A true roulette week. We tied, but I actually lowered abbasaba66's score enough to tie that player. 1. I managed to set 3CX-2, but it was lucky. The bots could have made it because I led a high heart at trick two instead of a low spade. The bot made a subsequent error. 2. 3NT=. I think 3S is the right third bid, showing 2 hearts, 4 diamonds, and interest in NT. You beat me on 3 and 7 by finding the right contract. I admit my error on #3 (bidding 3D instead of 2C), but I blame the CHO on #7 for not giving a cue bid after my 3NT bid. In retrospect I think the description is wrong and that 3H is indicated for 17+ hands. 8. I goaded the bots into misdefending after opening 2NT, a move I would not do against humans.