Psychological impact of false accusations of sexual abuse

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The Centre For Male Psychology

The Centre For Male Psychology

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Margaret Gardener, Director of False Allegations Support Organisation (FASO), gives at talk on the psychological aspects of false allegations of sexual abuse. The talk focuses on the psychological / emotional impact on the person falsely accused, rather than the accuser. This event took place on 28th Feb 2019 at University College London (UCL).
About the speaker: Margaret Gardener has a background in voluntary emergency nursing and prior to this a career in the civil service, serving abroad during this time, which helped to improve her communication skills. She was a registered foster carer for special needs teenagers and was catapulted through a family experience, as a volunteer, into the False Allegations Support Organisation in 2001. Her first role at FASO was Secretarial, she then progressed to the helpline (using her empathy skills, and supporting callers in their distress). As the Director of FASO (UK) she addresses parliament and agencies both criminal and family through the medium of consultations and meetings, whilst liaising with academia and like-minded groups. She addresses in part the issues of the hidden victims, both children/vulnerable adults and the accused parent/individual on safeguarding issues.
Margaret's blog on this topic for the Male Psychology Network can be found here malepsychology...
The FASO website, with helpline details, is here www.false-alleg...
Many thanks to Tom for his excellent camerawork.

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@makamurphy 3 жыл бұрын
False accusers really need to be locked up like an accused man would go through.
@JohnSmith-pl4sf 3 жыл бұрын
Feminist would hate this video, and feminist would defend the women who falsely accuse men for for harassment...
@claudeyaz 3 жыл бұрын
@@JohnSmith-pl4sf not a classical feminist...they wanted equality. Modern feminists are insane...female supremacists. -__- But as a female myself...if there is proof of malice by the false accuser...then it should be a crime. But if someone is proved innocent by law, due to a lack of evidence or something, the female shouldn't be convicted for false accusation... It would be bad if there were revenge lawsuits. Lots of females used to not make legitimate accusations because of how biased it used to be against women. Honestly the media needs to be more cautious about their actions. Ruining an innocent mans life...But with the grooming gangs? The press is squishing the story themselves. . So sick of the politics. But feminism is good. Equal opportunity is good. Modern female supremacy, or anti male stuff is bad
@paulmcdines2364 3 жыл бұрын
The Further I Research This Phenomena The More Apparent It Seem That Males are Going Through a Forced Evolution. Jordan Peterson helps.
@chelseacool5881 3 жыл бұрын
I agree to the fullest... my mother destroyed so many lives with false accusations. 😪
@aryanbilakhia9842 3 жыл бұрын
@@chelseacool5881 oh dear! Hope you're doing ok :(
@acceptinglife6491 2 жыл бұрын
The women who falsely accuse men of rape need to serve *serious* jail time
@miked884 2 жыл бұрын
ha right and pigs fly not gonna happen
@acceptinglife6491 2 жыл бұрын
@Documentary Detective III It absolutely is disgusting
@ikannunaplays Жыл бұрын
The reason it's so prevalent is because there is no punishment and the state is the one who promotes people to falsely accuse.
@davidking3699 3 жыл бұрын
A false allegation is a life sentence no matter what the outcome...
@uknowat 3 жыл бұрын
@Entrepreneur Mindset damn.. i am really sorry to hear that i really wish there are social movement that is something like #metoo movement for guys who are falsely accused.
@uknowat 3 жыл бұрын
@uknowat 3 жыл бұрын
@Entrepreneur Mindset yea i somwhat strongly agree with you, but we gotta know there are lots of good womans too. Who are not messed up.
@uknowat 3 жыл бұрын
@Entrepreneur Mindset lets try to forgive them and try to have sympathy towards them. And focus on good girls.
@ikannunaplays Жыл бұрын
The worst part is the attorneys and courts trying to make you believe you should be treated guilty even in the absence of any form of proof or circumstances. This is your sign that the courts are not doing this to find out who is or is not guilty, it's all a money scheme and such accusations generate $500k easy for each case, and why they make it easier and easier to make such accusations. The courts are corrupt and so are the attorneys involved, on both sides of the conflict.
@rasslinriffs2921 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my wife, house 3 jobs, granddad's inheritance, been beaten up, gone to prison, been homeless...still fighting though because I know I'm innocent. The only thing that keeps me going. Had no idea about support lines out there.
@uknowat 3 жыл бұрын
Dont give up, i know your pain god bless you
@yayger825 3 жыл бұрын
I'm unlucky
@coreyanderson1457 3 жыл бұрын
That's aweful, I am so sorry. I was accused if something different so I can't say that I fully undertsand what you are going through. But, I was accused of things I never did and never ever would do, and my son is gone. I was set up, and I was also homeless (long story). It's painful and a bit lonely in a way, I always feel like I have to be so much stronger than other people. To keep moving forward. I also pay my abuser child support because of false statements that were made for no other reason I guess than that they wanted to cover up something. I have been through a lot.
@coreyanderson1457 3 жыл бұрын
@@yayger825 Well, so am I. But, I have faith in God. I am surrounded by mean people every day, but He is my only friend. I don't know why you feel unlucky, but I hope the best for you.
@yayger825 3 жыл бұрын
@@coreyanderson1457 it is time to improve your situation.
@lucid3944 2 жыл бұрын
I was accused recently. It didn’t go to courts or become a big thing thankfully but the accusation itself has absolutely messed me up mentally. I’m good most days but I get into these ruts where it’s all I think about. It cost me a friendship I had for years and for it all to just end out of nowhere and now there are people in the world (though I don’t see them anymore) that think of me as this monster really really bothers me. I know I got off light compared to others here but I just need to vent.
@maravilloso002 Жыл бұрын
@viclally4126 Жыл бұрын
same bro
@tedtrash Жыл бұрын
Same here. You just inspired me to write about it at length. It is sad that we seem to need to focus on the criminal cases where people's lives are destroyed before we even acknowledge that there is a problem.
@TDE_DE 11 ай бұрын
same, I'm planning on coming out on it in a few months for now but I've tried to expose this multiple times I've got the evidence though, I was accused of pedophilia even though I'm 17 and underage and was 16 at the time it happened in 2022 it's crazy man.
@marynespolo 9 ай бұрын
I was accused of a serious crime, I'm after justice, I have some evidence to go public with. It consumed my life, I had to quit work, it's all I could talk about. I'm a bit better now, finding someone to talk to is the most important thing. Good luck and stay safe.
@Michael-te7fj 5 жыл бұрын
I felt no shame when falsely accused and I felt no embarrassment. The shame was for those who either did this to me or sat by and did nothing to stop it. I am an American, this was in the U.S. One year later, after pushing for a trial rather than accepting a plea deal, I was exonerated. I felt horror, trauma, humiliated, and my dignity assaulted but Never felt shame. Just me, can't speak for others. It's a term I am sensitive to, as I have nothing to be ashamed of. Again, I can only speak for myself. Thank you for this video and thank you for those that care.
@cecilhenry9908 4 жыл бұрын
Was the liar charged and convicted then?? Did it fit the crime and damage done?
@JoeWild1984 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah these false accusers need be put in jail FOR LIFE!
@Michael-te7fj 4 жыл бұрын
I agree, but on a practical level, I don't want them prosecuted. Understanding the genesis of how a false accusation snowballs, I want the accusers to feel free to change course or walk through their testimony without enthusiasm. This will save more innocent men than prosecuted them.
@Michael-te7fj 4 жыл бұрын
@@JoeWild1984 Although almost every man I know from my online groups disagrees with me, when I draw out the likely numbers, the reluctant witnesses often give up on their false accusation by way of performing at trial if hey even come. If they fear a prison term, they will hellbent on convictions.
@Michael-te7fj 4 жыл бұрын
@@JoeWild1984 : Radical feminists got one thing right. It's not common for a woman to suddenly wake up and think, "I think I'll go to the cops and make something up." Generally, it's anger, and impression, they tell someone, exaggerate, the person tells them, you were violated and so it goes. These are not well women.
@Reach5959 Жыл бұрын
I never understood how can you call something the law when it suppose to be based on evidence not slander, not public opinion. Someone convicted without evidence and forced to plead guilty for lesser sentences and release is not law, it is lawlessness. Too many lives have been destroyed, families changed forever. This is very sad society we live in.
@alouise3557 Жыл бұрын
Over 30,000 people watched a video on being falsely accused. That's saying something.
@sabrewolf4129 6 ай бұрын
38,000 and climbing every day
@alouise3557 6 ай бұрын
@@sabrewolf4129 the people I know who were falsely accused were accused by a transgender lunatic who belongs in a straight jacket, locked in a cage.
@lydiania5570 Ай бұрын
That's nothing. 1 in 4 females are sexually assaulted by a family member. 1 in 6 boys. Assuming a population of the United States of 332.9 million (as of July 2022), 25% of the population is estimated to be around 83 million people. It's terrible for those falsely accused. But there's approximately 83 million true cases.
@itsjudystube7439 Жыл бұрын
My friend is currently serving seven years for two charges of sexual abuse of his step daughter forty years ago. He did not do this. In fact she handed over her five year old son to be brought up by him. The family is suffering. Those with children are not allowed to be in touch with him. We are all traumatised. The trial was ludicrous. He had legal aid.
@aidanhowgate5437 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with PTSD after a false allegation, I'm now unemployed and I don't know what to do... 38 months of waiting for crown court... found not guilty, just let out with no help. I'm having to wait for counselling, goodness knows how long it will take. Its a terrible situation.
@everydaysalvage Жыл бұрын
Hope you’re doing okay
@pristineparr7509 Жыл бұрын
Know you made it through for a reason. Find 10 things a day to be thankful for. Write 1 miracle a day. Don't give in the the victim energy. You survived now you can thrive.
@nickdelaney6953 7 ай бұрын
I got PTSD from my wrongful conviction
@dwaynel9583 3 жыл бұрын
I was arrested and falsely accussed of this.and lost everything i worked for. My name.and reputation was destroyed. My accuser lied on me. I have spent thousands trying clear my name and restarting my life and it royally sucks. And worst part people actually believe what was said. It sucks.
@DigitalMediaPatriots Жыл бұрын
Yes, friend, I have been there too.
@andreian2475 2 жыл бұрын
I’m currently going through this. Hard for me to trust people. Open up to people. Made me realize that the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. She’s right . It’s always going to be in the back of my mind.
@miked884 2 жыл бұрын
well it will get better soon but like old wound it will come back from time to time especially if someone ask you about or some who still believe the lie don't hold it against them just slowly move on with your life and get someone you trust to talk to or see a professional if you have the time and money it sucks but its lingering wound i wish you the best of luck
@WzcJix 2 жыл бұрын
Same thing happened to me couple years ago destroyed my confidence now different person worst thing is feel like got a target now girls wanting sympathy vote or another reason can do it more easily , it’s horrible lucky ive got friends and family that know truth but still crosses my mind multiple times a week it fucked my life up
@marywemigwase3354 4 жыл бұрын
my heart bleeds for all the men going through this . The world has lost its mind and justice isn’t anywhere to be found. And the true victims of assault get less support for the drama claims.Not all women are so damaged that u can’t have a relationship with but they sure make it hard on themselves and others. I pray everyone going through this knows that they are loved and worthy of every happiness . Karma will have the last word
@marywemigwase3354 3 жыл бұрын
@wozzatronic1 May u know every joy and blessing in this life. Don’t let false charges define who u are .
@JohnSmith-pl4sf 3 жыл бұрын
Feminists would hate this video
@lostincredulity5369 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely! I have no intention of having a relationship again and lots of men going through family court feel the same.
@marywemigwase3354 3 жыл бұрын
@@lostincredulity5369 Ever sad
@Marie-tm9uq 2 жыл бұрын
And women! 😭
@JJ33438 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this Presentation! We need to fight against this terrible corrupt investigative and justice system.
@martinwest4980 3 жыл бұрын
It kills.. mentally. Been years ago I was acused and am still to this day treated as if I was guilty...
@marilynmalone1381 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry. False accusers are abusers.
@fumaninjaknownoequal 3 жыл бұрын
Dude, get in touch with me. I'm going through this right now.
@martinwest4980 3 жыл бұрын
@@fumaninjaknownoequal what do you need to know
@chetcharpg868 3 жыл бұрын
At this point, fuck what they think and if anyone tries you, defend yourself king!
@uknowat 3 жыл бұрын
Same here
@jt4369 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an attorney. I have been involved in two cases in which my clients were -- I believe-- falsely accused of sexual improprieties. one of these men was accused by a family member whom I would categorize as not-credible. Unfortunately, due to the political climate, there is a pervasive view that women do not lie "about these things." Believe me or not, it's up to you, but when it comes to matters of sexual abuse, I would say the GRAND MAJORITY of false statements made concerning sexual abuse -- i.e., "yes, it happened," -- come from women. And today's current zeitgeist ENCOURAGES it. The financial burden on these men cannot be described adequately with words. There is a firm here in California that dedicates its practice entirely to cases like these headed by a very talented attorney: Patrick Clancy. In this arena, you are practically guilty before you can be proven -- sometimes with a ridiculous amount of factual evidence -- innocent. Remember, a mere accusation can place a man behind bars for life. I'm seeing it more and more.
@Tailss1 3 жыл бұрын
I am living through this right now and can say that yes just like the Salem witch trials, all it takes is someone to accuse you with NO evidence and you are done for life.
@shamicamaepesales7358 3 жыл бұрын
My boyfriend is been accused of false sexual assault and now he's depress and became more overthinker due to people that look down on him. Also they were spreading the issue to our hometown. The worst part is I've also been harass by their judgement for defending my boyfriend.
@lostincredulity5369 3 жыл бұрын
Family law I assume? In the U.K. there seems to be an epidemic of false allegations of rape in family law.
@jt4369 3 жыл бұрын
@@lostincredulity5369 Yes, family law. It can be a grim practice.
@uknowat 3 жыл бұрын
My case happenes in california, i would better contact him
@Michael-te7fj 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Ms. Gardner for your caring.
@chetcharpg868 3 жыл бұрын
@LUCIFER Satan Well, she is raising awareness on it and you hate? No wonder why no one cares about men. Zero unity.
@dandrechesterfield5411 2 жыл бұрын
Three years of dealing with this. I barely go out in public anymore. I used to be happy and feel free, I used to not have negative beliefs about women. I trust no one anymore.
@samharrison1015 2 жыл бұрын
I feel all of this life is not the same
@bingo4519 Жыл бұрын
It’s a year and a half for me. To say that I’ve been changed irrevocably is an understatement. I don’t recognise the person I was before my accusation.
@dandrechesterfield5411 Жыл бұрын
@@bingo4519 I wish I could say it gets better. Maybe it will but my physical health is deteriorating now. Not to make this a pity party but unfortunately it seems to be a nearly unsolvable problem
@frv6610 Ай бұрын
If the women around you are not thrustworthy then consider going to another place, maybe visit Thailand to be able to get a real comparison.
@jeaninemarie1951 2 жыл бұрын
My boyfriend whom I met a year ago was falsely accused of sexual assault back in 2019. I met him in 2021 and found out about as it was publicized all over the news so when I had just stated dating him I searched his name and it was the first things I saw. I did not believe the news sources and really gotten to know him for the last year and a half we’ve been dating. He is the most gentle most loving god fearing musical, sensitive and wise soul I have met. The unfortunate reality we are both against are his inner demons that come from the trauma from his sexual assault case. He’s cried so much in my arms, he doesn’t feel safe going out in society he lacks enjoyment and hope like he used to before it all happened. He’s super grateful for finding me tho … but extremely difficult how the world created a terrible narrative of him when I see so much of the good in him and all the people around him and in our lives see it. But I’m his gf I spend the most time with him and to see him struggle 3 years after it happened hurts me and frustrates me…. His entire name tarnished ruined his entire future was robbed and they’ve dropped the charges and did a peace bond but they claimed his entire identity which is traumatic. And waiting for three years for news wondering if you are going to die in jail ? And end up in jail for the rest of your life is a lot for one persons mental sanity… I pray to all those who were wrongfully accused that you all find support and find people who will listen to your side of the story and that you may all heal ! Never give up
@thecentreformalepsychology8489 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience, which clearly shows that false accusations create a cascade of victims who all suffer badly.
@ikannunaplays Жыл бұрын
False accusers target those who are the most honorable and gentle, this is because others would likely retaliate where as a good man will try to do what's right and lawful. The accusers are predators.
@pristineparr7509 Жыл бұрын
Look up post traumatic growth. He can turn this experience into power ad create an amazing life for himself with you. Healing requires just as much strength as making it through. Remember the story of Joseph in the Bible and how he was falsely accused and spent years in prison only to rise and become the second most powerful man in Egypt next to the Pharoah. And he is the one who famously said, "What the Devil meant for bad God has turned into good."
@chrishobson6431 5 жыл бұрын
Regrettably I have used this women's services.... what a wonderful women she really is.
@JoeWild1984 4 жыл бұрын
How you doing now, mate?
@chrishobson6431 4 жыл бұрын
I'm better because if women like her. Thank you for asking
@willek1335 4 жыл бұрын
A good coworker of mine had to go through it. I didn't know what to do at the time. He used to be super extroverted and kind, but the event flipped it all upside down. So dark. I didn't know what to do.
@chrishobson6431 4 жыл бұрын
@@willek1335 How long ago was this
@willek1335 4 жыл бұрын
@@chrishobson6431 2012.
@jonahtwhale1779 11 ай бұрын
You will lose your reputation. You will lose your job. You will lose your friends. You will lose your home. You will lose your family. You will lose your future. When you hear the words "Not guilty" what will you have left?
@cassiethomas4045 3 жыл бұрын
As a survivor of CSA and r*pe I can defintly understand why false accusations are huge issues, I wish there were less false accusations and more support for all
@miked884 2 жыл бұрын
its a weapon women use because its effective as a victim of false accusation(well not the sexual kind i was accused of stealing and bullying) and being bullied by majority women its their favorite weapon of choice some people are like that just pure evil
@HSHDaGo Жыл бұрын
@@miked884 As terrible as false rape accusations are, they are as "common" as any other false accusation of any other crime. Do not make this about your imagined evils of women and focus on the victims instead.
@miked884 Жыл бұрын
@@HSHDaGo it happen to me well not false rape but false accusations so dont tell me about if its real or not! True not all women are evil but it will take one to destroy your life and your love ones
@WaterfordFirefighter 3 жыл бұрын
It’s very sad, very sad and soul destroying. Your life just disappears and life no more.
@hcoop5251 3 жыл бұрын
A mother that would gaslight her own child to testify falsely that the father molested his child should be held accountable. This destroys the fathers life and also the child’s. What kind of monster would do this? These mothers are unfit and evil.
@bruggeman672 2 жыл бұрын
@H Coop of course she should but I daresay the stats will show this seldom if ever happens...
@ikannunaplays Жыл бұрын
The states DCF and DA encourage mothers to do this as there is more money to be gained by the state this way. The system is corrupted, and intentionally so.
@marynespolo 9 ай бұрын
​@@ikannunaplaysthey waste resources for sure.
@roseh1132 8 ай бұрын
More videos like this please. It's SUPER important to talk about
@jweebs Жыл бұрын
I was accused in 2018 by my ex wife's little sister. She said I did horrible things to her. It was the most hellish experience I've ever went through. My child was even taken from our home.
@elijahdilday4982 3 жыл бұрын
I’m going through this recently. It really helps to know resources and to hear other peoples stories. It’s so easy to doubt yourself. I almost convinced myself that I had done it before I found the evidence that confirmed my memories. There were red flags a mile away. The person had gone through a long list of past abuse, always the victim, always ending things badly. I just didn’t know how hard it would be even though I’m in the right. Even though I know myself, and I know how badly I want to protect people. I thought that maybe the security of my own self assurance in the face of society would somehow push me through. But no, there is nothing.
@snozzybosch7503 3 жыл бұрын
I have been accused of; 1) having numerous affairs with several different women 2) domestic violence 3) being in appropriate with my child/daughter. I have done none of the above. When the third came in I had to make the hardest decision of my life and that was to walk away from my ex wife and my 10 year old daughter. The levels of anger I felt were so that I would approach being physically sick when I thought of child’s mother and that I could very easily add a dreadful and absolutely sick & real number 4) to that list. Whenever I see or hear a woman going on about how she’s a single mother and proud yada yada, I always think what the other side of that story may be. There are many many stories out there that do not get heard. There should be one reality/documentary show about this and one less cooking show perhaps.
@mao4324 2 жыл бұрын
So true it's unbelievable.
@TheOriginalNiceGuy 2 жыл бұрын
Well said
@Devfullfaithandcredit Жыл бұрын
You woke me up with a smile .
@willek1335 4 жыл бұрын
As a dude who spend a great deal of time in the outdoors, if I'm solo, I do all I can to avoid crossing path with single female hikers. Will anything happen? Probably not, but it's like putting on the seat belt when you go for a ride. If things takes a turn for the worst, the consequences are so severe.
@chetcharpg868 3 жыл бұрын
This is one depressing comment section, all men falsely accused! Thank you Ms. Gardner, the world needs more women like you and less of the other kind..
@bruggeman672 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe that suggests it happens with an alarming regularity...
@joehdlarter 3 жыл бұрын
This is a dark time to go through and self harming feels easy at this point but I gotta stay strong
@23lnp 8 ай бұрын
Dont do it brother ! As a brother / man i hope you find that deep inner strength to get through your horrific ordeal. ❤️👍🏼
@Debthouse 7 ай бұрын
"Believe all women" was a terrible slogan for an extremely real and debilitating type of harm one person can inflict upon another. The better way to frame the guidance for handling this situation should be *"take all allegations seriously and investigate each and every one thoroughly."* Not only does this expand the issue beyond gender because males can be victims as well, but it also separates actual victims from those who would falsify allegations for whatever reason and then can lead to them being held accountable for being deceptive and malicious.
@alanruhland2489 Жыл бұрын
I have never been accused of sexual assault, falsely or otherwise. I did, however, once get accused of something else at work, and the matter was referred to the police. I was innocent. The police took all of five minutes to decide that the entire matter was "Nothing but a tempest in a teapot." However, management at my place of employment almost bought the whole story hook, line and sinker. Eventually, it got decided in my favour. Everybody at my place of employment was on my side except for the one manager. It was generally understood that the accuser was, at best, missing a few screws. It traumatized me for years. People who make false claims are utter and complete scum in my opinion.
@SoundReflex 5 ай бұрын
Is The person who accused you still working at the same employer. And, do you have to interact with them.
@alanruhland2489 5 ай бұрын
@@SoundReflex yes and no. The incident happened a very, very long time ago. I was moved to a job on a different floor. I only ever had to see her in passing, and only very occasionally. About a year after she made her claims, she got another job elsewhere within the organization (it was a really big organization, that I won't name) and if I never see her again, it will be too soon. She's still there, to the best of my knowledge. I got promoted three times over the eight months following the incident. I would have had at least two of those in the absence of her claims ever being made, though, and probably the third so those promotions were not the employer apologizing. I got them on merit. The incident caused me to see that employer as having a toxic waste dump of a work environment. I jumped ship to another employer as soon as I could.
@SoundReflex 5 ай бұрын
@@alanruhland2489 thanks for the feedback. I'm dealing with similar.
@alanruhland2489 5 ай бұрын
@@SoundReflex I feel for you. Good luck.
@SoundReflex 5 ай бұрын
@@alanruhland2489 Thanks Bro, much 👍 appreciated
@ollicron7397 Жыл бұрын
Just listening to stories of false accusations fucked me up.
@claudeyaz 3 жыл бұрын
Makes me wonder if these guys have fears for future relationships ...physical or emotionally
@yamiyo6050 3 жыл бұрын
We do
@francismcfadden3305 2 жыл бұрын
I fuckin do that's for sure. Hell I'm paranoid about people I'm not even involved with
@mao4324 2 жыл бұрын
@@francismcfadden3305 bro, i've become scared of a lot of things lately, i just don't know tbh
@0oeddmano0 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for caring and telling the other side of the story! While in society most people are quick to pass jugement against men!
@nickdelaney6953 7 ай бұрын
I was wrongly accused told to plea guilty by public defender no jail time what so ever i was still wrongful conviction and it gave me ptsd
@ricardoseales6501 3 жыл бұрын
I'm watching your channel from Montreal Quebec Canada very interesting and so true thank you for sharing with the rest of us .
@david-dj8or 3 жыл бұрын
To even be investigated can have a lasting effect. In Australia,1991 a girl had been abducted (Karmein Chan) The police and media called on the public to nominate a suspect. 27'000 men were named (including myself) Of these 73 were charged with an offence (not connected to the case) 73 in 27'000 works out to 1 man charged per 370 men named. Police say an anonymous person wrote to them saying I should be investigated. Police came to my house to question me and also contacted the school where I had worked to ask more questions. I were never even allowed to know what was said about me. But the media told what a great success the investigation was and that police were uncovering nests of pedophiles. I do not know if that caused people at my work to look at me differently or not. So I can say that issue lay dormant for 20 years till a cover up needed to take place at the school so the school leaders made a written false statement as an excuse to tell that I had been investigated over the abduction. This was obviously done to discredit me and turn people against me. Anyway prior to that false statement an earlier false report had been made against me which I complained about. The Catholic education office said they would investigate. But what they were required to investigate was ignored and the "investigation" just led to the more serious false statement being made. They recorded the interview with me and the recording would prove their statement to be false. I offered them a $10'000 reward if they could produce the recording to back their statement. My repeated requests for the recording have been ignored. Since having that happen to me I have read hundreds of other horror stories of false accusations. And my story is probably just another that people could not be bothered to read but if anyone was interested to read , google innuendo test blog and google white lies test blog.
@Basketcaseloser8 Ай бұрын
It's sucks more when you can't afford a good lawyer.
@genesimring3135 Жыл бұрын
Its so good too see that an organization like yours exists. I have gone through the same ordeal in Australia where no such organization exists (to my knowledge). In Australia accused persons are on their own to fight a system hell-bent on securing a conviction. In sex allegation cases there is an insurmountable presumption of guilt. The uncorroborated word of a single complainant is sufficient to satisfy the burden of proof!?
@omarwright2556 4 жыл бұрын
It really effe"d up and evil being falsely accused because of someone's disability condition is easy to take advantage of. Not once but twice!
@david-dj8or 3 жыл бұрын
In Australia a man was charged with rape for having consensual sex with a down syndrome woman. The theory being that the woman was not capable of consent. Anyway the woman was missing but no one was concerned because they thought she was with her boyfriend. But when it was found she was with the other man he was charged with rape. Was the boyfriend allowed to have sex with her? Is it required that the parents or guardian give permission?
@caspasmith4197 3 жыл бұрын
Maergaret,you are a blessing, the work you do is a blessing, people like yourselves are worth your weight in gold, once my court date is over i will volunteer for you and your organisation and i promise i will fight your cause with all i am worth, god bless you and all you do.
@NMOBrien 3 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful woman.
@taiwanisacountry8221 4 жыл бұрын
Someone's been trying to convince everyone I know that I'm a predator for 2 years straight now. I'm so frustrated and tired and it feels like there's nothing I can do.
@qjtvaddict 4 жыл бұрын
Accidents can happen
@marywemigwase3354 4 жыл бұрын
This is not a reply sounds like a witch hunt. Don’t give in to the “ court of public opinion “
@Devfullfaithandcredit Жыл бұрын
The children's mother accused me within an order of protection . The most recent abuse involved a text message sent 5 months prior when I said " I hope your husband doesn't get life in prison " my sister in law also Filed emergency protection orders claiming " I yell at her and her daughter when I pock up my son from his mom's " stating I yell " I love you " to the other lids in the family . I can't believe how far the advocates have corrupted the court system .
@pristineparr7509 Жыл бұрын
I was hoping this was going to be upliftng and empowering, so I read the comments first. I can't sit through a hour of how things are so horrible and your life will never be the same and you will always hurt and people are evil who do this. One of the first stories in the Bible is the story of Joseph and how he was falsely accused of rape and sent to prison for years. He rose to become the second most powerful man in Egypt, next to the Pharaoh and extended forgiveness to his brothers who were responsible for his fate because they sold him into slavery. Joseph famously said, "What the Devil meant for bad God has turned into good," as he reunited with his family and saved the lives of countless people. The truth is God can meet you wherever you are, in the darkest pit God is there. You came here to create, to solve, to unite and shape a better future. Giving in to despair and sadness will not give you the fuel you need to do that. With all my love to the falsely accused, embrace post traumatic growth. It is real!
@abdallahj.a. 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for bringing this story. Same in Quraan we have the same story and wow
@tracyatracya Жыл бұрын
Mental health breakdown and 2 kids with no dad, daughter exams ruined family torn apart need more protection for these men.
@terrypower1940 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Margaret Gardener what a beautiful person you are
@coreyanderson1457 3 жыл бұрын
I heard of this happenings to a couple men. Three, actually. One was a young man with terrible parents. And, a toxic family member, I guess, accused him, when he was forced to take care of a little girl because she was being neglected, and because he was the family scapegoat, and the mom was threatened that he was a better parent than she was. So he was falsely accused. And another man was accused by an ex wife, even though the alleged victim admitted that it was a lie. It shocks me when I hear about how this happens. Sad.
@marynespolo 9 ай бұрын
Toxic family members of the victim were threatened that I was an amazing caregiver (I was accused of murder and abuse). These are the same people who never visit or help.. but the day we had hospice they were trying to get rid of me..
@david-dj8or 3 жыл бұрын
To falsely accuse someone can seem like a safe way to attack a man. It turned out differently with Thomas Hamilton at Dunblane. He had his life made miserable by people calling him a pervert and pedophile. He then went to the school and shot 16 children and the teacher dead. I have not read about a single child or parent to come forward to directly accuse Hamilton of even a minor sexual offence so it seems to me he was falsely accused. There might be another Thomas Hamilton out there so it might be a good idea not to falsely accuse a man.
@IluvDelutaya 2 жыл бұрын
Same for me, except depression at the time from something unrelated, and another neurological thing, both made me say something iffy as a joke and something to stir me into action in taking back, and stopped me from even speaking back towards beraters. It still makes me angry enough to yell and hit something most days, and probably part of why I'm (still) a shut-in NEET.
@miked884 2 жыл бұрын
it is its weapon women can use
@HickYankee 6 ай бұрын
This lady is very kind and that is a great encouragement - it's good to know someone cares and they are working for truth.
@jans724 Жыл бұрын
In this you are guilty til proven innocent. I've been accused of this by my ex. who wanted custody of our daughter. My ex is a covert malignant narcissist (as I discovered) and it was one year of hell. She even fabricated stuff. Eventually I was cleared (guilty til proven innocent) and won 50 % custody of my daughter. I now have to protect my daughter against the narcissist mother who completely lacks empathy and conscience. It is so sad how narcissist women are allowed to hurt their daughters. Even with all her false allegations, fabrication of evidence, etc..., she is getting 50 % custody. Even though the custody evaluator suggested sole custody for me as the father. The social authorities and the courts don't understand female covert narcissism. There is an incredible gender bias against men.
@user-sn5yd3ze6n 3 ай бұрын
Hi, I know you left this comment a year ago. I was wondering if you had any resources or advice to how you cleared your name and gained custody.
@jans724 3 ай бұрын
@@user-sn5yd3ze6n First get a good attorney! It means an attorney who knows the stuff, takes care of the legal stuff for you and believes in you. Second, document everything, take screenshots of communication, record hand-overs of your child etc. (you can use your mobile and just do audio). Third, don't engage with the smear campaign (and don't engage with the narcissist, keep no contact as much as possible). You need to win in court and only there (not social media or neighbourhood etc.) so just ignore. Don't react, only respond. (which means legally). Eventually truth tends to come out. Trust in the truth and that in the long run it will turn out well even if it looks crazy and desperate for a while. Narcissists also have a tendency to talk too much or exaggerate their lies and eventually people see something is not right. Good luck and stay strong!
@LifeLessonsWithLuis 2 жыл бұрын
Needed to hear this
@JohnSmith-pl4sf 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Ms Gardner, bless you... Bless you... I wish you the best of luck...
@BU4U 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this.
@adamhoward2669 3 жыл бұрын
I have been accused of harming my children by my mother in law for over twenty years. Since seperating from their mother, she also has started the same script. It's all for power and control, it's the ultimate power game. False accusations must have consequences if it's ever to be stopped. Men have killed themselves and others for less. But I guess that is the point.
@Devfullfaithandcredit Жыл бұрын
Advocates are not doing those to help victims, they gain authority and abuse people that remind themselves of their abusers
@marynespolo 9 ай бұрын
​@@Devfullfaithandcredit that's interesting, can you tell me more about that?
@Mdjubel-zh9oi 3 жыл бұрын
It really nightmare mem. I being falsely accused of rape by my ex-wife. I feel insure and my mental health become very poor. I forget many things even my date of birth nowadays. I can't also cry why I don't know.
@bruggeman672 2 жыл бұрын
The woman questioning the speaker around 1:06:35 is being accusatory and presumptuous but it's a really great example of the bias every falsely accused person would face...
@lightyagami3492 Жыл бұрын
It feel like it was in this video just to drive home the point that this presentation was about.
@hnroopa Жыл бұрын
Some women used the false allegations as a weapon to achieve/ take revenge whatever they want to do for a man. To show off their character to their husband/ boyfriends. But the society should believe in the truth not in the stories.
@emanuel_soundtrack 4 жыл бұрын
Great work!!!!
@parhamhamouni3218 3 жыл бұрын
Why the system rather than having a complete mental examination of the accusor, instantly charges the man then and goes on a full attack? The policymaker knows what he is doing, he is doing this tyrannical injustice against men and women on purpose, so people get distracted from the reality of the inequality and almost impossibility of making it no matter what they do.
@redstar2817 2 жыл бұрын
I was accused of sexual abuse a few months ago I lost almost all my friends and had to transfer school’s just because I finally cut her out of my life and even used inappropriate messages of ours when we were 13 an made a tiktok to convince everybody I sexually abused her when it was all mutual constiential I was 13 and am now 16 and regret ever having this toxic relationship and keeping her in my life even after cheating on me using sucicide as a blackmail to keep me with her and just manipluate me into thinking I was worthless without her I’ve never seen my family afraid I was so used to asking my dad what to do or what will happen and he would know and when I asked him what would my happen with me being accused my dad had no words he said I don’t know lucky I never got charged with anything as the officer said she admitted to it all being consential and didn’t know what sexual assault was yet even after all this I still got the look of disgust and utter disappointment from people i’ve known for years for something I never even did and lost people in my life I thought would be in it for a while to think people I trusted really thought I was capable of somehtjng like that hurt I was angry frustrated and honestly just wasn’t happy had many nightmares and was in a dark place but I was able to move foward in my life I finally met someone who care’s for me and that I have healthy relationship that helps me better myself i’ve met some of the most wonderful people in my school and i’m happy to still have my family and close friends by my side my academics are good and i’m even Vice president of my school in way i’m glad this all happened and althought apart of me does miss my old friends I still much rather prefer this life that I have now and I like to think that even out of the most worst situations to be in and I came back from it better then ever and thats out direst and darkest situations theres still light and that it will get better and this video just helps me feel less lonely and help people with there situations so I wanna thank you Ms Gardner for caring it means alot
@coreyanderson1457 3 жыл бұрын
What a kind woman, caring so for others
@fumaninjaknownoequal 3 жыл бұрын
I'm going through this right now. Fucking insane how little my solicitor can do pre charge. He won't get paid until I'm charged, so he won't work. There is a conflict of interest in payment and trying to help their client. Fortunately, I have better legal qualifications than my solicitor and I am a former magistrate, so I can do the work myself. God help anyone who is innocent and doesn't understand the law. It's stressful enough for me and I have plenty of documentary evidence against the allegations. I just got lucky there. Without that, I might be really screwed. In a fucked up way, I'm one of them lucky ones. I've not been offered any support by anyone. Update. The plot thickens. Haven't had the rape and a few others bs allegations discontinued. It's appears according to the supposed complainant that she never made rape allegations and a few others have been embellished. I will investigate and see how deep the rabbit hole is. According to her, the allegations are made up by the police. It seems the police can make up an bs if they keep you away from the supposed complainant by bail conditions.
@lostincredulity5369 3 жыл бұрын
There is no support. My ex got support lavished on her for false allegations and I get nothing. She dances off into the sunset and I am watching videos like this at night. There’s no justice.
@jamesticknor1134 Жыл бұрын
@pristineparr7509 Жыл бұрын
This is fascinating and very compelling. Any update?
@marynespolo 9 ай бұрын
​@@lostincredulity5369I'm looking for justice too, I will knock on every door in the world if I have to. I will get more people to see the poof than those who believed the lies.. I'm lucky I didn't end up in jail, I am confident in my character and reputation. eventually people kind of caught on. I was accused of murdering my friend that I took care of by her some family members.
@kevock7100 3 жыл бұрын
Those people who bring false witness should be locked away for the same period of time that if they hadn’t been found out, the innocent victim would have received. Then just maybe this BS would end
@bobbyvandyke143 3 жыл бұрын
My daughter loved me dearly and was always excited to see me and 1 week before she was supposed to come see me for the summer she accused me of unspeakable things now its hard to care about anything I feel like ill be found guilty no matter what I do or say and going to prison is the least of my worries I'm am worried about losing my daughter my fiance my mother my family without them nothing has meaning nothing has purpose the whole point of living is seemingly fading away I don't want to kill myself I dont want to die but I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place and I have been given no choice I am a kind man I am good to all gods creatures and the earth I would give anyone the shirt off my back and the blood out my veins I am not a perfect person no one is but I have always felt although I am reclusive and a somewhat strange person I truly believe I have a heart the size of the universe it self and I just don't know what I did to deserve this I love my daughter and my family in a way I cannot express and have devoted my life to preserving their wellbeing... All is lost all is meaningless now the fact that I am still breathing is torture in itself..
@mao4324 2 жыл бұрын
How are you doing mate, i hope your situation has improved.
@pristineparr7509 Жыл бұрын
Bobby my heart goes put to you read. Read the story of Joseph in the Bible and read it over and over again. And then read the life of Jesus and how he was falsely accused right before his death. And think about how both men, especially Jesus are either deeply hated or deeply loved to this day (for Joseph is through denying that he even existed at all, when some claim the stories are all made up.)
@bobbyvandyke143 Жыл бұрын
@@mao4324 It has been continued for 2 years and still no end in sight. I lost my house I lost my job I lost all my material things all I have now is my family and God.
@mckenziehouston87 7 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry and I hope you are doing well now. ❤
@Metallicfloydfan4l 2 жыл бұрын
My soon to be ex-wife falsely accused me of everything from sticking a toe up my 2nd oldest child's backside, to saying the 3 oldest children told her I molested them with my finger, to teaching them to rape each other, to saying they won't tell anyone else because I told the kids to keep secrets. All the allegations were unfounded by 7 separate professional entities. I didn't realize how bad my trauma was until my brother, his wife, and his child were visiting and I wouldn't play with her unless another (male) adult was present. Friends who hadn't spoken with me in 18 months are now slowly starting to include me again to social gatherings. My soon to be ex-wife is a monster and she'll probably get away with her evil acts.
@deangelobattle5432 3 жыл бұрын
God bless we need more activist in this field God bless
@abbydollars8679 Жыл бұрын
I was falsely accused of rape I spent 8 months in jail fighting until I was released on bail. While I was in jail, the prison guards told the other inmates I was there on rape charges. It was a fight for my life, I was attacked more than once after it was discovered why I was there. I spent an additional 16 months awaiting trial. That time was almost as brutal. Just counting out the days and wondering if/how I would beat the charges. The crown was asking for 10 years+. On the first day of trial , the crown attorney withdrew all the charges after approximately 2 hours of testimony from my accuser I was released with all charges dropped - as it was my accuser exposed herself as lying I am now "free", but life was absolutely ripped apart I have nobody to really talk to about this. I am just living out my days now , no justice. No consequence to the accuser. Nothing. Given an option or choice at recourse, I would sue anyone and everyone possible for the role they played in this torture, humiliation and abuse. My accuser is a danger to society. It is my desire and hope that SHE is arrested and jailed one day - for as many years as possible. In the meantime, I am here watching KZbin videos , looking for anything that will help me to cope etc. Lastly, and as a (black) man of color, it affirms what I have been saying for years. Black lives do NOT matter. The trauma is real. Now I just suffer in silence like so many others of us.
@kitma520 5 ай бұрын
What was the women's race?
@SoundReflex 5 ай бұрын
Sorry you had to go thru this Bro. I was just accused last week.
@kitma520 5 ай бұрын
@@SoundReflex Sorry about that bro. What happened? Is she an ex, associate at work?
@SoundReflex 5 ай бұрын
@@kitma520 yes, I was at a business conference sitting in the front of a crowded room. I seen a black woman struggling to find a seat. I got up and offered her one of my seats and asked if she wanted me to sit next to her, she Said NO. I said Cool, and found another seat. A week later H.R. calls me into the office over some sexual harassment saying that the woman felt uncomfortable with me asking if I can sit next to her. I didn't even know this woman. We are remote workers being brought together for the first time. This world is CRAZY.
@karinwejmo3473 4 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. I used to work in the prison system and I saw this many times. Due to that, I'm currently doing a PhD where I'm looking at the consequences of remand (loss of employment, housing, relationships, stigma etc) for people who have been found not guilty in court. In my opinion this group of people has been forgotten about with a general view that they “should be happy” they didn’t get convicted, with complete disregard of the potential damage this can do to somebody’s life. Would you be interested in discussing this further?
@BonganiUK 3 жыл бұрын
I live with bipolar disorder. And complex PTSD from teenage experiences at a boarding school I went to. And my mum died when I was 19. And in June 2018, the deepest and longest depression of my life started, I was almost completely paralysed for seven months. The only thing I continued to do was help people who had joined the mental health support group that I had started earlier that year. Since July 2020, I've been falsely accused by two government departments: the NHS Community Mental Health Team and the Department of Social Care and health. From the beginning, the police have said I have no case to answer, yet my whole world has been destroyed by people with no evidence. I have huge amounts of evidence - undeniable evidence - of people lying, breaking the law, coercing me, intimidating me and much more. I've involved senior managers and directors in the regional council and the regional NHS. I've involved my MP. I've reported it publicly on the Nextdoor App locally. I've appealed for help from the Assistant Constable of the Regional Police force who I knew on first name terms. Not one single person, since this nightmare began in July 2020, has asked what evidence I have. Not one single person has asked to see any of the evidence that I have. After reading the local and multi-region Safeguarding policy, I learned that there is no requirement for the accused to have their side of the story be included in any investigation. The Safeguarding process requires all involved to safeguard the public based on whatever the accuser had stated. It's unbelievable. This is the U.K. We are supposed to represent with is right in the world. Yet, in my case, the accusers are people working in government organisations. They hold all the power. They promised at one point never to directly contact me to my very fragile mental health. Yet, the next three letters that were sent, all of which contained very distressing content, were sent direct to me - and I was the one who opened these letters. If my desire to be alive was not as strong as it is, every single one of those letters would most likely have caused me to end my life. In fact, in September 2020, my wife summarised this situation like this, "If I didn't know any better, I would suggest that these people are doing their very best to get you to end your life." In hindsight, I agree with her view. When I got GDPR data, which took far too long to arrive, and was provided in a highly jumbled manner, showed my issues had started the year before. By the local community mental health team. Based on zero evidence. I was accused of being a male groomer intent on sexually abusing vulnerable women. The mental health support group I'd set up three years previously, and that I had personally helped over 500 people to improve their lives, was accused as being a source that I use to find vulnerable women to sexually abuse. Based on absolutely no evidence at all. And the manager in charge of this unit spead this statement far and wide. And at one point, the social workers now involved decided to include children's social services with the intent of taking to my children, without the knowledge of my wife or I, to find out if they had been sexually abused by me. This was the most disgusting fact of all the nastiness I discovered. I found my own psy chiatrist had openly lied to cover his own arse. Yet here I am, innocent and with none of my evidence reviewed, with my life destroyed. The organisations I volunteered with were informed that I was a person that has sexually abused a vulnerable woman. This has NEVER occurred. And so all the good work I had done was discarded and I was cast out from these organisations. A woman who was allocated to help me write applications for funding for my mental health groups was advised just before Christmas 2020 to have nothing more to do with me. Why, why, why is this allowed to happen in the UK. I have four other families in my mental health group who have been disgustingly abused by social workers. One of these families had their son falsely accused of sexual abuse of his niece and due to his behaviour in court, when he should NEVER have taken the stand due to his mental fragility, was found unexpectedly guilty and then was sent to prison for seven years. SEVEN years. And he is almost completely blind. And his guide dog was taken away from him as soon as he was found guilty because The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association didn't want their reputation harmed. That statement is true, because I called them to appeal so this person could keep his dog, the one mammal that loved him without hesitation. But hey were more concerned about their reputation than the blind person in need. We live in a terrible world. Injustice is everywhere. Yet the powers that be do their very best to keep this hidden. Well, I'm never going to let them win. I cry regularly. I'm in pain daily. But I will fight on. The Ombudsmen is next for me. They are letting me bypass the online system after I called them for help. But my distress is so great that just putting the case together to send to them is so very traumatic. I believe what I've experienced is just the tip of the iceberg. Because for two of us, we have been accused of sexual abuse. But the other two families were just fighting for ongoing support and care for their children who have mental health support needs. Please contact me if you want to give me a hug, cos I need them so much. Oh, and guess who is responsible for the two laws that I have undeniable evidence about taat has been broken...... the Department for Social Care & Health ..... the very source of the people accusing me of sexual abuse. Who do I turn to for justice? I've only just found FASO. I'm going to call them tomorrow. And I'm going to fund what they do to the best of my ability. I live on disability benefits. I've done so for two years, thanks to amazing help from the Citizens Advice Bureau. But I've designed community mental health initiatives that generate their own income and I'm putting all proceeds into my mental health support group. None of the money is for me. I have a local giving site. The Co-op have selected my mental health group as a local cause until Oct 2021. But I've been so very distressed that I've not been able to make use of it. So much time lost. But I won't kill myself. I'm going to win this case one day. I'm going to help the other four families. I'm going to find the courage to do video's and will post them on social media. I have 29,000 connections on LinkedIn. I'm going to use that to share information. I've helped so many people in my life and in the last three years, I've personally improved the lives of over 500 people (and saved some). So, help me. Help FASO. Let's use our democratic right. Let's use the number of our voices to get change in our laws. Get people wrongly accused a process that is just and fair. Please help. My email is I'm not going away. I'm the British Viking born in Africa. Watch this space. Shutting up now. I've lost the ability to be concise.
@travisleeabq Жыл бұрын
32 thousand views in 4 years. Shows you how much people care.
@MrLetmein2011 2 ай бұрын
The whole business sounds like some sort of medieval torture. It seems the accused are in some sort of Kafkaesque nightmare.
@LisaPangman 3 ай бұрын
A 23 year old woman falsely accused my son of rape. He has been in jail for 2 years and 1 day even though his DNA doesn't match. The guards at the jail beat my son and they keep threatening to beat his brains out. He has never had a trail.
@tedtrash Жыл бұрын
I think most men have been falsely accused by women, but usually, the accusations are vague and inconsequential, so we ignore them. That is not to say that they do not drastically affect our behavior. The following accounts will sound petty, but they have definitely shaped how I interact with women. Also keep in mind that these long accounts represent a time when there was no social media, and most people were not yet using email. I have been falsely accused five times, and fortunately, each time was for some alleged incident, in public, where witnesses who did not know me well, stepped up to say it didn't happen. All of these allegations were deliberately vague, that I "was all over," someone, or that I had monstrous intentions. In the first and worst of these, a group of women, who were all acquainted with me held a meeting with my girlfriend at the time to discuss, "what his problem is." Most of these women were not present at the time of the alleged incident. I went to an adjacent cafeteria feeling dejected and moped to my friends, one of whom, just said, "Oh so they have formed a league of doom. Women do that." The other friend turned to his girlfriend and said, "Wait a minute, you were there, weren't you?" and she very confidently proclaimed that not only did it not happen, but that I had taken pains to sit on the opposite side of the room from the alleged "victim." Instead, as I got more inebriated, I would sit closer to my girlfriend. I confronted my girlfriend with the lie, and she admitted that she had done it to control me - to basically make me feel too guilty to ever go to a party. Sitting beside her the whole time was not enough. The weird thing is, that I had been too drunk to remember that night, and had she just told me the lie instead of involving others, I probably would have believed her. She just hadn't counted on another woman stepping up. It turns out that the "victim" in the story had another agenda. She wanted me to break up with my girlfriend and to get noticed by one of my best friends. Two of the allegations were that I was secretly fantasizing about raping a close friend with whom I was never sexual. This allegation was made to a group of our friends when neither of us were present. The accuser just used strong language, like "He just wants to break her hymen," and, "He is a moral monster." That and the fact that no one in the group called her out on her bullshit left a lasting imprint on the minds of all the others in attendance, even some who purported to be close friends. It took me years to deprogram them. The second time that person tried exactly the same thing, five years later, only that time, a man in the group who had met me only once, stood up and dressed her down. People there were so impressed with this meek fellow becoming so impassioned that it was what they remembered about the incident and her lies were forgotten. When I asked him about it and tried to thank him, he said simply, "She was just way out of line." He became one of my best friends after that. As for her, one week after I announced my engagement, she announced that she was engaged to be married to his best friend from high school. Who says women can't be creepy? One time when I only had a few drinks, I was out at a bar to see a young woman I was interested in. In the course of the night, I was sitting with a group of her male friends, when her cousin conspired with his friend to have him date rape her. She was a friend and I told her about it. The band was loud so I had to lean close so she could hear me. There next day, she accused me of "being all over her. She pretended that the reason she could not tell me what that meant was because she was so upset. The last time was the same allegation, but I only heard it as a rumor. "I heard you were all over XX at the bar last night." I confronted her. She was evasive and could not recount anything specific that I had done. She was an obviously damaged person, so I just steered clear for the remainder of the year that I had to interact with her. The stigma stuck however. I was excluded from any in-class group projects. Any time a classmate acted cool towards me, I was left to wonder if it was because they heard the rumor. Only one male classmate asked me what happened, and why, mostly because the woman was not attractive. I told him to leave her alone, because noxious weeds are best left to strangle themselves and you can't fix crazy. Anyway, the rules that have served me well are: 1. (Before I quit drinking altogether) Leave any party where women are starting to get drunk and surly. 2. Leave any woman who is jealous. It's not cute or endearing. It is a sign of mental illness. 3. All women are manipulative, but the good ones just use you to lift stuff that they can't. 4. If you spot any of your ex-girlfriend's neuroses in another woman on first meeting, say, "nice to meet you," and walk away. (aka Don't have sex with crazy people.)
@gettingpolitical Жыл бұрын
I'm assisting in a documentary on the wrongfully convicted of sexual assault and would love to use a small excerpt from this video (the portion size will qualify under "fair use") as well as would like to have your organizations contact information to illustrate it within the documentaries section of references notifying those who are in need of help where they can find it. The excerpt intended to be used will illustrate this video link as source and you will be given all accreditation for the excerpts content.
@leanndmean 3 жыл бұрын
I was recently falsely accused of sexual harrasment while in the nc police academy by 2 women whom I made a point to not interact with after I called them out when they were being loud and rude during the 1st week when they were talking over people and calling peoples suggestions stupid while we're were discussingwhat our class moto should be. Now visibly upset at this point demanded a fair hearing while pointing out how unrealistic and lopsided this was particularly because I tried filling the same complaint about 1 of the women after she asked all the married black men if they ate their wives asses and was told "it not my concern because it happened after class" even though it was 2 minutes after class in the parking lot and was a direct contradiction to the school bylaws of conduct. I had to suffer 2 months with this accusation before finally being put in a hearing only after I had left due to targeted harassment during those 2 months. The complaint was because during week 2 I got goosebumps when 1 of the female cadets touched me with a stethoscope in a room that was 65°F. She stated "I felt uncomfortable after that interaction and that I followed her around for 20 minutes after" casually forgetting that we were paired up in groups of 4. The Deen even listed off people who were witnesses and listed 1 person in our group although they weren't aware I was in their house at the time because he said he'd gladly come to my defense. When they found out he was there they promptly tried to end the hearing and said they'd get back to me with another date for a second hearing however before they signed off they asked if I had anythingto say so I went on a 20 minute rant listing the complaints I filed on racism, homaphobic jokes, targeted harrasment and 1 willful violation of the disabilities act done during the last incident of targeted harrasment, forced them to acknowledge that none of my complaints were addressed and that all of the accusations against me were hearsay verbatim and secretly recorded the entire hearing on my phone. Even after all that I was expelled from the academy for 3 years. Now I'm suing the director and the school and demanding that the justice department revoke the students liscences due to lack of integrity and fire the director for misconduct and falsifying his statements which will take away his retirement. I refuse to accept any settlements that don't include those terms along with my exoneration and restitution both monetarily for the 2 years of lost income and damages to my family do to libel along with all my credits transferring to a different academy of my choosing and a formal acknowledgment of the schools wrongdoing. I was literally so angry that I was brought to tears due to the fact that I sacrificed so much just to be there and it got taken from me that way. I just had a daughter and I lost time I could've spent with her not to mention the serious risk of being there during hight of the pandemic.
@mao4324 2 жыл бұрын
Show no mercy
@pristineparr7509 Жыл бұрын
I am sorry to hear this. Hope you find peace and resolution. It seems like they want to continue a certain culture and you aren't a part of it. That should in some ways be a relief to you.
@leanndmean Жыл бұрын
@@pristineparr7509 I'm still dealing with it. Need any help I can get
@quatore-5886 Жыл бұрын
Expect the worst from people. Always be recording no matter what.
@JJ33438 Жыл бұрын
We need "honest" investigators, non corrupt justice administration, and objective non political judges - our judicial system relative to false accusations and real rape is broken. Its become so political and corrupt - no one can get a fair shake.
@alexvasquez4154 3 жыл бұрын
I got 3 years 8 months for violation of a family court order . Yet there was no court order at all. And how was I tried for that false accusation in Criminal court
@muhammadaliqureshi5850 3 жыл бұрын
Thank You so much !
@JohnSmith-pl4sf 3 жыл бұрын
Feminist would hate this video
@MariselaR.da1daOnly 3 жыл бұрын
Comments like this are part of the problem as well. I am not a feminist but I am a woman who treats men and women equally in my life. A good person is a good person and a liar is a liar. No person would support a liar for the sake of feminism. This comment fuels the fire. I could say only incels would love this video. Ignorant and irrelevant. Stay on topic. Hates shows your character and that can cause reason not to believe someone.
@montyhoutchens8473 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing is more painful than being falsely accused. What i wish would be a law that would punish those people making false allegations and in the case of he said she said a federal polygraph should be given to both parties . I thank. God for the federal polygraph and was lucky , i had US. Navy paperwork showing i could not have been their at the time alleged none the less being accused of a sex crime is the worst and who wouldn't want to punish someone who actually os guilty especially when a child is the alleged victim. Anyone would find it hard to not convict someone just because they care about children and would rather send an innocent man to jail than risk any harm to a child and i completely understand. Their has to be some way to allow polygraph tests in such cases especially when the accused is asking and willing to take such a test..
@WaterfordFirefighter 4 жыл бұрын
Polygraphs work if you pass, they don’t if you do not pass even when you did nothing wrong, they can make innocents look guilty, how is that fair. The innocent has more to lose than the guilty ones who has nothing to lose. Where the fairness, they are unproven, no more to some than flip of coin. A 2 billion dollar industry. I’d love if there was a real truth machine that could differentiate lies/truths, no lawyers courts needed.
@marysharezalmaria3493 4 жыл бұрын
Correct, there is nothing worse than being falsely accused of child sexual abuse. It's your word vs. A child's word... that's why we should always be vigilant in every case. Remove the prejudice
@bruggeman672 2 жыл бұрын
Wow the gall of the authorities trying to bill someone wrongfully convicted for the breakfasts they got while incarcerated wrongly. That's just officials who cannot admit their mistakes and a sickening waste of taxpayer dollars.
@paulmcdines2364 3 жыл бұрын
I have PTSD im 65 was set up with a Heroin addict in Canada who I tried to Evict on February 2020 I can't go my own home living in a room. Doctors won't help.
@snozzybosch7503 3 жыл бұрын
This is horrific to watch. Do I know I knew two women who’s mothers split with their fathers at a very young age. This mother’s then told the children that their former partner/husbands were dead. In later life the women both found out that it wasn’t the case; and it simply didn’t end well for all concerned. There really does need to be more accountability for women in today’s society. They can say and do seeming what ever they want; and once the tears tap is turned on; that’s it. They must be in the right. Not to over generalise here but a crying woman is very likely a scheming woman.
@ronnyh8617 5 жыл бұрын
so much talking.... but why is there no cases or charges or anything for the victims to bring accuses to the law......being falsely accused will be the cause of my death eventually...... no case to answer no evidence cps did not even bother......but nothing to the accuser......
@chrishobson6431 5 жыл бұрын
Agree mate... it's awful
@alfonsovilches7703 4 жыл бұрын
So true going thru this now in my custody dispute 😭
@BU4U 4 жыл бұрын
I echo your questions here! Its so wrong! It is quite simply injustice!
@JoeWild1984 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed! These false accusers are cold hearted! Torturers! Psychopaths! On the same level as rapists if not worse due maybe even more prospect of damage being done! Jail FOR LIFE to false accusers! Let's raise awareness!
@qjtvaddict 4 жыл бұрын
One thing to eliminate false accusations is to ban the mentally insane from pressing charges against anyone. They should be in the loony bin
@WayOfHaQodesh Жыл бұрын
We live in a world run by evil. Seek out Heavenly Father YAH Most High and his justice. I am living through this right now and ONLY trust in my Heavenly Father. I've never experienced anything as evil, as disability as falsely accusing someone of molesting and sexually abusing their own child.
@tylerdurden7500 4 жыл бұрын
FASO need a channel on here :)
@JohnPandolfo121 2 жыл бұрын
In the US we need legal reform. The mans name should be as private as the woman until he is convicted. Yes I understand innocent men are going to jail but we need a starting point. Lets first wait until the man is convicted. Then release his name. Many men are found not guilty and there lives are exactly as Ms. Gardener said. The men are messes. They end up with severe PTSD. They end up with neighbors that never look at them the same. The only good part of that situation is you find out who in your life actually cares about you.
@os2musicuk203 9 ай бұрын
How do I contact this lady and her support group ?
@bruggeman672 2 жыл бұрын
And the discrepancies between services for the falsely accused versus victims (proven or otherwise) is atrocious... It's kinda of sickening how people feel things are balanced despite the contrary being blatantly obvious, a bit like the emperor's new clothes...
@cbrxxrr 10 ай бұрын
"Impact"?..such as going to prison for 5yrs for a rape that didnt happen
@HickYankee 6 ай бұрын
My kids are trapped in a Christian cult - a short time after we got there as a family my ex wife suddenly said she was molested by her father - shortly after that I realized the cult was constantly grooming people to say they were molested - I knew I couldn't get my five kids to leave with me - I finally spoke out and was excommunicated - and for the last ten years my now adult children periodically call me to tell me I molested them - I finally just told them all communication now must come through lawyers or the cult - any other and I will file a protective order. The cult echo chamber and their mothers compatible psychology is toxic - I've had to accept that my children will never be sane - one of my sons got out but he is being pressured by the cult to come back - he has been in psych wards many times - I don't know if he will survive. The cult has many admitted pedophiles in the leadership - I think they get people to suspect and alienate their fathers so that they can abuse the kids with impunity.
@cargopilotguy305 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder how many men kill their false accusers
@HadassahjudahIsrael 3 ай бұрын
40k views - this is an epidemic
@IntelligentEating 7 күн бұрын
These are normal in family court to stop dad seeing children. Womensaid don’t directly encourage false allegations but it’s … yeah… a lot of family court solicitors do encourage mums to make up these allegations as they drag on for years meaning they’ll get some nice cashflow. All that said, that doesn’t pass blame; the false accuser is responsible for their actions and should be shamed.
@marynespolo 9 ай бұрын
I was accused of a serious crime, i wasnt arrested but my accusers seemed to have eveyone convinced. Ill get justice by exposing the lies and introducing the public to myself. The goal is to force them to have a turn at eveything they say and do used against them. They should be ashamed of hurting the innocent, but these monstets are out there.
@zanekinney9911 4 жыл бұрын
While my company is not interested in helping those who wish to escape justice or consequences - for those falsely accused of a crime, reach out at:
@martingonzales 3 жыл бұрын
Is there any resources like this in the United States?
@lpoelman Жыл бұрын
I asked the same question...if you hear of anything please let me know.
@martingonzales Жыл бұрын
@@lpoelman hey Lance there is a reddit thread called support for the accused. I leaned on it heavy. It's primarily community of people going through the same shit. God bless you in this time. Don't isolate your self, I know the urge, but don't do it. It's hard to come back from
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