People Share The Best Fire Me, I Dare You Moments - And We're Clapping

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@dreamsofreddit1692 5 жыл бұрын
Management have a habit of massively over estimating the amount that management contribute to an operations success.
@amarminhas202 5 жыл бұрын
@Roadhog360 5 жыл бұрын
"You could have just said no!" But... but he literally did though.
@Alias_Anybody 5 жыл бұрын
I'd usually talk about the best one, but basically all of them are absolutely savage.
@duewhat9815 5 жыл бұрын
Not really a fire me moment but when I was 16 I was working at a Little Caesar's and after probably a good 8 months of doing 10 hour shifts on weekends I learned that in Florida being that I'm under 18 I am entitled to a 30 minute break every 4 hours I work. Next time I worked I asked if I could take a break after working for 5 hours and they immediately fired me, I told them how I was entitled to a break and the owners words exactly were "good luck paying for a lawyer." Luckily for me the same person who informed me that I was entitled to a break (my best friends dad) happened to be a lawyer and when I told him he was more than willing to represent me. He secured a video and audio copy of me getting fired and before we even got to court they settled for $15k.
@johnwicksfoknpencil 5 жыл бұрын
Due What? That’s a great friend. Seems pretty extreme to just fire someone at the mere request of a break 😂 doesn’t even sound real. Like I said though great friend.
@wilderuhl3450 5 жыл бұрын
@duewhat9815 5 жыл бұрын
@@johnwicksfoknpencil I was a bit dumbfounded when it happened but looking back on it, it was actually a very slow store and I think in his mind I just gave him a reason to fire me. But yeah, he is a great friend...and his dad is honestly the coolest person in the world and has actually been friends with my dad since they were children. Basically the only thing not making us family is blood.
@rabidspiders01 5 жыл бұрын
@@johnwicksfoknpencil when I was younger doing the fast food thing that crap was extremely common.
@rabidspiders01 5 жыл бұрын
Even though I dont work fast food or short order cook anymore, i was extremely skilled. Get offers all the time with an occasional name your price type bid. Apparently no one wants to pay my demands lmao. I refuse to accept anything short of $25 full time and that's being generous on my end. Occasionally they try to get bold and be like best we can do is $10; my counter reply goes up to $150 hr and I make my own schedule nothing less. Managers think I'm joking and I explain why they cant afford me. I tell them good look and keep walking.
@xenonnati 5 жыл бұрын
We were underpaid, and extremely overworked, i told my boss we need to hire more people because its too stressful and people will quit .. got the usual response .. i straight up told him yeah and if i quit this whole business will go to shit, he then said " nobody at this company is indispensable except for me" at that moment i lost all respect i ever had for that man.... so i didn't say a word, went to my PC and wrote a resignation letter, dated for the end of that month ... and printed it on the big central printer instead of the small one at my desk. One colleague noticed, i said that my printer is jammed (it wasn't) seeing what i printed, i grabbed it looking all shady then got back to work with a smile... ( did not send it to HR) ( i was the guy doing the most complex and annoying shit nobody wanted or knew how to do) of course this had the exact effect i was looking for, as people started talking about it and getting riled up, several of them talking about quitting en masse, including the most senior employee (call him Tom) who did the most important work the " right hand man" you would say, it quickly got to managements ear.. following day my boss literally ran after me on the street and apologized for our talk the previous day ( thinking i didn't know the shitstorm that was brewing) coming up with excuses for what he said, also implying subtly that if someone were to quit because of what i told him it would be rude if they didn't announce it at least a month in advance so they can find replacements and train them. i just shrugged and said "yeah it would give Tom and me a hard time as we're the only two people at the company qualified to train new people" (he didn't actually know that) the panic was palpable as his face went full on white, he said he actually had a few new hires coming in next week (complete lie) also offered me a pretty substantial raise and a promotion which basically came with a new title. worked there for another 3 months till i got a much better offer because of my new title... as they assumed i had 4 years experience working in my new "title", for which they had an opening for (obv. i didn't but i learned quick) after i changed jobs almost everyone quit in the span of a few weeks, leaving the business in chaos for several months hemorrhaging money and losing important clients, especially my old clients who quickly came to my new firm to continue working with me as they had nobody that could do my work in a timely manner.. the old business had to hire 2 people to replace me, Also had to hire a freelancer, and pay him 5X to replace tom.. it quickly went downhill and had to move to a new location.. And seeing how i brought in some bigger clients to my new company so fast, and how our competitor had to move away leaving us in a monopoly of the area i was quickly given a raise, still working at that company today, and run my own department. had a beer with a few ex coworkers including Tom a few weeks ago, who started his own business and is doing well.. everyone was doing substantially better after leaving that company.. so yeah value your employees who actually give a shit. And NO i don't feel bad about it at all..
@xenonnati 5 жыл бұрын
best part? saying to my old boss " well im sure everything will work out fine, since the company won't lose anyone who is "indispensable" right? "
@30AndHatingIt 5 жыл бұрын
Haha, savage. This (and a few stories I’ve got) should be in one of these videos lol.
@forwardding610 5 жыл бұрын
hands down easiest/best way you'll ever get a deserved raise is by getting a new job.
@roullur 5 жыл бұрын
@keiracopeland4721 5 жыл бұрын
@@roullur Underpaid man asks boss to hire new people or else everyone will quit; refuses; domino effect; everyone quits and is all good in the end
@Hex_the_Warlock 5 жыл бұрын
I worked in a call center where I called customers that were already working with our package delivery service, real easy stuff asking if they want upgrades to service and to tell them about new services we were offering or discounts/cheaper options. After my manager was moved to a different location, I was put under a older manager that had been working there longer, but noticed that much of what she was doing in the processing of accounts was wrong, and did it the way my first manager instructed me. She calls me to her desk, saying I wasn't meeting productivity because of I am processing accounts differently, and I show her how my way is much easier and more streamlined. She ignores me, telling me to do it her way. I do for a week, but this causes a sever back log in our productivity and say as much in a meeting in front of all the managers. After the meeting, she calls me into her office with her manager. She starts shouting at me, saying that I had no right to do that in front of her team, and that as a 20 something nobody I should apologize or she would fire me. I have been working in sales since I was 15 (lied about my age) and had seven years of experience. I told her no, I wouldn't apologize, and walked out the door to give my badge to security. Her manager ran out the door after me, telling me that he didn't want me to quit. He made me captain of my own team, which out performed hers at every turn. She was fired a month later due to poor productivity, and the fact that she was yelling at her staff when her manager told her specifically not to do that.
@Karll541 5 жыл бұрын
Poopkins wow she sounds like a colossal bitch. So many of these stories involve a crazy woman lol. Glad you got your promotion
@rabidspiders01 5 жыл бұрын
That's because women often make shitty managers. They are called diversity hires for a reason. Wall street even has protocols in place to cut down on that crap.
@rabidspiders01 5 жыл бұрын
I'll tell you this for sure any company with a woman in charge is guaranteed to have a low productivity rate and extremely high turnover rate. Dont believe me call around and ask or look it up.
@Vanilla_Icecream1231 2 жыл бұрын
@@rabidspiders01 the literally makes no sense lol
@TheMasterplanter 5 жыл бұрын
God, that last one. That's how I got "fired" from my first job working as a waiter at a mom and pop restaurant. They suddenly stopped talking to me, didn't answer if I was to come in the next morning, so being the good employee I was thinking their internet had gone out or something, I showed up with my apron the next morning. They all just kinda looked at me, and no one said anything as I got to work. Then Bobby (the owner) came up to me and slowly said "You know you weren't supposed to come in today, right?" I explained that I never got a response so I assumed it would be business as usual. They sent me home saying they would let me know when my next shift was, and never talked to me again. I let it go and started working fast food (which ended up being a pretty deece job. Made a few friends). I went in one night to order (cuz the food was damn good), and they never walked up to me, never talked to me. I sat there and stared at them for a good 20 minutes, then eventually got pissed and left, letting anyone who asked that I literally got ghosted by my employer. Turns out they had been paying me under the table* (which I didn't know about, I just assumed they paid cash because it was a small business, and made good tips), which is hella illegal. They didn't tell me, and instead proceeded to ignore me and deny I ever worked for them. They got caught in the paper trail and got shut down a few months later. Miss the place because they were decent people who made really good food, and I don't hate them. Just wished they would've explained what was going on instead of ignoring me. *Under the Table means without proper documentation and tax
@DerKommercial2008 5 жыл бұрын
If they were "decent people", they wouldn't have done you dirty like that. Sounds like they were garbage masked in perfume.
@Thewritingelf 5 жыл бұрын
@@DerKommercial2008 Right ?! That's not what you call being decent. You have to be straightforward about this type of thing and tell people what's going on
@zachariz1490 5 жыл бұрын
That's how my sister's figure skating coach was paid. We knew she was paid cash because we were the one paying her and that it was illegal, but she declared some taxes and everything every month. Barely enough, but it still works and now my sister does the same while working at costco and coaching little kids how to skate. (I mean she's getting paid cash for coaching, not working at costco.)
@fiarubold 5 жыл бұрын
Forcing someone to quit like in the last story is illegal in many areas IIRC
@lucybufton7147 5 жыл бұрын
Tbf if it was a 0 hour contract they don't have to schedule the employee any hours
@lucybufton7147 5 жыл бұрын
@Honudes Gai I'm from the UK
@bobubilly 5 жыл бұрын
Just work somewhere else without quitting. Call it a "second job"
@flavourruling2162 5 жыл бұрын
I can’t remember if Canada has a Zero-Hour thing going on, but this exact thing happened to me when I worked at a Tim Horton’s. Kept coming in every other day asking “Hey, uhhhh when do I work next?” “Check the schedule Anon” “wellllll I’ve been checking for the last two weeks and I haven’t been put on the schedule” “I dunno man” Come back the week after and finally ask “Why aren’t I on the schedule” “oh, I was told you quit” “Well I kept coming in just about every day to check my next shift, so no I didn’t quit, but whatever. Good working here >:(“
@Castdeath 5 жыл бұрын
@@butterflynotes8522 They should probably be made illegal or heavily regulated.
@iamconfusion1791 5 жыл бұрын
I'm quitting my job next week due to several reasons, but mainly that employees are undermined and made to feel inferior. I also had one of my several bosses essentially call me "obsolete" and a "gofer". Wish the day he said that I would have just made a snarky comment and walked out. Don't put you life or any important event on the back burner just for a job. I value my time more than that.
@thegloriousone8200 5 жыл бұрын
natschmat917 Self worth is more important. You should have recorded the fool and sent it to the higher ups
@gabriellel1118 5 жыл бұрын
@fadzilicious4411 5 жыл бұрын
Unless you have 3 kids to feed
@hertzproductionz2525 5 жыл бұрын
So howd it go?
@sycrotic2226 5 жыл бұрын
How's ur new job going?
@TheNormExperience 5 жыл бұрын
I have one crazy story that ended with this threat that we had to deal with when we owned a pharmacy (btw this is LONG but worth it because it bit her in the a$$): Had a PharmTech who had recently become a Jehovah’s Witness to be with her new boyfriend. Apparently his ex-gf hadn’t wanted kids so he’d broken up with her and she’d been shunned from their church. The ex was also a patient of our pharmacy. Pharm tech assured us it wouldn’t be a problem and she was a professional. Then refilling a prescription she discovered that the ex had gotten Plan B while she’d been together with the Bf. Didn’t just tell her boyfriend, but the whole church that his ex had “aborted the bf’s child” (that’s not how Plan B works.) The church elders wanted to sue the ex-gf and when they found out they couldn’t they started letting the whole town know about it, naming our pharmacy specifically to try and get people to stop going to our business (not that bad since this is how we discovered the $hit$torm we were somehow involved in). My parents were the owners, my mother the manager, my father the head pharmacist), immediately called the Pharm tech in to get her side of the story. Not only was she not sorry she immediately threatened to sue my parents if they fired her because of it. She said “fire me if you ******* dare, but God will smite you down if you do!” Literally this relatively normal person, went bat$hut crazy in under 3 seconds. My Mom asked her why on Earth they wouldn’t fire her for the MULTIPLE laws she had just openly and unapologetically admitted to breaking. She just repeated that what she did was right by God, and that firing her for that would be religious persecution, threatened again to sue us “abortionist heathens.” My Dad knew if she sued we could countersue and win in about a billion different ways. So he just got really quiet and when she said, “WELL?!” My dad goes, “Shh, Do you hear that?“ Her, “ What?” Dad: “That’s the sound of God not giving a hoot because you BROKE THE LAW! You’re fired.” She tried to sue. We countersued and won a billion different ways, along with the county, and the poor young lady whose privacy had already been invaded (who luckily understood and didn’t sue us thankfully). The ex-pharmtech got her license revoked, owed damages to us and the woman, and I believe also got some jail time. Plus this ALL got written up in the local paper so thankfully this insane woman is now near unemployable.
@remcovanvliet3018 5 жыл бұрын
@lRaziel1 joining the JW, for whatever 'reason' was a sign not of brain cells gone missing, but never having existed in the first place.
@homelackin2234 5 жыл бұрын
How old were the participants?
@TheNormExperience 5 жыл бұрын
Home Lackin they were all in their 30’s sadly.
@homelackin2234 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheNormExperience that is sad. Crazy the extent people go to for another person they barely know smh I guess age doesnt always make you wiser
@Brievel 5 жыл бұрын
Actually in the purest sense of the term Plan B is an abortofacient, in that the sperm and egg have already united to form what will become a fetus, but Plan B prevents implantation, essentially killing the fetus when it finds no welcoming environment.
@KingRumar 5 жыл бұрын
My step father was offering to cut down a fellow church goer's tree and remove the stump, etc. She wanted to have the tree removed for years. The typical amount they would have charged her was easily 2.5k+ because of how difficult it would have been to get into her yard, angle right, cut and remove the tree without damaging anything (think of tight spaces and a cliff drop). He offered less than half already and would keep the wood to heat his cabin. She waits until the agreed schedule when he arrived to try to claim another company had offered her 600 to do the job. He said she can go ahead and stick with them then. She tried to contact him 2 weeks later but he didnt answer. Her tree is still there to this day (4 years later)
@thetaekwondoe3887 5 жыл бұрын
I've read a version of this story before.
@GeoRust1 5 жыл бұрын
The Tae Kwon Doe Maybe things happen more than once?
@basillah7650 5 жыл бұрын
Of course, a lot of people going to church are scammers they pass around a collection plate scamming people into thinking giving their hard earned money will get them into heaven when it just gets the priest a new car.
@frodobaggins6684 5 жыл бұрын
That's why you never trust a church person.
@philipmcniel4908 5 жыл бұрын
@@basillah7650 I've been to a lot of churches, and I've never heard one claiming that putting money in the offering plate would help you get to heaven. In fact I've heard some of them discourage visitors from putting money in, saying it's for the regular members who want to help support the church and they don't ask guests for money.
@justkibby5959 5 жыл бұрын
New DM came in hard and started shaking the tree so the weak employees fall off. Well, she shook to hard, she demoted me over a technicality that wasn't my fault. I was the most reliable, customers preferred me over other employees, I was the only person in that store that would step up and help out when shit hit the fan (which happened every few months) I said I was quitting. DM panicked and called HR the best they could do was offer a lame settlement with the schedule problem and I said no. It's been 3 weeks and they're still begging me to come back. DM had no idea who I am (we met after I put in my notice) no idea everything I've done. And based off a stupid schedule issue, demoted me. Also, all employees were promised a raise every 3 months (instead of 6) and we never saw that raise. That company is not managed well.
@DerKommercial2008 5 жыл бұрын
I would say that most companies with more than a dozen total employees are run poorly, but stupidity is a kind of perpetual motion that often keeps them from failing under the weight of their own incompetence.
@Abigart69 5 жыл бұрын
Just Kibby good story and all but OMG I LOVE UR VIDEOS
@SirNippletonMcSugarteets 5 жыл бұрын
What’s the company?
@rabidspiders01 5 жыл бұрын
Everyone company that puts a woman in charge typically has a extremely high turnover rate. I'm not being sexist this is just fact. Why because of stupid ass laws that require companies to hire women regardless if they're skilled or not.
@JadeCaro 5 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately some bosses think they own you and don't apologize when they're in the wrong
@urizt 5 жыл бұрын
@C00kii0 5 жыл бұрын
I being one of the stronger kitchen employees dealing with the flu was SUPPOSED to clock out at 5:00 the night before Christmas. I was stuck working a 13 hour shift snd at the 10 hour mark I stopped working. My manager got upset and said that this was no time to take a break we were busy. I got in his face and warned him that I was SUPPOSED to go home hours ago and if he didn't cash me out I would walk out because I'm not going to kill myself for a place that needs me. He called our boss and recived an earful. Out of spite he still didn't take my register for two hours. When our boss looked at our time sheet I got the next few days off (He didn't know I was sick) and that manager was then fired.
@DerKommercial2008 5 жыл бұрын
My supervisor never got fired for threating to fire me if I didn't come to work with pneumonia. But I did get yelled at for a good forty minutes because I had coughed blood on the floor.
@keithupton86ku 5 жыл бұрын
@@DerKommercial2008 A letter from a lawyer usually makes them change their behavior.
@forwardding610 5 жыл бұрын
This is why when a struggling business gets bought out the new owners immediately fire ALL the management, not the workers.
@C00kii0 5 жыл бұрын
@@forwardding610 I just found a video of the same manager after he got his ass kicked by two homeless people who fell asleep in our mens bathroom 🤣😂😂😂😂😂
@C00kii0 5 жыл бұрын
@@DerKommercial2008 I'd threaten a lawsuit and include the part about being yelled at.
@tomasdavies2801 5 жыл бұрын
"Didn't work new years eve" "Boss was nice for the rest of the summer" ǝʇɐɯ ʎǝʞᴉɹƆ
@geminico61 5 жыл бұрын
Tomas Davies I was so confused, I thought New Zealand had some weird ass new year in the middle of the summer and then I realized they’re on the opposite hemisphere
@rashaadsreign 5 жыл бұрын
Man, are you from Austrailia?
@TheCRAZYEYES1000 5 жыл бұрын
@@geminico61 Had a relative argue with me about this when i showed them on the internet that they were wrong they said the ol' "Don't belive every thing you see on the internet" adage... smh
@DarkSol16 5 жыл бұрын
As an Australian, it took me a while to understand what this comment was trying to get at.
@ll2980 5 жыл бұрын
@@geminico61 bruh me too
@mordirit8727 5 жыл бұрын
Was part of a project from the Colombian Government to teach English to kids in public schools. I get to my school and am given my official lesson plans and my 10 classes: 4 marked as Beginners, 2 as Advanced Beginners, 3 as Intermediary and 1 as Advanced. "Okay this will be good" I think, I love working with differentiated levels of students because it helps a lot with not falling into routine. Classes start and well, they were 40% correct in their evaluation: 4 classes *were* beginners; problem was, so was everyone else. Apparently they had graded them according to how many years of English they had studied in school, not taking into account that if they were learning anything in school to begin with this project wouldn't have been necessary at all. After 2 weeks of classes feeling the waters (including the absolute tragedy that was the first week when I came in with prepared lessons about adverbial vocabulary to students who honestly didn't know how to even present themselves in English) I have a lunch with my assistant teacher and we start discussing a new path; third week in I had put all my classes in a Beginners Course and things began to smooth out after that; I send multiple notices to my office about this problem, along with a weekly copy of my Lesson Planner, explaining in painstaking detail why I am teaching easier subjects to my kids; never get any kind of response, so I presume things are okay. Things weren't okay; after about 2 months someone must have finally read one of my emails and we get a visit from 2 officers of the Secretary of Education of Bogota to inquire about our "sub optimal teaching pace". They start to insinuate that they just care about the numbers matching; I presume the project would *sound* more successful if you can report hundreds of kids "achieving Advanced English levels", even if in reality they didn't learn jack because you were teaching them things they weren't ready to learn yet. This angers me; quite a lot. They decide to stick around for the class, and that pretty much saves me my job: The next class is the "Advanced" one (who were by this time starting to learn how to describe hobbies and activities with the verb Can...); I give the lesson I had planned, all the time sensing the eyes of the representatives on me. What they didn't take into account (because we only spoke in English before) was that, being Brazillian, I was perfectly capable of conducting a conversation in Spanish. Class ends and, as usual, my older kids stick around for a while, our class was their last before lunch break; before the kids leave the class I walk to the back and take up the issue again with the officers, *in Spanish this time* , explaining that I had absolutely no intention of following their given lesson plans, reminding of how disastrous the first lesson had been for that same issue and that I would rather get fired than throw away my students' education; they *weren't* happy, but at that point all the kids had jumped in to argue about how these lessons had been so much better and how they felt like they were finally learning English for the first time in their lives. I suppose kids from a school raging up against their shitty practices would look even worse on their report than "this school has 10 groups in Advanced Beginner level instead of 10 Advanced ones", because they let me be for the rest of the semester.
@akayukilucifel 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being the type of teacher we need in the world!
@Septiccatgaming 5 жыл бұрын
If they said I took ten dollars I would’ve came in with ten dollars in pennies and said start counting
@evermoreonline3537 5 жыл бұрын
Septiccat I would also use another country’s currency on top of that.
@rockymom624 5 жыл бұрын
they can just weigh the pennies
@minorseven2791 5 жыл бұрын
But make it 1 penny short
@arcadebot4735 5 жыл бұрын
MinorSeven Then make a big deal about the last penny and go to find one
@mastray4783 5 жыл бұрын
I've never read such an evil comment section in my life, I can hardly consider you human
@JBobbyB 5 жыл бұрын
Worked in retail Crappy supervisor: If you dont finish this in the next half hour you can go home and you don't have to come back Me: Spends 20 minutes helping custumors to enforce the policy at work of always helping the customer (lot of old people in the village ( *45 minutes later* Me: I've finished now what? Crappy supervisor: start the next one. Me: no way, I'm going home I just told the manager the job wasn't for me and I went home, it was my first job so I hesitated, however I should have quit weeks before, the crappy supervisor thought that shouting at people made them respect you more and was extremely rude, that's why I was already fed up
@fabianzimmermann5495 5 жыл бұрын
You just gave him the best answer ever. 😂
@dimitrijejovanovic5939 5 жыл бұрын
I used to work in a diary factory during the sumer of 2017 in order to buy myself a new PC. Minimum wage, exhausting physical work, I used to even do double shifts (yes, 16h of exhausting physical work) in order to make enough money. During that summer, most of the employees started quitting for way better paid jobs (physical though, but the pay was 3X better), so the double shifts soon became mandatory, and even overtime work became a common place. The thing is, overtime work was not paid at all, so someone might get forced to work few hours, or even the entire shift for free. After one such double shift, my boss barged in and requested me to stay overtime, which almost meant that i will work one entire shift unpaid. I waited for my shift to end and started changing my clothes. When she saw me leaving, she asked me where i am going, to which i replied "Home. My shift is over.". And we started arguing who is more disrespectful of is two, and the entire hall could hear us yelling at each other. I said that i would stay only if i get paid for my work, to which she replied I was an entitled Piece of shit, and that i will get fired. I just said " Fine, fire me, good luck finding someone foolish enough to work two shifts in a row!" I wasn't fired. However, i quit two weeks later because my lectures were starting.
@Zurenza 5 жыл бұрын
I used to work at a gas station in an oil boom town. When i started i was strictly there to stock, unload trucks and make sure my cashier was okay, i worked nights so things did get shady quite often. The other employee's and the manager told me that the person i worked with was a "Bitch" and that i needed to be careful, turns out she wasn't a bitch at all and after all the things she told me they did to her i understood when she finally quit 2 months after i started. For about a month i worked the night shift by myself, cooking, cleaning, stocking making sure everyone was perfect for when morning shift came in, that became my job if you couldn't do 1 of the 20 things you had to do while multitasking the entire time they would write you up. To add to working nearly 19 days straight with no day off, 12 hours a day, i also had to come and help unload the truck so they called me in twice a week. We get a new hire and she is even nicer than the last person i worked with before, but she has to get Friday and Saturday off one week and Monday and Sunday off the next week(Because of how our schedule worked this gives her 4 days off in a row.). To make it worse most of the people i was hired with left because of poor working condition and out District Manager chose to hire nothing but older women who couldn't lift anything and had trouble getting around. So i was still basically working alone, i had to do everything for everyone and they changed my schedule so that i had to work a Morning Shift to unload the truck by myself, put it up by myself and work register, by my self. My previous coworker had been hammering me to go and work with her again at a competitor's store, i kept telling her no because i liked my coworker that replaced her and didn't want to throw her into the same position as me. Well, we get a new manager and that manager is even worse than the previous one, even lazier and required me to do even more. So after discussing it with my coworker we let her take her vacation to somewhere way to far away for her to ever be back in time to cover me. I worked through friday, saturday and sunday and on sunday i chose not to do anything that i'm supposed to. That morning everyone in morning shift realized how much i actually did for themi at all of them were incredibly angry and my new manager was too she was extremely angry and yelled at me for about 30 minutes. I told her that i was thinking of getting another job and she completely ignored me, okay manager, okay. I called in sick that night, so my manager had to cover my shift, i'm off on tuesday and i have to come in to work a morning shift on wednesday. I submitted my application to the competitor's store and got called back 30 minutes after i submitted it(LITTERALLY 30 MINUTES) and they said my interveiw was on Thursday, my birthday, even fucking better. So i didn't show up on wednesday morning and at 7:48 AM my manager called me "So, your supposed to be here at 6:00 AM where are you at?" i told her "Well i did tell you i was looking for another job, and you completely ignored me." and she said "WELL I WASN"T VERY HAPPY WITH YOUR PERFORMANCE ON MONDAY MORNING SIR!:" and i told her, one of the most satisfying things i'v ever said. "Welp, sorry, but that's not my problem anymore." The best part is that my District Manager who wouldn't hire anyone fit to do the job had to come in and unload our biggest truck by himself, my coworker was in fucking hawaii so no way she could fly back in time to cover the next week that i usually would have and guess who fucking had to, my old manager. This was 2 year's ago, i still work for the competitor company, that manager got fired, the district manager got fired then SUED and the ENTIRE COMPANY GOT SUED FOR UNFAIR TREATMENT! I get paid 4 more dollar's here, get health insurance and i am typing this on vacation WHICH MY VACATION IS THE ANIVERSARY OF WHEN I QUIT THE WORST JOB I'V EVER HAD!
@KarmasAB123 5 жыл бұрын
Your story should be filed under "Truth is Stranger Than Fiction." XD Go write a book.
@joeykeenan2079 5 жыл бұрын
@atyz1000 5 жыл бұрын
I was a lifeguard, coach, instructor, and trainer. I was working doubles everyday where i would open the pools and close them. I would guard in the afternoons while teaching and coaching. I had to scream at one of my kids who wasnt doing their turns while i was rescuing a 6 year old in my one class. I was highly respected by the members and almost the entire staff at our facility. one day i told my boss i needed off for my birthday cause i was gonna go visit my older brother, who i havent seen in months. She told me thats ok and i could have the day off. When that week comes around i was scheduled to work. I told her about our agreement and she said she needed that day off cause she wouldnt be able to open the pool the next day or teach. (she was going to a college party) i told her "ok" and the day before hand I went in and put in my two weeks in a form of a "sorry for your loss" card, and told her she could fire right there if she wanted but i wasnt coming in. I ended up screwing her over majorly by leaving a ton of shifts open, having the pools being closed half the time, losing a lot members and donaters because of the consistent inconvenience. I got a job at a local gym doing over night shifts twice a week, and I dont go all out on my job like i use too. I still stop by the pool to check up on the staff cause i trained most of them, and when ever i go in she trys to kick me out. End of the day the whole facility hates her and almost got the pools and the facility shut down due to the extreme lost in revenue. She didnt get fired over it since the position was hard to fill, and it wouldnt make things easier.
@tinyk1466 5 жыл бұрын
L.A.M.E. That alone belongs on r/crappydesign
@philipmcniel4908 5 жыл бұрын
Probably why we Americans call them A&P's. (Stands for Airframe and Powerplant mechanics.)
@mel3727 5 жыл бұрын
we used to be too lame
@chaosfreake 5 жыл бұрын
I worked as a dog trainer for petsmart and had classes every hour a day 6 hours a work day with an hour for my breaks and an hour for private training or trying to get people signed up for the classes. This was 5 days a week no weekedns off. I was the "manager" for the dog training, as i was the only trainer and the only one that was over me was the assistant manager and store manager. I didnt have to do what other department managers asked of me but would if i had free time to help out. I was in the middle of talking to a client that was wanting additional private classes as she was an older lady around 80. The store manager had just went home for the day and the assistant manager was running a but late and i was about to go home after i was done helping this lady out. The department manager for shipping/recieving (power tripping guy that liked to think he had more pulll than he actually had) lets call him Russ. Well Russ comes up to me while im talking to this woman and cuts me off mid sentence, telling me, not asking, to go unload some pallets that just came in and restock shelves. I said i cant right now im in the middle of something. He said i was the only one that could do it as he had just sent his guys home. I said thats not my department and not my problem, and that i was fixing to be heading home myself. He then said that if i didn't do it i could just go home now (still had 30 minutes left on my shift). I said ok bye. I then told the woman i was trying to help to call me tomorrow and we could work something out for her dog. Russ gets pissed and tells me well if you leave now i might as well not come back. I said works for me. I had about 8 people a class, 6 classes a day, 5 days a week, at about $120 a dog. Thats about $30,000 a month. I had people book up 8 months in advance not to mention the ones i was already working with, so 9 months at about 30k a month thats about 270k for those 9 months counting some of the private classes, which ranged in prices. So 270k for 9 months that i had made the store by my self not to mention my pay which was less than 5% of the total sales (bull i know). As I'm walking away he said well what about your classes, i said its not my problem anymore take it up with SM (store manager). As I'm walking out of the store the assistant manager is coming in and asks me why im leaving before my shift is over, and i tell her that Russ just fired me and i walked away. Well the SM calls me the next day and was pissed, telling me that i should give notice is im going to quit, its unprofessional blah blah blah, i tell hm that Russ fired me I didn't quit and the whole story. Mafter hearing all that he wants me to come back. I said not if hes still there and i want 20% commission on all the classes including the ones i had already had in place and previous classes. He said the best he could do was 13% and make me hourly at like 8 or 9 dollars an hour. I said no and told him good luck with the classes and hung up. I had to go back to the store about 3 months later to pick up frozen rats for my snake and dog food for my dogs because the other pet store didnt have any live rats left. When i went in one of my old coworkers saw me and told me everything that happened. Apparently Russ was fire that next day after he "fired" me, the SM had to refund everyone's money which was well over 300k because of my private classes on top of giving up to $50 in gift cards to people for the inconvenience. And then about a month later the district and regional managers came in to see why the store had lost over 300k in less than a month and the SM was let go. (He was a good guy and was already leaving to be a regional or district manager at best buy so i dont feel bad about it and neither did he, as i got in contact with him and was trying to apologize for him losing his job too) and he said Russ was still unable to find a job as a manager because of the mark on his resume from that job he had worked at for just over 15 years. Justice on too of fuck you fire me!!
@sen4603 5 жыл бұрын
I dared my dad to leave Little did I know I didn’t have to dare him
@l.gsmith8411 5 жыл бұрын
@renem8130 5 жыл бұрын
Did you hire a new one?
@sen4603 5 жыл бұрын
No... but I should lol
@CC-hx8gj 5 жыл бұрын
frozen fire that last emoji looks a little out of place
@ashutoshsamantaray2572 4 жыл бұрын
@@CC-hx8gj what did frozen fire say?
@chrisf524 5 жыл бұрын
Work at any job for 5+ years then everyday becomes fire me idgaf.
@chompski98 5 жыл бұрын
Worked as a busboy for my first job. Told them I was taking my SAT q month before it was scheduled. They still put me on for a shift tgat day. The owners daughter called me in the middle of my test a few times to see where I was. When i called her back she questioned the legitimacy of my test and quote, "Our customers are more important than your tests" I hung up on her and quit the following. week.
@Spartan536 5 жыл бұрын
I worked for a major Sporting Goods Store in the USA, worked there for 1 1/2 years selling firearms, fishing gear, and outdoors stuff. I have about 10 years of retail experience, and I was hired on at minimum wage... $7.25 per hour, because that was all the temporary manager there was allowed to offer as she was only a temp manager. Found out a few months in that other new people with NO retail experience were making 10+ an hour. I ask my new manager to adjust my pay based on my 3 months in performance review plus my previous experience, my boss told me "NOPE, you should have negotiated your pay on hire, and your 3 month review is only for us to see if we want to keep you, your pay review is once a year". Fast forward 6 months and it's pay review time, my performance was solid with a few mistakes here and there as no one is ever perfect in retail. I got a raise and was told "25 cents is the most we can pay raise, so you got the maximum raise". This "coincided" with the minimum wage going up 25 cents, so once again I was at bare minimum wage as the new year rolled in. I left that job a few months later and within 1 week of leaving I got a corporate IT job making 15 per hour, literally DOUBLE what I was making in Retail, I worked there for 3 years, damn good job, got promoted once per year with pay raises that followed the additional responsibility and my bosses were awesome. Moral of the story... Don't ever let someone take advantage of your time like that, you are literally trading your LIFE at a per hour rate and THERE ARE NO REFUNDS. Oh & FUCK RETAIL AS A PROFESSION.
@beebatchelor2569 5 жыл бұрын
i really love how these videos censor the expletives but ThunderCuntMcDouche is just . out there in the open at 5:50
@bena9369 5 жыл бұрын
Lucy Batchelor took me a minute to understand what u meant
@mnguy98 5 жыл бұрын
I actually had to rewatch the vid to notice...
@AnnaMae41194 5 жыл бұрын
Split shift guy is reminding me of my boyfriend. He was asked almost 2 years ago to move to night shift because they needed help and he was one of the best people that they'd trained on night shift. He was hesitant because the last time they'd put him on night shift (to train him because the more jobs you learn where he works, the more money you make) he got little to no sleep, which made him irritable and depressed and really messed with him. However, they told him it would only be for a year max and that he'd get another raise which would be permanent (he is currently making just shy of an assistant manager's pay as an hourly employee at a grocery store). This is why he accepted because at the time we were very hard up, I'd started having problems with my work, I hadn't been diagnosed with my mystery illness that always left me tired and weak (Addison's disease btw) so my work was (illegally) scheduling me for barely 20 hrs as a full time employee. Well, now it's almost 2 years later and they're bullshitting around putting him back on days, making empty promises, skipping over him for position changes, all the bullshit. He barely sleeps and when he does he almost comas out and sleeps from the moment he gets home to the moment he has to get ready for work, which is driving him insane because he doesn't feel rested at all and he feels like the lack of a sleep schedule is pushing his few friends away and not allowing him to have even a tiny bit of a life.
@delevator8755 5 жыл бұрын
Wow... Did he at least get that raise? Why doesn't he quit? Or is it a skilled job in his professional field?
@m_hawthorne 5 жыл бұрын
So one of my first jobs was at a local cafe. I worked there for about a year before I quit. The manager was the owners’ son, so of course he’s the usual spoiled brat type who got that because he’s the child or some shit. I was close to head waitress, only about two positions away, so I rarely saw him. The way the restaurant worked is the lower staff only saw the manager when he came in to see how they were doing or if they got a complaint. The middle class (position I was in) saw him when he would get complaints, see how they were doing, or to see if they needed anything (of course the son didn’t care, and never checked on the wait staff or handled any situations unless it was pointed to him) and the upper staff saw him often for all of the above and more. They basically worked with the manager. So since I was in the middle, we barely saw him. One time, we had a waiter drop a tray after bumping into a guest. The guest was pissed so she called the manager (let’s call him dick for more reasons than one). Dick walked in and handled the situation fairly well. Soon we closed and we all went to the back to close up. Dick started scolding the waiter, who had started only two weeks earlier, and the waiter began to talk back cause he was having none of it. Eventually Dick tried getting physical, so I tried stepping in and said, “don’t fight fire with fire, dick” you know, a cliche saying. He was not much older than me, maybe 19 or 20. He wasn’t a responsible adult though, so of course he acted like every 7th grade boy I used to know and said, “I am fire!” And then, me being the confrontational and outspoken female I am said, “and I’m water, and will put your ass out.” He threatened to fire me saying that he was gonna call his mom and dad. I said “go ahead, try firing me. I’m one of the best waiters you have, so don’t expect to win.” He didn’t. I quit about 5 months later after dick started getting more rude and the customers didn’t get any better
@squeakyelbows 5 жыл бұрын
You'd think it would be bad enough to have your eyebrows get stolen by BTS.
@m_hawthorne 5 жыл бұрын
stewartthehuman lol yee
@gregormundell1058 5 жыл бұрын
BTS Stole My Eyebrows and then everyone clapped.
@roomert 5 жыл бұрын
When I was 7 I worked at a small burger place and all I did was mop and sweep the floors. I was supposed to get $10 a week bu hadn't been paid for like 5 months but no big deal, I was 7 and leagally I can be paid like 10c a year. My manager said to me to sweep around the door. So I did. An old couple came to the door and the man purposefully walked into me and pushed me over. (I sprained my wrist and my ankle). He then screamed at me to watch where I was going. He then ranted to my boss about how I was racist to him. (we're both white). The manager told me to go to the staff room and wait there. After about 5 minutes the owner walks in with the old couple. The woman looked embarrassed. The man told the owner a completely different story and said I was being sexist and how I told him he was to old to come here. My boss then pulls out a VCR and puts the security tape in it (with audio), and it shows that I said nothing and it also shows that he kicked my broom really hard and then used his elbow to push me to the ground. Turned out that my manager had a plan to call the police while we were in the other room. The old couple were arrested for assulting a minor. I didn't press charges because I just wanted to go home. I'm not sure what happened with the charge against them but I havn't seen them since. I also got every single cent owed to me over the five months, and got full paid leave for 3 weeks to heal my sprained ankle and wrist.
@TheGreatRenbox 5 жыл бұрын
My district manager at my last job told me that I was the cause of all the drama at my store and wanted everyone working there replaced and didnt care how she did it, or if any of us became homeless because of it, I am a quiet laid back guy who hates drama and chastised anyone who tried to cause drama involving me or people I knew, she the says that I don't deserve my pay, and that I am a piece of shit, she ended up firing people with false write ups (she fired my roomate at the time october of 2018, and only was able to find a job last month due to jobs being in short supply here), and said that I'd be fired on boxing day when me and a few others got HR, and HR sided with her saying she was the nicest person in the whole company, and wouldnt/couldnt say such horrible things, and wrote us all up. I didnt tell her I had another job lined up, so a week passes and its my 2nd last day there, she pulls me aside, says I have to leave without anything I own out back for my rude comments, and threatening behavior (I didn't do anything but my job, and help customers), some of the customers over heard, and defended me, she tried to get the ones who defended me banned, I then tell her if I am not able to get my jacket or any of the things I own, she is driving me to work the next day, and paying for a cab back because it was snowing out, and I lived an hour away by walk at the time, she refused saying I dont have the right to own things while working for her, I just went out back and took my belongings and left. I later get a phone call from head office and I explain my situation they said they'd look into it. I leave for my next job, and she is there boxing day to fire me and gets upset and calls me asking where I was, I tell her I quit a week before and started a new job, and she instantly asked where I worked, and what my managers name is, I told her to go fuck herself (because I knew she'd probably try to get me fired from my new job). A few days ago I found out that she lost her job for trying to fire someone who was a relative of the company owners. If I ever see her again, I'll tell her how much of a stupid bitch she is for getting rid of people in the ways she did, and ask if karma is a big as fuck bitch to mess with.
@lucash741 5 жыл бұрын
Worked as a chef and we ended up having a bunch of staff quit all at once. Got told I had to cover missing staffs shifts or I'd be replaced with someone willing to do it. I'd been there 2 years and was the only person who knew what they were doing. Yeah how well was that going to work out for you
@fcssensai 5 жыл бұрын
Father and I (Shitty person, we've since cut ties) were driving from Baltimore to Harrisburg to get home in his van he used for work. A lady cut us off, so he honked and flipped her off because she nearly caused a multi-car collision and did so with no turn signal. She called the number on the van, and began complaining. She asked to speak to the owner, and when the owner asked what the van number was, she gave it to him. I don't think she realized my dad owned the company until he said to look in her rear-view mirror. Classic.
@StarmenRock 5 жыл бұрын
thats a gay story bro
@wilderuhl3450 5 жыл бұрын
I’m glad you’ve realized you’re a shitty person, but I’m curious, how do you cut ties with yourself 😂
@TheNinjaMonkey43 5 жыл бұрын
The grill broke at the dairy queen i was working at. The owner bought a toaster oven for me to cook burgers in. (Essentially taking 30 mins for 4 pattys that were dry and smelled horrible) this meant that i had to cook them well in advance of the orders, and keep the burgers in the holding unit for hours until someone ordered a burger. (Head office regulations say that if a burger becomes more than 30 mins old, you have to throw it out) not to mention the fact that there was no grease trap on the toaster oven so there would be fat and blood from the burgers all over the counter constantly. I told the manager that i will not cook burgers like that to which they said "okay ill tell the owner that youre not comfortable with it" the owner comes in less than an hour later in a fit of rage saying "i am in charge! You WILL cook burgers or you can leave! Do you want to lose your job!?!" I replied saying "Do you want to lose yours?! Fire me for this! I dare you! Ill have this place shut down in less than a week!" (I had multiple pictures and stories that i could tell head office and the health department that would have the place shut down immediately.) The owner stood there glaring at me in anger and then left.
@sanddagger36 5 жыл бұрын
Used to put in ten hours a day and the work of three people, also trained the new hires. Each time I trained a new hire, they would get a raise after their training period was up and would be making more than me. Eventually I decided to quit. Boss begged me to stay and finally offered me a raise. Was too late by then. Last I heard he has five people doing the job I used to because no one can do it as well.
@thomasturner6980 5 жыл бұрын
Story time: my dad knew a guy who use to be in the British military. He was doing radar on the night of the 1974 Cyprus Invasion. On the night he turned off the radar and went to sleep. The next morning it turned out the Turks have invaded! He got a court Marshall and time in jail for it
@xXPamelaXalemaPXx 5 жыл бұрын
I was working at a really popular retail store (as popular as Zara) and I was only in on Saturdays because I was still in school back then. One Saturday the manager started yelling at me infront of all the costumers how he saw me stealing something and putting it in my pockets.. he really was embarrassed when I showed him that the thing in my pocket was a Sticker with the size of the clothes on it that we're supposed to remove before they get out in store. I then reported him. He didn't get fired but moved to another store. Then a few months later when I was supposed to work I walked in returned my uniform and quit immediately because Saturday workers get treated like shit there. They asked me if I will atleast stay the day working there since they were short on employees. I just signed the paper that I was quitting, told them that that was their problem not mine and walked out. Shittiest management I have ever encountered.
@geekygamergirl7259 5 жыл бұрын
I was a popular waitress at a senior home. Like we had two asshole guys living there and they were nice to me. One even gave the rest of the staff nicknames but not me. I was called by name and given first choice of the sweets he'd give us (technically illegally according to our contracts) as gifts. One day I was at the gym and some kids were left unattended splashing in the pool. I was super careful but still slammed straight onto my knees. I'll say this part because it gives me faith in humanity. People came running over to help me. Like three women in the nearby hot tube almost leaped out to make sure I was okay! My knees were sprained. Both of them! And when I came in with a doctor's note instead of giving me time off my manager looked at me and said to see the same doctor again and to get EXACT details on how much I could walk/how much I could carry and all that so they could find the most most taxing job possible for me to do in those restrictions. I explained to her it was an ObamaCare clinic because they didn't provide medical and the staff there moved so much I'd never seen the same person there twice. She didn't care. She demanded that it had to be the same doctor and she wanted the details. This is the same bitch that had to start begging us not to quit because we were dropping like flies at her not knowing how to manager. She literally had to run to the office to print out forms for a meeting once when she realized she was suppose to! So I just rested. Of course she didn't fire me. That's not the end. I stayed because I loved the residence and they loved me. But my knees started to hurt. She demanded to know why I was delivering slower and I told her I should probably get my knees looked at again. From that day on she scheduled me weekday ;unch/dinner shifts. As I couldn't see the doctor! So one day we're over staffed somehow and I ask her if I can leave and she says "No. We need everyone!" I sighed but went back to limping around which the very protective of my residence noticed. Then she did the worst thing she could do! There's 4 sections in our job and we schedule 4-5 so someone can pick up the slack and serve coffee. These guys loved their coffee. The very next day it's down to 3 of us! I'm trying to get her attention hearing her talk to someone over the phone about a cough! A fucking cough! I froze when she said they could take the day off. She looked me died in the guy to see me die inside and asked what was wrong to which I commented. "So...who is going to do deliveries?" I was panicking because most of the time it was MY job. "3! Like always." "There is no section 3 anymore! There's only 2 of us here left!" The bitch actually went pale! She didn't notice we were understaffed with only 2 waitresses there when just two days before she told me I was needed when we accidentally had 6 on staff that day! She didn't even try to call anyone! We were so ready to walk off then! Just leave the dining area with no servers! I started yelling at her. I wanted to be fired! Give me unemployment! But she was more scared of getting in trouble for losing more staff. I was being milked because the residences loved me! She had to learn! I gave her one more week to at least give me a schedule where I could get my knees looked at. She didn't. I sadly had to make the first move and quit but it was satifying hearing her stutter in fear that she only had bitches and a lazy asshole left. All the other good people had already left. My only regret was not being there when we got the news they were under investigation.
@HyperfixatationInc 5 жыл бұрын
I once broke my arm and called into work on my way to the hospital and my manager told me I had to find someone to cover, I sent a few texts and no one could come in and so I called again and he said "guess you're coming in" and I just laughed and said "good luck with that pal" and hung up. I spent most of the night at the hospital, him calling me constantly for like 4 hours. The next day I showed up in a cast with a doctor's note that excused me for the minimum of two weeks but to be extended as needed. It was my favorite encounter of the two years I worked there. Two years where I was hired at 7.25 and left at 7.25.
@sedricacevedo4554 5 жыл бұрын
I told my ex boss that my 1 year review should be coming up so he could tell me my job performance and he spent the next 3 days writing a 7 page booklet on my performance, now before i worked there, their social media was trash and their website was non functioning without me they had nothing worth looking at. And during the review he said i came in late too many times. Took long lunch breaks wasnt 100% productive and that i need to do more work. Keep in mind I was an independent Contractor and that he wS treating me like a employee without the benefits. So i told him i cant believe you say these things about me when your company has improved vastly because of me, so i said this is my 2 weeks and i am leaving after that, sorry i can't work in a toxic environment like this. He would fight with him parents daily in the office too. When i said i was quitting he said what can i do to make you stay, i said i already told you what to do and you just said i was 100% worth it. And he offered me a raise of 1$, a few months later 2 more employees quit and he hires another photographer who sucks and i found a job that paid 5 dollars more per hour.
@noahmoody1640 5 жыл бұрын
Bruh I had one boss that approved my NON PAID time off twice and both times when i got back she got mad at me for not getting approval when i had proof of my approved requests
@Miss__Victoria 5 жыл бұрын
owners son told me threatened to cut my pay and benifits for not doing a favour for them for the thousandth time, then proceded to say that they didnt ask much of me and told me I had it easy and I didnt really do much for them and how I never worked overtime, all of which were bs lies as busted my ass for em, so I quit. little did they know, probably 3/4 of the employees are also quitting for similar reasons within the next few weeks. 4 people quit the same week I quit. and all of the supervisors are just losing their shit trying to cover everything. I've not been so happy about leaving a job before lol.
@Hunterstiq 5 жыл бұрын
Split shifts man. 6 - 10 am and 4:30 - 10 pm, 6 days a week. The managers constantly begging us to come in for "just another day, it's an easy night." while they are off partying. Too many flashbacks, get out of there while you can.
@livingcorpse5664 5 жыл бұрын
2nd story: Don't be unreasonable with the people you hire to fix your stuff, and don't get angry & threaten them when they answer your question on how long it's gonna take.
@202cardline 5 жыл бұрын
We used to be 2 LAME *pause* ....which means we are two licensed aircraft maintenance engineers of course. We are actually really cool.
@desidious4521 5 жыл бұрын
I worked at a fledgling electrical company as an electrician for three years. The owner was struggling to pay his employees because he spent half the profit on blow. Told him that if he does not pay me I will not work. He told me I was expendable, and could easily be replaced. We did special custom work for a lot of rich folks and all the customers and builders we work with have my number and I know their families. When boss didn't pay me on payday (every Thursday evening) Friday morning I would roll up with my helper, chik-fil-a in hand, we cleaned the van, looked at the schedule, and then right before we clocked in checked our bank accounts. If we didn't see anything we packed the van up and left. Boss would call and drive over to my house with a personal check to give me before I went to work. After half a year of this the helper and I left and started our own thing with all those builders and former clients of the dick head bosses. Man's in jail now for meth dealing and stealing.
@maddiehail7991 5 жыл бұрын
My cousin (C) had to move due to school, which meant he had to find a job on pretty short notice. He got a job loading loading trucks for this small shipping company, which he was satisfied with as he was used to working these jobs before. It was fine for a week or so until the shift manager started bitching and yelling at everyone for any little detail. At some point he got mad at C for loading the boxes wrong, even though it was company procedure or whatever. C didn’t care enough to argue so he just went with it and things were normal for a little while. Eventually, the company stopped sending his checks all together, always promising to send it the next payday. This was a HUGE deal to C because he was poor af and the city was super expensive. There were points where his only meal for the day would be a small sandwich until his roommates took pity on him and offered to help him out. The company continued to bitch about his work ethic, yet apologize for the paycheck situation and promise to pay him the next time and such. The problem supposedly happened because they didn’t have his employment code (bullshit). Three weeks later C basically said “fuck it” and didn’t show up for work. Company was pissed to say the least, but after lots of over the phone arguing, they’d sent C his missing pay. He’s doing much better now, thank god.
@shps8609 5 жыл бұрын
I used to work 3 separate positions for a dine in theater. Food runner, kitchen staff and party/event host, meaning I made pretty good money. Based on my living situation at the time I had actually turned down management due to the traveling requirements linked to training for other out of state locations for the parent company. After two years of good money I decided that I wanted to move on to a better situation. I spoke with the owner who was really nice and understanding and put in my two weeks. My very last day working there I had 2, 2 hour long parties scheduled during a 5 hour block followed by a half shift as a lead foodrunner. That day it just so happened to be a Thursday which was when we received hourly wage paychecks. While you are hosting you arent allowed to be on the clock since you get guaranteed money out of gratuity with the open opportunity to accept tips. After my 5 hour block of hosting was done I clocked in for my last section of regular shift work. After I input my info to the system I turned around to see one of the new management hires looking very upset at me. When I asked what the issue was he started railing at me about how no one else had shown up for, "my shift." and that he had, "Tried calling me several times to get me to come in." (we arent allowed to have our phones on us when hosting.) and finished his rant with, "You have got to be one of the most useless employees I have ever seen.". Thing is, this manager was already building a nasty reputation of being extremely rude and vulgar to the other newer employees (I was amongst a group that had been with the theater since its doors first opened.) I dead ass looked him in the eyes as I clocked right back out and held up my paycheck and the *$265* that I had just made in combined gratuity and tips followed by me walking over to the owner of the company who was doing his monthly check in, explaining the situation and then walking out of the door. Friends that still work there tell me that manager got fired a week after I left. Justice served.
@motorxrules1 5 жыл бұрын
The one at 5:00 reminds me of one of my old bosses, would tell him i'm taking leave 2months in advance, would then email him a month before as a reminder, then two weeks before and he would still forget and be supprised when I didn't turn up for work.
@l_2.065 5 жыл бұрын
11:12 "Pizza Hutt" What planet is this, Tatooine?
@frodobaggins6684 5 жыл бұрын
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
@bena9369 5 жыл бұрын
The two ‘t’s?
@mongmanmarkyt2897 5 жыл бұрын
Pizza the hutt
@buca117 5 жыл бұрын
No, it's Varl, the hutts' homeworld. Even worse, since apparently it was blasted to kingdom come by a super nova.
@noobahata 5 жыл бұрын
Worked at a 5 guys knock off. I was dressing burgers and cooking fries during a crazy rush. My manager was just standing there watching not helping which he was supposed to do. I was falling behind and getting upset about being behind and the manager not doing shit. Eventually he walked over to me and in front of the customers yelled at me to man up. I just looked at him and said naaa you need to man up your behind on the burgers took off my apron, hat and shirt and tossed them him all just hitting the floor. Went home and told my dad what happened. He was their attorney. Got a call 2 days later from the ower wanting to sit down to discuss what happened. Basically they tried to get me to say I was sorry for leaving the shift early and if I did that I could have my job back. Said it wasn't my job to juggle the 2 most important jobs during a rush and that the manager hired to help out was just jerking off in the corner. I ended up getting my job back. I was quitting in 4 weeks anyway cause I was moving for school. Since the same manager was in charge of scheduling my last 2 weeks of work I was never even put on the sheet. Didn't even put my 2 weeks in. He thinks he had the last laugh but me and some co-workers had noticed huge gaps in pay like some days were not added in. I was owed around 2k and my other coworkers even more. We ended up sueing (my dad had fired them as clients after I had walked off the line) and won. the place had 3 stores and all closed within a month of eachother. One of the owners also got a assault charge cause he choked out an employee during hours then verbally assaulted him. Last I heard he was doing a few years in jail and the other owner ended up filing for bankruptcy and got a divorce.
@thelunchlady8276 5 жыл бұрын
I was a chef at a hotel and got very sick. I was supposed to do a wedding one sunday and was throwing up and feverish. I called and said i couldn't make it in. My boss said if I didn't come in, I would be fired. My wife just gave birth to our daughter so I said, to hell with it, and came in. I was doing dessert platters and carving roast beef and running over to the sink and puking into it. One of the servers came over and was like, man, why are you here? I said, who's going to do it, (boss)? Then I conveniently didn't make it to the kitchen sink and went to the guest restroom to puke. One of the guests heard me and told the groom's mom or something and they got pissed. They went to management and said they were going to the board of health, suing them, etc. My boss tried giving me shit about it. I went over her head to her boss and I went home. They had to comp the whole wedding reception and my boss wouldn't even talk to me.
@Dark_Tale_2077 5 жыл бұрын
Worked an under staffed job. Starting getting horrible hours at weird times despite the manager knowing that I had a second job and that these hours meant I wouldn't be getting any sleep. I am told I now also need to train the new hires and my manager sticks them on the busiest days of the week. Suffice to say, they don't last long. Getting shit on by awful people because they don't yet know how to do their job is not something most people are willing to put up with. Start getting tired of this shit both figuratively and literally. Start looking for a better job and managed to find one with better pay. I tell my manager that if things don't improve, I am walking out that door and never coming back. She laughs in my face. I find out that I can start in a week at the other job. No more than a few hours after finding out this, my manager calls me up, tells me I need to work _during_ my other job and that I would be training someone new again. Tell her that I can't do that. She tells me that I don't have a choice. I tell her that I absolutely have a choice. Right now it involves me never stepping foot in that store ever again if she expects me to do this. She just laughs and tells me that she expects to see me that Saturday. I never showed up. Had to work after all. Got a call from her about a few hours in asking where the hell I am. Tell her I am at my other job and that I had found a replacement for her job. She tells me that she needs someone there, she is working there alone. Tell her she should have thought ahead in case I decided to say screw this, I don't need this job! Hung up on her and never looked back. I did hear she got replaced by corporate just a few months later.
@TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 5 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Vince McMahon fired Donald Trump at one point in time
@ManOfEngland12 5 жыл бұрын
Just Some Guy without a Mustache elaborate, ik he made an appearance at wrestlemania 25 is that related?
@articusramos808 5 жыл бұрын
You seem familiar....
@astralphene 5 жыл бұрын
Just Some Guy without a Mustache wow, I see you everywhere. That's honestly quite impressive
@squidz3233 5 жыл бұрын
@@ManOfEngland12 *23
@TheSaintBigFoot 5 жыл бұрын
And it shows
@Ena48145 5 жыл бұрын
If it weren't for one of the users stating that their place of work of said register and shipment incident was a grocery store, I would be convinced it was hobby lobby. The store I worked for brought in anywhere from $20k - $75k a day. One cashier in the morning. One cashier at night. No, I am not exaggerating.. the small amount of floor employees who are department heads are called up over and over to ring for the duration of their 8-10 hour shift. At the end of the day, the managers always want to know why the aforementioned department managers didn't touch their freight that is supposed to somehow magically be up by the end of their shift or why they didn't get any resets done.. One manager even had the nerve to scream at, bully, and harass employees every single day to the point where they would always cry because of him and his ludicrous demands.. he would scream and say WORD FOR WORD that being on a register for 8 hours straight without being able to get off is no excuse for not getting salesfloor work done. He would try to drill this into our brains every single day.. The piece of trash worthless pathetic excuse for a human being ended up getting fired eventually just like he deserved.
@LightRosey247 5 жыл бұрын
after two months at my first job as a server i got super sick out of the blue and nobody could cover my shift for the following day. i brought this up to the manager who knew i wasn't faking it and she insisted i come in anyway (keep in mind i was burning up with fever and coughing gross germs everywhere, and she wanted me to come and serve people food). we went back and forth for a while, she took advantage of me being pretty young and not wanting to lose my first job in order to guilt trip me into coming and it almost worked; until i told my mom about it. she was livid and chewed out my manager thru the phone for trying to manipulate a sick-as-a-dog teenager and asked to speak to the owner, who also chewed out my manager. i actually ended up going to the hospital and staying overnight because of how sick i'd gotten, and i put in my two weeks once i realized, in hindsight, how shitty management was. seriously, who the hell tries to force a sick employee to come into work?
@fierroboy1 5 жыл бұрын
Worked at a security company for a few years. We 2 teams of 5 guards and we shared patrol trucks between the teams on each others days off. We had a new guy that came in who was filthy. He wore a 1 piece pijama under his uniform and would not shower after a 12 hour shift and just get back up and go to work. Well he infested one of the trucks with bed bugs.He had hubdreds of bug bites on his arms. I wrote to management and hr stating health concerns for the rest of us and they said they coyldnt fire him because it was discriminatory. The company spent hundreds possbly a couple rhousand dollars getting the truck sprayed for bugs and wouldnt fire him. Eventually we just austrasized him and he requested to leave to a different account. Management was always incompetant and didnt do anything about crappy employees until they fucked something up for the client.
@friendlypolytheist1201 5 жыл бұрын
If I was sick and my boss forced me to go to work. I would show up turn on the intercom and say “Hello wonderful people of (shop name) my manager forced me to come I even though I am severely sick. Be careful of anything you buy here because you never know who it is handled by. *insert hacking and puking while still on intercom*”
@lotoex 5 жыл бұрын
Sadly the customers wouldn't care. I work overnights alone at a Subway. One day I got sick from eating a Seafood sub there. Customer: "You don't look so good." Me: "I got diarrhea and have been throwing up in the back. I felt fine when I came in, but after eating the Seafood I felt so sick." Customer: "Oh you have Seafood here. I haven't had one of those in awhile that sounds good." Me:"......"
@friendlypolytheist1201 5 жыл бұрын
lotoex Well that’s just natural selection.
@Bigfoot_With_Internet_Access 5 жыл бұрын
I think I've said this before. But you don't have to worry about getting fired if you just don't even have a job.
@feetwithtoesjoe8875 5 жыл бұрын
@CvBurgundy 5 жыл бұрын
This video has breathed life into me. I wish for another.
@madam-mint 5 жыл бұрын
My first real boss...well, to cut to the chase, she emotionally abused me and hated my guts. Maybe it was me, I'm sorry I couldn't meet her standards. "Stop asking so many stupid questions." "But I genuinely don't know." Had to read our manual for regular training. Read the whole thing to try and find answers to my questions. "YOU TOOK SO LONG TO READ THE MANUAL!" "You wouldn't answer my questions so I looked for help in there." "You don't know as much as you should." Gee, I wonder whose fault that was! I was trying my best to do exactly as she said, maybe I'm just an idiot. Caught her talking about me behind my back. Had another co-manager who used me as an emotional punching bag whenever she was pissed off, then acted all sweet and friendly. Gave me an "annual review" after 10 months, basically said "you're horrible at your job and we're disappointed in you, see you tomorrow". I cried for such a long time. My parents actually begged me to quit. Ten months. It wasn't necessarily traumatic but I left that job a different person in the worst way.
@FrancoCastro 5 жыл бұрын
I was a sysadmin for a medium size company. me and a coworker were the only two guys in IT handling everything working never less than 14 hours a day. We did it for the over time as it was paid triple. One day they told is that they wouldn't be paying more than 8 extra hours of overtime right there my ex collegue quit. I stayed under the condition that they would hire more people and I get to keep my extra time. They only honored the latest. Then a few weeks later told. Me that I could keep my extra time but my salary would be capped to regular 40 hours salary plus 100 percent (I was doing over 4 times my normal salary and seems like the issue is that they now had salary brackets and I was doing way too much. I said that I would then only work my 40 hours (single and ni debt i didn't really needed the extra money) next Monday I get a call saying that half of the tickets in the queue had breached SLA (another great idea implemented by Management) and said that I would do whatever I could next shift. They told me to get it fixed now or better dont show tomorrow so I quit right there. They had no idea how anything worked as everything was made in house snd there was no documentation. Ended working as a contractor for them billing for 5 hours what I wasnt making in a full day.
@arkdirfe 5 жыл бұрын
It's beyond me how managers just fail to recognize a keystone when they see one.
@Allexz 5 жыл бұрын
I love these! So much fun. It's probably the only place that I, as a Swedish person can hear these kinds of stories as we have employment laws that would make every single one of these scenarios impossible.
@adamkingcha 5 жыл бұрын
As a fellow Swede all I can say is that a lot of shit happens anyway due to workers not knowing their rights
@kellieanderic 5 жыл бұрын
Was working construction (demolition) and was only there a few months but I picked up on it really quickly. I realized it wasn’t for me but still needed a cash flow while looking for a new job. Told my boss I had to take a few hours off for an interview. Told me he’d fire me if I went to it. Besides me there were only 4 other workers he had so I knew he needed the help. Went up to him and said “Well good luck taking down the rest of those units walls by the end of summer with four guys” I kept my job and proceeded with the interview. I now work in a casino
@some1_on_youtube 5 жыл бұрын
Manager disrespected me in front of his family/customers. I waited for them to leave, then professionally confronted him, he cussed me out. I almost lost it (staying professional) ,afterwards he didn't show up for a week and never looked me in the eyes. We both knew I was going to bash his head on the desk.
@williammitchell2046 5 жыл бұрын
Weird fact: A lot of carnivals are constantly understaffed because the wages they pay are LOW. (200 bucks a week to work a minimum of 10-12 hours a day, and working from noon sunday to 12am monday, 36 hours straight, EVERY week, to take down rides, pack and clean them, take them to the next town, unpack, clean them again, and do neccesary maintenance before putting them together again.) Turns out, being able to dissasemble, pack, reassemble, and maintain a ride by yourself is a helluva talent. (requiring a lotta strength, too) and I was one of 2 people that could do it during my time. They stiffed me on 2 weeks pay. I bailed before we began disassembling rides, forcing them to hiring 3 people (2 workers and a properly certified electrician, to disassemble the ride and maintain it before it made the journey.
@G0SuBunnY 5 жыл бұрын
I worked a Hyatt place in new york during the opening of the building. I helped setup the hotel, and did my job more so than most of the others. I got yelled at for doing my work to fast, I told them does it matter? The work is getting done, and it gives me time to further clean up w/e anyone left behind. Fast forward to a few weeks later, my uncle and grand father had passed in what can onnly be described as freak accident, I told my boss about it, and gave him the information to the funeral home, I was approved. when I had returned to ressume work I was let go "Because I didn't attend the staff meeting, and I was at the funeral, I called corperate" and I told them I would alert the media, "they said go ahead" my grandfather made the papers that my bosses boss was holding, I pointed it out and said "I know who I'm going to call" his office, was only 15 minutes away , The New York Post. needless to say payback felt good.
@dbergerac9632 5 жыл бұрын
My boss refused me $.50 raise so I quit. He ended up replacing my position with two people. I know this for a fact because the two people he replaced me with were first cousins to me. His management skills were poor enough that he was demoted a few months later.
@ジョジョさま 5 жыл бұрын
My manager knew that nobody else would cover weekend night shifts in the ghetto. She tried to assign new hires to double cover with me. None of them ever lasted more than a month. And after a year, I didn't get my raise. I gave my manager nearly 5 weeks notice. Still didn't find anyone. I did my part. And more.
@DerKommercial2008 5 жыл бұрын
People who typically have their head up their ass can never see how bad it is outside of it.
@basillah7650 5 жыл бұрын
because they never work just like cochroaches they run when a customer comes just like when the lights are turned on at night
@Arterexius 5 жыл бұрын
This is mostly done as jokes, but at my old workplace, I was the only one who fully knew what we had and didn't have in our storage rooms in an old basement. Which basicly meant that whenever my boss jokingly fired me, I jokingly threw the entire management of those storerooms onto my boss. Which always had me "re-hired" immediatly with a bit of cursing first. Reason being that I also created their storage system for them (they're an IT shop) because they previously had everything tossed into different bags with no single bag containing 1 kind of IT equipment. It was all different kinds and of different ages of IT. The only things that were somewhat ordered, was the PC's and the monitors as they had their own corners on the floor (yes, that's right. There were barely any shelves to put stuff on) and the servers, which had their own shelves they were placed on. All other shelves were full of shit too. I ended up going 80% through it and threw more than a ton of garbage out while developing their storage rooms. All the while recieving "new wares" (we took in a lot of old IT equipment (including old printers for some f'd up reason) and reused most of it.. Most. The printers were never reused) which had to get a place too. We're talking a storage space about the size of an 80 m2 apartment with a very low ceiling (anyone around 186 and above couldn't stand upright down there). Pretty understandable why I was always "re-hired"..
@jzc5555 5 жыл бұрын
Being in a management position I always make sure those I'm in charge of are taken care of because the better they do the better we all do. I never understood leaders who think being a hardass makes them good at their job, and I'm a Marine.
@Brievel 5 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of something I once heard an ex-Army officer say: being an officer doesn't mean better mess and better quarters, it means making sure everyone under your command has everything they need before even thinking of getting it for yourself.
@jzc5555 5 жыл бұрын
@@Brievel I've heard that aswell. I'm not an officer, yet, I'm currently a sergeant.
@Brievel 5 жыл бұрын
@@jzc5555 Oh. I don't know the system very well, at what rank is one considered an officer?
@jzc5555 5 жыл бұрын
@@Brievel Theres two separate rank structures, well 3 if you count warrant officers but they're rare. Enlisted and commissioned, doesn't matter how long you're enlisted technically you'll always be lower rank than the lowest commissioned. I'm currently enlisted, I just finished college so I'm applying to commission. Once you commission you're now an officer.
@Brievel 5 жыл бұрын
@@jzc5555 Ah. I did know about non-coms but I thought they also counted a officers, just... different.
@FirstLast-cg2nk 5 жыл бұрын
0:24 Moral of this story: If someone tells you that a machine has multiple near-catastrophic problems that will require lengthy repairs and multiple replacement parts, threatening to fire them if they don't meet an impossible deadline isn't going to magically make it easier or quicker to repair, all it does is make you look like an idiot for trying it in the first place.
@mindofemerald9978 5 жыл бұрын
I guess i am the only one with a nice job and a manager i like to work for.
@jon-47 5 жыл бұрын
Love my job, manager, and coworkers :p
@justkibby5959 5 жыл бұрын
My gm was awesome, we are good friends. It was her boss that can kiss my ass.
@Thewritingelf 5 жыл бұрын
She I have a great boss and some good co-workers but not a good manager. That's the only one that's really fucking me over.
@frodobaggins6684 5 жыл бұрын
I love my store manager and lower managers but there's always that "one" who's too overdramatic...
@mindofemerald9978 5 жыл бұрын
@@frodobaggins6684 that's also true. But i just try to avoid that guy.
@Rptor_ 5 жыл бұрын
I have a similar story that happened to my Mum last year. A colleague of hers rang her at work to try and take some time off work (She's like second in command at her office) and she says no because they were behind schedule and they wanted like a week off for the sake of having a week off. So yeah, she refuses this guy his week off and says after they were back on schedule he can have his week off, which took less than 4 days. The guy agreed to this but some idiot overheard this and took it completely out of context saying my Mum was refusing this guy a holiday and legal time of work, not a week off. He ends up chatting a lot of mean stuff behind her back but nobody believes him as my Mum is genuine and listens to people's appeals for time off work. Anyway this guy still isn't happy and makes a complaint to the government agency that my Mum works for and they start chasing her up about it. Mum starts getting stressed at work as she's now facing shit off the external agency and her boss who both are looking into possibly cancelling her contract. She gets called up by her boss who gives her paid leave which begins to lead up to her investigation by the external agency. When that agency digs deep into her office and her colleagues it turns out nobody wants to make a formal complaint about her. So after being off paid leave for the best part of two months (which sounds good but she would only get paid if she was fired, if she remained she wouldn't get paid) and generally being stressed as a chicken. She comes back to a mountain of work that was supposed to be done during paid leave, an email on her works laptop confirmed this but it was in her locker in the office which according to a piece of paper she cannot go near. Boss threatens a firing but she points out she is the only one who does any work and was sorting out other people's mishaps whilst on paid leave. About a month later we get a half assed apology and a cheque for her paid leave. The guy who made the complaint later left the agency after (and this is karma) two complaints backed up with evidence. My Mum still works there but only because the pay is good and her amazing qualifications only allow her to work in that sector. A year later it still leaves a bad taste in our mouths.
@bearssiath9609 5 жыл бұрын
Kinda the same thing, but my dad is a juvinile probation officer. A lot of kids are just on drugs and a lot of kids end up dying by overdosing or getting killed over drugs and parents like to blame the probation officers for not doing anything. They always have to make sure they have proof so they can't be sued. Whenever parents are like I'll get you fired my dad laughs at them. Also another note, a lot of times the kids die because they are not locked up like they should be. My dad recommended that this kid should be locked up to a judge and the judge just said no and let the kid go. He overdosed literally the next day. My dad called the parents and said I did everything I could but the judge didn't listen :/
@jesterhassad 5 жыл бұрын
Damn genius, getting someone to fire you instead of quitting to get severence
@aurea. 5 жыл бұрын
So many power moves here, it's glorious
@AzzRushman 5 жыл бұрын
For some reason, companies don't quite think that workers can also be humans.
@bobowon5450 5 жыл бұрын
Had a job where our warehouse manager quit so I as a low payed grunt took over the manager position, took orders, sent out orders, Always helped train the new guys. When I asked for a raise the boss told me that if i wanted a raise I needed to be more of a leader. I'm going to school for IT work now.
@unokitsune 5 жыл бұрын
Work at a craft store where they sent me home for my religion and wrote me up for being born with Autismn. Threatened to fire me when I went to Human Rights Commission. Managers are now nice to me and it is on federal record of how bad some of our staff and customers are. Corporate staff was forced to change a lot.
@LordKrobekishnuv 5 жыл бұрын
People that try to get people fired because they’ve been mildly inconvenience are the worst kind of people.
@mos._tavren 5 жыл бұрын
One time while working at gamestop we were supposed to get black ops 4 copies and they didn't come a few hours passed customers are waiting and then the manager says "mike if that box filled with black ops 4 copies are not here by midnight i will fire you" i simply told him "that sounds more like a you problem than a me problem" he didn't fire me
@gimmmicky 5 жыл бұрын
Only 14 so don’t have a real job. I did, however, work a bit in lawn mowing with a few friends over the summer. After the first week or so, we had a sort of hierarchy in the “business” and put up posters and everything. This is important later. So my friend is essentially the boss as it’s his idea, and his mum made us some custom t-shirts. I rang up my friend on his landline a few days before we had a big job (Mowing 3 houses with promised pay of 20 bucks per person) and tell him I’ll be late. He’s like “Oh fuck off, Indiana, we don’t need you.” And then I say “well give me back our lawnmower.” He apologized and accepted that I would be late. I used my twenty bucks in like an hour lol
@sosig6445 5 жыл бұрын
When they think your job is irreplaceble for you but actually you are the irreplacable staff member...
@DerKommercial2008 5 жыл бұрын
4:31 - Every call center. Never, EVER work for West, Alorica, Teleperformance, or any other call center outsourcing company. Well, if it comes down to starving to death, or working at one, only do it until you have the resources to go to a better area. Buying a common car that isn't prone to failure of expensive parts (or cheap parts that are expensive to fix) will help a lot in keeping such a miserable job from being a "keep the car running so I don't get fired and starve" job. I walked out on one last year after ten years, when I was demoted, got a pay cut, and lost out on another promotion to the IT group, to a new hire with no history in the position (that I had been doing for years without the promotion) all in the same day. Years back, I was reprimanded for repairing the broken bluetooth headsets that the company refused to replace due to their high cost.
@dylancavill1921 5 жыл бұрын
I work in a shed scrapping engines with the smell of shit wafting through from a sewage plant and have been for the last 6 months. They spent a year trying to find someone for this job. After 4 months of me working they try to chew me out for clocking in five minutes late and wanted to dock an hours pay. I said "pay my full wage, or spend another year finding some other goon to stand in the shed smelling shit all day." I now get to come in up to ten minutes late every day and my manager will rectify my sheet for full pay because he doesn't want me to go and kick him back a year's worth of head hunting
@trentryan27 5 жыл бұрын
Never had any "fire me" moments but if I did I'd probably be fired
@jeaniebird999 5 жыл бұрын
I worked at a temp agency once that, I guess, fired me... I spoke my mind about something and instead of addressing it, they just stopped returning my calls or giving me assignments. When I would go into the office they would just tell me that someone would get back to me but then ignore me! This was a professional business! I was positively shocked that they would just ghost me like a snotty, teenage girl! But, I figured, I wouldn't want to work for a business like that, so it was fine with me.
@NarfireVA 5 жыл бұрын
Used to work for a certain red craft store, was promised a raise that I never got. Even though that was the main reason that I put in the two weeks, the other huge reason that store had the worst people working there. A restocking manager that talked to you like you were special needs, a coworker that was extremely rude and immature that I later found out was the deadbeat loser of my older sister's high school graduating class, and on top of that at the time I hadn't even worked there for long and they had me training new hires that would quit a lot faster than I did. Towards the end of my time there they would pretty much only schedule me two 4 hour shifts a week and I made sure to do my job, just do it at a pace worthy of the respect they gave. Honestly it's my fault for not quitting sooner.
@Derek1098x 5 жыл бұрын
It’s weird for me hearing someone talk about New Years being in the summer. I never really think about how different a holiday is based on geography and seasonal differences and therefore how others perceive it differently than I do. Neat.
@iM7SnaKe 5 жыл бұрын
I was working one summer for my parents at This restaurant. There was alot of clients that day and I could not let reservation for a table more than 30min. I receive a call for a table for 4. The old man came 45min earlier of the time he reserved it and sits at his table, so I asked him nicely if other 3 gonna come earlier too so I can move the reservation if not he should wait at the entrance on the couch. he said: no, I'm gonna wait them here, they gonna be here in a moment. I was like: ok, if they are on the way np. Then I back to talk to him after 45min: so are your friends on the way? ( The restaurant was full and I could use that table to sit other people in those 45min) . He starts to scream at me, blaming for bad manners because I asked him too many times how much time his friends needed ( I asked only twice lol) and he called my boss. My dad came in and said: how can I help you? The old man: I want you to fire this arrogant guy, he treated me like a piece of shit. My dad said: I won't. ( He saw All the scene) You should see this old man red face, he just stands up and walked out of the restaurant.
@Viipxz 5 жыл бұрын
1:25 my mom owns a restaurant chain that does catering and I can confirm that people mess up their orders all the time and try to blame it on us lol
@stevenboykin116 5 жыл бұрын
I've got to admit that whole working New Year's and ending the sentence with the rest of summer threw me for a second I had to think for a second lol...
@srujanagrawal9492 5 жыл бұрын
Worked for a certain independently owned franchise in the US. After a few years I worked my way up to Store Assistant Manager. My manager was very lazy and trained me to basically do his job (minus 1 or 2 things). I was fine with it because I knew he was planning on leaving soon and it made me look qualified for the position. Fast forward 6 months, Manager turns in his 2 weeks, recommends me as new Manager to the Owner. All the other employees also knew how hard I worked and respected me, so I was probably the best fit. Owner didn't explicitly say i would get it, but seemed to hint it. Worked my butt off making sure I knew everything for the next 2 weeks before old manager left. Day after manager leaves, Owner calls meeting with all employees and some new guy. Turns out hes the New Manager. Everyones shocked. After the meeting I talk to Owner asking him why I didnt get the position. Says im inexperienced. Im prepared to brush it off, as I was still in college. Until Owner says hes scheduling me overtime for next 2 weeks to train new Manager. After some back and forth, I realize I'm not getting any type of promotion/raise (i was still making the same as a shift leader, 2 ranks below me). Walked out. Talked to a friend who stayed few months later. Turns most of the other employees followed suit afterwards and the store basically had to close for 2 weeks. Noone, not even Owner, knew how to do most of the stuff required and had to get corporate to come teach new manager. Afterwards, the new employees who were hired and trained by new manager turned out shit. Owner apparently telling everyone how its my fault as I was the one who trained them, and that its a good thing i didnt become Manager. The shit employees....who were hired...after I quit....
@MythicalPhoebe 5 жыл бұрын
i was working at a shitty grocery store job. i hated it so much that i was actively searching for a new job with the intent to quit as soon as i could. eventually i found another job, but it was only weekends. i told my boss, and i knew what the policy needed me to be available on weekends. instead of my boss simply asking me to make sure i knew what the side effects of my decision were going to be, he went and blew up at me. told me that "tell me when you start your next job and i'll make sure you don't work here anymore" couldn't have been happier he said that. i literally said "good deal" and held my hand up for a high five. i gave no shits. left that job without notice as soon as my new job told me what my start date was.
@noonedude101 5 жыл бұрын
Had a former supervisor who hated me. Really hated me when I got promoted to GM over her. Threatened to fire me one day. So I fired her. Right then and there. In front of the people she'd just threatened to fire me in front of.
@etocadet 5 жыл бұрын
1:52 I’m in a similar position. Work retail. Left to work for another company for exactly the same reasons. As my old store is next to where I live I walked in a few days ago and find that since i left he’s lost his top guys. Two of the students who i turned into grafters aren’t caring and do no more overtime anymore and the manager is on “sick leave”. I saw another store manager I knew in the store which only happens if they’ve been fired or are on leave. Is it wrong that I’m laughing? He never hired an assistant manager or promoted anyone to the position. When I left he got an assistant manager transferred from another store to his. That tells me all I need to know.
@lucky-13gof47 5 жыл бұрын
This isn't exactly a dare to fire moment because I was fired, but as I was gathering my tools to leave I see a truck being towed into the shop that had been in the back lot for almost a year. Big rigs last a million miles or more so every now and then you'll get a truck 20 or 30 years old still on the road. This was on the 30 year old side. I completely dismantled it in my first week of work and the customer never came back until now. No one else had any experience on the engine or knew where the original parts were, which was crucial since some of them weren't being made anymore. I just smiled to myself as I walked out the door, knowing I screwed them just as bad as they screwed me.
@bailey3795 5 жыл бұрын
Lets all agree the piano music is alpha
@OmoriboySunuki 5 жыл бұрын
It's the kirby king dedede fight music. This is the piano version instead of the soundtrack from the game.
@zippofeldman1734 5 жыл бұрын
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