Thank you for all your effort Peter. Many happy beer cards!
@jyutzler Жыл бұрын
I feel like I'm usually aggressive in these games, but this week was the opposite. 1. You thought this through so well before the misclick. I just took the easy ruff, heart, ruff, CA, club ruff, A and low spade for +450. I'm not convinced I'm wrong. 2. The reason I opened 1S is because all of my points were prime. We still ended up in 3NT. However, on a diamond lead an overtrick was never available to me. 4. I like underbidding flat 18 counts, particularly ones like this with no texture. This led to a safe 82% as most of the field was down in 3NT. I think you were lucky to make it. 5. I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see you play 3NTS. I booted it and would have benefitted from your analysis of how to declare on a spade lead. 6. Good point that your CHO is the one who should bid 3D here. 7. I decided to go low (again!) 1D-1S;1NT-2D;AP and managed to score a second overtrick for a really easy 57%.
@patryk_lewandowskiabc Жыл бұрын
You make it look too easy, Pete!
@danielputnam7431 Жыл бұрын
Board 1: After 1♣-(1♦)I moused over 2♠, and found the perfect description (6 spades and 13 pts), so I bid that. After opps bid 4♦, partner bid 4♥, with the description 3+♣, 11-21 hcp, biddable hearts. Who cares what the result was? My next bid (pass) was a complete guess.
@jyutzler Жыл бұрын
Good catch that 2S is available to show that hand. I'd rather the bot show the known 8-card fit but 4H isn't a bad contract.
@tormolin6761 Жыл бұрын
On board 3, since partner bid hearts they might just have 3 diamonds. I was scared to bid 3 NT because opponents may just get the first 5 tricks if partner has ace of heart instead of ace of diamonds. Am I to focused on potentially negative outcomes? Is 3 NT really as obvious here as everyone makes it look?
@winniebucur655 Жыл бұрын
a marked improvement at 4S , others were playing partials or D doubled since when with two suits the same lengths one opens with the cheapest ? since Culbertson's times the right opening is the dearest one ! it is called the approach forcing principle and a half competent with half a brain player will reach 6H for which to succeed one S honour has to be before the AJ ..........but I suppose in a weak field game is OK funny you and the rest of the field did not spot the slam ! keep learning ................
@yveslebrec4870 Жыл бұрын
Hey Winnie - You might want to try a crash course in counting, punctuation and how to be, you know, pleasant, before insulting everyone with an easy criticism, made in hindsight.