Please DON'T Don't Draw Every Day!

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Scott Christian Sava

Scott Christian Sava

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Please DON'T Don't Draw Every Day!
#art #bensound #drawing #draweveryday
Artist, Dad, & Hobbit

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@KeshArt 4 ай бұрын
0:08 - That's my video up there. Just to clarify, I still and always have found 'Drawing Everyday' to be a GREAT piece of advice. I follow it myself and encourage others to do so. What I was communicating in the video was to not "should" yourself into it. I.e strong rules that causes you have an "all or nothing" mentality. As a result of that thinking, I've found people get into these "art blocks" which are infact a result of their own unrealistic expectations. And not the act of daily drawing. I also found it strangly odd when a lot of these folks started saying it was "bad advice" without any solid arguments to back it up. I agree with what you are saying in this video and super happy to see a voice thats sharing a valid argument for what I consider to be a profound piece of advice. "Drawing Everyday" not only taught me the skill that I have now, but also the wisdom of doing hard things that matters.
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! I admit... I didn't get to watch all of the videos. So, I'm SO happy to hear that you were communicating that artist's need to give themselves a break. That's wonderful advice. By the way... your thumbnails are SO good! I'm just starting to make long form videos and the thumbnails are the hardest part. You make it look so easy.
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
Pinning this so people can check out your video as well. ♥
@-SweetCheesecake- 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I tried doing an art study every day, but I ended up a little burned out by a week and lost my streak lol
@KeshArt 4 ай бұрын
@@ssavaart hey thats alright! We share similar perspectives and it's nice to know how you think about this. Mine has evolved so much from that video as well. At the end of the day, people find and reveal their own ways and convos like these give many the option to explore. And thank you! About the thumbnails, I definitely am learning as well😅. Let me know if I can help in any way. I can share what has worked for me :)
@Huisf 4 ай бұрын
Hi kesh ❤
@polarationmotion948 4 ай бұрын
I agree that in art, nothing helps you more than practice. However I feel like drawing everyday can lead to burnout or art block. So I try to practice a lot but still with a bit of caution as to not overwork and burn out.
@rafaelatakami8019 4 ай бұрын
I totally agree! Not that drawing every day is bad advice, but we gotta be careful about that, especially if we tend to get bored of things quickly or if we have a tendency to pressure ourselves too much. When I decide to draw every day I get anxious, because not every day do I have the energy to draw (which is ok), but I feel guilty for not drawing, so it just makes me stressed. So, I've been learning to take things more naturally. If I feel like going a few days without drawing, that's fine. I love art, so I'll get back to it anyways. I just need time to get some energy and motivation. Of course, drawing is about practice, but I think being too worried about consistency takes away some of the fun in making art.
@sawkchalk6966 4 ай бұрын
@@rafaelatakami8019 I resonate a lot with what's been said here. I have my good days and bad weeks with art and pushing myself to draw everyday can often be very taxing after completing a piece I like. I usually like to spend 2-3 days working on a piece I'm liking and then step away from the pencils for a bit to let the high die down so I don't expect a masterpiece with my next venture
@ghostratsarah 4 ай бұрын
If you have a bad habit, though, you may not be able to see it if you keep doing it. Or if you have migraines, it can screw up your perception- most of the time, my art looks like picasso thanks to my migraines. Pushing through creates muscle memory- which is extremely difficult to correct. You need to take breaks. If you are struggling, you need to step away. If you don't, you'll f yourself over.
@tonydambe 4 ай бұрын
​​@@rafaelatakami8019 When I first started drawing everyday, I'd get frustrated and it was very hard. It was like I was forcing my hand to move but my brain didn't want to move. Nowadays I am finding it easier. I didn't say easy though, just easier. I think the point is that you don't have to make masterpieces everyday. I personally don't draw all the time in a day. I might do timed life drawing in the morning, then draw a man from imagination in the afternoon. And that's it. On some days I might just draw something like a flower and then not draw again for the entire day. What matters to me is to move my hands. Sometimes I just draw lines and shapes as part of my practice to enhance my line quality and freehand shape drawing since lines and shapes are building blocks in all drawings.
@ananya_guha 4 ай бұрын
​@@rafaelatakami8019 I found an easy solution for that uk. If I would get bored of something then I would switch the colour mediums cause mastering them is also imp. I would draw totally different things two consecutive day or I would draw my old painting in a new style. These things can keep u from burning out and feeling forced to draw.
@stroodledoodles 4 ай бұрын
I get both sides, drawing everyday helps build a habit + practice while at the same time it could possibly lead to burnout. I know personally when I first heard the 'draw everyday' phrase I felt pressured to try and do a masterpiece everyday, which I got really overwhelmed by. So I really like what you said about just doing sketches, doodles and observations. That's a much better way at looking at it!
@bavarianplaguedoctor 4 ай бұрын
I think that’s where I went wrong whilst trying to draw everyday for a month
@rRekko 4 ай бұрын
Yup, people who get burnout are usually those who don't really like drawing or those who put too much pressure on themselves to do better. In reality, like in any other creative avenue, you just have to do what makes you happy or what entertains you. Sometimes you just wanna use that medium to get rid off or plaster your frustrations and stress too. But pressuring yourself to keep going and to improve no matter what rather than just trying to enjoy your hobby is what leads to burnout, especially when your livelihood is on the line, which is what we see with all the anti "AI art", instead of blocking off typical morons and just keep doing what you want, there is a certain frustration that shouldn't be there in the first place.
@fanime1 4 ай бұрын
​@@rRekkoI mean AI images are theft. People and especially artists are justified in being against it.
@ellislahtinen7799 4 ай бұрын
I agree, just saying "draw every day" can put pressure or hinder people. Some days you might not be in a good head space or dont have the time and this could lead to being disappointed with yourself and your work. What has helped me is learning that I can just draw gesture or life drawings when I don't feel creative or just draw something that's not meant to be "good" when I feel pressured to create something perfect and just fuck around with colours like I did as a kid to remember that it's the act of creating that's the point not creating a masterpiece. So I think it's important to adapt the advice to your life and remember that it won't work for everyone and getting burned out doesn't mean you don't like art enough and it's okay to take a break.
@stroodledoodles 4 ай бұрын
@@ellislahtinen7799 Well said!
@StaircaseAnimations 4 ай бұрын
I really like how this channel doesn't treat drawing as someting sacred that only the elite can do (which i feel like most channels do), but as an actual hobby that anyone can get into. Great video, Scott! Really inspired me to go and draw something! (After you said to go draw a vampire, I think i'm gonna go do that)
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
Have fun vampiring!
@sincorazon9920 3 ай бұрын
Which channels treat drawing as something only the elite can do??
@zoefurlong8031 3 ай бұрын
Had an art teacher that treated art like it was some sort of elite exclusive club. "If you suck you suck. You'll never get better so don't waste your (my) time" for too long I've listened to her. Point is do what you love, art is art its not exclusive to any style.
@Ailyloves 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@sincorazon9920some people treat drawing like you must have an expensive drawing tablet or expensive watercolour paints to make “real” art and truly be an artist, i think that’s what he meant. while scott (ssavaart) is friendly and shows that you can draw even with cheap materials, focusing on what REALLY matters: make art
@Mafon2 Ай бұрын
When did drawing become an elite thing? Wasn't it a loser thing for the past 100 years, at least? O_o
@Lewisiaisoutofcontext 4 ай бұрын
I burned myself out so badly by following this sentiment for six years straight that I eventually couldn't draw anymore. In my case I bought thick sketchbooks with several hundred and I set the goal to finish one each year. First four went smoothly, but then it got worse and worse and I had to force myself the last two before I hit the wall completely in 2019. It stressed me out so badly that I would cry if I missed more than a day of drawing. I'm only just now getting back into drawing and I'll never push myself that hard ever again. I realise it works great for some people, and during those years I did enjoy myself and improved tremendously, but pushing yourself when it's not enjoyable anymore just causes harm in the long run, in my experience.
@animalsmyheart783 4 ай бұрын
In my experience drawing what you want to is best for everything. For example I love to draw nature and animals and once I feel comfortable I will try different things and I do draw everyday.. but the everyday drawings can be a simple sketch, a pen doodle, just anything actually!
@animalsmyheart783 4 ай бұрын
I doodle in my sketchbook, I make comics in it, I also started new mediums (gouache and ink recently) in sketchbooks because I can be free with it. And you really don't need a very nice sketchbook! Most of mine cost 1 or 2 dollars! Yeah! If it is not costly you won't be afraid to just mess up!
@animalsmyheart783 4 ай бұрын
Just remember that only draw when you want and what you want! Don't draw because you have to! Draw because you want to!
@Evija3000 4 ай бұрын
I had this problem with Duolingo :D I had a good streak going, but then I got overwhelmed with life, couldn't actually do the lessons and started redoing old lessons just to maintain my streak. It ended up just piling more stress onto my day. Take a break when you need to, especially when it comes to hobbies. They're supposed to give you joy, not burnout.
@Why_who_where 4 ай бұрын
Honestly I can't push myself to do anything at all, I tried to make a schedule on when to practice anatomy and other stuff but it only takes 2-7 days until I completely forget about it, but I really can't imagine pushing myself to the point where it's not enjoyable anymore, I can't even do that with my studies which are way more important. I hope you're doing okay right now and don't push yourself too hard and remember to take breaks regularly.
@lukedoglt 4 ай бұрын
I think different people may need different versions of the same advice. Drawing everyday can be good for some, but for others, depending on their situation. They may take it too far and burn out. The brain is a muscle so I think when people hear that advice they may overwork themselves or felt guilty for not drawing just one day. “Draw regularly, as much as you can.” is a variation on it which I personally like. Though I agree with what you’re saying Scott. Love these longer videos!
@rRekko 4 ай бұрын
Hm, I'd say draw regularly or everyday as much as you like. You won't improve if you don't enjoy the challenge, but "as much as you can" will lead many to burnout, as there will come times where they could draw but don't want to
@cloverlovania 4 ай бұрын
@@rRekko thats a very good take on it :]
@SnoFitzroy 4 ай бұрын
​@@rRekko I'd say "days where you could but don't want to" are not days where you "can" tbh :P
@cryptid_momochi 4 ай бұрын
I've seen some of these "dont draw every day" videos - the ones I've seen talk mostly about burnout, wrist issues, and I remember seeing some that recommended alternative methods for those who can't draw every day for whatever reason. As an aside, I'm one of those "almost always draws their ocs" artists! my characters are what bring me joy and are ultimately what help me branch out lol. it's a lot harder to make myself draw something i don't care about, but if one of my silly guys is involved it immediately becomes easier.
@pigpenandpaper 4 ай бұрын
My characters are also what bring me joy. Luckily, it's not a one or the other thing, or all or nothing thing. If I miss some days working or living life, that's just fine. I also practice drawing what I see around me, and in turn that can help our character art! It's great to be able to plop my character on a bike or at a restaurant with what I learned from life drawing
@Hedgehogsupremacy 4 ай бұрын
This is the most real comment ever.
@themasterofpotatoes9475 3 ай бұрын
It happens to me sometimes too, huh I need to practice backgrounds, but I absolutely hate drawing a forest... Oh, if I insert an oc somewhere (even if it's in a little tiny corner like he's just admiring the forest) suddenly I feel motivated to make that forest the best scenery I've drawn in years!
@felinefurkin4275 4 ай бұрын
The typical advice to draw every day is still unhelpful if your brain is different and you don’t have the interest. My autistic adhd brain won’t be forced, persuaded or tricked. I know I’m not alone in neurodivergence here. I’m done after a few days and need a break, it is indeed about what works for you. I’ve also dealt with stress, pain and fatigue for years, and none of them help get things done.
@rRekko 4 ай бұрын
It clearly isn't directed at you. The "draw everyday" advice is for those wanting to improve at a certain rate. The more you draw, the more frequently you draw, the better you will be at it, provided you practice a variety of drawings and styles and you enjoy doing it. After all, drawing is a skill, there are no cheat codes to suddenly improve if you don't put enough effort into it. There are ways to use your ADHD to your advantage in other types of hobbies, but drawing is practice.
@Ceares 4 ай бұрын
Except when advice is given without mentioning exceptions then it does feel like it's directed at you. Rarely do people mention those exceptions when giving advice, therefore people it's not meant for struggle and feel like a failure when they can't utilize the advice given to "everybody" until they, hopefully realize that they have to do what works for them.@@rRekko
@ZeallustImmortal 4 ай бұрын
If you dont have the interest, why would you focus on it in the first place?
@felinefurkin4275 4 ай бұрын
@@justmeherethereandeverywhere yes, this.
@fanime1 4 ай бұрын
​​@@ZeallustImmortalpeople with autism and ADHD experience executive dysfunction which means that they have a hard time doing and prioritizing tasks even if they need to do them. I recommend watching videos about that and Pathological Demand Avoidance to understand us more. There's a video from How To ADHD about the great wall of awful that discusses this for example. My way of describing it is that for it's like that scene in Turning Red where Mei is going through a portal that separates herself from her Panda. Sometimes when I try to do a task even if it's one I really enjoy, I will struggle like she did in that scene. It is genuinely a lot of effort and struggle against my brain and sometimes I make it through and enjoy the task. And other times, the effort drains me so much, I don't do as well as I would have if I just waited the next day for a "good brain day" as How To ADHD puts it.
@peter5.056 4 ай бұрын
As a professional pianist, I know from experience. The essence of all art is spontaneity, and nothing kills spontaneity faster than working at it too hard.
@Kyouma. 4 ай бұрын
Also, improvement isn't necessarily about constant practice. You can suddenly understand how to play a piece of music *because* you allowed yourself to unwind (All big discoveries *only* emerge during stillness. That's why pauses or times to unwind are the most productive times of the day)
@pyxn420 11 күн бұрын
​@@Kyouma. The same way muscles only develop after the workout, not during it
@eta_carithebrightlord3396 4 ай бұрын
I find it so boring to draw from life
@kidsto2612 2 ай бұрын
You don't need to draw exactly what you see, nor do you even need to find inspiration from your surrounding. That's not the point he was trying to make. The point is, you need to branch out to improve. You need to draw different things. If you draw nothing but people, you're soon gonna find that you can't draw a background, or a buildings, or objects. Art is not just one skill, but multiple different skills that come together to create art itself. Whether you like it or not, the skills that go into drawing buildings and towns, also go into drawing people. The same applies to styles. Realism helps you understand abstraction. I'm just spitballing at this point, but I hope you understand what I'm saying.
@eta_carithebrightlord3396 2 ай бұрын
@@kidsto2612 Personally I would draw more backgrounds but I use my phone to draw so I lose patience and just draw characters
@wikiandpawls2453 Ай бұрын
@SequreContainProtect Ай бұрын
I think, the idea is just "draw different things, not the same"
@h3artach3_ Ай бұрын
@someguydoesstuff3337 4 ай бұрын
I think the danger of a "Draw Everyday" mentality is the expectation that you must have a result or even a finished drawing every day. That sort of pressure can actually inhibit your motivation and creativity. But if you approach it differently, drawing everyday just means drawing ANYTHING every day. It could be something small, ugly, stupid, "uncreative" and most importantly unfinished. The important part is the habit, the consistency.
@lillypotter6722 4 ай бұрын
“Don’t just draw everyday , draw with intension everyday” Emily artful a fellow KZbinr artist
@neeevirus 4 ай бұрын
Learning art is like working out Some people work out everyday and go to the gym frequently, these guys get the most results compared to casuals who only go every other day Same goes with art, frequency really changes how fast one can improve, and how *much* they can improve That goes to say tho, CONSISTENCY is also important. You cant just draw everyday for 2 weeks then suddenly stop then do it again a month later
@pixelzebra8440 4 ай бұрын
Yeah but we also need rest so we don’t burn out! I think being consistent is better than anything. Someone who goes to the gym every other day or every week might not improve as fast as the person who goes to the gym everyday, but they might not be able to go to the gym everyday without burning out. They might have other stuff to do. Not doing it as often I don’t think is better or worse than the other option, just different. As he said, do what works for you! And as you draw consistently, you might start wanting to draw more often.
@neeevirus 4 ай бұрын
@@pixelzebra8440 yup, my cousin told me that too She gave me the recommendation to work out every other day but I was like "Why not everyday?" And it's exactly as you said. It's to ease in, doing it everyday too much will be hard to keep up for someone new and will reach burnout quick, losing all the progress. It's only when people pick up the pace where doing it everyday is feasible I remember when I was new and tried to draw as much as I can I really struggled and it felt like a chore that I didnt enjoy. Now I strive to draw everyday because art is now a hobby that Im used to and enjoy passionately
@felinefurkin4275 4 ай бұрын
I’ve found there has been improvement over a few years even if I’ve taken weeks to come back to it.
@19mduffy 4 ай бұрын
Not a good analogy actually, your muscles can't recover from training everyday and lots of people end up growing more on a 3 or 4 day split. But yeah most people who make it far in the gym are learning something about it everyday even if they're not in the gym, like how to not overtrain.
@memeboicrep9502 4 ай бұрын
a major problem I have is that my art is very inconsistent because of my stupid ass brain not wanting to sometimes n having issues with academics is there any help on these situations, or do I hav to hav to wait till graduation n deal with this effectively?
@MeanColleen 4 ай бұрын
"Variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour". This quote from a 1785 poem by William Cowper. Scott, this is exactly the point you make in this video. In order to learn and expand those pathways in your creative brain, one has to explore through drawing different subjects and trying different medium, if possible. Go off the well worn path and explore! Wonderful video.
@xwexarexbulletsx 4 ай бұрын
The best art I've made came after periods of resting and indirectly looking at references and other art and of course enjoying myself with movies and books and comics and more. To force yourself to draw every single day would lead to burn out, but also to ONLY draw when you want "searching for a muse" will lead to a self-conscious bad habit for the mind and body. Just try to have fun, even if its work and even if it doesn't always come out great!
@citavsoa 4 ай бұрын
I had an artist recommend doing any amount every day, even if its just for a minute. The advice was for habit forming first, and this is a good next step for when I have the habit of daily drawing down better. Thanks for the advice!
@Nako3 4 ай бұрын
I draw every day
@hitomihutzell 4 ай бұрын
A good habit to draw everyday but not good when you fall of it. So back with my art journal and Blackwing pencils and Donna journal wisdom.
@AlphaDaArtist 4 ай бұрын
I think what those peeps mean by "You don't have to draw everyday" is "You don't have to feel like you have to make a big piece or masterpiece every day"; which I agree with. Doing sketches and studies every day (without pushing yourself all the time, mind you) is a really nice way to approach it (at least for me). Your video is really spot on, though. Learning to draw a variety of things is really important and can be useful to have in your artsy tool kit (and is something I have to get myself to do 😅 ). Great video, dude 👌!
@BuizelCream 4 ай бұрын
This is the advice I apply to myself. I draw everyday as a freelancer, but I don't finish an art piece everyday lol. Most of the time I feel content just to see an idea sketched out cleanly, even if it's just a character close-up, and then tomorrow I sketch something else when there's another idea to get started on. If ever I don't have ideas I like to draw everyday, I work on completing an artpiece by splicing its drawing process throughout the week: sketching one day, base colors tomorrow, shading the day after that, and refining it on the next day, etc.
@Checker_The_Bard 4 ай бұрын
This is why i have hundreds of ocs. Each one has helped me learn how to draw different thing and are all inspired by different things as well. I may not be able to draw every day, but i can try my best to learn every day.
@maledictionwolf 4 ай бұрын
This is why I love Fantasy Genesis, it's an art instruction book whose main thing is a dice rolling system to pick what to draw, and the end result often winds up combining things that forces you to learn to draw a different real-life things while still maintaining the allure of "drawing from the imagination" because you're combining them to make fantasy creatures and magic items. Like getting sheep, pinecone, bubbles, and shovel, so you try to make a sheep made out of bubbles getting popped by pinecones, maybe while trying to defend itself with a shovel? So now you've got a fun idea, and several real-life things you can work on in the drawing without the "boring" aspect many people ascribe to still lifes and studies. It's also got a couple of optional roll tables for things like poses as well.
@aubreyzaragoza2095 4 ай бұрын
"Draw everything" to me means keep your practice "experimental" and "fun" to keep your creativity flowing and alive. I'm a rather new artist, so I'm just so glad you clarified this. 😊
@Eclipse_101 4 ай бұрын
You’re so real for this, Scott. Adding this to my “art shit” playlist.
@curiokryptic 7 күн бұрын
Funnily enough, I actually started doing this off my own back earlier this month! And I can safely say it's been a massive help. I too have mostly just been drawing my OC for a long time, and struggled with everything else. But drawing from life has been super helpful. Definitely recommend doing this
@thismonkeyjustworks1255 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Scott. I’ve been struggling with art for years, but your videos help me not get discouraged.
@rj7397 4 ай бұрын
The gym analogy is one that could be compared to this. Some people who are not used to it or are taught that all art must be perfect get really tired, burned out, and when they cannot do it every day they think there is something wrong with them. like people who just started at the gym and expect are expected to do the same as those who are trained for it, they get burned out and quit. They think that they are not enough. Like going to the gym, whether it is because of work or mental/physical illness, some people have a much harder time then others. I draw everyday because it is a way for me to safely cope and become free of my own physically crippled body, creating endless worlds and doodles. It also loosens me of the expectations that every drawing must be good, so I am finally able to practice things I am really bad at, and also draw thinks just for fun. When I'm filling up at least 15 sketch pages a day, art finally becomes fun for me because I don't have to be perfect, any thing is good enough for me. However it is different for every person. Finding what works the best for you varies from one person to another; if you are trying to pursue freedom of the mind, whether it is in art, music, gaming, writing, or simply communicating with others, I think that you are doing wonderful. You are continuing moving forward, no matter where you are at. And it is okay to be proud of that. In fact, it is very good to be proud of that. Because often time success and pride are a VERY good motivator when you have lived your life afraid/full of what is seen as failure.
@rebeccaclark2614 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this inspiring comment, I really wish you the best !
@everydaynoob1 4 ай бұрын
This is actually a really good video because of the idea of draw everything around you. For a while I have only been drawing same-ish stuff but this is my wake up call that there is so much other cool things I could be drawing. As for the draw everyday part while I do understand that it is important to help build the skill, it is also important not to push yourself too hard and to balance the fun and the skill in it But this was genuinely such a great message, thank you for making this.
@aynDRAWS 4 ай бұрын
I get overwhelmed by the amount of possibilities of things I can draw. Recently, I've started using a colour palette generator before every drawing. The pallet I'm given dictates what I am going to draw. Already I have drawn a landscape and an animal, which is something I never drew before doing this. I always focused so specifically on humans. This has been the best way I have found so far to force my art to branch out without feeling overwhelmed.
@BreadNotBed 4 ай бұрын
you just flipping through your sketchbook was the most awesome thing i have ever seen. your art is absolutely amazing and i dont think i realized how good you are at making simple things look spectacular until you flipped through it
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much 😀
@cloverlovania 4 ай бұрын
@@ssavaart i love how your sketchbook is also like a visual diary !!
@danielataus5175 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for that advice. I started drawing again recently and didn't know where to begin with. ❤
@Tsukilovecarrot Ай бұрын
But you are a member ...
@danielataus5175 Ай бұрын
@@Tsukilovecarrot why that comment?
@GouacheArtist 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree. "An artist is a person with a sketchbook attached"- Irwin Greenberg
@lovelydream743 4 ай бұрын
When I try to draw/paint every day it feels like a task and that is stress, but I want it to be a relaxing hobby. A break is good for inspiration and even after one year without any practice I got better at making art
@Jkdabomb10A 4 ай бұрын
That specificity about defining “everything” is so important. I realize a lot of those KZbinrs are saying something similar, like learn to do art that makes you improve more efficiently, but I like that artistic joy is at the center of your teaching. You’re such a lovely teacher. (From a fan, follower, and queer cartoonist) 💙
@blahort 4 ай бұрын
This is a great point and something that I wrote down as advice for myself very recently actually. I kept focusing on trying to draw characters and humanized things so much that I forgot there is an entire world around me filled with objects that I can draw to get better not only at drawing anything itself, but also at understanding how different concepts such as light, colour, values, form, etc. Affect everything. And the best thing about drawing everything is that your skills will always translate into everything else, and all of those objects you draw can be used and combined into making a more interesting character with a unique design. Only thing to be aware of is burnout, nobody should force themselves to draw if they don't feel like it, especially when their drawings don't come out as good as they expect them to, but they should definitely at least try to keep a schedule and bring themselves to draw at least once every day, even if it's for a couple of minutes, just for the sake of making drawing a habit and to practice consistently.
@ObiMomKenobi13 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the way you bring your thoughts and advice and just... everything... to us in such a gentle way. You, and Donna too, have really made me see some things from a whole new perspective.
@the.real.gunny27 4 ай бұрын
i love anytime Scott posts! he breaks it all down and makes it easy for us to understand. thank you Scott!
@soriplvzu 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your advice and inspiration! You definitely have a point. Most of my life I didn’t like to leave my comfort zone of drawing “flying heads”, because «nah I can’t draw “this object”», however I even didn’t try. It was such a great kick for me to finally draw more and draw different things and to finally say «wow, I can do that». I’m really glad that I found your channel some years ago, Scott. You are an important part of my journey as an artist and I learned a lot from you 💛
@DarkMoonSanctuary 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely... Thank You for sharing.
@Vianarts. 4 ай бұрын
i completely agree! its a way to relax too, just getting your face out of social media and into your sketchbook/art program😌✨
@justblue974 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this golden piece of advice. I needed to hear this
@Picometer1 4 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤ i needed to hear this
@carport5814 4 ай бұрын
I’ve really been enjoying the longer form videos!
@jam_z9916 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this, I feel a lot of artists (especially young ones) really needed to hear this.. and hell so did I ^_^
@AR463 4 ай бұрын
This. 100%. It's also immensely helpful to just do it and not worry about being perfect every time. That's a recipe to give up before you start. Creating art should be enjoyable. If you put too much pressure on it to be perfect every time, you'll never improve, because you'll be too discouraged. IMO. Love your channel, btw.
@Ravewave-zg2lx 4 ай бұрын
I feel that this is one of those cases where as an artist you gotta find what works better for you, I still try to draw everyday, and some days I just can't draw anything, when I get like that I take a break so I don't burnout or go crazy. Some of the tips I got from other artists, it was to find the fun in the process and don't let the frustration of past works get in my head when I'm doing new work, the frustration of other works can end up building up to the point of you just not wanting to draw anymore
@bencooler2003 4 ай бұрын
Keep these long form videos coming!!
@Coilfinch 4 ай бұрын
I gave up drawing for almost 3 years due to fear of injuring my wrists further. (Carpal tunnel + tendonitis) Even lightly sketching caused stiffness and pain within 5 minutes, it was terrible. When I actually started to slowly get back into it felt like my drawings were better than before, but I think it was that during those 2-3 years I just spent observing and pining over being able to draw again. 😅
@milo4885 4 ай бұрын
THANK YOU. I always get so conufused when I see people say it's the worst advice. I've been drawing every day for a long time and yes there are times where I feel burned out but in the end I'm glad I pushed myself to keep praciticing! I'm still a relatively new artist, I've only been drawing for about 2 and a half years so I have a lot to learn and practice is the way to do it!
@Syahdi. 3 ай бұрын
this is why i havent drawn in 5 months
@ethereal_doodles7120 4 ай бұрын
I had a stroke reading the title 😭 but yeah I totally agree! I love your videos Scott❤ btw fellow autistic artist here!
@AliazasJuliana 3 ай бұрын
Drawing everyday is the reason why im good in art now😊
@user-yp8lo8ip2i 4 ай бұрын
Thank you. I needed to hear this❤
@GoblinCoreKid 4 ай бұрын
thank you, you are just an online stranger but you have helped me much much more then most people, i have undiagnosed autism / adhd (i’m sure of it) and i always was the weird kid, but you are awesome i love you and your art style thanks for everything :)
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely My Pleasure ♥
@alika3651 4 ай бұрын
ive been drawing my characters (and still do) for 3+ yrs now consistently and very recently i started digitally painting buses! and now my background game is stronger than ever so big vouch for this tip 😊 have a nice day Scott
@hannahl4108 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so incredibly much, needed to hear this 💖
@djrnmx87 4 ай бұрын
That's really great advice! I appreciate you sharing your sketch book. It is filled with inspiration.
@thedragonguardian8781 4 ай бұрын
“In case anybody needs to hear it” I really did, I have been wanted to for a while but this finally pushed me to do it ❤❤❤❤ thank you
@yeshewanitschek3081 4 ай бұрын
Could you draw the olympic gods next? Or the heros of the trojan war or the odyssee? I'm a fan of greek mythology and I wish there would be more cool and epic art of them in new styles, not just old statues... but I can never realy find annything I like, exept fot the art of wolfy the witch and viria. I tryed drawing a family tree of the 12 olympians once, but I would realy love to see it in your style... 🥺🙏
@PhantomTheUmbreon 2 ай бұрын
when i saw the title i was so confused because i thought “but if i don’t practice i’ll never get better” i’m glad that you agree that saying drawing every day is good for new/young artists wanting to get better, if you don’t practice you’ll never improve! but definitely take breaks if you’re planning on drawing each day because drawing that much could lead to your arms and hands hurting, maybe even arthritis (i’m not sure though)
@ladyihcobob 3 ай бұрын
To each their own, if people don't want to practice every day and that works for them, that's fine. I find that in my case, whenever I don't draw daily, my skills starts to slip and I have to work my way up again. Things like line quality, ability to see proportions, etc, everything seems to reset to a lesser level than where I left off.
@hellohaveagoodday 4 ай бұрын
This really helped me. I've been drawing my original character constantly for a few weeks now and it just doesn't feel right. I wasn't improving and it reminded me how much i hated my art course I'm taking with my incompetent teachers. But I'll do this. I'll slug through my art course and draw everything when i can to make up for it. I already have a quote of yours on my sketchbook, "make bad art so you can be good" so now I'll have to add "draw *everything*"
@rebeccaclark2614 4 ай бұрын
You will improve, trust me. My advice would be to progress from easier things to more complex and more detailed subjects, but than also challenge yourself sometimes and try drawing things you have no idea how to draw and be fine if it doesn't look super good at first ... Try not to criticise yourself but look at the picture and objectively observe what works, what doesn't and why ... Hope this was a bit helpful ...
@ChantelleArts 4 ай бұрын
this is a really interesting point and I understand both sides. this year I found a middle ground and am taking part in the daily doodle diary challenge, this way I'm drawing everyday but as it's a 'doodle diary', it could literally just be a minute long doodle some days, I think this way will help form a routine whilst avoiding burnout 🥰
@timbo1992 4 ай бұрын
Totally agree with Scott!! I have been drawing only drawing since I was a kid. Love it thought that’s all I could do well after even watching his channel I got sooo into watercolor. Now I’m still struggling at times but I tell myself it’s practice & it will get better!
@androgynous_artist 2 ай бұрын
That sketchbook is an art uni professor's dream come true lmao - but fr this video just summarizes what first-year art majors have to come to grips with. It’s either understand and do this or change major. So, if art is a serious path you want to take, then this video isn’t just advice, it’s fact.
@Ashura86AE 4 ай бұрын
speaking facts like a master
@someoneontheinternet580 4 ай бұрын
I read the video title and thought it’s about not having to draw *everyday,* that in the busy day to day life „as often as possible“ is enough and that you don’t have to beat yourself up if you only manage to draw, for example around every second instead of *every* day. 2:04 Maybe that is what I *wanted* to hear 😅, but yeah, I agree with the premise of the video, even though it’s something I already know.
@Rentakaw 4 ай бұрын
I've currently been animating everyday since about a week ago, and I've seen tremendous improvement in line confidence, decision making, and efficiency!! I totally felt a bit burnt out at times, but for those days I just did a bit of a project and left it for the next day. Definitely understand what you can do for today, and how you can continue it tomorrow! (Even a little doodle counts!!)
@aussiecrafter 4 ай бұрын
I needed to hear it. Thank you for your advice.😁
@InkdBaker 4 ай бұрын
* behold the cone of shame * 😅. Thank you for this video. I've been trying to incorporate art back into my life, and i may take your advice from this video.
@Aqwtiny 4 ай бұрын
Stop drawing everyday and “juSt ThRoW iT AWaY aNd ReStaRT!” Is the worst, yet most parroted advice among the art community. It leaves zero room for growth.
@Jasperience 4 ай бұрын
Great advice! I've been drawing characters every day and plan to keep doing so for all of 2024 in order to get better at drawing characters (and I've already improved tons!) I do also vary between realism and heavily stylised characters. But I think I'll start drawing more random things as well when I have extra time.
@cecelia8040 4 ай бұрын
love your advice thank you!!!
@danietom 4 ай бұрын
Just wanted to say that I really appreciate the video captions!
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
My pleasure
@AdventuresInFantasy 4 ай бұрын
My take is that it just isn't possible to draw every day for some people. I have problems with my hands and if I drew every day, it would wreck my hands and put me in so much pain. While for some people this advice is fine, but it is very defeating for others. I think we really need to stop making large sweeping advice or remember at least that some people have difficulties that require different options.
@aitoirkurusu8041 3 ай бұрын
A love letter to art😊 I really liked how joyful you were while talking about drawing and your art is so colourful and full of life. Amazing and beautiful indeed.
@klaras_yt1577 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this advice. I personally am so used to drawing my own oc i never actually consider to draw anything else other than my oc! That's the thing that im losing inspiration and motivation to do art because i never draw anything different. i think it's time for a change and i should draw more things around me to improve and try something new for once. I really needed to hear this so thank you so much :)
@Brandee5551 4 ай бұрын
I agree…drawing every day for years made a huge difference. Sometimes, the improvements were small, and sometimes I would have breakthroughs and make big leaps forward in my abilities. But, it was the practice that propelled me forward. Having gone through a real dry spell this past year, I feel like I’ve taken steps backward. I haven’t been sticking to drawing every day & I need to get back to it.
@ghostratsarah 4 ай бұрын
My recommendation is to let you muscle memory atrophy a bit, then go back over your previous work to see what you were doing well but thought was wrong, and what you were doing wrong but thought was right. I always make huge leaps after long breaks.
@joshuakraj9524 4 ай бұрын
I really like the new longer videos pls keep up the good work sir
@RosemaryComicFan-br6ri 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, Scott. I have little else to say. Thank you, from one artist to another.
@arknark 4 ай бұрын
Building that daily habit is extremely important! Great words.
@itskermitto 4 ай бұрын
Ooooo! A premiere! How exciting
@marikakupatadze 4 ай бұрын
You are right. This is why I love your videos you Motaveit me every day with your videos
@Heliori 4 ай бұрын
Scott I love when you show up on my KZbin. Thanks for being such a positive force in this community.
@elephantsac3961 4 ай бұрын
One of my favourite things to do recently is draw my lecturers. Sounds unproductive in terms of my lecture, but it actually keeps me focused and grounded so I don’t daydream, and I get to practice drawing faces and bodies from a moving subject. It also means I’m doing 5 minute sketches every day and I’m loving it!
@AlexBaldivino96 4 ай бұрын
But what happens if you happen to undergo an art burnout after drawing everyday?
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
Take a break.
@slimetank394 4 ай бұрын
​​@@ssavaart i mean that's not really drawing everyday, is it?
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
@@slimetank394 It's not a mandate. It's just an example of what you can do.
@Anxietywolfie 4 ай бұрын
Nice! A premiere! :D
@mikebonales 4 ай бұрын
What an amazing sketchbook!! I love it!
@keybladeapologist.1131 4 ай бұрын
I really appreciate the advice and the subtitles, seriously that's really helpful
@masonmaxwell5520 4 ай бұрын
I have a question scott. You worked with comics, how do you draw the same characters consistently and maintain proportions and details and such ?
@ssavaart 4 ай бұрын
I used photo reference.
@masonmaxwell5520 4 ай бұрын
@@ssavaart thank you
@Cat..Person 4 ай бұрын
As an art major I can only support the “draw everything everyday” bc if you don’t, you’ll lose skill. In lockdown I didn’t draw because I didn’t have motivation and as I was really good at art before, once I started again I was always frustrated bc I lost so much skill. Even tho it is hard, if you want to improve you should draw everything every day or at least different things every now and then.
@99Gara99 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, it's being years I don't draw, I was feeling guilty, but now I know I'm doing the right thing. I feel better now :)
@TinoBelo 2 ай бұрын
I.. this hits hard. I usually try really hard to draw my OC, and ONLY my OC. I’ve been drawing seriously for around 4 years and only drawing my OC. Maybe it’s time to try and draw stuff different. I barely know how to draw objects, animals and scenery. Thank you for this message for me :D
@Muffinschaos 12 күн бұрын
Suggestion: draw your Oc in an environment! Here are some ideas: Swimming Getting lunch On a swing Laying on the beach In a treehouse Or any place in your oc’s story, think about their personality and where they’d like to go. I hope this helps you. (:
@elescritornomada 26 күн бұрын
Thanks, this is the motivation that I need it.
@Nothing-ww4ul 4 ай бұрын
Scott always has the best advice I have been drawing since 6 grade and inspired some of my friends to draw, I always told them draw something you haven’t before challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone so you try something different and may even like it 🙂
@Snow-Willow Ай бұрын
This is advice I needed to be reminded up. My commission clientelle right now is a handful of returning customers, and I am beyond grateful and consider myself very blessed to have them, but it does mean that I tend to draw the same characters over and over again more often than not. I have to remember to set some time aside for me to experiment and draw different things sometimes. For those like me who have a hard time thinking of what to draw I can't recommend the app Sketch a Day strongly enough. It's daily prompts and community really motivated me to draw every day and gave me a prompt to work from when I couldn't think of what to draw that day.
@Valeriantine 27 күн бұрын
Addon to this, it’s just a great way to find flow. I stopped drawing for 2 days after an everyday drawing streak and it’s honestly still hard for me to find flow
@skylart333 4 ай бұрын
thank you Scott for the amazing video, once again.
@user-tk1qx Ай бұрын
This video is so wholesome im crying
@TheForestor Ай бұрын
Thank you for the advice!
@shrippie-4214 25 күн бұрын
Yeah that's true I realized that drawing/practicing the same thing over and over doesn't really help I switched to practicing something else and improved at drawing the last thing
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