Thanks for explaining it, about twenty years ago I took a flight from LAX to Narita airport in an airline which is out off the business now 😢, before we reach Narita airport It made a landing on hokiddo airport 😅, captain announced the plane is low on fuel and 😱 and it is trying to get refueled at the airport and it was a three hours wait 😭 because the delay when I arrived at Narita late and I had a hotel room reservation 😮 I was afraid if I didn't check in on time It might cancel my reservation 😱 and I might have to sleep on the street 😅, but It didn't 🎉 I checked in the room and was hungry walking in the street and all the restaurants were closed 😢 finally I found a 7/11open😅 but it didn't have much good in there I just got what It has, went back to my room ate it 😞 and it was the best cold Japanese food I ever had 😂, 🤪 and I have a question for you,if this happened with an airplane and it has to make a stop to refuel what is the sop on that will airline going to pay for it or if the captain will take out his gold American express card and said fill her up 😂🤔😜🤪🥺🧐 It was a three hours delay for me on the flight for everyone on the plane and I was joking to the passenger next to me,we might have to pinch in for the fuel 😅 the plane was a 747 jumpo jet, It is the old type The entertainment system was a movie projected on the screen and I don't even remember what movie it was 😅, but I am sure it was not a airplane crash movie 😂😮 I appreciate if you can explain it in the next follow up video 🎉,by the way do you have a gold American express card?😂😅😱😜🤔😜if you do I can feel safe flying when you are the captain 😂🎉
@FlywithRyan Жыл бұрын
Hey mate, what a story!! The reason that your plane had a 'short' stop in Hokkaido may because of a procedure called 'redispatch'. Normally a long-haul flight should carry enough fuel for taking off from the departure AP to the destination AP and one go-around then divert to the alternate AP. That's a lot of weight, and it will reduce the amount of payload (passengers and cargo) that plane could carry. therefore, the airline will initially choose a different airport as an 'assumed destination AP', and it normally closer to the departure AP. in your case, it might be the airport in Hokkaido. So they don't have to carry that much of fuel. during the flight, at a certain decision point, if the company and the pilots have a certain weather report shows that the actual destination AP has a great weather at the time of arrival, then they can cancel the Alternate airport, which means that part of fuel can be used to fly from the 'assumed destination' to the 'actual destination'. But if the weather is not that good, the pilot need to land at the assumed destination, refuel, then go. that's probable was what you had experienced. Because the assumed destination is on the flight plan, so the airline must has a contract with the airport company for refueling service. that means no credit card or cash are required. Pilot sign the receipt and done. hopefully this clears your question😊
@williampow69 Жыл бұрын
@@FlywithRyan thank you for clearing that out for me, and when I was a kid 😭😱 One Year my father took the whole family to Hong Kong to see,on the way back we were supposed land in the airport 😞 but we didn't, the captain told us because of weather conditions he can't land right away, so he got devert to the east waiting for the weather to cleared, so we were in the air for couples of hours and we were just flying in circles 😞 finally My father was made and asked the fly attendant what is going on, she was a little embarrassed told my father she will asked the captain to explain why, not long after that the captain told us he got cleared to land, my father got mad, I think he was worried about the family what happened if something happened to the airplane, but I remember the visit to Hong Kong and it was nice we went to that famous boat restaurant and look around the city I had a good time over there
航空活塞引擎用的是高辛烷汽油,也就是含有大量芳香烴(e.g.甲苯,二甲苯)的汽油。 bingo fuel: the remain fuel is not enough to return. 碳稅的確是低能政客的把戲,非糧食來源的生質柴油才是正解。氫能很美好,但是物理現實就是儲氫非常難,即使是把一氧化碳用氫還原成甲醇,它的單位重量能量密度仍然低於碳氫燃料。所謂理想很豐滿,現實很骨感。