Part 1/9 || Critical Analysis of General Election || Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan

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Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah

Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah

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@streetordeenspodcastsgoogl5522 7 жыл бұрын
what I love about Abdul Rahman Hassan whatever he believes he brings proof "Allah said" and" the messenger said" unlike haithman haddad and Ali Dawah "I feel" "I think" as Muslims we follow the proof not personalitys or scholars(without daleell) or numbers, we follow Quran and Sunnah, what he's saying is Crystal clear difference of opinion is not a evidencel in this Deen, you have to look at the evidence provided and follow what clearly stands out, there's "scholars" who say you can drink alcohol as long as you don't get drunk but we don't accept it because there's no evidence
@anthonygloria5192 7 жыл бұрын
hussain thomas Let's look at another example with facts and evidence. The Quran says "Whoso among you witnesses the moon (i.e. new month), let him fast in it" (2:185). It does not specify any particular month. The verb ṣāma (to fast) takes it as a direct object. It is clearly a time phrase since if it denoted fasting from a thing the preposition would be min (from). Nouns indicating time when they appear with no preposition indicate on or in. For example, on the day or in the hour. They do not indicate during or over the course of. Lane in his authoritative Arabic-English Lexicon (p. 1759) feels the need to confront this problem and states that ṣāma ashshuhra (which is the form at 2:185) actually means ṣāma fī ashshuhra. What he is trying to do is bring what the Quran says (let him fast in) into line with Sunni dogma (let him fast during or over the course of it) because he understands that the text of the Quran does not tally with what the Sunni scholars want them to say.
@zakariyemoallin1678 7 жыл бұрын
Alhamduiliah we have a brother clearing up the misconceptions of voting
@studentofknowledge6431 4 жыл бұрын
May Allah Bless you for your struggles.
@mazharshaikh7020 7 жыл бұрын
The Āyāt you mentioned especially the last āyah they all can clearly be applied on the Sa'ūdi King as he is part of the so called United Nations and he follows the guidelines by the international law.
@MinhajAlislamiyah 7 жыл бұрын
The Advice and Warnings of Ash Shaykh Ubayd Al Jaabiree [Q]: Is it permissible for the Muslims in the lands of disbelief to enter into elections and request from the Muslims to support them in this from the aspect [of being] from the lesser of the two evils or to repel the greater evil?? [A]: I say: Elections are not from the Sunnah (the way of the Prophet) that is known by the Muslims and that which the Salaf traversed upon from the time of the Companions and the Imaams of the Taabieen, and those who came after them. Rather, it is a newly invented matter in Islaam, so it is a bidah (innovation), and if it is a bidah (innovation) then it is muharram (unlawful). ________ Sheikh Yahya Al Hajoree on voting and elections No. 48. If someone asks you: What is the ruling on voting and elections? Then say: They are from the democratic laws that seek to destroy Allah's true legislation. They are also considered imitation of the disbelievers, and imitating them is not permissible. There is much harm present in them, and there is niether benefit nor gain for the Muslims (in them). From their most significant harms are: - (They promote) equality between truth and falsehood, and between the truthful people and those upon falsehood, according to and based on the majority (of votes) - Elimination of (the foundations and beliefs of) loyalty and disloyalty - Rupture the unity of the Muslims They bring about: - Hatred - Enmity - Factionism - Fanaticism between the Muslims They also cause: - Deception - Trickery - Fraud - Falsehood They waste time, money, remove the modesty from the female, along with disrupting a Muslim's trust in Islamic knowledge and its people (the scholars) Source: Al Mabadee Al Mufeedah fit Tawheed wal Fiqh wal Aqeedah - Basic Priniciples regarding Tawheed, Islamic Jurisprudence, and Belief- new Arabic print pg. 29 #48 ______________ Sheikh Ahmed bin Yahya An Najmee on Voting and Elections Today the Sheikh was asked the following question: Questioner: Oh beloved Sheikh, what is the ruling on Muslims in America taking part in voting and elections, if they feel this will somehow benefit Islam and the Muslims? Sheikh: The system of elections is an innovation and it is not permissible for the Muslims to participate in them alongside the disbelievers. Questioner: The reason for their participation, is that if they support and vote for an individual running for a particular position; even if this person is a disbeliever, this person will in turn give the Muslims land for building schools and masjids. Sheikh: Oh my brother, is it permissible for the Muslims to enter into innovations and join and work with the disbelievers to obtain something that may take place, or may not! This is not correct in my opinion. ________________ recitation... "Democracy in Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah" Shaikh Abdul-'Azeez Bur'ee (Yemen) Shaikh Abdul-'Azeez Bur'ee is from the prominent shaikhs of Yemen and from students of the Imaam of Yemen and its muhaddith, Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee. An excellent lecture explaining the theory of democratic elections and its effects upon society and the Muslims. CLICK HERE: refutation "Democracy in Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah" by Shaykh Abdul Azeez Bur'ee _______________ SHAYKH SAALIH AL-FAWZAAN ON VOTING refutation.. Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan said: quote:... And as for the elections [that are] well-known [and implemented] today in the various nations, then they are not from the Islamic order. Chaos, personal aspirations enter into them, as do greed and favouritism (bias). Tribulations and the shedding of blood result from them and the desired goal is not attained by them. Rather, they are just a ground for bids (i.e. campaigns), buying and selling and false claims. _______________ Refutation by Al Allaamah Shaykh Rabee (hafidhahullah) said with regard to elections and voting: How many violations of the religion are commited by way of elections like showing alliances with atheist parties, communist and innovated parties and (also) what it necessitates in terms of demolishing the principle of allegiance and opposition (for the sake of Allah) How much money is spent (on elections) and stolen from the Muslims in the the name of Islam? And the Muslims spend it bribing those who will vote for them by lying and falling into sin. How much money is wasted, lives lost, blood shed and ethics lost? All of this and other than this is ignored by Abul Hassan as he puts it [these violations] to waste in the cause of ikhwaan al-muslimoon [the deviated sect that spends the majority of their time in politics]. See his refutation against Abu al Hasan regarding elections footnote No. 16. _______________ Shaykh Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn 'Abdullaah ar-Raymee al-Imaam (hafidhahullaah) stated, quote:"[]Elections[/url] enter into association of partners with Allaah and that is Shirk of obedience, since elections are from the democratic system. And this system was established by the enemies of Islaam for the purpose of turning the Muslims away from their Religion. So whoever accepts it, being pleased with it, propagating it, believing it to be correct, surely he has obeyed the opponents of Islaam in opposition to the command of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. And this is the very essence of associating partners with Allaah with regard to obedience. Allaah has said: "Or have they partners with Allaah (false gods), who have instituted for them a religion which Allaah has not allowed. And had it not been for a decisive Word (gone forth already), the matter would have been judged between them. And verily, for the Dhalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers), there is a painful torment. You will see (on the Day of Resurrection), the Dhalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) fearful of that which they have earned, and it (Allaah's Torment) will surely befall them.." (Ash-Shura, ayat 21-22) _____________ Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) said, quote:"And I say: Are elections not, except the path of democracy? ...Democracy is disbelief (kufr) because it means that the populace rules itself by itself. It means there is no Book [Qur`an] and no Sunnah and no Islaam, and the allowing of fornication and homosexuality." _______________ Allamah Badiuddin Shah as-Sindhi rahimahullah on Democracy In this manner, some of our brothers have accepted democracy and have mistaken it for Islaam. It is astonishing how they have accepted a western ideology while being AhleHadeeth. Did the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) give us this ideology, did the rightly guided Khulafaa give us this ideology, or did the four Imaams give us this ideology Who gave us this ideology An ideology emerged from Europe and you accepted, you deemed the ideology of the Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam deficient! Let me ask you one question. Are there any opposing political parties in the Shareeýah. If the government was established for the sake of Allaah, and someone stood in opposition of it, what would become of him? There would be hostility everywhere. Democracy safeguards these hostilities, and this is why evil is given a chance to exist. It is for this reason that these people who are starving for power attempt to win power and fight (amongst each other). ______________
@adamalm.400 7 жыл бұрын
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. akhi 3abderrah7man which book are you reading from? وبارك الله فيك
@FarisMee 5 жыл бұрын
Obey your Ruler. Obey your Shaykhs. Wa ALLAH & His Messenger. Salafunjis. Permission is given by their ulema for the taghut rulers to rule by other than ALLAH's Sharia. But if their muslim subjects obey & join in the rulers democracies then its hellfire for them. And if they disobey the rulers in their kufr they are deviant khawarij & still its hellfire for them. And these salafunjis say *_"This is from ALLAH'._*
@MinhajAlislamiyah 7 жыл бұрын
Sheikh Ahmed bin Yahya An Najmee on Voting and Elections Today the Sheikh was asked the following question: Questioner: Oh beloved Sheikh, what is the ruling on Muslims in America taking part in voting and elections, if they feel this will somehow benefit Islam and the Muslims? Sheikh: The system of elections is an innovation and it is not permissible for the Muslims to participate in them alongside the disbelievers. Questioner: The reason for their participation, is that if they support and vote for an individual running for a particular position; even if this person is a disbeliever, this person will in turn give the Muslims land for building schools and masjids. Sheikh: Oh my brother, is it permissible for the Muslims to enter into innovations and join and work with the disbelievers to obtain something that may take place, or may not! This is not correct in my opinion. ________________ recitation... "Democracy in Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah" Shaikh Abdul-'Azeez Bur'ee (Yemen) Shaikh Abdul-'Azeez Bur'ee is from the prominent shaikhs of Yemen and from students of the Imaam of Yemen and its muhaddith, Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee. An excellent lecture explaining the theory of democratic elections and its effects upon society and the Muslims. CLICK HERE: refutation "Democracy in Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah" by Shaykh Abdul Azeez Bur'ee _______________ SHAYKH SAALIH AL-FAWZAAN ON VOTING refutation.. Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan said: quote:... And as for the elections [that are] well-known [and implemented] today in the various nations, then they are not from the Islamic order. Chaos, personal aspirations enter into them, as do greed and favouritism (bias). Tribulations and the shedding of blood result from them and the desired goal is not attained by them. Rather, they are just a ground for bids (i.e. campaigns), buying and selling and false claims. _______________ Refutation by Al Allaamah Shaykh Rabee (hafidhahullah) said with regard to elections and voting: How many violations of the religion are commited by way of elections like showing alliances with atheist parties, communist and innovated parties and (also) what it necessitates in terms of demolishing the principle of allegiance and opposition (for the sake of Allah) How much money is spent (on elections) and stolen from the Muslims in the the name of Islam? And the Muslims spend it bribing those who will vote for them by lying and falling into sin. How much money is wasted, lives lost, blood shed and ethics lost? All of this and other than this is ignored by Abul Hassan as he puts it [these violations] to waste in the cause of ikhwaan al-muslimoon [the deviated sect that spends the majority of their time in politics]. See his refutation against Abu al Hasan regarding elections footnote No. 16. _______________ Shaykh Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn 'Abdullaah ar-Raymee al-Imaam (hafidhahullaah) stated, quote:"[]Elections[/url] enter into association of partners with Allaah and that is Shirk of obedience, since elections are from the democratic system. And this system was established by the enemies of Islaam for the purpose of turning the Muslims away from their Religion. So whoever accepts it, being pleased with it, propagating it, believing it to be correct, surely he has obeyed the opponents of Islaam in opposition to the command of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. And this is the very essence of associating partners with Allaah with regard to obedience. Allaah has said: "Or have they partners with Allaah (false gods), who have instituted for them a religion which Allaah has not allowed. And had it not been for a decisive Word (gone forth already), the matter would have been judged between them. And verily, for the Dhalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers), there is a painful torment. You will see (on the Day of Resurrection), the Dhalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) fearful of that which they have earned, and it (Allaah's Torment) will surely befall them.." (Ash-Shura, ayat 21-22) _____________ Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) said, quote:"And I say: Are elections not, except the path of democracy? ...Democracy is disbelief (kufr) because it means that the populace rules itself by itself. It means there is no Book [Qur`an] and no Sunnah and no Islaam, and the allowing of fornication and homosexuality." _______________ Allamah Badiuddin Shah as-Sindhi rahimahullah on Democracy In this manner, some of our brothers have accepted democracy and have mistaken it for Islaam. It is astonishing how they have accepted a western ideology while being AhleHadeeth. Did the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) give us this ideology, did the rightly guided Khulafaa give us this ideology, or did the four Imaams give us this ideology Who gave us this ideology An ideology emerged from Europe and you accepted, you deemed the ideology of the Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam deficient! Let me ask you one question. Are there any opposing political parties in the Shareeýah. If the government was established for the sake of Allaah, and someone stood in opposition of it, what would become of him? There would be hostility everywhere. Democracy safeguards these hostilities, and this is why evil is given a chance to exist. It is for this reason that these people who are starving for power attempt to win power and fight (amongst each other). ______________ Shaykh Allaamah 'Abdullaah al-Ghudayaan (hafidhahullah) of the Committee of Major Scholars and the Permanent Committee for Fatwa and Research in Saudi Arabia, was asked a question: Question: 'Shaykh, the same question about mosques here which ascribe themselves to the Sunnah, however we have found from them some matters which are contrary to what our Shaykhs are upon; from them, O our Shaykh, is that they encourage the people to enter into democratic elections; knowing that they encourage the worshippers to vote for a Muslim woman who is a member of a Socialist party. O Shaykh, what is your advice for the people here in Britain? Answer: 'By Allaah, Look, O my brother, you know that the Muslim must have an Islamic personality. He should not have a personality such that he just follows the people. What is required is that when the Muslim acts.. his actions.. the people will say: 'This action is from Islaam'; and my advice is for the Muslims not to enter into these affairs ever! This is from one aspect. And from another aspect; the Hadeeth: "Never will a people prosper who place a woman in charge of their affair." So the suggestion that she should, for example, be like this, no! She should not enter into this, and you should not enter into this, ever. Not at all! This is from another aspect. --- And the Shaykh, the Allaamah Ubaid al-Jaabiree was informed of the question of the Shaykh, the Allaamah Abdullaah al-Ghudayaan (hafidhahumallaah), so he said: "That is my position also, without any difference". Shaikh Abdul Muhsin Al Abad - Elections in Iraq ما هي نصيحة شيخنا عبد المحسن العبَّاد البدر ـ حفظه الله ـ لأهل العراق في انتخاباتهم المقبلة؟؟ الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن وآلاه: وبعدُ: فقد سُئل شيخنا عبد المحسن بن حمد العبَّاد البدر ـ حفظه الله ـ في ليلة الإثنين الموافق الخامس عشر من شعر ربيع الأول عام 1431هـ في المسجد النبوي في درس سنن ابن ماجه ما يلي: س/ شيخنا حفظكم الله ما رأي فضيلتكم في الانتخابات؟ إذا كان جميع المرشحين من أهل الضلال, وقد يتفاوتون في ضلالهم وعداوتهم, ولكنهم جميعاً يعادون السنَّة وأهلها؟ جـ/ أجاب شيخنا بقوله: أبداً يَبْتَعد عن هؤلاء جميعاً. ملحوظة: هذا الجواب سمعته أيضاً من شيخنا ـ حفظه الله ـ يوم الأحد الموافق 14/ 3/ 1431هـ عند بيته بعد صلاة الظهر لمَّا سُئل شيخنا عن حال إخواننا في العراق والقوائم المرشحة لنفسها من الإخوان المسلمين وأهل الرفض وغيرهم من العلمانيين فأجاب بمثل هذا الجواب وزاد عليه: (( لا يُرشحون أحداً, وكونهم يَسْلَمون هم من تبعات الجميع أولى, و أيضاً يُسلِّمون أنفسهم من الضرر)). Source: __________________
@streetordeenspodcastsgoogl5522 7 жыл бұрын
Britishfever456 your opinion is not evidence what "you think" or "you feel" is not a proof for anything just like Ali dawah and Haitham haddad not one Verse of Quran and not one Hadith did you give, ublike the many abdul Rahman gave, so your opinion equals and means absolutely nothing also difference of opinion is not proof or there is not a consensus is not a proof, these are basic rules in salafiyah, that fact you don't know this and you didn't give one evidence from Quran and Sunnah makes it clear you have no clue what your talking about
@Britishfever456 7 жыл бұрын
Who said difference of opinion is proof my dear brother? And who said ikhtilaf is proof? The fact that you deduced such from me, without me saying or implying that maybe says something about your comprehension. I dare not say you don't know what you are talking about. We don't get personal over these issues either. We relay the speech of the Scholars. To assume great Imaams like al-Albaani, Uthaymeen, Ibnu Baaz made mistakes in allowing voting is short-sightedness. You may not agree with them, but that is a different issue. The least you can do is keep an open mind and look into the issues. May Allaah protect you from all harm and evil.
@Britishfever456 7 жыл бұрын
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