If you're not doing this one exercise, you're throwing away massive progress! Studies have shown the overhead tricep extension with the cable builds significantly more muscle than other triceps variations. Why? Because with the cable variation, you've got constant tension while the muscle in a stretched position. That's everything you'd ever need. So how do we do it? 1. I like to you the V-Bar grip, but you can also use a rope or flat bar 2. Bring the cable up towards knee hight (My cable machine is a bit too low in the footage) 3. Do the cool spin! (the more extravagant you can make the spin, the more impressive you look for the ladies 😉) 4. Now simply straighten up your back and pull your elbows towards each other. Like you are trying to make them train tracks 5. Lift the bar so your arms come close to fully extended (Don't lock your elbows!) Slowly lower back down until you can't go any further. 6. Repeat.