[BRIEF TALKS] Sasis Favorit PlastPin untuk SD Class

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Super-II Chassis
The Super-II Chassis is the next generation of the Super-1 Chassis, and it features race-ready advancements such as a reinforced bumper, rear stay secured by 2 rotating switches and screw-secured cover. The chassis also offers excellent adaptability.
The main chassis parts, especially the front bumper, has been reinforced. The front bumper has also extended and added few attachment holes for the use of grade-up parts. The battery switch has been changed from slide-type to rotate-type, and the battery clip's design was also changed to the much more rigid one. There's also the newer hard-points for rear stay parts, as seen in Super X Chassis and later chassis.
Some kits came with the Side-Guard EX attachment which can be installed on under the middle of the chassis.
Performance-wise, it behaves similar to that of VS Chassis, except that Super-II Chassis has greater adaptability than VS Chassis.
While most of the Mini 4WD cars equipped with Super-II Chassis are molded in normal ABS plastic, the chassis that came with the Magnum Saber Premium, Sonic Saber Premium and Tridagger X Premium were molded in polycarbonate-mixed ABS plastic, while the chassis that came with the Victory Magnum Premium and the Vanguard Sonic Premium were molded in carbon-mixed ABS plastic.
A while after the release of Super-II Chassis, there are complaints that the screw that holds the gearbox would become loose due of frequent removes and reattaches. Tamiya would later includes the easy locking gear cover (originally a Grade-Up Parts) as standard in some Super-II Chassis cars starting with Dash-1 Emperor Premium. As of 2022, only most of the Premium variants of older minicars and some RS cars includes the easy locking gear cover.
This is the first Mini 4WD chassis to be recalled. Soon after the release of Magnum Saber Premium, Tamiya discovered the mold defects on the chassis and recalled all of the original Magnum Saber Premium kits. This since has been fixed with the second mold revision.
The hole on the centerfront of the front bumper was designed to allows the attachment of certain bodyshell's additional parts. (i.e. Liberty Emperor and Dash-001 Great Emperor's front spoiler)

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@mazuranime73 2 жыл бұрын
Saya juga main SD class, dan termasuk sering juga bang makai super 2, karena di sampaing chasiss nya simpel buat modif modifan chasiss nya juga lebih stabil dan cocok juga kalau di pakai main speed di track, satu lagi chasiss yang saya pakai main SD class itu super TZ chasiss bang.
@plasticpinion 2 жыл бұрын
Super TZ plastpin pake buat main klasik race om. Belum pernah coba buat SD.
@mazuranime73 2 жыл бұрын
@@plasticpinion saya udah nyoba om, yang super xx aja nyoba saya.
@kolor-_ijo 2 жыл бұрын
Front underguard maksudnya kali ya om. Tapi bener sih fungsinya skid
@plasticpinion 2 жыл бұрын
Nahhh... Benar sekaliiiiii
@bukanracer 2 жыл бұрын
Emang S2 paling lentur jd enak bgt buat landing setelah lompat tanpa perlu make banyak mass damper. Dan saya sendiri kalo make S2 lbh suka yg PC ABS atau ABS karna BUAT SAYA PRIBADI ngerasain yg karbon kayaknya ga se lentur yg PC ABS atau ABS, jadi saya harus make mass damper yg sedikit lbh berat kalau make yg karbon. Untuk loban bearing roda yg sering patah saya coba akalin pakai brake sponge di bagian gear cover depan jadi saat body di pasang, ada bagian body yg menekan brake spongenya jadi gear cover bs nahan lobang bearing rodanya
@plasticpinion 2 жыл бұрын
Nah kan jd banyak ilmu baru nih. Thanks masukannnya omkuh.
@mazuranime73 2 жыл бұрын
Sama saya juga sependapat, saya lebih suka plastik ABS dari pada carbon khusus nya buat chasiss.
@qun_qun 2 жыл бұрын
biar dinamo sm gear kerja maximal gmn gan? pernah mungut tamiya yg lagi cengrace. sd nya berasa sto kenceng dan rapet bgt suara mesin dan gearnya
@plasticpinion 2 жыл бұрын
Yg jelas gear harus ori. Terus pemasangan mesti disetel bener2. Selama ini sih suara mesin rapet2 aja.
@mazuranime73 2 жыл бұрын
Tergantung stelan nya juga bang kaya mana, di tambah part juga termasuk, kaya part yang ori itu lebih bagus ketibang part yang tak ori udah pasti ada perbedaan nya.
@qun_qun 2 жыл бұрын
@@mazuranime73 saya mah pake 100% ori soalnya ga jual yg kw di daerah tmpt sy main. ttp aja kayanya kalah jauh bgt pas br nyalain mesin
@plasticpinion 2 жыл бұрын
@@qun_qun mungkin masalahnya mesin dy udh break in. Break in ini yg ilmunya rada susah. Plastpin sih biasanya utk race beli mesin ketimbang buat sendiri. 😅
@qun_qun 2 жыл бұрын
@@plasticpinion saya jg beli kok dr org yg lumayan ternama tp emg beda setingan mungkin sm org yg udh biasa race 🙂 thx udh mau jwb om 👍🏻
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