Pay Attention to the Women Who Want you

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Captain Sinbad

Captain Sinbad

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@CaptainSinbad 10 ай бұрын
If you are a busy professional or entrepreneur who wants to quickly grow your KZbin channel to over 100,000 subscribers in one year and build a 6-7 figure business backend, we have an advanced KZbin Growth Mastermind where you get to work with me personally. Use the link below to apply:
@helloneurons 10 ай бұрын
Even as a woman, the way you described a simp as someone who puts energy into something that doesn’t give energy back hits hard. Cause it should really be approach to all of life - putting energy into friends, hobbies, education, thought that brings you energy back. It doesn’t apply to just romantic relationships
@rjeez95 10 ай бұрын
Exactly, doing that creates a positive feedback loop in turn increasing your competence in that thing, increasing the amount of energy given back for your effort. Always go where you're wanted
@sohanharidas9369 10 ай бұрын
I used to think of things as, 'what can I get from this'. But then I switched it up to, 'I do what I want' and that made me feel a lot more mentally at peace (of course as long as it doesn't harm others).
@chrisjfox8715 9 ай бұрын
I agree with this, both on a relationship level and life in general, but I will add that some dudes overshoot this mentality into waiting for way too massive of a green light that a girl's interested. At the end of the day, *somebody* has to be the one to initiate interest and if the girl catches your eye then you might as well be the one to kick it off and see where it leads. And beyond that, there has to be some degree of you taking the lead towards what you want with her - all you can do is listen to your gut regarding whether she's responding to it or not.
@pratikparbat341 9 ай бұрын
It’s one of the few times when you feel like the world isn’t fair but then you realize that it’s always been like that so it’s easier to focus on yourself and maybe you will meet her in the way. But it’s a 1000 % true fact that never ever chase a woman.
@ShimiNicholasKomane-tg3bt Ай бұрын
​@@chrisjfox8715 Yeah,but the ques, the catching signals she gives off are important.
@achi965 9 ай бұрын
Don't put energy into things that don't give you energy back is so strong! Love it
@eyeofsauron2812 9 ай бұрын
will definitely take this with me
@user-xz1wy4to4o 10 ай бұрын
none of them do bro that’s the problem
@StephenVTran 10 ай бұрын
And so we must ask ourselves truthfully, are we the type of man that women want to date? If not, how do we become that?
@CaptainSugarToes 10 ай бұрын
I’m sure if you follow basic advice like going to the gym and building an attractive physique , working on social skills, becoming independent where if someone leaves you, it doesn’t hurt you financially or you lose your home, also putting yourself out there you can bring some attention to you
@mentalhaxx 10 ай бұрын
@mentalhaxx 10 ай бұрын
​@@StephenVTran "just become top 20% bro" theory😂, problem is the market will keep skewing and women keep raising their standards and requirements for a man, so that's a bad solution
@phamminh2838 10 ай бұрын
If so then the problem is not women, look elsewhere brother, maybe inward
@InfluentialPMO 10 ай бұрын
Better to attract than pursue; the trick is needing to figure out what is attractive. You seem happy, and it’s great to see.
@adrln1818 9 ай бұрын
No man pursuing is different from chasing. in life you need to pursue the things you really wanted not just in women but also in career goals, money, etc.. before you pursue a thing you make sure if it's worth it to get that thing. chasing is different its like the things you wanted is running away from you when you get closer.
@FlamingCockatiel 9 ай бұрын
I've watched videos aimed at women, and those advise women to let men pursue. It's really confusing.
@andrebaxter4023 9 ай бұрын
You’re definitely not wrong about detachment from outcomes. For me, it isn’t just about detachment from romantic outcomes, but detachment from all outcomes. I feel so free now because of this mindset. My interactions with all people are much better because of it, women especially.
@anonanon-mx5wg 10 ай бұрын
I have entered a new phase; Acquire wealth, disregard women. Too many young men get the whole game of life wrong! - they Chase women aggressively* and neglect the fundamentals of what makes a men useful and attractive. Take a few years to build your resources (wealth, personality, social status, happiness and health). You might start off doing these things just with the extrinsic motivation of wanting to attract women but you would eventually fall in love with your progression. Not to say that you can’t date and pursue women, but you should never let that desire consume you.
@samuelvelazquez8834 10 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t completely disregard women, I’d keep myself open to meeting a good one. You don’t want to get old and look back realizing you let a couple good women go. Find one that will help you achieve your goals, disregard the rest
@aaronharkins4331 10 ай бұрын
It’s crazy that I treat girls who are attracted to me like how the girls I chased treated me. Its definitely better to be present and involved with the potential relationships around you. I like that you generalized it to all opportunities. Anyway I see you out here melding energy and determination. Cheers
@enzormma 10 ай бұрын
The timing of this video is spot on. I was experiencing what you said with putting energy into people who aren't acknowledging you and needed this reminder. Thanks for your work
@Jed_Herne 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the shoutout, Nikhil! Has been a pleasure working with you & the team, and I highly suggest the program to anyone who wants to take KZbin seriously :)
@mcmaschio 10 ай бұрын
Its cliche but its true When i put a lot of my energy into chasing women it gets harder to actually get women, but when i directed that same energy on myself not only did my business, work money and energy go up but i found more women just coming to me and not having to chase it. Its crazy but its true .. do the basics Exercise, sleep well eat well.
@fitfuelplanner 10 ай бұрын
The dopamine hit of your favorite KZbinr dropping 3 videos in 2 weeks. Bruh. 6 minute break from coding before getting back to work
@636Knight 10 ай бұрын
Women will try to date up, Men will shoot for the best but settle for "anything" within their standards. I don't have a gf atm but not bc nobody wants me. I just don't think that within my current options nothing is attractive to me medium to long term. That's why we level up, so that what I naturally attract the one's I'm attracted to in the first place.
@Userqidn3491jj 10 ай бұрын
@SiddharthSukhwal 9 ай бұрын
Build yourself and you will always have lots of options. Its simple. Go hit gym, eat healthy, build your career, play a sport, have a hobby, read books. If you do all of that, Who really has time to waste on someone who doest deserve it. 😎
@sahilkhurana_ 10 ай бұрын
If a girl likes me it's an immediate red flag for me, I think why would a girl like me of all people? there must be something wrong with her. I know this stems from low self-esteem but it's true for me. I've never been able to invest in situations where the female was attracted to me in contrast to the usual. It's like how Woody Allen says in the beginning of Annie Hall "I wouldn't want to be part of a club that would want someone like me as their member".
@supreetsingh1987 10 ай бұрын
This is great that you realize this. Now you know where to start from. Building self esteem is a lot of deep work on yourself and consistently doing things that make you like yourself. Ask yourself why don't you like yourself and be honest about it. All progress starts from being honest about it. And once you know start working on them but slowly and consistently. It's a journey. Also, have a lot of self acceptance and self compassion.
@SurfyStories 10 ай бұрын
This is some hyperactive autism level of over analyzing situations
@stephanvillavicencio5679 9 ай бұрын
i agree with the idea of rewarding the ladies ( and people) that are interest in you. i found a wonderful lady who rewards me, and i reward her back. i accept her and she does the same for me.
@dystopia-0616 9 ай бұрын
shes a paid matrix actor
@chrisjfox8715 9 ай бұрын
No disrespect at all but you need to get rid of that toxic mentality
@blacknerdtalks7921 9 ай бұрын
This video needs more views, and more young men need to see this. Including myself when I was in my 20's. It shouldn't be hard for someone to be into you, and the one(s) that does you won't have to fight to prove anything to them.💯
@noobshaibot8519 10 ай бұрын
Fitness, social skills and finances are the key to this gentleman. Don’t over complicate it
@danika9448 10 ай бұрын
The same principle applies if you’re a woman. Putting energy into an unavailable man is the worst shit in the world and has seriously negative consequences if you do it for too long. Better to improve yourself and respect yourself first and not think about relationships. At some point someone will turn up who is actually good for you. (that last part hasn’t clicked into place for me - yet).
@pazeros6424 10 ай бұрын
The thing is even you are aware of that my ladies, you will still pursue towards an unavailable man, because only such man is attractive for women. The percentage of girls that look for someone who is there, doesn't seem to be a guy who seem have hundreds of options and love you no matter what is small. Such type is boring for you - you and I both know that, Danika. There is no arousing risk that if you don't put you there, you will loose him. How do I know that? I treat girls in a certain way I don't like and believe me or not being this "bad guy", as I used to say is always top solution in order to gain interest: she thinks about me all the time and even chatting me over with her friends. On the other hand I know great guys, who are not ugly or sth btw and they break up with them, why? - lack of emotions, lack of this stupid rollercoaster that you llloooove be a part of it. I will never understand such behaviour and your point of you but it works. Discussing that with my friends they can't believe me what I say and they stay as it was - I totally understand that 'cause it's illogical. There are ready-to-go guys to be with, but you prefer me 😁
@flightevolution8132 10 ай бұрын
@@pazeros6424You’re RIGHT. Women will lie about this all the time but we know the truth. I don’t want to be a cold, hard man but women love it. I’m forced into the role, all I was before was a romantic and they HATED that.
@topg2820 9 ай бұрын
Cope, most women love bad guys
@cara-leo 9 ай бұрын
Yep. Hot and cold is only attractive to those who have an unhealthy intimacy issue. I used to like the high of the flakiness until I realized it’s just me playing out toxic behaviors between my parents and I. Figure your stuff out and be mentally healthy, and you won’t chase those rollercoasters
@thenature4785 9 ай бұрын
It’s funny how all the available men and available women never come across each other. But unavailable women will meet available men, and vice versa. Truely it is difficult to meet people who want a fulfilled life which consists of love, enjoyment, and company. The majority of people including men and woman are completely brainwashed into watching reality TV shows, movies, reading books, and the influence of social media influencers, websites, videos. These all include manipulative ways to brainwash viewers into how they should approach aspects such as dating. All of these have brainwashed all you people into believing that ignoring messages or calls is a normal idea, which apparently means that you have a life and you feel like leaving them on delivered is the right thing to do, whereas it is actually just pathetic behaviour. Aspiring to achieve a certain type of man or woman in a relationship is also absolute cap. People mess about with with other people way too much and it is actually such a joke to even know that human beings have a life for such a short period of time on this earth are doing such things. We all have a one in 400 trillion chance of being alive and people still want to mess about in this minuscule period of life that we have left to breathe. Keep in mind we are only young for such a short period of time and this is when people usually want to make a family and enjoy their life, which should carry on throughout older years. Honestly, I’m 21 years old, and I have never come across anyone who takes life seriously. I have never met a person who has the true caring nature for other humans and truly wants the best for them. It seems almost impossible to meet someone like this because of the influence of the above listed, and the fact that people in general are twitchy robots with an attention span of a goldfish. So in my opinion, if you feel like you are in the same boat, I believe you should just focus on yourself and be who you are, and hopefully in the future, you may attract someone who has a similar energy to you. Just like Captain Sinbad said in this video if you put your energy into other people and you’re not receiving the same energy back, cut them off straight away and move on with your life. That person does not give a fuck about you, and they clearly do not appreciate the presence and company of another human being in their life. Funnily enough, people complain that they have no one in their life yet they go leading on people and getting nowhere in the end. It is honestly better to be alone rather than with people who put no energy into you. Until someone actually shows interest into you and wants to be with you. You will notice this as they will text you fast and they will not delay any responses, they will make time to meet you. People who care and have interest for other people will always make time for them and won’t bullshit you around.
@GulmiD 10 ай бұрын
the intro to your videos are a crazy hook. the songs that you use are just mad good. would love to take a peek at your playlist g. awesome videos and even better value, thanks captain.
@KostasWasHere 10 ай бұрын
Love this type of content! Short, sweet and hits hard to the point! John from Bulldog Mindset is an amazing addition to the video and would love to see more collabs or behind the scenes with both of you together!
@darkman9639 9 ай бұрын
Incredible cameo! Awesome guys.
@hrithiksangani4110 10 ай бұрын
As a fellow south Asian who got brainwashed by Bollywood movies when I was young thanks for the video Nikhil - been following you since early days keep it up, future looks bright 💪
@tusharsharma8952 10 ай бұрын
south asian??? really??
@ShubhamSaxena-te7nb 10 ай бұрын
@@tusharsharma8952Even I got confused haha
@topg2820 9 ай бұрын
Say 'Indian' not the cope term south asian
@am1tk_tales 9 ай бұрын
@vishwa6645 10 ай бұрын
I truly needed to hear this Captain! I'm in my first year of engineering now and you helped me realize that I need to invest my energy into things that will give me exponential return like updating my skills, building an amazing physique, cultivating detachment and a focused mind. If a girl comes along the way, then amazing. If not, then oh well!
@hayleypardinan 10 ай бұрын
More of this Video format. It's been a while since I heard your Outro speech which is motivating and have always been a big part of the channel. it's a beautiful summary of the vid.
@user-jj4bv5yk5k 10 ай бұрын
I did not expect a John Sonmez and Captain Sinbad collab! Definitely pleased to see it😁💪
@TheConsciousMan143 10 ай бұрын
Fantastic video brother - once you get to a certain stage in your development, you still might not be able to get the exact woman you want… you can peruse and supplicate and MAYBE “win her over”, but she still won’t value you nearly as much as a woman who had genuine desire for you from the start. Well done
@thecalmbeforethemaelstrom 9 ай бұрын
This last line needs to be emphasized
@xxChacaronXX 8 ай бұрын
Pursuit the easy stuff that actually makes your life better, Not the easy stuff that makes your life harder or the “good” stuff that makes life hard.
@lokeshagarwal8655 10 ай бұрын
bro if this guy thinks he's not attractive to women, it's over for me
@Raywillsmith 10 ай бұрын
You guys look the same lol, just get off KZbin and go talk to some women.
@jamesdawg2813 10 ай бұрын
@Rohan-fn8ot 10 ай бұрын
Most of the girls that compliments me or tries to get with me are the ones I am not attracted to, I get DM's from them all the time. And the ones I am attracted to really acts like I don't even exist in the room, but some of them surely are attracted to me. I have found that out after asking my crush out, I have been crushing on her since 9th grade, but she said she'd been crushing on me since 5th grade, isn't that insane?😅 till 9th grade I didn't even know she existed. I asked her out and told her I had a crush on her after school, after 10th grade, in summer holidays. If I hadn't asked, she would have never either. She'd been crushing on me for 5 years but never even tried to hold a conversation till 10th grade. She is shy, like really shy, but she's is really the sweetest person I have ever met, it's been 2 years since we officially started a relationship. And I'm happy than ever. She, also told me that a few other attractive girls found me attractive too but never cared much. The girls I thought are not attracted to me are actually attracted to me. So guys, don't forget to shoot your shot! You'll never know for sure if someone is attracted to you or not, not until you shoot your shot.
@DineshNaidoo-dz6xq 10 ай бұрын
been watching since 2019. Your videos talk about topics and ideas that don't feel recycled which I really enjoy, they are original and feel like any age of man can enjoy, absorb and apply.
@RishabhMutha 10 ай бұрын
I agree with most of this and have experienced the last part! I asked out a girl in college once. She said "she doesn't see me that way" and I was devastated. I had been into her for 2 years before I actually found the courage to ask. I was obese in college. But after college I started lifting and did intermittent fasting, got fitter. I am still around 100kg 6'2" but it's more muscle and less fat now. I met this girl again recently and she said "I should've said yes", and we were flirting the whole time.
@IbbiAhmed 10 ай бұрын
congrats bhai!!!!
@ErrorNameNotFound123 9 ай бұрын
My dream is to make all the girls regret rejecting me.
@sanidhyakaushik7949 7 ай бұрын
​That's a really shallow belief right there, accept that you were not even close to your potential when you asked them out so should they have said yes to just any random guy !
@herosbreath6715 9 ай бұрын
I gave two years, thousands of dollars, moved 400 miles for a woman that dumped me 11 times. I poured so much into the relationship and took care of her in every way I could, but she was always so quick to freeze me out, scream at me, or throw me away. I'd fight to get her back until she made it clear that wouldn't work, so when I would turn to leave, she'd beg me to return and say things like "I don't know how we got to this point." When things were good they were GREAT, but I never knew when that would shift so I never lived openly or honestly with her because I just couldn't risk losing whatever little peace I got with her. And when this would come up, she always blamed me and told me it was my fault for not "manning up" to her. My eyes are opening to the fact that what I experienced wasn't just a roller coaster, but was actual abuse, and I've been trying to figure out how to move forward. This video really helped, because it reminded me of what I was doing and where I was emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially before I met her, and THAT is the man I need to be again!
@bavneet 10 ай бұрын
John Sonmez and Rom Wills! Let's goo!!! Youre lucky to meet John
@lukeMac 10 ай бұрын
I feel like every man really knows this. So why do many not follow the advice already? Because there's a painful gap you haven't mentioned between chasing women and finding the ones who are into you: a gap where nothing's going to happen with women until you level up. Pushing through that to the other side is the real work.
@bpavacic 10 ай бұрын
Exactly the message I needed to hear. Thank you
@ksmooov 9 ай бұрын
Short, quick vid, but SO DENSE WITH INFORMATION. I watch every video, but this one has me taking notes✍️✍️ You're doing great with these vids bro.
@MrMawnster 9 ай бұрын
You don't need options for detachment. That's the players game and it's the lite version aka shallow. Even purpose being a few steps above that works but isn't it either. It's like self actualizing and having all your shit together and in the process of getting together plus being SOOOO into yourself and just learning, reading, like everything...that SHE is privileged to be in your abundance and you bring/brining her into it is leadership
@qine6559 10 ай бұрын
I love this title. Had to click it. Comes accross as genuine and better than click bait or cliffhanger. Wonder if anyone else has a different opinion. Current title at time of writing. If changed: "pay attention to the women who want you"
@kosmas6023 10 ай бұрын
that's a solid video man no bullshit was said here. I was expecting the usual go after her and do your best and try again and again rhetoric that disney taught us (and is a terible mistake ). But you talked about momentum, attraction, real life and the importance of flow and energy good job
@shroomdalini 10 ай бұрын
As a woman, this is unexpectedly and immensely helpful. It goes both ways
@JarinXeno 10 ай бұрын
Honestly this advice is probably even more helpful to women. As much as we bag on men for being simps, damn near every woman I know is putting all her time and energy into pursuing a guy that could give two shits about her and only sees her as an easy lay.
@aarrynz9721 9 ай бұрын
​@@JarinXenobecause she's going for Chad who just sees her as an easy lay but she rejected plenty of good guys before him. So in a nutshell they brought this on themselves.
@JarinXeno 9 ай бұрын
@@aarrynz9721 Yes that and most women grossly overestimate their own value on the sexual marketplace. They go for Chad because they actually think that they are on his level, they are not. That average nice guy she wont give the time of day to is actually the guy that is on her level. But women can't seem to understand that men will happily sleep with women that they don't want to get into relationships with so women assume that if she can sleep with Chad that means she qualifies for a relationship with him.
@aarrynz9721 9 ай бұрын
@@JarinXeno preach yes 💯
@ArtificalHistoryI 9 ай бұрын
No woman ever wanted me. A I did “self improve” I don’t believe in that bs anymore
@ultimojo868 9 ай бұрын
Was just talking to my brother about feeling unattractive to women last night, and then this popped up. Freaky circumstance...but helpful insight!
@officialthomasjames 8 ай бұрын
You don't realize how easy it is until you meet a girl who is really attracted to you. I've been on dates with many girls (who I thought were into me) and the conversation stalled/I had to really make an effort to keep it going. Then I get stuck in my head and think I'm saying/doing something wrong. On the other hand, there's been girls where everything just flows effortlessly and we just naturally play off each other. It's such a breath of fresh air. I no longer waste my time with the girls where my effort exceeds hers. All it takes is ONE girl fellas. Do not stress about this.
@hangtok 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate the positivity and the message you're trying to convey, but sometimes, things don't work out immediately or not at all. In the context of romantic relationships, one problem over the years is how dating is treated like a "game". In general, some things really do take time. Sometimes putting the energy and effort to things or even to people turns out good in the long run (regardless of personal returns/gains we want to get). We are so bombarded by this "self-love" everywhere to the point of creating self-isolation mentality - this "focus on me" thing. Another downside I see is it seems we reduce our social relationships into mere "transactions" in a capitalistic sense. Somehow it creates impatience - if I don't see results from this thing I might as well dedicate my energy on me. Everyone's different. For some people this can work. I am looking at the bigger picture of how society and social interactions evolved from different generations. And I'm looking at these kinds of ideas like yours trying to understand how it can affect people's sense of loneliness and isolation (Loneliness Social Epidemic in the US). Cheers
@JohnHamish22 10 ай бұрын
Choose a women who chooses you.
@sillyhead5 2 ай бұрын
When considered abstractly, the message of this video is applicable to way more in the world than just woman. Thanks CS.
@mattrusnak 10 ай бұрын
love the shorter, story-style format 🔥
@Ghostrider-ul7xn 10 ай бұрын
I understand what you mean. Its so annoying and exhausting that we often get so little in return when we give our everything for a woman. We have to make sure we do everything right or check the right boxes, because even what we consider insignificant and trivial would be enough to inconvenience many women today. Its because most men give attention so freely to anyone they come across, they put a specific demographic of women on a pedestal compared to others. Its supply and demand. When people know they are high in demand, they will subconsciously act like they can walk all over you without any consequences.
@davidortega3393 10 ай бұрын
I’m seeing a lot of guys in the comments here spout out the same old red pill Hamza nonsense of being a top tier man in order to attract a girlfriend. I think you’re all really overestimating the importance of having a jacked physique or huge income to make girls like you. You guys don’t realize how much more important being fun to hang out with is. Being funny and able to carry a conversation is a true super power, especially now when so many people suck at it. Anyway, that’s just my 2 cents.
@nissarahamed 10 ай бұрын
Every man out there in the dating world should watch this.
@darthvader3910 8 ай бұрын
DEAR GOD. Be detached to love and romance is SPOT ON for a GUY. Remember men, you could be a herculean man to a woman, but once in a marriage she's bored of u,and hits menopause, she WONT WANT YOU AT ALL (ps: this is true for most not ALL women)
@TuckerPearce 10 ай бұрын
As a happily married man on 17 years I can tell you there a ton of truth in this video. 🔥
@benkenobi_ 10 ай бұрын
As a man who's getting married soon, I can say this... RAISE YOUR STANDARDS! the right woman will come who genuinely likes/wants you and they will blow your mind. Look for a QUALITY woman
@javiveto 9 ай бұрын
Bro you have inspired me today. I wasn’t gonna hit the gym today but I’m omw now after listening to this! I don’t wanna fail my myself by wasting my potential.💪🏼
@ro55reel5 7 ай бұрын
Good luck to you Sir! Maybe it's different in different countries, I dunno, but I think over here in England charisma beats conventionally desirable body shapes
@justinfitzpatrick013 10 ай бұрын
Step 2: pay attention to the ones that want you Step 1: be attractive
@CykPykMyk 9 ай бұрын
These internet experts piss me off. Super hard. "Be detached from love and romance" For real? Not engaging to the fullest is considered healthy? I would say that there are types of people, who perceive relationship the same way they do with a hobby. In my opinion it has nothing to do with love. I adore old couples, old culture, and in general - traditional view on the relationship. I find that ultimately romantic to spend decades with the person who was your love, romantic partner. I hate the concept of being with someone only throughout the time when that person was giving you good sex, or company, or even status, or plainly money even (the last one belongs to women's point of view rather than men, let's be honest). It makes me sad, that my generation, and younger for sure, will treat each other temporarily, just to make their interest happen and then goodbye. Like finding a job. It's horrible. Love isn't like that. I utterly hate that normalization of changing partners and switching every few months or years like nothing happened. It's total crap. You people don't know yourselves. You aren't self reflective at all. You have NOTHING to bring to the table. One cannot open in front of you, because what fucking reason will that have? What's the point? It's not love, it's borrowing people for a company. It's totally soulless. If you aren't focusing on the outcome, then that person is completely indifferent to you, and trying to show it in different "cool" words, won't change that fact. It hurts, and not for no reason.
@atlantis2301 10 ай бұрын
Great to see a collab with Bulldog Mindset!
@H3erobrineNotch 9 ай бұрын
I’ve tried to approach woman and it did lead to dates but none of them turned into anything. Dating apps are direct access and opportunity to match with single women. Problem is as a average looking guy get no likes by average looking woman, b.c of the algorithm and not paying for premium
@robertgann742 10 ай бұрын
Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
@Bigbigenergy 9 ай бұрын
Fasho, the girls that you don't have to convince to like you be freakier with you too
@justinthematrix 10 ай бұрын
Dang bro honestly needed this video. my gf (on and off 4 years) puts me last on her priority list and its getting really old. Some weeks she's all over me and some she barely shows any affection. just this weekend it was my birthday, we had breakfast and then she dipped out. then the whole day just taking like 2 hours to respond to every text. so today I decided to just leave her on read instead of stressing out about it all day.
@cyclingtexas1670 9 ай бұрын
I feel that big time, my gf of 3 years would do that crap to me, hot and cold, hot and cold, some days lots of affection, many days absolutely no affection or effort whatsoever. Definitely was not a priority especially towards the end. That stuff hurts. Well we broke up a month ago.
@justinthematrix 9 ай бұрын
@@cyclingtexas1670 good stuff man how are you feeling now? I been chatting with some different women lately and they’re all pretty interested in me it’s helping me get over my ex. Haven’t talked to her still didn’t even say happy Thanksgiving.
@mr.coffee5220 9 ай бұрын
“Pay attention to the women who want you” Very easy, I look at thin air all the time.
@mhussain5669 10 ай бұрын
we dont chase potential friends who treat us like this, most people at least, imagine how obviously bad for you that'd be. you know its silly with romantic relations, we should treat it similarly. maybe ask yourself if i was looking for a friend and they treated me like this how would i feel? or if they treated a friend like this how would i think about it? these questions may help build some more detachment
@RealOverReligion 9 ай бұрын
Detachment is something I teach as well, in every aspect of life. It is truly the most empowering thing when you are no longer attached to an outcome of any situation. Pursue greatness, the best version of you, and you will attract the right ones who like you!
@gauchito10mx 9 ай бұрын
I’ve never understood why men should have options. It screams insecurity in my opinion. A good man is going to be content with what he has in front of him. Quality over quantity folks.
@Godslonelyman7 10 ай бұрын
I only get the attention of single mothers, and single women that I don’t find attractive. Lower my standards? Settle? That’s what it looks like despite all my “Level up” grinding.
@JohanFitFoodie 7 ай бұрын
Focusing on myself and developing what's within my control certainly has helped in this area as well, avoiding chasing and prioritizing "leveling up myself instead" 😊💪
@tarzanautowala6506 10 ай бұрын
I've always avoided girls who showed intrest in me , not because i don't want them but because i don't feel worthy enough
@tarzanautowala6506 9 ай бұрын
I fucking nailed it today bro , i approached 3 girls today, even though I got rejected by all 3 but I feel fucking amazing. Semen retention gave me this courage to push through my fear. This is the first time in life , i have ever approached.
@stylishrock7633 9 ай бұрын
I am 30, virgin, Almost 5 girls around my age are continuously trying hard to get me, they are ready to do anything literally any thing to impress me. But the problem is they all are damaged goods, and I have no use of them in my life, I get irritated when they message me, I could have used them just for physical fun but that too is dangerous in India as because false grape allegations are at its pick. It would have been way better if they would have done the same thing when they were 21-24 I would have married to one of them(they were very pretty at that time) but now it's pointless. So timing also is highly important.
@userrdm14 6 ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣 stop capping
@Futurelawyer812 9 ай бұрын
💪🏾 Shoutout to @Rom Wills 2:54
@abdulrehmanzola 2 ай бұрын
4:08 I don't write comments but bro you nailed it SImping is giving energy to someone who doesn't give it back Noting it down in my 2nd brain 🤛
@realjoedee 9 ай бұрын
The best players I've ever known weren't PUAs, they were naturals who excelled and this one skill above all others: Screening for women who were already into them. That's it. That's the big secret to having an abundance of women in your lives. Granted the more work you do elevating your status, looks, money, frame, and game, the more women will be naturally interested and your likelihood of encountering them goes up accordingly. And for the black pill guys, it's not all about looks either. Not by a long shot. Looks play their part, but they're just one piece of the puzzle.
@Shortbaldugly263 9 ай бұрын
Blackpill doesnt say its all about looks. Blackpill says if youre below a certain level and theres nothing in your control to change, then youre fucked. Ie bald short and ugly face.
@jenniferharper2119 9 ай бұрын
Choose someone who chooses you. What is meant for you will not miss you. The first rule of dating is they have to want the job :p
@dhrubadas4813 9 ай бұрын
With my personal experiences yes you are true.. you shouldn't chase a woman.. if we put that energy in ourselves it creates different dimensions in our life where we will be more happy and have a fulfilling life...
@philipalxander 10 ай бұрын
You have no idea how much I needed this. Thank you.
@AustenSummers 10 ай бұрын
What women? None of them want me…
@deanofdisplacement 10 ай бұрын
i hear what you are saying.... but I am not interested in the ones who are obviously interested in me. WITH THAT SAID: I also refuse to "chase" any woman. They must earn my attention. Don't misunderstand what I am saying as I do approach first - but never will I chase.
@apun_thegreat1898 8 ай бұрын
I told this girl that | won't be asking her out any time soon cause I gotta be someone first. I might be good enough for her as a nice guy, but, I'd want her to have me as a great guy. The great guy does mean being jacked and having a million dollars btw. So anyways, I didn't usually message her ever to ask how stuff was going unless like I had some point to make or achieve ig, but she has on a couple of occasions just asked about how my exams went. So after deciding I need to be this great guy, and still remain the nice guy, I messaged her asking how her exam went as a nice gesture. Would you say that's simpy? I genuinely wasn't getting anything out of that convo and just wanted her to feel good that someone was asking her about her day.
@thiccactus 10 ай бұрын
Bro where are you finding women that want you. Like, I've been doing the self improvement thing for a long time time now and there hasn't been a single one that's given me even the slightest hint.
@kapelshooter 10 ай бұрын
I Just needed to hear this thank you
@reezndukwe9339 10 ай бұрын
Wow the highlight of this video is at 3:40 to 4:01 Well done, Captain Sinbad well done!!
@sleepytimeshecomes 9 ай бұрын
oh I do. They get all the tension from me. If a woman isn't interested, there's no friend zone and I'm not chasing, next. Lots of mamas out there that will take it and do what I want, give me what I want.
@prithvisaklani2994 9 ай бұрын
Such a well thought video
@MrMadisonSocial 9 ай бұрын
"I like women who like me" - Alex Treasure
@manthanmehta8724 10 ай бұрын
It’s always the handsome guys that say all this. Try being ugly. My advice, if you are ugly, nothing short of a plastic surgery will help you
@Singhsandhukhalsa 10 ай бұрын
Workout…get in shape…dress well…talk nicely u dont have to be tom cruise
@scorpio6416 9 ай бұрын
...the ad was in the ending...respect bro...respect ,,,,,
@AlwaysCreateOptions 9 ай бұрын
100% I've never really had the urge or desire to chase a woman that don't give me energy back. It just sounds too exhausting... Even thinking about it makes me tired. I'm a big believer in things taking off early on or never at all.
@blastoff2moon429 10 ай бұрын
You have made a goood transformation down the life man ! Appreciate that ❤
@IamRanJos 10 ай бұрын
Momentum is everything ❤
@Kriksis99 9 ай бұрын
Jup i bet an angel of mine brought me here cuz the timing is crazy. I really do need to enjoy my own company and do things that fuel my energy and i feel ive had that demanding energy that isn’t as flowy. Lets move lightly yet purposely💪 great video btw😎
@karthikvigneshwar8742 10 ай бұрын
Great video brother ! And I’ve been following your channel from its early days and your progress has been great and very inspiring ! Next up 1 M followers ! Wishing you the best !!
@jeffrey2ben 9 ай бұрын
What if you’ve given up on the person you have chased for a long time and then that’s when they come back and want you? Do let them in your life or do you stick to your original decision to drop them? I think this is something that’s rarely talked about in this discussion although it does happen!
@lewisthomas5661 9 ай бұрын
Bro can you make a video about the films that have impacted your life/inspire you
@deniskasperovich8251 10 ай бұрын
I don’t really understand this detachment theory. Why would I fake not being interested in a girl if I am? Or why would I want to have more options if I want a normal healthy relationship with one girl? Can someone explain? Maybe he is referring to not being desperate which I agree but still…
@mentalhaxx 10 ай бұрын
Coz that's how the world works, whether you like it or not, adapt or die
@deniskasperovich8251 10 ай бұрын
@@mentalhaxx Jeeeeesus christ, you don't go out much don't you?
@sp123 9 ай бұрын
The point of the video is that a girl liking you is more important than you liking a girl. You need to look for choosing signals than give your own
@nemekSI 10 ай бұрын
Haven't been watching YT as much recently but good to see this vid since it's been awhile. Always feels like an wise man giving advice haha
@DemsterDog 10 ай бұрын
Just subbed, I think this is one of the healthiest takes I’ve heard in awhile. Is freshing
@hypekiller5924 10 ай бұрын
Yo Nikhil! Come to Coachella next year. We can run 2000's pickup game on girls and you can get some content
@CaptainSinbad 10 ай бұрын
Haha I love that
@muhdiman6087 9 ай бұрын
pursue what makes it easy, everything else becomes easy too - fire bar
@lovemusic8405 10 ай бұрын
Awesome video - needed this. also.... the best intros in the game!
@TheUnputdownables 10 ай бұрын
In one of your recent videos you talked about building your tribe. Can you please make a dedicated video on that .
@SoyElta 10 ай бұрын
I am half latino and half white, highly educated (phd etc). The only women who will give me a shot are college educated white women. Ive never been able to grab the eye of any other type of women. At this point I dont even notice them if they are not white and educated because it is all I know how to hunt.
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