🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 📢 *Introduction and Welcoming* - Introduction by host Asri Megatari and welcoming viewers to the discussion on Indonesian political affairs. - Host emphasizes the importance of health protocols during the pandemic. 00:44 🤝 *Guest Introduction* - Introduction of guest Prof. Mukhlis Hamdi, a special staff member to the Minister of Home Affairs on governance. - The segment aims to educate and broaden the audience's understanding of Indonesian politics and governance. 02:03 🏛️ *General Government Administration* - Discussion on the concept of general government in Indonesia and its distinction from regular governance. - Philosophical differences between general and specific government functions and their importance for citizen welfare. 03:37 🇮🇩 *National Identity and Governance Structure* - Explanation of Indonesia's governance structure under the Unitary State and its implications for regional autonomy. - The role of the government in ensuring public welfare through specific and general administrative tasks. 06:00 🔄 *Evolution of General Government Concept* - Evolution of the general government concept over time, with emphasis on decentralization and autonomy. - The current approach towards managing general and specific government functions amidst changing conditions. 07:33 📜 *Legal Framework and Administrative Roles* - Discussion on the legal frameworks guiding general government functions and the decentralization process. - The role of local governments in managing specific administrative tasks within their jurisdiction. 10:00 🏗️ *Ministry of Home Affairs' Role* - Overview of the Ministry of Home Affairs' responsibilities in coordinating and supervising regional governments. - The ministry's role in facilitating an environment conducive to the effective governance of specific tasks. 11:16 🌐 *Community Engagement in Governance* - Importance of community participation in supporting general government affairs and maintaining a balanced civic responsibility. - Discussion on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on governance and the adaptation of general government concepts to address current challenges. 14:06 🚀 *Governance Adaptation to COVID-19* - How the Indonesian government adapts general government concepts during the COVID-19 pandemic. - The significance of coordination between central and regional governments to ensure unified policy implementation. 16:33 🤹 *Coordination Among Government Levels* - The establishment of coordination forums to enhance communication and policy implementation across government levels. - The unique structure of Indonesian governance that facilitates cooperation between military, police, legal entities, and administrative officials. 19:06 🌟 *Optimal Functioning of General Governance* - The role of the Forkopimda structure in ensuring effective governance and public service delivery. - Discussion on the ideal state of general government in Indonesia to ensure comprehensive welfare and responsiveness to public needs. 22:42 📈 *Support for Optimal Governance* - Discussion on the role of the Ministry of Home Affairs in supporting the creation of an ideal general government. - Ministry's task in overseeing local governance and ensuring national policies are implemented effectively at the local level. 24:03 📊 *Policy Implementation and Oversight* - Explanation of how national policies are formulated and supervised within the framework of general government. - Focus on corrective actions rather than punitive measures in case of administrative errors or mismanagement. 25:30 🙏 *Closing Remarks* - Conclusion of the discussion on general government dynamics in Indonesia and gratitude expressed to Prof. Mukhlis for his insights. - Host emphasizes the educational value of the conversation for the audience. Made with HARPA AI
@abilachannel3 жыл бұрын
Salam hormat untuk Prof. Muchlis, Podcast Ditjen Politik dan PUM kereen
@rhesyas253 жыл бұрын
Saya dari Bakesbangpol Jabar...
@rhesyas253 жыл бұрын
UPU (psl 25 UU 23 2014) yg selama ini diampu oleh Kesbangpol di daerah2 pd dasarnya belum punya kekuatan hukum karena belum ada PP-nya. UPU semestinya dilaksanakan oleh Instansi Vertikal dan dibiayai oleh APBN. Nyatanya UPU ini "sepertinya" jd urusan daerah (desentralisasi) dimana pembiayaan dan kelembagaannya sepenuhnya dilaksanakan oleh daerah. Secara guyon selalu saya sampaikan bhw Kesbangpol (daerah) yg mengampu UPU adalah lembaga yg "diamini" melakukan kesalahan krn bekerja tanpa PP penyelenggaraan UPU. Padahal UU 23 2014 sdh berjalan 7 tahunan. Lalu positioning Kesbangpol ini, apakah akan terus didiamkan/dibiarkan spt skrg....?