Yup. And on February 26th, 2020 - I ordered that the entire world do one for 40 days. Can't spread if it cannot 'move'. Yeast Theory. 🖖
@ChrisMusante7 күн бұрын
27:44 - When the blood of a lamb is found, the LORD knows that obedience is 'present' because the life is in the blood. The son always does what he sees his father doing, and if the son is doing the works of his 'father' (there are 2 sons and 2 fathers) then the LORD in seeing the blood, would know if there was 'life' in it, or 'death'. All of what we do is the result (fruits) of interaction with a 'spirit'... evil OR good. The lamb takes away the (unmanifested) sin, by being obedient. It is a scape goat on the other hand takes away 'manifested' sin, and puts it back in the fire, for an 'opportune time'. Since only one master can rule at any one time, someone's 'sons' have to die, in a for or against fashion.
@ChrisMusante7 күн бұрын
May I suggest something? When a 'name' is given (and sometimes changed) it refers not only to the obvious reading of the text, but the names can offer a different context. Jerusalem means 'teaching of peace'. And thus, when the NEW JERUSALEM comes down from heaven, it is referring not to an actual city, coming out of the sky, but a NEW TEACHING that comes down from heaven. A king of Israel is not only of the dirt, but one who conquers thru perseverance that the LORD 'might' bless us. Numbers are the same. Notice the 2600 sheep. That is 26 x 100, and the 300 oxen; which is 3 x 100. 26 is obviously the number of the 'name', and the multiple of 100 a mark of the numbers importance. I have to look at these side by side... to better explain, but there are no conflicts in anything other than unimportant descriptors. An example would be the attempted sacrifice of Isaac. How many sons did Abraham have? (1). It was Abram that had Ismael - the other son. But in truth, Abraham sacrificed his 'son of man', that he would repent and serve the Father in Heaven, instead of the 'father of lies'. The 'son of man' is IN YOU, serving either or of the fathers. Choose quickly.