We've noticed with that HTRC P20 charger, it terminates the charge cycle with our Power Qween 100Ah at around 13Amps of current remaining. We did another test with a different charger, and the charge didn't terminate till 3Amps, which seems to be .03C thus, falling into the range of detectable tail current. Also, using a DVM and a clamp-on meter, the HTRC is inaccurate for voltage and applied current.
@soulstudioshamradio27 күн бұрын
have not noticed that, one thing i have noticed is if i put it on to top off a battery it will start at a reading of 40 pct.. but after a few minutes will go to 100
@s.mendez716027 күн бұрын
@@soulstudioshamradio Yes. Seems that charger does not detect tail current...