With the quality of modern camera sensors you don't need to worry so much about using a high ISO. I'd recommend that you worry less about the numbers and work more on a developing a unique style.
@LovegroveTraining11 жыл бұрын
Hi Noisa, Grain is to be appreciated. I don't see grain in the X100 images until ISO 3200. Sometimes I add grain to create the look that I want.
@no1s1asteampunk11 жыл бұрын
Appreciate your reply. Thank you very much.. One more question if you dont mind answering. I get what you mean by : Developing your own style" My point was to avoid the grains in the pictures. what if we are shooting in low light and I would need to increse my iso. So i asked :) thank you very much
@no1s1asteampunk11 жыл бұрын
I have a question. How far do you go with the ISO ? and what do you recommend for day light. i always try to keep it 100. i heard its not a good choise. around 320 is a good number? what would you recommend?