PoE Defenses Suck and How to Fix Them | Path of Exile

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Kaiju Sage

Kaiju Sage

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Hey everyone, here are my thoughts on the issues with Path of Exile's current defensive mechanics for players. As well as a few suggestions for how GGG can fix them. I hope you all enjoy the video and have a great day!
p.s. This was recorded last week before my editing software blew up. Good news is it is fixed now, so I should be back on track hopefully to make video consistently again.
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@kirinkappa5662 11 ай бұрын
Because they introduced 25 layers of defence that can be active simultineously on a single charactrer, game needs to be balanced around having at least 20 of them. If you: - have a lot of life on tree - have a lot of life on items - have a lot of evasion and some armor - have max elemental res - have max chaos res - use 2 defensive flasks - have burn / shock / freeze / curses partial or complete immunity on flasks - have spell suppression on skilltree - have spell suppression on items to cap 100% - have CWDT setup - have defense layer on leftclick (like molten shell) - freeze most enemies with your nearly 100% crit chance + freeze chance - have defensive pantheon perk - have corrupted gem or skill tree perk for corrupted blood immunity - you keep your distance from enemies and always keep moving so 90+% hits don't even collide with your character then get fucked noob, you're considered a "glass cannon" and you either instakill an entire screen of monsters or one of them might just get a lucky bonuses / auras combination and send you to the grave with a single hit. You're missing at least 5 more defensive layers (like more armor, much more evasion, endurance charges,% phys def, increased max resistances, damage taken conversion and / or at least 1 unique item like kintsugi that defends your character in some special way, just to name a few) to become moderately tanky and semi-hardcore-viable. IMO PoE grew way too much in terms of just the amount of existing systems and yes, I agree - spell suppression is completely wrong solution to the problem. When I heard about Spell Suppression for the first time I just knew EVERY build will be forced to get max spell suppression OR get some HEAVY defensive bonuses when on the left side of the skilltree, since the game from now on will be balanced around an assumption YOU DO HAVE SPELL SUPPRESSION. Game's fucked in terms of endless multipliers to both player damage and defences. Can not be fixed.
@CrisHermetica 9 ай бұрын
You don't really need that many things to survive, i made an immortal Necromancer back in harvest league a low life golemancer, had like 80m dps and was imposible for me to die even when i tried a lot of times. Now in Trial of the Ancestor i made an Impending Doom Pathfinder, and the only thing that can kill me is if i just stay too long on a degen area, or one shot mechanics, and that's it. And no, my Pathfinder doesn't have cap evasion, or cap spell suppression, or a lot of armor, or more than 75% resistances, just caped every resistances, like 98% spell suppression, Progenesis, and fully convert physical damage taken to elemental with all the flask having 100% uptime, that's it, i could cap spell suppression with a quartz, but what's the point if i don't even die to spells anymore? btw, that character does 36m dps, so i'm not sacrificing any dps to be that tanky, i can even go higher in defenses and in dps, but takes too much currency and non of those will go too much higher than it is right now. You have too many tools in this game to be tanky without all those things, like for example, insane energy shield regen, caped elemental resistances and CI with Incandescent Heart, if you convert some physical to chaos and use Determination, also a pretty tanky setup. There are a million ways to be tanky without endurance charges, fortify, cap everything, spell suppression, etc. You just need a few defenses but with a good setup not just put everything on the build that will cost a lot and will drag your dps to the zdps realm.
@Raionhardt Жыл бұрын
I think what's even the bigger issue is if it's difficult to be tanky by following a guide with someone that has thousands of hours of experience that means it's infinitely worse for a new player or for somebody who doesn't like to follow builds and just tries to explore the game on their own
@kiroky95 Жыл бұрын
I feel like every time they add a defensive layer they make it mandatory.
@ssbb2123 Жыл бұрын
yeah i have 40k/40k with flasks up, had taste of hate+watchers with double conversion from purity of elements, had flesh and stone and defiance banner on top of my other defensive auras. Had vaal molten shell, usually 30 sec uptime on it on my maps. Ailment immune. Spell suppress capped. Primal aegis. 4.8k hp. I have 300+ deaths LOL.
@tblforyou Жыл бұрын
@jplemley8110 Жыл бұрын
Lol I haven't played poe in 3 years and got back onto it and it's amazing but defenses have changed lol and them trying to kill you is the same lol
@donrover4519 Жыл бұрын
Casual players left the game when they died infront of Dominus!! The rest of us are too deep and we deserve this true torture
@okamichamploo 10 ай бұрын
It's not even that it's bad for a "casual" player. Having to fully invest in everything in order to be viable, just gimps your playstyle. With the huge amount of customization in build diversity in POE, having more and more requirements to be viable is just going to fight against that customization and force people into meta builds.
@ShadowByNine Жыл бұрын
It's crazy as a newer player that gets one shotted by spec that you can't even see cause there is soo much visual clutter that defense doesn't even seem to matter. I put in work this season to have capped res, 30k plus armor and I feel paper thin in maps. The POB shows I have 100k EHP against shaper, I followed a Ghazzy POB so I'd assume that the EHP is fairly accurate, but I'm just randomly getting popped.
@ShadowByNine Жыл бұрын
That and they need a death breakdown so you could at least try to learn from your deaths. It isn't a hard thing to code into a game, so many games have this baked into them, the numbers are all their on the back end, just need to put it into a UI element upon death.
@raymondmagdallon9033 Жыл бұрын
Solid content m8. Keep it up.
@gooseeggz Жыл бұрын
From a player that always struggles to make currency. I enjoy bossing more than just map blasting. Would you consider doing a video on how to make bossing most profitable. Atlas tree, most profitable bosses, etc. I have really enjoyed your channel. I tend to like new content creators over the big named ones. Content is usually more on par with where I’m at in a game.
@jvaliente9094 Жыл бұрын
finished the campaign and having hard time with maps because i dont know why my character is on negative stats on standard with no buffs and equips, why is that happening?
@justmeowth9697 10 ай бұрын
I have to focus on making my character bulky sacrificing potential fun build, making it samey and uniform almost. Some specific passive nodes are a must-have, which really pathway too far from your character. I just don't like using different characters just to have a convenient pathing skill node.
@voodoo1069 Жыл бұрын
I have Max hit over 100k on pob and still got one shot today in a coves by the boss. It is pretty silly some times. It was an unrolled map with one boss alter.
@steel5897 11 ай бұрын
Other RPGs: ignore defense and focus on offense to be a glass cannon, trickier to play, but more rewarding, can make less mistakes. Focus on defenses and become a tanking god, might take longer to kill things, but you can play a bit more chill playstyle. PoE: ignore defense and focus on offense and the game is literally unplayable, you die by existing. Focus heavily on defense and become... a glass cannon, game is now playable, but you still die in only a couple of mistakes.
@CrisHermetica 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's why the most played build right now is Tornado Shot, a super glass cannon build, and that's why there are tons of Pathfinder builds this league that can't even die to Maven's memory game on the Uber difficulty. It's not a problem when you know what you're doing. I manage to make a really strong build every league i play, tanky enough to not die even on uber bosses, and with enough dps to take them down in just a few seconds. It's not cheap, it's not free, and you must have the knowledge to put everything together to work. But you don't even need to put every single defensive layer to achieve that. PoE make a difference not from casuals to hardcore players, but from people that invest time getting the knowledge to make a build and improve that build to the point it make every content trivial, from the people that just follow a guide and expect to become a god with 50 divines, and btw, 50 divines is what most people spend in 1 piece of gear, not on an entire build, but that's only if you're making a strong build, not a budget build.
@jeffwright9762 5 ай бұрын
The diversity of builds that have such survivability is quite low. And imagine you're playing SSF (all I do). The game is balanced around trade, and around the most powerful builds. So much possibility goes unrealized due to their balance strategies.
@jagiello12 Жыл бұрын
I would like this video o. The front page of poe. I played a guardian with 60k armor caped block and spell suppression and aegis aurora and yet even that can still die to some random idiotic design of a mob that 1 shots me , character designed to tank everything gets 1 shot by some rand mob or gets drain Ed buy the stupid mobs with the blue circle aura around them
@Deuce-G-RC 11 ай бұрын
Played the game a bit near the time it launched 10 ish years ago, and have played some short stints a few times since - currently on a new stint, or longer if the fun continues. My character is a level 65 marauder, 12 deaths so far. All of those deaths were 1 shot, and aside from them, my HP bar barely moves. Currently max armor for my setup, but by the sounds of it I should be splitting armor and evasion. What are some key passive areas you recommend as "must takes" (not mistakes haha) for every class? I think energy shield is fine in its current state, essentially as another form of HP. Although I can see why there isn't a whole lot of incentive to take that over just raw HP. Is the 'meta' to generally skip energy shield? Thanks for your vid, subbed and liked, bro - have a good one
@TCBabcock Жыл бұрын
They won't listen. They only nerf the overplayed skills and rarely buff anything.
@markvis4106 21 күн бұрын
something i've been wondering is how come the main class starting points aren't linked to their respective scion area? because it feels like a scion can try to be like any other class, yet you feel forced to branch out to an opposing classes' side of the tree, but there's no option for a main class to to be link directly to the center are, even though the starting point floats right next to it. now a scion can obviously ascend to a starting point, which is fair and conserves points, but i don't see why the main classes shouldn't be able to conserve points by going through the center, allowing scions a more direct access to main classes early on, and hybridizing with a separate starting point after ascending and just flat out giving that to main classes at all.
@RajeshJustaguy 7 ай бұрын
im new... died many times wondering why even though i had Determination, armour 17k, with 75% resistance. Sometimes 1 shot or maybe after boss death crystal explosion.. etc. I realise part of it is i have to keep running sometimes. I tried removing determination and just going more attack, ( adding heralds) but i just died more.
@Efgand0894 11 ай бұрын
6 months had gone by and... little to no changes
@ningvang8553 Жыл бұрын
I didnt follow your built but i still go for all on defensive node including defense jewels sockets and there was nothing more although still die a few times maybe lack of offense power I wouldn't doubt it.
@Diskhate 3 ай бұрын
...wtf is Energy Shield? Is it that thing that makes me pick Eldritch Battery every single time?
@fucgoogle4559 Жыл бұрын
5 ways to 99 and cast on death portal
@arthurcurry850 9 ай бұрын
50k armor 90 to all ress 2 mill dps maybe 12 days played this league = 100+ deaths
@michalism9348 Жыл бұрын
Well said hope they see it somehow
@1div2agent74 9 ай бұрын
I have 30k armor and 29k evasion and I get one shot nonstop. Game is kinda dumb
@smenkinsa Жыл бұрын
tbh since I started playing this game (in scourge) Ive just been using cast on death portal on every build ive played so far =D the first character I ever made (blind) was a witch slef casting freezing pulse and intuitively I start grabbing es nodes just because they were in the zone of where u start, later found out its shit. never did my own build ever since, always fallowing guides and just remove 2 gems from a build to put in my cast on death portal =D
@UNANTASTBarrr Жыл бұрын
quality on your helmet bro! still subscribed - u seem like a nice guy!
@urded1145 4 ай бұрын
managed to reach lvl 91 without dying, then predictive rolled me back and killed me. Make sure you're in lockstep if you're trying to not die at all.
@Stellar_Lake_sys Жыл бұрын
I've been running an armor stacking jug with ele res in the low 80s, no evasion or spell suppression, and like 25% spell block and no attack block, and honestly it feels really tanky against most stuff. I only have 3.6k life and never even feel close to being oneshot outside of bosses. maybe I'm just willing to take the game a bit slower in exchange for being really tanky tho, admittedly my damage isn't great
@Kuzka_ Жыл бұрын
What sort of defense is this? Feels like you'd be running yellow maps tops with that, unless you have some other damage mitigations. My old acc stack jugg had like 2k life with petrified blood but also so many other defenses that it just refused to die to anything other than BS mechanics.
@Stellar_Lake_sys Жыл бұрын
@@Kuzka_ been going back and forth between t16 and delve no problems. ~58k armor baseline, 76k with charges when hit used when full flasks up, 6 endurance charges, and molten shell on left click. regening about 1500 life without rf degen. untiring unflinching unbreakable unstoppable as my ascendancy notables
@crumbz420 Жыл бұрын
Rf feels tank but damage is less than others, nice map cleaner
@1div2agent74 9 ай бұрын
Bro those white fireball skeletons are the strongest monster in the game. They delete me every time 😂
@raimondibro Жыл бұрын
Just hit 100 in my gssfhc league. Ziz Champ ea. Fortify mitigates 20% of all hits. Suppression capped obviously, max res implicits and still at 10m uber pinnacle dps. Obviously no deaths since its hc and did all content except ubers. If you're not doing ubers it's very hard to die. Don't walk in straight lines for example. Wearing grace, determ, skitterbots. Doing 100+ Quant 10 ways and elderslayers, hidden etc. All my maps are over 100 Quant. Did like 20 eaters maxxing altars. Just don't play stupid and maybe prioritize life. You don't need 30m dps. 10m dps beats the game minus ubers. Of you wanna do ubers, play jugg boneshatter. That's what I'm doing in hc
@raimondibro Жыл бұрын
I agree with your defenses assessment though, couldn't edit my comment
@Kuzka_ Жыл бұрын
"You don't need 30m dps". Totally not me trying to do anything in the game while having 1m dps tops because of not playing meta or not being able to stack mechanics. I never liked the idea of "some skills are just going to be bad". Don't add them to the game for fake build diversity if you don't plan on having them work. Same goes with ascendancies and free layers of damage mitigations some of them have, while others don't.
@johnturtle6649 Жыл бұрын
this is why I always DON'T come back to playing the game. the company can never make up its damn mind about core mechanics, theyre always shifting back and fiorth.
@willomalley7619 Жыл бұрын
Getting 4 75% is hard enough, I'm over here swapping res rings for.bone rings just fir more damage
@Kuzka_ Жыл бұрын
Eh, 75% is not really hard, the problem is how little it actually does. This plus determination and 5k hp is not enough to stay alive in most game mechanics. It feels almost as if they're designing the game thinking everyone will have 90% max ele res, 75% chaos res, max fortify and max block or spell suppression. Which I wouldn't have a problem with if it was a default for something like "uber maps" that are of similar difficulty to uber bosses. And not for as low as T10 where some monster rolled modifiers that together just so happen to shotgun you.
@willomalley7619 Жыл бұрын
@Kuzka I agree im.currently just adding minion damage and forgetting defenses because I agree 3k or 5k still 1 shot either way
@Kuzka_ Жыл бұрын
@@willomalley7619 I just hate that they add so many mechanics that can stack and are either hard to avoid or hard to see. Especially when you play minions, as they clutter the screen. I play mirror/blink arrow minions and stacking 20 of them in one place successfully blocks the purple crystals that explode on mob's death
@209Richsta Жыл бұрын
Lol yah for year's they were crying on Reddit to buff defenses. GGG buffs defense, and then they whine defensive are too strong's. Still even with 20k armor, evasion, 100*% suprews, 6k life, high regen...,... U get 1 shotted like crazy lol
@ejmoreno270 11 ай бұрын
Player since 2013/14. Stopped back in 2021 and came back to the game now at the end of Crucible league and this rings so true. I was excited to league start in 3.22 and so I decided to practice a couple of league start characters and determine what felt good to play. My favorite league start is the classic ED Contagion Trickster. The first was Phox's RF Jugg, which I've taken to low tier reds ~t12/13. Invested ~50c into it total at this point and am level 87. Despite the amount of defences this character has, it still does not feel tanky to play with while mapping. Spells especially eat through this build. Even a white mob in a in a Baran influenced map from a Kirac mission was taking my Jugg from 5k to 500 life in a second or two. Second build was Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder. This was noticeably less tanky but, felt more survivable due to better damage and being able to use totems. I will say that instilling orbs feel too rare to make good use of the Pathfinder mechanics. I learned that there is a vendor recipe to make them, but this requires two Enkindling Orbs which felt even rarer. The bench crafts costing 5 instilling orbs a piece is too high IMO. For reference when I do these mock league starts I am basically playing SSF unless the build needs a low priced unique to function which I will buy after accumulating enough chaos naturally on the character. My main take-aways after doing mock league starts on both of these characters: Capped Chaos Res is no longer optional. Spell Suppression has replaced Spell Block and Spell Dodge but doesn't feel as optional as either of those old mechanics. Capping Base elemental resistances doesn't feel impactful. Purity of Elements feels weirdly mandatory on most low currency builds now even after you're res capped just to avoid elemental ailments. Everyone is running around with Amethyst rings due to the Chaos Res requirements. Trickster seems weirdly useless now (didn't play it so I cannot confirm). In the past, EDC Trickster felt very smooth to play and very tanky with minimal investment. You could comfortable do content into high tier reds on a 4-5 link chest and this made focusing on defensive layers very cheap and this was balanced by bossing damage being low. I have levelled to 93 comfortably for multiple league starts on variations of that build. This time around I find it difficult to get to 90 without dying too often. Obviously the game shouldn't be entirely trivialized for less than 100 chaos in gear, but I was very disappointed especially in the Jugg. As a player I've chosen a tanky starting marauder, chosen the defensive ascendency for that class, and invested heavily into life regen, armor, and overcapping elemental resistances. This character even has ~30% chaos res and uses an amethyst flask and can still get wrecked while clearing a map. That's far too punishing in my opinion. The map clearing aspect of this game _should_ feel comfortable, cozy, and safe for modest investment on such defensively minded builds. The danger spikes should be expected and manageable. An essence mob surprise killing you on release, or a metamorph or map boss slamming you back to town, or shaper beam disintegrating you are fine. But every character starting class, with the possible exception of ranger, has a defensively minded Ascendency option. These should be powerful enough to ignore most trash clearing in maps with modest investments in other defensive layers. Otherwise the best option to not die will simply be off screening mobs before they can target you. This may sound cliche, but I have less time to play PoE than I did in 2014-2021. I'd prefer that builds could exist that could smoothly and safely clear maps for much lower defensive investment then seems to be normal in 2023. I am not sure what the solution should be three aspects I would look at are: Kitava reducing our resistances during campaign (this mechanic is really leftover from when there were 4 difficulties and two acts). This would make capping Chaos resistance much easier if that is going to be the expectation going forward. Map modifiers getting rebalanced to about half of what they are today. (-10 max res to -5, no regen to 50%, etc.) Monster damage being looked at. I will say that after levelling these two characters I am not sure if I want to commit to the new league after all. It seems like PoE is trending to asking for more and more play time per session of its player base as it ages. Quite frankly, I do have other responsibilities now and cannot commit to 5-10 hour sessions every weekend.
@vladimirsvirid7705 5 ай бұрын
ther other's effects wich i NOT AVOIDEBL curs-bleed not bleed .. freesz wich not freez som roots > som bleed magic som effects wich player HAVE NO APORTUNITY TO GET IMUNE
@drildgen Жыл бұрын
So you made it to level 96 on softcore with only 32 deaths? That's actually a pretty good number, guess those terrible defenses are serving you good! :) In all honesty, the game is in the best state it ever has... Oh and ES is totally fine. Some builds use it very well and it can be pretty powerful
@malcolmmorris3947 Жыл бұрын
Hard disagree with most of this. The only defense that needs any help right now is pure ES, armour and evasion are in a great place. Suppress either needs to be more available (mostly to left side) with lower damage reduction, or less available so its actually somewhat a challenge to get (like block) and stay at 50%. Normal alch and go T16s are easy with any sort of semi-geared character until you spawn a stacked essence mob, take an alter you can't overcome the downside of, or run into the 1/1000 rare mod that counters your specific build, which is all supposed to be scary. The only other natural things they're bad against are endgame bosses, again supposed to be scary, and ground degens. After that you get into juicing territory and that's going to kill you sometimes no matter what defenses you have. Ive gotten a CA occultist to 97 (15k armour/evasion, no spell suppress) and a EA champ to 95 (25k armour/evasion, with suppress), both of them run face first into every single pack and the only time they die mapping is when I mistime running over bearers. Stop rolling multiple bad mods on your maps, stop taking alters if you can't beat the downside, get phasing, learn to move out of the way instead of tanking everything.
@Kuzka_ Жыл бұрын
Armor still sucks. Maybe pure evasion or mix of the two is better, but pure armor, unless you're playing a stacker or even just some ES with aegis, does nothing. I never have a single damage mod on my maps and still die to random stuff. Mostly because it's hidden under other effects (like the crystals on hit crap). Or just some one shots from rares offscreen. Or proximity/temporal shield that force me to facetank groups of mobs. There is just so much random shit that hinders you as you play, and while you can be immune to some of that, they add more and more effects that you can't (like multiple debuffs that do the same thing and obviously stack). Even steelmage showed recently an example of being hit by eater's tentacles with and without iron reflexes. With evasion his character survives with about half hp, but without it (converted to pure armor) dies every time.
@malcolmmorris3947 Жыл бұрын
@@Kuzka_ @Kuzka obviously layering defenses is usually better, but armour only sucks vs big hits. If you are pure armour you either need to be better at avoiding things manually or have other way to mitigate them (jugg, 90 res, petrified blood, etc). If you have 75k+ armour you can generally stand in the middle of packs and be completely fine with some regen/recoup/leech. If you are dying in zero damage mod maps that's on you more than anything. maybe check your chaos res and what atlas mods you are taking, also stop using a golem unless you really need it, its just giving enemy abilities something to chain off of. I haven't noticed any chunky off screen stuff aside from legion/harbinger, so that ones on your defenses or some bad RNG I guess. Enemy effects are nowhere near as oppressive as they were in the last few leagues (agree the lightning crystals are still a little over-tuned), there's usually only one or two different ones on screen at a time. if you cant survive running into prox shields then just skip them or use vaal grace/vaal molten shell before going in. If random slows and stacking debuffs are that big of an issue for you then get 100% ailment avoidance and hinder immunity, it gets rid of nearly everything besides vines, tar, and burning/caustic ground. As for the steel clip, once again armour is good for small hits not tanking uber-boss abilities (normal eater only summons 3 tentacles).
@imhappyidance Жыл бұрын
making your own build in this game is a complete fucking nightmare, the one thing cool about this game is all the potential options, then you realize its all fake and theres only 4 different real options, and for those 4 options there are caviats, you have to scratch your nose and rub your belly for like 3 seconds of 8% mitigation its cringe, and a vast majority of players defend this shit, they will straight up tell you how its a good thing how your character is gimped to the same 4 defenses. literally interacting with STATIC systems no skill expression just numbers its cringe, and jewel clusters are dogshit too imagine telling a new player you need to use a third party website to look at jewels to make your build not complete garbage, when 90% of jewels you see during gameplay have nothing to do with your build.
@2fat4airborne44 Жыл бұрын
i am not the goat at that game. That said... The game does a bad job telling the player enough to make an educated guess in how to proceed. We only pump so much into defences as possible so the chance to get killed is as improbable as possible (you die RNG based - anoying yes because its not everytime in the players hand and agency is important to have in a game to be fun). Its not like we hunt for thresholds or whatever - just pump it to the soft/hard cap because we can. Without stuff like path of building its basically impossible to tackle the game in a meaningfull way and make decisions in how you want to engage with the game. You can just wing it but you will hit a wall soon....and hard. You dont really know the % chance to get kneecapped in POE - to much modifiers etc. But changing that? Its so much random shit that can lead to youre demise it would be hard to tone that without make the game more bland. The RNG sucks...die by chance is frustration more often than not. btw....I find it awkward that you have to cap (take care) everything related to defences no matter what charakter/style/build you play. Its all the same.
@mpx41 Жыл бұрын
For me the biggest annoyance is how random those hits are: like you're clearing a map sitting at full health basically the entire time until a random pack of monsters suddenly oneshots you. Being fully buffed helps, but in order to do that I need to press 4 flasks + molten shell on top of some damage buffs. And I'm not willing to do that before every pack without any macros. Sorry, not a fan of RSIs 🙃
@nikenzzo Жыл бұрын
Wait a moment …i tought i have not enough def and res…i am new player lvl 74 …but seems doesnt matter what def and res u have u insta die ?
@mpx41 Жыл бұрын
@@nikenzzo Well, you insta die less often :) Maxed out res + over 20k armor or evasion (it's better if both are quite high) + 100% spell suppression + fortification + enchanted flasks with with good mods + lots of life on your gear makes you more or less unkillable for normal mobs. You'd still need to be on lookout for bleed and some crazy mods on elites and bosses but that is manageable. My problem is by the time I get all that I'm already pretty burned out and don't want to play much until the next league.
@nikenzzo Жыл бұрын
@@mpx41 😂 thank you
@MioMeowiiii Жыл бұрын
with 100% spell supress and 25k armor/evasion you can ONLY and rly ONLY die if you mess up completely. even with half of this armor and evasion you are hard to kill if you dont misserable missplay. you forgot one layer of defence, the most important one: know the game. and since you play builds from youtubers this is the defence layer YOU should improve. EDIT: your take on es is completely wrong too since you can scale all defences very well with es and it opens you up for 5 utility flasks (better scaling on es) and lowlife (very meta for a reason). es outscales life builds by far.
@trackts Жыл бұрын
I think you haven't kept up with Chris Wilson antics about his Vision for PoE and such. They would never make these changes because they don't want to. I myself I'm surprised to still be playing PoE form time to time but I already gave up supporting them because this game will only go downhill design wise because the devs see the game in a fundamentally different way that the players do.
@TCBabcock Жыл бұрын
The game is too tedious and takes too long to get anywhere and is very unrewarding.
@UndesignatedGod Жыл бұрын
Wow im a new player and I was like “oh so each build specializes with certain defenses but they can use any one if they want.” I notice that the witch had a bunch of ES stuff near by (skill tree) so im like “ah so clearly im suppose to focus on energyshield” then I watch this video and hes like “ES is a joke” I was so disappointed cause I hoped that they were all equally strong and that its better to focus on only having one specific one than it is to have like say ES and Armor/Evasion rating. I guess i was wrong and now I gotta get armor and evasion rating on all my pieces.
@strategystuff5080 Жыл бұрын
If you are new, don't watch these videos. There is no point, play what you think is fun. ES can work. Don't take some random dudes word for it. Its 10000% better to figure stuff out yourself, than try and watch youtube videos to get good
@UndesignatedGod Жыл бұрын
@@strategystuff5080 ok so as a witch, what do you suggest i go for on gear? Cause I was thinking just solely ES.
@boston4635 Жыл бұрын
@@UndesignatedGodnergy shield, spell suppress, armour is never bad, max ele resists, chaos resist, max life
@locmorningstar2740 Жыл бұрын
​@@boston4635 but for the rest of the class you only need to go spell suppress, armour or evasion, max ele resists, chaos resist, max life no energy shield needed. Not to say when you compared the budget of an ES build to either armour or evasion, ES build cost way more than armour or evaasion and most budget witch build i see on the internet are going for amour or evasion so “ES is a joke” is technically right.
@Synky Жыл бұрын
Algorithm comment
@serafeimgiavazhs5981 Жыл бұрын
In firsy minute i notice this.2 steps. 1 U must allocate iron reflexes. 2 If u can run
@rednab2001 10 ай бұрын
Defenses in POE are just incredibly ridiculous. There is no need to have to get 5-6 layers of defense just to be viable to run red maps. This is just bad game design. I've pretty much had it with POE since the 3.15 massive player nerf. Before that, I was getting better and progressing further each league. The 3.15 player nerfs set me back from being able to do T-16 maps to having great difficulty with T-11 red maps. Basically, end game for a casual like me is yellow maps now. Anything above that is really not doable. This wall keeps me from being able to farm enough currency to even have a shot at getting a better geared character in a reasonable amount of time. There is a difference between farming for currency in top end red maps vs yellow maps. The main flaw in POE that causes these problems is that the game is designed and tuned around the top 10% of the player base. This top 10% can beat the game no matter what GGG does to player power or defenses. They have the knowledge and the play time to overcome anything that is thrown at them. This leaves the casual and new players at a serious disadvantage. Before coming to POE, I played Grim Dawn for 3.8K hours. The game has only a few defensive layers and if your character is built even halfway right, you will never get one-shot. There is constant counterplay between your character and the mobs and bosses you face. It is a much better balanced and designed game that POE, D4 or Torchlight Infinite. When your character dies, you will know why you died, unlike in POE where it's anybody's guess. I have also played quite a bit of Last Epoch, and their system is also much more casual player friendly. You don't need a doctorate in the game to get to end game. As soon as LE comes out of early access and goes live, I doubt I will ever play POE1 again.
@HeshingtonMugabi Жыл бұрын
Get max res
@ryanfrieden4450 Жыл бұрын
Defenses in this game are the worst I’ve seen in any game ever. An absolute joke of game design that I can only assume are this convoluted on purpose because they don’t know how to balance a game and this is the only way they know how to make players die. I mean you don’t even get an opportunity to save yourself before you die. It’s instant death and there’s no feedback. So you just keep dying. I can’t wait for Diabo 4. No matter how bad D4 may be, it won’t be this garbage. Then add in the shit xp penalty that everyone hated 20 fucking years ago with diabo 2, and end game just turns into zero progress with zero feedback and zero ideas on what to do. You waste dozens of hours of your time in literally moments because you ran up on a chad rare with mods that should never have been allowed, or a map boss that one shots you as soon as you enter the arena. Trash game design, trash vision trying to copy the WORST aspects of Diablo 2, mechanics that are outdated and were universally unliked in the first place. One shot mechanics in any game other than side scrollers are trash, if you need one shot mechanics to “balance” your gameplay and add risk, you fucked your game up beyond repair.
@TheHollowSK Жыл бұрын
Imagine wanting to be immortal AND have damage with 50div investment. Also there is no way that gear costs that much. I wouldn't pay more than 20div for it. Armor and evasion are pretty balanced now. But expecting 20k/20k to be enough is delusional. To really feel comfortable you need at least 40k-50k armor. Also 75% max res without any other ele damage mitigation is nothing. Yeah you got spell supp capped but not everything is a spell, attacks still hit you for full amount. To not die from hard hitting elemental attacks you need 82%+ max res or some other ele damage reduction like eternal damnation. Also phys taken as elemental damage helps if you can't really stack at least 40k armor. It's not really viable to only have 1 def layer be viable with that much damage on skill tree. If you only needed armor and evasion you would have 40m+ dps for 5div investment. Casuals not getting to end game is fine imo. The game is meant to have hard end game, so if somebody who plays 5 hours per week barely gets to red maps, thats fine.
@LabofmusicRecords 10 ай бұрын
ha ha, that's PoE and sorry, your defenses are "not very good" 76% Fireresistance is to low, also the other elemental resistances. Chaos is top! There is nothing wrong with the game, this is the game. Love it or not 😂 For me always in PoE damage beats defenses. I play a "relic of the pact" inquisitor with a looot of damage and very low defenses (1000 armor, under 1000 evasion, not 100% spell surpression... and so on). ;My char is on Level 92 now and I can blow down all bosses easy, because a lot of damage.
@ottodotbot Жыл бұрын
At a certain point no matter what you do, the game transitions from "Play as much of the game as possible! Learn the mechanics and theorycraft builds and have fun!" to "The game is now rolling hundreds of 1-shots a second, if you are not mathematically able to overcome 100% of the endless stream of 1-shot deaths, you have failed. Now please trivialize as many of the mechanics as you can because it really doesn't matter anymore, if its a boss super-move or a random pack of blue monsters, everything will kill you instantly. The goal now is to play as little of the game as possible."
@sasizzarrustuta8919 Жыл бұрын
Yeh, what this guy's saying. I just started playing this league, and didn't even finish the campaign yet. I'm having a blast discovering the game and all its mechanics, but from what I'm seeing online I'm afraid to reach the endgame lol
@Kuzka_ Жыл бұрын
@@sasizzarrustuta8919 People often talk about league mechanics bloat. I'd say it's nothing compared to damage and debuff bloat. Sometimes you jump into mobs and get like 5 debuffs and all of them have very similar effects, stacking of course. And you die instantly because your over resistances of 150% go down to less than your max. While also being slowed by 3 other effects that make it impossible to react to unless you play some specific ascendancies. Enjoy early game while you can
@kimysok5657 Жыл бұрын
died to some random white mage skeleton? Welcome to poe 🤣
@AntiCx_edits 11 ай бұрын
video starts at 7:14 thank me later :)
@valerijusilkevic5502 Жыл бұрын
Around 280divine into poision spark. Still dying random. Evem simulacrum looks easer then maps :D So gave up. And hello, hello torch light :D
@zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz__ Жыл бұрын
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
@MrJaldal 8 ай бұрын
I understand where you are coming from, but literally everything u said is wrong and i strongly disagree. You seem to have no concept of layered defences...
@greatgamingendavour Жыл бұрын
And Now then nerfed Molten Shell buff into half , it's like they actively trying players to quit .
@Mithaldu Жыл бұрын
get a mic that isn't 2 meters away from your mouth and you might not have so much horrible reverb
@TroikaIncSy Жыл бұрын
You rambled so much and said nothing for first 10 minutes.
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