Here are 5 important lessons from this movie 1. Never work too hard to impress a girl. If you treat her like a movie star, don't be surprised that she will treat you like a fan 2. Do not be Captain Save-a-hoe. Do not offer yourself to help her in her serious problem especially if it has nothing to do with you, and she did not even ask for your help. You only give her power to use and abuse you. You are entering a world of pain 3. Do not settle for left-overs. If she is someone who can easily be separated from her panties, she aint worth putting on a pedestal. That is like finding a used tampon and putting it on a galery 4. Do not rush your youth. Do not be in a hurry to engage in adult things when your mind and heart is not yet mature. 5. Life is a bitch. It is not fair, and it is a cruel teacher. When you refuse to listen to the signs, reality spanks you hard. Life wont care if you are young, naive, but truly good hearted. It will swallow you whole and spit out your bones