This is a very fascinating video for me. I've been researching "westaboos" in Japan and their beliefs on things, and a westerner myself, I'm shocked that people who simply want to live a different life than tradition or the norm are shamed and stigmatized. I personally don't mind any difference between people and their main communities -- that's what make people unique and different, in my eyes. No one is truly blind to the outside world itself, but for whatever reason someone might have to hate or extremely dislike any foreign changes in people, it never helps to push someone aside and cast them into nothingness. It's always great to have a civil discussion on differing views of subjects, and this video opened my eyes to problems people face for being different because of its subject matter. I thank you for this video! Much love from America!!
@GnosticAtheist Жыл бұрын
Well, we do threat the typical weaboo pretty harshly here in the west, at least online. It all depends on the strangeness level. That said, the typical westaboo seems to "cosplay" actual historic and cultural things, while some weaboos become anime characters, leading to far more cringe.
Are 海外かぶれ similar to weaboos here? Are they also generally teenage kids?
@maihands95733 жыл бұрын
@@mikemustmurder idk exactly what weaboos are like tbh...😭😭 not only teenagers. It’s just simply about ppl who are “too” westernized :/ Can’t define what’s “too” and what’s not tho...
What amazes me is that in the West we don't care if a youtuber puts another creator's photo in the thumbnail of a video. Instead, a lot of Japanese commenters in this comment section seem deeply disturbed by the fact that Yoko used Kanon-san's picture in her thumbnail... Interesting
I saw a video of Westaboos in a line, dressed as cowboys, and they were all slinging out revolvers and rifles and shooting off into the distance. As an American, I honestly felt proud that that’s the element that they were so hooked on. The Wild West is so cool, and I love seeing people having fun and indulging in some good old rural American culture.
The difference between the English comments and Japanese comments here is interesting. It shows the difference in which values our cultures emphasize. Also, cool this video was in English!
@SantosoWijaya3 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way. In Asia (Japan especially), the pressure to conform is so immense. To be Asian (Chinese-Indonesian) in my case is to not stick out and not rock the boat. I wanted to stick out and I never felt comfortable living like that, back home. Once immigrated to the US there's a freedom here to live my life outside of the Asian norms and I relished that. But then I felt some other pressure. The US is still a culture and cultures have a way to impress a common value to its members. I feel the pressure to stick out even more. To conform to the average is shameful. You must stick out. Even if it gets you out of your comfort zone, you must. I try to find a balance, since at heart I still have some Asian values in me. But I get what Yoko said about the need for (some) Japanese people living in the US to "conform" to the US cultural expectation for you to be individual and stand out of the crowd. That is a uniquely American pressure.
@CodySee3 жыл бұрын
@@SantosoWijaya this is so well articulated. あなたがしあわせだといいですね。🙏 And remember, "It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life." - J.R.R. Tolkien
In my opinion, westaboo tend to have a filter not to look at a beautiful side of Japan. If you evaluate Japan without a filter, it would be just a opinion. But if you have a strong filter, that could be a dealbreaker.
@mellamojeff4583 жыл бұрын
basically the same thing with people living in the us comparing the us to japan and saying "japan is better at ..."
@Yuka-tg1mj3 жыл бұрын
@@mellamojeff458 I didn't know that! That's interesting. This kind of people exist all over the world.😂
Wow, 6:35 really hit me hard. I can't imagine how that feels, but it definitely is frustrating to be doing your best and treated as silly or fake just for trying to fit in. When trying to fit into Japanese culture as an American, I have always been treated with kindness. Why should it be any different for Japanese people?
Apparently I am a racist because my mind was blown away from the actually good pronunciation. The stereotypical Japanese accent is so typical that any variation from that causes more than the standard "oh thats good" to "what?!" To be fair that does apply to any language where the root is entirely different. I mean, you can hear a Russian accent a mile away and vv.
いつも優しくて明るいイメージの華音さんだったので、縁を切るという言葉の強さには私もちょっとびっくりしていました。動画自体は、海外かぶれ全体を批判するものではなかったし、縁を切るというよりは疎遠になったという感じだったので、ちょっと華音さんの動画のタイトルはセンセーショナルだなあと思いました。 ドラッグは日本では規制が厳しいので、そもそも何が問題かが私も含めて詳しくわかっていない状態です。個人的には安易な解禁には慎重になるべきだと思っていますが、大麻を使った人が、世間からの冷たい目を受け孤立化することも問題になっています。なので、ドラッグを使ったからという理由で、簡単に自己責任論で断罪することには慎重になったほうがいいのかなと思っています。 YOKOさんがおっしゃるように、華音さんもすべての事情を動画で話しておられるわけじゃないし、華音さんのチャンネル登録しているのを解除しようとは思ってないですし、これからも応援はしたいと思ってるんだけどね。それこそ、いつもの華音さんの勢いで、大麻が合法の国出身の皆さんに、大麻が合法なのをどう思うかインタビューしてみてほしいと思いました! I would like Kanon to interview people about the pros and cons of making cannabis legal.
i'm super interested re: the smoking weed thing, how much is "i don't want to be friends with someone who does illegal things" vs weed specifically?
@SantosoWijaya3 жыл бұрын
I had a feeling it is the latter, too. It's the "you are not conforming" feeling that made them realize that their friend's internal value system is no longer the same as theirs.
私はアメリカ在住ですが、yokoさんのおっしゃることとても分かります。インスタに何か載せるたびに友達から、見た目が海外ぶってるじゃんなど言われ、インスタに英語で何か載せると、馬鹿にされすごく悲しくなったのを覚えてます。友達と電話してそっちはどう?と言われ、アメリカの良いところを伝えると、あー、かぶれたねーと言われ。笑 実際住んでみたら日本の良いところとアメリカの良いところが混ざったら最高なのになっと思いますが、日本を離れこっちに住んだら、全員ではないですが何人かの友達にもう違う国の人なんだね…と言われ悲しくなりました。親友にもまりふぁな吸ったら友達やめると言われました。笑 生まれる国によって考え方が違うのは分かりますが、海外に行った人=海外かぶれ はdoesn’t make any sense です。もう今は何ゆわれようが、堂々と海外かぶれですが何か?という感じで過ごしてます。笑 ヨーコさんのはっきり意見できるところ大好きです、これからも頑張ってください!♡
@sophienicole55483 жыл бұрын
@ryanmwhetten3 жыл бұрын
YOKOさん!Love your videos! アメリカ人で、ちょっと日本語についてのユーチューブチャネルをはじめようかなって思ってて、もし宜しかったら、YOKOさんのビデオから少し使ってもいいですか?YOKOさんの英語と日本語の話し方が好きで、すごく役に立つと思うんです。また何かのアドバイスがあったら、ぜひ聞かせてください
Why did you have to mention Kanon? She had her option to end a relationship. Today's video is out of the question. I loved your channel but now I don't. Think of what you were talking about in the video again, and we are waiting for you until you can realize what you did is wrong.
@arenn5173 жыл бұрын
@123kokoh3 жыл бұрын
@@arenn517 Even if you are not waiting, I think many of her fans are waiting. And I hope so...