its make me think how life on earth can be dificult some times. But you still think you are lucky enough to see todays lifes. And seeing the light going through your eyes making you think how lucky you are to see the beauty of nature. Its give you some courage and power to fight through your life on earth. Letting you know that times tells you not to waste your time in useless things because the darkness will one day caught you. god will not be there for you. meanig that nature will one day get back what he has giving to you and the univers to will end. darkness is the origin of beginning and end
@ameau11 ай бұрын
@bruhh4jojo211 ай бұрын
@@ameau Everyone has a warrior's soul 👹
@bruhh4jojo211 ай бұрын
Love it. the chilling music vibe👌🤟💤💭
@anonymousanon691311 ай бұрын
More than one anime included, can only name one though, Inuyasha