I consider Phyllis Schlafly one of the most important cultural and political people in American history during her time. Her influence is still felt, and we benefit from it in many areas of our lives. As a member of Eagle Forum in the 70's and 80's I had the privilege of meeting her and speaking briefly with her in the home of the Chairman of the Houston Chapter. I had read her book Choice Not An Echo and was excited to meet this brilliant and powerful woman. I believe she was 88 years old at the time of this video and her presentation was a clear description of the important challenges she struggled through in the company of other concerned citizens. Her victories and achievements are certainly worth being recorded in history books for young readers. I was an enthusiastic follower and supporter of her activities. I attended a Conservative Convention one year in St. Louis, and she may have been one of the speakers. At 82 my memory is a little fuzzy. I had also read None Dare Call It Treason and found myself sitting at a large banquet table next to John Stormer and his wife. He was an interesting and sincere man and was commited to sharing what he had learned. I was very impressed with him just as a person and with him as a source of important information. Born in 1942 , much of Schlafly's speech was of political events that I remember vividly. It was a walk down political memory lane. She gave background info to so much of what I experienced especially info regarding how the political parties chose their presidential candidates and so much more history. Everyone should know the name Phyllis Schlafly.