r/AmITheA**hole for Stealing $6,000 from My Wife?

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@jovindsouza3407 2 жыл бұрын
AITA posts always have two modes. It's either "I saved a man's life, AITA?" Or "I killed my kid's dog, AITA?" It really feels like there's no in-between.
@shelletonianhuman 2 жыл бұрын
There are sometimes
@frostbite3318 2 жыл бұрын
And half of them are made up for useless karma
@heidtb6746 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest, RSlash usually picks those stories, because they are interesting to hear But there are also stories where i can understand both sides, or where everyone sucks... But they aren't so clickbaity
@Mari-sc4mg 2 жыл бұрын
Cuestar does aita filtered so he only goes through stories that are actually a bit more realistic and hard to say if it's actually aita
@jadedflames2809 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, sometimes those titles can have a complete different verdicts than what the title suggests based on the story, but it's somewhere far from between
@beeziebubs2756 2 жыл бұрын
I love how the father is asking his daughter to prove to him that she loves him and that it’s not about the money all while he makes it about the money
@lekiscool 2 жыл бұрын
The second one with Aria… that family needs therapy. The line “I didn’t know how to explain to my other daughter, that she didn’t love us.” That… would already be a lot to unpack in therapy.
@neilprice513 2 жыл бұрын
There are a LOT of holes in that story and a lot of things that don't add up. From what OP said what happened it's not really enough conflict for Aria to go full no contact with him. I'm thinking OP did a lot more to his daughter to cause her to not speak with him for years.
@TiffWaffles 2 жыл бұрын
And if the sister was young enough not to understand, that would be especially traumatic to her. Imagine saying this to a young child instead of saying 'Well, sweetheart, your sister wanted to spend some time with her mother. However, I'll see if she can call us so that the two of you can remain in contact." It make my heart break for that poor girl.
@ShadowEclipse777 2 жыл бұрын
@@neilprice513 yeah this is the biased story to make himself look good and if he's making himself look bad with just this, imagine how bad it must really be...
@venusharuna4187 2 жыл бұрын
Well it was already unfair for him to punish her for “not having respect for her family” because she didn’t text. He didn’t even care about or even bother to mention her reasoning, you shouldn’t force someone to like or communicate with their family, especially when it seemed like she never “cut off contact”. She texted them. Just not as much as he wanted, and so he took it out on her. And then telling the other child that Aria “doesn’t love us” is fucked up when that’s not even true. The post is trying to demonize a child after the parents were entirely in the wrong. We are only hearing this story from one side. We don’t know what actually went down or what actually goes on at the mothers’ house. It’s weird how he’s trying to paint this horrible picture of his teen daughter. Why would he try to make her pay the debt to him?!?!
@BeeWhistler 2 жыл бұрын
@@venusharuna4187Dude’s a narcissist. He tried to sanitize his actions and couldn’t. He honestly thinks he’s right, such that he doesn’t even know how to lie about it.
@BubblyBlackbird 2 жыл бұрын
"I wanted to make sure she doesn't only care about the money," says the man who's trying to make his daughter pay for her own child support.
@threegsgaming6959 2 жыл бұрын
For the second story, I feel bad for the other daughter that has to live with a toxic, gaslighting, controlling father.
@frostbite3318 2 жыл бұрын
Lol I know right
@josephnorris4095 2 жыл бұрын
Except for the fact that all we have is a single reddit post and not an entire history of the family or this dad, at all. We also do not know what country they are from not the background of what was occurring, otherwise. I am not defending nor supporting the reddit poster, it is just that the entire time, I was thinking we have only part of the story.
@BersealiaDreamheart 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that this father is the real AH. He sounds like a petty, stingy, immature, authoritarian jerk. Everything in this post recks entitlement and tells me he’s controlling and manipulative. Then he tries to spin things his way to get what he wants and throws a toddler tantrum when it doesn’t work. Just like what he attempted in this post. (I’m pretty sure his ex and daughter laughed in his face when he made that demand and told him good luck in court.)
@TheChaumaster 2 жыл бұрын
@@josephnorris4095 this channel and it's supporters typically jump to conclusions, and have childish outlooks on life.
@alexvalentine5091 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheChaumaster how is it childish?
@richardterry7437 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: As an American, I can tell you that if someone brought a bell into a restaurant here and rang it to get attention, they would likely get beat up at their table by the other patrons. This is especially true of any patrons that also happen to work in food service. It is extremely true rude.
@fmj1978 2 жыл бұрын
My dad was the “more strict one” still lived with him because of my moms emotional abuse. Dad in the second story is definitely just trying to manipulate 🤦‍♀️
@imaidiot3231 2 жыл бұрын
My dad was a gaslighting pos who tried to make me feel bad about him despite trying to leave us at one point.
@fmj1978 2 жыл бұрын
@@imaidiot3231 that was my mom, I’m so sorry you had or still have to go through that.
@Idiot_Juice 2 жыл бұрын
while im not defending the dad in the story, the daughters actions are so similar to what my sister was like when my parents split. my dad's mentally and emotionally abusive and my mum much less so (mostly a result of the ptsd of being controlled by him for 23+ years), and yet when they separated my sister chose to stay with my dad, because he was still living in the nice family home near the beach while mum was forced to rent a 2 bedroom unit/townhouse until that home could be sold and assets divided. he also let her get away with and even at times enabled her drinking, smoking weed, and going to 18+ festivals, all while she was 15-16 years old. she wasnt spared from his abuse, and would at times complain or even come crying to mum and i about him, but never chose to outright stop living with dad. in her words she would "manipulate him as much as he'll try to manipulate (me)". ill agree that the dad in the story saying to his other child that the daughter doesnt love them anymore is a very manipulative and very fucked up thing to say. but my mum also said some horrible things to my brothers when they wouldnt believe her about our dad's abuse and would even gaslight us. shes not a manipulator, and shes not a narcissist like my dad. shes a parent who said stupid shit to kids in a dark time, and i doubt theres a parent out there who hasnt. my mums no saint and i doubt the dad in this story is either. but if were to believe his claims that the mother is enabling the daughters behaviour, then im inclined to believe that the daughter did indeed choose to live with the mother just because it suited her needs better, much like my sister stayed with my dad.
@Idiot_Juice 2 жыл бұрын
after re-listening to the story i wanna add: the dad has a younger daughter that hes still caring for, and yet the mother and daughter are demanding he still pay child support after she's turned 18?? i looked up the laws and seems like depending on the state (assuming america here) it can continue to 21, or continue if the kid still attends highschool and lives at home (not the case, the daughter was stated to have finished by 15yo), or as a college support. in other cases it can be a matter of no action being taken to have payments cut off, leaving the payee still legally obligated to keep making payments. again, its unclear whether the father has let the payments go on and then demand them back out of pettiness, or if its a case of the mother and daughter trying to squeeze pennies out of him. i will say that this part is still relevant to my own experiences, as my dad did his damndest to drag money out of my mum. its in the 5 digits at this point. from committing tax fraud to make his income seem lower than hers on paper, to arguing that since my sister was younger and still attending school that he should get more money despite me being a disabled dependent at the time (16 and with my mum, sister 15 and with dad, brothers weekabout with each parent), to lying about the amount of time per week my sister was even living with him once i moved out a year later so he could get even more money (she spent half her weeks with friends or her boyfriend), to feeding my 11-12yo brothers lies about custody and court proceedings and claiming that my mum was harassing him for money (it was the other way around) so they would hate her and want to stay with him, which ended up happening. my dad didn't pull his punches and dragged her to family court and family counselling over and over, but refused to get an actual legal childcare arrangement put in place because he knew at that point i would insist the courts interview me and id put him on blast. i was so eager to be put in front of a judge and ream him out to a courtroom but sadly i never got that chance. again my point is this shit can get really complicated from an outsiders perspective and those not intimately aware with most of the details surrounding child support and custody and the actual people involved shouldnt pass such cut and dry judgement.
@Piecesboard 2 жыл бұрын
I ended up deleting my in depth reply to this cause it had a lot of personal details, but as someone who was the child In a similar situation with the father, it’s such a clear cut case of manipulation. Yes, there’s details we may not know, but the whole post reeks of manipulative tactics.
@Spacebums 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in a similar situation as the first guy due to a disability, and let me just say, even without kids, even without a damaged ceiling, if my fiancee says we don't have enough money for me to get something, we don't have the money lmao. I can't imagine going behind her back, even if it was for $10, let alone $6,000. Some people just shouldn't be in relationships.
@sheaonthirteen5742 2 ай бұрын
Same. I'm kinda in a similar situation with my fiance. I have a job and all but I'm super bad with money so all of it goes to her since I cannot be trusted. I don't really trust myself at all. I kinda have a history of over spending and stuff without meaning to. So if she says we don't have it then we don't have it. I'm not currently living with her or anything yet but we will hopefully soon. So basically anything that isn't for bills goes to her. And when we live together I'm just gonna flat out give it to her because I am not to be trusted. So I can't imagine stealing money like that at all.
@scgirll1044 2 жыл бұрын
I waited tables when I was younger and my response for snapping or whistling at me for attention was "I'm not your dog or wife." I can't even begin to think what I would have done to that bell ringer.
@Chuckf66 2 жыл бұрын
I once got whistled at by some arsehole while I was managing a fine dining restaurant. I turned around, smiled The Smile, and asked "Yes, sir. What would you like me to do? Roll over, or piss on sir's leg?" then walked away. His wife cracked up laughing & he was surprisingly humble after that.
@WaterCrane 10 ай бұрын
Not sure if this is the best example, but a customer did it to Gordon Ramsay once on Hell's Kitchen, and he said "Don't whistle at me, I'm not your dog; you look more like a dog than I do!"
@Thatspunkymonkey 10 ай бұрын
@@Chuckf66 niceee
@Kikka.babeanie Жыл бұрын
I work at an elementary school as a custodian. I was pick up the trash, and when I turned to put it back the teacher was just standing there with her back to me, talking and ignoring me. I was in a good mood, so jokingly I said “beep beep!” Like as a silly little “excuse me” and this teacher wipped back and just started yelling at me to not honk at her, like this lady really got road rage in the middle of the hall in front of a lot of students. I don’t get paid enough for this shit.
@suppertimesims Жыл бұрын
I would have probably kept joking around and made her more mad just to troll lol
@dracko158 2 жыл бұрын
OP: **Is being trashy dad, makes himself out to be the victim** rSlash: *"Peace....was never an option."*
@Second_of_four 2 жыл бұрын
RSLASH has no chill when it comes to terrible dads
@OmegaGuess 2 жыл бұрын
Serious red flags went up for me as he was talking about how her actions "showed she didn't love her family." I have never seen an occasion that using that as a reason for punitive measures were anything but Gaslighting 101.
@dracko158 2 жыл бұрын
@@Second_of_four Cuz he is a father himself now, so any bad parents triggers him really much.
@elijah1494 2 жыл бұрын
rSlash:*Reads about dad stealing money from his wife* rSlash: Gets mad* also rSlash: *Goes full Karen on the story and gives good advice*
@TheVikingKing125 2 жыл бұрын
rSlash: "How do I put this delicately?" *Proceeds to tear OP a new one*
@AsgardCupcakes 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: As a former server and now retail worker, I've dealt with snapping, whistling, the rude "um?! excuse me?!", and all that. I assure you that had any of my customers started ringing a bell for attention, both I and my coworkers would have snatched that bell out of their hand and tossed it in the garbage before having them leave. Food service and liquor retail is where I shined my spine and that kind of disrespect would not be tolerated.
@Busefalis 2 жыл бұрын
“As an American we do not claim him” Truer, more Patriotic words were never spoken. 🇺🇸
@25Erix 2 жыл бұрын
@franl155 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen a photo of a karen who took a bell to a restaurant; if it's a "common practice", there wouldn't have been a photo. The fact that there IS a photo proves that it's not a "common practice" at all.
@NEPAAlchey 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure if you rang a bell you brought from home in a restaurant in America someone would start a fistfight with you. At the very least you'd be kicked out of the restaurant. I'd dump someone over this kind of disrespect to wait staff.
@TheDarkLink7 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah in fact as an American. I suggest guy should try that in other countries. Maybe move away from America.
@TevanaZelta 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that he said "Well its a free country where I'm from" screamed Karen, I'd worry he's not vaccinated so I leave his ass
@MelissaFred14 2 жыл бұрын
For the bell guy, I feel like that’s an open invitation just asking the wait staff to spit in your food!
@BeanManolo 2 жыл бұрын
Second story: it's funny how OP tried to spin the story to look like his daughter Aria and his ex are the evil duo here, but he still managed to show how he's the gaslighting abusive parent in the story. He grounded his daughter for not sending HIM messages during her school trip, tried to gaslight it as "It shows you don't love your family", and tried to block her from going to a party; Also the whole "if you go to a friend's house, they need to come here the next time or else no way". No wonder she doesn't have many friends with such a stupid rule. Also, if my abusive father went all "Well sweetie, before we solve our differences, you have to pay me back what I rightfully had to pay you by law", I would be like "Okay them, bye, don't count with me to visit or talk to you ever again, not even at your funeral".
@sparklinggrimm532 2 жыл бұрын
You should see his replies to comments, it's clear that he's a full on narcissist. "I don't keep track of what I spend on my other daughter because she lives with me and loves me. I get a "good morning" a "good night" from her everyday. She's also a lot more easy than Aria, she doesn't talk back to me like Aria did. Also, Aria left voluntarily and her mother is capable enough to provide for her without my money. I shouldn't be forced to pay for a child I don't even know any more. Aria hasn't earned my money, she is living comfortably at her mother's house and sees me as an ATM, and I'm not willing to pay not even a penny. I'm planning to take this to higher courts, and all expenses on lawyers will be added to her debts. I told Aria that she could come live with me and we could forget about the debt, but she still chooses to live with her mother. She says she needs time to live with me again and she wants to go slow, but she's an adult and would certainly go live with her boyfriend without going slowly? Or even a friend. She wants everything while giving nothing in return. So if she's not even willing to come back to live with me, the debt will still be up."
@alexhutchins6161 2 жыл бұрын
They are over seas. If it was a school trip to another part of the country than yeah its absurd. But to another country? Where you cant just drop everything you are doing and go to your child. Yeah. Expecting them to message regularly isn't over the top. That is pretty normal. The only thing that might be over the top is how much he demanded her to text him. Twice a day is perfectly fine. Atleast nice a day to make sure she is fine at the end of every night. If your daughter is missing for 48 hours in another country you'll likely never see them again. If they are missing for 24 you have a slight chance. Complaining about the requirement to text while in another country is idiotic. Do you think it is reasonable to not be contacted once during the trip? Because if so I have to say your a bad parent.
@alexhutchins6161 2 жыл бұрын
Other than that. Yeah this parent is trash. Money is more important to him than his daughter and what was it a mere 18k? He is cutting his daughter our of his life for 18k..... trash.
@BeanManolo 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexhutchins6161 the thing is: he didn't got pissed that she wasn't communicating at all, he was pissed she didn't sent messages SPECIFICALLY to him; She was in contact with her mother during the trip, and if anything bad happened ex or not his ex-wife would've contacted him; But he got angry she didn't sent messages directly to him, and wasn't even because "I was worried something could've happened to you", it was "YOU DIDN'T SENT ME ANY MESSAGE, THAT MEANS YOU'RE A SPOILED BRAT WHO DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY!"; The absurdity wasn't he demanding she kept in contact and she didn't. The absurdity is him angry the contact she had with her family wasn't directly with him.
@alexhutchins6161 2 жыл бұрын
Ima rewatch the video. I thought it was because she did not contact them enough. But if it was because she only contacted the mother that is so idiotic. If he should be mad at anyone it should be the mother for not keeping him up to date. He can be hurt she did not contact him. But to punish her would be absurd.... well modifier. If the mother in parent's relationship was so bad they did not speak at all then yeah. The daughter should contact him. But that's not how their relationship was.
@apkmaniac9085 2 жыл бұрын
The way that 35yr old man complained, instantly reminded me of the "daddy he won't let me on the ride, fix this" type of guy lmao 🤣
@ProfessorSpacecakes 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I have never been so viscerally mad at a story than this one. He literally said not to come back, then is all shocked Pikachu face when she stayed away? And then demanding repayment for the basic expenses of raising a child!! I can't fucking even. That's the bare minimum of being a parent, and you want her to pay that back? Holy fuck, what an oblivious, self-centered prick! Gee, I wonder why he got divorced... I'm almost scared to know what was left out of the story...
@frostbite3318 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of fathers view basic child support as them being “screwed by the system” unfortunately
@JediLadyMisty 2 жыл бұрын
@@frostbite3318 yup, one of my niece’s sperm donor does everything he can to avoid paying for child support.
@BeeWhistler 2 жыл бұрын
The hidden truth broke through everything he said. If he couldn’t make it sound better even when he tried, then there was nothing better to report. Or he’s just that sure everyone would side with him.
@vicky_ohno 2 жыл бұрын
Wait but didnt op say that he was also paying for arias college expenses? Not every parent has the obligation to pay for college. It might not be nice to hear but it is true. Im a little bit thrown off by the child support though. Aria is 21 and hes still paying for child support? Huh? Can someone please explain 😭
@ProfessorSpacecakes 2 жыл бұрын
@@vicky_ohno paying for college is nice, but monetary support is only one kind of support a child needs. This man clearly isn't supporting her emotionally or with any sense of love, even how he tells it. As for the child support, he could be behind on it for whatever reason. It's possible he skipped out on it for a number of years, or wasn't making enough to pay the full amount before she turned 18. My own father did that, and continues to do that. I'm 31 and he still owes my grandmother thousands of dollars in back pay.
@Dr_Kyutoko 2 жыл бұрын
6000$ for golf clubs? Are they made of pure titanium and diamonds!? "I expect the child I was legally required to pay for to pay me back!" Uhhhhhh... YTA I agree, it has to be so much worse than we're hearing. And omg, telling the younger sister "she just doesn't love us"? omfg what!? I'm sorry, he what? He brought a bell to a restaurant to "get the attention of staff"? Like one of those snooty stereotypes in movies and cartoons where the rich person rings a bell and a butler rushes up? I... oh, that is so condescending. Nowhere in America have I ever been where ringing a bell would go over well.
@addicted2mako 2 жыл бұрын
“She needs to prove to me that she doesn’t only care about the money” TA Dad says while demanding his 21 year old daughter pay him $18k for not catering enough to his ego. Seriously, parenting is not about keeping a scoreboard or a burn book. No wonder Aria wants to stay with her mother; her dad equates adults giving their children basic respect with having no rules. He’s going to be so blindsided when Aria puts him in a nursing home when he retires
@franl155 2 жыл бұрын
“She needs to prove to me that she doesn’t only care about the money” says the father who's just proved that he only cares about the money.
@CooperGal24 2 жыл бұрын
The daughter NEVER even said anything about money OR even used the money. She’s a 15 year old doing things that 15 year olds do! OP just sounds like he wants to chain his own daughter and use her as some kind of slave, to cater to his ego and narcissism. Hope Aria cuts all ties with that so called “Dad”, because he DOESN’T deserve to have a bio daughter like Aria! And I hope the other daughter finds out and ALSO cuts that father out of her life! If OP can get away with this kind of shit to his own daughter, then who’s to say he won’t do the same to his stepdaughter?
@ReigoVassal 2 жыл бұрын
I can see how he look at the mirror and see monkey thinking it was photograph of his ex. Okay maybe comparing him to monkeys are too insulting for monkeys.
@threegsgaming6959 2 жыл бұрын
The dad: “She needs to prove she doesn’t care about money.” Also the dad: “PAY MEH!!!!!!”
@vegasrenie 2 жыл бұрын
Somewhere else on Reddit there is a young woman who is writing about her controlling, gaslighting father who expects her to pay him back for the money he spent on her when she moved away.
@fridalinnea9711 2 жыл бұрын
Holy shit the 2nd story was as if it came out of my dad's mouth. It was literally scary how accurate that story was to my life, I sent it to my girlfriend and she was just as disturbed as I was.
@jordan9240 2 жыл бұрын
he literally says "I need to know she doesn't just care about the money!" while saying "you have to pay me back before I'll have a relationship with you"... 💀💀💀
@TheSaxAppeal Жыл бұрын
Right, like if he didn't care about the money then he wouldn't be treating basic child support as a loan to his daughter
@SillyBanjo 9 ай бұрын
​@TheSaxAppeal the woman isn't a child anymore and yet he's still having to pay child support on his adult daughter. That's retarded
@kaitshipp 2 жыл бұрын
"As an American, we do NOT claim him!" LOL!!!! best line ever!!!
@THEDubbleHelixx 2 жыл бұрын
I knew the 2nd guy was TA the second he said his child "abandoned" him (4 words in). Imagine a full grown adult feeling abandoned by a literal child. And insisting she doesn't love him or his family because she didn't text enough while she was exploring a foreign country? He's definitely more controlling than he lets off, and no doubt he's already told his stepdaughter that Aria hates her, even though that's probably not true, to turn her against Aria since he couldn't control her anymore.
@DeliberateContrarian 2 жыл бұрын
He says she is 21. So, literally not a literal child.
@NotLaura-Baka22 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeliberateContrarian She stopped seeing him when she was 15 so she was a child at the time she's 21 currently.
@ollehkacb 2 жыл бұрын
@@NotLaura-Baka22 I mean that is abandoning your father though.
@ollehkacb 2 жыл бұрын
@@NotLaura-Baka22 it took 6 years for the girl, if the post is to be believed, for her to try to contact him again.
@leejeevas 2 жыл бұрын
@@ollehkacb I'm sorry but leaving a bad parent for a better, healthier living situation and only contacting them again when you're an adult is absolutely okay and good. That's not abandoning anyone. And there is a vast diference between a grown ass man abandoning his child to be raised without a father and a child deciding to not see her father anymore, after he told her she dosen't have to.
@KayEnOhCoaly 2 жыл бұрын
you’re married! i remember when your now wife was just your girlfriend. i’m so happy for you rslash! i’ve been following you for years and your content is so nice and personable, so I’m happy to know you’re doing well!
@LilBluSky0417 2 жыл бұрын
He's married AND they have a daughter now too! The way he talks about them in his videos is sooo incredibly sweet.. you can just feel how much he adores them 😊
@Hybrid301 2 жыл бұрын
The Dad in the second story is like “I am I the reason you exist and you need to pay me back because I did the bare minimum of my legal requirements for reproducing” No child consents to their own existence. Stop the BS right now and don’t put your decisions on the kids
@iridescentsolace 2 жыл бұрын
As soon as he said she “forgot/doesn’t love” her family I was like oh so YOURE the problem
@threegsgaming6959 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Couldn’t have put it better in any way.
@RisingRevengeance 2 жыл бұрын
And this is his side of the story yet he still sounds this bad. Out of curiousity though why do you have to pay child support for an adult? Is this common in some country I'm not aware of?
@hamzasultan96 2 жыл бұрын
I don't get the payback part. Doesn't child support stop at 18? Why did it go to 21 and isn't he just asking for the amount after 18?
@anjelprince 2 жыл бұрын
@@hamzasultan96 I am aware in the US it stops at 18 unless the kid goes to college and then it's stops at 25/26 (the same for tax filing children as dependents
@DirtyBeatzMusic 2 жыл бұрын
Screw that bs. How can it be legally allowed for you to pay child support for an adult that you don't even communicate with?
@ohnosmoarlulcatz 2 жыл бұрын
The closest thing to the bell thing is that in some restaurants, there's a button on the table that you can press to "call" for a member of the wait staff and it shows up as like a glowing light nearby or on a tablet/computer somewhere the staff can see.
@DoctorOaks 2 жыл бұрын
I've been to a couple places that are basically takeout places, and they DO have a bell next to the register in case nobody's up there so people know there's a customer. However, they're not common and most places just have something on their door to ring when you enter. Even then, incessantly ringing the bell is EXTREMELY F*ING RUDE
@Tippix3 2 жыл бұрын
I would love this to be implimented everywhere, i wasted so much time in my life getting the waiters attention to pay ._.
@soultrex9722 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, the last place hubby and I went to had that. It's located more in bar seating areas and I kinda like it because we have time to mingle and browse the menu without wait staff asking every 2 minutes. It removes the feeling of being rushed.
@gwanael34 2 жыл бұрын
That honestly sounds like a good idea. Just like in planes.
@paulinalozoya2646 2 жыл бұрын
I do know of a coffee shop where you usea a bell to call the waiter, but because it's a theme place like from old India kinda thing. But outside of there is really inapropiate
@chuuu4610 2 жыл бұрын
I have honestly seen bell ringing at a place. It was a maid/butler themed cafe and customers were really polite using them 😅 I can imagine this dude acting like a Karen and ringing obnoxiously.
@azisles02 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who worked in a restaurant in the past, not as a server, but as a host & bus boy who was friendly with 95% of the servers, snapping your fingers is a good way to get ignored. Ringing a bell? Does he think that the wait staff is his personal butler?
@traceej4685 2 жыл бұрын
I remember once when I was like 12 I was out to dinner with my family; a huge family dinner and I snapped my fingers to get a waiters attention. My mom nearly LOST it on me! She said through clenched teeth that I was being incredibly disrespectful and where did I get the idea that was ok? That wait staff are people working hard and if I want something I wait patiently instead of acting rudely and then made me apologize to the waiter for doing it. I didn’t really think as most kids that age never do but boy I NEVER Forgot it and to this day I’ll wait patiently as my mother says when I go out.
@wowieitssam9457 9 ай бұрын
I'm from New Jersey (USA). Never not EVER in my life has anyone brought or used a damn bell in a restaurant. Karens, old crotchety people, and drivers that cut you off no blinker 80mph "jersey slide" on the parkway, sure. But never have I ever seen a bell brought to a food establishment. No class, incredibly rude.
@therubylemur 2 жыл бұрын
As soon as the dad in the second story brought up the Excel sheet, I cringed so hard. My dad did the same thing when I was 18, though it was used as a method to guilt trip me, not as a debt to pay. I feel so bad for Aria.
@melodyharpole8272 2 жыл бұрын
There are some op's that need a 2x4 to the head to knock some sense into them. This is one.
@TheVikingKing125 2 жыл бұрын
The only good excel sheet is the one my dad used to make sure he was paying his child support. As in he used it to go "Did I pay for my sons? Oh! I didn't I'll send that over now before I forget!"
@Juju2927 2 жыл бұрын
Recently we got a lot of AITA stories where one parent tries to force their custody right, not on the other parent, but on their own kid. If you have to use your custody right to go against your own child's wish, you shouldn't have any to begin with.
@scifino1 2 жыл бұрын
About the last story: Ringing a bell to get the attention of service personnel is actually a concept, that I encountered in many smaller stores here in Germany, but with a few key differences: 1. *IT IS THE STORE'S BELL!* 2. it is intended exactly for that purpose of having the employees notified of the customer's presence. 3. in most cases, it is an automated bell, that is connected to the store's entry door and rings when the door is opened from the outside.
@glennrishton5679 2 жыл бұрын
Same for small shops in the US where the sole worker may be in the back and not see the customer.
@YumiEarthHeart 2 жыл бұрын
The main difference there is that the stores door bell is more for retail shops and this dude was in a restaurant using a bell to get a waiters attention, like all they do is stand around. (They do not just stand around, they’re most likely helping someone else, you don’t have a server all to yourself, unless there isn’t anyone else in the restuarant, even then they probably have other work they are doing if they don’t get to you right away)
@16poetisa 2 жыл бұрын
Some stores, and other places like libraries, will have small bells at the front desk that you can push to ring when someone is in the back, so you don't have to yell.
@Ayaforshort Жыл бұрын
Yeah we have that in the US. But no one would bring their own bell. Unless dude is a deaf/mute he has no excuse.
@TheSaxAppeal Жыл бұрын
We have a service bell at my job but it's only to be used when there are no front counter attendants nearby (bathroom trips, helping other employees, etc)
@crystalcrusader8832 2 жыл бұрын
I immediately felt off in the second story when OP grounded the daughter because she didn’t message him on her trip. For all he knew she was swamped with things to do and just never had time. And even then, it feels like such a low bar for grounding someone.
@wocko1 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: I have been to America, New Zealand, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, even in my home country of Australia, and not once people rang a bell to get wait staff to attend to you. OP's boyfriend is a massive toolbox and he is an embarrassment to you, the staff, and the other patrons.
@hanzo9941 2 жыл бұрын
Some restaurants have but not many and you would only hit it once. Its more like a buzzer
@beeziebubs2756 2 жыл бұрын
He called it his ‘genius idea’ too, so that should’ve been proof enough to OP that it’s not a common thing America because, if it was, it wouldn’t have been *his genius idea*. Also, ringing a bell to call wait staff just screams, “You’re beneath me,” or that he views them as being in a position of servitude.
@TiffWaffles 2 жыл бұрын
I've been to the States a few times, and not once did I see any American in any of the restaurants I went to take out a bell from their pocket or bag and ring it. When I got to that part of the story, I nearly died of laughter. Does HIS family do this? Anybody see any bellringers in restaurants in the United States? If you do, we know who this guy is related to!
@glennrishton5679 2 жыл бұрын
@@TiffWaffles In my many many years of going to restaurants both high end and low in the US never ever has some dolt pulled out a bell to ring for service. I take issue also with the morons saying because the US is a free country it is acceptable here....Nope. still unacceptable. Legal does not equate to socially acceptable. The other patrons may have ignored his buffoonery but I am sure they were not impressed by his genius idea.
@It-is-me...Melsie 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. There are countries with better freedoms than America, and a customer ringing their own bell brought into a restaurant is a crap move in all of them.
@kpfield1545 2 жыл бұрын
I literally LOL'd at "As an American, we do not claim him."
@justicedunham4088 2 жыл бұрын
The only place I’ve ever heard of ringing a bell at wait staff is the EXTREMELY wealthy nobility at their private estates. Never in public
@metanightmare4454 2 жыл бұрын
Even then, I think that's mostly an outdated idea from the time of aristocracy that only really appears in fiction now, usually to show how terrible and elitist some rich asshole is.
@fanster0676 2 жыл бұрын
The father is a complete ass, I feel bad for the daughter, No kid should be controlled like this.
@BersealiaDreamheart 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. I’m an American, and what OP’s boyfriend did was extremely rude and entitled. (Not to mention it’s disruptive and annoying to both staff and other costumers.) Restaurants in the USA are not castles and the staff are not our servants. Waiters and waitresses are working a minimum wage job that’s often thankless just so they can pay the bills and put food on the table. They have more people to help out other than yourself. The polite thing to do is to sit quietly an causal conversation until the wait staff comes back. It’s called waiting patiently for your turn. This guy is a classic male Karen and narcissist. Normally, I try not to make other people‘a decisions, but I say OP should dump this guy. He’s a loser and a lunatic.
@CatacombD 2 жыл бұрын
Ringing a bell to call your staff that are on your payroll is acceptable. (though you'd want to explain it to them, because, if you don't own a mansion, it's going to seem weird) Ringing a bell that the staff have set out on their counter is also acceptable. Bringing your own bell into a public restaurant and ringing it for attention is rude to the point that I don't think there's any culture on the planet that thinks of it as acceptable, much less a, "genius idea."
@metanightmare4454 2 жыл бұрын
@@CatacombD Honestly, I think it sounds needlessly demeaning even if they do work for you. If you're paying them, then you have the authority to go up to them or verbally call them when you need something. The bell basically just screams "I know you're not really people and you're too stupid to understand my words, so I took a page from Pavlov's book."
@shyrastacy3127 2 жыл бұрын
My father was an absent parent and he wrote "Paid In FULL" on his last child support check to me and my mother. It's was left in my mailbox on my birthday because I asked for help paying for college.
@maieen2665 2 жыл бұрын
*First OP:* the title alone gives OP an automatic NTA. Where does OP's (soon-to-be-ex?) husband get off stealing money? For golf clubs, nonetheless!? *Second OP:* rSlash pretty much summed up my thoughts. OP is definitely TA, among other things. *Third OP:* rSlash read my mind. Why wouldn't OP's boyfriend invite OP to _his_ pla- oop, nevermind. *Fourth OP:* Again, the title alone gives OP an automatic NTA. Who does that!?
@Arylwren1 2 жыл бұрын
Op needs to be careful if she leaves him as he could go after her for alimony.
@Yumi_Jay 2 жыл бұрын
My father is slightly stricter than my mom but I still love my dad (my mom gets on my nerves). I have good memories with my dad when I went on visitations. It's about being caring and making sure the child's social and emotional needs are met. Second OP is just bitter.
@thunderflare59 2 жыл бұрын
Pulling out a bell in a restaurant is the stupid shit SpongeBob would pull.
@MyFiddlePlayer 2 жыл бұрын
The guy doesn't have a job, is not disabled, and his roof is leaking. Normal guy in this situation would pick up a hammer and fix the roof. Ladies, don't marry any useless men!
@Clairski3 2 ай бұрын
“My 15-year old daughter ABANDONED us to go live with her manipulative mother.” The language and this guy uses seems to indicate that he is the manipulative one. And he has a victim complex . Not that the mother sounds amazing either, but at least she seems to care for her child’s welfare. Poor teen, just trying to get through highschool while the parents play politics and making her the scapegoat. Bet she doesn’t want contact with either of them when she is older.
@ashh4929 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: Of course he thinks the mom is lackluster in discipline, it's easy as hell to look like Robin Williams just goofing around when he's out here acting like freaking Stalin. 😳
@JordanDragonAs 2 жыл бұрын
Stalin or Putin
@ShadowEclipse777 2 жыл бұрын
Stalin, the one man worse than Hitler
@charminglady2011 2 жыл бұрын
I fear the second story is just the beginning of a movement. I am sure this guy isn't the only 'parent ' wanting money back for being a parent. I fear for the kids.
@raidernation7427 2 жыл бұрын
Taking a bell to a restaurant is the most "Karen" move I can think of.
@MatrixRefugee 2 жыл бұрын
/Fruity snooty stereotype British dowager voice/ You mean Lady Karena de Bourgh.
@bland9876 2 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't it be easier just to snap your fingers at the wait staff?
@raidernation7427 2 жыл бұрын
@@bland9876 yeah. But u wouldn't hear snapping over the sound of other ppl being helped. And anyone that would be entitled enough to snap their fingers at another person definitely wouldn't want to wait their turn to be helped.
@Lohi42 2 жыл бұрын
i remember being to a restaurant or two that had their own bells at the tables, you'd chime them once or twice and then wait for someone to come to your table. They were actually very nice and useful, but i would never even think of getting my own bell for such purpose anywhere.
@Camber126 2 жыл бұрын
This sounds like a movie scene
@LongJoansRockNRollGlamHour 3 ай бұрын
I used to work in a Greek cafe in Melbourne and I had a Greek man clap his hands to get my attention. It wasn’t a busy cafe and only waited maybe 3 minutes until he clapped. I just thought “really? They do that here?”
@CrownedYeti 2 жыл бұрын
There were times in the second story where I had to pause and stare at my screen in disbelief. How can someone be such an A-hole while also genuinely thinking they're a good person? What an abusive, narcissistic man. I'm glad his daughter got away from him, I hope the other one does as well.
@TiffWaffles 2 жыл бұрын
I hope that Aria maintained secret contact with her sister, even if it is a half sister/step sister and had built up a relationship and told her that she didn't leave because she didn't love her. I have a friend who was kept from her siblings by her abusive mother (her father had custody of her). They all created secret Facebook and other social media accounts and kept in contact. They even managed to visit with one another a few times when they could sneak away, and went to cafes. However, if not, then I don't blame Aria in the slightest. If she broke contact with an abusive person, then sometimes that means cutting off contact with those closest to that person... even if that person is your sibling.
@TheColorHopeIsBlue 2 жыл бұрын
OP 2: Aria needs to prove to me that she doesn't only care about the money. Also OP 2: We can't fix the emotional part of our relationship until she pays off her debt. ??????????? Honestly, no wonder Sandra broke up with this creep.
@silverflight01 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: How does OP not realize how much damage they're dealing to the daughter? How unaware can someone be?
@herrerasauro7429 2 жыл бұрын
Also, his explanation for the punishment is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't fit the "crime" at all, this "She needs to value family" is such BS. wtf
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 2 жыл бұрын
Ego is a powerful drug, delusion is likewise a good complimentary drug to the former. My mom is also like the dad in a way, and she basically has a timer inside, and once it goes off, she explodes in a pissy mood and goes on self-righteous hissy fits and causes problems, starts fights, etc. She cant just make it easier on everyone INCLUDING herself by admitting shes wrong and calming tf down, noooooooo, she has to justify her unjust behaviors because...reasons...I guess.
@dracko158 2 жыл бұрын
He's egotistical. End of story.
@hamishstewart5324 2 жыл бұрын
I immediately became suspicious when he told his other daughter “she doesn’t love us,” that just sounds way too manipulative.
@Avrysatos 2 жыл бұрын
What daughter? He threw her away through his own ego.
@sidlives2672 6 ай бұрын
For the bell guy, there is a Carol Burnett show skit where the family plays Sorry! and every time they jump someone, they pick up a bell and say SORRY! really loud. I would have imagined Carol herself to come out and yell sorry if this guy kept ringing the bell.
@quintecence 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 can be summed up as "what's more important? A set of golf clubs or making sure the ceiling doesn't collapse on our kids while they're asleep.. definitely the golf clubs!" Second story can be summed up as "I kicked my daughter out at 15 and demands she pays me back for all the money I put in to raising her.." clearly he's the AH.
@sherylcascadden4988 2 жыл бұрын
Not all the money period, all the money since she turned 18 and was legally an adult. Still the butt hole, but I can see why he thinks people would agree with him.
@CatacombD 2 жыл бұрын
The worst part about the second story is that your summary doesn't even cover how awful he actually is. Demanding that your child repay child support if they want a relationship is shitty, sure, but gaslighting their siblings with, "Oh, your sister doesn't want to live with us anymore, because she doesn't love us," is awful to the point of being emotionally abusive. It's OP trying to drive a permanent wedge between his children, because he's a control freak with a victim complex.
@evadedenbach1226 2 жыл бұрын
In story one, that couple is headed for divorce because of the husbands selfishness, his entitlement, and his narcissism.
@karleecallahan412 2 жыл бұрын
“As an American, we do not claim him” 😂 I’m in tears. I hate that turns it around and behaves as if she is the rude crazy one.
@meddlinmegs 2 жыл бұрын
As much as there’s so much to say about the other stories . . . if anyone where I used to wait at ever rang a bell for me, I would probably just stand there and take the sensory overload instead of going to their table and taking their order. I would even make eye contact so that person knew I knew they were ready and was choosing not to go over. You know why? Because that sounds like the type of entitlement that wouldn’t tip me anyway. If you’re giving me the impression that you’re not tipping, guess which way the quality of service is going! *Down*
@ArinaCoryn 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know remember where it was as I was still a little kid, but it was actually part of the service there. Instead of putting your hand up or something you rang this really tiny doorbell thing that would cause a light to go on at the wait station. It was a nice little extra that was very amazing to experience as a child.
@phoenix72999 2 жыл бұрын
I don't have experience as a waiter but I can imagine that it would make people angry. Sounds to me like he was not caring at all about the feelings of the staff. To him they were only servants, or machines or something, who existed to give him food as fast as possible.
@goazer2 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I was going to say I'll bet he doesn't tip either.
@goazer2 2 жыл бұрын
​@@phoenix72999 This is honestly the most condescending thing I have ever heard of a customer doing to wait staff.
@FEKana 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArinaCoryn I think there's a difference of expectations when the customer brings their own bell to when a restaurant provides one. One gets the attention of the waiter. The other makes the waiter want to snap your neck like a toothpick.
@Richard_Nickerson 2 жыл бұрын
Any man who would spend $6000 on himself before his kids is trash. Fix your house, keep your kids safe, get a job, do not spend money you don't have. Period.
@babybleuuu 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus the dad in the second is terrifying. So manipulative wth. Saying age doesn't love us because she responded too little during an exciting trip like what the hell. I'm literally so angry I'm so glad she got away from him
@ItsBillyXbox 2 жыл бұрын
BRUH, nta, these people ARE ALL WRONG
@babybleuuu 2 жыл бұрын
@@ItsBillyXbox imagine telling your 15 year old she needs to learn to love her family because she didn't respond // enough//. She still replied just not enough to his liking. AND THEN tells his very young daughter that her older sister doesn't love her when she didn't come back because he told her she didn't have to which I'm sure made her feel unwanted.
@Megabot_6000 2 жыл бұрын
The only bell I need to listen to is the kitchen bell that tells me someone's food is ready to be brought out.
@TheRealNekora 2 жыл бұрын
3:09 Here is another thing Rslash. if someone finds out that the roof of the kids rooms is damaged enougth to go up to 1K to fix and then decides to speak up about that then that could lead to CPS on your doorstep
@thenightmaricsenpai524 2 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly.
@sugarfrosted2005 2 жыл бұрын
Ringing a bell for waitstaff in the US is like "treating the waitstaff as servants". I would cane someone doing that if I was in the same restaurant.
@Rj-ij6ko 2 жыл бұрын
OP in story 2: I’m insanely controlling and most likely abusive to my child R/Slash: so you have chosen death
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 Жыл бұрын
Your child does not "abandon" you, that's not how that works.
@Tokeegee 2 жыл бұрын
"Isn't there a labor shortage? Shouldn't it be easy to find a job." Surprisingly no, the "job shortage" is just companies refusing to hire people. Why pay more people if your company runs mostly fine with less people? Point is, the husband is still totally the butthole.
@tylercruit6261 2 жыл бұрын
I get where you're coming from but employers will still hire if they think value will be added to the company. I work in industrial maintenance and have never had trouble finding a job. Have multiple degrees in electronics and a lot of hands on experience.
@Tokeegee 2 жыл бұрын
@@tylercruit6261 nothing against you, and I'm happy you can find work, but the stories of one person in one field don't really apply to something as huge as general employment everywhere.
@bradevans5566 2 жыл бұрын
That may be true in some cases, but in general, the "great resignation" has left a very large labor void. I see help wanted signs everywhere. And in professional fields, the shortage is even worse.
@Tokeegee 2 жыл бұрын
@@bradevans5566 There's help wanted everywhere, yet somehow people have 50+ applications in at those places and can't get a job.
@michaelterrell 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tokeegee Some are just unhireable. They have a bad attitude. They are dirty, need a haircut or show up in ragged clothes. If they put in zero effort, why would anyone want them around? There was a story a few years ago where an idiot thought that bringing a sixpack of cheap beer to his interview would get him hired just because he offered one to the HR worker.
@crismairo 2 жыл бұрын
The Bell guy: Sometimes my genius is almost frightening...
@inactive_hermit6587 2 жыл бұрын
God the post about the dad wanting his kid to pay off their "debt" hit super close to home. I'm moving and already felt the atmosphere shift in my household so I cannot wait to be able to gtfo 😩
@maieen2665 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you're going through that. Hopefully not for much longer.
@inactive_hermit6587 2 жыл бұрын
@@maieen2665 Thank you :) Hopefully I'll be out in a year 🤞🏻
@ArcanineEspeon 2 жыл бұрын
@@inactive_hermit6587 A whole year? Uh oh...I thought you said you were moving now.
@inactive_hermit6587 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArcanineEspeon The original plan was this year but then the virus that cannot be named came, then I went through a lot of financial stress, and further on down the rabbit hole :') But I was able to salvage what I could, learned lessions I couldn't otherwise, and made a plan that should get me out of here. So progressss
@Torsin2000 2 жыл бұрын
Yea, I'm still confused by the guys claim about a debt. Child support is paid to the parent/guardian not the child, because it is literally to assist in 'supporting' them for things like clothes/food/house/power/water. I remember my mom leaving my step-dad when I was 18, I moved out a bit after that...then had to move back in (job market/savings/etc) but had to pay rent to him. Personally if my kid stays past past when they are done with school, they are getting 3 'free' months then have some level of rent owed. But that's just so I can help them save to move out without them knowing about it.
@Sooya128 2 жыл бұрын
The bell thing really took the cake😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@graysonspaw8661 2 жыл бұрын
My dad is just like the dad in the second story. How was I supposed to connect with him when all he wanted was to force it and make it all about himself? Any time I tried to express myself or reason with him just turned into emotional manipulation and bullying. I'm racked up in debt, which he was supposed to pay a third of by law. It's upsetting.
@DeliberateContrarian 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that is a weird situation. If you're parents were still together, would he be legally responsible to pay for your debt at all?
@graysonspaw8661 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeliberateContrarian it was an agreement in divorce proceedings that I was told about. He tried to change it later but instead, he's just avoided it. It's a standard in American divorce proceedings unless they ask for another plan in the beginning.
@Sapphiresenthiss 2 жыл бұрын
$6.000 for a set of GOLFING CLUBS... Not to mention a person who doesn't even work in any way to begin with... I'm, once more, absolutely SPEECHLESS.
@ianmacfarlane1241 2 жыл бұрын
#1 D.I.V.O.R.C.E. him. He can't be very good at golf if he NEEDS $6k clubs. Get rid of him.
@daniella9787 2 жыл бұрын
I'd def tell op to contact a lawyer first. He's at home with the kids and she has the role as breadwinner. The courts could , depending on where they live, have her pay him childsupport. Def first change up that dynamic, make sure he's getting paid more, she's the main caretaker of the kids and then get a divorce. Making sure her money is hers and his money is his. Have shared custody and find a way to keep the house. Maybe buy out his half of it. Saw another rslash vid where the wife was cheating, the main caregiver for the kids and op could lose the house, his kids and have to pay his ex wife loads of money. He changed the dynamics while she kept her affair for a few years and he kept EVERYTHING. Main custody of the kids, bought out her half of the house, he got childsupport from her and out of guilt for the affair she'd still come over to coock and clean for them on occasion. Gotta think of the longrun when planning dor divorce
@heidtb6746 2 жыл бұрын
@Chris G First of all, replying to the original comment, divorce might be overkill. This man just has to understand that he can't afford every hobby and i can imagine solving this problem with good communication. About the friends: We don't know their role. i would agree to cutting them off, if they pressured the man into getting new equipment. but from the story, i only understood that those are some golf enjoyers who tend to play golf with him, that's reasonable. The husband should stop comparing himself with them, that's for sure
@heidtb6746 2 жыл бұрын
@Chris G As i said, he should stop comparing himself to them. But if he can manage to still hang out with them and have fun even though his equipment is older, that would be a good solution.
@strawberrysoulforever8336 2 жыл бұрын
I actually have been to a Malaysian restaurant where every table has a button you push to let the wait staff know you're ready to order. Imagine if some dude just pulled out a bell instead! The wait staff probably wouldn't even hear it on busy days.
@thunderflare59 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 is like watching someone fall out of the asshole tree and hit every branch on the way down.
@BersealiaDreamheart 2 жыл бұрын
I’m surprised these idiots get up after the fall and try climbing again only to have the exact same thing happen again.
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 Жыл бұрын
Man: drives daughter away also man: i can't believe she left me! she doesn't love me!
@d.phantomfan1216 2 жыл бұрын
First story: Your husband must want a divorce, because I don’t care what the situation is you steal money out of my bank account especially that much and you’re just asking for me to leave you.
@sharonconnolly3820 2 жыл бұрын
Make sure you know where the golf trip is and tell him he's welcome to go on the trip and if your paperwork is completed by your attorney he will receive them to know where he can living arrangements. Your priority is the kids and keeping them safe.
@winchestersons6258 2 жыл бұрын
My wife and I have a tolerance to spend up to 1000 dollars without telling the other person, even then it isnt for junk. Its for the house or yard, car or whatever. We can go 500 bucks with no conversation. Over 1000? There is a group discussion.
@silentstriker21gaming15 2 жыл бұрын
I've worked in a restaurant for 5 years and if someone ever did that bell crap where I worked you would be kicked out immediately.
@JoeyDragonWhisperer 2 жыл бұрын
Where did the guy with the bell get the idea that doing something so rude is okay in the USA? Or anywhere?? The waitstaff aren’t dogs or your personal slaves; don’t treat them as such. Plus, as someone with sensory issues, that bell sounds like pure torture.
@erickpoorbaugh6728 2 жыл бұрын
I think he was just playing the “foreigner” card. “She doesn’t know how things are done in my country so I can do whatever I want and tell her that’s normal where I come from.”
@airachica 2 жыл бұрын
"This is completely not American." Gotta be honest though, if someone asked me what country was most likely to do this bell thing... I'd say America 😂
@luvondarox 2 жыл бұрын
Aria's father sounds like a manipulative creep.
@candacestamper6769 2 жыл бұрын
"My child 'abandoned' me." Lmao. That's not how that works.
@PotterBrony82 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my god, I didn’t think that there was anything more disrespectful than snapping at a service worker…and yet, here we are.
@VeggieGirl07 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, to all the parents out there, forcing your kid to spend time with you when they're distant or punishing them for not texting you enough is not going to make them love you more, they'll act like they love you more because you're telling them to, but they're just pretending. If your child's distant from you, no amount of forcing them to be around you is going to fix that. Hell if your child is distant from you, I can't think of one thing my father could do to make me less distant from him so I thought point it's just a lost cause, no amount of punishing is going to fix that you already screwed up.
@thenightmaricsenpai524 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Dude needs his priorities checked. I'm pretty sure repairing the roof, especially with young kids in the home, is more important than some golf trip. Story 2: Jesus Christ OP. Someone get this dude into therapy before he loses his other daughter as well because holy shit that dude needs help. Story 3: I didn't know what to say about this until the house update to be honest. And yeah that's hella sud from the dude. Story 4: Do you want someone to spit in your food? Because snobby entitled shit like that is how you get people spitting in your food. TL;DR: Today's episode is full of sucky dudes.
@somedude6733 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4: Ah yes, commit a crime cause somebody is being a dick to you. WAAAAY TO GO
@lahlybird895 2 жыл бұрын
Aren't they always
@redfailhawk 2 жыл бұрын
Okay so with Aria: 1. School trips have very little downtime. Downtime means something shady WILL happen: underage drinking, hanky panky, druugs, etc. So, to eliminate the majority of the risks, the schools keep the trips full. So, the girl likely had no time to text her family at all. Besides, it was FIVE DAYS and if she sent 2-3 texts in that time, that was sufficient!! I once did a four day trip while only texting once and I was fine. 2. Grounding her from the social event of the year was inappropriate as a response to number one. 3. She owes you NOTHING. She was a MINOR. You owe that money because YOU put your willy between some cheeks where it didn't belong without a cover on it. This is the outcome of that!! You knew this when you did it!! You owe the kid a good life and paying for her schooling and food and housing is NOT unreasonable for you, the parent. She does not owe you a damn cent. YTA, OP. There's no question about it.
@kespeth2 2 жыл бұрын
I think the second one might even be lying about his payment of child support...you've already given him the maximum of 5/5...but if he's a deadbeat dad, he deserves a HIGHER score than that.
@TiffWaffles 2 жыл бұрын
OP griping about having to pay child support makes me wonder if he refused to pay when his daughter fled his house to go to the safety of her mother's. However, if OP lives in a jurisdiction or a country where you've got to pay financial support to your children until they are finished their post secondary studies, that could also be why he's got to pay more money as well. However, I suspect that it's back child support payments that OP has to pay because he seems like he's the sort of toxic, manipulative, and abusive AH that would refuse to financially support his child because he feels like he's punishing his child for leaving him.
@flamefirnix869 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Rslash. My dog passed away on Sunday and listening to your videos has helped me get my mind off of his passing. He was a good boy and he was only six years old. It was honestly a stupid accident but it broke me and I have his collar. I can now think about him and see pictures but I tried picking up his collar from the case I have it stored in and I broke down. Listening to your videos help me calm down and get my mind off everything so I can't thank you enough. Thank you for posting your videos.
@sagejungwirth4155 2 жыл бұрын
When I was in highschool, I finally got my left hand to snap properly. I was excited for days! Until one day, I raised my left hand to ask a question and snapped my fingers by mistake. You could hear a pin drop the room got so silent. The teacher pulled me aside to discuss it with me. All in all, even obnoxious and rebellious teens know snapping at others is HELLA rude.
@inFAMOUS_Art 2 жыл бұрын
My dad and step mom bought a bell to ring for dinner time, as if this was 1850 or some crap. Hearing that everyday pissed us off, as guys in our early to mid 20s. And they still wonder to this day why we recently all moved out.
@Eppon6 2 жыл бұрын
For that last story, I have a suspicion that the waitstaff timed their arrival for when OP was planning to leave just to back her up in case he was harassing her. Almost no place outside America has a specific requirement to tip the waitstaff. Those people were probably paid a decent wage for their job and had zero obligation to serve that table if the customer was being that disruptive to the entire establishment. I'm surprised if they hadn't already called the police on him.
@harryboyes2812 2 жыл бұрын
That last one with the bell raises a huge red flag. If he's that rude to waitstaff in public, how the hell is he going to be in private? Time to run, OP, fast and as far as you can.
@einfachkim6363 2 жыл бұрын
When I went on schooltrips we weren't even allowed phones.... That kid was supposed to Fokus on the trip not playing babysitter for her daddy who can't deal with a few days alone
@rachel-in-the-208 2 жыл бұрын
The father who lost his daughter … she was on a school trip in another country. How many texts was she supposed to send?? Geesh! Let her enjoy her trip!! I am 48yrs old and I actually gasped when he said he wouldn’t let her go to the party! (Especially when he said she didn’t have many friends but scored a major invite!). I would NEVER do that to my child. I felt so bad for her. The father deserves his 5/5!!
@shaywilson2971 2 жыл бұрын
We definitely don't claim him. Ew. Make him wear the bell so we always know when he's around; so we can leave.
@frosted_glaceon5513 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: I felt similarly from an incident in high school. My dad called the school after I noticed I didn't get my next semesters schedule on the websites portal. He was cursing at the counselor, and it made me so embarrassed. Like, that puts a bad reputation on me! I don't blame OP for leaving. I would have probably taken the bell out of his hands and threw it at a wall.
@shadeymcbones6707 2 жыл бұрын
I laughed pretty hard about the 3 story, especially the "ok boomer" remarks. Sounds to me he's actually conscious about the fact that he's dating someone who is 12 years younger than him so it irritates him when you bring up age. (edit) nvm just finished that story lol
@DragonstoneWolfe 2 жыл бұрын
Second story made my jaw drop at how bad it got and kept getting. Last story made me laugh, "As an American, we don't claim him". 😂😂
@ericgatien1169 2 жыл бұрын
I golf regularly, and you do not need 6,000.00 clubs. That is just stupid. I spent 300 on some second clubs 10 years ago and I LOVE them!
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly...my other half was looking at getting a really nice quality set ....and he wouldn't think of paying more than $600. I suspect there was more than just clubs in this a$$hole's planned budget.
@Abbenxena 2 жыл бұрын
the only time i ever rang a bell at a restaurant was when i was leaving Arby's which had a bell by the door with a sign that says "ring if you had good service toady" so ringing it was a way of saying "thank you" to the staff.
@DarkEinherjar 2 жыл бұрын
Basic life rule: don't buy what you can't afford, and don't live a life that's incompatible with the money you make (which, in the first story's case, is zero money). Also, why did OP give him access to her money? Red flags aside, you never give anyone that kind of access, let alone give it to a jobless parasite.
@spooniejusticewarrior 2 жыл бұрын
@Chris G so only people with rich parents should go to college? Wtf? And for the record, i don't have student loans.
@spooniejusticewarrior 2 жыл бұрын
@Chris G the army would not be happy to send me, a disabled person, to college. But thanks for playing.
@gabrxael 2 жыл бұрын
@in desperate need of a scotch Good to know that the only way we can get an education in this country is to become a soldier.
@CieraMychele Жыл бұрын
If one of my tables brought in a bell like that I would've 110% refused to serve them. Run, op, run far far away from this crazy person
@carissamessina1908 2 жыл бұрын
The bell at a restaurant!! Oh hell no. I’ve been a waitress for 15 years and this is NOT ACCEPTABLE at all. I’m American. We can’t stand people who do that crap. We are your server, NOT your SERVANT!!
@jadeinthewoods 2 жыл бұрын
If I worked in a restaurant and someone was ringing a bell for me, I would purposefully take LONGER to get to them.
@sylaisee_bebop 2 жыл бұрын
as an american, fourth story guy has DEFINITELY gotten his food spit or put thru muck, i never saw anyone act like that at restaurants i’ve worked at and i’ve had to deal with creepy older men calling me baby and trying to flirt with me
@phirionwolf 2 жыл бұрын
That dad in the story about the girl Aria who went abroad sounds like my dad… we haven’t had contact in years. Also as someone who traveled abroad in high school, my mom told me it was fine if I didn’t call or text multiple times a day because she wanted me to enjoy my trip. That dad is extremely manipulative, materialistic, and narcissistic
@serenitymorningstar4613 2 жыл бұрын
This is something r said for the first story. In Texas we have a labor shortage, BUT my friend who is gonna be homeless soon can't even get a job. The main reason is because every interview he went to he is told they would rather be short handed then hire new people because training new people is a waste of time. So there you have it folks. The reason why it's so hard to get a job in a labor shortage is because they don't want to train new people.
@crizmeow8394 2 жыл бұрын
Labor shortage is a lie, people want to work, but companies are trying to get people to work on terrible conditions with horrible pay and without training them, and making it sound like it’s a privilege to work for them
@Scarlett.Granger 2 жыл бұрын
As a Bavarian, there's only one bell you can ring in restaurants: the bar bell that you ring to indicate you're paying a bar round of shots for everyone. Thats it.
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