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Pulled over by Australian Victoria Motorcycle Police

  Рет қаралды 76,525

Mr. Tasty

Mr. Tasty

Күн бұрын

Short and Sweet video, when talking to police don't say anymore then I need to without getting myself in trouble. Notice when they ask who does my bike maintence and check my tyres, cops are not your friends and they are trying to find a reason to give you a ticket only say what is asked of you and nothing more. I knew my tyres are in good condontion considering the bike barely has 3000km on it.

Пікірлер: 377
@BrykuIRL Ай бұрын
They seemed like really awesome / professional down to earth police officers in this encounter to me, awesome that they were enthusiastically asking about your bike gear, wholesome stuff!
@maxregal8889 Ай бұрын
Sorry, can’t agree. They pulled him over for an arbitrary stop when no offence had been committed, under the guise of a DUI check. Yes, they were pleasant, but that should be considered normal behaviour, not awesome. Just because most cops are rude pricks doesn’t mean these two should be congratulated for not being. And how awesome would they have been if our rider chose to not answer their phishing questions, as would have been his right?
@robertchapman6795 Ай бұрын
Good advice; “don’t depend on it”. Drivers can’t see big brightly coloured Semi’s. NEVER assume a motorist has seen you!
@MickAngelhere Ай бұрын
@@robertchapman6795 very true I was in a semi that my mate was driving when we nearly cleaned up some idiot that pulled out in front of us
@robpinter5431 Ай бұрын
A+ passed the attitude test....they just wanted to check the bike out....
@RaptorFaceRumble Ай бұрын
RBT is the biggest cop out for "we're trying to pin something on you."
@jadsmvs8651 Ай бұрын
The idea is that if the civilian population is aware they can be pulled over for no reason at all other than to get a breath test, that they will be less inclined to risk drinking and driving. The problem is that this is Australia and drink driving is a national pastime.
@rumchaser1able Ай бұрын
Until some drunk dude with an attitude like yours wipes out someone you care about . Then you'd be blaming the cops for not giving the dui driver a test . Only people that complain about something that will get those people off the roads that should not be on them are the drunks and druggos themselves
@mini696 Ай бұрын
​@jadsmvs8651 No, it's legislation to give the cops a reason to arbitrarily pull you over for a fishing expedition. It's nothing to do with safety. It's an excuse to get your name.
@jadsmvs8651 Ай бұрын
@@mini696 They can run your plates and get your name that way mate. They don't even need to pull you over to find out where you live. As for arbitrary reason to stop you. Not really. There's no need for arbitrary stop justification, given police in Australia and in particular Victoria, don't actually require an articulated reason or excuse to pull you over. They can quite literally pull you over to ask you what you had for lunch or who you barrack for. You don't have to give them that specific information, unless of course it is tied to an actual investigation, but they can pull you over for anything. This isn't the US, where it's unconstitutional for police to initiate a traffic stop without reason.
@0418502188 Ай бұрын
Heaven forbid that he actually follows his licence conditions of being 0.0 BAC A RBT is done automatically done whenever a police officer interacts with a driver. If you are within the prescribed limit what is the problem? You clown.
@glennfricke388 Ай бұрын
A quick translation of the unspoken conversation. "Hi there, just a quick friendly chat. Noticed you're new to riding. Just letting you know we have seen you and now we know who you are. Keep that in mind if you're thinking of doing something stupid " Been spoken to in not so many words a couple of times myself.
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@glennfricke388 I would never dream of trying to run from the cops while on a 650cc single piston motorbike while they sporting 1200cc BMWs road bikes. Running from cops in this day and age is nuts, they’d just meet you at your house if you live in a small town like i do. I can’t understand why people turn something as small as a warning or a ticket in to a jail sentence or getting themselves killed trying to run, it’s down right stupid.
@glennfricke388 Ай бұрын
@@MrTastyM7 I totally agree but unfortunately there are idiots in the world that would try hence the reason cops want you to know they know who you are. The last time I was pulled over l was in my ute doing nothing wrong. The cop just wanted to let me know he knew I was new in town, in not so many words.
@colinmiles9390 Ай бұрын
I’ve always found all motorcycle cops all round Australia to be the best and friendliest of the bunch. Never had an ounce of trouble from them ever.
@nicholasgarnett-ly9nw Ай бұрын
Good for you straight up. However , .........🤔
@glenns001 Ай бұрын
really? never met one that's not a power tripping fuckwit! havnt had a fine in the last 10 years but they are money grabbing grubs
@colinmiles9390 Ай бұрын
@@nicholasgarnett-ly9nw been riding for over 45 years and not always by the law but I never found any issue with the bike cops, if treated right they always treat fellow riders with respect if respect given.
@MickAngelhere Ай бұрын
When I used to ride , been chased by motorbike cops , then I pull over , never gave them cheek or got narky with them. The outcome was they let me off. There was one exception and that was a motorbike cop who pulled me over, claiming that I was doing 150 KMHR , when I was actually riding at the speed limit. Had him squirming in court the arrogant prick . In the end the magistrate didn’t touch my license but had the cost of my fine lowered
@Snoupity Ай бұрын
No, they are not.
@priestsabbath5112 Ай бұрын
Everything is good, all top blokes….then the fine arrives in the mail….
@spanners94 Ай бұрын
I'm buggered if I know why people get so hung up by police doing their job. If you're not doing something dumb or illegal and get pulled over just act like a human being instead of a 'sovereign citizen'. Maybe those that complain about it should travel to accident scenes with police and watch body parts being scraped up off the road. I drove a road sweeper for a while and would get called out to accident scenes to clean up the blood and guts that the police couldn't shovel into a body bag. So suck it up all you who think the cops are picking on you.
@TheHandymanQld Ай бұрын
Those who complain have usually had a go in with the police or a family member has. Most likely bogans that misbehave and they get caught.
@SuperAdventureR1301 16 күн бұрын
@@TheHandymanQld I can tell you're a white man. Innocent minorities face more persecution from police then you'll ever realize in your privileged white bubble.
@rb30e Ай бұрын
Lost count how many times I've been pulled over in Wodonga and Albury for random checks.
@onyabikejoe7643 Ай бұрын
Yeah, I got pulled over twice in two days by the same two officers on bikes in Wodonga, when I reminded them of yesterdays chat, they sent me on my way.
@nicholasgarnett-ly9nw Ай бұрын
@paulzytsel3557 15 күн бұрын
@TabareCasas Ай бұрын
Thats the difference between us Australians and the Americans, when you get pulled over by the cops, you act like a human you get treated like a human and no attitude.
@mattbehindthewheel6901 Ай бұрын
in Australia it doesn't matter how much respect you give, if you've made a mistake and the cops catch you, you're getting a fine in the hundreds of dollars. In the USA, however, police actually have the discretion to give you a warning, and even if they don't, their fines are much more reasonable than here. No one should be out of a weeks pay because they rolled through a stop sign or drove 12km faster than the speed limit.
@TabareCasas Ай бұрын
@@mattbehindthewheel6901 What I was saying is that man treated the police officer with respect by handing over his license when asked to and did the breathalyzer test and went on his way without a fuss. I understand your point of view with fines but laws are there for a reason, if you agree or not and if that makes you think twice about running through a red light or going through a stop sign without stopping and that saves a life, well that's a small price.
@civilizedsavage360 Ай бұрын
@@TabareCasas The old "just suck it up and do as your told" line.
@TabareCasas Ай бұрын
@@civilizedsavage360 Bucking the system just to be noticed is a waste of time and energy, you got better things to do with your life.
@civilizedsavage360 Ай бұрын
@@TabareCasas Not bucking the system, just understand it. Theres a reason Lawyers advise you to not answer any questions, but you are right about one thing I have better things to do with my time than freely give information to be used against me.
@edgeGabe Ай бұрын
An A+ for wearing the right gear. F for thinking anything else will kill you.
@BillysFingers 20 күн бұрын
What's funny to me about this video is that i came across it randomly and it's not only my town but it shows my car parked near where he was pulled up. From experience yes these guys are pretty typical of the good cops in the area. There's always a bad one anywhere but generally ours are great.
@benjaminfrankliniii9857 Ай бұрын
Trying to fill quotas you're lucky
@NewsAtt20 Ай бұрын
Vic police… we will not forget 💩
@HairyBunyip Ай бұрын
Comparing this interaction with America didn't end up in cuffs, beaten up, shot, taken to jail. Recon that's a better deal.
@wradford1 Ай бұрын
@@HairyBunyip Have you been pulled over by police in America ?
@SuperAdventureR1301 16 күн бұрын
If this was America this interaction would never have happened, because police need reasonable suspicion to pull someone over.
@grahamcheckinwithme Ай бұрын
Umm nothing else better to do, absolutely waste of your time for nothing, always film Victoria Police never ever trust them. Justice Matters!!!
@OhSoddit Ай бұрын
My guess is they NOTICED his camera. That kept the interaction cordial, and SHORT. Had he NOT been filming, things may have ended "differently". As a former shiftworker, I was regularly stopped by RBT's. Once I put in a dashcam - completely different behaviour - they can't get you OUT quick enough. No game of "twenty questions", no licence and rego check, it's just blow and GO. One time they didn't even breathalyze me, I stopped, cop saw the dashcam, and just waved me through.
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
For those thinking this is fine I’d ask why is it I’ve never been lit up with lights and pulled over for an RBT in a car or motorcycle in NSW or QLD? Is this normal in Victoria? A static RBT is one thing but to light people up and pull them over with zero actual rationale is bullshit. So far as them being friendly go they aren’t your friend they are working and their job is to issue fines and make arrests. The friendly banter is to disarm, distract and assess you. People that start talking and answering benign questions are more likely to continue to be compliant if they suspect, detect or decide to fish deeper. It also serves to give them justification to state you seemed nervous, influenced etc to warrant further investigation, searches etc. I don’t have an issue with static RBTs nor that when at those stops drivers can expect to be licence checked and cars given a quick visual scan for compliance issues but pulling people over like that is a horses ass. And again for those that think these are good guys, and I’m not saying cops don’t do good for the community but they also overreach at times are bad) they may well be “good blokes” when not working but when on duty in this traffic stop context you are a “civvy” to them and are viewed as a potential offender. Police, especially in Victoria, are rapidly becoming more militant. If you don’t think so ask why non-violent fleeing lock-down protestors were hit with batons, rubber bullets and tear gas. Also ask why cops have started wearing blue so dark it looks black, black and camo uniforms. Maybe they should put more effort into preventing and solving motorcycle theft and getting the legitimate fuckhead and unlicensed/unregistered riders off the road than hassling law abiding riders without justification by doing random fishing expeditions. It’s not hard.
@dr0pb34r Ай бұрын
lol Calm down mate, this isn't America. Police here actually do a good job and are not just out to issue tickets. They are checking everything is ok to keep the roads safe. The only poeple who have an issue with that are those with unroadworthy vehicles. In which case, that person is in the wrong, not the police. Also, getting pulled over for a RBT is very common. I've had it happen in Tasmania, Victoria and NSW
@gurugulab1414 Ай бұрын
Bruh! How else they gonna check if a person is "unlicensed" without pulling them over? Random stops are for a reason, just like not all cops are bad neither all civvies are good citizens.
@kensol2579 Ай бұрын
I commute to work every day on a loud Harley in Melbourne and haven't been pulled over once since covid, my experience is don't be a dickhead and they'll usually leave you alone.
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
@@gurugulab1414 At these things called RBTs. They don't randomly pull over cars with ligths flashing and do this. Cars scan and check rego and licensing of drivers constantly. By your logic cops should be able to come in search my car, home or person anytime they like on the off ca]chance i am doing something wrong. They should also be trawling pubs and bottle shops and ID checking people "just in case". The fact people like you don't notice, don't care or worse justify the slow and steady erosion of privacy, freedom of movement and travel without being a suspect and inconvenienced . Meanwhile suburbs and streets are routinely ridden by gangs of dickheads unlicensed, unregistered and usually stolen trail bikes and cops do nothing or give hem a "stern warning". Wake up and see what's going on mate. It;s lazy policing and anything random is wasting time, effort and resources (and taxpayer money) that should be used on targeted policing.
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
@@dr0pb34r Something being common makes it right does it? I like the way you resort to trying to gaslight commenters with "calm down mate". Do you do that to your misses too? If you think policing here is "good" you have your head in the sand or are/were a cop. If you think highway patrols primary objective isn't ticketing under the guise of deterrence there's not much else anyone can say to convince you of the reality. Enjoy being a sheep with your rights and privacy being steadily eroded by the powers that be and their wolves disguised as sheepdogs
@LonesomeDrifter186 Ай бұрын
Not allowed to maintain your own bike anymore...??
@966Mako Ай бұрын
They’re are fishing. There’s nothing innocent about police questions. They aren’t your friend & are looking for some infraction to take your money. “Who does your bike maintenance?” “Oh I do it” “Ah okay, Iv just noticed … doesn’t look right” “we better have a closer look”
@remi1au Ай бұрын
I'm in Western Australia. When I used to ride a bike I got randomly pulled over on a regular basis for a "check" of one kind or another. I've never once been randomly pulled over for a "check" of any kind when driving my car. I believe that motor cyclists are unfairly targeted in Western Australia.
@TimBoss2000 Ай бұрын
Nothing better to do other than to harrass members of the public.
@daz4152 Ай бұрын
while there are worse criminal to catch, but its easier to try and extort money from law abiding hard working aussies
@MelodyMan69 Ай бұрын
"Who does your Maintenance of your Bike" WTF.
@KipMplaylists Ай бұрын
yeah bro wtf hahahah
@966Mako Ай бұрын
They’re fishing. If ya say you do it, they will go find something to ticket.
@mountainconstructions Ай бұрын
All loaded questions
@ilaser4064 Ай бұрын
@@966Mako you take out you a.. so much clown.
@ultimobile Ай бұрын
cheese mate, bob's yeruncle, no worries ! bike coppers prefer to chat friendly with other bikers. I was once stopped on my waterbottle Suzy 750 for lane filtering snaking through medium city traffic at maybe 50kph/30mph which was illegal - bike copped pulled me over and said 'you were slicing through that traffic like a hot knife through butter' - he sounded admiring, and let me go without a ticket.
@BioVisier Ай бұрын
The bastards try to make out that they're friendly too.
@survivorofnarcissist Ай бұрын
Never ever got pulled over in Albury/Wodonga
@muertinix Ай бұрын
Didn't know what to expect from vic pol. Glad they were kind and professional in this case
@OhSoddit Ай бұрын
Their days of bashing old ladies for sitting on a park bench without a mask are NUMBERED.
@christophervertullo3528 Ай бұрын
They seem to be just doing their job?
@joshbrookes6439 Ай бұрын
Thanks for that observation Captain Obvious 😆
@daveh9003 Ай бұрын
Are you serious???
@mgreenesco9955 Ай бұрын
On the contrary, they stopped a free man going about his day for NO REASON apart from the chance to fish for something to extort him of his money for. He wasn't riding dangerously, he caused no loss or injury so they lawfully had no reason to stop him at all.
@joshbrookes6439 Ай бұрын
@@mgreenesco9955 No idea where your from mate but it sounds like a great place to live if that's how things work. Unfortunately for those of us stuck here in Australia's #1 Absurdist Nanny State formerly known as VICTORIA former best state in Australia, our Law Enforcement agency known as VICPOL dont just encourage but fully expect their Officers especially in the HWP to do exactly what you've just witnessed in this video many MANY multiple times over during their 12 hour shift. The more Road Users they so call "Intercept" and "Conduct Enquirys" on for no other reason than to investigate an individual citizens conformity with state government policies rules standards taxes and of course most important of all, YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS POLICE AUTHORITY as they shake you down with festive glee and an overly self assured smugness. And why would the citizens allow such tyranny?? Well its for everyones SAFETY you see. The more people pulled over and run thru the ringer deserved or not, THE SAFER OUR COMMUNITY'S WILL BE, yep that's seriously the official Victoria Police Narrative that they've been pushing for years and sadly they've managed to convince a large majority of our conformist citizenry. They believe anything if it comes from so called trusted mainstream and government sources. Victoria is no longer the place to be. Period.
@ilikechickensausages2075 Ай бұрын
@@mgreenesco9955 In Australia they don't need a reason to stop you, this is not America.
@KonaCommuterMotorcycles Ай бұрын
"Vaccine Passport"
@OhSoddit Ай бұрын
"QR Code" to ride more than 15 minutes :)
@1972moldmaker Ай бұрын
surprised he didnt have to show his jab papers
@reeces8173 Ай бұрын
@Runningoutofroad 9 сағат бұрын
Nothing wrong with that - Both officers were polite and professional and they were even used the correct term of a public servant by referring to their customer as 'Sir' - Good to see some of the Victorian Police are making an effort to rebuild their recently soiled reputation - Especially after the damage that they did to it during the dark days of Conjob.
@carmelot324 Ай бұрын
halt ...papers!!!!just following orders,
@nicholasgarnett-ly9nw Ай бұрын
@966Mako Ай бұрын
Absolutely. The bootlickers in the comments don’t get it.
@deanpd3402 Ай бұрын
​@@966Makowhen I got attacked by a dope smoking schizophrenic with the blade end of a shovel whose stated intention was to bury me, you reckon I should have let it go and not called the police...or am I just a bootlicker?
@ilaser4064 Ай бұрын
@@966Mako oh look we've got a sovereign citizen, if you hate a functioning society so much buy a one way ticket to a third world despotic nation. You can send us a postcard from there telling us all how "great" it is.... Personally I'd prefer to live in Australia and have laws that make things safer for all. And ironic you have a video being cut off, there's a law for that. But I guess the person that cut you off subscribes to your idiology too...
@stephencowie696 20 күн бұрын
Clean stop - as a biker in Australia your gunna get pulled over more... generally they will ask where your going to glean out possible group rides... they will check the tyres and do some small talk so their second has time to do a license/rego check... with the biker cops just go with it as above... get em to talk about their bike/gear..we all love that stuff...DO NOT do the American auditor stuff - They cant search your gearsacks without permission or cause but you must show a valid drivers license... Breath tests are legal, filming is legal (You are required to give a name, grab officers details and you are required to send them a copy in 30 days if asked), non-agressive insults and gestures are legal but problematic while in/on a vehicle (save that for the beat cops lol and since there is a current precedent use the c word in a friendly upbeat way), you must identify near train stations, post offices, inside military bases, inside government buildings and schools,
@adamfreeman5609 Ай бұрын
Ahh, nothing like getting stopped for nothing and interrupted just because they can't find real crime. I really don't like the direction this country has gone with these so called random things the police can do.
@NewPhone-mi2ks Ай бұрын
It's called being proactive, is it that much of a detriment to your quality of life to lose 2 minutes for a stop? You lost 2 minutes just watching this. It's a very healthy society when police are out and about, visible, doing checks and maintaining law and order. Not a boot licker, just an immigrant that is thankful for this country.
@austiwollongongwolf Ай бұрын
@88travels Ай бұрын
Why pull you over if you’re doing nothing wrong . Don’t talk to cops . They are liars
@sotired7453 Ай бұрын
I didn’t get to,see the bike seat 😂
@harrisonmiles9507 Ай бұрын
It's cold in Wodonga at this time of year
@TheHandymanQld Ай бұрын
Simple. No dramas yet some people make it a drama, 'What did I do wrong' whatever. Little kidneys in the window waving ... was a good interaction.
@nihilistic7840 Ай бұрын
Delay your journey. Ask all sorts of unnecessary questions. Establishing an expectation that we need to accept being stopped and questioned for no reason whatsoever. Police state.
@Lemon83166 Ай бұрын
He has a provisional licence. Its very normal to be pulled over. There are a lot of restrictions as a P plater. They asked useful questions for their inspection and also friendly questions out of human curiosity. They were very quick, as you can tell by the speed of which asking questions and getting through the breathalyser test.
@nihilistic7840 Ай бұрын
@@Lemon83166 harassment
@Creedstarsrr Ай бұрын
Does it really take 2 police motorcycle riders to pull over one motorcycle rider
@nihilistic7840 Ай бұрын
Just think how many it would take to change s light bulb
@eetswaadlay2288 Ай бұрын
was probably his partner
@nicholasgarnett-ly9nw Ай бұрын
​@@nihilistic7840😉 😆👍
@BlueScrew4 Ай бұрын
They always ride in pairs
@Lemon83166 Ай бұрын
Does it really take two hands to type on a keyboard?
@AlfredOperator 8 күн бұрын
These police need to go solve some crimes, not pull people over for no reason
@dansha80 Ай бұрын
Vic Police Officers = really Vic Police revenue raising for the corporation.
@user-jk9kt9dd6o Ай бұрын
Who does your maintenance...Really? I got pulled over for a random license check. I sat there looking confused, and then asked "When did that become a thing" the cop asked what I meant. I replied that "to my understanding of the law, you could stop me if you suspected I had committed an offence...or..." and he looked at me for a second and then proud as punch answered "Random breath test". Then I asked "So which one is it". He went back to the car, conversed with the driver, the driver shook his head, he got in and they drove off and left me sitting there. Weirdest traffic stop of my life.
@steeldragon5867 Ай бұрын
The most crooked police in Australia
@dannywilliams5192 9 күн бұрын
very nice manners. good work guys stay safe
@hakunamatata324 Ай бұрын
Victoria is indeed a joke. Imagine minding your own business, not speeding, and bang, pulled over coz I'm a cop and there is nothing you can do about it. Thank God NSW isn't this dictatorship yet.
@TreadsTravels Ай бұрын
@hakunamatata324 maybe because p-platers are the most overrepresented group involved in fatal and serious injury collisions? HWP are trying to reduce road trauma
@wyattfamily8997 Ай бұрын
@@TreadsTravels Hahahahahahaha, good one, hahahahaha.
@paulgardiner68 Ай бұрын
NSW has the same laws as VIC. If you’re driving, you can be pulled over anytime for no reason. You’ll also find that’s the case Australia-wide. We’re not Merica.
@gary9768 3 күн бұрын
Why was he pulled over in the 1st place
@R6Goon Ай бұрын
Hey man can I use this footage on my social platforms, ill be sure to fully credit you, let me know thanks!
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@R6Goon sure as long as you provide a link to the this video and credit my youtube name on the video as a watermark
@elizabethowen3678 Ай бұрын
Once they realise that you are complying with law they can relax and just be the motorcycle enthusiasts that they are. I have the utmost respect for these people because they are the ones that have to scrape your dead arse of the road if you don’t do the right thing………and then they have to explain it to your mum………….respect
@noPhilta Ай бұрын
Ahh, good ‘ol donga.. haven’t been home in a while, made me smile :) those scooter pigs were pretty nice to you mate! Interesting questions from them. Haha. I like his gloves!! You’ve got a cool YT channel mate, varied content, i like it! Even a bit of shooting and DayZ.. what a mix. You ever watch Smoke streams? Keep the vids coming mate. 👍🏼
@therealbikerz 8 күн бұрын
This one, too?
@MrTastyM7 8 күн бұрын
@@therealbikerz go for it
@therealbikerz 8 күн бұрын
Last episode, brother & thanks!
@user-md8mp3jp2i Ай бұрын
Couple of questions. Do you have any law that regulates policeman activities? I guess you do, and this law should say when police can stop you. Correct me if I’m wrong. Also, there should be a procedure of alcohol intoxication check, I mean, shouldn’t they have a good reason to do that test and shouldn’t they fill some papers that you are being checked with mentioning the reason of stopping you and your condition?
@ilaser4064 Ай бұрын
This is NOT America. Having a license is a privilege, you can be stopped randomly to ensure you're not affected by alcohol or drugs, your licence & rego is up to date (however this is typically automated these days from plate scanning) and your vehicle is roadworthy.
@BadMonkeyTouring Ай бұрын
On what grounds do the police have the right to make you do a breathalyzer test? Are random checks allowed in Oz?
@SoCalledFreeman Ай бұрын
Yep can be stopped for random breath test/licence check at any time in Australia.
@mavv7088 Ай бұрын
@@SoCalledFreeman It actually goes further than that. I am advised that they are instructed to do a breath test any time they interact with a driver.
@civilizedsavage360 Ай бұрын
​@@SoCalledFreeman Not sure about the licence check bit. They can pull you for random drug/ alcohol but can only demand ID if you fail. I am 99% sure Australia doesnt have random D/L & Rego checks laws.
@Batou-ts9ri Ай бұрын
@@civilizedsavage360 It went from an RBT only check to just about anything. I've seen them issue exhaust noise check notices via mail after an RBT stop. We gave them an inch and eventually they took a mile..Fuckers
@yudimerber Ай бұрын
@@civilizedsavage360 That's not correct any and all traffic stops the police ask for drivers license or other ID. That is so that they can use it against the entry in their database for the vehicle. Before you get pulled over the already know the Owner's name and details from the rego (registration).
@zwastiunburzy3688 Ай бұрын
I've got a blurry licence exactly like that!
@gettinsquare2987 Ай бұрын
Where you do not have the right to go about your lawful business without being harassed by two muppets and their inane questions.
@ilaser4064 Ай бұрын
Yes that 2 minutes they stopped him for is EGREGIOUS!!!! 🤡
@Mike_5 Ай бұрын
At least they didn't put the Latex Gloves on and ask you to bend over
@mikebarton Ай бұрын
Patronising coppers!
@ATop1x Ай бұрын
They're just making sure your tampons are secure
@user-wp5dl2qp9x 28 күн бұрын
What a difference to the American cops: No guns drawn, no yelling, .The You Tube clips l have seen of American “pull overs” Is guns drawn .lots of yelling and itching to pull the trigger .Even when the poor begger is wounded or dead multiple guns pointing at the victim.
@Cube_Ernator1077 27 күн бұрын
That's Wodonga???!!
@MrTastyM7 26 күн бұрын
@@Cube_Ernator1077 yeah that’s wodonga
@Cube_Ernator1077 26 күн бұрын
@@MrTastyM7 HA!! Recognised the right turn from High Street!!
@hemimarteni6729 Ай бұрын
1.why are you stopping me? they will reply bla bla bla licence check? 2, was there a traffic infringement..theres no problem just a random why have you stopped me?
@netinstallation8133 Ай бұрын
so whats with a random bt? was he riding erratically?
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@netinstallation8133 police always do BT when they pull people over in Victoria. At least they have when I have been pulled over
@solreaver83 Ай бұрын
It's proactive policing. Anyone can be pulled over any time it let's people know drink or drug driving can get you caught any time. Additionally I believe the rider in on provisional lisence so checking they are on the 0.0 limit and staying say being potentially inexperienced protects the rider and other people using the roads and public spaces.
@johndunstan3875 Ай бұрын
1:53 not that I'm noticing but those leathers can be quite revealing.
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@johndunstan3875 old mate is packing XD
@Loveitdownunder 28 күн бұрын
There's alway two cause one can read....And the other can write.😅
@MrTastyM7 28 күн бұрын
@@Loveitdownunder this comment gave me a good laugh 😆
@sreach93 Ай бұрын
You could've taken them on the KLR you know
@grahamhawkes6651 Ай бұрын
I wished all Highway Patrol were like this, absolute Gentleman.
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@grahamhawkes6651 don’t worry I’m sure they’ll keep they smile while they were writing me a ticket if they found something to ticket me for
@grahamhawkes6651 Ай бұрын
@@MrTastyM7 Yes,, good point 😁😁
@billmago7991 Ай бұрын
big deal ...dude gets pulled over and breath checked....happens every day
@ilaser4064 Ай бұрын
I know right, the kids in the comment section acting like they demanded his first born.
@hertzvanrental2024 12 күн бұрын
So the cops had zero reason to pull him over. Just a harassment type stop. Ozzy just not for me.
@vadersfather1248 Ай бұрын
Had my learner’s for six months and have been pulled over four times for random alcohol and drug tests here in Victoria the high vis Is a beacon because if they catch you for anything you lose not only bike but car and truck licenses as well
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@vadersfather1248 I don’t smoke or drink, I have the go pro on the chin in case they accuse me of speeding so I have evidence to say otherwise instead of my word against theirs. I’m an afternoon person so I often ride late afternoon so it’s safer for me to have the high vis on cause I’m riding at night, it will also help people find me if I have a crash with a kangaroo and end up in a ditch. I have a previous video where I nearly have a collision with a roo
@vadersfather1248 Ай бұрын
@@MrTastyM7 I only have a drink on Saturday nights but don’t smoke so I’m not stressed about the tests it’s just the amount of times,I’ve driven for over thirty years never pulled over for anything so four times in six months seems targeting to me but when I get my full license in three days 🤞will still wear the high vis when I’m riding late or early morning just in case
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@vadersfather1248that’s the way mate, ride safe
@_clarkey Ай бұрын
L and P Platers are targeted more often because if they even have .01 BAC, boom license gone. Police are just enforcing what you agreed to when you got your L’s, they want to make sure that you’re complying with the Laws
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@_clarkey the problem is these random stops don’t just apply to L and P platers they extend to everyone. The police really feel like gestapo when they can stop you for no reason demand papers and make you feel like a criminal when you have done nothing wrong.
@remair6565 Ай бұрын
Loving life in the Dong 😂
@MrTastyM7 29 күн бұрын
@@remair6565 still better then Shepparton
@leighstone3974 29 күн бұрын
Yeah I don't mind the Dong.
@kparker1615 Ай бұрын
They were doing a random check and sounded very polite and nice.. what are you complaining about?
@garnet4846 Ай бұрын
A question a boot leather fan would ask.
@swoogles4093 Ай бұрын
I mean if you enjoy random spot checks where they are nice and polite, maybe you'd also be a fan of your home being visited by the SS in 1940s Germany? To make sure you aren't hiding anyone of course...
@Fullnoise Ай бұрын
@@swoogles4093 Damn right. I lost count of how many red flags were here. Tell them nothing.
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
Keep wandering with the other sheeple in the flock champ. I do t live in Victoria but have never been li up or pulled over in a car or on a bike in QLD or NSW. If this is normal in Victoria and is spreading or becomes the norm in other states and you don’t see a problem you have your head in the sand.
@ilikechickensausages2075 Ай бұрын
@@Fullnoise Please Explain the red flags
@adrielshotthis 7 күн бұрын
The amount of bootlickers in the comments are ridiculous. Insane that we even accept that cops can stop you FOR NO REASON
@chatsifieds Ай бұрын
no headcheck bro
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
At the very start of the video you can see I look left and right, the go pro is mounted on my chin
@888jucu Ай бұрын
Really wtf was that about having your time wasted for no other reason than a random check, is there no real crime in Vic to go make urself busy on 🤦‍♂️
@nutterknoll69 Ай бұрын
And cost us, (the tax payer), the cost of 2 cops to do one mans job.
@juiciness Ай бұрын
People die on the roads. It's not a waste of time. Too many junkies on the road.
@nutterknoll69 Ай бұрын
@@juiciness I do agree. Too many fuckwits looking down at their phones, instead of at the road. Although, most women think they can multi-task without a problem. Men also do it too, but personally I think not to such an extent. In the last 4 years especially, peoples driving has become more erratic. On a bike, you really need to see where their eyes are looking....
@ilaser4064 Ай бұрын
Yes a whole 2 minutes, god forbid. I'd enlist a lawyer!!!! /s
@GRIFF351 Ай бұрын
nice cops down to earth
@FattyOn2Wheels Ай бұрын
The fact they can check your license and test you without an reason is disgusting
@jacksalem6472 Ай бұрын
I'm guessing you're not Australian that's pretty normal your licence is linked to your licence plates anywhere they could bring it up that way
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
Where and why has it become normal to get lit up and pulled over for no reason in Australia outside of static RBTs? The fact it has started and people think it’s normal is the issue.
@Brawndo-96 Ай бұрын
​@@jacksalem6472 Seen as the roads are public land like the footpath and no id required to walk on it (Public land Public owned by we the People/Public) NOT COPS or Public SERVANTS so why do i need a licence or a plate to drive on public roads? As long as i drive safely, wheres' the issue?
@Brawndo-96 Ай бұрын
​@@titaniumquarrion9838 Even rbts are against the constitution. You have the right to Free Passage. If you are doing nothing wrong aka endangering anyone, you have free passage. The 33 cops no this
@ilikechickensausages2075 Ай бұрын
@@Brawndo-96 That was all (private property) with public access.
@notme4921 Ай бұрын
Just trying their luck ?
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
Yep. It’s easier and less risky than doing actual policing.
@thefluffinator65 Ай бұрын
Wow what a riveting video, can I please have my 2 minutes and 39 seconds back please?
@Leo-hv9mm Ай бұрын
Was your choice to view .. 😅😅😅 wtf man
@Marksmith2-qu6tl Ай бұрын
Say that's a nice bike 🏍. What do you ride ? And keep up the great content
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@Marksmith2-qu6tl it’s a 2023 Kawasaki KLR
@jakereynolds9676 Ай бұрын
Real police. Great attitude.
@wyattfamily8997 Ай бұрын
Stopping a rider who HAD NOT broken any road laws is "good".???? What planet are you on.
@jakereynolds9676 Ай бұрын
@@wyattfamily8997 looks like it was a random breathe test, you don’t have to break the law in this country for them to pull you over unfortunately.
@DobroPlayer12 Ай бұрын
Well handled. They are nothing more than pirates
@mikebarton Ай бұрын
Did they park on a footpath? 🤔
@captaintwoneil9488 Ай бұрын
Motorcycles are permitted to park on the footpath in Victoria unless signed no motorcycle parking …. If only the rest of the country would adopt this law =(
@mikebarton Ай бұрын
@@captaintwoneil9488 fascinating. Thanks. 👍
@paulsandford3345 Ай бұрын
I'm sure it's illegal to ride a motorbike on the foot path?
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
Wasn’t riding on the footpath I was parking which isn’t illegal in Victoria
@paulsandford3345 Ай бұрын
@MrTastyM7 so you got off the bike, on the road and pushed it onto the footpath?
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@paulsandford3345 1st do you have any idea how heavy a adventure bike is? 2nd find me the exact wording in Victoria that is against the law for me to drive onto the footpath to park 3rd if it was illegal you would think me doing it in front of the police they would bring it up.
@ATop1x Ай бұрын
So cops doing their job, what are you crying about?
@trainsimulatordriver Ай бұрын
Kinda normal coppers really. You be nice they'll be nice. You be nasty and you'll be face down on the side of the road waiting for the divvy van.
@dirtmcgirt168 Ай бұрын
Random detainments are not ‘nice’. Guilty until proven innocent from these papers please bunch.
@trainsimulatordriver Ай бұрын
@@dirtmcgirt168 It simply isn't a big deal. You get pulled over, you obey the law and do the bretho and license check and off you go. 2 minutes and you're done. No point getting upset about it. They like that way to much.
@mountainconstructions Ай бұрын
Scooter Pigs
@giostisskylas Ай бұрын
Schei55 BMW
@julesmarwell8023 Ай бұрын
what was the point of uploading this ????
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@julesmarwell8023 what was the point of commenting?
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
The fact you don’t get the point is the reason police are overreaching, putting effort Into the wrong areas, stuffing around the wrong people and becoming more militant.
@dirtysteve1 Ай бұрын
Remember not to ride on the footpath.
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@dirtysteve1 in Victoria it’s legal to park on the sidewalk as long as it doesn’t impede the flow of foot traffic. It was also the safest place to park for everyone involved
@dirtysteve1 Ай бұрын
@MrTastyM7 First of all,it's called a footpath in Australia, and second, I know it is legal to park on the footpath as in the 90s, I went to many rallies to keep it legal in Victoria. Push your motorcycle on the footpath so nobody can complain . 😇
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@dirtysteve1 mate, It’s the same thing.
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@dirtysteve1 people can complain all they want, what I’m doing was and is perfectly legal and I have never had anyone complain because I’m not taking up car parking spot
@dirtysteve1 Ай бұрын
@@MrTastyM7 yes parking on the footpath is legal. riding on the footpath is not legal push it that few steps give no reason for people to complain imagine if they ban footpath like they have in other states believe me it's not good having to find a car spot to park your Pride & Joy
@jarlstervik2924 Ай бұрын
Oh come on...they were perfectly nice to you. You're not in America you know.
@bazitube390 Ай бұрын
hwy patrol in aus are the biggest bullies you can find. they will pin your ass for going as little as 3 over the limit and they have 0 mercy.
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
Yeah getting pulled over for zero reason while they fish for reasons to issue fines and arrests is great policing….
@mattbehindthewheel6901 Ай бұрын
At least Americans value their rights and freedom, unlike here, where people just roll over and give them up for no good reason. At least American police actually need probable cause to stop you, unlike here where any cop at any time can stop you and look for a crime because they feel like it.
@TurnMaster Ай бұрын
All the comments people make bagging the cops, you realise they are just doing they're job !! Its literally they're JOB. If you have illegal modifications, well your have done the wrong thing. Not that i agree with how strict modification rules are but law is the law.
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@TurnMaster laws can be changed if enough people stand against them. People have forgotten that the government works for the people not the other way around
@ilaser4064 Ай бұрын
Absolutely this, every interaction with cops on YT finds the comment section filled with kids or immature low functioning people whining about laws and law enforcement. Looking to pin blame on everyone else but themselves.
@ilaser4064 Ай бұрын
If you've done nothing wrong being stopped for a couple of minutes is no big deal. If you have done something wrong put your big boy pants on and accept responsibility instead of blaming those holding you to account!
@Fullnoise Ай бұрын
I can’t believe that you answered some of those questions. You’re obviously a young bloke but one who is destined to learn the hard way. First of all, these coppers are not your friends, they are only being polite so you can feel at ease and give them more info so they can screw you. You did nothing wrong, so forget the BS about them just checking your rego and licence, this was an arbitrary stop, simple as that. First thing you did wrong was ask, how can I help you? You have no civic duty to help Victorian Police under any circumstances, so don’t even offer. Simply say, g’day. The bloke who breathalysed you asked if the bike was in your name and you said, yes. They already know this as they would have checked your rego and licence status before they even stopped you, the same goes for them asking if you were a probationary licence holder, they already know. Next thing, don’t volunteer information with reference to what you were wearing. If they don’t ask, keep your mouth shut, and FFS, don’t ever call them Sir. When he asked who does the maintenance on your bike, why on earth did you answer? It’s none of his damn business who works on your bike, so again, don’t volunteer information. They’re only setting a trap for you. Do you think that if your mum gets pulled over in her car that a cop is going to ask where she gets her car serviced? When he asked about your seat cover, it was a trap that you didn’t pick up on. I’ll bet you a $1000 that he wasn’t interested in buying one. He’s trying to keep you talking, that’s why you keep your mouth shut.
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@Fullnoise I covered most of these points in the description of the video but their is always room for improvement, I don’t strive to be pulled over regularly to practice these things but I do like to educate myself what my rights are. Thank you for your pointers, ride safe
@Fullnoise Ай бұрын
@@MrTastyM7 All good mate. To be honest, I didn’t read your description until I’d posted my reply as I’m working on the computer with clips going on in the background. I don’t actually ride, I drive interstate trucks and over the last 35 years of doing that, I’ve learned a lot about the dirty tricks that they pull. I also study the law whenever I get a chance. It would probably be a good idea if you followed the Know Your Rights Group. They have a lot of information that will help you when it comes to dealing with scumbags in costumes. Cheers,
@Dallass66 Ай бұрын
@@Fullnoise you sound like an american
@gurugulab1414 Ай бұрын
​@@Fullnoise LoL the insecurity of this bloke. To be polite or not is your option. The biker had his camera rolling so he had nothing to worry about. Watching a lot of American blm videos eh?
@zchannel5973 Ай бұрын
Its funny when they ask you all of these questions that they expect you to answer, but when they come to arrest you they say "You have the right to remain silent, and if you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you...." You always have the right to not answer questions and that is what everyone should do.
@electro_sykes Ай бұрын
Pull over a motorcyclist because he was not driving a car and the auto companies bribe the government to make everything car dependent
@johnnichol9412 Ай бұрын
Your problem was riding too slow, only 27kph and for whatever reason cops like picking on bikes.
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@johnnichol9412 I don’t think gunning it after doing a shoulder check and seeing the police behind me would pan out well for me.
@johnnichol9412 Ай бұрын
@@MrTastyM7 Sorry, I was being a bit facetious. I did notice that you had your indicator on turning the corner and definitely not gunning it nor speeding. It's just for some reason cops don't like bikes. I was pulled over quite a few times when I rode, for no reason other than they could.
@iamthatiam44444 Ай бұрын
I still don't like cops
@damienweeksadventures Ай бұрын
Bro don’t be silly they were trying to F u up
@GailBanks-oq5ke Ай бұрын
Not like usa
@mattbehindthewheel6901 Ай бұрын
in the USA, you don't get stopped on the off chance that your a criminal, they need probable cause unlike Australia where the police can do ANYTHING they feel like.
@goodo5691 Ай бұрын
looks like youre trying to look like a coat of arms or whatever on the screen....similar dress to a cop......(yeah maybe for safety) but thats prob why you get pulled over
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@goodo5691 I kinda understand why you would think that. So that “Air Force” sticker is a magpie. In Australia we have magpie swooping season where magpies swoop everyone, hence the “Air Force” it’s a joke sticker that only Australians would understand. Also by Australian victorian motorcycle law Leaners have to wear high visibility jackets until they on they P plates. But it is optional they you can keep it on if you are on your P plates, I choose to keep it as it provides a better visual for other drivers to see me. Hope this explains it well
@goodo5691 Ай бұрын
@@MrTastyM7 yeah i understand as i'm aussi....still looks like an official badge from any distance...what colour is the bike? and does it have reflector tape similar to the cops?
@TheHappyKamper Ай бұрын
I've never heard of the air force joke for Magpies swooping. I think high vest is a good idea, and I used to wear one when I rode (even though it felt daggy AF 😂)
@MrTastyM7 Ай бұрын
@@goodo5691 it’s a 2023 KLR 650 adventure, it’s full black no reflective tape on the bike
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
A magpie sticker and a high vid vest equals “trying to look like a cop” to you? Grow a brain.
@TabareCasas Ай бұрын
Act with respect, get treated with respected and not this bullshit about your wrights.
@mgreenesco9955 Ай бұрын
Did you spell suck the cock of your captor wrong??? It's not resectful to stop you going about your day causing no loss, damage or harm and subject you to random tests and to try to extort at gunpoint your hard earned wealth. Tell me, when you get pulled over can you get all the way down to the balls???😂
@mattbehindthewheel6901 Ай бұрын
Your comment perfectly exemplifies the intelligence of an average Australian who believes the police actually have an interest in your safety. Delusional 😂
@TabareCasas Ай бұрын
@@mattbehindthewheel6901 Why are you getting personal with someone you don't know. If you look for the worst in people, that's what you will get.
@wyattfamily8997 Ай бұрын
You miss the point that they stopped a rider who had done NOTHING wrong. Hadn't broken any road rules, wasn't speeding, etc. etc. So, they WERE NOT showing him the respect that is his due by preventing him from continuing his ride uninterrupted, just because they wanted to do so.
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