Prof R. Vaidyanathan & Rajiv Malhotra on the Global and Local Economic Mess

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Infinity Foundation Official

Infinity Foundation Official

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@theseeker3141 7 жыл бұрын
It is always a pleasure to listen to Prof. R. Vaidyanathan, so erudite, and speaks with an Indian accent, my home town accent rather, which registers very well and Having Rajiv Malhotra ji together is like icing on the cake. Thanks both for the enlightening talk on the current status, the Indian perspective.
@viveknsharma 7 жыл бұрын
Both are Geniuses of First Class...
@CP.SHARMA 7 жыл бұрын
This discussion is so enlightening. Professor Vaidyanathan is actually a sea of knowledge (vidyasagar).
@malladipradyumna7035 3 жыл бұрын
Agree completely!
@karantilak5766 7 жыл бұрын
Prof. Vaidyanathan. Respect!
@MrSirAussie 7 жыл бұрын
he is surely an expert and academic personality. .....seen a few messages of his from PGurus Shree.
@anitaramai6372 6 жыл бұрын
Karan Tilak loopbaan lijn kubistisch wolkenvelden omnibus ohm
@sankarrao9688 7 жыл бұрын
This discussion is awesome. this must be in media. media is very poor in projecting India.
@rishpalbajwa4802 4 жыл бұрын
Proud of both intellectuals, out pouring the retrospective treasure and uncovering theburried truth.
@OmkarPai94 5 жыл бұрын
I wakeup everyday check of Rajiv Malhotra notifications before starting my day.
@drmrwt97 5 жыл бұрын
Rare to find a person who was a rich successful entrepreneur dedicates his whole life for our very own culture as a mission. I purchased all his works for my library
@vikramdharma2958 4 жыл бұрын
Professor ji will live many many years. Because he always laughs before and after his statements. So laughter keeps his spirits up and healthy too. He is so Lovable. He must be very interesting in classroom.
@RameshTim 6 жыл бұрын
Amazing conversation between two dharmic legends and thought leaders. Very informative and enlightening.
@mahendradev2756 4 жыл бұрын
@CitizenJournoIN 7 жыл бұрын
An eyeopener revelation of world politics by Prof R. Vaidyanathan, and Rajiv sir, you are well ahead of time. You both must be part of India Foundation & Vivekananda International Foundation.
@raavanripu2145 7 жыл бұрын
Loved it Rajiv sir and Vaidyanathan sir. Please have a discussion session about "Islam and its impact on destabilizing world economy" in IISc, Bangalore. I am looking forward to attend it
@stephanieellison5668 6 жыл бұрын
I've been reading about the demonetization of these notes in circulation since the day it happened with great interest. I want to say that I feel strongly about Sanātana Dharma, and I want to see Bhārata resurrected, because I have a vision of working in Bhārata as an Inner Scientist or disciple, and I want to see dharma return to Earth. I have been to Bhārata myself for Kumbha Mela this past year in Ujjain for two weeks and got to see Dillī, Jaipur, Haridvār, Hṛṣīkeśa, Derāhdūn, etc. I have good friends living in different parts of the country there, and I am an active member of the Hindu community in The Woodlands, Texas (I just started working for The Hindu Temple of the Woodlands as an editor/writer/proofreader). Just so you know that I have a big personal attachment to seeing Bhārata rise up again, and that what I have to say is not lambasting you like in the manner of Arvid Kejriwal, but to find out exactly how the demonitazation process was designed and who ultimately gave the order to do so. This morning, I read an article on about this. I wrote the following to the author of the article: For some reason, as I was reading this article, I suddenly had the realization: Let's look at the government. Isn't this government based on a British parliamentary system? I had the feeling in the beginning of the article that you are beginning to understand why there is black money to start with: because taxation is so high, you have two choices - 1) do what you love to do, but have ātmā taxed out of you (you have to sell yourself to enjoy the work you do, if it makes good money), or 2) find something that you hate to do or something that doesn't require much skill or investment of your time and energy to be good at what you have to do (sales, clerical work, etc. comes to mind), giving you a smaller salary, but (this is my experience in America, but I suspect it's the same in Bhārata) at a lower salary, you have a lower tax rate, so less of your money is taken from you. In essence, you have to decide if you want to pay a high tax for something you love to do, or out of a grudging against the gov't for its practices and taxation policies, frustrate the gov't by giving it as little taxation money as you can get away with legally. I was also seeing you beginning to understand that it isn't the badness of the people blacking the money, but the government practices that makes it expensive to do business in the country. Remove the block of high taxation, then there would be no need to blacken or laundry the money, so long as it is outside of drugs, sex, arms, and cattle smuggling. However, you seem to fail to see the possibility that the most recent state of the government has been one of a Western Parliamentary system (focusing on the finances aspect only for this comment) that struggles with understanding why OTHER western governments have much better finances AND infrastructure (nice roads/streets/highways, relatively clean sidewalks and plently of them for safe walking and access, more recent construction, etc.). It appears (and I hope you see this) that finally, the GOI is finally learning how to emulate other WESTERN gov't more closely to make itself more western in its CONTROL of people, who in western societies are NOT treated as "the people who voted in the gov't officials and have the right to ORDER the gov't to do what they want it to do," but as SUBJECTS of the gov't. In other words, The gov't tells you what to do on EVERYTHING. That is NOT how Indic Kingdoms ran. It was answerable to the people of the land, not the other way around as it has historically been in Europe and elsewhere in the absence of dharma. A reason I can see why America and Europe are more successful as they are today is because they have managed to successfully and completely conquer the native population of the land they took over. Here in America, the government does not have Native Americans to complicate its domestic affairs like Bhārata does with agitative Muslims, aggressive Christian Missionaries, and Maoist/Naxalite Communists, and the people who fund their divisive efforts. Another reason is that the gov'ts of these nations are built entirely on Westernism to start with, but Bhārata was once an Indic-gov't nation, and there is that feeling that there is something missing in the machinery that is the present GOI. So, what is set up is this thing of the people not liking how the GOI works like a satellite of the UK (and it still does!) at a very deep personal level and going about ways of frustrating the gov't. Look at it this way. Facts are just notes about the material world, but are they always true? It is a fact that the Taj Mahal exists in Agra, but will it be a fact 500 years from now, 1000 years from now? You are alive today, that is a fact. But is it still a fact 100 years from now if you die before then? In this case, facts are not truth. Truths are eternal, no matter what. It is a FACT that the GOI is operating as a parliamentary system, but is it based on "dharma?" No. Facts about the GOI can change from time to time, but the truth never changes; either it is operating on dharma, or it is not - what is government dharma? That never changes, and this question has to be answered every time. To that end, my feeling as I stated above, as I was reading this article, is that the GOI is merely tightening the noose on your necks insofar as how they control money in the economy, how it flows, and even who it flows TO. They're figuring out how to become a better Western government, and I don't know that the people supporting demonetization in exactly the manner it has gone about instead of safeguarding the cash transactions for cashed-based people understand that very clearly. Please print this out and put this in with your memorable papers so that you can read this again and see if this turns out to be true 30 years from now. My sincere hope is I am wrong, that the economy doesn't become westernized like America or Europe, where everything you do is tracked (unless in America, you make the practice of always keeping cash on you to do your purchases on a daily basis). The thing you must understand is that the banking system in Bhārata is being integrated with business in a very adharmic way, and that is, when banks can track your purchases, they can SELL your purchase information in the form of a "shopping database," or a consumer list to businesses interested in selling you things. You will hate this because you will wonder how the web sites with ads know that you like a particular drink or products for your house, people will randomly call you, asking if you want to buy this or that, and if the westernization of Bhārata becomes complete, you will then get spam or junk mail in your mail box (I don't mean e-mail. I mean mail you pick up at the post office, a letter from your aunty, and you get close to half-a-pound to a pound of waste paper advertisements). This is consumer's hell on earth. People pestering you for money to buy this and that when you don't need it. These businesses in hand with the bankers want to turn YOU into consumers just as materialistic as Americans are, because they don't know how to be happy with the things they have nor with the success they've had. This will make society even more adharmic than it is now (I know, as I've spent six weeks in two cities over there). The bankers and the business people are completely extroverted, epicureans chasing after their desires. Look at the Bhagavad Gītā, ślokas 2.70-71: 2.70: As the waters enter the ocean from all sides, it remains steady and unperturbed. So also, the desires enter a person of steadiness, tranquility, and peace (without causing any perturbation). It is not so in (an epicure) a person who seeks desires. 2.71: He, who has abandoned his desires and who wanders free from desires and a sense of ego and mineness attains peace. These Epicurean bankers and business people want to use YOU to make them rich, not to make YOU happy with the things you buy, because if you have everything you need, what then is the need to buy anything else when you have your needs met? Where is their income going to come from if you are not buying their merchandise, which has to move to keep them in their big houses with a swimming pool in the back and 2-3 cars in the garage? The world can meet your needs for survival, but as Svāmīji says, the world cannot meet the wants of a single person, as they are unlimited. I know that Bhārata needs to get a handle on the current financial situation, but I just have a sneaking feeling that there is an ulterior motive for the demonetization effort that lies beyond what is obvious; black money, illegal deals, political influences, hiding money so that rich people making LOTS of money end up paying the same amount of tax or even less than that of a rickshaw driver. I feel that rather, the ulterior motive lies with the outsiders to Bhārata who own and run this world, who also want to gain a stronger foothold in your country, and then control you like they have in Europe for centuries and for a couple of centuries in America. Can you assuage the fears I have about Westerners getting complete control of your country? That is the last thing we need to see happening.
@mousiqi 4 жыл бұрын
Gem of a Discussion between these two great thinkers.
@devinchopra1302 7 жыл бұрын
Namaste Rajiv Ji, I watch most of your videos and salute you as the most active philanthropist for the Hindu cause - you so rightfully pointed out in your last interview with World Hindu Foundation - that Indian billionaires just build a temple, but don't participate pro-actively in the upliftment of the Hindu society. I have a burning desire to write on so many issues that Hindus are facing today, but can't - because I fear that I will end up behind bars and the ones who will put me behind bars will the be none other than the Hindus I voted for. You rightfully brought up this issue that WHF should have a legal cell to protect people who have been frivolously charged - but even Swami Vigyananand himself was reluctant to comment on it - let alone commit. We need a platform where someone can write fearlessly - something what Hero Subashchandra Bose did - only then we can bring about a revolution in India. The present Army chief agrees that he will have to fight on 2.5 battlefronts - but politicians won't let that happen. You should take the initiative of creating 'copies' of yourself by providing such a platform - today people are scared of the corrupt judiciary, police, and the politicians - provide a platform where people can view their ideas and thoughts without putting their families & themselves in the harm's way - you will be able to accelerate this awareness many folds.
@gvbhnnnnnnhh 5 жыл бұрын
True learned men they should be appreciated and people like these should be made education minister.
@KrishnasPk 7 жыл бұрын
beautiful conversation again made by Rajeev ji
@srinikandadai8269 7 жыл бұрын
Two great intellectuals discussing every one need to learn and propogate
@swatisheth4752 7 жыл бұрын
Both are amazing. I simply love this conversation.
@sridharthirumani8869 6 жыл бұрын
Great. Simply great!
@sadhuu 7 жыл бұрын
Rajiv ji or Vaidyanathan ji should head the education ministry.
@manojkumarsingh654 5 жыл бұрын
Hari 🕉 Rajiv sir 🙏 Rajivsirji भारतवर्ष के लोग आप के प्रति काफी संमान करते है l एसतरह की जानकारी भरी चीजे एवं इकॉनमी पॉलिटिक्स की चर्चा मीडिया में प्रायः होती ही नहीं l आप का ढेर सारा आभार l Thanks a lot for taking such important discussions. 🙏
@gvbhnnnnnnhh 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing discussion thanks to both of you sirs for doing this.
@rajendramirji5830 5 жыл бұрын
Very enlightening discussion covering 360 degrees of each of the crucial dimensions affecting the nation. Thank you for educating us who are actually choking society by fake news etc.
@gaganmehta5704 6 жыл бұрын
Sir you are doing really great work or I can say SEVAA of Maa Bhaarti by enlightenment of Indian society. Amazing interview and I am following u from a long time and want to associate with u. Please give me a way to do that. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@vi_terminator 7 жыл бұрын
Great conversation, please do it very frequently to awaken people !! I am sharing this !!
@gyansharma6627 3 жыл бұрын
Very realistic and thought provoking discussion by two thinking intellectuals.
@supratiksarkar1195 5 жыл бұрын
Always a delight to hear you Sir. Prof.Vaidyanathan was in 3 idiots also. China is the real thing. They are doing right thing.
@vikramdharma2958 4 жыл бұрын
If these two guys would have been 30 years younger, then India would have been greatly serviced.
@ritakhanna8491 7 жыл бұрын
l will definitely read Sir!!!
@TheMyanka 7 жыл бұрын
Pranams, brilliant talk Sir. Sincere thanks for all the effort.
@cibiraj1275 7 жыл бұрын
As usual excellent Talk ! You can sit and listen for hours when Prof. Vaidyanathan speaks. He conveys the most difficult concept in layman's terms combined with his wonderful sense of humor. Its always a pleasure listening to both !
@atman828 7 жыл бұрын
Sir, have you interviewed Dr Ravi Batra who's prominent Economist and professor in USA? I'd love to hear two of you discussing world poverty and his views on solutions on that matter. Namaskar.
@nuclearmaga9694 5 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for your work...
@rajesh844 5 жыл бұрын
Professor its always a eye opener with your talks. Since u r are appearing quiet often in the KZbin May I suggest that u use similar equipment as Mr Malhotra does for his talks. Rajivji should help him in this endeavour, so that we public may get "better video". From one Sr Citizen fan to another Sr Citizen🙃
@sanju85ful 6 жыл бұрын
Your videos are like finding a gold after doing mining.
@ThinkCapTV 6 жыл бұрын
Don't know if my comment will get lost in the youtube comment void. But i have learnt more from watching your videos than all my academic education combined. THANK YOU SO MUCH ..... Rajiv Sir
@roopajagirdar4638 7 жыл бұрын
Yes sir,we love to watch your conversation.something good is happening under your initiative.
@arnabbhattacharya6579 3 жыл бұрын
Prof V is a blessing to students
@WhatreallymattersIn 7 жыл бұрын
More power to you! Feels like there is something special about the followers and those who are commenting here! They are different from the other social media crowd who just post crap.
@viveknsharma 7 жыл бұрын
Respected Rajiv Sir, I am nobody to suggest You anything. Still, I have one thought I wish to share... Kindly do a Live Talk with Dr. R S N Singh on Internal Security with a special emphasis on NGO nexus, so-called "apolitical" campaigns, and Naxal Problem... Especially with regard to the current China Crisis and GORKHA-LAND CRISIS... We have very very very scant and confused information on that very important issue...
it is better add ajith doval also for the discussion
@nrayc 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent suggestion Mr Vivek and Ramakrishna ji
@supratiksarkar1195 5 жыл бұрын
Well I am from siliguri and I can say that Gorkha land crisis is not to be afraid of or its not a crisis at all. The pahari people are very much ignorant and innocent and are good persons. But you can make them understand anything you want and the leaders are doing exactly that. But still there is no chance it will spread as their problems are completely different from anyone. Once they tried to organise rallies in siliguri which we successfully obstructed and then stopped sending them food and they had to bend. So its too small a problem to be really discussed.
@rameshchanderbedi5001 7 жыл бұрын
Brilliant, love ur discourses, very illuminating for a convent educated Indian patriot like me. Thank you for soldiering on, keep up the good essential work
@Ragameiste 7 жыл бұрын
thanks for illuminating on a variety of topics that are in the limelight.
@viveknsharma 7 жыл бұрын
Quite good: You may not read it, but buy it... Vaidyanathan Sir also has written another book called "India Uninc"...
@AllIndianPatriotsCommunity 7 жыл бұрын
At 32:06 What Mr Malhotra said is really awesome. These so called Indian Billionaire are highly bad people. When I came to Germany I was is very much financial problem and I somehow managed the mail id of laxmi mittal and I requested him if there is anything which I can assist his so huge company. I am bachelor's in IT and officially send him the CV together with motivation letter and I mentioned a bit as to how much I am in urgent need to have a job, though I was not detailed. Now just for the knowledge of our viewers, Mr Mittal is one of the directors of Airbus in Germany. Plus he has his office Arcelor Mittal in the same state of Germany where I was almost starving. But believe me, not only he didn't find it professional to revert me back but his company never helped any Indian students to make even pocket money for normal bread and butter. I often share this story to almost everyone to whom i met here in Germany. I think we Indian give too much respect to such people as they didn't deserve it at all. Point is simple. If someone has to do the work than why not an Indian? I mean, his one small seriousness regarding my issue would have benefitted him and
@झू.टूभ.येकाउंट 7 жыл бұрын
All Indian Patriots Community Huge respect & love for Sikhs..
@bcfu8146 7 жыл бұрын
Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, said Mr. Tata's generosity would have a global impact. "Mr. Tata's gift will create jobs right here in Boston, and the executives who study at HBS will go out into the world as ambassadors of our truly world-class city." These sepoy traders were not interested in India's glory but continued slavery. Over 150 years the global methods and institutions have changed but the goals remain same.
no idea about this
@MithunSharma-ym7em 5 жыл бұрын
Wrong of you to expect Mr Mittal to even reply to your mail. If he were to reply to such individual mails,then there won't be any limit and end to that.Remember he is a professional Businessman whose main motto is profit maximization, lest patriotic about it.If you're seeking a job you shouldn't have directly approached a Director ,there is a set way and process to apply for a job in any company....
@spectrum_SH 7 жыл бұрын
Rajiv Malhotra is without doubt one of the greatest intellects and sons of the soil of today's times... There were times in the past when I have not agreed with him completely.. but now he has completely won me over..
@jaganmohanvedantham6770 7 жыл бұрын
Fantastic interview with Prof. Vaidyanathan who has done seminal work on entrepreneurship of hinterland of India, away from Metros. One small correction in the Interview. Prof. Vaidyanathan commented about banking industry that there are 70000 bank branches and 80000 ATMs. These figures are not accurate. There are 1,30,000 bank branches and 2,00,000 ATMs in India. Otherwise, I fully agree with views and prophesies of Prof. Vaidyanathan on other issues. Good job Rajiv Malhotra.
@zeroinfinitysametime8731 7 жыл бұрын
Nailed it !
@Aerofighter2010 7 жыл бұрын
@grsint 7 жыл бұрын
intelligent insights...
@झू.टूभ.येकाउंट 7 жыл бұрын
With all due respect to Mr. Vaidyanathan, he sounds pessimistic on so many fronts. I admire his journey as a soul, insights, analysis, efforts, & have huge respect for him, but that doesn't stop me from noticing the pessimism. Above all, I love you both. You people are the original Rockstars. Superb discussion as always. Looking forward.
@ajitkj1 7 жыл бұрын
Superb discussion ..thanks Prof Vaidyanathan & RM
@vananrajagopal8719 7 жыл бұрын
Very nice interview!! Thank you
@ChalKhutiKothig 7 жыл бұрын
very good talk!!
@vinaydubey9590 6 жыл бұрын
nice to listen.
@mnsexim 5 жыл бұрын
'अर्थक्रांति' एक सुंदर विचार है। यदि इसे सही से लागू किया जाए तो हिंदुस्थान विश्व में सबसे बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्था के रूप में उभरेगा। Professor वैद्यनाथन उसका विरोध केवल इसलिए कर रहे हैं क्योंकि वो इसे किसी और का सिधांत मानते हैं और श्रेय देने से डरते हैं।
@nandunandoskar6001 5 жыл бұрын
@vanhannu 6 жыл бұрын
Fortunately I was born with de-colonized mind. I am doing the same for my children. IInstead of blaming others and govt I think if every one of us start doing our own duty for our respected beloved matrabhoomi, we will acheive the goal of world's most Gem of nations which has YOGA, SANSKRIT, VEDAS< GEETA, RAMAYAN and great number of philospehers from various part of the country. Rajiv ji, I am your die hard fan. I would request every Bhartiya to help him in whatever possible way we can.
@roopajincy 6 жыл бұрын
Great informat
@nrayc 7 жыл бұрын
Rajiv ji, what a fascinating interview & some excellent questions. Absolute facts stated in the Indian Black Money outlook. have you read the book by Shri Vinod Rai - Not Just an Accountant. Can you run a detailed interview with Mr Rai on that book and its contents. It will be fascinating & an eye opener. The problem is only few thousands read the books & media doesn't expose.
@AmitMishra101 7 жыл бұрын
Eye Opening thoughts
@upadisetty 7 жыл бұрын
these are the issues that should be discussed in mainstream media
@অরুণাভদাস 5 жыл бұрын
It was nice listening to intellectuals.
@drsps3280 4 жыл бұрын
best video ever. Best. Never seen a debate so knowledgeable .europe lost will to fight
@umakantgajjewar8898 7 жыл бұрын
Always great to listen to Rajivji and Prof Vaidya discussion. Two of the inspiring people today. Gives us hope for the better future. Thank you both for your efforts.
@Neeraj-rz4de 7 жыл бұрын
ya..its a collective fight for all of us...we r going to act and react...
@mayankmalhotra222 7 жыл бұрын
Delighted to hear prof. vaidyanathan
@akhps 7 жыл бұрын
@yenchiliu4562 5 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@ashpaati 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for an engaging, cerebral discussion. Rajiv Malhotra ji, I follow your work and the content you put out through your foundation. I have a comment to make regarding your observations of how institutions are not being built by the Modi government. I would humbly submit to you, that as Prof. Vaidhyanathan said on other issues, this too will take time. If not the current leadership, who else do you think will be able to move the country in directions you wish to see? Perhaps intensifying your efforts, spreading your thoughts and garnering support within the administration could help?
@UnbowedUnbentUnbroken91 4 жыл бұрын
52.10 the politician is Sharad pawar and the daughter is Supriya Sule who earned 110 crores from 10 acres of land through agricultural
@BhaviSavla 6 жыл бұрын
Sir please make a video on what you do, what your mission is, etc.... !
@sanathanadharma6466 6 жыл бұрын
I hate Ndtv news channel..
@gameprofile3725 6 жыл бұрын
sanathana dharma CNN IBN , India Today , Mirror Now is in same category .
@praveenrai6965 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent conversation. But the part where they talk about the Indian "colonized state of mind" is quite harrowing. Our education system, parents, teachers and elders have singularly failed to instill pride and educate the post-independence generations in the breadth and depth of our great civilizational achievements. That has led to a state where we have young minds that look toward West for inspiration and approval instead of seeking them within. India cannot fully realize its potential until Indians shed their colonized minds and learn to respect their past.
@roopajincy 6 жыл бұрын
Did the Indian PM watch this great conversation ????
@MegaShubh 6 жыл бұрын
roopajincy prime minister knows him and backs his work. He is in direct contact with him. And has taken actions and decisions according to him.
@praneelraja 6 жыл бұрын
Shubhankit Dutt. You are wrong. PM has not given any assurance even after meeting him many times in the last 5 yrs. Rajiv ji met Modi in 2013 once and in 2016 again. 0 Help so far from govt. Rajiv ji has said that in his later interviews.
@biplabganguly6436 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Rajeev dada for this video
@yugalsingh33 6 жыл бұрын
Indian leaders need far sightedness regarding country
@jaganmohanvedantham6770 7 жыл бұрын
One more reason for the ineffectiveness of Demonetization was premature withdrawal of ceilings on cash withdrawal from Banks. Once ceilings were removed, all business people, corporates and common public withdrew massive amounts of cash from Banks and started hoarding the cash again. As a result, there is now acute cash crunch in hinterlands of India and ATMs are dry of cash. Cash is not being recycled or recirculated. Small businesses, informal sector, and farmers in rural areas are suffering hugely for want of cash in Banks. Banks started unannounced rationing of cash withdrawals and disbursements as they were not getting remittances of cash from RBI. This issue has now assumed serious proportions and but nobody is talking about it. The suggestion of Prof. Vaidyanathan that there should be a law restricting of hoarding/keeping cash at home or office not more than 1 million is very relevant and necessary under today''s circumstances.
@csreddy1518 3 жыл бұрын
Rajiv sir it is too much to expect from our politicians to think BIG and have any interest in Governance. Corruption is like a banian tree principle and nature.
@yadvendrayadav5485 7 жыл бұрын
Sir can you put malidoma patrice on this series...i read one of her book...very good perspective on missionary activity and colonisation
@gameprofile3725 6 жыл бұрын
Yadvendra Yadav Is she critical of them ?
@androidphone8026 5 жыл бұрын
Make one interview with Dr BM Hegde.
@shailesh9070 6 жыл бұрын
Please do not say we lack traditional institutions in india; there are a whole lot of hindu spiritual gurus awaking millions of followers in the hindu society slowly but steadily
@mmmittal 5 жыл бұрын
Shailesh ji, very true. I see Baba Ramdev doing phenomenal work in the field of education, Ayurvedic research, Natural/Ayurvedic health remedies (Yog Gram is a shining example), digitization of old manuscripts, organic farming, raising a completely new generation of Rishis, etc. apart from giving nightmares to Multi-national FMCG companies.
@nallapatiudaykiran3452 4 жыл бұрын
show the path sir....
@faltutechandboringfun8320 6 жыл бұрын
Prof vedhyanathan should come in another video too. A video on our technology and small business econonmy. What is the name of book sir? Book on Tax ? Please announce on KZbin .
@htnakirsus 7 жыл бұрын
17:40 " "Kinder statt Inder" ("children instead of Indians") which was a media interpretation of "Statt Inder an die Computer müssen unsere Kinder an die Computer" ("instead of Indians in front of computers, our children must be in front of computers")" source
@SurashKan 4 жыл бұрын
Ideally agricultural income beyond a cap should be brought under income tax..and in case all agricultural income has to be brought under the same common tax slabs, then the farmers should be protected in every possible way during no rains, or crop losses due to various reasons... there should be a comprehensive hassle free procedures/payments as compensation during such times..and of course merging the lands and a scaled irrigation with central planning depending on demand/supply is the IDEAL. with established common offices serving agricultural equipments etc with minimal costs etc that aid in large scale production etc etc.
@viveknsharma 7 жыл бұрын
The revelation that many precious gems, stones, and Murtis are locked in these tax havens is actually quite startling...
@mbharatm 5 жыл бұрын
I'm a huge fan of Prof. Vaidyanathan, but there is some amount of incongruity in what he's talking about. at 50:40, Prof. Vaidyanathan talks about current proportionate taxation in Income Tax (poor people pay nothing, Rich pay enormous amount of tax). But as he himself says "Banking AND PRACTICES", In practice, businessmen pay a CA to reduce their tax to such an extent that many of them pay almost NO INCOME TAX IN REALITY! As the head of a major mutual fund (I forget his name) said in one talk, he pays more tax as a salaried individual in a single year, than all his cousins who are businessmen have paid collectively in their entire life (though they have palatial homes, multiple luxury cars and wealth)! I think the biggest reason for 2% bank transfer charge not being implemented is that it will affect the rich men the MOST! Politicians, Businessmen, and govt employees with disproportionate assets would end up paying the most tax! In fact, he then goes on to contradict himself at 52:00 by stating that a politician has exempted 100 crores by stating it as agricultural income from 10 acres of land! So where is the question of proportionate taxation currently? He also states that indirect taxes are regressive as they tax everyone indiscriminately. However, the tax on a bar of soap or "essentials" could be 5% and maybe premium products such as powerful bikes, a/c, and other luxury items could be 25% and super-luxury items such as foreign cars could be kept as 70-80%. Then where is the question of regressive taxation or indiscriminate taxation?
@pchauhan2510 4 жыл бұрын
But problem with 2% on banking transaction is if middle class people reduce buy luxery so tax collection is very low so resulting reduce economy and india is still under developing country .AND indian people is know for aceint living technich so we live without luxery
@rameshsharan655 6 жыл бұрын
What I might loosley call is "Two geniuses"
@chromeyoutube505 7 жыл бұрын
Rajiv ji! Please see the work of Isha foundation
@stephanieellison5668 6 жыл бұрын
I would love to see R. Vaidyanathan's book, "Black Money and Tax Havens" released in electronic form because I plan to relocate to Bhāratavarṣa and can't afford the bulk shipping fees for my things there. Actually, in America, the interest rate for CDs and savings accounts amount to something *** .01% *** to only 1%. Nothing worth saving, ESPECIALLY when you consider that the bankers take your money and play with it to make returns multiples in one night what you would earn in one year at these rates. I'm going to post my article about the demonetization again because I feel that concerns about the demonetization has not been addressed thus far by anyone I've seen.
@rohitranjanthakur3094 5 жыл бұрын
Both of them should join politics to implement their agenda
@AnimeshSharma1977 7 жыл бұрын
"Let me be very clear", i am more confused than before i watched this video ;)
@husainjam 5 жыл бұрын
He talked about a law which restricts the number of people eating in a wedding. What is this number?
@stephanieellison5668 6 жыл бұрын
About a month later, I wrote another article on the matter: ------------------------------------ For some reason, as I was reading this article, I suddenly had the realization: Let's look at the government. Isn't this government based on a British parliamentary system? I had the feeling in the beginning of the article that you are beginning to understand why there is black money to start with: because taxation is so high, you have two choices - 1) do what you love to do, but have ātmā taxed out of you (you have to sell yourself to enjoy the work you do, if it makes good money), or 2) find something that you hate to do or something that doesn't require much skill or investment of your time and energy to be good at what you have to do (sales, clerical work, etc. comes to mind), giving you a smaller salary, but (this is my experience in America, but I suspect it's the same in Bhārata) at a lower salary, you have a lower tax rate, so less of your money is taken from you. In essence, you have to decide if you want to pay a high tax for something you love to do, or out of a grudging against the gov't for its practices and taxation policies, frustrate the gov't by giving it as little taxation money as you can get away with legally. I was also seeing you beginning to understand that it isn't the badness of the people blacking the money, but the government practices that makes it expensive to do business in the country. Remove the block of high taxation, then there would be no need to blacken or laundry the money, so long as it is outside of drugs, sex, arms, and cattle smuggling. However, you seem to fail to see the possibility that the most recent state of the government has been one of a Western Parliamentary system (focusing on the finances aspect only for this comment) that struggles with understanding why OTHER western governments have much better finances AND infrastructure (nice roads/streets/highways, relatively clean sidewalks and plenty of them for safe walking and access, more recent construction, etc.). It appears (and I hope you see this) that finally, the GOI is finally learning how to emulate other WESTERN gov't more closely to make itself more western in its CONTROL of people, who in western societies are NOT treated as "the people who voted in the gov't officials and have the right to ORDER the gov't to do what they want it to do," but as SUBJECTS of the gov't. In other words, The gov't tells you what to do on EVERYTHING. That is NOT how Indic Kingdoms ran. It was answerable to the people of the land, not the other way around as it has historically been in Europe and elsewhere in the absence of dharma. A reason I can see why America and Europe are more successful as they are today is because they have managed to successfully and completely conquer the native population of the land they took over. Here in America, the government does not have Native Americans to complicate its domestic affairs like Bhārata does with agitative Muslims, aggressive Christian Missionaries, and Maoist/Naxalite Communists, and the people who fund their divisive efforts. Another reason is that the gov'ts of these nations are built entirely on Westernism to start with, but Bhārata was once an Indic-gov't nation, and there is that feeling that there is something missing in the machinery that is the present GOI. So, what is set up is this thing of the people not liking how the GOI works like a satellite of the UK (and it still does!) at a very deep personal level and going about ways of frustrating the gov't. Look at it this way. Facts are just notes about the material world, but are they always true? It is a fact that the Taj Mahal exists in Agra, but will it be a fact 500 years from now, 1000 years from now? You are alive today, that is a fact. But is it still a fact 100 years from now if you die before then? In this case, facts are not truth. Truths are eternal, no matter what. It is a FACT that the GOI is operating as a parliamentary system, but is it based on "dharma?" No. Facts about the GOI can change from time to time, but the truth never changes; either it is operating on dharma, or it is not - what is government dharma? That never changes, and this question has to be answered every time. To that end, my feeling as I stated above, as I was reading this article, is that the GOI is merely tightening the noose on your necks insofar as how they control money in the economy, how it flows, and even who it flows TO. They're figuring out how to become a better Western government, and I don't know that the people supporting demonetization, in exactly the manner it has gone about, understand that clearly and instead safeguard the cash transactions for cashed-based people. Please print this out and put this in with your memorable papers so that you can read this again and see if this turns out to be true 30 years from now. My sincere hope is I am wrong, that the economy doesn't become westernized like America or Europe, where everything you do is tracked (unless in America, you make the practice of always keeping cash on you to do your purchases on a daily basis). The thing you must understand is that the banking system in Bhārata is being integrated with business in a very adharmic way, and that is, when banks can track your purchases, they can SELL your purchase information in the form of a "shopping database," or a consumer list to businesses interested in selling you things. You will hate this because you will wonder how the web sites with ads know that you like a particular drink or products for your house, people will randomly call you, asking if you want to buy this or that, and if the westernization of Bhārata becomes complete, you will then get spam or junk mail in your mail box (I don't mean e-mail. I mean mail you pick up at the post office, a letter from your aunty, and you get close to half-a-pound to a pound of waste paper advertisements). This is consumer's hell on earth. People pestering you for money to buy this and that when you don't need it. These businesses in hand with the bankers want to turn YOU into consumers just as materialistic as Americans are, because they don't know how to be happy with the things they have nor with the success they've had. This will make society even more adharmic than it is now (I know, as I've spent six weeks in two cities over there). The bankers and the business people are completely extroverted, epicureans chasing after their desires. Look at the Bhagavad Gītā, ślokas 2.70-71: 2.70: As the waters enter the ocean from all sides, it remains steady and unperturbed. So also, the desires enter a person of steadiness, tranquility, and peace (without causing any perturbation). It is not so in (an epicure) a person who seeks desires. 2.71: He, who has abandoned his desires and who wanders free from desires and a sense of ego and mineness attains peace. These Epicurean bankers and business people want to use YOU to make them rich, not to make YOU happy with the things you buy, because if you have everything you need, what then is the need to buy anything else when you have your needs met? Where is their income going to come from if you are not buying their merchandise, which has to move to keep them in their big houses with a swimming pool in the back and 2-3 cars in the garage? The world can meet your needs for survival, but as Svāmīji says, the world cannot meet the wants of a single person, as they are unlimited. I know that Bhārata needs to get a handle on the current financial situation, but I just have a sneaking feeling that there is an ulterior motive for the demonetization effort that lies beyond what is obvious; black money, illegal deals, political influences, hiding money so that rich people making LOTS of money end up paying the same amount of tax or even less than that of a rickshaw driver. I feel that rather, the ulterior motive lies with the outsiders to Bhārata who own and run this world, who also want to gain a stronger foothold in your country, and then control you like they have in Europe for centuries and for a couple of centuries in America. YOU are next! I believe that Bhārata is walking right into a trap. -------------------------------- Again, I am asking that someone address the concerns that would typically result in a personal, financial doomsday for the average western. How will this not happen in a similar fashion in Bhāratavarṣa?
@abajaj1510 6 жыл бұрын
Consumption based tax is also progressive...because rich people consume more. Bank transactions will affect richer people more since they have higher value transactions and more frequent transactions. prof. Vaidyanathan, u need to understand basics. Income tax in India is actually regressive since it has so many loopholes that rich people end up paying much less percentage than middle class people who cannot hire CAs.
@stephanieellison5668 6 жыл бұрын
Also, I found out something shocking. The financial system is colonized as both a Christian Protestant capitalist system AND as a Muslim currency dressed in patroitic Indian garb. I was shocked to find this out. "The rupee is named after the silver coin, rupiya, first issued by Sultan Sher Shah Suri in the 16th century and later continued by the Mughal Empire." It's mentioned nearer to the end that the talent, the compentency to understand what's really going on financially was confirmed to not exist, really. This has confirmed that the GOI had walked RIGHT INTO the Western Banker's trap without realizing what has happened.
@panderingpanda4770 7 жыл бұрын
Though not very relevant, but how come the clarity of the video on the left @Rajiv ji side is so crisp in HD & video quality on the right Prof R. Vaidyanathan ji is in Lag and not so HD? My guess was good internet facilities in US and here... :/
@co-writer 7 жыл бұрын
Mr. PM should give 1 year tax break to all salaried people, with condition that they have to invest same amount in any government program and will get back same amount tax free after 3 years without interest if they can show that they have paid taxes for next 3 years.
@msms9146 4 жыл бұрын
Unity in diversity is our pride... -- PM Modi has said... We Hindus demand equality atleast now... How long are you going to fool us with unity in diversity when there is no equality... Free Hindu temples else bring in churches and mosques n their educational institutions under government. If equality is there why only minority welfare ministry and no majority welfare ministry.. Either scrap minority appeasement or appease majority too equally... When Hindus are in minority in Jammu and Kashmir n in all the north east why are you not propagating unity in diversity there n give minority rights to Hindus there to protect them .. whyare they allowed to be totally Christian states slowly...
@d3kabilan 5 жыл бұрын
I am not sure what Anglosaxons refer to. Anglosaxons were defeated by Normans in 1130. Since that time, it is the Normans who have been the ruling class of Britain. Anglosaxons were a Germanic tribe that migrated to Britain. Prior to them were the Celtic people. So, who are the Anglosaxons ... Vaidya is taking about
@ghanvedsingh8946 4 жыл бұрын
Anglo Saxon in Indian senses may be called Shaka and Norman are some things like Barahmanas
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