PART 6 - Pono: Ancient Hawaiian Belief System

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@eawallace4354 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this six part talk. I have watched all six parts of Alex Pua'a' talk. I had the light bulbs going up like on a Christmas tree, everything he says makes complete sense and so many things he said are reflected in other teachings, their culture is part of the very roots of wisdom and life knowledge.
@iamaloha2 Жыл бұрын
This KZbin was posted 13 years ago and I just found this profound lesson? I'm also a student of A Course in Miracles and Kupuna Pua'a shared the same truth. So Grateful.
@burmanhands 12 жыл бұрын
This system is simple yet profound. Saying "love that person" about a perceived enemy immediately brings up all ones own negative reasons - jealousy fear etc. Then saying "love those feelings" somehow ends the issue and those thoughts go away. It is referral to our higher selves and for me it works. Thank you for posting these 6 talks.
@TheRobster727 12 жыл бұрын
Mahalo Kapuna Pua'a, I was born in north Carolina and have lived in South Carolina since I was young, for the past few years I have annually visited Hawai'i and have fallen in love with the native culture. This great wisdom takes it to a whole knew level. Mahalo again and Akua bless.
@estellearlaud 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, may you be blessed with even more Light. I am leaving everything I little own in the Caribbean island of Anguilla , and will arrive to Kauai in a few months. You are the people I want to live with. I hope you also will accept me. The spirits are guiding me, no one else. Thank you again, and see you soon. Estelle
@kapahuluhale 13 жыл бұрын
Mahalo Kupuna Alex and Matt for confirming everything that has been taught me over the years. Mahalo piha Akua for guiding me to this video. If only the messages in this series of videos could be understood by all, this world would be Pono...Malama Pono, Akua Pu...
@nysunra 10 ай бұрын
This series is why we need elders, culture and diversity. Beautiful ❤ 🙏🏽
@kananiwylie4270 4 жыл бұрын
Mahalo for sharing this true wisdom.
@KBERAY09 14 жыл бұрын
Mahalo Kupuna Alex! and Mahalo to Matt for posting this video! I have watched all 6 videos and have gained a lot of knowledge from it. Now i can share this information with my own Ohana. -Koali'i
@aaronpitts3077 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing videos. Thank you so much for the wisdom.
@clarencepiilani6314 9 жыл бұрын
Mahalo , Kupuna Pua'a for reminding me of WHERE I COME FROM and WHO I AM . I have at times wondered why I look at my feet and thrn also wondered why I always end with looking to the Heavens . MAHALO n ALOHA
@pepe256r 12 жыл бұрын
This was powerful - thank you for sharing such deep wisdom which I will take to my heart!
@jahjah525 5 жыл бұрын
❤ this is so beautiful!!!!!! Thank you love!!!
@barbaragajecka7832 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the wishdom you are sharing with us
@Esther216 11 жыл бұрын
amazing wisdom, thank you for sharing
@SkyBlueAugust 13 жыл бұрын
Terrific - thanks for posting this.
@manneh4424 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing
@Fit4Life805 7 жыл бұрын
@heathercullen1822 9 жыл бұрын
@wrouillie 13 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@AlohaSpirit2030 10 жыл бұрын
Japanese translation:日本語訳 「ハワイでいうトリニティーとは、1.究極の中心の神と2.その神に従う四方向から動く神々(磁気エネルギー)と3.天という三つです。 同時に自分の中にもその転写で三つの魂が存在します。それぞれの魂あるいはスピリットは、個々のエネルギーという力、生きる力を備えています。それぞれの魂は、影のような体を持っています。そしてすべては一つの源とヘソの緒のような線でつながっています。人間の肉体というのは、単に器に過ぎません。 そして成長しようとする人生、ポノな道というのは、その三つを一つに統合しようとする行為です。 この三つ子の魂を離ればなれにさせる行為を今日の用語で「エゴ」と呼びます。「エゴ」は必要です。人生の目的を成し遂げようとする時に自我は必要になります。しかし、自分でエゴをコントロール出来る必要があります。エゴが支配して自分を見失ってしまう事をハワイでは、未熟、幼いといいます。そのようなエゴに支配された意見というのは、未熟なものになります。 次に女性的な直感について:女性的な直感というのは、ハワイでは神からの言葉、インスピレーションと考えます。エゴというのは、男性的な部分の自分で頭がそれを象徴します。女性的な直感というのは、ハートから下腹部のあたりから来る感覚をいいます。 神というのは、男性と女性の両性を持っています。ですから、私たちも同じく両性を備え持っています。このコンセプトに基づいてハワイの信仰は出来ていますので、古代ハワイでは男性と女性が平等に扱われていました。どちらかというと女性の方が偉大、主体(母体)であると理解されていました。 エゴは男性的な部分の自分ですので、男の人の方が三つ子の魂の統合をするのを困難に感じます。男の人が自分が神である、自分の頭を考える事が正しいと思いがちです。神の声を聞こうとしません。女性は直感を使います。神の声を聞こうとします。ですので、ハワイの伝統では、おばあさんが家族の長です。おじいさんは、サポートです。おばあさんの次におかあさん。。そして夫と順になっています。しかしその家族の中の男性のエゴが小さく神の声を聞けるならば、反対に女性がエゴが強くなるというケースが多くなります。その場合、男性が上に立つという事になります。 これらの事を考慮に入れて、ポノについてもう一度話します。何かネガティブな思考や感情が出て来たとします。不安、心配、怒り、ねたみ、恐れなどのリアクション(あなたの反応)は、すべてあなたのエゴです。そのような反応が出て来たら、自分の内側に入り何がそのような感覚を引き起こしたのか見つめます。 私はいう三つの魂というのは、現代の心理学にも大変よく似ています。顕在意識というのは、ハワイでいうウハネの部分の魂です。そのウハネは、私が理解するに対話する能力、悲哀する能力を持っています。ウハネは三つの中で一番弱い存在だと思います。もしもエゴが非常に強くなるとこの部分の魂は、それにつられて意味不明の状態に陥ります。潜在意識というのが、ハワイでいうウニヒピリです。この部分の魂には色々な能力がありますが、重要な一つはマナを受け取るアンテナ的な役割があります。あなたの手の平は天からのマナを受け取る道具です。あなたの足の裏は大地からマナを受け取るための道具です。その能力はウニヒピリの魂から来ています。それ以外にも、私の解釈で言うと他と交じり合う、同調しようとする力、カバーする、覆う能力、悲哀の能力などもあります。頑固で子供のような純粋な魂です。そして最後の魂は、ハワイでいうアウマクア。最高のスーパー・ソウルであり、完全に信頼できる存在、親的な成熟した部分の自分です。 アウマクアは、あなたの体の少し上に存在します。ウハネとウニヒピリは、あなたの体の中に存在します。ある出来事が起き、それに対してあなたがネガティブな反応を抱いたならば、それはあなたの記憶の中にそのような反応をする癖が出来ているという事です。ウハネ(顕在意識)が反応するのです。ですからウニヒピリ(潜在意識)にウハネが問いただして、解決する必要があります。私たちは皆長いサイクルの中のある時点で嫌な体験を経験してます。その記憶はすべてウニヒピリ(潜在意識)に残っています。そして、ウハネはウニヒピリのその記憶に基づいて反応するという癖(傾向)があります。お母さんのお腹の中の体験もウニヒピリの中に記憶されています。お母さんがあなたを妊娠中に聞いた声のトーン、臭ったもの、肌に触った感触。。。すべての体験があなたのウニヒピリの中に自分のものとして記憶されています。ですから、母親のネガティブな経験を通して、あなたがネガティブな反応を起こすという事もあるのです。 私には、あなたにポノを説明する事しか出来ません。教える事は出来ません。ポノが何かを知る事は簡単ですが、ポノを実践するというのは、簡単ではないかもしれません。なぜなら、自分としっかりと向き合う必要があるからです。そして、毎回問題とぶつかり、しっかり自分と向き合う事が出来たらなら、あなたと神の間の扉が一つ開いた事になります。 私たちハワイアンの伝統では、私たち一人一人が三つのへその緒のようなものを持っていると理解しています。一つは、実際にへそでつながるあなたの血縁の親から先祖へのつながりです。二つ目は、性器から出ています。これはあなたの未来の子孫たちとつなげるコードです。三つ目は、赤子の揺籃帽(頭)から出ているコードです。これはあなたと神をつなげているものです。 子供が生まれて来た時は、まだ「愛の世界」とつながっていたので、その三つ目のコードの窓口は開いていました。しかし親や廻りがエゴを教えていくにつれてその窓口は閉じてしまいます。今からあなたがスピリチャルな道を歩もうとすれば、その窓口を再び開く事が可能です。つながってくれば、その場所の髪の毛を剃ってみれるとわかるでしょう。そこには生まれて来た時と同じような凹凸のような境が現れます。剃ってみて、スムーズな形状の頭蓋骨の表面が現れれば、まだエゴとポノの学び段階だという事が分かります。
@Pugpono 7 жыл бұрын
English Google Translate: "Japanese translation: Japanese translation "Trinity in Hawaii is: 1. The ultimate center god and 2. Gods moving from the four directions that follow that god (magnetic energy) and 3. Heaven. At the same time there are three souls in their transcription. Each soul or spirit has the power of individual energy, the power to live. Each soul has a shadowy body. And everything is connected with a source like a line of Heso. The human body is simply a vessel. And the life that you are going to grow, the ponoing road is an act of integrating the three into one. The act of making this triple's soul leave is called "ego" in today's term. "Ego" is necessary. Ego is necessary when trying to achieve the purpose of life. However, you need to be able to control your ego yourself. In Hawaii that the ego dominates and loses yourself, is called immature, young. Such opinion ruled by the ego is immature. On feminine intuition: I think that feminine intuition is a word and inspiration from God in Hawaii. The ego symbolizes it by myself part of masculine part. A feminine intuition is a sense coming from the heart of the lower abdomen from the heart. God has both sexes of men and women. So, we also have amenities of both sexes. Based on this concept Hawaiian faith is done, so in ancient Hawaii men and women were treated equally. It was rather understood that women were great, subjects (mothers). Because ego is myself part of myself, it seems difficult for men to integrate triple souls. A male guy tends to think that thinking of his head, that he is a god, is right. I will not listen to the voice of God. Women use intuition. I will try to hear the voice of God. So, in Hawaiian tradition, grandmother is the head of the family. My grandfather is support. Mother next to granny. . Then I am in order with my husband. But if the ego of a man in that family is small and you can hear the voice of God, there are many cases where women become stronger on the contrary. In that case, it means that the man stands up. Taking these facts into consideration, I will talk about Pono once again. Something negative thinking and emotions came out. Reactions (your reactions) such as anxiety, worry, anger, envy, fear are all your ego. When such a response comes out, I will go inside of myself and look at what caused such feeling. My three souls are very similar to modern psychology. The consciousness of consciousness is the soul of the part of Hohai called in Hawaii. That John has the ability to talk to what I understand, the ability to sorrow. I think that he is the weakest among the three. If the ego becomes very strong, the soul of this part falls into a meaning unknown state because of it. The subconscious is the sea urchin called in Hawaii. The soul of this part has various abilities, but one important one has an antenna-like role to receive mana. Your palm is a tool to receive mana from heaven. The bottom of your feet is a tool to receive mana from the earth. That ability comes from the soul of Unihpilli. Besides that, in my interpretation there are also mixtures with others, the ability to tune, cover, cover, and the ability to sorrow. It is a stubborn childlike pure soul. And the last soul is Aumakua in Hawaii. It is the best super soul, a completely reliable entity, a mature part of parents. Aumaqua is present slightly above your body. There are Hugh and Unihiriri in your body. If an incident happens and you have a negative reaction against it, that means that you have a habit of making such a reaction in your memory. Huhne (conscious consciousness) reacts. Therefore, it is necessary for Uman to ask and respond to the sea urchins (subconscious). We all have experienced an unpleasant experience at some point in a long cycle. That memory is all left in the sea urchins (subconscious). And there is a habit (tendency) that Hohman responds based on that memory of Unihi Piri. Experience in mother's stomach is also memorized in sea urchin. The tone of the voice that the mother heard you during pregnancy, the stinky one, the feel of touching the skin. . . All experiences are memorized as yours in your sea urchin. So, there are things that you will cause negative reactions through the negative experience of your mother. To me, I can only explain Pono to you. I can not teach you. It is easy for Pon to know something, but practicing Pono may not be easy. Because you need to face firmly with yourself. And if you can confront yourself each time and face it firmly, you will have opened a door between you and God. In our Hawaiian tradition, we understand that each of us has things like three umbilical cords. One is a connection to your ancestor from your blood-related parent who actually connects with a navel. The second one is from the genitals. This is a code that connects to your future descendants. The third one is the code that comes out of the baby hat (head) of the baby. This is what connects you and God. When a child was born, it was still connected to the "world of love", so the window of the third code was open. But as the parents and around teach egos, that window closes. From now you can open the window again if you try to walk spiritually. You will know that you can shave the hair of the place if you connect. There is a bumpy border like that when you were born. When you shave it and you see the surface of the smoothly shaped skull you can see that it is still a learning stage of ego and pono."
@waynelkduarte45 Жыл бұрын
Mahalo Anakala
@n8020 14 жыл бұрын
Thankyou. So what his father would do at the end of the day is examine his bowl.
@lonepheasant3489 Жыл бұрын
Mahalo ke akua
@WilliamTKerr 7 жыл бұрын
@alohakeakua6749 3 жыл бұрын
wow , I think We are related . Keoki Kamaka Kiili, waioahu/Kaili ohana from Maui area. everything you say gives me chicken skin. Is he still around ? He spoke about the mother having atrigger and this children having the same things, thats Morphic resonance, Rupert sheldrake banned Tedtalk. Because the ted got scared that it was too fringe, that we cant control and dont really understand counsciousness 100 %.
@noamau91 11 жыл бұрын
let go my ego
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