Pokémon Who Had Ability CHANGES

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@willjoyce5013 7 ай бұрын
Poor Gallade, gets help for a bit then Iron Valiant joins the party lol
@peco595 7 ай бұрын
It could be worse, you could be Beartic Like, look at Beartic's and Chien-Pao's stats side by side. Not a sadder tale has been crafted.
@inkorporeal204 7 ай бұрын
​@@peco595Holy smokes, never realized that about Chien Pao. Beartic really was done dirty
@TheForgidbearbackers 7 ай бұрын
​@@peco595Tbh, I believe comparing Beartic with Chien Pao is a bad idea. Since Beartic was built as a slow but strong attacker with stats more similar to Ursaring. But the fact of the matter is the number one tragedy in this category is Weavile.. Blud got his entire role taken away from him.
@peco595 7 ай бұрын
@gonfreeces6322 Weavile too of course, but seriously look at Beartic's and Pao's stats side by side. About as bulky as each other, about as strong, but abilities cone into play and Pao is still significantly faster and the same bulk while dealing considerably more damage due to sword of ruin. They're like the same pokemon if you aren't playing for snow cloak on Beartic, which obviously isn't the most consistent strategy. Chien Pao really should have less bulk.
@unkindled6410 7 ай бұрын
I mean, isnt valiant a special attacker while gallades a physical?
@mikau2123 7 ай бұрын
What's truly ridiculous is Archeops still having defeatist. He's not even that strong, especially now
@kadabraguy9846 6 ай бұрын
See I understand that being its only main ability, since you get it so early in the game and it would sweep every story fight if it didn't have Defeatist. But that's also the same generation that added Hidden Abilities which aren't available until after the story mode is basically done. Why didn't Archeops get a Hidden Ability? Even a mostly useless one like Early Bird would have been fine
@MarioMastar 4 ай бұрын
@@kadabraguy9846 Yeah, back then they balanced pokemon around the single player campaign, then acted surprised when everyone was running around tournaments with the same 6 pokemon, level 100 Garchomps and Metagrosses and Tyranitars and so on like "DURR, how does everyone have a maxed out copy of the RAREST pokemon" well news flash Gamefreak, just because a pokemon is rare doesn't mean people don't have the time to get ONE, then breed it for the best possible option later. Just cause Gible is "rare" and hard to find and takes longer to raise to 100 doesn't mean a level 100 Bibarel or Vespiquen is gonna be able to compete. Especially when all levels are set in battle tower anyway (to 50) so why balance a pokemon around "how rare it is"? Thankfully they stopped that foolishness from I think Gen 6, no more giving pokemon bad abilities cause "they'd be too powerful for the story" (except Regigigas, who at this point is just a glorified trophy... even Legends Arceus which doesn't have abilities found a way to nerf Regigigas by giving it some "effect" that slows it down) XD but still it is what it is.
@edwardhill7297 7 ай бұрын
If megas are vaulted forever, I'd love to see Swampert switch Damp for Swift Swim. Bring my boy back to the rain teams
@RaymonZX200 7 ай бұрын
Flygon definitely needs to keep Sheer Force from Trapinch
@TheFlashzap 7 ай бұрын
Or Sand Stream as a hidden
@lipika2841 7 ай бұрын
Or how about Tinted Lens?
@unkindled6410 7 ай бұрын
Tinted lens and sand stream for secondary and HA.
@davepumphernickel9568 7 ай бұрын
Uhhhhhhhh…… you guys do know you can Tera electric your flygon with his levitate, have no weakness then just dragon dance to victory, love flygon now, also if there’s no worry atm, also cmon ground type move switch in’s are awesome.
@lipika2841 7 ай бұрын
@@davepumphernickel9568 yeah but it needs more than 1 ability as well. Sand Stream & Sheer Force r universally agreed to be amazing abilities that will help the Pkmn in question most of the time whereas Levitate is only good for avoiding Ground attacks from the opponent which is out of your control.
@mcsmileycorp 7 ай бұрын
Regular weezing is usually situationally better than galarian weezing on the vgc side, not having a steel weakness against things like zacian and gholdengo is quite often worth dropping the other resistances, and having fairy stab isn't that important considering you are at best running 1 attacking move, so it's really down to you if moonblast/strange steam is worth it over gunk shot or sludge bomb.
@costby1105 7 ай бұрын
Wolfe Glick used regular to win a Regulation E tournament. Which one is better depends on the VGC Metagame.
@ronnycrawf2441 7 ай бұрын
Some of the ability changes from generation 8 seem like new abilities, mainly inner focus being intimidate immune. It has made Pokémon like dragonite and entei especially strong in VGC this gen, even more for the new format with incin back. They never really saw play in vgc before these ability changes but intim immunity is so powerful
@pokeplazagamer 7 ай бұрын
As someone who is used Pelipper before, drizzle gives it a much needed power boost. it's honestly shocking how powerful drizzle hydro pumps can be.
@MarioMastar 4 ай бұрын
Giving weaker pokemon unique moves and abilities like that to make them stand out strategically is such a great gift to some of the weaker early game pokemon who are meant to have potential late game if you stick with them. Like when they gave Ariados that poison move that heavily gimps the opponent and poisons them. Gen 9 seems to be the generation of "signature moves" as almost every pokemon has a signature move again.
@kitsuaria 7 ай бұрын
Fun fact! Every Pokemon who has Levitate as their only ability *only* has Levitate with no hidden abilities. (Duskull is an exception as it lost Levitate upon evolution since its introduction) Gengar due to only having Levitate prior to being bestowed with Cursed Body means it never got a hidden ability. On the other side, Weezing was in the same spot. But once Gen 8 introduced Neutralizing Gas, it got a hidden ability on top of that.
@BucketBoysOfficial 7 ай бұрын
I feel like zapdos sometimes… I often go from lighting rod to static in the blink of an eye
@genarftheunfuni5227 7 ай бұрын
You forgot about Empoleon. Empoleon's line used to have Defiant from Gens 4-7, which raises attack two times if a stat is lowered. Although not bad, Empoleon's attack is... meh... Come in Gen 9, and it got swapped for Competitive. The same thing, but now it boosts Empoleon's base 111 sp. atk instead of it's base 86 atk
@unkindled6410 7 ай бұрын
You would think the steel clad giant emperor penguin designed after poseidon with huge blades on its fin/wings would be a physical attacker but nope, special attacker.
@THGMR-ox7sd 7 ай бұрын
@@unkindled6410I know right. But at least they changed his ability to go with his special attack.
@enoyna1001 7 ай бұрын
Defiant got swapped for Defiant? That's so crazy!
@genarftheunfuni5227 7 ай бұрын
@@enoyna1001 fixed
@genarftheunfuni5227 7 ай бұрын
@@unkindled6410 At least now they can't use the lack of a physical/special split as an excuse like with Sceptile
@Freaky_james 7 ай бұрын
I'd really like to see Torterra getting the ability solid rock, which i think fits, and also would help it use its defenses and survive more hits
@pigperfect9831 7 ай бұрын
magic guard clefable
@chimosgameclub9765 7 ай бұрын
Entai love the inner focus
@zenaaccel 7 ай бұрын
Poor Empoleon...it got its ability changed from defiant to competitive and wasnt talked about
@MattBudYT 7 ай бұрын
Forgot to talk about it but remembered after so I put a few mentions in the video
@zenaaccel 7 ай бұрын
@@MattBudYT ah ok
@cartergamegeek 7 ай бұрын
With how easy and free it is setting Tailwind in doubles Shiftry is eating good. Plus many Wind Moves are spread moves like Heat Wave and Blizzard. Shiftry has a good role of being just annoying enough to counter a few common doubles sets because Wind Rider is annoying. While not the best due to power creep Shiftry is solid and it fits a good anti meta role. Entei with Inner Focus I feel is busted. You can't flinch and Inner Focus blocks the Attack drop from Intimidate. Also lets be real not being able to flinch is crazy good in doubles as Fake Out is common so you can't stop the 3 beasts with flinch stalling. Also good at beating Rock Slide spam. Out of the 3 Entei is the best here by a mile as you more or less let it no longer flinch or lose Attack to Intimidate. That was hands down the best buff for this monster as you block 2 common ways to control damage.
@JanusHoW 7 ай бұрын
Espeon and Xatu getting Magic Bounce; Quagsire getting Unaware; Clefable getting Magic Guard AND Unaware; and Sableye getting Prankster, to name a few.
@biospark4758 4 ай бұрын
Tera-Fire Drought Eruption Torkoal is ridiculously fun. It’s an absolute cannon
@whatamidoing725 7 ай бұрын
At least inner focus got buffed to block intimidate and flinching but that really only benefits entei overall, i really would have loved to see them with the absorb abilities though especially since raikou is literally on life support relative to the other two
@SotheBee123 7 ай бұрын
Prior to Hidden Abilities I thought Vileplume should have Effect Spore and then....they gave it Effect Spore!
@Gogito4 7 ай бұрын
The beasts would be so much worse without Inner Focus. It's the only thing that keeps them viable in Doubles, and Entei is genuinely really great right now.
@wingedbluj1674 7 ай бұрын
I was so happy Gallade finally got an ability that DOESN'T rely on getting hit. Its low DEF means it can't afford to get hit by moves like knock off, fake out, or any other physical dark/flintching moves. Also, Gallade is the only Pokémon to have Sharpness as a natural ability.
@Ecdemaniac 7 ай бұрын
Gengar may be my favorite Pokémon, but on my teams I need too keep it as Haunter bc they took away my boys levitate
@SnarkyMalarkey 7 ай бұрын
I hope one day they buff my favorite pokemon, Absol, and they change his Pressure ability (which is garbage ESPECIALLY for Absol who has no bulk) for something more offense oriented like Sharpness for his Stab Night Slash and other coverage moves or literally just anything else.
@gavinaaric 7 ай бұрын
I want swellow to get arealist To make boomburst even more deadly with specs and being one of the fastest mons
@larsweise7866 7 ай бұрын
I would love if the Deoxys - Forms could receive different hidden abilities.
@ashmander3465 7 ай бұрын
Chandlure was robbed of its intended hidden ability
@ZatchBell24 7 ай бұрын
Gengar deserves his levitate back
@zyouri121 7 ай бұрын
9:46 Gigalith's hidden ability is Sand Force
@MattBudYT 7 ай бұрын
Copy and pasting is helpful until you forget to change what you pasted😅 Had it copied from Torkoals Shell Armor.
@Darmaniteen 7 ай бұрын
I wanna say Contrary on serperior was the biggest ability buff of all time. It took it from an absolutely useless Pokémon to being one of the most feared sweepers in the game
@indiradevi8136 7 ай бұрын
That was hidden ability. No change in ability
@enoyna1001 7 ай бұрын
It was planned with Contrary in mind due to being its Hidden Ability from the start.
@BrawlSnorlax 7 ай бұрын
I think I talked before about all the big list of Pokemon type and ability changes I would suggest.
@lipika2841 7 ай бұрын
Im happy for where Pelipper ended, but I also wish Politoed was at least on par with it instead of being completely outclassed by the pelican.
@SinYue 7 ай бұрын
kabutops battle armor - sharpness zarude leafguard - idk too many options flareon guts - fluffy lantern illuminate - dazzlin noctowl keeneye - mindseye turtanator shell armor - anger shell houndoom early bird - intimidate/ corrosion
@KatnipKuroo 7 ай бұрын
I really believe Leafeon, and Glaceon need a buff when it comes to abilities. Leafeon should get sharpness since it learns swords dance and has access to Leaf Blade and X Scissor two strong moves that are boosted by sharpness. Glaceon I think should get refrigerate Glaceon has a high sp atk 130 it gets access to Hyper Voice, and Beam so it can be a ice type version of Slyveon who hits like a truck due to its hidden ability.
@goGothitaLOL 5 ай бұрын
Slush Rush could also work for Glaceon
@danyosuna7276 7 ай бұрын
Prankster sableye and Magic bounce espeon should be included as well Imo
@goGothitaLOL 5 ай бұрын
Those are both Gen 5 hidden abilities
@KurisuFenrisWolf 7 ай бұрын
2:42 Almost like the legendary beast are revived Eeveeultions ....
@zayneharring9570 7 ай бұрын
All I'm gonna say is Swampert deserves regenerator and/or recover. It's a damn AXOLOTOL. It should be able to regenerate itself. Also, I'm a mudkip fanboy so...
@JustDandyGuy 2 ай бұрын
I don't think you care about VGC but Inner Focus is what makes Entei a super solid and strong Pokemon in Generation 9 due to being immune to Intimidate and Fake Out on a Physical Attacker
@arxidasarxidas2512 7 ай бұрын
look i dont care how much time has passed or how many gens has it been sence hen give MA BOI REGIGGIGAS AT LEAST a hidden ability dont remove slow start cuz the would break him just make it a whole post game side quest in order to unlock his hidden ability
@kargoncoppercoin2093 6 ай бұрын
Dear gamefreak: Give unown technician, you cowards! Lol
@bohemianharpsicord4294 6 ай бұрын
Hisuian typhlosions hidden ability was such a disappointment. We finally had a chance for it to be a usable pokemon and they gave it Frisk. At least the other Hisuian starters got interesting abilities
@holyelephantmg8838 4 ай бұрын
Although niche, Battle Bond I think fits here.
@Tombofresh 7 ай бұрын
I just want Archeops to get a better ability. I don't think the hindrance was necessary
@SACREDSCIZOR9116 7 ай бұрын
I woild definently like if kleavors swarm ability is swapped with technician it would make it run sets other stone axe scarf like yechnician loaded dice rock blast,dual wingbeat
@goGothitaLOL 7 ай бұрын
Stone Axe is not boosted by Technician tho, as it is 65 BP
@SACREDSCIZOR9116 7 ай бұрын
@@goGothitaLOL I said technician will make sets other than stone axe viable
@cat8506 7 ай бұрын
i want weavile to lose pressure and get something like sharpness or technician (it would probably get banned from ou if it has beat up + triple axel w technician)
@goGothitaLOL 5 ай бұрын
Technician boosted Ice Shard too
@onetallpheeesh 7 ай бұрын
Im of the belief that most, if not all Gen 1 and Gen 2 mons are in DESPARATE NEED of Ability Revamps Just some examples: Blastoise NEEDS Mega Launcher outside of Mega. The Legendary Birds should get Snow Warning, Drought, and Drizzle. Rapidash should get Speed Boost. Kabutops should get Sharpness. Umbreon could get Poison Touch. Ledian need Iron Fist and the Fighting type and a stat buff and an evolution and-
@THGMR-ox7sd 7 ай бұрын
I agree with some of these but some feel like they’re there for the sake of wanting to change a Pokémon’s ability in my opinion. The legendary birds getting Snow Warning, Drizzle and Drought sounds interesting though.
@timurtheking 7 ай бұрын
agree with all of these par umbreon getting poison touch....doesnt thematically fit it and would still be 'garbage'.
@goGothitaLOL 7 ай бұрын
Ledian already has Iron Fist The problem is it’s Atk stat is nonexistent
@InsaneGarrison25 7 ай бұрын
Sharpness is nice but imo Kabutops should get Technician like Scyther. It learns no Rock slicing move but lots of weak attacks like Aqua Jet, Aerial Ace, and Rock Tomb
@timurtheking 7 ай бұрын
@@InsaneGarrison25 thats fine since it shuld learn aqua cutter for the sharpness boost and xscissor becomes 120
@ShiningStar5022 7 ай бұрын
Personally, I would love for the elemental monkeys, specifically, Simisage, Simisear, & Simipour, to get their abilities swapped. Gluttony seems mid to me, so I feel like all 3 of them should either have Iron Fist or Grassy Surge/Seed Sower for Simisage, Drought for Simisear, & Drizzle for Simipour. It would also make them more useful & less of a joke.
@StoicForce 7 ай бұрын
Gamefreak needs to either give Aerodactyl Brave Bird and/or Head Smash or change its Rock Head ability to something else. Also, for the love of God, it's been TWO generations after Alola, GIVE VESPIQUEN Queenly Majesty!
@GrandpaMaxGaming 7 ай бұрын
Excellent video. Might I recommend a cop filter to make your videos that much better?
@MattBudYT 7 ай бұрын
I’m not sure what you mean?
@GrandpaMaxGaming 4 ай бұрын
Oh whoops I meant pop
@randaljr.8581 7 ай бұрын
more pokemon definitely need sharpness. i wish the paradoxes got hidden abilities.
@Dean-uq1cz 7 ай бұрын
Could you imagine sheer force or adaptability iron valiant?. Volt absorv/flash fire iron moth Tough claws ghouging fire
@olafmikoaj3121 7 ай бұрын
​@@Dean-uq1czMore like synchronise Valiant, solar power Moth, And Inner focus Fire
@doorbox788 7 ай бұрын
i feel that typhlosion deserves something better like drought or contrary. One would make it a much better sun team pokemon, and the latter would make its overheats awesome just like serperior and leaf storm
@goGothitaLOL 7 ай бұрын
I also seen Adaptability
@BlackKoiRecords 7 ай бұрын
Emboar. Just... Emboar. This is a starter thats best trait nowadays is KILLING ITSELF!
@demarkussimon9202 7 ай бұрын
Slaking and Regigigas bout need hidden abilities.
@grrgrrgrr0202 7 ай бұрын
Gamefreak needs to do a lot, and I mean, a LOT, more of these!
@okolo22000 2 ай бұрын
Gengar’s ability change blow; especially with it not even having a second nor a hidden ability for crying out loud! To me the Legendary Beasts have it far worse. All of them having that lame Inner Focus instead of those same type immunities just further makes Generation 2 that much more inferior (and uninteresting.) P.S.: You forgot about Greninja having BOTH of its abilities nerfed in Generation 9.
@zacharymutter8432 7 ай бұрын
Give Gallade Ceaseless Edge and watch it climb to OU
@LuigiTheMetal64 7 ай бұрын
Even the move Improve Angles. Too bad that move got removed. They should never made the move more associated with Porygon.
@yichlyichl4204 3 ай бұрын
@@LuigiTheMetal64 May as well be Hone Claws for a similar vibe to it
@pauloing1pauloing167 5 ай бұрын
00:29 click here to start the video
@FatherOfDeinos 24 күн бұрын
Mega launcher for Hydreigon
@TheCr0oked1 7 ай бұрын
The rivalry between gengar and latios was legendary
@professorpengu502 7 ай бұрын
I agree with the scene eith dragonite and Beartic like even if dragonite is shown to be extremely powerful its still 4x weak maybe I would be better if it used fire punch which I think it know in the anime?
@timurtheking 7 ай бұрын
multiscale would save dragonite since icy wind is very low damage along with beartics low sp.A
@Tombofresh 7 ай бұрын
Gigalith gets Sand Force as its hidden not Shell Armor
@katharinedixon8080 7 ай бұрын
I think mewtwo could have unerve changed for a better ability. I don't know what it could be though
@MattBudYT 7 ай бұрын
@UnchainedPandoran 7 ай бұрын
@chrisunderwood_dg 7 ай бұрын
certified banger
@mlpfanboy1701 Ай бұрын
6:47 yah using either of those aint happening
@ricardosalmeron1946 7 ай бұрын
Yay i knew pelipper was going to be on top love it
@superowenma5519 7 ай бұрын
Metagross light metal to levetate
@goGothitaLOL 7 ай бұрын
or Tough Claws
@gatitoasustadoo 7 ай бұрын
Next time you could say what the abilities did please
@portwise23 7 ай бұрын
One Pokemon I've always seen have a sub-optimal ability is Blastoise. Yes, every water starter has Torrent, but Blastoise's Hidden Ability, Rain Dish, does next to nothing for it. Most people really just run Torrent for the chance of doing slightly more damage with water attacks (besides water spout). Giving it's mega launcher ability back (from it's mega form), or changing Rain Dish to almost any other ability (offensive or defensive) would instantly improve it. Though, to be fair, that might be like, really broken especially on a pokemon with access to Shell Smash. Still, compared to the other gen 1 starters, and other water starters getting more useful abilities, and even Empoleon getting an ability buff with Competitive, I think it's time for Blastoise to get it's own buff and get rid of Rain Dish. Charizard gets Solar Power, Venusaur gets Chlorophyll, Blastoise should have anything other than Rain Dish and Torrent.
@portwise23 7 ай бұрын
Abilities I'd recommend would include Mega Launcher of course, Drizzle (would be a dream, but soooo unlikely), Shell Armor, Swift Swim, Anger Shell (Might be overwhelming with Shell Smash?), and definitely a few others
@Mavuika_Gyaru 7 ай бұрын
The reason why it has rain dish is because zard and saur also have weather based abilities. So I'd say swift swim would be an appropriate change
@MrTubaplayer123 7 ай бұрын
Taking away the original HAs of the Johto beasts is just villainous. What did they do to deserve that?
@costby1105 7 ай бұрын
Entei really likes Inner Focus in VGC, which is a major contributing factor of its high usage currently.
@realstao 7 ай бұрын
Definitely should replace Immunity on Snorlax to Comatose.
@onionjack4533 7 ай бұрын
Where is Blaziken? Should have been #1 lol
@goGothitaLOL 5 ай бұрын
There’s too many Gen 5 HAs for him to count, including but not limited to: Chlorophyll Venusaur Sheer Force Nidoqueen and Nidoking Unaware Clefable Regenerator Slowbro and Slowking Moxie Gyarados Multiscale Dragonite Sheer Force Feraligatr Unaware Quagsire Magic Bounce Espeon and Xatu Technician Breloom Prankster Sableye Adaptability Crawdaunt Speed Boost Sharpedo Moxie Salamence Rough Skin Garchomp Poison Heal Gliscor Thick Fat Mamoswine
@ekos8282 7 ай бұрын
4:56 the fuck happened to numbers 9 -10!?
@MattBudYT 7 ай бұрын
There is a 3 way tie for #8 in that picture so they skipped them
@jackielovesgaming6047 7 ай бұрын
Good video
@Yell-0-crocodile 7 ай бұрын
I feel like hisuian typhlosion,musharna and magnezon needs a new ability Im not a fan of hisuian typhlosion but i think it should at least have flame body to boost its signature move or have infiltrator Magnezone should of had levitate Musharna could at least have comatose
@forfuchsake2254 3 ай бұрын
Now give Lucario mega launcher so I can die and rest in peace
@KingStr0ng 6 ай бұрын
Really bummed about the Legendary Dogs change. 😩😩😩😩
@goGothitaLOL 5 ай бұрын
at least Entei really benefited from it in VGC/doubles significantly
@KingStr0ng 5 ай бұрын
@@goGothitaLOL Yeah true
@kaotic300 7 ай бұрын
they should have at least given gengar levitate as a hidden ability, just odd that they removed its old ability and never gave it a hidden ability
@AI-DreigonGPT 7 ай бұрын
I'll never understand why they nerfed Gengar, i hate Gengar but this was Undeserved
@hectorvega7543 7 ай бұрын
@yungmuney5903 7 ай бұрын
Give Luxray Electric Surge please GF 😩 And give mewtwo Neuroforce and Psychic Surge too.
@WTC-1990 7 ай бұрын
They fucked Gangar up completely
@ihaveanopinion888 7 ай бұрын
It’s great to have some underused mons get buffs but why Pelipper and why Torkoal? Isn’t Drought semantically more suitable for other mons like Camerupt, Cacturne, etc.? And Drizzle more suitable for Slowbro or Quagsire?
@goGothitaLOL 7 ай бұрын
Slowbro and Quagsire already have Regenerator and Unaware respectively, aka the two best defensive abilities in the game (and one of the best defensive typings in the latter’s case) They’re fine
@Musterdtits 7 ай бұрын
Tinkaton NEEDS Huge Power.😭😭😭 Defiant and Opportunist would also be good abilities for her.
@bulugu3066 7 ай бұрын
Huge power would mke her the most broken pokemon of all times haha. 75 base atk + gigaton hammer + huge power would ko many pokemon even through not very effective
@Musterdtits 7 ай бұрын
@@bulugu3066 Yeah, but that would be great. I mean that, or at least throw Belly Drum on Tinkaton as Swords Dance is too slow for raids.😔 I want Tinkaton to be viable and amazing. 😭
@Imamotherfreakingavocado 7 ай бұрын
I'm really glad that Gallade got the new Sharpness ability, he's always been my favourite Pokémon so I'm glad he's getting some more love
@lipika2841 7 ай бұрын
Gardevoir always gains more recognition so it's nice that the superior designed Gallade (don't @ me) received some attention too in G9 with its new ability & a Paradox form.
@Imamotherfreakingavocado 7 ай бұрын
@@lipika2841 Word, I love Gardevoir too (he's my unite main), but I don't like how overshadowed Gallade is compared to Gardevoir, so I'm glad he's getting love this generation
@grrgrrgrr0202 7 ай бұрын
Gallade and Gardevoir are both pretty overshadowed. Before the introduction of the Fairy type, Gardevoir was definitely more overshadowed.
@InsaneGarrison25 7 ай бұрын
@@lipika2841Iron Valiant is a paradox of both Gallade and Gardevior.
@CordyBrush 7 ай бұрын
I just want Sudowoodo to get Contrary. Thematically I think it fits him, and with access to moves like Hammer Arm/Superpower it could be a real threat in lower tiers! 😊
@gavinaaric 7 ай бұрын
Thats useless it has extemely low speed
@grunkleg.29691 7 ай бұрын
I'd heard that Gengar got Cursed Body over Levitate as a means to balance the Mega, that way you can always fire off an EQ in its face without any will-they-won't-they Mega. A shame that they decided not to change Mega Gengar's Shadow Tag for something less oppresive like Infiltrator or Mold Breaker or Clear Body, a bigger shame they haven't brought Megas back ever, and an even bigger shame Gengar fell to RU
@lipika2841 7 ай бұрын
What's be scarier in battle: Shadow Tag Chandelure or ST Mega Gengar? 1 has use up their mega slot to have Mega Gengar's Shadow Tag.
@Lissy_YT481 6 ай бұрын
@TwiliPaladin 6 ай бұрын
Lmao at that last sentence.
@bulborb8756 7 ай бұрын
you got the abilities on Weezing wrong, Stench is its hidden ability, Neutralizing Gas is a normal ability on it
@MattBudYT 7 ай бұрын
Good catch. That’s one hidden ability that you wouldn’t hunt after😅
@MarioMastar 4 ай бұрын
@@MattBudYT XD reminds me of Truant Durant. Like "WHY would you go for that?" I keep forgetting it has entrainment though, but still, doing some skill swap stuff to get it onto an opponent in doubles would be an interesting mind game too.
@brenoborba5433 7 ай бұрын
Musharna should really hsve komatose, would make perfect sense. I also would change espeon's synchronize to speed boost or tinted lens because espeon need an offensive ability
@BigPoppa931 7 ай бұрын
give it psychic surge
@unkindled6410 7 ай бұрын
Speed boost doesnt make sense. Also not every pokemon need the OP abilities. What the Eevees really need is better coverage, their movepool always suck and it still does, the ones that sufferes the most were flareon and glaceon.
@Dean-uq1cz 7 ай бұрын
​@@unkindled6410espeon is the best movepool of the eveelutions though. But yeah they do meed better moves,like why even giving them alluring voice when it was literally sylveon's only role. Give jolteon bug buzz instead with the excuse of 'static sound'
@unkindled6410 7 ай бұрын
@@Dean-uq1cz sylveon used to also have good coverage with psyshock and mystic fire to hit the 2 types that deal SE against it, but it lost both if im not mistaken. All of them got calm mind which helps the special attackers but again, flareon still suffering and leafeons also not much better. Glaceon suffers from having to compete with his other SPA oriented brothers that dont have a shitty monotype like he does, and the snow weather doesnt really help him because he is frail and again, has the worst defensive type in the game to begin with, which is also the main thing holding it back being honest (i love ice element in magic settings but pokemon trashed the element so much...) Alao being real, Flareons movepools problem is the same as all physical fire mons that dont have either a signature or cant use heat crash effectively, theyre stuck with flare blitz as their best STAB option. Even those that can use fire punch dont really wanna use it, blaze kick exists with tight distribution but its 90% acc for god knows what reason considering it has 5 less BP than leaf blade thats 100% acc, makes it a uncertain choice for those that can learn it. Leafeon being a pure grass type also puts him an awkward spot as grass is tied in both the type with the most weaknesses and the one thats the most resisted. The fact that, if im not mistaken, only physical coverage option with 80BP or more outside of normal moves is X-scisors which also is heavily resisted is really sad. Also i wonder if one day they will get a second normal ability. Leafeon could have sharpness according to its dex entry, could be interesting it he gotten other cutting moves. But if they didnt even gave the SWORDS of justice sharpness as an HA when they all got paradoxes i dont think they plan to revise old mons in this game anymore. And i honestly dread gen5 remake considering how BDSP turned out and how SV was such a buggy ass mess.
@indiradevi8136 7 ай бұрын
@@Dean-uq1cz sylveon and umbreon have arguably better move pool. Alluring voice is a move eevee learns. So it makes sense
@ragnaricstudios5888 7 ай бұрын
Scolipede was also very good when Baton Pass was legal in Smogon, cause it could boost with SD or Iron defense, then gain the speed boost, the pass to another mon
@wgamer2.087 7 ай бұрын
6:28 Multiscale lol.
@mandalorianhunter1 7 ай бұрын
Honestly the swords pf justice need to sharpness to become more relevant again along with need moves added. I would also give Keldeo Swift Swim, Terrakion gets sand rush and then give Virizion chlorophyll. Honestly i would give Cobalion stamina or something to him harder to kill. I think the future paradox mons of the swords of justice would benefit from sharpness as well
@Dean-uq1cz 7 ай бұрын
Cobalion could have....idk maybe clear body?,adaptability? It wouldn't be broken but still be better
@mandalorianhunter1 7 ай бұрын
@@Dean-uq1cz Cobalion is very versatile, using volt switch, thunder wave, either being physical or a special attacker. He finally got a great stab fighting move in body press which stamina would help. Adaptability is great but not sure if it benefits Cobalion as much as stamina or something else would. Clear body is nice for doubles but due to it being able to run different sets, it's hard to see would it benefit it most of the time.
@timurtheking 7 ай бұрын
i think stamina would be too much, just turns it into a better mudsdale. But sharpness on all the swords is a no brainer@@mandalorianhunter1
@mandalorianhunter1 7 ай бұрын
@@timurtheking I'm fine with that and it's not like it could get a weather condition like the others of the group. Sharpness is something they should have gotten by now and it someone complained it would make Keldeo to good.
@leviistired3621 7 ай бұрын
4:33 Please for the love of god gamefreak, give meganium something cool for a hidden ability instead of leaf gaurd
@Mavuika_Gyaru 7 ай бұрын
Gengar losing levitate was the worse change. A poison type losing ground immunity, one of the most popular offensive typing, is tragic
@darthvinedits 7 ай бұрын
+ & Gengar is really have low hp sad,
@larseunic 6 ай бұрын
Gengar being a poison type at all was awful. It was supposed to beat psychics.
@TheFlashzap 5 ай бұрын
You kidding me as a Ground Type specialist I revel in knocking Gengar off his pedestal
@MarioMastar 4 ай бұрын
@@TheFlashzap Yeah, Gengar is one of the few pokemon deliberately nerfed by Gamefreak because it was far FAR too powerful. a non-legendary that strong with 3 immunities is practically a free win. Let alone Mega Gengar having to be banned to ubers and practically AG with it's potential. When you introduce that level of power creep to the game, there's no point in using any of the other 800 pokemon (at the time). People may have yelled at Masuda for Dexit, but those SAME people were perfectly fine with only 10 pokemon being worth using in VGC during Gen 7 and like 15 of them during Gen 6 with the "win button" that was mega evolutions. Heck I didn't see those same people complaining when Gen 4 added Garchomp aka "If you don't run Garchomp, you might as well just select forfeit". Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Gengar and it's my dad's favorite pokemon of all time, I'm glad they found other ways to celebrate a fan favorite pokemon without making it rediculously overpowered. like giving it a funny G-max form and being an auto include in pretty much every game post Dexit.
@caiusdrakegaming8087 4 ай бұрын
The beasts having HA's that give them an immunity to their respective types was... honestly not something that would have helped in the long run anyways. They would already be resistant to them naturally, and outside of swaps there's not really a lot times a Raikou's going to be hit by an electric move. Also, Flash Fire on Entei would be the pretty useless as most Fire attacks are on Fire type pokemon, with the only exceptions that would probably be common enough being Fire Punch, Fire Fang, Heat Crash, and Flame Charge. Inner Focus was a better choice as flinch AND Intimidation immunity is big, especially for Entei as the actual physical attacker of the three. Plus I'd say anything that says FU to Fake Out deserves to be praised.
@Agricarnation 7 ай бұрын
I think that Tinkaton should get Pickpocket swapped with Steelworker
@Primarina. 7 ай бұрын
i was hoping chikarita to get a better ability when it came to S/V dlc. its current ability (leaf guard) sucks. give it grassy terrain
@goGothitaLOL 5 ай бұрын
Anything else really Thick Fat Triage Regenerator Flower Veil even
@flamestorm1468 7 ай бұрын
I just hope all mega pokemons get their previous mega abilities like Blastoise with mega launcher or Metagross with tough claws
@Doctor_Dario 7 ай бұрын
My first pokemon was Piplup, so seeing Empoleon gain competitive in this generation was a nice addition
@pauloing1pauloing167 5 ай бұрын
00:29 click here to start the video
@pichuperez9037 7 ай бұрын
Veluza should get Regenerator instead of Mold Breaker, and Flareon needs like the fire type version of Refrigerate. I mean, sylveon got Pixelate so why not.
@Yinyanyeow 7 ай бұрын
I feel hail and snow should unite. Seriously, why only give one buffs instead? Sandstorm has it.
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