantome 8 ай бұрын
I find it neat thst your super sentai idea is in essence the same kind of thing as the Deadly Six. Ot has been my opinion for a while that the Deadly Six exist for the express purpose of addressing this issue with the bosses you pointed out! I think a funny callback name could be calling them the "Cosmo Fighters." I really like the idea with Yacker and the whole communication thing. I didnt think of that but its very strong as a concept and thread to build on. I personally woulda left Orbort and Cubot for this game and this game alone. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of them, but with how you handle the Cosmo Fighters, i can see how it would be kinda overloaded. A fun thing that coulfa been done is combining them maybe. Like what if Orbot, Cubot, a Tribot, and Maybe 2 more would make up this group and forced into the becoming the Cosmo Fighters the sake of the amusment park gimmick. Maybe play into them not even likong doing it and being made silent and having to do those poses. Maybe have em befriend the wisps thanks to using the wisp powers similar to how Sonic does in your story. But maybe thats *too* complicated. .. And nowi just realised i made Robo Monstarz 😅
@spinballpac-man 8 ай бұрын
21:36 Funny you say that we don’t see the map that Sonic saw. ……Cos look behind Sonic and it’s right there!! 🤣🤣🤣
@roboplayer5133 4 ай бұрын
YEEEAAAH-This MAN Doesn't know irony when shown-does he?
@Angel-ek4kl 8 ай бұрын
You so sold me on the super Sentai whisps, I hope to see some cool concept fanart of them now
@Howardpower679 8 ай бұрын
Wow.... this was really good pariah Congratulations
@MasterDisaster64 8 ай бұрын
This is so much better than the original! If this is what we got back in 2010, maybe Sonic storytelling would be in a better place today. Though I think this story works great without Tails, I have to wonder why he isn't with Sonic in-universe. This is one of the biggest *things* Eggman has ever done, I can't see Tails having anything better to do than investigate it. Also, do you imagine we would see any other visitors in these cutscenes? I already thought the park was strangely empty, and now that the Color Heroes are doing shows, you'd think there'd be people watching besides just Sonic.
@Pariah6950 8 ай бұрын
Why aren't Shadow and GUN at the park either? No reason. That's just how it is. And I wanted to maintain that. Even if it doesn't make sense and is kinda stupid lol. Same goes for visitors. They really should be there. But making and animating NPCs clearly wasn't in the budget lmao. Colors is in the same bucket as Heroes, where the world is entirely empty besides our characters for some reason.
@MasterDisaster64 8 ай бұрын
@@Pariah6950 Fair enough. Honestly, this game and many others could've gone with Storybook motion comic cutscenes. Would've gotten more out of their budgets.
@DLxxx 8 ай бұрын
​@@Pariah6950Even Unleashed didn't include G.U.N., so yeah, it's not that out of place we only see Sonic here. Honestly, this just helps the story feel more focused, and frenetic without having to worry about giving characters roles that don't fit with the story.
@mondaindoodles8667 8 ай бұрын
I love this video great rewrite Pariah, could you try do Sonic Colors DS next time?
@fatalwaffle1715 8 ай бұрын
Awesome Video Bro! What story I would like to know about the Wisps is when they go into Sonic's body through his tummy what are they doing in there?
@kilometersperminute4113 8 ай бұрын
The Sentai mascot idea is actually pretty genius, and coincidentally Sonic just concluded a collaboration with Fuji-Q Highland amusement park whose mascots are actually a Sentai team. There's a lot of opportunities to put in Sentai tropes like random explosions when they strike poses in their role calls. Though IMO the story is alright but not amazing (honestly the mascots carry hard), maybe I'm not imagining hard enough. While everyone is having fun making names for the Sentai I'll throw my hat into the ring and suggest the Japanese name: 色彩戦隊カラーリンジャー(Shikisai Sentai Colouringer, the last part is close to how you pronounce "ranger" so you could call it the Colour Rangers and say it's a translation from the Japanese name). 37:45 "Kamen Rider, which is another Sentai series" I know it isn't intentional but it's a bit funny.
@silveramyknux241 8 ай бұрын
21:50 Weird that Eggman would build a robot that he wouldn’t understand the language of. But the joke still is funny and the theming works. Besides, why would he build bumbling idiot robots in the original game anyways?
@Captain.Mystic 8 ай бұрын
"Curse these idiot bots, even if i did program them to speak all theyd do is scream at me" (a joke about how sentai shows are over the top, or literal screaming from extracted wisp emotion)
@MikeyLuigi64 8 ай бұрын
Great fun ideas dude, awesome video and awesome concept for future videos!
@Soporiflc 8 ай бұрын
21:13 Sonic characters being named after defining features is nothing new. Sonic's name is Sonic, because he's fast. Knuckles' name is Knuckles because one of his key features is his knuckles. I like how Yacker gets his name in this rewrite but it's not stupid that his name is simply Yacker in the original game.
@ErikSchuessler 8 ай бұрын
Please do more of these!
@elibonham4388 8 ай бұрын
What i would do is have tails be the boss instead of dumb ship and actually show people or animal characters at the amusment park to confirm the residents of earth wether this the same world of unleashed or forces. Not at as a plot element but see them in the rides in the background. This could show how people consume content without really thinking of the reprucussions of there decisions of supporting these companies by buying their product, eggman in this case. Kind of going with the whole nature vs tech thing and how humans are kind of just ambivolent or ignorant to the whole thing
@bridge-moonproductions6823 8 ай бұрын
It’s scary how fast I came here 😭
@mushsect7511 8 ай бұрын
interesting vid and honestly better take on colors ive seen for story rewrites, curious to see if you take on other meta era stories that are lacking like lost world or forces
@Captain.Mystic 8 ай бұрын
I actually think that sonic seeing the bosses fighting a bad werehog version of himself would be pretty amusing to him, at least until he realizes what the robots are actually powered with, where the commercials start grating on him and he starts getting legitimately annoyed by them. After all he won that fight and he can use that to roast eggman later "Wow, even with your ego you turned your own butt kicking into a cheap cartoon?". As for the rangers, maybe they are initially designed to look like power rangers with eggman stashes and very small changes to denote their wisp,and with the purple wisp energy changing eggbots to look more like rage and sonic turning to pure energy to look more like the wisps suggests that wisps change the form of their host(which eggman can be irritated by as it means they arent completely in the image he actually wants them to look). so in the boss' second phase they change to more organic shapes to show they get a lot more powerful and that the wisp energy is literally bursting out of them and destroying the shell,which also speaks to the "speak with your heart" theme. the wisps turn to rage without their energy, so it would make sense that the stolen energy would be in some part how wisps have emotion, so the robots themselves can represent repression of the self in service of an abusive boss, and that frustration when they start losing to sonic would lead them to literally start destroying themselves, this means we no longer get the voltron fight but were replacing it with something that i believe is a bit more interesting gameplay wise. The fake werehog can be foreshadowing for a rage wisp fight(how much it looks like metal sonic or shadow in the first phase is up to your taste in sonic media as the writer), where its given dark gaia like + stretchy arm(or grappling hook in phase 1) powers and becomes a problem that eggman releases in a "throw crap at the wall and see what sticks" desperation move after the nega wisp fight to get the weapon activated on time, but instead of just a boss fight were given a victory lap "Spark 3 Utopia Shelter" style level where its a literal marathon through a variation of the first act that slowly gets more beat down as sonic leads an absolutely unhinged werehog nega wisp through the entire level, using its unchecked rage and frenzy to destroy the stabilizers and release the wisp energy that way, and as the park slowly destroys itself the platforming not only gets harder, but sonic will need to use the wisps to get out of tricky situations as the timer ticks down, finally leading to using the rage wisp on the final stretch to destroy the core of the station alongside the boss and making a final dash down the space elevator.
@endamcnabola 8 ай бұрын
I could imagine Sonic asking himself what his friends would do if they were there with him.
@silveramyknux241 8 ай бұрын
21:29 It’s funny too when you can literally see a map a behind Sonic.
@roboplayer5133 4 ай бұрын
THAT Is Called IRONY Right there buddy
@joshwillcox7141 8 ай бұрын
As someone who genuinely hates everything about Colours on Wii (DS is actually my favorite 2d sonic game), what you described is a game a REALLY want to play.
@DonutSwordsman 8 ай бұрын
Seems weird youd stick to the vision if less friends, but do the other extreme of no friends. I get it, but seems kinda silly as its just as not the vision as adding friends. Ty for the vid!
@sonic5993 8 ай бұрын
Sega wanted no friends and he's adhering to that.
@DakotaCityRag 8 ай бұрын
This was fun, thanks for making it!
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