Wow. This seminar series is incredible in its depth and I wish I understood more about some of the underlying mechanisms. I want to know more about the feeling of certainty and support, of being loved that comes from proper ribcage-scapular positioning and touch on the anterior lower ribs. Is there secondary literature to find out more about the psychosomatic connections that Dr. Hruska is bringing up? I think I have the capacity to understand some of the mechanical implications of a healthy ZoA, that certain shapes are preferential when it comes to holding (rhythmic?) tension and that an organism that is supporting and supporting itself well - but I have virtually no idea how Dr Hruska is coming to the many insights he has. Much of the information is going over my head, so to speak, and I wish I was able to better comprehend these lectures. Outside of the online courses that I can study, I think I am missing some very basic textbook education, as I don‘t have any medical training - outside of rudimentary anatomical knowledge. Are there some basic books you can recommend that I can learn from, to form a basic autodidactic curriculum of sorts so that I can understand and appreciate these lectures better? Thank you for sharing these rich lectures online at no cost! I hope the material will travel far and I am certain it has meaningful impact in the community of practicing therapists and doctors.
@posturalrestoration2 жыл бұрын
This is a good place to start,