Paul Grundy - Author of - My Story

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I am the author of, and this is the story of my experience going from "full time servant" as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, to running one of the most influential websites assisting people leave the Watchtower organisation.
Thank you for all the comments of appreciation. There are too many to reply to you all, but I do read them and am moved by hearing that has helped so many people.
The transcript of this recording is at
Please do not use my channel as your personal soap box to push a religious agenda, Watchtower or otherwise. Whilst I am happy to receive comments, I will remove any not directly related to the video, as I will not tolerate religious trolls or spammers.

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@SonofThunder 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Paul, You're the author of the most powerful tool/website. Your calling was this website. Thank you so much.
@jacibledsoe9647 6 жыл бұрын are so correct. All that has happened, I believe, has been orchestrated by God. He never makes mistakes and He is using your experience and knowledge to help bring others out of the cult.
@RitaMalikfour 6 жыл бұрын
Jaci Bledsoe this cult was started by Russell a Freemason, so that was our foundation, I have been keeping my eyes open for Jehovah to stop any further damage we have evil cult leaders, I know done are sincere and believe whatever they are taught , I had do much fear to Investigate the truth that is beyond the jw org it’s a sin to check but I checked, some I k ew, bit the shock of finding out so many secrets and lies broke my heart, I pray a The time but too afraid to pray to jesus. He is our lord and king, znd died for us but yet. I do not understand why we do t partske of the emblems at the memorial and I’m tortured by that, I. Can’t go on cause it would take pages. But something big is not right and the g b has to be the worst I believe we are under Satan’s rule S d freemasonry is running this org
@bluecollarscholar7505 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lord for Paul Grundy...a man of integrity...a warrior for Truth. Amen.
@Theoriginalgreenring 6 жыл бұрын
I never had a judicial committee because I was naive and just told the elders I had some questions. Like you, none of my questions were being answered...I became frustrated and cried and said “please please tell me you can answer my questions- otherwise this has all been a lie - fake”. The blantantly said, “we do not have to answer your questions”. It was that moment I knew they were not chosen by God. Rather than disfellowship me, because the had zero grounds...they pulled out a blank piece of paper and made me write that I no longer wanted to be called a Jehovah’s Witness. Sheer shock of what they were insisting I do made me do it. The only thing they were concerned about is my loyalty to the corporation and telling anyone else what I asked. Thank you for your site, efforts and resources. You’re helping thousands.
@gayle228 6 жыл бұрын
Candice Lambert I believe, the Ruach, the “true” Spirit led you to sign that white piece of paper denying their false god Hova. He led you out of this insidious cult. This cult of total confusion. Praise Yah! I can hear the angels in heaven rejoicing!
@darlenesmith2704 6 жыл бұрын
@gayle228 6 жыл бұрын
Sam Colt 😮 much to think about, much to chew and digest. Thanks
@bobevers7459 6 жыл бұрын
The only myths that are true...are...the ones you and I are born into. PERIOD! Whether that Jesus picked us in 1919 ( a modern myth)...or Samson & Jehovah vs. Zeus and Hercules (an old myth) Hercules and Zeus...a LAUGHABLE myth. however... Samson and Jehovah....A TRUE Myth.. Really? Seiously?
@gayle228 6 жыл бұрын
Sam Colt It’s difficult to believe no one has responded. There’s much truth and revelation in what you declare. I think few eyes have been opened so far to these tremendous truths. I’m grateful that you have the bravery to share what you have been blessed to see. I am guilty for turning a blind eye to the real truths. I tried to believe these lies. I tried to be deceived. My desire was to fit into this world of naive, pretend, fantasy, and in so doing becoming a whitewashed tomb. But the Spirit that is in me, put his foot down! And then the time came when all I could hear, a voice louder then any, saying, “ Run, Get out of her! This is not of me!” Jesus says, “ My lambs hear my voice, they know me.” I have escaped but my heart is still with those who are in bondage of this evil. And, as you, I will fight for them. God Bless you in this battle. Please, keep your light ( your truth, the only truth) shining, brightly in hopes that someone, someday, will see. And know Your not alone....
@marajacobs-proctor200 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Paul! You're an inspiration. I woke up after 40 plus years. So grateful for your help!
@tombombadil3589 6 жыл бұрын
One of the most important websites and activists of modern times. Thank you Paul for the thousands of people you have freed. It took a lot of courage back then before the swathe of exjw voices we have now. You lit the way and gave that courage to so many who would follow in your footsteps. Thank you.
@vaughnwoss4990 3 жыл бұрын
Your website is liberating millions from religion's enslavement. My entire family of eight can't thank you enough for this great tool of yours!!
@kittylove2975 6 жыл бұрын
I was born into the Organization. When I realized JW's cruel shunning along with flip flopping and dangerous doctrines, I was so depressed to the point of tears when I'd attend meetings. One sister said to me "Why do you come? All you do is cry"! When I replied, "you're right! Why do I come"? She was shocked. I soon faded... (Very short version)... Thank you for your time, effort and energy putting this website together. Thank you again!☺️
@khanwh74 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for helping me and my wife in 2013 to wake up n leave the WT mind control. It’s the best decision we ever made and the freedom taste sweet, to this day! Thank you again.
@jinaforjesus 6 жыл бұрын
Paul, Your work has *completely* *transformed* my life and that of my family ---> Siblings, children and my entire extended family have been impacted for the better by you, dear sir. I wrote in to you several years ago after spending one very long and sleepless night combing through the pages of your web site. You were so kind to even take the time to write back. My gratitude towards you could not possibly be described here. I also appreciate you taking the time to articulate your personal story in this video, and especially showing photos of your handsome little man, Zach. You must be so proud! Paul, thank you for all that you have done and continue to do in the name of setting people free from the life-shattering deception and abuses of Watchtower. May God's blessings upon you and your entire family, always!
@craftyana6503 6 жыл бұрын, John Cedars and EXJW Critical Thinker are what helped me move past that guilt. Until then, even after 25 years of having faded away, I thought that I was going to die in Armageddon and so were my children. I thank God everyday for bringing all of these sources and all the other ones that I have discovered since then (Kim & Mikey, Mark & Cora and others)into my life. Thank you so much for your bravery, your diligence and patience for putting up all the information on your website and youtube channel.
@craftyana6503 6 жыл бұрын
JehovahsElijah well you are entitled to your opinion, aren’t you?
@maryannlockwood7806 5 жыл бұрын
Crafty Ana I felt the same way after having left over 30 years prior. Lloyd Evans channel was such a help to me. And Paul Grundy inspired Lloyd!
@user-ly2qs9xb9n 3 жыл бұрын
Your story sounds just like mine...
@TrueFaced 6 жыл бұрын
Your testimony is going to help so many people that you will never meet. Thank you for your bravery. It has helped so many others such as myself to speak out and bring awareness about Watchtower at the expense of our own convenience. Much respect to you.
@tere1998 6 жыл бұрын
Paul, you are amazing and I admire you so much. I, too, grew up a JW and can relate to so much in your video. I remember the day I decided to leave for good. It was literally like a ton of bricks were unloaded off my shoulders. Keep up the great work.
@bv9434 6 жыл бұрын
The way you present the information is so warm. Please never lose your kind touch Paul. My wife is beginning to wake up and so many other’s vids come off as overtly ‘apostate.’ While yours are extremely palatable for an active JW who’s curious. Thank you
@Sittingstraight12 6 жыл бұрын
Wow, what s story. Thank you for sharing. I was 21 when I started to study. Only because my husband was raised as a Jw. He was not active when we met and then I got preg. That brought him back out of fear. I left after 25 yrs. he is so completely brainwashed. Your website is just amazing and is what helped me so much! THAN YOU for your hard work. I have 3 kids. Oldest never got baptized, middle shuns me and is big time brainwashed and youngest is in but doesn’t shun me. I’m not df’ed. Still married 30 years and trying slowly to make hubby see it’s not the truth. But seems like I’m getting nowhere. I know something has to trigger him to question the Org. My awakening was seeing that the elders are not inspired.
@Sittingstraight12 6 жыл бұрын
JehovahsElijah blah blah blah blah.
@spellbound111 6 жыл бұрын
JehovahsElijah. What you have written is more boring and nonsensical that anything that Elders gas on about at meetings. Zzzzzzzzzzz.
@runfromthetower3547 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Paul for sharing your story. Giving us a glimpse into the passion behind one of the most effective and powerful websites in existence in exposing the truth about the WT religion called Jehovah's Witnesses. For tens of thousands of ex-jw, your website exposed us to The Truth About The Truth (TTATT), leading to freedom from the WT religion. May you have peace and success in your life. Much love to you and your son from California. Proud to say I'm no longer a JW, embarrassed to say I was one. Save a life, stop a JW baptism.
@OwenMorganTelltale 5 жыл бұрын
How did I miss this story for 11 months? I think I knew you when I was on the inside. Thanks for doing what you do.
@truthsurvives4119 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Paul Grundy, and thanks for sharing this powerful story. Your site, as said by many thousands, was essential to my overall "toolkit" to wake up to what was a 25+ year shaky fallacy that strayed away from perhaps some good intention. Reviewing your content allowed me to reaffirm that these doubts weren't all in my head and that I was "okay"; just deceived. You brought many heads, including mine, up out of the sand to see what's in front of us: our lives. Best to you....
Thanks Paul. You work in helping the brothers and sisters can't be quantified. Your story is inspiring and a help for thousands leaving the organization each year. You hit upon something that many exJws have in common. The questioning of things that aren't supposed to be questioned. The moment a JW starts to question this idea of God's kingdom, the house of cards starts to fall. It's these kinds of people I seek out, because only these will let the scales fall off to see things clearly.
@thexjaydubcafe-2743 6 жыл бұрын
Your site woke me out 7 years ago. I only had the strength to leave 2 years ago. I am being shunned by my family. It is nice to put a face behind the man so instrumental in opening the eyes of this Born in JW . I was able to wake up my husband and leave with my family. Thank you for all of the work that you do.
@adechalus 5 жыл бұрын
I’m back again Paul. You are so inspiring. Thank you sooo much for what you do! You’ve helped me out of this cult mind control. I’m third generation deep. Everyone in my family areJehovah’s witnesses on both sides of my family. Ive been disfellowshipped for years yet I believed nothing less than this being Jehovah’s chosen organization and that I must return back to Him. 1 year ago this month October 2017 I found your website along with others such as critical thinkers, and others that has helped me to gain confidence in researching the religion i was raised in. I’m now a true believer in Christ baptized last month in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for what you’re doing! it’s working!!
@darlenesmith2704 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all you do and especially JWFACTS! God Bless
@thinkingman2020 6 жыл бұрын
Out of the millions of JW's what are the odds that Geoffery Jackson AND his father in law, Frank Alcock, are/were of the 'anointed class' and members of the governing body? What are the odds that Ray Franz and, his Uncle, Fred Franz were also part of the 'anointed class' and members of the governing body? Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication Paul...your site is INVALUABLE! May God continue to bless you and your wonderful family. Hugs from Alberta, Canada :-)
@FluWorldOrder 6 жыл бұрын
According to public speaker and former JW Jordan Maxwell THE WATCHTOWER & BIBLE TRACT SOCIETY is a Zionist publishing company. You only have to look at the list of Germanic/Zionist surnames of the Governing Body. Samuel F. Herd (1999) Mark Stephen Lett (1999) Gerrit Lösch (1994) Anthony Morris III (2005) Mark Sanderson (2012) David H. Splane (1999) Thomas J. Sullivan (1932-1974) Grant Suiter (1938-1983) Nathan Homer Knorr (1940-1977)-4th President of Watch Tower Society[94][95] Frederick William Franz (1944-1992)-5th President of Watch Tower Society[96][97] Lyman Alexander Swingle (1945-2001) Milton George Henschel (1947-2003)-6th President of Watch Tower Society[89] John O. Groh (1965-1975) Raymond Franz (1971-1980)- Resigned George D. Gangas (1971-1994) Leo K. Greenlees (1971-1984) - Resigned William K. Jackson (1971-1981) William Lloyd Barry (1974-1999) John C. Booth (1974-1996) Ewart C. Chitty (1974-1979) - Resigned Charles J. Fekel (1974-1977) Theodore Jaracz (1974-2010) Karl F. Klein (1974-2001) Albert D. Schroeder (1974-2006) Daniel Sydlik (1974-2006) Carey W. Barber (1977-2007) John E. Barr (1977-2010) Martin Pötzinger (1977-1988) Guy Hollis Pierce (1999-2014)
@dutchmanlogger8979 6 жыл бұрын
Good job I've been in it since 1969 after I came out of Vietnam I've also lost my family and I no longer have any desire to be part of this group but I would love to have my children back you do great work keep it up
@maryannlockwood7806 5 жыл бұрын
dutchman logger love your channel. 👍🏻
@RacerEcks5678 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Paul, for your videos and all the research you put into your website! You’re efforts are very appreciated by many!
@evieparatore1527 6 жыл бұрын
Paul, it was good to see your face and voice! I have printed info out from your web site dozens of times. I am a psychiatric nurse and have provided your info for many caregivers as they attempt to understand their jw patients. Other friends use your info to attempt to wake up jw at their door. You definitely helped my husband and I get out mentally. Finally I so agree that it is difficult to get people out that have only superficial knowledge. You have to be really "in" to get really "out". Again thank you!!
@theresaakins2317 3 жыл бұрын
What I'm wondering is how JWs that hear a different message when they go door to door. Certainly that has to wake them up too, if they listen to enough info
@runawayslave1724 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for laying it bare...I'm sure many will relate. I'm shocked at how many saw the light when they went to Bethel!! Thanks for all your hard work. Much happiness to you and your family on this new journey.
@DoctorZaeus 6 жыл бұрын
This was very moving for me. Learning natural disasters had not gotten worse in the 20th century was a key turning point for me.
@deehughes1559 6 жыл бұрын
I cannot thank you enough for the work you have done. You have saved so many from living a life based on lies.
@oscarc5391 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you thank you thank you Paul for your work in helping so many honest hearted people looking to find out the truth about what they have been taught about watchtower and its teaching..JWFACTS IS THE BEST PLACE BAR NONE to start that Journey
@GREEKTEDDY 6 жыл бұрын
Paul Grundy helped me to find the truth about the truth ... thank you!
@Freemind_Research 6 жыл бұрын
Its taken me over 20 years to be brave enough to even start to tell my story. So much trauma this organization has caused me and my family. Almost lost my life 20 years ago while waking up. Thank you Paul.
@theapostatefamily7870 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this! It's an honor to get to hear your story! Thank you so much for all you have done
@excelsiorexcelsior1591 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Paul, Well said. Thank you for your excellent website and videos. They have helped me, as they have helped so many others. Peace be with you Rick
@sara-dx3ix 5 жыл бұрын
Your personal research has solidified what I have researched. I was feeling like I was going mad somehow. Like you I feel alienated by the fact I am able to still think for myself and my family & JW friends think that as I am an objective researcher, I must be an apostate or sinner. I've heard the same question from my 2 sisters "do I believe that the governing body are the true channel from which Jehovah communicates" . A God of love would never dictate this manipulative behaviour over any person let alone destroy family relationships & friendships.
@SusanGaskin 6 жыл бұрын
You make so much sense and employ logic and reason to prove your points, I'm always baffled that your family has yet to come around. But then again, organizations like the JWs use mind control, guilt and fear to control their members. Still many have escaped their evil clutches and more and more every day. Thank you for sharing your fantastic story and website with us and for all that you do!
@LivingTruth1 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story, it resonates personally with my life and story(3rd gen JW). The fear of Satan and his evil world, the post-traumatic stress of leaving, the guilt, the shunning of friends/family, etc. Having freedom of thought and true free will to live our lives, is such an amazing gift to receive upon leaving/fading. I really appreciate all the research you've done, and shared, on jwfacts... you've helped me, and I know you'll help many many more to come! :)
@stefanwenk 6 жыл бұрын
Well said!! Your work will not go unappreciated!!
@cindykieper-wilhite2373 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I could relate so much. I would really like to see a video done on suicide and Jehovah's Witnesses. I know when I left in the late 80s there was no support anywhere and I was became very suicidal and even attempted it several times as I thought God was going to kill me anyway. I developed chronic pain and could not work for 10 years, I was so traumatized by what I'd been through. Thank you also for making your website. Hugs
@johngum7158 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video and your amazing website Paul. The site was an instrumental part of my waking up 6 months ago, then also for my folks who awoke last month. So sorry to hear about your attempts with your family. Never say never though. Hope to buy you a beer one day (fellow New South Welshman).
@lynngardner3330 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome! You put it plane and simple. You covered all the points ! . If only Jehovah’s Witnesses could see your testimony. How blinded we are while in the faith. When I told the elders that my father ( an elder) molested and beat me for year and how I was suffering , hiding the guilt they had another elders wife study with me to help me stay spiritually strong all the while nothing happened to my father the elder and no one tried to help me out of the deep darkness I fell into. I contacted watchtower and still nothing was done. It all took a huge toll and I stopped attending . If mind control stopped me from speaking out & no one tried to right the wrong it was time to leave. No one should join this cult. Thanks for the facts and warnings . Loosing family is mind boggling,it takes a long time to recover. I don’t want to see any more lives destroyed. Thank you Thank you.
@UtubeAdviser 2 жыл бұрын
Why didn’t you just call the police? I know a lot of JWs who has problems with sexual assault from their families and they go straight to the police. It is not against the JW policy to report a crime to the police
@mcpascaln6779 6 жыл бұрын
Paul, you rock. Your sharing of extensive information about the Watchtower stalking of your private life was an eye opener..I have experienced similar tactic for over a decade and its been a learning experience really to study this cult group behavior this way. Thank you again for your great work. The quality of is striking testament to your smartness.
@philipgahan9649 6 жыл бұрын
I grew up in a family of JW's. I am the youngest of five children. I was six years old when my mother died from cancer in the spring of 1963 - at the time I was told that if I went to the kindom hall I would see my Mum again, so in the literal mind of a six year old I went along expecting to see Mum again, I can still see that kindom hall in my minds eye, even now sensing the slightly musty smell inside, the chairs and the small platform with a seascape mural on the wall behind, and the feeling of being let down, of being betrayed though I would not have known that word at the time - but the lasting impression of being cheated and lied to has stayed with me to this day. My family at this point had been involved with the witnesses from the late 1940s - early 1950s and had taken all bar a few of an extended family. During Easter 2016 I visited Holyhead in north Wales where I previously lived until the age of thirty, I had gone to see some old friends I had not seen for thirty years, I am now sixty. While in Holyhead I visited a cousin who is a JW in order to find location of a relative who was no longer a JW and who had been through some very difficult times, it was a mistake. Within a few minutes I found myself in an unplanned gathering of JW's all of them my relatives including three older sisters. I was totally overwhelmed and broke down, the pain, anguish, despair, anger, love, and hatred of thirty plus years hit me all at once and like a train. I was irreparably heartbroken to have seen my family after more than 30 years still being abused by this vile cult and still under its influence. There is no doubt that it is a cult, the very way it operates and uses fear to control its followers proves that. The meeting with my relatives lasted all of thirty painful distressing minutes, one minute for each of the thirty plus years since we last saw each other. Two years later I am still finding it difficult to come to terms with that all too brief meeting. Like so many others, the JW's devastated my life for a very long time. Convicted by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of a crime I did not commit. A sentence and a price extracted for choosing not to go along with a delusional belief system, for not submitting to the “We are right You are wrong” bigoted ignorant arrogance that reinforces the JWs shallow illiterate fear driven dogma, all of which throws into sharp relief the framework and control lines of the cult, a cult that demands unquestioning loyalty and and failure to deliver ends in wrecked relationships, broken families and people becoming estranged from their families and friends for years and decades. And I was never even baptised or that deeply involved. So many family members have died in the past 30 years or more. You would think it would make them question what it is they are involved with and why all the promises have never materialised. One of life’s best teachers is irony, so when some tells you it’s “the truth” and it turns out to be one big pack of lies, try not to be too surprised. I am just so glad I haven’t spent my time deliberately going along with it, pretending to believe in “the truth” so as to fit in and have my own family around me, as I’m sure many do in fear of what might happen if they don’t. That’s a price you should never pay, its deep emotional blackmail and a price that is endlessly extracted. The JWs are a product of recent historic times. A 170 year long dubious pseudo religious branding and marketing campaign that has developed into a type of psychotic delusional self replicating mind virus spread by door to door contact. A virus that constantly morphs and moulds itself into the present day human situation, in order to offer the very latest fixes to life’s fears, anxieties and problems. Emotionally loaded and targeted at those who are open enough, vulnerable enough to become infected and fall for the comforting stories and answers to living in an often frightening unpredictable world. All available today! At the knockdown price of the surrender of your critical faculties and 10% of your income. So! Are you ready to become a highly judgemental self-righteous warped twisted bigot who would love to see countless billions die at the behest of a pernicious petty minded god because they belonged to the wrong religion? To witness the deaths of thoes who have condemned themselves to the lake of fire by telling JWs to fuck off when they knocked on the door in the middle of the footy?! Yes! You are! then sign up today to the JW death fixated cult and before you can say “WTF” you will be marching off into the sunset to the land of milk and honey and eternal youth, accompanied along the way by your dead relatives popping up out of the ground in their squeaky clean if somewhat unrecognisable new bodies to live forever on a paradise Earth in a physical form, and no clothes! Yes! Everyone going to be naked but it will be nice and warm, a balmy 70 degrees due to the newly installed belt of water surrounding the Earth, just think, gorgeous weather all year round, isn’t Jehovah just great? Then you get to repopulate the Earth, and you know what that means, hehehe…but once the population reaches the optimum figure your bits will heal up and drop off because you won’t need them anymore. Supposedly we all then become amorphous pinky brown blobs floating around the planet singing the praises of Jehovah for a thousand years and eating fucking veg and farting a lot, until someone snaps and says “I can’t take anymore of this fucking shit! I’d kill for a BigMac and bites a passing duck” which starts a riot, then Jehovah gets nasty again and starts having another and final cull of the twats who refuse to tow the line…. I have probably missed a few things like lions eating grass no stinging nettles and the 144000 bigging it up in heaven with Jesus... I think you get the picture…this cult is utterly mad, dangerous and destructive, and their teachings are utterly pointless, tedious, made-up shallow gibberish which completely fail to address some of the greatest and most profound insights into the human condition. The total lack of any deep understanding of the biblical text and the ability to convey it's meaning is evidence enough (should it be needed) that this organisation is not what it purports to be, the voice of God it is not! - If the governing body had a collective deep thought you could wade through there wouldn't be enough water to get your ankles wet! The witnesses are a death cult, they are obsessed with death and the avoidence of it. The watchtower uses the fear of death to force (encourage) their followers to tow the line. Everytime there is a report of lets say an earthquake or some other natural disaster a programmed response starts up in the minds of JWs which goes something like....Oh! these are the signs of the end, of Armagedon! scriptures with flash through the mind like Matthew 24:13-30 and a calculation many hours have I put in on the ministry this month many magazines or books have I sold, have I missed any meetings etc..terrified they will not get through armagedon and end up in the lake of fire with the rest of us shitbags. And they will insist it is not a cult. The watchtower bible and tract society is totally fake, as are so many others, seventh day adventists, christian scientists, mormans, plymouth brethren, baptists, evangelical this evangelical that etc etc, and all laying claim to the moral spiritual high ground and to be the one true religion...the world is awash with this crap and the only remotely interesting thing about it all is WHY! Jahovah does not exist! Philip Gahan
@regbatger7852 5 жыл бұрын
I was raised as an Anglican where they teach you nothing so I only had faith. I was baptised in the watchtower in 1990. When the bugs started not probing true 10 years later I stoped going but I still had my world friends and family and I still had bible faith. Feel sorry for jws who only watchtower faith and not bible faith.
@exjwcareerhelp7493 6 жыл бұрын
Paul I am so glad you made this video. I gives me a chance to say to you how grateful I am for all the hard work put into JWfacts. A chance to personally say thank you brother. God bless you and please keep up the fine work, it has helped far more people than you will ever know.
@DownwiththeTowerexJW 6 жыл бұрын
I love to promote your website. You have done such a wonderful job not only for the ex-jw community, but in helping to warn others who might be interested in joining the cult to stay clear of this sinister organization. Thanks for all that you have done.
@rowanbowyer572 6 жыл бұрын
You've hit the nail right on the head! Simply looking at the organisations history does help to move forward to extra research. I'm also a proponent to seek professional help. I almost had to learn HOW to think in an independent way , but it's been worth it. Thank you ! For all the hard. Work you've done.
@jokich6379 6 жыл бұрын
Fear that it was a test of obedience as well as grieving Jehovah's holy spirit-the unforgiveable. Beliefs or behavior I would not have ordinarily accepted if I had not come under this subculture of a belief system-it is like creating a 'reality" that you exist in-like the movie Pleasantville-the script determined the limits of a reality. Of course we at left with nothing since everything we do and how we lived is guided by such. Thank-you for your clear cut analysis of JW belief system. VERY helpful.
@MrChinchilla_hn 6 жыл бұрын
Well done friend. Continue this good work. Greetings from Honduras.
@angelicalee6 6 жыл бұрын
I had doubts about how WT would use psychological tactics for their literature, I was never fully convinced into becoming a jw. Reading your website opened my eyes a lot sooner than I would have been able to on my own. Your work has helped a lot of people to finally awake. God bless.
@robertwillard8011 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. The truth will prevail.
@Tali.P85 5 жыл бұрын
Paul, what you said about not realising how depressed you were as a JW really resonated with me, since I’ve left the cult, I’ve never been happier or more relaxed, I’ve been able to reduced my antidepressants. As a JW my depression was intense and at time debilitating. I’m so happy to be free of it. Free to be myself and be happy.
@frikandelthaisaus 6 жыл бұрын
How nice to see the man and hear the story of the man who's behind one of the most important websites around. Your website has helped so many of us, thanks Paul!
@LivingNow 6 жыл бұрын
Nice to hear your story, Paul. Great work you're doing.
@kiefersunderland2297 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all your work Paul. It is most definitely the 'go to' site for waking people up to Watchtower. You sir are an absolute legend
@MollySato 6 жыл бұрын
You’re such an amazing guy and I’m very grateful for all your work! Thank you!!!
@grahamthompson34 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your fascinating story Paul. Like you I undertook a ‘deep dive’ examination of WT teachings and found Jw most helpful in this. Keep up the good work
@marismithson1161 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Paul. Thank you for this video. Never being a Witness, I came to meet many over the last few years and became horrified that in today’s day and age, this is really going on. I do not consider myself an activist, I just feel that it is really important to provide support to those coming out of the organization. To be born in, then either leave or get kicked out and then be forced to live with the guilt and fear of the brainwashing, indoctrination. It reminded me of my own parents who were both Holocaust survivors and the struggles they endured after being liberated. In those days support and therapy were nonexistent and generations suffered because of it. I see Jehovah’s Witnesses as human beings mentally trapped in concentration camps. I see the Watchtower teachings as lessons of obedience in the same way Hitler indoctrinated the Nazi youth group. I am a Ted Talk enthusiast. There has yet to be one that covers the Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is this video, but with you standing in front of an audience. You are the author of jw.facts. The world needs to know what is really going on within the organization. Have you ever contacted Ted Talks? Best!
@wunderinwyndfeatherakaskje8872 6 жыл бұрын
A Ted talk on would be very educational!
@kazimierzwaach7843 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul, I was disfellowshipped on Jan 05, 2018 after 4 years of fading period. The only reason was that I did not agree with Watchtower teachings and doctrines and I shown it on my Facebook profile. There is a number of people who helped me to open my eyes, you are one of them. Thank you very much for your great work.!!!
@sundance8862 6 жыл бұрын
You are a blessing. Thank you for making your research available. I share the view you mentioned at the close, the birth of my son also confirmed my path for me.
@discipulodelcristo1370 6 жыл бұрын
Your website has helped a lot of people. It is great that you posted tjis video. We need to dub it to spanish.
@flaviomata6907 5 жыл бұрын
Todas las religiones tambien la tuya son del diablo jesus esta en el corazon o quien sabe si jesus era un mito
@rodhucker4901 5 жыл бұрын
Greetings Paul. I can't thank you enough for your site and story. The 1995 article on generations was a tipping point for me too. It coincided with an "argument" I was having with a work colleague who challenged me to "live in the moment that I may be wrong about 1914". That "moment" became reality just a few weeks later when that article came out. I was blown away! I've been out now for about 12 years and my family has nothing to do with me. My "family" has been substituted by friends in much the same way that I have been by brothers in the cong. (Mk 10:29). Like you, friends from long ago who have faded or have been dis-fellowshipped have now become good friends today. I find it exciting now even though for a long time I felt lost and depressed and alone. The internet has real value at times like these! (BTW, I'd like to know if my daughter served in Bethel the same time as you. Not sure this is the right place to ask...?
@FatefulSlave 6 жыл бұрын
So awesome to finally get to know you, thank you so much for your amazing work.
@saffronhammer7714 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent. Thank you for all your work.
@WitnessForJesus 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Your site is excellent and has helped millions. I can relate to your story too.
@mentalista6435 6 жыл бұрын
Hey! I'm "mentalist" and I'm from Brazil, I'm the author of, the most accessed blog that exposes watchtower's lies and manipulations in portuguese language. I have used many websites as models, but jwfacts is the one that inspired me the most. Thanks for the brilliant work.
@albeit1 3 жыл бұрын
Good for you!
@keithjones4808 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for Paul. You were a main support for my departure together with my family, and in turn I have been able to help many others leave. Amazing how much I recognize myself in your story. Hope to meet you in person some day.
@kevinw1554 6 жыл бұрын
Paul, you have created the de facto standard for ex jw websites by which all others are measured. The exemplary accuracy is beyond any intellectual criticism. I wrote to you some years ago and you kindly conversed via email regarding my sister and how to assist in helping her out. Sadly I have to report I’ve not as yet been successful. Again, you have the most complete and fact filled website, bar none. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart. Kevin❤️
@derekohare1824 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Paul,stay strong brother.
@sandrareid5469 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Paul for JWfacts, a true inspiration to us all who owe you so much. I was a witness for 20 years, and I owe my freedom and peace of mind to you and your work on I wish you and your family a long and happy life.
@dabigisland1 5 жыл бұрын
I am sorry that your family shunned you. But happy that you are spreading truth and saving others from joining an organization that causes so much pain and leads people away from Jesus. Hopefully some will read or hear and understand the words of Jesus in the 4 gospels and fill their hearts with joy.
@truthseekeratheist9105 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul: I have been a supporter of the John Cedars Channel for several years now. I was born into the Bible Students as a 4th generation on both sides on my family. Your web site has helped me put together critical information about my family's history in the movement. For example, I always was raised to believe my family had always remained Bible Students. As a child I remembered my paternal grandfather talk about being an elder in Roseburg OR and remaining associated with the Society because of the Channel concept and "New Light." But he said when Rutherford had changed the doctrine that Adam and Eve would not be resurrected in the Kingdom that was the last straw for him. I had always thought this doctrinal change took place in the 1920s. It did not. Most of the Bible Students I grew up with in the New York City Bible Students ecclesia had worked at Bethel when CT Russell was alive, or had been Bible Students until around 1928, the year after the Watchtower stopped publishing the Studies in the Scriptures. A lot of Bible Students broke with Rutherford/WT in 1928. In 1929 many Bible Students regrouped and held a Reunion Convention at the old Bible House in Allegheny PA. That was the beginning of the Dawn Bible Students movement although technically the Dawn did not form until 1932. I had always thought my paternal family broke when the majority of Bible Students broke with WT. But researching the historical information on your web site revealed that it was the August 15, 1937 issue of Watchtower where Rutherford changed the doctrine of the ransom to exclude Adam and Eve. That meant my family were JWs for 5-6 years!!!! A secret they kept from us kids, my generation of cousins. They were too embarrassed to say they remained with the WT for that length of time. But looking through the Yearbook's Pilgrim Speaker's list (Changed to Ordained Ministers list in the 1930s) I knew a lot of names who stayed with Watchtower until the end of the 1930s before leaving and joining the Dawn. By the late 1930s the Dawn began regularly broadcasting a program called Frank and Ernest started by Norman Woodorth (first cousin to Clayton Woodworth) across the country and during the 30s and 40s regathered and reorganized Bible Students ecclesias all across the US and Canada. I suspect that many who remained associated with Watchtower well into the 1930s did so because they knew of nowhere else to go. But when they heard the familiar message as taught by CT Russell, they left the Watchtower and joined the Bible Students. Woodworth in a NJ Superior court testimony claimed in 1946 there were 56,000 Bible Students. That would be harmonious with the estimate that 75% of the original Bible Student movement left Watchtower by 1928. Well I have to go. But you web site has helped me put together some interesting insight into my religions history, and especially some unknown facts about my own family in that turbulent time period for WT.
@sirena0772 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your testimony. I too was brought up as a JW and I'm so happy I'm out. Thank you for all of your work in this very important cause. God bless you.
@millyday 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the sanity! You're a life saver! Thank you! thank you! thank you!
@marvincderuyscher9676 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing your story, Paul. Congratulations on your new freedom and your new family. I also have been adversely effected by my association with WT, but not nearly to the same extent you were. I was not raised as a Witness. I became a convert in my late 20s. I'm very thankful to have left. Thank you again for your story.
@alexpeace7603 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, Paul. Warm greetings from the country of Georgia. First of all, let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for this video and for your invaluable website - you have invested so much of your time and efforts to make it. Your website has helped me in my post-awakening and disassociation process. My beloved wife and I, together with our three children, left this organization in 2012 after two years of futile attempts to reason with the elders about the fallacy of the overlapping generation, ban on "earthly" JWs to partake of bread and wine, resurrection, soul, cross, etc. We had been in for 17 years. All that you say are so relatable. And what an angelic son you have - may Lord Jesus Christ bless you guys. You must be finally happy to have the chance to raise your children free from the Watchtower manipulations. Wish you all the best.
@ig751 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your bravery and for working on letting others know the effects of the WT on its subjects. I've faded away thanks to my loving husband who refused to take studies and a the JW activist whom have opened my eyes before throwing away my life and my ability to be a critical thinker.
@geeemale3502 6 жыл бұрын
You are a hero to all in the ex-JW community. You're also an ace and saint to the hundreds and thousands of active JWs who are PIMO! We look forward to more of your videos mate!
@thaisrocha4527 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video and for your website!
@ep6460 6 жыл бұрын
Nice to meet you Paul, your website is such a valuable asset, thankyou for all your hard work. I hope you have much happiness and many blessings.
@dontbeculty2117 6 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video Paul!! Thank you so much for sharing your story. You have done such incredibly important work in helping others to escape from the cult!
@michaelrussell220 6 жыл бұрын
I can relate to this video completely and agree with you 100%. You are doing a great job Paul!
@georgeorwell1595 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for you testimony, your speaking out is of very high value to me as is your website, I always thought I was alone in many of the denials my intuition was giving me for a long time. Again; thank you from the bottom of my hearth.
@biancabee7731 5 жыл бұрын
Thankyou! Your sincerity shines through and I am very greatful to you for creating jwfacts. I am one of those bible students you have helped. I no longer study with JWs but I hope to stay in touch with some because they really are the most kind, humble & generous people I've ever met! I just know to appreciate them for who they are and not be too dissenting... but is that real friendship? If you have to keep what you have learned to yourself.
@dantoinettetaylor1663 6 жыл бұрын
This is such a touching and emotional testimonial. What can I say? I still have difficulty believing that the Watchtower is a manipulative religion/organization, but it appears to be just that. Thank you for sharing.
@zacharyfortin1428 6 жыл бұрын
Best website in existence for clear, concise explanations of Watchtower beliefs and why they can't possibly be true. You could spend a lifetime acquiring the amount of info and research that website has on it. Thanks Paul for all your hard work. My wife and I owe you a great deal of gratitude for helping us finally wake up.
@no-hope-in-the-pope 5 жыл бұрын
You truly did create a gem on the internet. Thank you so much! It has helped me bring my loving girlfriend out of the cult and see exactly just who is Jesus Christ found in the scriptures and accept him and only him as her Lord and Savior. The rest of her family is next on our radar! Thanks again!
@gatoelurso 6 жыл бұрын
It's great to hear your story. I walked away about forty years ago after studying the Bible for myself and realizing that they didn't have a monopoly on God.
@danieljuliomorales7605 6 жыл бұрын
You are the man! Thank you forever brother!
@marylafontaine7467 6 жыл бұрын
You're a good man !
@MarilynNemeth 6 жыл бұрын
So true. Enjoyed your experience But I have come to reason that there are two kinds of people. Those that love truth, and those that can live with the lie.
@jacibledsoe9647 6 жыл бұрын
I have always wondered about "the story behind the story" as it is. I am glad that you have put yourself out there to help others escape from this horrid cult.
@iamnaomi8326 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul Grundy. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I'm not and never have been a JW, but i do know someone who is that I care for and i see the pain she is in just by being a woman in the org and she's not allowed to talk to anyone about it. Luckily I get to see her twice a week and nobody knows that we discuss Bible truths, but mostly i'm just being a friend to her, a listening ear. I believe that she has come to the conclusion that christians aren't evil and doomed. I do notice that she calls the WT the truth, but i have corrected her several times, very subtly, that she's correct - Jesus is the Truth and I am so happy that she has Jesus in her life. She has started talking more about Jesus, so there's always hope. I thank you for your website so that I can have more insight in how to witness to her. May God bless you. You are in my prayers. Hugs, NAP
@viciousfiction1012 6 жыл бұрын
Yay Paul! You're in my pantheon of heroes.... you've helped sooo many people, including me!
@pruephillip1338 5 жыл бұрын
Love this. I watched a documentary last night on the fall of Singapore. The British did not believe the Japanese could reach that city, or even effectively fight. But the Japanese did both. I love the quote of the British when they saw the Japanese breaching their defenses, "they saw it but didn't believe what they saw." Reminds me of JW's when shown The Truth about fundamental issues - they see what you are showing them but they don't believe what they are seeing. So even showing them is not enough - change has to come from within, and you have to be willing to accept you might not be right.
@deydododontdedoh.5672 6 жыл бұрын
I felt all the thoughts you did, one of the many things that 'stumbled' me (see the programing still there ha) was that I could count a number of people at least on one full hand, that had sadly taken their own lives, granted they weren't all practicing JW's at the time but at some point they had either been raised or had some prolonged association as part of JW just in my small town. That made me think what would happen if that occurred in any other local 'worldly' organisation? Also this is not taking into account the others I know, that either had mental health issues or were on anti-depressants. Now that's the 'truth'. Thanks for your work and gor inspiring John Cedars who I also keep up with. a lot is owed to you both.
@xjdub3824 6 жыл бұрын
Your work has changed my life for the better, sir. Thank you.
@UltraEgoMc 6 жыл бұрын
XJDUB Considering you name yourself "XJDUB" and constantly post videos because of your personal feelings does not seem "better". You are broken bruh.
@onlinegeeks5138 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul, Im so happy your making some videos, your website is just amazing. You have helped so many people including me. Congratulations on your Son......the love that you share makes it impossible to understand how anyone can shun another person especially a family member. Keep up the good work !! Many thanks
@kyleb6746 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Paul. You are a hero!
@aleset1 5 жыл бұрын
Bless you. I am 66 years old, DF since late 70's and have lived years with latent fear and guilt. Through websites and youtube channels such as yours I am finally working through so much. Thank you!
@guillermovilla9517 6 жыл бұрын
Fantastic! Your websites is amazing!!
@NilDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul, I’ve only just heard your story on here after watching an interview Lloyd Evans made with you in his channel, although I’ve been to your website a few times since last year and of course have heard your name mentioned many times by other ex JWs but I never really knew your story like this. I want to thank you for all the work you have done and also I want to say how deeply disbursed it makes me feel when I hear of parents shunning their kids because I have three and I can’t imagine ever shunning them and so my heart goes out to you. I have a long and sad story with the JWs and though I’ve been out now for over two decades, I fairly recently fully woke up as I never dared to research anything. So again, thank you for your work and for helping so many people with the painful process of learning the truth about the truth.
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