Part-2, The Stuff of Legend James Dean's Final Ride (My Book&App "In Love With James Dean")

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In Love With James Dean

In Love With James Dean

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@lisaelliott7211 6 жыл бұрын
Coroners report said James was still alive when taken out of the car But put on a stretcher without a neck protector did not have in those days. The ambulance was in a accident on the way to the hospital which caused James already broken neck to break further causing his death to the Hospital.. Rip James Dean...Never forgotten...
@jaysilverheals4445 3 жыл бұрын
coroner was likely a drinker or not much knowledge. alive cannot be defined well because a body can go through what is called agonal breathing for a half hour after the person is dead in which it appears the person is "trying to breath". The fact is that agonal breathing even Kennedy was doing it when brought into parkland. agonal "breathing"--a body will still go through spasms similar to having the "dry heaves". a dead person can do that for quite a while and is NOT breathing nor an attempt to breath. it gets even more freaky when a person considers brain cell perception in which eyes dont see but brain can hear and percieve what is going on around them for LONGER THAN YOU WANT TO KNOW. broken neck gives perception body is dead.
@sandramalone3522 2 жыл бұрын
I heard the same thing, as my comment above mentions that he too was slightly thrown out of the car but was still alive when police or the ambulance arrived.
@jaysantos536 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaysilverheals4445 Kennedy did not die until after Air Force One left Love Field. Doctors severed his spinal cord.
What??? Why??
@Towerwatson525 8 жыл бұрын
Great Video. When i see the pictures of the crash scene and in particular the one of the stretcher men standing over the body and visible head of Wutherich (Often mistaken for Dean) i often wonder Why Dean can not be seen injured pushed up against the passenger side of the Vehicle in the pictures. (We already know that is where he ended up after the accident thanks to witness statements) This video has now cleared that up. Dean was put in the ambulance first and then they went back to get Wutherich according to the police officers. So that times those famous pictures of the crash and the Wutherich visible head photograph at around 30-40 minutes after the crash Going by the Police statements, they arrived just as Dean had been extradited from the car and placed in the ambulance and just momenets before the ambulance men place Wutherich on the stretcher. I had always thought that those pictures where taken more or less within a 5 -10 minutes of the crash. It's now clear using the times given by those policemen that they taken after Dean has been removed so 30-40 minutes after the accident happened thus explaining why Dean is not still in the Vehicle in the photographs.
@leeraskin372 7 жыл бұрын
The exact time line of the accident and the aftermath is definitively published in James Dean: At Speed, 2005, and James Dean: On The Road To Salinas, 2015. The CHP didn't receive the call about the accident until 6:00pm from the Cholame gas station and ambulance service. The ambulance was dispatched immediately,...1. 5 miles away. The CHP did not arrive at the Cholame Junction until 6:20 pm. James Dean was pinned in the wreckage...his left foot was crushed between the clutch and brake pedals. The ambulance attendant, Paul Moreno used a crow bar to pry the pedals apart so Dean could be extricated and loaded onto the ambulance first...then Rolf Wutherich was removed to the ambulance for transport to the Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital...approx. 30 minutes away.
@thedbcooperforum 6 ай бұрын
Turnupseed is the one in the photo standing out of place, the passenger can be seen beside the stretcher on the ground.
@ladylena1918 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. It was great to have to have insight from the possibly the only living persons that spoke to James or were dealt with the collision site.
@jnwd3750 6 жыл бұрын
I watched a documentary about the death of James Dean a while back and in it an eyewitness recalled overhearing that one week prior to his crash, James Dean was at a restaurant and had run into the actor, Alec Guinness who, after seeing his car and knowing what a racer it was plus what a "speed freak" Dean was, he made a foreboding comment to Dean, that he'd be dead within a week if he drove that Porsche Spyder and it was one week to the day of James Dean's fatal accident.
@ladylena1918 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Ive seen an interview on you tube where he told how James came up to him said he admired his acting and offered to buy his dinner (he'd been turned away at a restaurant) James showed him the new car and Alec gave him the warning, eerie. Apparently Eartha Kitt also had her concerns about it. And James said something like.. Oh you're on one of your Voodoo trips again
@alexcarratu5554 5 жыл бұрын
I have seen a documentary on the accident and it clearly shows that James Dean was not to blame. It clearly showed that there were no obstructions for Turnupseed to see Dean's car and that there was sufficient light available for him to have seen Dean's car, regardless of time of day. One thing that confuses me is, why didn't Turnupseed complete the turn at 46/41? From what I've read, it seems that Turnupseed attempted the turn thinking he could make it then hit his brakes as he was unsure and then realised he wouldn't be able to make it, therefore, he then skidded across into James Dean's lane and struck the Porsche on Dean's driver's side. Therefore, Dean had no idea of Turnupseed's intentions. Turnupseed's wavering caused the accident. Dean had no way of knowing what Turnupseed was intending on doing. He hesitated. When driving, you need to be 100% confident with your decisions. Turnupseed should have been charged with vehicular manslaughter.
@windstorm1000 5 жыл бұрын
It did not help that Dean was doing 100mph
@alexcarratu5554 5 жыл бұрын
@@windstorm1000, Jimmy was not going 100 mph at the time of the impact. One of the officers who responded to the accident said that Dean's speed wasn't excessive as it only travelled 45 feet after Mr Turnupseed hit it. A reconstruction of the accident in the early 90s shows that there was plenty of light available for Mr Turnupseed to see Dean's car and that the speed of Dean's car was about 55-60 mph and the speed of Mr Turnupseed's car was about 55 mph.
@alexcarratu5554 2 жыл бұрын
@Jerome, yes. Had Jimmy been going faster than 55-60 mph, his car would have travelled much further away than 45 feet.
@alexcarratu5554 2 жыл бұрын
@Jerome we will never know the true speed that JD was travelling at. Of course the car was crushed from the impact. It was very light and made of aluminium. Even a slower crash at say 40 or 30 mph would have been catastrophic as the car was so light. JD was known to drive fast at times, but a recreation of the accident shows that JD was going around 55-60 mph when the limit was 55. The recreation also showed that, despite it being early autumn (September 30), there were no visual obstructions and there was enough light out for Turnupseed to have seen JD's car. Yes, Bill did warn JD about his car being hard to see. The plan was to initially tow the car to the races, but according to most accounts, JD decided to drive it to the races himself, having decided he needed more time to familiarise himself with the car. I've read that about the guy JD passed shortly before the accident. I've read that Turnupseed had passed another car too. From what I've also read, Turnupseed was very tired that afternoon and didn't expect any oncoming traffic. That would certainly have affected Turnupseed's judgement. One should not drive when tired. It was a combination of factors that led to JD's accident in 1955. You're right that many who drive sports cars don't observe the limit (JD had got a ticket earlier on his final day). Paul Walker's driver was going well over the speed limit when he crashed in 2013 when the speed limit was 45. As for JD, we'll never know what would have happened had he not had the accident on 9/30/1955. His death that day created the immortal myth of James Dean. What we do know though is that James Dean was one of our most gifted actors and left us with three great films, which will last forever.
@alexcarratu5554 2 жыл бұрын
@Jerome we'll never know the full facts of James Dean's final day. It was nearly 70 years ago now. We can speculate forever about September 30, 1955, but it doesn't change what happened that day.
@MosaicRose99 8 жыл бұрын
How ironic that Jimmy's passenger, Rolf Wutherich, survived such a horrific accident with Jimmy only to be killed in another car accident years later...
@Towerwatson525 8 жыл бұрын
Indeed July, 1981 is when Rolf Wutherich died in a vehicle accident.
@delstanley1349 7 жыл бұрын
+SoothingChime15> How ironic you say? Remember the only reason JD was driving was to get the car "broken in."
@sylviannecoquet4702 5 жыл бұрын
@jonnyroy2008 6 ай бұрын
Why doesn't anybody ever talk about testimony of Cliff Horde (and his son), Tom Frederick, and John Robert White??? All were involved moments before the accident. Seconds before the fatal crash, Dean overtook and passed, at high speed, John Robert White's car (both were travelling west). And in the same manuever of passing White's car Dean ran Cliff Horde's car (travelling east) off the road and into a fence. Horde said he had to do this to avoid hitting Dean head-on in Horde's east-bound lane. Dean then pulled back into the west-bound lane and crashed with Turnupseed. There's also testimony from Tom Frederick who was just passing Turnupseed on the right, and at the time of the accident!
@dales.189 2 жыл бұрын
I once had a car pull out in front of me on a tree lined two lane highway in northern Minnesota. It was in the summer. I was going 55 MPH downhill. The other car, with at least three people in it, pulled out in front of me from a side road at the bottom of the hill, turning into my lane. Luckily I was far enough back to hit my brakes, causing me to lurch forward in the car. If I hadn't been paying attention, I would have rear-ended him/her. The point of my story is that my car at the time was a bright marina blue color! The worst color to see for winter driving is taupe/silver. It blends in perfectly with dirty snowbanks.
@orvil9223 3 жыл бұрын
"It had a horn, turn signals, an engine......." Yes, those engines come in handy on cars.
@DeadBunny69 4 жыл бұрын
Something that's puzzling about the police not knowing who the driver was until later on was the fact Dean was being followed by Dean's other car, a station wagon, that was pulling a trailer and driven by his friend stuntman Bill Hickman with photographer Sanford H. Roth in the passenger seat. Clearly they were on the scene shortly after it happened as Roth took photos. Curious to know if police interviewed them as both could have immediately identified Dean.
@sandyserrano8246 6 жыл бұрын
Dean had the right of way
@jaysilverheals4445 3 жыл бұрын
thats not the way it works. seed did normal traffic manuever and entered the turn very early to shave the corner as anyone does. The tiny low car with its coloring and at a high rate of speed actually caught seed and changed his life. seed did a proper maneuver and veering back into the lane to bypass the turn in the final second before impact thus hitting almost headon dean with drivers side. a possible maneuver would have been for pumpkinseed to veer off left and take the field with dean spinning and flying off without impact possibly surviving. seed realized "shit I am crossing across and in his lane--no choice now but to veer over out of his lane." the accident occurred because seed made a normal manuever but got caught because of the tiny vehicle at high rate of speed. keep in mind that a tiny vehicle CAN appear like a regular size vehicle much further away. there are similar concepts. a car with headlight out 100 feet away can appear to be a car a mile away. also motorcycles--a person looks for car and misses a person on bike very close. The weight of the decision went to Dean racing and testing a race car at high speeds on the way to a race. For Dean if it had happened there--it would have simply been soon at some other place possibly at the race he was headed to. the women love outlaws but wild lifestyle the women love comes at a price. early death. it is lucky he did not take seed with him.
@patricasjoli4107 3 жыл бұрын
@@jaysilverheals4445 come down to speed Both cars were speeding over the limit SPEED KILLS LEAVES WITH LESS TIME FOR CORRECTION
@Jesse-cx4si 3 жыл бұрын
Except he was hauling arse.
@Jeff-bz6jp 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaysilverheals4445 Best understanding of the accident I've seen. I agree.
@jamest681 7 жыл бұрын
The other driver should have been able to see an oncoming object before crossing into James Deans lane, no matter what the lighting conditions. In fact, the other driver had an even greater duty of care to make proper observations if the lighting conditions were less than optimal. James Dean was driving straight in his lane, the other vehicle was crossing over into James Deans lane. The cause of the accident was the other drivers negligence. The prosecutor had the point of impact being in James Deans lane and the death of James Deans. What else did the prosecutor need to prosecute.
@ag4allgood 2 жыл бұрын
Very small Silver car moving at a high rate of speed probably fooled Turnupseed as far as the distance as it had a very low profile & blended into the highway. Going downhill on a straight piece of highway the estimated average speed I read was 120 mph. That means he was going at least that speed. I've seen the " experts " say the Porsche side of the road had the marks from the Turnupseed 2 door Ford tires. Not really skid marks either. That means JD tried to avoid the Ford without braking. Rolf Wutherich has to be the luckiest man alive to survive that crash by being thrown out of the car. I heard he was in a hospital for a very long time ( 1 year ).
@missmajestic2158 2 жыл бұрын
James Dean died 5 years before I was born. But I find this accident & his death very intriguing. I don't know why, I just do.
@phillipbradford6976 7 жыл бұрын
Very informative video..thanks for uploading.
@inlovewithjamesdean9871 7 жыл бұрын
You're Welcome :)
@billiewinn8561 5 жыл бұрын
Your tearing me apart
@sandramalone3522 2 жыл бұрын
If Dean's friend was a photographer and right there, I wonder why he didn't take photos of the crash. And there are no pictures of Dean after the I heard he didn't die immediately. Let's just hope he did. Ironically Rolf, Dean's passenger in the car who survived, died in a car accident 12 years later.
@stevep4574 5 жыл бұрын
So there are absolutely no pics of Dean after the crash, only on the stretcher?
@billyshepard5514 4 жыл бұрын
They were destroyed
@grabar20 4 жыл бұрын
I have one.
@raindropsfukushemiaflavore9914 4 жыл бұрын
It was Dean's passenger on the stretcher in the picture.
@22161 2 жыл бұрын
@@billyshepard5514 not sure if you will ever get this but why were they destroyed
@22161 2 жыл бұрын
@@grabar20 can you show it
@Roosterjello 6 жыл бұрын
1:49 Deans 550 Spyder did not have windshield wipers.
@deanwille8130 4 жыл бұрын
I didn’t know Dean didn’t have a neck protector while on stretcher
@leeraskin372 3 жыл бұрын
Neck collar protection devices hadn't been invented and used by rescue squads ... until the 1970's....Dean's accident was in 1955.
@deanwille8130 3 жыл бұрын
@@leeraskin372 ok You learn something new all the time
@leestarkey8335 3 жыл бұрын
why play that strange music over witnesses giving vital information about the crash? its very distracting and iritating!
@Tiffany.1970 5 жыл бұрын
The 550 Porsche spyder never had windshield wipers fitted but the guy with glasses says the Porsche has them odd I say
@yyygggggg10 Ай бұрын
It's been 40 something years ago,He's trying to remember things,He got everything else right tho..No conspiracy.
@delstanley1349 7 жыл бұрын
There's a photo at the 10:27 mark. It shows the wreckage with two responders standing, and possibly two other men on the ground I'm not sure. In the foreground is standing the quintessential 50s guy with a black T-shirt on, rolled up. Every hair is combined and slicked back and in place. Also standing in the background is a guy who looks like the square jawed actor Brian Keith (of Family Affair). The black T-shirt guy looks like he thinks he's too cool to be an ambulance driver, like he's waiting for the props to be set up so he can do Scene II of "Grease." "Brian Keith" looks like he's ready to pick up a body and place it on the gurney. What's puzzling (to me anyway) is that there appear to be two guys on the ground. One guy, who looks like The Fonz is to the left of the black T-shirt guy's mid left leg, and another guy is to the right of black T-shirt guy's left leg. If these are real guys (and not photo illusions) where is The Fonz's torso and lower body? I realize the car may be in a ditch, but his head is at the same level as the car wheel. Is he squatting, or sitting on the ground, where's his body? Is he a midget? It looks like a scene out of "The Walking Dead, or "Breaking Bad," when viewed with the other guy/victim. His head is in the front of the leg, therefore he is in the foreground relative to Kool 50s black-T-shirt guy. However, what seems to be his neck and below area appears to be in the background? Which is it? If the head is indeed in the foreground it seems too disportionately small. The other man on the ground appears unconscious; is he Dean's companion? Sometimes when I look at him he seems to be facing towards The Fonz, then at other times he seems like he is looking straight up into the sky! Is he moving, turning his head? Since the gurney is empty obviously they are picking someone else up. Both Dean and his friend rode in the same ambulance, and Dean I would assume is already in the ambulance. Word of advice, don't look at this photo too long! It must be only me, but I'm seeing too much weird shit!
@leeraskin372 3 жыл бұрын
Photo taken by Sanford Roth...a sequel of three. The photo shows Rolf Wutherich lying on the ground, injured, Teen in black t-shirt is Don Dooley, witness to the accident. Two men on right side of the Porsche are motorsports journalist with Road & Track magazine, Jerry Chesbrough, and Competition Motors owner /racer, John von Neummann, who were travelling to the Salinas races and driving approximately 10 minutes behind James Dean. Source: James Dean: On The Road To Salinas, 2015/2020.
@leeraskin372 3 жыл бұрын
@@TommyLellan Passenger was Rolf Wutherich, the Porsche mechanic..who was severely injured.
@sheilasansing7986 3 жыл бұрын
Ambulance drivers were later reported to have stolen money from James dead body during the trip to hospital. Shameful
@delstanley1349 7 жыл бұрын
The first responding officers at the site said they had never heard of Dean. Which is understandable. I never heard of Kurt Cobain until he died and I believe he was at the peak of popularity when he died. I had never heard of Dale Earnhardt either until his death, or of Selena. To over illustrate their ignorance and to demonstrate how much of a non celebrity Dean was to them, one officer at 7:38 said he thought Dean was "James Dean the sausage maker." The second officer agreed. It would seem then that they HAD HEARD of him. I guess this is what happens when people are asked to recall details a HALF CENTURY later. Info that didn't exist at the time, or unknown to them becomes added to the story making some of it just folklore, and inaccurate. It is sort of like stories told by U.S. Civil War generals thirty-forty years after the great battles. I remember hearing the news of James Dean's death when I was in the first grade. I remember people calling him something like the first "high school delinquent," a term heard a lot in those Daddy-O days. But sausage maker? When referring to James Dean as far as I knew he was ALWAYS James Dean, and never a Jim or Jimmy. Those officers at the time of Dean's death never heard of Jimmy Dean's sausage either. I first heard of Jimmy Dean the singer in the early 60s. He had ONE song, "Big John, or "Big Bad John." The song made it number one in the nation. It had some controversy; at least in Dallas, TX where I lived. Depending on the station one version of the song ended with these lyrics "here lies one hell of a man," or the "cleaner" version "here lies one big, big man." In any event the song was big, and made Jimmy Dean a star. He parlayed that one song into such stardom that he got his own TV variety show, the Jimmy Dean Show. Based on the popularity of his show Jimmy then further parlayed that stardom into making breakfast sausage. However, I couldn't eat one of his sausages until I was a freshman in college at New Mexico State, and that was '68/69. So, James Dean died when I was in the first grade, and Jimmy Dean sausage came alive when I was a freshman in college. That's more than a decade apart! I'm glad these officers were/are still around to give some firsthand account, but the listener/reader has to take some upgraded account 1.2 with a bit of grain of salt and watch out for some unintended embellishments. If they're interviewed again they may say "No, I never heard of Dean, I thought he was John Dean, Nixon's chief counsel they were pulling from the wreckage."
@cynthiahusband106 3 жыл бұрын
To: cy young. From: cynthia husband. Yes, there are people in this world that are drawn to the macabre, James Dean being the biggest star at the time especially after his death; the Porsche in that horrific state drew a ton of people to that theater in Glendale CA , being as young as I was , I for one will never forget that car, nor will I ever, ever forget James Dean, my god so young yet the impact he made on the motion picture industry , well his legacy still lives on today.
@Tiffany.1970 5 жыл бұрын
Oh Porsche 550 never had bumpers fitted also due to the style of the Porsche 550
@leeraskin372 7 жыл бұрын
With all due respect to CHP officers Ernie Tripke and Ronald Nelson and interviewer E.J. Stephens on this KZbin video...this interview lacks real clarity of the re-examined facts of the accident on 9-30-55. Many of their re-accountable facts are murky. Ex. Tripke said he did not know who James Dean was....thought it might be Jimmy Dean the singer and sausage maker. In 1955, Jimmy Dean had a local TV show, Country Time, in Washington, DC, and was not known nationally...and -- did not start his sausage business until 1969...14 years after James Dean's death. E.J. Stephens pushes the point about James Dean and alcohol ...which was a non-event. Also, the Dean group did not stop at Tips Restaurant in Santa Clarita...their time schedule did not account for a voluntary refreshment stop along Rt 99 that afternoon after leaving the Mobilegas station in Sherman Oaks. The group was forced to stop at Wheeler's Station for a CHP-issued speeding ticket at 3:30 pm, The only stop made was at Blackwell's Corner at Rt. 166/466 at 5 p.m. The minute by minute account of the accident is definitively published in James Dean: On The Road To Salinas, 20015. The author here, Heidi Gur admits that she has never seen any updated and attributed accounts published in 2005 and 2015 with respect to the 9-30-55 accident and assumedly, she has been relying on out-dated and unverified information in her book, on line postings, and on KZbin. Lee Raskin, James Dean/Porsche historian, archivist and author.
@giftedplanksify 7 жыл бұрын
Lee Raskin where's Wheeler's Station ,mind me asking... I know a Wheeler's Gorge on Hwy 33 near Ojai!?
@leeraskin372 7 жыл бұрын
Dave Whalen In looking at CA map of 1955, the location of the traffic ticket was on Rt. 99 N past Grapevine, in Kern County, at Wheeler Ridge just before CA Junction 99/166/33 at Mettler Station ( my inadvertent mistake writing Wheeler Station ). See James Dean: On The Road To Salinas, 2015. Lee Raskin
@giftedplanksify 7 жыл бұрын
Lee Raskin thanks I'll check it out!
@Roosterjello 6 жыл бұрын
Jimmy Dean the singer and later sausage guy had his first hit in 1953 so very possible the confusion
@djangorheinhardt 5 жыл бұрын
Well done Lee.I always welcome your intervention as it is usually 100% correct.Must get your book in the near future.It sounds an absorbing read.
@أحمدالصاعدي-ك3ل 6 жыл бұрын
internal bleeding.
@ansias77 2 жыл бұрын
It was always said that Dean's car was pretty low, small, and its metalic grey color didn't make it too visible on a sunny or close to sundown desert road..Anyway i never could understand how in the world Donald Turnupseed couln't see a car coming close by the lane he was gonna cross. What it seems to have happened is that Dean in fragements of a second, stepped heavily on the accelerator pedal trying to overtake and avoid Turnupseed's car instead of stepping on the brake pedal. What's very ironic and premonitory to me is how some people that were around Dean said that he used to alude to his own bronen neck and actually that was the cause of his death..i mean that in a car crash you can die from million reasons other than a broken neck ( there are even pics of him during the set of Giant where he's hanging from a rope jocking about his death..) By the way, i never believed that according to Wuetherich Dean's final words were "That guy gotta see us.." Like most accidents that one happened very very fast and i always thought that was a large and odd quote to say in a moment like that.. Anyway, no other actor, musician or celebrity ever had such an inmense impact/legacy in less time as Dean had. He's still imitated by lots and lots 67 years later.
@johnwright291 7 ай бұрын
Jimmy Deans pure pork sausage was around in 1955. I don't think so. I was born in 1956 and I remember when the country western singer jimmy Dean debuted his product.
@kathleentyson6727 7 жыл бұрын
My cousin was crazy about him. He bedroom was wall to wall ceiling to floor picture of him I'm not kidding her closet door outside pictures of him taped to the floor the walls EVERYWHERE she tried to commit suicide when he was killed i was too young so I don't remember anything about his death but I have his movies on DVD all,four tragic
@inlovewithjamesdean9871 7 жыл бұрын
I am as crazy as your cousin, I wish I could decorate my room like that too but unfortunately my parents would kick me out thinking I am out of my mind :D. Anyway my laptop is super saturated with James Dean :)
@wolfpak8228 7 жыл бұрын
Kathleen Tyson --sad for foolish cousin
@zorroalphonso4354 6 жыл бұрын
James Dean left Blackwell's Corner at 5:30pm. He crashed in Cholame at 5:45pm. That means he covered almost 30 miles in 15 minutes!! Do the math. That is an AVERAGE speed of 120 mph! It is flat leaving Blackwell's but it is a long winding UPHILL drive over the hills to Cholame. If he just filled up with gas and had two grown men in the Porsche Spyder there is no way he was going uphill fully loaded at 120mph. But on the downhill side with a long straight away ahead of him in a car with a top speed of around 140 mph then 120 mph would be no problem! He had just told Bruce Kessler at Blackwell's he already had it over 120 mph on the trip up north. Mr. and Mrs. White testified they were doing around 65 mph when the Spyder blew past them like they were standing still just before the crash. Donald Turnupseed in the 1950 Ford had just overtaken some cars on his trip heading east. The Y intersection and Hwy. 41 is just a slight veer to the left with no stop signs or lights and no reason for Turnupseed to slow down much to make the turn. WORST case scenario: The Ford was doing 70 mph when it turned in front of Dean. The Spyder was doing top speed of 140 mph at the bottom of a long straight hill.
@seerstone8982 3 жыл бұрын
I realize that it was a race car, but it was a four cylinder, could it reach the speeds of 120-140?
@no.Cross_NoCrown33 3 жыл бұрын
If he was going that fast, there would have been absolutely nothing left of that vehicle and Rolf would have been killed too.
@seerstone8982 3 жыл бұрын
@@no.Cross_NoCrown33 Agreed!
@billofrightsamend4 2 жыл бұрын
If he was going that speed there would be nothing left of the vehicle. The police are correct. The spyder is made out of aluminum. The vehicle that hit him is made out of steel. If Dean was going that speed he may have spotted the vehicle ahead and slowed down. But if he was going over a hundred there would be nothing left and Dean's body unrecognizable.
@Jeff-bz6jp 2 жыл бұрын
@@no.Cross_NoCrown33 There wasn't "much" left of the car. Did you think it would just vaporize or become dust particles? I'd say JD was probably doing 75 to 85 at best.
@kathleentyson6727 7 жыл бұрын
Yes she was a bit whacky when we were growing up her room was like a monument to him ....CRAZY
@djangorheinhardt 4 жыл бұрын
Who was ?
@kathleentyson6727 4 жыл бұрын
djangorheinhardt cousin she was complete obsesses she tried to kill herself when died 😩😩
@djangorheinhardt 4 жыл бұрын
@@kathleentyson6727 If that is so Kathleen then that is very sad.To be obsessive about that image on the screen is very unfortunate and she must have had a yearning for something to fulfil her unfulfilled emotional torment .I hope she is all right now and has settled down to enjoy what a wondrous privilege it is to be alive......stay cool and safe !
@kathleentyson6727 4 жыл бұрын
djangorheinhardt ...she passed away a few years ago,she was 75 ,she was a very bitter person ,she was the oldest of five as were myself and my siblings,we were virtually all, the same age,I was very close to my cousin that was my age ,I completely agree with you ,I think it’s odd to idolize someone you may never meet,thank you for your comment .
@andrewholt9332 Жыл бұрын
James Dean 1955 - Porsche spyder 550 - he wa stopped for speeding in a 55 mph limit, he was been Followed by a 1955 Ford County Squire Station wagon pulling a trailer ! Also just watched KZbin video - James Dean's Spyder...Found? SEE 22 seconds says Serial number of car 550-0055
@timholcomb9926 2 жыл бұрын
That car was perfectly legal you could drive any kind of race car on the road long as it's built like a stock car regular vehicle
@TheDrednaught 3 жыл бұрын
Weird music needs to go
@davidk7575 6 жыл бұрын
If you die young you don't have to deal with aging, dementia, scandals, etc. My tip to the kids is to die young....
@cynthiahusband106 3 жыл бұрын
I was 11- 13 when James Dean died already a fan I was devastated I had seen all 3 of his movies -I was young but an old soul and understood fully the horrific loss of such an incredible , magnificent actor, for someone to die that young haunts me to this day had 2younger brothers that died young but the huge impact thatDean had already made in Hollywood and around the world was something I had never seen but fully realized he would be iconic , immortalized for years and years to come. Odd thing happened , was living in Glendale calif at the time of his death and there on Brand Blvd in front of a theater by the name of the “Alex” they parked the Porsche that James Dean was driving at the time of his death, my father would drive by it and I remember saying daddy please go fast by that car -it looked like an accordion not a sports car , gave me the chills if dad had to drive by it again if he had business down on brand blvd -but will never forget the car or what was left of it I would make the sign of the cross passing by the car and often wondered why the theater put the car right on the blvd for all to see, not my best childhood memory. Yes james Dean died at 24 but god he had so much more to do, have a life, get married, have children. I blame no one, it pains me so that if Jimmy had his headlights on that maybe, just maybe Turnupseed would have seen him , just maybe we could have had him a little longer. You start thinking of the should’ve could’ve would’ve’s. RIP Jimmy sending all my love.
@cyyoung9175 3 жыл бұрын
@@cynthiahusband106 thanks for your memories CYnthia. Do you think the theatre did that for a macabre marketing idea ?
@stephenchristian5739 5 ай бұрын
No doubt this is fascinating to here this. 1st thing I thought of course (what that ticket would be worth today!) What can I say I sold signed guitars for years to the Hard Rock all around the world, so that's just in me, also no way he was speeding, no alcohol, internal only injuries, mostly, the CHP spoke German, his friends were behind with the trailer & the fact ambulance had an accident on the way, & the guys name who turned in front of him! (Are you kidding?) all so interesting to me. PS. Turnupseed, turn u speed, is very very fortunate he didn't have a terrible life from haters, Dean fanatics ext.. he's very lucky at least from what I know I've never heard of anyone or group stalking the guy. After all he KILLED JAMES DEAN IT WAS HIS FAULT 1000%.
@yyygggggg10 Ай бұрын
Sounds like there was no conspiracy,No drugs or alcohol,he wasn't even speeding..I believe it's like he said ,he hit his head during the collision when he swerved...Poor guy.
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