The disparity between development cycles versus market cycles, I feel, is so important and often underestimated. I love how efficient and versatile pongamia seems to be so I hope these efforts to diversify and increase financial resilience will pay off. Having more viable options increases worldwide food safety resilience, and it's hard to complain about that. All this said. Pongamia is a tree and that comes with its own challenges. From what I can find, it takes 5 years to go from seed to harvest and that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a great amount of beans. They said they can achieve consistent high-yields but I'm not sure what that means on a tangible timescale. To start with, I'd like to actually see some hard numbers when they talk about "more biomass per acre than soybeans" that also take into consideration the full lifecycle of the plant. Then, I would also like to see what kind of time scales would be possible if demand were to increase due to, say, some agricultural land degrading to grade 3. I would also be curious about how well the regenerative properties of this plant actually compare, reliably and empirically, to other available methods. Same with the "relatively low water usage". In other words, I'd like to see more technical, black and white data about the plant itself and all related claims.