老兄 你太看得起油车的排气过滤系统了, 马来西亚的火电厂的过滤系统再怎么差 都不会差过 油车的排气过滤系统。 油车的排气系统如果你有了解的话,你会知道在冷车的时候 尾气是比较低温的,在尾气比较低温的时候,尾气过滤系统是不会开始过滤的,所以早在上冷车的那段时间,油车都是在乱喷,因为 那些 sensor 没有到足够的高温是不会运作的。 所以明天早上 你 start 了 油车 然后站在后面闻闻看 ,你就会享受到 超级污染的尾气,除非你鼻子有问题 不然不可能闻不到,然后建议你不要闻太久,我怕你中毒。 而火电厂的排放系统就不同了,一天到晚 24小时都有严格的监控,再加上火电厂的排放过滤系统的体积是非常大的,然后里面也有很多先进的过滤系统来过滤排放。 而且火电厂的位置都在偏远地区,离人口密集的地方较远,不像油车那样到处乱喷烟,让城市里的空气变得污染。 希望你能以客观的角度来看整件事,在环保课题上,电车绝对是比油车更环保的。 may the volt be with you .
Interesting point of view. Carbon footprint for refinery vs manufacturing of EV batteries and carbon footprint of logistic for fuel vs batteries to car manufacturers not mentioned and compared. Like you mentioned, we are not experts and don’t have the stats. It may end up both are equally good or bad! However, when battery technology improved, mileage drastically increased, coupled with utilising solar energy as you mentioned, it may help a lot. Having said that, new hybrid and even alternative energy source (hydrogen) may well be an even better alternatives. The future may be about choices that best fit, instead of merely ICE vs PEV.
You are right. The global EV vehicle ii's an effort to combating carbon food print
@mrlowcarsales Жыл бұрын
@WCM982934 Жыл бұрын
@jiaweilim2858 Жыл бұрын
12分钟的影片 6个广告😅
@mrlowcarsales Жыл бұрын
不是我放的 … youtube 自己插入的 🤣
@Rex-ww4cw Жыл бұрын
Even if those electricity from the EV charging station came from the coal plant or whatever, it helped to pulled the pollution out of the populated cities due to most plants located outside of the cities. Can't say the same thing for gasoline car.
But the main concern now is condo residents, really inconvenient. For my case only got a few charging station like 2 or 3 and they are located at the top level. Cannot park permanently as well, charged then need to move to my own parking space. Not to mention those older condo or apartments, they need to always charge their car outside, either on weekends in malls or wait some time in charging station. But those landed ones to just buy EV, but must have an ICE to back up for a really long road trip at least for now, and so many options from 100k+ to 3-500k above.. haiyaaa.. Not only to say go green, you save damn a lot for maintenance. 8-10k km maintenance, each time RM 300-800 engine oil, gearbox oil, oil filer, air filter etc 😂
@kinmin0 Жыл бұрын
的却,Toyota dynamic force 是夸大40%的热效率。而且在那区域的rpm扭力和马力都是空窗期要拉到3200才会开始上升,和proton campro kosong 一样,乏力的尴尬区域。所有车企都知道一滴燃油热能提供的动力大致上都已经固定了,方程式也已经有而且可以算得到,要动力不省油,要省油没动力。只是Toyota喜欢吹吧了