What About Abortion? Should this one issue determine how Christians vote?

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@kevinrichardson3961 2 жыл бұрын
Based on the decision the Supreme Court Justice just made, we may need a part 2
@edtsch Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't mind seeing a follow-up video, but truth is, the main conjecture of this one remains unchanged: that local and state efforts make the bigger difference.
@contrarian777 Жыл бұрын
@@edtsch That's charitable...
@Christ2010Grad Жыл бұрын
@bjartusen Жыл бұрын
Yeah it didn't age well
@michaezell4607 8 ай бұрын
Ever notice how once a fetus becomes an actual born human being the republican party all of a sudden wants NOTHING MORE to do with it?
@MarkFowlerthefunkee1 4 жыл бұрын
The question is this: What would be better- Making abortions illegal, or making them unnecessary?
@aikido7 4 жыл бұрын
Both choices are doomed strategies.
@Ironica82 4 жыл бұрын
Trade one sin for another and ask the same question: What would be better: Making rape illegal, or making them unnecessary?
@MarkFowlerthefunkee1 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ironica82 That is a ridiculous co?Paris on. 1) Rape IS illegal 2) there are no conditions in which rape benefits anyone. Thst is not the case with abortion. Plus, if you paid attention to the video, abortions atr going down WITHOUT overturning RvW.
@clintonwilcox4690 4 жыл бұрын
As long as people want unrestricted sex with no consequences, abortion will never be unnecessary. Unlike the person in the video, I am actually involved in the pro-life issue. There are many pro-life organizations who do offer resources to abortion-minded women. The stark reality is a large number of women who are aborting aren't looking for resources -- they're looking to not be pregnant.
@code0662 4 жыл бұрын
But were they ever really necessary in the first place? (Excluding pregnancy that directly endangers the mother)
@kinslerpsychology7350 3 жыл бұрын
This was an excellent reminder of the importance of showing love and being informed rather than blindly following a political party.
@douglasbyrdhigh4549 3 жыл бұрын
I think the issue is people blindly following the bible. How can the bible be against abortion when in the whole chapter of Numbers 5, (summarizing) GOD him or herself instructs ALL women who cheat to be brought before the priests to drink "the bitter water" which basically sterilizes her. How can the Bible be looked at as a construct that highly regards LIFE when so much of the consequences for so many things is literal death? "People" will actually read Numbers 5 and convince themselves they did not read what they just read.
@Z3rk 3 жыл бұрын
@@douglasbyrdhigh4549 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism
@robertcheyne7235 3 жыл бұрын
Showing love includes not allowing babies to be aborted.
@camillemitchell301 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertcheyne7235 I think you may have missed the point of this video. Voting for pro life candidates may be effective, but when was the last time you visited a crisis pregnancy center? When was the last time you helped a struggling family put food on the table? These things truly matter and make the most difference in reducing abortion rates.
@therockstar17 3 жыл бұрын
@@douglasbyrdhigh4549 1. Adultery isn't a premise for the pro-choice argument, so why are you bringing it up? 2. Sterilization isn't abortion. Premise = false. 3. Christians do not follow the law in the Old Testament, it was written to the Israelites. Premise = false. 4. You're attempting to use God's judgement of sin, which you ironically disagree with, as a premise for terminating the life of a developing human based on another human's choice. God is the Creator, he is the source of Justice, therefore he must judge. However, when a human chooses to end another human's life outside of self defense, that is murder. Abortion is one human ending another human's life without consent, based largely on convenience or presumed suffering. Premise = false. All of your premises are false and they don't follow logically, therefore, your argument is both invalid and false. Also, orthodox Christians believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and that it is God-breathed. As Christians, we must believe the Bible and follow Jesus. You simultaneously claim that "blindly following the Bible" is the problem with Pro-Lifers yet you do exactly that, quite literally with blindness, as I demonstrated to you earlier through your false premises, to support the pro-choice argument. Here is my logical argument, it is valid because it follows logically, and it is true because the premises are true: Premise 1: Abortion is intentionally killing another human without moral justification (ability to choose, inconvenience, economic suffering, rape, incest, etc. are not valid moral justifications. There are none for abortion) Premise 2: Intentionally killing another human without moral justification is murder. Conclusion: Abortion is murder. Argument 2: Premise 1: Abortion is murder Premise 2: God said in the 7th commandment (which is carried over to the New Testament) "Thou shalt not murder" (Murder is sin) Conclusion: Abortion is sin (God and the Bible is against abortion.) Grace be with you.
@wedzi 4 жыл бұрын
Women need support not only through their pregnancies but also when the children are born. Maternity leave, paternity leave, childcare and other pro family legislation all makes having a child a more realistic choice for women.
@foxylockxy 4 жыл бұрын
Amen. Let me know when the Republican party starts supporting mandatory paid maternity and paternity leave, and I'll start taking their "pro-life" stance a little more seriously.
@christiansoldier77 4 жыл бұрын
wedzi Not having sex until marriage would almost completely get rid of the problem
@wedzi 4 жыл бұрын
@@christiansoldier77 A large percentage of women who get abortions are married with other children.
@wedzi 4 жыл бұрын
@J L I'm not the person to speak on theology. But I have had the privilege to witness a church choose to look after a child from before he was born, by inviting his mother to live at a convent during her pregnancy, all the way through school- even when he lived in a developing country after his mother was deported. I am pro choice but for me that means also making having a child a choice that people can make. Asking someone to choose poverty, choose strife, choose less for their other children or know that they will be looking after a child with needs that they do not have the ability to meet strikes me as not just cruel but most definitely not Christ like. Offering answers to the valid concerns that people have about having children needs to be part of the conversation.
@christiansoldier77 4 жыл бұрын
@@wedzi The vast majority are single women
@WeyounSix 4 жыл бұрын
As someone who was raised Christian but fell from belief, it's people like you guys who start to bring me around again. Being around and seeing good things like this from genuine Christians who want to do the best for people, and be a Christlike person, makes it much easier for me to accept the faith feel welcomed back into the community. I have always seen the value that church communities can bring to families but sometimes it can be so political and create so much pressure, you guys make Christianity feel like a safe place again, and I have to thank you greatly for that. My mother is very Christian and it allows us to have a deeper spiritual relationship as well when we can watch these videos together. It really seems like you guys have the right idea, that if we work together as a society and focus on the things we agree on and stride toward that, rather than focus only on what we disagree on, we can all compromise and figure out the best solution for everybody. God bless you.
@samuelmiller7449 4 жыл бұрын
Well said! The majority of Christianity has been about all the wrong things for too long. It’s refreshing to hear love being preached rather than politics. Also, I’m glad that even though you have fallen from belief, you are still engaged and can have deep talks with your mom! Thanks for adding to the conversation 😁
@lukebear3710 4 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Ghandi's words, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians." It's sad when people see the life ofJesus and the life of Christians on opposite ends of the spectrum.
@WeyounSix 4 жыл бұрын
@@samuelmiller7449 I'm coming back around :)
@timschmitz9114 4 жыл бұрын
This narrative is missing a very critical point. The bulk of abortions are done by Planned Parenthood. Making abortion illegal will do 2 things immediately.1) shut down PP and stop all those abortions overnight. Several million babies every year and not just 12 %. 2) Yes, those wanting an abortion have a higher risk of dying when getting it done illegally., However, many will be far more careful about their practices knowing that an easy fix wont be so easy. 12 % is a laughable number of human lives saved. If its illegal and made extremely difficult ,far more than 12 % will be saved.
@WeyounSix 4 жыл бұрын
@@timschmitz9114 that might be true but I'm not here to debate on that just speak on Phil and his team and how they make me feel open and welcome. Thank you
@Draezeth 3 жыл бұрын
If you have to take ONE thing from this video, let it be this: "It's okay if you disagree, but it's worth having the conversation."
@bgorg1 3 жыл бұрын
It's also- research the facts for yourself, test your own presuppositions, determine what your objective is on an issue, and do your own analysis. That goes for believing Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, health care, pastors, and this guy. Honestly, the more I listened to this the more I realized I disagree with his analysis and presuppositions. How about this. Abortions have been greatly dramatically since republican nominees to the SCOTUS have been seated on that bench. Its true, but it's a correlation, not a causation. This guy doesn't seem to get that quite yet. I hope he does because I am very impressed with his heart and talent.
@Draezeth 3 жыл бұрын
@@bgorg1 You dropped a word there, abortions have been greatly what?
@bgorg1 3 жыл бұрын
@@Draezeth "decreased"- my point is at one time he shows all the R nominated judges having no impact on RvW, but then later on shows, during how that same time abortions have gone done under a back and forth control of the executive. During that time since RvW a lot of new restrictions on abortion have been upheld. I think both of his examples are correlative, not causative, but they help his clearly held position. He also forgets Jimmy Carter was pro-life. Congress, not the president, had the ability during this time to make laws or adopt amendments limiting abortion. They did some of that, like the Hyde amendment from 1980. That is the inflection point and a very good indication that a republican led piece of legislation had a significant impact on abortion rates. There are a lot more elected officials than just a President and their judicial nominees don't always reflect their legal interpretation. This presenter, Skye, leaves a lot out.
@inquiringminds782 3 жыл бұрын
@@bgorg1 umm, I thought abortions are increasing
@richardbianco9674 3 жыл бұрын
@@bgorg1 the statistics speak for themselves. To contradict you, it didn't matter who was in office, or who was in congress, abortions dropped. The biggest argument not made by anyone except him is the fact that influences outside laws were the biggest influence. Healthcare, knowledge, adoption affordability and contraception have and will be the ways we eliminate abortion. Where medical necessity has been pretty much been ok'd, the biggest argument that can be fully based on opinion are the cases of rape/ incest. While a extremely small percentage, that'll pretty much be it
@alexhuffvn 3 жыл бұрын
That blew my mind that abortion went down under Obama and that public funding for planned parenthood went up under Trump. I feel like I have been lied to my entire life. I have always been a single issue voter. But now I'm going to look up the local crisis pregnancy center in my area and see how I can actually help.
@luckyduck1985 3 жыл бұрын
Love this comment. God bless you for being open to changing your mind.
@Life-er6mq 3 жыл бұрын
Love that you had that epiphany brother! God bless you 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
@supsoo 3 жыл бұрын
He is lying to make you think that voting for democrat is not moral crisis. Voting for Democrats is voting for unbiblical morally bankrupt party
@scottthompson8792 2 жыл бұрын
@@supsoo when you stand before God on judgement day be sure you can explain that clearly to him.
@alexhuffvn 2 жыл бұрын
@@supsoo hi brother, I understand that there is a lot for Christians to be concerned about with regard to the Democrat party, but there is with Republicans too. Ultimately it's a conscience issue. Each person is accountable not just for their vote but their actions, thoughts, and attitudes every day. I don't think calling Skye a liar is particularly helpful. Of course you can dissagree with him and feel free to present any facts you feel he may be ignoring or misrepresenting but to call him a liar implies that he is trying to mislead people on purpose. I don't think that is the case.
@donnamchardy7674 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about the things that actually reduce the abortion rate. Making abortion illegal will not keep women from facing unplanned pregnancies. I encourage Christians to support women instead of judging them. The church often isn't a friendly place to go for help during a crisis pregnancy. Government policies that support education about reproductive health and birth control help. Publicly funded health care helps. Better maternity and paternity leave benefits help. Many first world nations give one year or more of maternity leave coupled with a significant amount of income support from the government - in Canada you get 55% of your wage during the year you can be on leave from your job. There are a lot of ways for government policy to make it more affordable for women to continue their pregnancies instead of choosing to end them.
@hazepraze 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Thanks for speaking common sense!!!
@RorolovesA 3 жыл бұрын
Amen to this!!!
@TruthNotRelative 3 жыл бұрын
The overall problem with your response is that it assumes that the unborn do not posses the same value as infants example. Imagine applying your argument that the goal should be to “reduce infanticide” (as opposed to making it illegal) were infanticide actually legal, and that woman hired people to kill their infants for the same reasons woman have abortions. Also, do yourself a favor and google “Greg Koukl takes in an abortion call” and listen to to KZbin clip in the link.
@Draezeth 3 жыл бұрын
@@TruthNotRelative Thanks for the video recommendation (I love Greg Koukl), but you're ignoring everything else the video says. Criminalizing abortion doesn't help compared to the loving response.
@pdelta 3 жыл бұрын
Thomas Bassett Clarinetist/Composer Literally all of the instances that you stated affected the actual person involved in a negative way by threatening their health or sanity. Abortion does not do either to the woman because she is spared from the harm of giving birth. The very beginning of conception is just creating a being of sentience. There is no feeling or logic to it; just objective, and that objective is to develop. The woman's objective, with the knowledge they have gained, is to survive. They have given their entire lives toward the concept of thriving, and if a child will cripple their chances of such, whether financially or mentally, they will want to alleviate it. You even stated that the persecution that pregnant mothers received as a result of one mistake is tantalizing, so why should a woman want to get put through that berating because of one mistake? And to even mention a baby suffering is ludicrous; being born into the arms of a mother that cannot or will not take care of them ends up with a hard knock life of struggle or being thrown into the foster care system, which is absolutely horrendous and has been for ages. If you do not want children to suffer, then worry about something that actually mentally scars and traumatizes our kids. To state that people should keep it in their pants is common sense, but to condemn a woman for a single mistake that led her into a series of turmoil is inhuman, especially given that you will never be forced to experience it. If she has the baby, she's a slit, but if she gets rid of it, she's a murderer. What do you heinous people want if all you can do is spread hatred rather than actually helping the poor woman through her situation?
@studynot757 3 жыл бұрын
It's interesting to me that Skye states Delaware's large reduction in abortions over that span of years was due to increased access to Healthcare. And then just a few minutes later he says two other things. "The largest drop in abortions was under Obama" and "Do I think that Obama was responsible for the drop in abortions? No." But Obama literally brought greater access to healthcare to MILLIONS of Americans through the Affordable Care Act. Is there really no correlation in your mind between those things?
@dfattyadams123 3 жыл бұрын
Kk lol lllll lol llll lol
@tess3390 3 жыл бұрын
Delaware's huge reduction was due to the abortion rate spiking between 2007-10 and then declining from the spike, and other women going to other states after clinic closures. There's no evidence it was primarily due to increases in healthcare.
@olgaolga8991 3 жыл бұрын
What a waste of money
@laurenbentley4909 3 жыл бұрын
He didn't say it was due to Obamacare -- it was due to state-level policies that improved healthcare access. His point is that presidential elections (including Obama's) don't have a huge impact on abortion rates -- but other policies, like better healthcare access at the state level put in place by Delaware, do.
@studynot757 3 жыл бұрын
@@laurenbentley4909 Right... state-level policies right in the midst of the ACA that improved healthcare access.
@Bree8tiveBEing 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this discussion on this topic. One thing I recently recognized some pro-life conservatives leave out of conversations is churches history of shaming/shunning women that so often leads to the very act of wanting to hide/terminate pregnancy in the first place. The purity culture that often prevents even engaging in conversations about sex, often create the conditions for sex before marriage in secret, in not feeling safe enough to talk with family or seek other trusted adults for advice and support, and being too ashamed or completely naive about how/where to get contraceptives if they do engage in sex. These factors are very much related to abortion rates, but I find that some pro-life conservatives aren't ready to talk about that reality... it would require empathy and personal responsibility rather than judgement and control. The intention of my comment is to further support the conversation started as a result of the video. My hope is that it helps us get more curious about the role(s) we can all play in these issues. I want to challenge folks to embrace the discomfort that comes from questioning what we think we know, transform our discomfort into inquiry/reflection/education, and recognize the complexity/nuance of this issue.
@BayardMusicAndMore 3 жыл бұрын
Getting contraceptives among the unmarried ( and married also) SHOULD be shameful because it is a sin.
@TheCoffeeCrafterMinecraft 3 жыл бұрын
@@BayardMusicAndMore please touch grass
@aarontheone7193 3 жыл бұрын
@@BayardMusicAndMore how is it a sin
@tomrhodes1629 2 жыл бұрын
GOD's prophet, the prophesied return of Elijah, speaks: Roe is now on its way out the door. And so are many other of your freedoms. And democracy itself. Because, you've been conned. In their ignorance, Christians have supported anti-Christ demagogues who use the abortion issue - your desire to control others - to control YOU. Christians err and will continue to err because they do not even know the TRUE "Gospel" ( GOOD NEWS) of GOD and Jesus Christ. And that's why I was sent in these end times, as prophesied. To learn more, click and ye shall find. (I don't receive KZbin comment notifications, but seekers will find how to contact me.)
@roaaoife8186 8 ай бұрын
​@BayardMusicAndMore so you must support social safety net programs like universal Healthcare (to pay for the medical costs of having a child), universal daycare (to pay for the cost of watching a young child), food programs (to pay for the cost of feeding a child) etc etc. Or do you think that a husband and wife should deny each other if they can't afford another child? Or that a woman with health complications making child birth deadly should just never enjoy the bonds of marriage?
@brendalozius80 3 жыл бұрын
I don't understand how people are pro-life but not for universal healthcare. Someone explain this to me?
@MrThinking4myself 3 жыл бұрын
Because those are not even related. First of all, we already have universal health care, nobody can be denied medical treatment based on their ability to pay for it. Well, except for a child that hasn't been issued a birth certificate, they can left to die from starvation, dehydration, and exposure, but you're okay with that. So, in your world what makes a human being a person is a government issued document. Democraps argued and won the Dred Scott decision, arguing that a slave was a human being, but not a person. Your argument is no better.
@joleesa4357 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrThinking4myself you clearly don’t understand the definition of universal healthcare.. Currently you can’t be denied emergency medical services but you most definitely can be denied follow up treatment and necessary medication.
@MrThinking4myself 3 жыл бұрын
@@joleesa4357 nobody can be denied life saving treatment. Except for the baby who would be a burden, that child can writhe in agony for hours, you're good with that. The VA is an example of government run health care. Obama killed 300,000 veterans on waiting lists, that's what you want? Do you know how Trump remedied that? The private sector, you know, the system you want to destroy.
@Glowblue1 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrThinking4myself If life saving treatment can't be done in the emergency room, you'll get referred to a specialist and have to pay for it. The ER can do CPR on you when lung cancer gives you cardiac arrest, but they can't give you chemotherapy or radiation therapy to actually solve the problem. This makes the ER more expensive, because poor and homeless people keep coming in for acute issues that could be cured for good if they could see other physicians.
@LulaMae21 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrThinking4myself Universal healthcare means that your healthcare is provided at little to no cost to you out of pocket and is covered by the government. EMTALA is most decidedly not universal healthcare and attempting to argue that it is makes you look unintelligent.
@ep5445 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! I'm disturbed by the church's response to this election. We can't be willing to overlook all sorts of other evil for this one issue. Thankful for evangelical voices that are willing to speak out. Pro-life means ALL life, not just the unborn and the church is missing this.
@andyarellanoChannel 4 жыл бұрын
It's actually about 10 issues if you have paid attention at all. Removal of God from the public square, the structure of a family, the value of you as God made you, the innocence of children, the value of a parent, the adherence of law. if you think it is about one issue you have been severely blinded.
@SonicBoomC98 4 жыл бұрын
@@andyarellanoChannel I could see your point maybe if Republicans actually cared about any of this. They don't. Some one being Pro-Life doesn't justify every thing else about them. That's like saying criminals shouldn't go to jail because they do things for the poor. Also, the country was founded on the idea of the separation of church and state. Everyone has a different definition of God in the public square. Some of those other issues have nothing to do with the abortion issue or party because not everyone on the left agrees with some of those policies. As a matter fact some of the key portions of the party do not believe in any kind of war on religion. Most Dems have no problem with the idea of a strong family unit. That's like saying all Republicans support white supremecy. And you can say it's 10 things all you want but studies show the average person is only considering 2 or 3 factors when they make most decisions. Both parties vote for people who don't 100% line up with all their values.
@ylparker50 4 жыл бұрын
It is not about this one issue for me. Abortion will still be performed whether legal or illegal. People will do what they want anyway because it is called sin. This is one issue of Many that eill cost the godless Democrats my vote. The fact that Joe Biden supports the rights of an 8 yr old transgender child is enough for me to vote Republican.
@feliciamurphy2189 4 жыл бұрын
Why not? Abraham was a pagan named Abram before he was called by GOD, King David had a man killed so he could sleep with his wife and King Cyress was a pagan also. Yet Christ said that we do to the least ( some scholars say least mean weakest) you do to him. Don't be lukewarm. Abortion is as old as human kind. Yet is someone isn't allowed to live then what difference does anything else makes? Without the right to life there are no rights. Without life their is no "us".
@Andy-gq5hb 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I still have no idea what evil you're talking about. You mean ending 3 wars in the middle east? Spending more to stop human trafficking than any other president? Pushing hard against abortion? Or is it that he is a Russian spy? Or a racist? Or a fascist dictator? Those are literally just inventions by the media and you all believed it.
@user-om1hi8wd5o 4 жыл бұрын
the key to reducing abortions is sex education, access to healthcare, and pre-family counseling
@zivadavid1775 4 жыл бұрын
Sex education would need to include the scientific fact that it is a human life from conception. The truths of the baby. Hear the heartbeat etc. Schools have plenty of sex ed, even schools helping kids getting birth control. Also in sex ed, the truth that sex is not a goid idea before marriage. Raise girl's self worth. And teach boys they are responsible and need to respect themselves and girls.
@SonicBoomC98 4 жыл бұрын
@@zivadavid1775 that depends on your definition of life. That's the same argument the Pro-Life crowd has used against birth control
@BRNKoINSANITY 3 жыл бұрын
@@zivadavid1775 Except that isn't a scientific fact. Claiming it is so hurts your credibility.
@zivadavid1775 3 жыл бұрын
@@BRNKoINSANITY it literally is a scientific fact that it is a human life.
@zivadavid1775 3 жыл бұрын
@@BRNKoINSANITY if you dont agree please tell what it is if it is a human life? A Buick? A flower? A puppy? It is life, scientifically in every definition. It is literally human, with her own DNA, blood, brain function, heartbeat, fingerprints, even personality. If it isnt a human life, what is it?
@Lizz7711 4 жыл бұрын
Well done! Stopping abortion will come from loving our neighbor - helping women by loving them and being a light.
@FrankTurekVideo 4 жыл бұрын
Would you recommend that same approach would be sufficient to reduce murder and rape if they were legal? How about slavery?
@Lizz7711 4 жыл бұрын
I'm all for abortion being illegal. But the fact remains that even while legal people will seek them out and it will on,y stop when women know they can be helped to either keep the baby or adopt out. Of course murders and rapes would decrease too if more people had loving families and supportive communities etc. Common sense. This is about putting all your hope for change on a political leader- just does not work.
@FrankTurekVideo 4 жыл бұрын
@@Lizz7711 It appears to me that the authors of this video are suggesting we give up on overturning Roe and vote for the party that not only wants to keep abortion legal but have the government pay for it. I think we should do what you suggest AND vote pro-life to reduce abortion.
@elianasmith286 4 жыл бұрын
Please read this argument against this video crossexamined.org/the-make-believe-veggietales-video-about-abortion/?fbclid=IwAR2BKoGK4D5zj1n7ipFzbp_M5-r9-O_yHttgHqigSxtVPVMAlU0NuPPcOyE
@LulaMae21 4 жыл бұрын
@@FrankTurekVideo That's not at all what I got from this video, but the fact that so many Christians can excuse a man who brags about his sins just because he says the right words is mind-boggling. There are far better ways to reduce abortions; countries that provide healthcare, poverty assistance, and good parental leave policies tend to have far lower rates of abortion than countries that have very restrictive abortion laws. And your first question just goes to show that you have no idea the factors that cause someone to seek abortion compared to the factors behind someone choosing to rape or murder.
@franciscoherrera5127 3 жыл бұрын
I would like to work with you on putting this is Spanish.
@ramanpreciado2241 3 жыл бұрын
Esto es basua
@olgaolga8991 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, let's brainwash them some more, novelas is not enough
@watertower1 3 жыл бұрын
@@olgaolga8991 how is this brain washing literally just facts and opinions
@machomachinmachinmachinmac6910 3 жыл бұрын
@@olgaolga8991 : Hey, that's a good idea. Plug all of this into a novela. People will gobble it up like tortillas.
@Kipkemoi 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe you could do a subtitle initially and mail it to them. That could help...
@georgannhaeffner6589 3 жыл бұрын
This put into words and statistics what my husband had been feeling when we finally stopped being one issue voters. Thank you
@CommadoreGothnogDragonheart 4 жыл бұрын
A couple of things that were glossed over are the significant impact of easy access to inexpensive birth control and comprehensive sex education in schools. Every time we see these two things employed, there is a significant drop in abortions. Most people ignore the fact that the common ground between pro-choice and pro-life is that both sides are in favor of as few abortions as possible.
@symonelopez-mondy8946 4 жыл бұрын
If you're a christian than you believe in honoring God with your body. God never created us for lust, if someone loves us marriage is first and keep in my the marriage together is second.
@CommadoreGothnogDragonheart 4 жыл бұрын
@@symonelopez-mondy8946 That's not true at all. All acts of love and pleasure are divine.
@vikibollier3669 4 жыл бұрын
Captain Gothnog-love & sex between a man & woman are divine. With that comes personal responsibility. Actions have consequences. And, unfortunately unborn babies are aborted. God creates all life.
@CommadoreGothnogDragonheart 4 жыл бұрын
@@vikibollier3669 Have you not read the Bible? According to the Bible, life begins at the first breath when the soul enters the body, so no babies are aborted. If you want to point fingers at actual baby killing, few have matched god in that respect. In the Bible alone he slaughtered millions of innocent children. Regarding responsibility, I'm glad to hear you say that. I assume that means you favor easy access to inexpensive birth control and comprehensive sex education in schools. Preventing pregnancy is the most responsible thing someone can do, and we know for a fact that those things reduce abortion rates.
@kerrizorn1843 4 жыл бұрын
I want to thank you for putting these videos out. I've been a Christian for many years and politics have become such a hot issue. I've been incredibly confused and have felt isolated in my questioning of the current system. THANK YOU!
@statutesofthelord 4 жыл бұрын
If we don't vote, or vote for those who support abortion, the blood of the least of these my brethren will be on our hands.
@ashasonu9620 4 жыл бұрын
@@statutesofthelord the blood of the least is the hungry, those exploited as in the parable -and it is already upon you because of the way America exploits poor nations. Abortion may be a judgement upon a greedy nation rather thanthe cause of judgement alone.
@statutesofthelord 4 жыл бұрын
@@ashasonu9620 America doesn't exploit anybody. Thanks to America, the world has become much richer and safer. Please repent, and follow Jesus.
@LulaMae21 4 жыл бұрын
@@statutesofthelord America exploits even its own citizens. It's hard to believe you stated that with a straight face, but I'm sure you did. The least of these includes the children who are now without parents because they, even nursing infants, were ripped from their mother's arms and thrown in cages to teach other would-be refugees a lesson. It includes the people who are homeless through no fault of their own and who can't get help to get back on their feet. It includes the people of color who get put down and marginalized at every turn. Unborn babies are not the only 'least of these' and pretending they are is to ignore the words of Jesus.
@danahuebner7358 4 жыл бұрын
@@statutesofthelord did you watch the video? Did you miss the part where data is presented that the president has little to no impact on abortion? Please be careful with the condescending rhetoric you’ve been using in your response to other commenters. Non-believers also read your comments. I wouldn’t step foot in the church you attend by the way you speak, and I am a believer.
@EpicKate 3 жыл бұрын
Oh this was beautiful. Every evangelical needs to watch this.
@narda1072 Ай бұрын
They wont. They are brainwashed
@elizabethwilkerson5434 2 ай бұрын
Without an abortion my daughter would be dead and her two beautiful children would not exist.
@joelallen390 3 жыл бұрын
This is the smartest thing I've read on abortion in a very long time. Thanks so much! I'm recommending it all round.
@charlee_hotel 3 жыл бұрын
If only all pro-lifer's had this mentality. This was the best argument I've ever seen coming from any pro-lifer other than just "aBoRtiOn Is MuRdEr". In the end, it's true: creating a truly conducive environment for pregnant women and families is what will help with all of this.
@andre0baskin 3 жыл бұрын
One thing that is little talked about in the US abortion debate is class and money. Abortion restrictions overwhelmingly impact poor women and have little to no impact on women of means. If abortion was made illegal in the US tomorrow, a woman who has the means to get on a plane and fly to a country where abortion is safe and available would be be impacted. This has to be one of the clearest cases of one law for the rich and another one for the poor.
@wheresyourhousekey 3 жыл бұрын
This was amazing. I've been feeling so much guilt for being a Christian and thinking differently on this stance. But this is EXACTLY how I feel and what I've been trying to express in words. Thank you for sharing this light in such a confusing world !
@georgannhaeffner6589 3 жыл бұрын
Me, too!
@Wilsontripplets 3 жыл бұрын
I consider myself prochoice and i lean democrat as a lot of republicans stance on religon turns me off on a good amount of them. Being pro choice does not mean pro abortion i just want women to have the ability to use an abortion that is safe and effective when THEY want to do so. Yes this is a very grey area, as a fetus is a life and aroubd half way through a pregnency feels pain which is a sign of awareness of its body and what is around it abortion SHOULD be more heavily restricted aroubd halfway to 2/3 of a pregnency. Just a sad point is a late of states that restrict abortion also advocate abstenense only sex ed and birth control which means teens and some adults go into this whole thing blind with no major knowledge of sex or how to do it safely even when having access to birth control. Abortion sadly is needed even with good, safe, and effective birth control because there will ALWAYS be a failure rate with birth control.
@maddie7899 3 жыл бұрын
Yes!! Me too
@tomrhodes1629 2 жыл бұрын
Guilt be gone! Guilt and fear are your only enemies, Truth be known. THAT'S the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ, which men have corrupted. GOD's prophet, the prophesied return of Elijah, speaks: Roe is now on its way out the door. And so are many other of your freedoms. And democracy itself. Because, you've been conned. In their ignorance, Christians have supported anti-Christ demagogues who use the abortion issue - your desire to control others - to control YOU. Christians err and will continue to err because they do not even know the TRUE "Gospel" ( GOOD NEWS) of GOD and Jesus Christ. And that's why I was sent in these end times, as prophesied. To learn more, click and ye shall find. (I don't receive KZbin comment notifications, but seekers will find how to contact me.)
@ofiasdfnosdf 18 күн бұрын
@@Wilsontripplets You simply cannot be Christian and think that the brutal murder of an innocent beautiful new soul created by God is justified because he or she is still in the womb.
@minimoe2807 4 жыл бұрын
Knowledge is so freeing! Bless you guys for calmly bringing light into this topic. Next time someone tells me how fervently prolife they are I hope I have the courage to say, "Awsome!, which crisis pregnancy center do you volunteer at?, or have on your prayer list?, or support financially?" I truly feel like if we can have those conversations, in love and with a contrite spirit, we can effectively cause real change. Here's a challenge to all of us: Get to know one person at your local crisis pregnancy center (or the like) and show them love, support and put them on your prayer list. These are the folks saving lives daily, and it can be very exhausting. Remember. "God made you special and He loves you very much."
@Andy-gq5hb 3 жыл бұрын
Literally riddled with misleading stats.
@harvestgleaner3585 3 жыл бұрын
...Or... do those things and vote to make it illegal as well.
@georgiaharris9930 3 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU! As a born again Christian believer I am so glad you brought this issue of single issue voting. I dreaded every day listening to the news because it was always about Trump and not the issues. Christians need to look at the whole picture and not just this one thing.
@bradyjames.x 3 жыл бұрын
Lecrae brought me here. Got to open for him before quarantine started in Canada. Really good dude. This video has been eye opening personally.
@theodoreroberts3407 3 жыл бұрын
I am against abortion on religious grounds, but there is no way I could vote republican or attempt to control anyone's personal life. The law was passed by the Supreme Court to allow abortion. For me, it is the law of the land. I don't need to agree. We live in a free country that is bound by laws, thus the purpose of the Supreme Court. My religious beliefs are for me. It is not my place to force anyone to believe what I believe. No matter how right I think I am.
@analara9872 3 жыл бұрын
best response on here and i feel the same way
@tonymbondo 4 жыл бұрын
I like how this Chanel focuses on facts not feelings nor political lines coz men neither both sides are angels
@camillebeasley4324 4 жыл бұрын
No “facts” are even cited. He is obviously trying to manipulate you to not vote for Trump along with all of these other woke videos from this channel.
@tonymbondo 4 жыл бұрын
Am voting for neither coz am Kenyan but if I was a US citizen my decision would be hard since am a Sanctified blood washed follower of Christ and none of those dudes project my values
@elianasmith286 4 жыл бұрын
Welp, since you care about facts, I hope you care about them enough to read actual facts here ;) crossexamined.org/the-make-believe-veggietales-video-about-abortion/?fbclid=IwAR2BKoGK4D5zj1n7ipFzbp_M5-r9-O_yHttgHqigSxtVPVMAlU0NuPPcOyE
@SonicBoomC98 4 жыл бұрын
@@camillebeasley4324 how is that any different that manipulating people to vote for Trump and some Republicans who only appear to be Christians?
@bbybluandthenfitinitesadne7197 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad I found this channel. I’ve been so disenfranchised from the church and can’t imagine myself returning to Christianity-but as a Christian you seem to represent all the values the church teaches of how Christians are actually supposed to be rather than the hypocrisy I’ve personally witnessed. In this political climate it feels impossible to have a respectful conversation with someone about their opposing views and be able to listen and be listened to calmly. This is the type of discussion we should be able to have. I have so much respect for your ability to present these issues comprehensively and objectively and the discussions you raise, I’m getting so much out of it! Thank you for putting this stuff out there!!!
@seancribbs6241 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Phil, Skye, and the entire Holy Post crew for all of the work and research you do for these videos! Well done!
@leadinged 4 жыл бұрын
Research? They omitted all kinds of stuff. Better fact check. I did. I think this is a terrible video for my reasons above/below.
@RuslanKD 2 жыл бұрын
well this didn't age well... considering the Supreme Court potentially over turning roe v wade.
@Reb4star 2 жыл бұрын
"It's okay if you disagree, but it's worth having the conversation" P.V
@scrubasarus2192 2 жыл бұрын
It didn't age that poorly because he said it would just go back to a state by state patchwork of laws. Plus the real issue isn't about Roe v Wade, it's that people will vote along a party line because of a single issue in that party "platform" and will disregard their actual qualifications for the job.
@wisdomsnap8695 2 жыл бұрын
So there was a brief that was leaked. If you think about it politically, the right will suffer if roe v wade is overturned. It will ignite the democratic base into state by state battles thus ramping up the cost to run successful post roe v wade federal level campaigns on the right. The supreme court will be taken for granted in a way that can no longer ignite the base. My prediction is the brief being leaked might possibly insure a case doesn't come up where that ruling can happen not because of Democrats but because of republicans who don't want to lose a simple and easy to exploit wedge issue.
@BrantAxt 4 жыл бұрын
As an ex-Christian atheist, thank you so much for making informative videos for the Christian community based on facts and not rhetoric. Denial of data and facts were not the reason that I left the faith, but they were one of the reasons that I left the community.
@nightprowler6336 4 жыл бұрын
Will you return to Christianity brother?
@BrantAxt 4 жыл бұрын
@@nightprowler6336 Not until they remove the idea of an eternal judgement based on a temporary existence. There is not enough forgiveness in that system for me. There needs to be opportunity for redemption in the afterlife to be anywhere near a fair system. So unless Christianity forfeits the idea of heaven, I will not be returning.
@eliyahkilada338 3 жыл бұрын
@@BrantAxt I hear you brother. Do you feel like we don’t get enough chances to repent in this life that it’s only fair to have more chances after life? While I 100% agree with you this is a temporarily short life compared to eternity and we would think you shouldn’t be punished eternally for a decision made within what is in comparison very very short time. While that thought is plausible, two things I would consider though: 1. While this life seems too short, it has been planned by God from eternity past, from before time began. So, it’s very very very valuable, albeit short. 2. Long lasting effects of short-life decisions, is not new, it’s something we see in history and in our lives all the time. Think of a tree that is 2000 years old and strayed by a seed. Think of a an ideology believed by millions of years and through thousands of years, that started by a thought by one person. Think of world war killing millions of people coming out of a thought of one man. My point is, the multiplication effect of results good or bad, and the multitude of fruits, is a law of nature we are familiar with. 3. If we would give the author of the eternal judgement a chance; the Bible says that God doesn’t want any one to perish and that he gives man many and many and many chances to repent. Do we deserve more after death? Blessings to you my brother and my prayers are for you.
@SavedSkeptic 2 жыл бұрын
@@BrantAxt you should follow the truth, not what you would like. You can’t change reality no matter how much you deny it.
@Ironwill3004 3 жыл бұрын
Conservative Christians: “We need a conservative Court to overrule abortion!” *The Decades-Old Conservative Supreme Court:* 👀
@billmarshall268 3 жыл бұрын
Haven't had one till recently.
@RayRay06122 3 жыл бұрын
@@billmarshall268 ….There has been a majority Conservative Supreme Court for decades.
@billmarshall268 3 жыл бұрын
@@RayRay06122 that's not true
@RayRay06122 3 жыл бұрын
@@billmarshall268 Google is free….
@billmarshall268 3 жыл бұрын
@@RayRay06122 so are there voting records.
@marcusibrahim 4 жыл бұрын
How can I “double-like this video??” It’s not about the politics. It’s about true LOVE! Love your neighbor as yourself. Help those [women and children in this case] in need of guidance and support so that they make good decisions that honor God and keep themselves out of trouble. Invest in the community so that people will grow spiritually and in love toward one another. THAT IS THE SOLUTION. THANK YOU SKYE!
@nancytaulbee3009 4 жыл бұрын
What about loving the baby? What happened to being responsible for your actions? If you're going to have sex, be responsible in using birth control!! And talking about Loving others, why don't we LOVE and bless others that can't have a baby. Save a life, bless and love a family.
@statutesofthelord 4 жыл бұрын
Would you say that it was wrong for Christians to be a "one issue" voter on slavery in 1860? Abortion is much worse than slavery ever was.
@LulaMae21 4 жыл бұрын
@@nancytaulbee3009 Birth control isn't failproof. I've personally worked with a baby whose mother had an IUD in place when she got pregnant; she WAS being responsible and still got a baby she wasn't planning for! I used to think like you but have grown to realize the issues aren't that simplistic (adoption carries its own issues and I'd suggest doing some research on the adoption industry and the trauma to both first mothers and adoptees historically and currently before suggesting it as a fix-all for unwanted babies).
@narda1072 Ай бұрын
@@nancytaulbee3009wat about rape/incest
@andybanman260 3 жыл бұрын
We shouldn't make racism illegal because there will still be racists. Its the same argument
@MonicaHebert Жыл бұрын
Ya'll wanta have a redeaux? I'd love to hear your thoughts/ perspective regarding abortion as it currently sits in the country. 5/21/23
@TaylorQuade 4 жыл бұрын
What an incredible video. This channel is a breath of fresh air in this current, partisan atmosphere in the church. I really appreciate that you don't tell the viewer how they should vote. You also question the goals of pro-lifers, which should be to end or reduce abortion, but is currently just to vote republican.
@chrissyg.4321 3 жыл бұрын
@taylor Don't believe everything you see. www.liveaction.org/news/veggietales-creators-what-about-abortion-short-facts/
@TaylorQuade 3 жыл бұрын
​ @Chrissy G. Thanks for reminding me that I need to be more critical of information I hear/read on the internet. I've edited my comment to more accurately convey my thoughts on the video. My main issue with pro-life, single-issue-voter christians is the narrow mindedness. Voting republican is not the only answer to end abortion, and voting democrat should not automatically label someone as pro-choice or non-christian. Political affiliation is not a golden ticket to righteousness.
@jonhilderbrand4615 2 жыл бұрын
Voting for a Republican candidate to eliminate abortion is like burning your house down to get rid of termites.
@feath7457 2 жыл бұрын
Voting for a Democrat is voting in favor of all sexual immorality. There are MANY reasons NOT to vote democrat
@rayjoe5 2 жыл бұрын
Looks like we're going to need an update to this video.
@TheBlueRoan316 3 жыл бұрын
To be truly "pro-life" goes much deeper than the issue of abortion. To be truly pro-life you must care about what happens to a person from conception until there death. If your only issue of concern is abortion, you are pro-birth not pro-life. Most Republicans politicians who claim to be pro life are only pro birth, they don't really care what happens to a child after its born. Pro life means provide affordable healthcare for children and families. Pro life means providing for education and life long learning opportunities. Pro life means ensuring that the child's parents can find meaningful employment that pays a living wage so that they can support themselves. Pro life means ensuring that that everyone has access to safe, secure and truly affordable housing options. Pro life means ensuring that families have food security. Pro life means providing the dignity and care that our elderly have earned and deserve. I could go on and on and on, but I won't.
@lbamusic 3 жыл бұрын
..this is any excellent reply on what it means to be truly pro-life. Those who call themselves 'pro-lifers' generally ignore babies after they are born, and oppose social programs to help them.
@charlee_hotel 3 жыл бұрын
@PinkSakuraBunnie 8 ай бұрын
Nailed it.
@juliaarambula3153 7 ай бұрын
Wow this is good! I never really saw it from the perspective of after the child is born. But you’re right! It goes beyond the womb.
@mariannelindsell6042 11 ай бұрын
I only just saw this in November 2023. I was disappointed that this discussion assumed that abortion is wrong, without discussing why that might be. Most arguments about abortion I have encountered assume that life begins at the fertilisation of the egg cell by a sperm. However, the egg cell is perfectly well alive before the fertilisation event, as is the sperm cell, albeit that they won't remain alive for very long if fertilisation fails to occur. Some might say that only the fertilised egg has the potential to become a human. But each egg cell and each sperm cell have a half potential, and we don't get bent out of shape when a man masturbates or indeed when a couple try to get pregnant but fail. Some might then say that a human life begins with the first heartbeat. But the heart is only a pump; nothing more. Surely a better indication of human life is when the brain first becomes self-aware. Whatever you think about these points, - surely the debatable issue is when human life begins. How can an abortion be wrong if it occurs before the human life has even begun? How can the foetus be considered a human life until it has become self-aware?
@coolnamja 4 жыл бұрын
1. It is the government's responsibility to protect the sanctity of human life. Abrogation of this responsibility, therefore, disqualifies the candidate. 2. If rhetoric matters for one side, it should matter for the other. Bottom line, rhetoric matters. The gov't must be able to reiterate, "You shall not murder."
@eliyahkilada338 3 жыл бұрын
The statistics are shaky in my opinion. Response here by experts in the field - www.liveaction.org/news/veggietales-creators-what-about-abortion-short-facts/
@aliciahall2171 3 жыл бұрын
The ACA was directly responsible for eliminating my out-of-pocket cost for contraceptives
@landresking3988 Ай бұрын
I don’t want people who don’t want children to have them guaranteed recipe for a messed up life for that kid.
@chad2293 2 жыл бұрын
well roe v wade was overturned
@troykroening8395 4 жыл бұрын
Change the issue. If this was slavery, no one would even consider the pro-slavery candidates.
@debrac3391 4 жыл бұрын
How convenient of you to have missed the point.
@danandbobbim4067 4 жыл бұрын
Know The Facts! Who Supported? 15th Ammendment to Abolish Slavery Republican. Support 100%, Democrats support 23%. 14th Ammend. Citizenship to slaves Rep 94%, Dem zero, 15th Ammend. Right to vote, Rep 100%, Dem zero. Vote Conservative!
@debrac3391 4 жыл бұрын
@@danandbobbim4067 My goodness, but you need a history lesson, pronto! Do you conservatives have an actual aversion to history?
@Smullet90 4 жыл бұрын
@@debrac3391 I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics will go into denying that democrats were the party of slavery.
@leothelionator 4 жыл бұрын
In your hypothetical scenario, it would not make a difference because none of the Supreme Court justices would have overturned it in 50 years, it would have continued to decline in that time regardless of president, and you could make more if an impact in local politics.
@spartakos3178 4 жыл бұрын
"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness" ...it's idiotic to even ask the question, the right to life, the right not to be tortured, dissected and have your parts sold for a profit, is the most fundamental right in any system influenced by Christ.
@JL0007 4 жыл бұрын
But our system also allows capital punishment which rejects the ideas of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If we have a right to life and to not be tortured for profit, then our prison system is immoral.
@marilynmatthews3427 4 жыл бұрын
@@JL0007 you see no difference between slaughtering mercilessly a totally innocent defenseless baby and ending the life of a convicted violent criminal then?
@JL0007 4 жыл бұрын
@@marilynmatthews3427 I see a difference in their behavior, obviously. But I don't see what justifies killing either one of them.
@gadaadhoon 4 жыл бұрын
Did you watch the video? They are pro-life. They are just pointing out the current approach is not very effective.
@tl1405 4 жыл бұрын
@@JL0007 @John L if your are Christian then you know that God prescribed capital punishment for example in Leviticus for severe crimes, although mercy was allowed. He also wiped out the cannanites who worshipped idols and sacrificed children.
@danielburch7149 2 жыл бұрын
Phil and Skye, do you have any thoughts on the arguments and premises of this video now that the supreme court seems poised to overturn Roe v. Wade? Anything you see differently or anything you might change?
@TheZeroNeonix 4 жыл бұрын
I like that this is coming from a Christian perspective, with the assumption that abortions are wrong. And they still come to the conclusion that voting for Pro-Life politicians based solely on that one issue is a waste of time. I don't know who you guys vote for, but you have a healthy way of thinking, putting facts and data above rhetoric, and that is depressingly rare.
@landresking3988 Ай бұрын
The answer to most of our problems is free healthcare and education.
@lexa_power Ай бұрын
This really needs to be the top comment. This is pretty much the answer to everything. Not sure why only the two of us seem to understand!
@monzorella1 Ай бұрын
Thank you
@danaleelavelle3708 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I can better discuss voting with my priest.
@pjbailey2313 4 жыл бұрын
If you truly want to reduce the need for abortion, you should be supporting real sex education for young people and ensuring unimpeded access to birth control. The “pro-life” platform is still based only on religious willful ignorance and misogyny.
@samuelmiller7449 4 жыл бұрын
Pretty much. I think Pro-Life needs to be rebranded as anything that is for protecting and providing for people on need - born or unborn.
@DennisNedryisStillAlive 4 жыл бұрын
The pro-life platform is based on the ongoing onslaught of the unborn. It’s not about men wanting to control your bodies. It’s about not killing the body that’s inside your body.
@samuelmiller7449 4 жыл бұрын
@@DennisNedryisStillAlive I agree that that’s what it SHOULD BE! But if that were the case then abortion would only be one of many life issues and solutions that conservative politics were dealing with. That’s what the video (and this comment thread) are saying. I for one am very against abortion, but I also see that the Republican approach will likely save less lives than they say it will. Hope that makes sense - pretty sure we actually agree on this 🙃
@nhartigan72 7 ай бұрын
When I was in high school in the 80's, it was too common for people (including Christians) to take their daughters & girlfriends to a neighboring state where abortion had become legal. Before this, it was common for these women to be taken to shady places for abortions that weren't safe for anyone. It was obvious abortions were going to happen regardless of the law & it was better to have real doctors involved. Certainly we would all like to keep abortions to a minimum, but that's something that should be done by teaching & helping people out of poverty, out of bad places, & into their own close relationships with Jesus, seeking his plans for their love life. Often Christians want to use force trying to make people act as they believe is moral, rather than doing as Christ taught. In reality they don't even know for sure if a fetus has a spirit. Adam didn't have one until God blew it in during his first breath, is it not possible that fetuses are the same?
@JoanieDoeShadow 4 жыл бұрын
It was a Republican lead supreme Court who ruled Roe vs Wade to start with!
@michaelschaefer1904 4 жыл бұрын
Truly conservative lawyers are an endangered species. The Ivy League is corrupt (see all the wealth).
@Origen17 4 жыл бұрын
Party doesn't matter. They can all make bad rulings
@genevadixon8426 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelschaefer1904 Well, we sure don’t need an extremist like Amy CB, who spent her life in a cult, deciding cases.
@ttamcc.4674 4 жыл бұрын
@@Origen17 very tru
@ttamcc.4674 4 жыл бұрын
@@genevadixon8426 but i like Amy shes a good family woman
@Hendrixdh 3 жыл бұрын
A medical system where basic healthcare services are free at the point of delivery would drastically reduce abortions.
@judolphin 4 жыл бұрын
You should use Colorado as an example. Free IUDs for teens and the poor = 50% reduction in abortion from 2010-2020.
@foxylockxy 4 жыл бұрын
Access to sex education and contraceptives is the #1 reducer of what pro lifers call actual murder, you'd think they'd be all about that?!?
@TwinRiver100 4 жыл бұрын
It's too bad his guest didn't mention in addition to being a good neighbor and helping others, he didn't mention your suggestions. Mainly having comprehensive sex ed in addition to access to good health care perhaps job opportunities etc. Pretty much try to fix up the life and environment of those who go for abortion because they either aren't ready to support a kid or whatever the other reason. That way folks are less likely to abort in most cases with the exception of the very rare instances...I know I probably am leaving out a few pts, but these were the main things I could think of at short notice.
@statutesofthelord 4 жыл бұрын
@@foxylockxy Your suggestion doesn't touch the heart of the matter - sin.
@statutesofthelord 4 жыл бұрын
@@Alex-qf2lb "pay for contraception to saved a life". That makes no sense. If we were in 1860, and the issue was slavery, would we be silent, or would we vote for someone to change the law to reduce and eliminate the evil? Abortion is much more evil than slavery ever was.
@statutesofthelord 3 жыл бұрын
@@Alex-qf2lb Your lack of empathy for Jesus Christ in the person of the least of these my brethren is frightening, Alex. Are you sure you're not very concerned whether his brains get sucked out or not?
@ATV327 4 жыл бұрын
Very informative. I knew the President had little impact in this realm, but to me it still speaks to a candidate's moral character. It seems nearly impossible to find a fully suitable candidate on either side with the lense of love. It is vital that we are involved and informed in our local state government elections, not just the presidency. I surmise you'd be hard-pressed to find the majority of voters researching state issues on their ballot. There are some dangerously concerning issues in my state.
@guitarfan01 4 жыл бұрын
If you're talking about moral character, I really hope you're not talking about Trump giving lip service to anti-abortion outweighing literally everything else he says.
@barbramae4942 4 жыл бұрын
@@guitarfan01 I think that you need to look at Biden's track record on abortion rights. He earlier believed and stated Roe V Wade was wrong and he voted in favor of the Hyde Amendment. Fast forward, now he's pro abortion rights. Seems to me he's the one giving lip service.
@leadinged 4 жыл бұрын
I think terrible video for my reasons above.
@graceburford2398 2 жыл бұрын
This hits different today (overturned Roe). Thankful for sane perspective from you. If we're really interested in reducing abortions as much as possible, we have to support women and impoverished communities.
@randywatson2317 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, just that one issue is enough. Murdering, killing the unborn is literally a deadly sin for a nation to establish and fund with public funds.
@cactusmomma 3 жыл бұрын
It's always broken my heart when people say they're pro-life and are really more pro-birth. There's women out here living paycheck to paycheck that get stuck with pregnancies they didn't mean to have, but love all the same.. or are in a relationship where birth control isn't an accessible option.. and then they're either shamed when they have to go on WIC and SNAP, or the resources aren't enough. We need to offer up more support. Healthcare for everyone isn't a bad thing. I would love for people to be able to go to the doctor and not have to decide between their meds and dinner. I'd love to see women be able to get access to birth control to take care of their PCOS and Endometriosis. More than anything, I'd love for people to love one another and take care of each other as Christ commanded us to do, instead of judging and griping about who is doing what.
@lisacox3750 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I'm tired of fake pro-life people who are really pro-birth as well who shame the mothers after the baby is born.
@BoyKagome 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder why it is when someone says " I don't want innocent people to die." it's automatically called "pro-birth"... You think people don't cry for the dead whether they are in or out of the womb? Your mind went straight to Child Murder because your mind is telling you its wrong, so it automatically connected "no innocent people dying" with a circumstance where you kill innocent human life. Pro-Birth is the excuse you make because you know they care about these people more than yourself, that their love isn't conditional...and yours is.
@mountaineermatt5900 3 жыл бұрын
This video was amazing-who would’ve thought veggietales would come in clutch and unbiasly inform us-great vid!
@marshallpierre9483 3 жыл бұрын
I just discovered this channel yesterday and it made me realized that there have always been solutions at our disposal and that were far too vulnerable to the sensational politics of the day to think clearly.
@lew7907 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, “women will always need our help” but so does the baby who has been sentenced to death. It’s fairly easy to HAND pro-life people their argument and say “this is why they vote Republican”, that’s called a straw man. Kinda like most of this post. Notice how the issue of RIGHT & WRONG & the issue of uh......MURDER did not enter this monologue. Christians ( like me) believe “abortion” is murder. To stand on the side of those who would like to keep it legal speaks volumes. The factor that (of course) this guy would not think about trying to address is, where does God stand in all of this.
@ThatDrummaDave 2 жыл бұрын
I think this video carries a good message. A lot of the abortion laws proposed at the state level in recent years have seemed more focused on control and punishment instead of actually considering the well-being of the mother. Though I know it wasn't the focus of the author, I would have liked to see the point driven home more that access to Healthcare is an excellent force for driving down unwanted pregnancies and thus abortions. Colorado is another great example, as a recent program saw abortion rates plummet by providing teens no questions asked access to sex Ed and birth control. The video also mentioned planned parenthood, which often takes the brunt of anger from the more zealous branches of the pro-life movement. would have been a perfect tie-in to remind that planned parenthood also provides many essential and life saving services for women that don't involve abortion. Defunding planned parenthood might seem like fighting the enemy, but in reality it just reduces the quality of Healthcare for women and replaces safe abortion with unsafe abortion
@mikeerickson287 4 жыл бұрын
Very simply, do I vote for a person who advocates for the killing of unborn children? Even though Roe continues to exist and may not get overturned, it still matters what value a person believes about abortion. Does abortion matter to God? Is it a sin? And if it does and it is a sin, do you not think God will hold those who advocate for abortion accountable? Jesus taught it wasn't simply the action (murder) as it what was in the heart (hatred). Thus, not simply those who get an abortion or those who perform the abortion but those those give assent to abortion who will answer to God. My voting for a person who advocates for an abortion would mean I'm giving consent to that person's views on abortion. Yes, we have a president that has severe character flaws but what evil is greater than murdering innocent unborn children?
@debrac3391 4 жыл бұрын
Are you really pro-life? Most conservative Christians aren't.
@andrewawakened628 4 жыл бұрын
@Mike Erickson Very well stated, Mike.
@natasharones9103 4 жыл бұрын
This response, though heartfelt and true to you is the very heart of tunnel vision. Here your main emphasis is degree of sin and intent of heart. And your judgement of both in two men you cannot know. I am not trying to persuade your vote. It doesn’t matter as heavily as we all would like to think. What I am trying to persuade is for you to grab a hold of the action that would help the most. Get involved person to person and share the love of God and the good news of the gospel to those who need it. Also, pray daily for God to open all of our eyes to his truth daily and to allow the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives as the helper and revealer. Be blessed!
@reniaesaddler8632 4 жыл бұрын
The Lord looks into the heart. He doesn’t judge by appearances or words.
@tl1405 4 жыл бұрын
The disdain for God of such a man would also lead to restriction of religious liberties that promote the gospel. If such a man will not even utter "one nation under God".....
@anamaria91106 3 жыл бұрын
The real question is, why do so many people think it is their business what a woman does with her body? And why is one groups religious beliefs get to determine what laws apply to the rest of the country?
@SGforliferzzzz Ай бұрын
The argument that Obama didn’t play a role in reducing abortion is disingenuous. Obama set up the affordable care at that allowed more women to have access to health care that than reduce the number of abortions.
@lawrenceharpine9571 4 жыл бұрын
I disagree on one point. Democratic party has supported health care and availability of contraception (see Medicare and Obama Care as examples.) Todays Republican party is aggressively opposed to measures that provide health care and other support to families. So voting Democratic will likely result in a greater reduction of abortions then voting Republican. I guess the difference is accepting that not all abortions will end, and helping where you can to reduce the need. That is, abortion should be legal, safe and rare. Given the complexity involved in developing babies there will always be tragic and sad decisions to be made about what is the less bad solution. Denying that reality doesn't stop those situations from existing.
@LulaMae21 4 жыл бұрын
Evidence from other countries bears out what you're saying--where women are supported and healthcare is accessible (and under Democratic administrations), abortions drop. Places with very restrictive abortion laws have higher rates of abortion.
@okashi6 3 жыл бұрын
I would argue that republican efforts have actually hurt the pro-life movement. Education, access to affordable healthcare, welfare assistance for single mothers, access to contraceptives, longer protected maternity leaves, all these things lead to less unplanned pregnancies and less fear of having a child. The highest rates of teen pregnancies are in red states that only teach abstinence in their sex Ed classes. We need people to be educated on safe sex and the risks of sex, we need mothers to feel protected after they give birth. To often we focus solely on the pregnancy and then forget about them once the child is born
@that_heretic 3 жыл бұрын
100% so. But few voters make decisions based on facts. It's almost all emotion. We'd have a much different political climate, and live in a much better society, if more voters made decisions firmly planted in reality.
@xtina1610 3 жыл бұрын
This why I, an anti-abortion conservative, voted for Biden this year. If more babies are saved due to affordable health care, etc, then I just became a liberal.
@carolenewell9719 3 жыл бұрын
If only Affordable healthcare was actually affordable!! It isn’t, not the way it is now. I’m middle income and had to pay almost $400 a month for Obama care - with a $6000.00 deductible! For what - so other people could have free healthcare? That’s not ok. Healthcare for all shouldn’t be carried on the backs of middle income Americans. It’s ridiculous!
@jbrown2180 3 жыл бұрын
@@carolenewell9719 You’re so right. Many attempts to ‘fix’ it were tried but that president was told he wouldn’t be worked with because the goal was to NOT fix it by dealing with the insurance companies so their constituents could get affordable health care, but to ensure that that president was not re-elected. Helping citizens was not the goal, politics was.
@MrThinking4myself 3 жыл бұрын
You're not a Christian. There's no way you can support the shedding of innocent blood just so you can have medical insurance and call yourself a Christian.
@MrThinking4myself 3 жыл бұрын
@@jbrown2180 that's a lie, it was never intended to work. The goal was to price people out of health insurance (insurance, BTW, is not health care) so the government could take control of you. They controlled the slaves' access to medical treatment then, and those who wish to be slaves now they are willing to do it to again.
@klid4444 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrThinking4myself I think you misunderstood. They were saying that increased access to healthcare is correlated to a reduction in the number of abortions. So consequently, they support the affordable healthcare plan.
@JoshuaClingman 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, this was so informative and enlightening. Gave me an entirely new perspective on this issue. Thank you!
@SandyKH 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. This made my day. You make it clear without telling people how to vote. God bless.
@elianasmith286 4 жыл бұрын
The lies saddened me. Here's the truth crossexamined.org/the-make-believe-veggietales-video-about-abortion/?fbclid=IwAR2BKoGK4D5zj1n7ipFzbp_M5-r9-O_yHttgHqigSxtVPVMAlU0NuPPcOyE
@LulaMae21 4 жыл бұрын
@@elianasmith286 That article is far from the truth and is full of its own lies and justification to vote for the most authoritarian president we have had in decades, if not ever. The fact is that countries with good access to healthcare and parental leave policies have far lower rates of abortion than countries with restrictive policies on abortion. Making it illegal does nothing but make it less safe for those who are desperate enough to seek it out. And arguing that the current administration is pro-life is laughable when you examine their track record on other matters pertaining to the sanctity of human life.
@WORLDSALT 2 жыл бұрын
Reaffirming God's will, Choice, you may not like what people do with their choices but it's God given, we will have to answer for those choices.
@ejnichols05 2 жыл бұрын
It's GOD's GIVEN choice!!! Something some Christians tend to forget!!
@carawadley317 4 жыл бұрын
So appreciative of this video! I have been following the Libertarian party, which does not fight to overturn abortion, as it would infringe on personal freedoms. I have struggled through that a lot, but eventually came to similar conclusions as this video. I can still be pro-life without voting for those who expressly advocate for it.
@georgelucas9699 3 жыл бұрын
Ok so legislation alone won't end abortion any time soon? And the best way to be pro-life is through CPC's, volunteering, and personal relationships? *Why can't we do both.*
@danielt.9101 3 жыл бұрын
You can do both, the point he is making is that you shouldn't let one party's anti-abortion platform be the be all end all factor in determining your vote.
@kendellbise8875 3 жыл бұрын
Whoever wrote this is mem a genius at propaganda!
@annramsey7907 3 жыл бұрын
Here's another reality pro-life always always is pro-welfare. How else is a 14 year old child supposed to support her baby she couldn't abort?
@mikedavis4959 4 жыл бұрын
This is why my church is involved with our local pregnancy help center. We now give free 3D sonograms and pregnancy tests. Planned Parenthood does not. The president’s most influence is in economics. That’s why I vote for the person who can help and has the best track record for that issue.
@ellabernier8264 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for adding some reality to such a real issue. I am 67. Planned Parenthood helped me when I was a young teen for birth control and I always felt this was a more reasonable solution to the abortion issue than trying to make abortion illegal. As the numbers show abortions happen regardless of the law. I would love to see more videos like this one clarifying issues buried by reterick
@Carol120454 2 ай бұрын
I too, am the same age and Planned Parenthood was invaluable to me in my youth. I've always believed in prevention instead of abortion, and so did they. It's bad that the people who want to outlaw abortion also want to outlaw birth control. More birth control means fewer abortions.
@EdwardGraveline 3 жыл бұрын
You left out that Republican Presidents have put in the Mexico City Policy - each time a Republican got in, they kept the Mexico City Policy in place not giving out tax dollars to apply to abortion overseas. Democrat presidents have always allows our tax dollars to be used for abortions. So if you think that just by voting for a Republican President means Roe V Wade won't be overturned, you have to consider the Mexico City Policy and The Title IX money going to PP. That is what happened. Abortion is not just in the USA.
@GarethMatteson 4 жыл бұрын
This is why I love listening to the Holy Post Podcast! Skye and Phil (🎶and sometimes Christian🎶 lol) care so much about truth that they're willing to lead listeners into unpopular territory for the sake dismantling misinformation. They're always willing to risk their reputations for the sake of fostering independant thought. Some Christians will act so singularly minded that you feel dumb for questioning them. But with the Holy Post folks, they're genuine in their exploration of what actually needs to change in Christian culture. Some childhood heroes disappoint you when you grow up, but Phil Vischer has only given me more reason to admire him.
@CRoadwarrior 4 жыл бұрын
I usually love listening to Holy Post too, but this time they've engaged in sophistry, special pleading, and illogical, all of which I intend to demonstrate beyond my large post earlier in a video response. The very title is flawed, since it assumes something that is not necessarily true; that Christians determine how they vote on "one" issue. That does not follow logically, and it is not true overall. So if there is misinformation that needs "dismantling," it is some of what was said in this video.
@sherenemin9735 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the discussion, Skye and Phil. My one counter point is the assertion that national politics don’t have an impact on healthcare access. That’s not correct. However what we do at the state level may have more of an impact on healthcare access. I would prefer that women have universal access to healthcare and good contraceptive care. We also need to teach our sons to take some responsibility to ensure that they are doing their part to reduce unplanned pregnancies. Love the podcast and love the discussion that you are allowing Christians to have!
@andyarellanoChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Good point, the most important thing we can do as Christians is raise Christian children. Somehow that gets overlooked. Then of course, if our sons or daughters have a friend hopefully we can share wisdom and guidance according to God. What would happen if each person waited to have sex? What would happen if we blocked every porn site? What would happen if every time we saw something filthy on the TV we actually had a conversation with our children and our family as to why this is completely wrong? PS The kids will run at first, but they do come back and they do listen and they do learn. It just takes years and years, but it is absolutely worth it knowing you did the right thing.
@azophi 2 жыл бұрын
This guy got ratiod when he said “we still haven’t overturned roe”
@brucee8332 2 жыл бұрын
The Affordable Care Act helped reduce abortions.
@newsteinchang7340 4 жыл бұрын
My question is though: what doesn't sit well with my conscience is my tax dollars supporting such a heinous crime, and many democratic candidates campaign on that platform to increase or at least maintain taxpayer funding of the institution. While I concede to some of the points this video made on the false correlation between choice of president and abortion rates, is not the correlation of Democrat-run gov't and increased taxpayer funding pretty evident?
@carawadley317 4 жыл бұрын
I struggle with that a lot, and really, it is not the government's place to provide support for anything of that nature. You should look into the Libertarian party. Many supporters of it (including the party's presidential nominee) are pro-life who have come to the same conclusions this video has advocated. While the party itself is not pro-life, it values economic freedom and less government intervention to promote economic freedom. I'm just glad I can finally come out and say I am extremely pro-life, but that doesn't necessarily tie me to a certain party.
@eliyahkilada338 3 жыл бұрын
The statistics are shaky in my opinion. Response here by experts in the field - www.liveaction.org/news/veggietales-creators-what-about-abortion-short-facts/
@newsteinchang7340 3 жыл бұрын
@@eliyahkilada338 Thanks for sharing!
@loricornell7312 3 жыл бұрын
A good start to unpacking the partisan assumption that pro-life = Republican. But it misses two key elements: The only element of pro-life that you really focused on is being “pro birth.” Pro-life should include anti-death penalty, pro-healthcare (you attended to the latter briefly), and anti-gun violence. I struggle with the fact that so many “pro-life” people are now also threatening the lives of those with whom the disagree with violence and death.
@Mercy2Mee 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! I wish I saw this prior to the election. Surrounded by so many “single policy voters”
@LoisStCyr 3 жыл бұрын
Wake up folks ! The only reason why ones making a big thing about Abortion is because of their people getting it. They wouldn't care if ones of color were getting it. They would say, Yea ! Too many babies any way. Don't fool yourself , "those against abortions protesters" only cares about themselves.
@saintbrush4398 3 жыл бұрын
It's so refreshing to not feel alone on this huge problem in the church.
@Ephesians-rz7zp 3 жыл бұрын
@@LoisStCyr Black woman get more abortions than any other group so you just sound dumb.
@billmarshall268 3 жыл бұрын
@@saintbrush4398 what problem? What are you talking about?
@billmarshall268 3 жыл бұрын
Single issue? 1. Abortion 2. Gay marriage 3. Hormone injections given to children without parents consent. 4. Minors can consent to abortion but can't consent to sex. 5. Teenagers being able to choose what locker room they're going to change and shower in in high school based off a personal identity. No regards to the little girls that have to change in front of a boy. 5. Church and Christian writes being stripped away. 6. The term hate speech being rewritten to justify evil. 7. OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM! Doesn't sound like single issue. I have many more I can put on here.
@danandbobbim4067 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine if there were no abortion, it's easy if you try. Over 60,000,000 more living, all the mothers won't cry. Children running and laughing, one day a Dr., teacher, friend. Our world more blessed by each of them, lives that could have been. Imagine them, its easy if you try.
@djd770 4 жыл бұрын
A great spin on one of the worst songs ever written.
@JustAnotherGamerUS 3 ай бұрын
the underlying message of this video: 'the correct and incorrect way to make abortion illegal in the united states of america' really rubbed me the wrong way. i found out about this channel last week and since then have enjoyed watching many of your videos but with this one you created a major contradiction for yourself that i don't know what to do with. so in your video "The REAL Problem with Christian Nationalism" you make the amazing point that how can one impose their unique christian values on an entire country which includes non-christians like people of other faiths, spiritual beliefs, non-religious folks and christians with differing beliefs? how is that fair to them? yet in this video that is precisely what you want to achieve with the abortion issue. i really want an honest answer from you, Holy Post, not other commenters. i like the videos you put out but i feel a discomfort and moral confusion with this dichotomy. please respond to my comment and explain, clarify 🙏
@koshersalaami 2 жыл бұрын
Very important data. Excellent. The first thing to understand about abortion is that nobody likes abortions. They’re unpleasant and sad under the most pro-choice of circumstances. Don’t think that abortions are about doctors chasing the business - even if that were happening, it wouldn’t drive anything. What pro-lifers tend not to focus on is that the way to reduce abortions is to reduce unwanted pregnancies, because unwanted pregnancies are what lead to all non-health-related abortions. This means more access to contraceptives which, by the way, are promoted heavily by Planned Parenthood, more heavily than abortions are. This also means sex education in the schools. Perhaps unexpectedly, kids who take sex education tend to be less promiscuous rather than more because they are made more aware of the risks of sex, and that’s in addition to the obvious advantage that kids who take sex education and have sex are more likely to understand and use contraceptives and so less likely to cause the unwanted pregnancies that lead to abortions. The idea that we shouldn’t promote contraceptives because we shouldn’t be seen as promoting promiscuity is all well and good but there is a choice to be made here: Is looking like you might be accepting promiscuity (through supporting contraceptives and sex education) worth reducing the number of abortions? It can be a rough choice for some but reducing the number of abortions is either critical to you or it’s not.
@lovematters7122 4 жыл бұрын
PRO-LIFE, PRO-CHOICE, CHOOSE LIFE! LAWS and Policies won't change Abortions, ONLY changed HEARTS and JUSTICE for ALL will!
@ashasonu9620 4 жыл бұрын
well yes, love the mother , the other children and preach the gospel-go do it.
@nimrodthewise836 3 жыл бұрын
The best way to reduce SAFE abortions is education and access to contraception, but it is a body autonomy issue, not a religious one.
@sporedoutofmymind 4 жыл бұрын
I have a feeling half of you didn't watch the video before commenting.
@WilliamRHorne-hi2yr 4 жыл бұрын
Can you all make captions available on this video for my deaf friends
@TheSaltyAdmiral 2 ай бұрын
One very important nuance that always gets overlooked on the topic of abortion is that... banning abortion doesn't stop abortions! You just make them unsafe. And you don't get to play holier than thou afterwards and pretend those consequenses is not directly linked to the ban. *If you vote to ban abortion, you OWN every fatal street abortion, every "crack baby", every unwanted or abandoned/fatherless child.. that blood is on your hands.* And maybe you think it's still worth it, fine, but don't think you can wash your hands of the known consequenses. Banning abortion causes a lot of very real harm.
@shellycervantes4900 4 жыл бұрын
I love the tone and thought put into these videos. I do have some questions though. 1. I'm wondering if the same logic would apply to the killing of a child outside the womb. Should there be no law against it and instead the community should support and love the mother in such a way that the desire to dispose of her born child disappears? Assuming that you agree that life begins at conception, please explain any difference in the 2 scenarios. 2. Do you believe that laws against crimes provide any deterrent at all? 3. Assuming that Roe won't be overturned completely, is it possible that federal leadership can influence the interpretation of the law? For example, one leader may be more likely to push for late-term abortions than another. Either way these are great conversations to have in hopes of bridging ideological gaps, especially within the Body of Believers.
@Hpdarkman121 4 жыл бұрын
It depends on the crime, prohibition and the drug war are two big examples of the law not working.
@LulaMae21 4 жыл бұрын
Late-term abortions are incredibly rare, and almost always the result of a devastating diagnosis (i.e., the baby is loved and wanted but is found to have conditions that are incompatible with life), but they make a great talking point! From what I have read, countries that have abortion access but also have good healthcare access and parental leave policies, among other things, have low rates of abortion. Countries where abortion is illegal or very restricted have much higher rates. Roe v. Wade was also passed by a majority conservative court. I did not know this until recently and was quite shocked that I'd been lied to all my life by so many pro-life groups that claim it was the result of a liberal court.
@ThatClassic70sGirl 4 жыл бұрын
"...If you're pro-life, the encouraging reality is those things that matter most--your relationships and your local political community--are the things over which you have the most influence..." Which is precisely why we need to have _Roe_ overturned. If the abortion question was returned to the individual states, then state and local-level political candidates can no longer continue to "beg off" by saying that because _Roe_ has constitutionalized the issue, it doesn't concern them, and therefore whatever stand they take (pro or con) doesn't (or shouldn't) matter to their constituents. Local activism, local pro-life organizations, pro-life crisis pregnancy centers; and local and state-level protests and "sit-ins" (like Operation Rescue) will have much more influence than ever. As things presently stand, that 75% of "mostly" pro-life Americans is either a smokescreen, *Or* they are not being heard precisely *Because* with the _Roe_ roadblock, it is too distant and something "removed" from our individual lives and direct influence for them to individually make a difference. Here's something else to consider: If the overturning of _Roe_ wouldn't have any significant effect on the numbers of abortions, then why does the Democrat party, Planned Parenthood, NARAL and NOW fight it *SO HARD* Every. Single. Time. political season rolls around? True, the Democrats just want to get elected; and there's a lot more issues on the table than just abortion; so they'll use whatever they can (just as you claim Republicans do here in this video) to rally their supporters in order to gain (or keep) election. But that doesn't motivate the more focused, single-issue advocacy organizations. Evidently they see some practical advantage in keeping _Roe_ . The constant references to it (well, that and same-sex marriage) during the recent Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings also indicate that progressive liberal Democrats see her as a threat to permissive abortion laws; and thus (once again) some value they see in keeping _Roe_ . Because remember, at the end of the day, these godless people do not believe that the preborn child is a human being worthy of moral and legal protection. They just want them *Dead* . -_- Whether it is because of their allegiance to an unfettered "right" to sexual activity wherever/whenever/with whomever (without consequences or responsibilities); or because they believe in permissive abortion laws/access as an actual means of population control; or a combination of the above (in the end analysis), the murder of the least of these does not bother them one iota. At least, not more than the other "humanitarian" issues they view as more important (usually attached to some form of state or federal corporate welfare). American Christians, it's time we got our priorities straight. (2nd Chronicles 7:14).
@JL0007 4 жыл бұрын
If we get rid of Roe, we increase the danger of having an abortion, we increase suicides from women don't feel like they have options, we incarcerate women for not wanting to be a parent, and we eliminate the concept of legal precedent. Unwanted pregnancies also lead to poverty and child abuse, and children that grow up in that environment typically develop criminal behavior. It would also cause some women to never get tested out of fear of legal liability. I think abortion is immoral, but a lot of immoral things are legal because the consequences of enforcing them are worse than the acts themselves. Abortion and lying are perfect examples of immoral things that would be made even worse if they were illegal.
@teragram5977 4 жыл бұрын
@@JL0007 so if babies are going to be poor or abused, we should just kill them first? How about helping women and making adoption easier?
@wend-michelle6999 4 жыл бұрын
"Amen to that Brother!" ..And a combination of thee above Much blessings to you
@JL0007 4 жыл бұрын
@@teragram5977 I agree we should make adoption easier, but there are plenty of kids in group homes already that will never be placed with families. Yes, we should give people more options, not just prison for everything.
@michaelandrews3894 4 жыл бұрын
If your goal is to do the greatest amount of good, trying to make abortion absolutely illegal will not achieve you that goal. The fact of the matter is that many abortions (like very early-term ones) prevent a huge amount of unnecessary suffering from entering the world, both for mothers and children. There are simply not enough loving families to adopt every child that cannot be provided for, and this is where abortion does a lot of good. If you really want to do the most good, you should focus on the ways Phil mentions to reduce the need for abortion. Better access for healthcare, support for pregnant mothers, and healthy education on sex to prepare young people for sexual responsibility do just that. Those are ways to actually increase the amount of good in the world.
@bobbyatkins6435 3 жыл бұрын
This is a democracy. People vote for what they look for in a person. Some care about the economy, others about health, ect. A person suppose to be able to make up their own mind in what they want in a candidate. It seem people are doing to Christians what they say Christians are doing to other. That is being a BULLY. People vote how they want to vote. That's why we all have FREEDOM of CHOICE.
@feath7457 2 жыл бұрын
We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Read up on it
@bobbyatkins6435 2 жыл бұрын
@@feath7457 Regardless of what we are is irrelevant. You and I and everyone else has the right to vote their GOD given conscious. Everyone has the choice of abortion but let's call it for what it really is, MURDER.
@cyndirosenthal 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, because even saving one life is important to me.
@zim561552 4 жыл бұрын
What about the kids in cages?
@XIsleTheWanderer 4 жыл бұрын
Did you watch the video or just answer the title?
@asdfghjkl3003 4 жыл бұрын
You can save more lives without overturning roe v wade.
@kennycouch6135 3 жыл бұрын
@@asdfghjkl3003 yes it's called not voting Democrat because Democrats support more funding for abortion clinics
@asdfghjkl3003 3 жыл бұрын
@@kennycouch6135 and not voting Republican because they don't care about babies when they're alive
@GodsGadfly 4 жыл бұрын
We also overlook the number of not-poor women who have abortions. We are overlooking the number of people who use contraception which causes chemical abortions. We are overlooking divorce and suicide rates. We are overlooking the declining birth rate in general. 🤷‍♀️ There is a general despair of nihilism among youth because the secular humanists encourage it. Do a video on that. 🤔
@beautifulsoldier05 4 жыл бұрын
Great points.
@M3MAX 4 жыл бұрын
A response to this nonsense kzbin.info/www/bejne/pJ3XY5ebnd2aitE
@foxylockxy 4 жыл бұрын
I'd think that the religious right would be overjoyed to hear that sex among young people was way down!?
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