美企(不是全部的)和日企的区别,虽然都贪婪,但是日企是霸着自己的不分享,美企是不仅霸着自己的,自己不行了的时候还要靠美国国家霸权把别人的抢过来。比如英特尔VS台韩半导体,比如GE VS日德法(阿尔斯通一案),比如HP VS 其他电子产品制造商(直接用官司恐吓台湾的一个制造商,最后台湾人吃了亏,直接把那个子公司赔给HP)。太多太多了。虽然特斯拉这种开源分享的美国公司值得吹一波,但是还有非常多的美国公司很邪恶。
The capacity of a lithium battery is too low for the energy storage from renewable energy sources. Japan and Germany are developing the hydrogen technology for the large-scale energy storage. It is also the major target in the radar screen of DOE in the US. The fuel cell car burning hydrogen will flourish after the establishment of the network of hydrogen storage and transportation.
@ruifenghuang1029 Жыл бұрын
Similarly, the lithium cell battery vehicle will flourish once it has established the right network over conventional vehicles.