Pieces of Lost Media from Music Artists

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From lost CDs, to songs, and even a movie- discover some pieces of lost media related to the musical side of the community!

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@LSuperSonicQ Жыл бұрын
Got some cool merchandise in the store, check it out here - my-store-c3eff4.creator-spring.com/
@J0SHUAKANE Жыл бұрын
Dont you mean "cool physical media"?😏
@monsterhandlerthwok4693 Жыл бұрын
@@J0SHUAKANE Update on the search for me and my freinds pilot: but i rember haveing a strange dream Where one of the characters went to that shed thats behind them then they found a block but idk tho but then they built something i think thats all i rember i found it in a old box named tapes it was in the dream and i found a tape that was named: me and my freinds shed clop or MAMF! Also i was in nickelodeon stuidos in the dream tho! So i hope we can find the clip someday of the part of the pilot also it was apart of the pilot btw!
@EmberChambers Жыл бұрын
kind of a weird request but could you cover or maybe find what happened to cigarettes and valentines from green day? I heard something happened where it got stolen, but I've only ever heard of just cigarettes and valentines, no other tracks.
@iexist1078 Жыл бұрын
Gorillaz has an absurd amount of lost media. It’s had lost songs, games etc. Almost every time I look for gorillaz lost media, I end up finding some new lost song or demo to listen to.
@jimmymontero8923 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention their list of lost remixes like an official remix for "Last Living Souls" by the same guy from The Wiseguys group that remixed a track for Gorillaz in 2001. They also have a sort of demo remix that was released independently by SBTRKT for "Superfast Jellyfish" that has a newer version exists partly on a DJ set made back in 2010 for FACT
@soloscape3 Жыл бұрын
Nah cause FR I would have loved to play the games they had on their website during demon days and plastic beach era, but it's gone
@Turbolemons Жыл бұрын
Another piece of Gorillaz lost media - a high-quality video recording of an alternative variation of ‘Stop the Dams’ called ‘Aluminium’. It has different lyrics and a different pacing to the original song. It was performed once in a concert in the mi-2000s in Sweden (I think?). However, there are only a couple of very low quality clips of it on the internet which are only a few seconds long. There was supposed to have been a high quality recording of the whole concert which would be made public some time later, but it has never surfaced and is considered lost media.
@Laika_Come_Home Жыл бұрын
@@soloscape3 i got dat dope. How much are you looking to pay? I had someone hook me up with the Laika Come Home vinyl years ago. I want to pass it on. Let the lore breathe....
@platzoperson393 Жыл бұрын
They were artists. They just made. I think that's what alot of people miss. We can't capture it. Bur that's the point in a way, they made and left it up to us to save. I miss that
@magicalbooknerd Жыл бұрын
Gorillaz also has a lost point & click adventure game from the Plastic Beach era. Unfortunately, it was hosted on online servers and is nearly impossible to emulate (at least from my limited understanding of the situation). There are some clips of it on KZbin, but that’s about it. I’m hoping somebody will find a way to recreate it someday, I used to love playing it!
@LocalTorchwoodIntern Жыл бұрын
I mentioned this in another comment talking about the lost kong studios website and Im thankful someone else knows it during the era. its so crazy how its lost despite the tries to keep it from being lost/ the preservation falling out/disbanding before they could even finish it.
@magicalbooknerd Жыл бұрын
@@LocalTorchwoodIntern Yeah, I’m definitely hoping another group will pick it up in the future. Or at the very least, we’ll find a higher quality video walk-through (though I’m grateful for the footage we do have)!
@LocalTorchwoodIntern Жыл бұрын
@@magicalbooknerd Me too, I'll take 240p video over nothing
@albapie8717 Жыл бұрын
Yea man I remember playing it after I bought the album and was checking out the site, good times
@OHapybara Жыл бұрын
That game was such a big part of my childhood. I'm sad it's been lost to time.
@BrianBurke06 Жыл бұрын
The band Steely Dan has a lot of interesting lost media, particularly “You Gotta Walk it Like You Talk it (Or You’ll Lose That Beat)” from 1971. It was a B-movie comedy film that was mostly unremarkable and bad but the soundtrack was made by Walter Becker and Donald Fagen, who would go onto to form Steely Dan a year later in 1972. I wish more people talked about this; it’s obscure even in the Steely Dan community, and I’d love for it to be found.
@mariemoonpie830 Жыл бұрын
Need to find this!! Saw steely Dan in Austin this year and it was such an incredible experience
@harrisontg Жыл бұрын
Can't forget about the Second Arrangement. Well, the hi-fi master of it. It's more than likely impossible to find, since it was accidentally deleted by a rookie sound engineer during the recording of their album Gaucho. Luckily, though, it lives on through a (granted, shit quality) rerecording from a cassette and a different, instrumental take of the song. So debatably, you COULD call it found or it never being lost in the first place, but what is, is the real deal master.
@BrianBurke06 Жыл бұрын
@@harrisontg sadly, we’ll probably never find it due to that mistake. The next best thing are the live performances they did at “rarities night” in 2011.
@BrianBurke06 Жыл бұрын
@@mariemoonpie830 favorite song they played?
@bigmaz4002 Жыл бұрын
“Its soundtrack includes some of the earliest released music by Donald Fagen and Walter Becker, the duo who later formed the core of the group Steely Dan. The film also stars Richard Pryor in an early role playing his signature "wino" character, and actor/director Robert Downey Sr. Future film director Wes Craven, then working at a New York City post-production company, made his professional feature debut as the film's editor.” Kind of insane how many huge names are attached to it lol
@V-grandraccoon Жыл бұрын
Cass was interviewed on the Hallelujah Monkeyz podcast a few years ago and gave a ton of info about Celebrity Harvest and confirmed he still had the script (all 300+ pages of it if I remember right). I’d recommend listening to it if you want info about the film. There’s also the Gorillaz TV show from 2017/18 which quickly became a streaming thing. After the vocal online negative reception to their 2017 album Humanz, Hewlett instead had to focus all of his attention on the fan-placating album The Now Now which left the show on the back burner. It’s since morphed into a movie and apparently is still in some level of production hell, which has probably only gotten worse with Netflix’ recent cuts on animation projects.
@Shoobster Жыл бұрын
Was there a vocal online negative reception to Humanz? It always seemed like people were pretty satisfied with it. I jyst assumed the show fell to development hell because it was gonna be too hard and expensive to make.
@somescrub885 Жыл бұрын
@@Shoobster I remember people not liking Hallelujah Money, but other than that reception seemed mixed to me. I like most of the songs, but it's honestly one of my least favorite of their albums.
@V-grandraccoon Жыл бұрын
@@Shoobster Humanz was extremely hated by a vocal group of fans upon release, especially on places like Reddit. After 7 years of waiting and building up expectations Gorillaz were never going to please everyone. People were mad that it was “too political”, “didn’t sound like Gorillaz” (meaning the old stuff they were used to, and “didn’t have enough 2D”. The complaints about not enough 2D were so loud that the song Sleeping Powder was quickly created to address it (Damon would even mention that when introducing the song in live performances). The effects of all the complaints have lived on and the band has been playing it safe ever since, for example they made sure that every track on the main version of Song Machine had a significant amount of Damon vocals and they don’t do anything to experimental on the main albums. In recent years fans (especially younger ones) have accepted Humanz more though. The same thing happened to a lesser extent with the previous album Plastic Beach, which also had very mixed and negative reviews from older fans upon release but was eventually accepted. This reception effected the streaming project because they had soured on general idea of doing something Humanz related and they wanted to make their tour album The Now Now into a more substantial effort than their previous tour album (the fall) to help please the angry fans, which meant Jamie had to make more art for The Now Now and didn’t have time for the streaming project.
@nsaspynetwork3196 Жыл бұрын
Huh I love Humanz. I was really mixed on Now Now. Really hope the show eventually gets made.
@DaveyXHatter Жыл бұрын
@@V-grandraccoon Honestly yes the album (Humanz)was out there, I mean conceptually Damon called the album a dance party at the end (an apocalypse) conceptually... I think if it had released a little bit earlier or later it would have been received better. I was 50/50 on the album at first, and I bought it day one, I think the definitive version of the album is combination of the deluxe tracks/tour tracks that were omitted from the original release of Humanz, along with some of the remixes. The album definitely grows on you after time, but I think people were expecting stuff to sound more Demon Dayz or Plastic Beach like.... but that obviously wasnt going to be the case upon seeing Hallelujah Money, I mean hell the video for Saturn Barz has a sample of a couple tracks in the opening and ending of the video. Its not my favorite, but it definitely is the under-rated child of the newer albums. Loved the Now Now, and am 75/25 on Song Machine (dont hate it, but one of the tracks is also conceptually out there in my opinion).
@cryoffearz Жыл бұрын
EDIT: I also forgot to mention the long lost Search For A Star contest that is mostly lost as well, I remember it back in the day but never got to preserve it since I was a child. Some of the fan submitted animations are on KZbin and track lists exist of the fan submitted songs, and some of the art pieces by fans for the contest are floating around as well. It's so upsetting that so much of phase 2 Gorillaz is becoming lost media, and not to mention a bit of phase 1 is also becoming lost. There was a whole preservation team that reignited Kong Studios being accessible, but they ended up disbanding before flash became obsolete and it's now destroyed and inaccessible. I also remember there being specific keys that unlocked rooms to the Kong site, two of them being the Gorillaz debut album and the Deluxe version of Demon Days (If I recall correctly, assuming you popped the discs into your computer and it somehow worked). I've seen nothing recorded online so far of people using the keys. By the time I owned a copy of the debut album and noticed it, it was about 3-4 years late, I got the album around the time Plastic Beach first came out. So I sadly could not try it. There's also quite a bit of lost media with their old merch releases that weren't exactly recorded the best, mostly their posters, t-shirts, and other miscellaneous goods. A decent chunk is seen through way back machine, but quite a bit of them are broken. If anyone has any info, a shot in the dark, I'm very interested. Thanks.
@aquapogs4338 Жыл бұрын
praying one day a dedicated team brings Kong studios to html 5 and that we get official gorillaz remastered blu rays of Celebrity Harvest and Slowboat to Hades
@Losing-it. Жыл бұрын
I think I did try the key that came with the first album. I can't remember exactly what it was but I think it took you to a locker in the style of the phase 1 game but in a different window, and the locker had some wallpapers and videos that already existed everywhere else. I could be wrong though.
@LocalTorchwoodIntern Жыл бұрын
oh yeah! my copies have like a visit the website and the link to it but I never really knew what it meant until reading your comment. Kinda mad at myself for not testing it out but I do remember a vid on YT about the Plastic Beach era of flash games and the entire Beach! really upset that its now not preserved/ lost media besides YT videos
@tenormanschilivevo Жыл бұрын
i found a website that seems to have been trying to put both phase 1 and 2s websites back together. i wish i could find someone trying to fix phase 3s website tho.
@pkpittoo795 Жыл бұрын
I remember being part a search for some of the lost games for the site as well
@MaxTheGoober Жыл бұрын
I’m a big Gorillaz fan, I know they had these 2 puppets of 2-d and Murdoc, I don’t really know where they went I think the 2-d puppet was found in a studio.
@flowerzforsaturn Жыл бұрын
I remember asking for a gorillaz lost media video a while ago during a live stream I’m so glad you included them thank you!! Gorillaz has a bunch of lost media there could be a whole separate video about it. I think what most fans want to find is the phase 1 and 2 website stuff, while you can find videos online you can’t actually play the games or see the site yourself (not sure if the way back machine works) what’s crazy is that there’s more possible lost media being made now since there was a tv show announced back in 2019 yet almost no news has been released since so many fans believed it was once again cancelled
@Chickengirl005 Жыл бұрын
As someone who's been a Gorillaz fan since the beginning, yeah, I remember the transition btw phase 1 and 2 being kinda messy. Like there was that who "saga" KONG studios being shut down, and some evil creepy clown dude behind behind it??? Yet when phase 2 was released, all that stuff with the evil clown guy was pretty much swept under the rug. Now, I know there was that one book released, that covered the history of Gorillaz, where all that might've been explained? Can't remember. Yet there were some inconsistences in that too. Totally forgot about that TV show that was supposed to happen
@GermanioBarros Жыл бұрын
@@Chickengirl005 the clown was called dr wurzel, Gorillaz's phase 1 villain that stole Murdoc's winnebago. And about what happened to him, this is what the Gorillaz wiki has to say: "At some point in late 2001, Murdoc (or the authorities) apprehended the crazed doctor and returned the Winnebago to its rightful home in Kong Studios. After the incident, the dispute was settled in court and never spoken of again. He most likely went to prison."
@MauricioJara Жыл бұрын
I’m still mad we didn’t get Celebrity Harvest. I think, artistically speaking, Gorillaz peaked between Phases 1 and 2. The art was a perfect blend between the two art styles. I’ve always loved the Cartoon Network artstyle, and Phase 1 js by far my favorite phase from them. I wish we got that movie. It sounded awesome.
@ivy7510 Жыл бұрын
Omg same. I'm actually kinda sad of what gorillaz is becoming now. I've always been a huge fan and I always loved what they were going for, and now they seem so empty idk. Don't get me wrong, their music stil slaps but seeing how they're getting watered down for the new audiences is kinda sad for me.
@MauricioJara Жыл бұрын
@@ivy7510 Yeah I’m a lil bummed out about it too. It’s not bad, by no means, but the tone/art style of the first two Phases just scratch a certain itch. Especially the first one. Love the Cartoon Network graffiti-like artstyle with the cityscape imagery
@ivy7510 Жыл бұрын
@@MauricioJara it was so unique. I understand that they must reinvent themselves but this last phases feel so different from what they usted to be. The first 2 phases will always be my favorites
@soloscape3 Жыл бұрын
@@ivy7510 that's just what comes when evolving as an artist, and I'm talking ab Jamie especifically, not Damon. My art style changes every year and Jamie seems like a really experimental artist regarding art styles so it's no surprise every phase has either huge changes or small changes like the way of coloring or how he draws certain parts of the body I'm not saying it's bad you don't like it tho or that you have a favorite phase, that's totally understandable :) Edit: I do feel that now they lack production in animation compared to years ago, that's why I love the lost chord mv
@MauricioJara Жыл бұрын
@@soloscape3 I feel as though the characters becoming more and more realistic over the years, has them look very caricature-like in motion, when compared to the amount of movement they had in Phases 1-3. I’m a huge fan of the art Jamie made between Phases 1 and 2, which is during Celebrity Harvest. It was the perfect blend imo and I think that’s when Gorillaz’ art peaked
@LON009 Жыл бұрын
If a release from a 2003 obscure band is so hard to track down, imagine how it could be for a band from the 60s, or even older. I recall hearing some Edith Piaf songs on an old vinyl record that I've never been able to find online.
@FigmentForever Жыл бұрын
You should see the sheer amount of Disney music & Hollywood Records demos/masters/etc that I’ve been working on since 2017. Walt Disney Archives is a small department but we have one of the most incredible but demanding jobs at the Company. I recently found an entire hard drive with demos from Selena Gomez, Jonas Brothers, Corbin Bleu, Hilary Duff, and more that is all on a 10 GB really dusty & thankfully working Hard Drive. Currently trying to find all the Aly & AJ rough cuts, demos, 2 entire albums, and B-Sides that never got a release. More so, my team found a 71 year old, mint condition LP from demo work for Disneyland. I recently helped with the vinyl re-releases of the Tiki Room LP, Both Aly & AJ LPs, and have 31 left on my list to compile before January.
@sparkidee 10 ай бұрын
Makes me wonder if the guy who made this video has actually tried everywhere to look for the music he wants. SoulSeek is fantastic for lost music.
@jupiter_jazz Жыл бұрын
this is right up my alley 😭 i have TONS of little samplers from record labels and bands first eps from shows. i don’t think any of them are lost media, but it’s pretty neat to know i have rare things
@skrrrrrrrrt Жыл бұрын
Kanye has the most leaked songs out of any artist ever. Even more than that, he has hundreds, if not thousands, of unleaked songs. Outside of music, there’s lost clothing, games, music releases, even a TV show. It’s a really interesting topic to look into.
@TiredCapybara Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite musician lost media instances (and honestly favorite lost media instance in general) comes from Coldplay. One of the songs from their very first show on January 16th, 1998, "So Sad". One of the first songs heard by the public at their first show, a band that would later become indescribably massive. That piece of history is just missing, possibly forever and that's so fascinating to me. If you ever do more of these, I seriously suggest looking into this song.
@host23 Жыл бұрын
The artist Oliver tree has a lost song called “Circuits” There’s only been 5 seconds of it leaked. He’s played it at his 2017-2018 tour but the studio version was lost
@Chesozz Жыл бұрын
Didn't the whole thing get released, idk I don't follow oliver tree much
@host23 Жыл бұрын
@@Chesozz there are a lot of fan remakes. You might’ve seen one of those
@Zultzify Жыл бұрын
did he ever even say he lost it, the guy is a notorious troll. its his PR shtick
@ShOscar Жыл бұрын
In regards to emo rock and lost music, there's one that sticks out to me the most: Student Rick's demo from 2000. Student Rick are probably best known for their song "Falling for You" which got some minor radio and TV airplay and was featured in a handful of video game soundtracks. Before they signed to Victory Records, they recorded a demo in April 2000 which I guess they used to send to labels and to fans at shows. As of now, no copy of this demo has ever shown up and no rips seem to exist, either. There is a Lost Media Wiki page for the demo, but that's pretty much it. It says some songs were found from the demo, but the article has no sources. The article also says it was uploaded to fan sites, but again, it doesn't say where. I did some of my own digging and found the band's website which listed their discography, including their demo. There is a track listing and I am guessing this is where the cover art came from, too. I also made a Discogs entry for the demo, and so far, no one claims to have it and four people say they want it. I did manage to find some people online who seem to match to some of the former band members, specifically Bryce Dudka and Adam Reiter since their names are the most unique out of the bunch. I thought about messaging them to ask if they had any more info about this demo, but I didn't follow through with these plans. lostmediawiki.com/Student_Rick_(lost_demo_tape_from_American_band;_2000) web.archive.org/web/20020814224241/www.studentrick.com:80/disco.html www.discogs.com/release/23314508-Student-Rick-Demo
@pikachuyoshipines1646 Жыл бұрын
It’s crazy to me that a popular band like Gorillaz has so many lost pieces of media. It’s mainly that phase 1-2 era too, which I absolutely love phase 1, and phase 2 I think has the most lost things. One of my favorite pieces of lost media is Green Day’s Cigarettes and Valentines album that had been stolen from the studio, recovered, and completely scrapped for American Idiot. From what I can remember is that some of the songs then were re-recorded/reworked for future albums, but I don’t remember how true or accurate that is. I also remember trying to find an EP for one of my favorite bands called Starflyer 59, and the EP was called Portuguese Blues, which they also have an album called I Am The Portuguese Blues, so when I tried looking for any songs from said EP, only the album came up. It wasn’t until the last few months I ended up finding the EP on an extremely small KZbin channel with hundreds of music uploads and they were weirdly scattered across the channel. These are the only videos of said EP I can find online, and I don’t own a copy of it so I’m hoping to find it one day and buy it. I think it had like 5 songs, with two of them being on the album and the rest new from the EP.
@FigmentForever Жыл бұрын
I was an associate producer for Dreamworks during the time Celebrity Harvest was in its infancy. Hewlett brought a 3 Track Demo for us in the storyboard room to listen to, while doing some early work on the film. With time, I haven’t been able to find any information on the titles or if the music was ever released publicly. You can add that to your info on Celebrity Harvest, as I really doubt that music has been on any album. I’ve lost contract with other Dreamworks co-workers and working for Walt Disney Archives these days - mostly cataloging Disney music & Hollywood Records releases, as well as some of the Parks stuff. Willing to upload my Company ID & part of my Perner # for those who doubt. If I come across anything related to Celebrity Harvest, I’ll upload it to my channel (where you can find old unreleased Parks video/music)
@shupasopni Жыл бұрын
Alright awesome! I hope you find something.
@francishollingshead2134 Жыл бұрын
Hollywood Records releases? I wonder if you have any way to find out if the release of "Life Is A Highway" by Rascal Flatts, which was signed to Hollywood Records at the time, had a normal version as well as the Cars variant. I know that the song (which was actually a Tom Cochrane song covered by Rascal Flatts) was made for the soundtrack for the movie Cars. I've seen a release on Spotify that used the cover of a normal Rascal Flatts album, so I assume there was a normal Rascal Flatts album release, but I'd like to see info with someone who works with Hollywood Records releases to verify that it was released on a normal Rascal Flatts album and not just made for the movie and never released on a "regular" album.
@FigmentForever Жыл бұрын
@@francishollingshead2134 It was set to release on their Me & My Gang album as a Live (bonus track) without the (Movie Version) attachment. It had been sung live from 03-05 on their tours. However, after being approached by Hollywood Record’s wanting a standout track for their upcoming Cars film, Rascal Flatts recorded a studio version to be included on the album. The live version wouldn’t be released until RF’s album “The Best of Rascal Flatts LIVE” and even this isn’t the same recorded version for their Me & My Gang album. The original is currently vaulted & never released due to the popularity of it becoming a major hit with its inclusion with Cars Official Soundtrack.
@FigmentForever Жыл бұрын
@@shupasopni I’ll reach out again. Albeit, many of my former coworkers at Dreamworks have either retired or moved to other studios. We were only in planning stages a mere 3 months before cancellation.
@FigmentForever Жыл бұрын
@@shupasopni also, thanks for subscribing. I don’t post videos often but when I do, it’s always rare/unreleased media.
@TravellingTARDIS Жыл бұрын
There's some fairly interesting Beatles-related lost media, including the song Carnival of Light, which was an avant-garde piece made to be played at the Million Volt Light and Sound Rave in London. Ever since then, almost no one has heard the recording since. Paul was considering including it on one of their compilations but the decision was overturned by the rest of the surviving band. There's also a 20 minute version of Helter Skelter, where Ringo played for so long that he had blisters on his hands at the end, resulting in the infamous "I've got blisters on my fingers!" quote heard at the end of the finished version.
@petergotbored9306 Жыл бұрын
Lost music is always a favorite topic of mine- in a recent bit of good found media news, green day are releasing a nimrod anniversary edition with 6 previously unheard songs that had been known about for a while alongside some other demos and live show recordings! I always love it when bands release those old rarities like rhat
@FigmentForever Жыл бұрын
Lastly, I wanted to add - as someone who both works for the company & an avid fan - the amount of Disney Parks music that has NEVER been released. As previously stated, I work in the Walt Disney Archives & out of the close to 1,500+ tracks we have filed away, only approximately 100-200 have made a public release. On the Hollywood Records side, we have all of Queen’s discography, Disney Channel/Movie Actors recordings when they worked on music, and every single song produced for a movie/tv special/tv show that was done in house.
@mlpdisneylover Жыл бұрын
@is_ley Жыл бұрын
god im so jealous
@GoldenPickaxe Жыл бұрын
You could do an entire episode on Michael Jackson's lost media. There are a lot of people in the community who I think would be willing to share information. We've gotten closer than ever to finding some of his rarest work recently.
@Zevis48 Жыл бұрын
This. bump.
@PhantomKing88 Жыл бұрын
This was the most emo episode of this channel and I couldn't be more hyped about it.
@LightestKing Жыл бұрын
I will say the idea of Gym Class Heroes just reusing songs makes so much sense, It's a very common way to pad out an EP to either get it out as quickly as possible or even breathe new life into your old whens if your fan-base has grown. One very popular artist I can think of doing this was Melanie Martinez who released the same couple of songs on like 2 or 3 different EPs and then all again on her debut album.
@IVR02 Жыл бұрын
One piece of lost media I remember hearing about before I even knew the term "lost media" is a film from the Cure, called Carnage Visors. It dates to 1981, around the release of their Faith album, and was shown on that album's tour. The music from the film was included in cassette and, later, CD releases of it, but the film itself has been lost for decades, with only 3 copies known to exist, all belonging to members of the band. There's ~30 seconds worth of footage that can be found online, which dates to a TV show that the band appeared on on which the host surprised them by showing the footage, but beyond that, the film is lost. I've always been curious about the film because of its mysterious nature, but there doesn't seem to be much talk of it in the lost media scene... which makes sense, since we pretty much already know of it's status, and the band members who own the known copies don't seem keen on releasing them. I just figured it was worth mentioning here.
@UJEvans Жыл бұрын
As soon as I saw 2D in the thumbnail I got so excited that you would talk about Celebrity Harvest. Here's hoping that Netflix movie they announced in 2020 is still happening.
@Jaheartsjonas Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite groups, Hall and Oates, has several recorded concerts that have not been officially released and mostly exist as fan recordings available for trade (though trading hasn't been popular in the community since the early 2000's and 90's), so are basically sitting in someone's collection somewhere. They include an 70's performance in Las Vegas featuring a cameo from Sylvester Stallone, an 80's performance at the Wembley, and various performances on tv shows across the decades. Since they are a band mainly only recognized for their hits and not their catalog as a whole and live performances (which is actually amazing and it's a shame that they aren't) there's not enough people looking for these things and again older fans usually have these things hidden in their collections somewhere if some of them even still exist. But yeah, commenting this go bring awareness to this lost media, maybe someone else might be interested
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
@SonicBoom1024 Жыл бұрын
I see Gorillaz on Wednesday, so the timing on this upload was perfect lol. Also coming from a big Fall Out Boy fan, I had no idea a blue variant existed! Cool video!
@sydfrog_ Жыл бұрын
I’m seeing them next Friday!
@SonicBoom1024 Жыл бұрын
@@sydfrog_ that's awesome i hope you have a good time!
@sydfrog_ Жыл бұрын
@@SonicBoom1024 same to you!
@aquapogs4338 Жыл бұрын
Spider Damon and the Teletubbies made cameos
@SonicBoom1024 Жыл бұрын
@@aquapogs4338 I saw pictures and videos of that, it was very funny, Damon is very cool
@mOOOp42 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: One of my neighborhood friends loved the Gorillaz but wasn't allowed to listen to it at home because his mom googled the band and found out one of the animated characters wears an antichrist cross. Anyway, anytime he would come over to my house we would jam out to the Gorillaz, and that memory still sticks with me to this day.
@satanikpanik. Жыл бұрын
it's just gorillaz , there's no the
@carlycarmine3858 Жыл бұрын
That character is Murdoc, and he's the most interesting character of the main four
@dealzvisualz Жыл бұрын
Another great lost media from Gorillaz is their music video for their song they released i believe late 2001 or 2002 called "911" feat D12, a small 40 sec promo video was released but the actual music video is lost
@ElainaArcher4 11 ай бұрын
Oooooohhhh I can definitely see the reasoning behind this....
@twanam3943 11 ай бұрын
I just searched it and found some videos claiming it was the video, but it's really just the 40 second promo video. Some thumbnails show it would look like 19-2000s video kind of. Edit: just found a full video of the song and will link it soon
@user-dh2mr6gn8r 7 ай бұрын
Maybe it's just never was made?
@KevinContreras2013 Жыл бұрын
Musical lost media will always be a favorite of mine since I’ve been collecting music since high school!
@bruhbruh7272 Жыл бұрын
The Gorillaz portion really makes you think about how much the idea for the project has changed since it's inception. I think Albarn would rather die than to diss any celebrity
@resserection1 Жыл бұрын
Damon sold out forever ago. Now it's basically a celebrity driven project.
@bladeobrian2144 Жыл бұрын
5:43 My dude, that was my first exposure to Gorillaz as well! I saw that animated clip, but I had no idea where it was from! I didn’t have much internet access at the time, or a way to screenshot it (this was 2005 and this was on the tv). Several years later I found out what it was by hearing the song somewhere and asking someone what it was and instantly became a fan.
@bdrive5663 Жыл бұрын
I was surprised the Gorillaz entry was not about the content from their old web sight. It was like a full exploration game with all kinds of little tings to unlock. To my knowledge a good number of the videos from it can be found online. But most of the interactive content seems lost forever.
@satanikpanik. Жыл бұрын
yeah it's unfortunate , the old website was really cool .
@user-dh2mr6gn8r 7 ай бұрын
They made "Celebrity Takedown" and "Slowboats To Hadies”, games that are remastered Phase 1 and 2 websites for physical CDs. They not the same, but still very good way to experience this old stuff (sorry for mistakes)
@jordimedina2777 Жыл бұрын
The early works of Boards Of Canada are really interesting as well. Worth a read
@HomuraAkemiHQ Жыл бұрын
Pendulum has a number of unreleased tracks and demos. A lot of them have actually been played live, but a few tracks are still completely missing.
@artism9780 Жыл бұрын
You should do Lost music related TV shows. There are couple like the Halloween special of the 60s Tv show, Shindig, Top of the Pops on the BBC, Mama Cass’s own TV show called Get it Together, and Olivia Newton John’s own TV show called Moods of Love.
@Klusterfrick Жыл бұрын
Your name is not funny
@arojamthearbiter Жыл бұрын
Really cool video! Been a long-time fan, so it's cool to see that you're also a Gorillaz fan! Did you know that Gorillaz is actually making a movie right now at Netflix, but it's most likely not going to be like Celebrity Harvest. It even has a tentative release date of 2024!
@BenPaz Жыл бұрын
I feel like that movie has been in development for years now and i don't think it has any date at all
@felixorozco4055 Жыл бұрын
it's also most likely never releasing. I also doubt it'd be that good, but that's just a personal opinion.
@V-grandraccoon Жыл бұрын
Don’t get your hopes up. The current movie was originally a series, meant to coincide with Humanz and release a year or so after it. It’s been in production for over half a decade now and from what I’ve heard it’s constantly changing. I really hope it happens but I wouldn’t believe it until we get an actual trailer or at least info about it being further into production.
@arojamthearbiter Жыл бұрын
@@BenPaz Well, this new incarnation of the movie with Netflix began in 2020 and, in May of this year, Jamie Hewlett did say that it is still in serious development and is planned for 2024.
@arojamthearbiter Жыл бұрын
@@felixorozco4055 As I said in another comment, Jamie Hewlett said in May this year that it is a "very serious project" and that it is still planned for 2024. Also, I know it's your personal opinion, but why do think it wouldn't be that good?
@stardmg Жыл бұрын
Just because the songs on Hed Candy might share the same names as the ones on Greasy Kid Stuff doesn't mean they're exactly the same as them. They could very well be earlier recordings, with differences from the GKS EP. It is referred to as a *demo* CD after all.
@FigmentForever Жыл бұрын
Glad someone pointed this out. When working to help on restoration of some of the masters for releases from Hollywood Records, I’ve found at least 2-3 demos of nearly everything Aly & AJ before their eventual dissolution from the company. However, I still haven’t found anything they recorded after their 2nd mainstream release (not including Hearts of Winter). They have 2 “Albums” they recorded fully before leaving the company.
@beezy7285 Жыл бұрын
yeah, oh my gosh. that crossed my mind when making the forum post. if there is a Hed Candy version of those songs, i'm absolutely dying to hear them dude.
@k2baby737 Жыл бұрын
It is possible they re-recorded it! But the back cover of the Greasy Kid Stuff EP mentions that the 3 tracks were recorded in October 99, which fits the timeline of when they recorded the Hed Candy EP
@captaindeadpool1997 Жыл бұрын
the spongebob chocolate milk ad has been found
@kingnewcomer2029 Жыл бұрын
Another solid lost media vid, LSSQ! :D I'm glad you were able to get the blue cover of Fall Out Boy's "Foile A Deux"! Now let's hope we can find the physical release of "Welcome To The New Administration". That really is a shame Gorillaz's movie ended up being cancelled as I would've loved to have seen it, but at least elements that were going to be in the film ended up being in the "Demon Days" album instead. Hopefully at some point, somebody will have a physical copy of Hit The Lights's "Leaving Town Tonight" to sell somewhere. Glad somebody was able to find all the songs from Gym Class Heroes's album "Hed Candy" as well as the official back cover of the other album "Greasy Kid Stuff"! Now we just have to find out what the official artwork, and packing of the Hed Candy album looked like. Can't wait for the next video! Keep up the amazing search!
@Stephaniealk3 Жыл бұрын
Was welcome to the new administration ever physically released? Bc all I've got are the files. I'd love to have an official copy
@mulch4697 Жыл бұрын
You are a legend. You could be the only proof that the FOB blue varient CD exists. Goat
@CloverCutieASMR Жыл бұрын
A fellow CD collector! I didn't even realize other people collected CDs too!!!
@EigengrauMonitor Жыл бұрын
He did it. LSSQ has finally made the video.
@GweenOfTea Жыл бұрын
Gorillaz was my first introduction into my slight music obsession (and animation too) I loved watching the music video for Clint Eastwood on MTV, a Gorillaz Movie would have been interesting though I feel like I wouldn't have been allowed to watch it when it came out since I was so young 😭
@artistwithouttalent Жыл бұрын
That Gym Class Heroes story doesn't even surprise me. I'm a casual fan of this band from SoCal in the early '80s called the Surf Punks; so many of their albums either re-released or re-recorded material from earlier albums.
@highhat583 Жыл бұрын
The lead singer of Ghost, Tobias Forge, has an unreleased album called ‘Passiflora’ in which only one song was ever released officially , titled ‘House of Affection’. However there was another song from the album that was posted online but was a poor quality live recording of the song ‘The Breeze’. Other than those two songs, the album has never seen the light of day and it’s really unlikely it will ever be released due to Tobias focusing more on Ghost
@Baloonboy105yt Жыл бұрын
it would be cool to see you discuss unfound samples in songs. That’s pretty similar to lost or obscure music.
@mlpdisneylover Жыл бұрын
Bruh that sounds interesting 😳😳
@heyjude6680 Жыл бұрын
that would be so interesting, do any of u know any right off the bat bc i wanna go down this rabbit hole lol
@Thegamer10113 Жыл бұрын
The original recording of Razor's album Escape The Fire was lost for 30+ years. It was found and released on CD. But years before a bootleg released that was supposedly the recording except it was a different recording all together.
@ScreamingAllTheTime Жыл бұрын
I remember wanting that FOB mixtape thing JUST for the demo version of Panic’s Nearly Witches because that version is sooooooooooo much better than the one that made it to the album
@benjaminbrown4813 Жыл бұрын
I see the title of the video and all I think is "All of the shit Michael Jackson never released cuz he died." And although I wish we could hear it, I understand and respect that he didn't want his unfinished music released.
@Svenir Жыл бұрын
I have my own personal holy grail of lost music, that is Voivod's 2001 demo album. It was apparently only released through a fan site for a limited time. At least a former member of the band (E-Force) that started a solo career covered one of the songs of that demo album (Victory on his album Modified Poison).
@FigmentForever Жыл бұрын
I may be able to help on this one. I have contacts still with many of the artists a close friend worked with on the Guitar Hero games. I’ll check around & see if I get any hits
@deadacclol800 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for including Gorillaz they my fav band
@im4everskilled Жыл бұрын
I remember when that old Godspeed You! Black Emperor album was found. that was cool
@fatyoshi9993 Жыл бұрын
Saw Gorillaz in the thumbnail and had to click, what a great crossover
@IamAJoe Жыл бұрын
Now this is a video I am looking forward to. Any time music is talked about when talking about lost media I am always looking forward to it.
@lxbryz5665 Жыл бұрын
this video made me look into the old lost "let down" radiohead music video, apparently it's been found since the last time i heard about it! so happy!
@bondedwithpotatoes0076 Жыл бұрын
Blakfish were a band from Birbingham, England, active from 2000-2010. Their stuff is really unique; The scene from around that time had a heavy math influence, but Blakfish blended it with hardcore. They almost made it fairly big until they broke up. The band made an album sometime between 2000-2004 likely on a cd, Self titled. Trailer, Remourse, Clone, Opinions, and Annoying are found, but songs 7/8, One Forgot, As We Were, Blakout, Opps We Did It Again, Sonic, Close but yet Too Far, and The Rise And Fall of Richard Lee are all lost. Later they released an ep called Dirty Import, all the songs are found, but Clifton seems to cut off early. Following Dirty Import, there was an ep planned called 'The Cliff Hanger.' Three songs: The Stallone Relationship, Retrotard, and Acoustic Demo. Acoustic Demo survived, and there are videos proven to be made on their website,, but wayback machine did not archive the download. If ANYONE has Stallone Relationship, Retrotard, or any of the other missing songs, please reply to this. I asked the guitarist, Sam, about Clifton at one point, and I don't feel like pestering him for anything else.
@bluebaron6858 Жыл бұрын
The Viewtiful joe anime ending theme called "And you" full English version is currently lost media...
@limeflashlight4101 Жыл бұрын
A lot of eatly IDM music is lost. Piehead records is almost completely gone along with so much other stuff. I've been starting to archive my collection digitally which I'm super excited about too. ROM - Weekly Departure comes to mind as well. (One guy has it but the disc is damaged :/ ) DOB had and has some lost media too. The lyrics to Like A Stuntman songs are lost media too. Even the lead singer doesn't know.
@Maniac4Bricks Жыл бұрын
Those were cool searches and I'm glad the mystery of the track listing of Hed Candy was solved.
@beezy7285 Жыл бұрын
i'm the same user that made the GCH post :D!! i'm so relieved to see we got a full tracklist of Hed Candy, even if it's all songs we've already heard before. i actually had made another post on the LMW forums about another band called Abraid and their successor Falling Down, while making the post i had discovered tom from Abraid and FD's bandcamp which hosted nearly every song they had created together, which shocked me. i had thought it was all lost until i found that bandcamp!!! there are also some live photos on their now archived site for Abraid, which was really cool to see! on top of that, they were also in pretty good quality :-) unfortunately some of the photos were not archived. i uploaded any pictures of the band i could find onto discogs! anyways i'm so honored to be featured in this video!!!
@beezy7285 Жыл бұрын
i was also able to find one of the members' facebook accounts during a deep search. i wanted to ask him if he still had any photos or maybe even an extra copy of a cd to add to my collection but i suffer from some anxiety so i never got around to contacting him.
@YoSuey Жыл бұрын
I remember Clint Eastwood premiering on MTV. My 7 year old self went nuts. Cool music and even cooler video. This was back when MTV would advertise new videos days and or even weeks in advance.
@creepthemes Жыл бұрын
i think that kanye west has some of the most documented pieces of lost music media, multiple ALBUMS are literally finished and just sitting on hard drives.
@appleofdoom Жыл бұрын
I think the most interesting pieces of lost Gorillaz media come from the Plastic Beach era, as they were originally going to make a full 3 albums based around it along with special concerts and spin-offs, but they ran out of budget most of the way through and just chucked all the songs into the one album we know today. Damon Albarn has released some songs from the unfinished albums which were put into an unofficial fan-album called sea-sides, but a lot of it is still stuck away somewhere. Damon has also said that he wants to go back and finish some of the unfinished songs
@Chickengirl005 Жыл бұрын
The Gorillaz song I will forever be saddened about being lost was during the pre-Plastic beach era, when these short lil animated clips were done to introduce each character into the Plastic Beach phase. Russel had his own one where he goes jumping into the ocean to go after the Plastic Beach. The song playing in the background was never fully released. And Rhinestone Eyes never getting a completed music video sucked, but it was a budget issue with the record label not wanting to give it more money iirc.
@appleofdoom Жыл бұрын
@@Chickengirl005 Fun Fact: the background music was eventually repurposed as the end music to an Syrian documentary called The White Helmets. The song is officially called Crashing Down, although in production it was also called Whirlwind.
@argotsambience Жыл бұрын
I've never heard of sea sides! where can it be found?
@Honeyr0ck Жыл бұрын
I thought that would be the main reason for Damon and Jamie to make the music video for "the lost chord" to take place on Plastic Beach (maybe the concept for the song was made around that era) but it was kinda... weird, bc instead of taking advantage and continue the plastic beach story they decided to forget it and created the whole satanic cult plot, which, i don't care bc i never really researched the band's lore, seems like a weird decission; why would they go back to the island? To escape again? Why didn't Damon took advantage and completed what he wanted to? Did he wanted to?
@BlueOysterStan Жыл бұрын
“Showtime” is a song from the 2001 album, “Curse of the Hidden Mirror” by Blue Öyster Cult, however the song was originally intended to be on their 1980 album, “Cultosaurus Erectus”. I have been interested in hearing the original 1980 recording of the song, however I have not had any luck finding it.
@blackoverblueskies6221 Жыл бұрын
I'm still looking for the demo for I'm Not Okay by My Chemical Romance, there's a clip floating around but there has to be more to it
@AC-AL Жыл бұрын
I remember when I went down the gch rabbit hole to find their great, older music. It's crazy that lot of people did not know about this era of their sound.
@corktreeluvr Жыл бұрын
if i had known you were a fob fan i would have subscribed way sooner. it’s cool seeing content creators that have the same music taste as you
@Cherry_Magenta Жыл бұрын
In the earliest years of their existence, Judas Priest performed a 14-minute long song known as "Caviar and Meths" in concert, written by guitarist KK Downing, bassist Ian Hill, and original lead vocalist and founder Al Atkins. After being signed to a label, the band wanted to include "Caviar and Meths" on their first album "Rocka Rolla", but the label rejected the full version of the song, and as such only the song's first two minutes were recording. No recording of the full 14-minute version is available to listen to, making it lost. Gull Records may or may not have a version in its vaults. Atkins later released a 7-minute long version on one of his solo albums. Playing the Rocka Rolla version with the Atkins version immediately after is the closest reconstruction one can make of the original version of "Caviar and Meths". Muse also have about a dozen lost songs that we only know about from photos of setlists from their early years, including "SWM", the most infamous case of this within the fandom. In addition, only clips of their first demo "This is a Muse Demo" exist online, with the full version yet to surface. Rumor is the band intentionally outbid fans on eBay to purchase copies of This is a Muse Demo to prevent it from surfacing. Admittedly, the clips which are available are not very good.
@laurel_bee Жыл бұрын
I'd LOVE to hear you talk more about the more scarce pieces in your music collection! 💖
@sleepingpxwder Жыл бұрын
As someone heavily in the gorillaz fandom, the plastic beach point and click game is another great piece of lost media! Movie wise, I believe they got greenlighted for a Netflix movie back in 2021! Sad we never got celebrity harvest, but hopefully the other movie will include lots of the lore or elements from celebrity harvest. Gorillaz has so much interesting lost media, it would be awesome if you had a full video!
@user-dh2mr6gn8r 7 ай бұрын
My friend asked him on twitter to make video about band's Lost album that we both serching for LSupersoniCQ replied that he makes G-Lost Media video for a while now, so I guess he soon will upload it
@ZekeDidNothingWrong Жыл бұрын
Nobody cares, but there's a CD I'm after. It's from 2006, and it's by some (at the time) not very well known Japanese idols (similar to but not quite the same as KPop idols): four members of Hello Pro Egg, a trainee division under the Hello! Project umbrella. It was a campaign song for Nissen's airship project... thing they were doing, which AFAIK was just flying an airship around and trying to spread awareness of whatever their message was. They had campaign website that had a download link to the song, titled Sora ga Aru, as well as an acoustic version by a different singer. However, the files are only in 128kb/s mp3 quality since it was so long ago. At some of the promotional/charity(?) events, they sold a CD version of Sora ga Aru. It includes the two versions of the song, as well as instrumental versions of each, which were never on the website and haven't been released anywhere else. Since the Hello Pro Eggs weren't popular at the time (they'd only really been doing a couple of concerts as backup dancers since the previous year and hadn't recorded anything yet), fans weren't eagerly trying to get their hands on this CD. The CD definitely exists. It's just that there'll only be a handful of copies out there. Every other Hello! Project CD is either easily purchasable (or downloadable if you know where to look!) or has, at the very least, surfaced on online auctions before. To my knowledge (and I've gone CD hunting a lot), the Sora ga Aru CD is the only one that has never been auctioned off. At least not from what I can find. Most other lost Hello! Project media is stuff that was supposed to be released but was either cancelled or re-recorded due to a member suddenly leaving. Though I'm sure many, many old videos that they released through now-defunct Flash based websites are gone, too. It took the record label until 2010 to start uploading music videos to KZbin, even. (And there are a couple of very old music videos that were only ever partially aired on TV, so the full versions are lost.) And that's not even getting into TV and radio show appearances, magazines, etc. Hello! Project has been around since 1998, and two of the acts (Heike Michiyo and the well-known Morning Musume) both actually started in 1997, so there's a LOT of a backlog, and a lot of probable lost media (Morning Musume are still around today, albeit with different members.) I could do a whole essay about lost H!P media, but I don't know if it's very interesting lol
@parkerr2230 Жыл бұрын
one small artist that immediately comes to mind on this topic is peter cat recording co, they have some of my favorite music and their two albums are some of the best but prior they made 4 other projects which were then deleted for a fresh start. surviving songs are on their album portrait of a time, but outside of some live performances a large chunk of their old catalogue is not backed up online. and unless someone comes up with the rest of the song files (the band didn’t do cds or physicals at the time), the original versions of most of their old material is likely gone forever
@MrSoulbucket Жыл бұрын
my first ever introduction to gorillaz was when adult swim played gorillaz music videos
@MegaRockinRolla Жыл бұрын
My lost music white whale is Ozzy Osbourne’s iTunes Festival London 2010 Live EP. I used to have it on iTunes many years ago, but lost access to that iTunes account and any computers that may have had it downloaded onto. It’s been taken off of iTunes and Apple Music, and was never released physically. Nobody ever uploaded any of the track to KZbin that I could find either.
@drivforc7867 Жыл бұрын
thanks for documenting this so well
@brunoraulriveracatacora3654 Жыл бұрын
Primal Scream's official video for "Can't Go Back" is nowhere to be found. When I think back of it, I can see how its content would be upsetting to some viewers, but having it dissappear from platforms such as KZbin, Vimeo or DailyMotion seems like extreme to me.
@wolfetteplays8894 Жыл бұрын
If All Things Must Pass isn’t in this video, I’m gonna be sad 😢
@SasquatchOni Жыл бұрын
I’m subbing, this is a killer topic. No need to convince me twice.
@mr_selfdestruct Жыл бұрын
Not necessarily "lost" media because it definitely exists and is out there (just not for our eyes) but the Guns N' Roses video recordings of their 90's Use Your Illusion tour. Only recently has some of the footage been shared by the GN'R team, like live videos and ultra HD upscaled music videos. But as far as we know, there's allegedly over 200+ hours recorded during that tour, of which we haven't even seen 3% of yet. There's also the fact that they might be holding on to even more footage from the 80's too, since their old photographer during that time has said that he made so much video footage but isn't allowed to share it due to copyright or something. There's a lot of footage that's not been released yet, and us fans want to see it so bad!
@AmusingLuis Жыл бұрын
Great Video! The GCHs one really interested me the most. the only sort of lost media that i can think of when it comes to Music Lost Media is Imagine Dragons. i heard that there was a song that was never released but was played at concerts before they made it big! also its really cool how you were into Punk rock music. im still a huge fan of it myself!!
@drsumo3113 Жыл бұрын
I was actually listening to some of my favourite Gorillaz albums on KZbin, then went back to the main page and BAM! A video from LSuperSonicQ with 2D on the thumbnail. Coincidence? I don't think so!
@schinza Жыл бұрын
I literally found out about Gorillaz in the exact same way you did!! Crazy!!!
@Brandnewriot001 Жыл бұрын
Paramore has a documentary that’s theoretically lost because they were gonna do it after Brand New Eyes but that’s when tension was at an all time high for them so they had to put the documentary on hold. Then, they tried again after their self-titled record but then the bassist sued them and left so it had to be put on hold again but now they’re toying with the idea again.
@doctorthepepper Жыл бұрын
oh yeah didnt hayley tweet about having 3 paramore docuentaries that were never completed back in like 2018 or someyhing
@doctorthepepper Жыл бұрын
also the when it rains mv but i can't remember if it's real or not
@Brandnewriot001 Жыл бұрын
@@doctorthepepper yeah, I remember now that they were also gonna do a documentary during After Laughter but she was going through a lot in her personal life so they had to shelve it as well.
@trentjeffrey Жыл бұрын
I subbed the second I saw you say hit the lights. that ep that's on from Ohio with love is one of my fav things to listen to. I also remember getting the until we get caught ep in high school & jamming it over & over. so much good pop punk dude
@slurpeekyler Жыл бұрын
"Creepywetfreak" Yeah that gets my attention as well.
@thestargazer679 Жыл бұрын
an unreleased album id love to have one day is Linkin Park Underground 17 LP used to release yearly albums know as Underground, which would feature live recordings, demos, abandoned songs, joke tracks, test recordings, and other such content, starting in 2001 and ending in 2017, with the death of Chester Bennington. his death put the album on hold, with it and the entire LPU series being cancelled. it's incredibly tragic and I'd love to have LPU 17 someday
@mikemorgan2367 Ай бұрын
PopPunk was and still slightly my love along with mid 2000’s emo. Today I’ve moved into a more eclectic field of music but I still occasionally go back to the music of my youth and appreciate it for what they meant to me.
@Ratryoshka Жыл бұрын
Dude i was in the FOB fandom along with other bands like MCR, P!ATD, 30STM, Paramore back in high school (like we draw comics of them and stuff) but ive never heard of this Folie a Deux special edition 😮 A lot of the bands featured here are the bands I like & i salute you for this video
@athanfishy Жыл бұрын
The band AJR has a lot of lost media. 2 albums, 1 ep and a handful of singles were all lost, but at the moment only one of their albums, Venture, from 2010 and a few of their singles are still lost, the others are recovered. I don’t listen to them as much anymore and I know they get a shit ton of hate, but it’s still interesting to look at, and I hope Venture could be found one day.
@cameronlee888 Жыл бұрын
if their entire discography vanished tomorrow no one would be the least bit upset
@freejtautomatic Жыл бұрын
one thing i would reeeeally like found is selena’s 1992,1993 and 1994 houston astrodome concerts..sold out each year. sadly you can only find parts of them online :(
@gabbyfarr3904 9 ай бұрын
"Bodybag" by Hit The Lights brings back core memories from my adolescent years - it's thrilling to see them get a shoutout!
@frootypatooty6181 Жыл бұрын
I saw 2d and had to click immediately. Recently went to their concert at SF. It was amazing!!!!
@thegirlwitheeyes1232 Жыл бұрын
I can't belive you guys found an old GCH ep from 1999 that's WILD
@beezy7285 Жыл бұрын
im the OP of the forum post!! i had actually managed to contact the guy who posted the youtube video of Don't Let Me Down and got it in a much higher quality MP3 file. crazy he still held onto it after all these years, man!
@thegirlwitheeyes1232 Жыл бұрын
@@beezy7285 OMG THAT'S AMAZING
@omeganave7425 Жыл бұрын
Only one piece of musical lost media I know of, would be Carnival of Light by The Beatles. A nearly 14 minute long avant-garde piece which was played only once at the Million Volt Light and Sound Rave in 1967. It’s been attempted to be released a few times in the past but not all members of the band agreed to release it. Not sure if a search for that would be very interesting though, or if you’d even be interested in something like that.
@Layla-gh5ij Жыл бұрын
I actually wrote some articles on the LMW about my favorite band, Tokio Hotel. There’s an uncensored music video that’s unreleased, several rumored unreleased and/or translated songs, and a music video for the lead singer’s solo project that eventually did get released….over two years after it was announced.
@Klusterfrick Жыл бұрын
The SpongeBob Chocolate milk commercial was found
@Sphat90 Жыл бұрын
The songwriter Gregg Alexander had his own demos of "Heal Me" and "I'm Moving On" as well as a number of unreleased tracks hosted on a music licensing website called Spirit Music Group but when the page links were moved to a new format, the ones for those songs were not updated and believed to be lost. On the offchance anyone happened to grab them when they were around I'd love to hear them.
@makuama Жыл бұрын
Nirvana has a lost version of a track called "Opinion" which you can briefly hear from the movie "Montage Of Heck". I find it unfortunate due to that the full version that is available seems to not be the best version out there
@makuama Жыл бұрын
There is a lot of Nirvana content that is missing. I think most people think that most Nirvana content is already out there but from my research there is a lot of things related to Nirvana that are discovered even to this day. Like the track unofficially known as "Ivy League" which was only played live having a high quality version that was recorded on a soundboard.
@MonoLakeReal Жыл бұрын
Lost music is always a special topic for me. For my music holy grail is a 1996 home recordings for the band The La’s and the demos for Longpigs debut album, The Sun Is Often Out. I’ve only been able to find a few and are on my channel amongst other things!
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